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A Model-Based Method for Assessing

Insulin Sensitivity From the Oral Glucose
Tolerance Test

easurement of insulin sensitivity
GIOVANNI PACINI, DSC (ENG)1 JOHN J. NOLAN, MD2,3 is often of interest in clinical in-
ELAINE MURPHY, MD2,3 vestigation of diabetes and hyper-
tension because of its key role in these
diseases. The hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic
glucose clamp (1), which is the reference
method for insulin sensitivity, has been
OBJECTIVE — Available insulin sensitivity (IS) methods based on the oral glucose tolerance
used successfully in a large number of stud-
test (OGTT) are empirical. We used a glucose-insulin model to derive an OGTT-based IS (oral
glucose insulin sensitivity [OGIS]) index, which predicts glucose clearance in a glucose clamp. ies. The clamp technique is experimen-
We validated OGIS against clamp data. tally demanding and costly. As research
on insulin sensitivity has progressed from
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS — OGIS requires glucose and insulin concen- case-control studies to larger cross-sectional
trations from a 75-g OGTT at 0, 2, and 3 h (3-h OGTT) or at 0, 1.5, and 2 h (2-h OGTT). The or longitudinal studies, the clamp has
formula includes six constants optimized to match the clamp results. For this purpose, 15 lean proven to be an impractical tool and there-
nondiabetic subjects (BMI ⬍ 25 kg/m2), 38 obese nondiabetic subjects (BMI ⬎ 25 kg/m2), and fore rather limited in scope.
38 subjects with type 2 diabetes randomly underwent an OGTT and a 120 mU 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2
Alternative methods applicable to
insulin infusion euglycemic clamp. Glucose clearance (ClCLAMP), calculated as the ratio of glu-
cose infusion to concentration during the last hour of the clamp, was compared with OGIS. OGIS large studies have been proposed. Among
was also tested on an independent group of 13 subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). these, the intravenous glucose tolerance
test with minimal model analysis (2) re-
RESULTS — OGIS and ClCLAMP were correlated in the whole group (R ⫽ 0.77, P ⬍ 0.0001), quires a simpler experimental setup;
in the subgroups (lean: R ⫽ 0.59; obese: R ⫽ 0.73; type 2 diabetes: R ⫽ 0.49; P ⬍ 0.02), and in however, its application to a large number
the independent IGT group (R ⫽ 0.65, P ⬍ 0.02). Reproducibility of OGIS and ClCLAMP were of subjects is problematic because of the
similar (coefficients of variation: OGIS 7.1%, ClCLAMP 6.4%). OGIS was as effective as ClCLAMP necessity of frequent blood sampling and
in discriminating between groups (for OGIS, lean vs. obese: 440 ⫾ 16 vs. 362 ⫾ 11 ml 䡠 min⫺1 modeling analysis. A method easily ap-
䡠 m⫺2, P ⬍ 0.001; lean vs. type 2 diabetes: 440 ⫾ 16 vs. 239 ⫾ 7, P ⬍ 0.0001; obese vs. type 2
diabetes: 362 ⫾ 11 vs. 239 ⫾ 7, P ⬍ 0.0001; results were similar for ClCLAMP). The relationships plied is the homeostasis model assess-
between IS and BMI, fasting plasma insulin, and insulin secretion (calculated from the OGTT ment (HOMA) (3), which requires only
insulin concentration) were examined. OGIS yielded results similar to ClCLAMP and fully con- basal glucose and insulin samples, but its
sistent with established physiological principles. The performance of the index for the 3-h and accuracy is not fully demonstrated.
2-h OGTT was similar. A test widely used for glucose toler-
ance classification is the oral glucose tol-
CONCLUSIONS — OGIS is an index of IS in good agreement with the clamp. Because of its erance test (OGTT). The OGTT, which
simplicity (only three blood samples required), this method has potential use for clinical inves- for its simplicity would be a method suit-
tigation including large-scale epidemiological studies.
able for large studies, provides informa-
Diabetes Care 24:539 –548, 2001 tion on insulin secretion and action but
does not directly yield a measure of insu-
lin sensitivity. Indeed, various attempts
have been made to obtain such a measure
(4), and recently, two methods have been
proposed and successfully tested against
the clamp (4,5). In contrast to these ap-
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● proaches, which are based on empirical
From the 1Institute of Systems Science and Biomedical Engineering, National Research Council, Padova, formulas, in this study we propose a
Italy; the 2Department of Endocrinology, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland; the 3Department of Clinical method based on a physiological glucose-
Medicine, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland; and the 4Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department insulin model. Our method provides an
of Medicine, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Andrea Mari, PhD, LADSEB-CNR, Corso Stati Uniti 4,
index of insulin sensitivity calculated us-
35127 Padova, Italy. E-mail: ing a model-derived formula from the
Received for publication 1 September 2000 and accepted in revised form 16 November 2000. OGTT glucose and insulin concentration.
Abbreviations: ClCLAMP, glucose clearance; HOMA, homeostasis model assessment; IGT, impaired glu- This index is comparable with the glucose
cose tolerance; IS, insulin sensitivity; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; SSPI, steady-state insulin concen-
clearance calculated during a clamp and is
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion validated against the clamp method in a
factors for many substances. population of lean and obese subjects,


Insulin sensitivity from the OGTT

Table 1——Characteristics of the subjects

Sex Basal insulin

n (M/F) Age (years) Weight (kg) BMI (kg/m2) Basal glucose (mg/dl) (␮U/ml)
Lean subjects 15 15/0 44 ⫾ 3 (30–78) 72 ⫾ 2 (62–88) 23 ⫾ 1 (20–25) 92 ⫾ 2 (77–103) 6 ⫾ 1 (2–15)
Obese subjects 38 35/3 43 ⫾ 1 (28–71) 102 ⫾ 3 (72–136) 33 ⫾ 1 (25–43) 97 ⫾ 2 (82–126) 15 ⫾ 2 (2–73)
Subjects with type 2 diabetes 38 33/5 51 ⫾ 2 (31–72) 102 ⫾ 4 (64–169) 34 ⫾ 1 (21–60) 205 ⫾ 9 (108–343) 22 ⫾ 3 (2–82)
Subjects with IGT 13 10/3 52 ⫾ 2 (39–65) 110 ⫾ 8 (70–173) 34 ⫾ 2 (23–48) 100 ⫾ 11 (81–115) 20 ⫾ 5 (2–60)
Data are means ⫾ SEM (range). Basal glucose and insulin concentration refer to the OGTT sample at time zero.

subjects with impaired glucose tolerance 120, and 180 min for the measurement of where Clb (ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2) is basal glu-
(IGT), and subjects with type 2 diabetes. plasma glucose and insulin (11). cose clearance, ⌬I (␮U/ml) is the incre-
Glucose clamp. Hyperinsulinemic- ment over basal of insulin concentration,
RESEARCH DESIGN AND euglycemic glucose clamps were per- and S [(ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2)/(␮U/ml)] is the
METHODS formed as described previously (11). A slope of the line. Equation 1 represents
loading dose of insulin was administered the relationship experimentally observed
Subjects and experimental protocols in a logarithmically decreasing manner when insulin concentration is in the phys-
A total of 104 subjects were studied: 15 over a 10-min period, followed by a con- iological range (12). Equation 1 is a pre-
lean nondiabetic (BMI ⬍ 25 kg/m2), 38 stant infusion rate of 120 mU 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 dictor of glucose clearance at the
obese nondiabetic (BMI ⬎ 25 kg/m2), 38 m⫺2 for the next 240 min. In the subjects reference insulin concentration incre-
subjects with type 2 diabetes, and 13 sub- with IGT, clamp studies were conducted ment ⌬I, when Clb and S are known.
jects with IGT. Clinical and metabolic at an insulin infusion rate of 300 mU 䡠 We describe glucose kinetics during
characteristics are summarized in Table 1. min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2. During the clamp, the se- the OGTT with a single-compartment
Subjects were classified according to the rum glucose concentration was main- model, which is a reasonable simplifica-
World Health Organization criteria (6). tained at 90 ⫾ 5 mg/dl by monitoring the tion in the OGTT, because changes of glu-
Subjects with IGT were included only if glucose levels at 5-min intervals and by cose fluxes and concentrations are
they met the criteria on at least two suc- adjusting the infusion rate of a 20% glu- gradual. The model is described by the
cessive OGTTs. Data were compiled and cose solution. differential equation
aggregated from a larger database of
clamp studies conducted during a 7-year Modeling analysis dG共t兲
period (1990 –1996), several of which V ⫽⫺Cl共t兲G共t兲 ⫹ R a共t兲 (2)
The present OGTT method for assessing dt
have been published previously (7–11). insulin sensitivity is based on an equation
Subjects randomly underwent an OGTT that predicts glucose clearance during a where G (mg/ml) is glucose concentra-
and a glucose clamp study within a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp us- tion, V (ml/m2) is the glucose distribution
1-month period, at a stable weight and ing the values of glucose and insulin con- volume, Cl (ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2) is the glu-
without other interventions. All subjects centration obtained from an OGTT. The
were in good general health (except for equation is derived from a model of the
diabetes), and none were taking medica- glucose-insulin relationship, which al-
tions known to affect glucose metabolism. though simplified, is based on established
Oral antidiabetic drugs were discontin- principles of glucose kinetics and insulin
ued for 3 weeks before the study. The action. The model-derived equation re-
purpose, nature, and potential risks of the quires the knowledge of parameters that
study were explained before obtaining cannot be directly calculated from an
written consent from the subjects. The OGTT. To circumvent the problem, we
study protocols were approved by the have introduced some assumptions and
Human Subjects Committee of the Uni- have determined the unknown parame-
versity of California, San Diego. All sub- ters by matching the OGTT-predicted
jects were admitted 2–3 days before the glucose clearance with the glucose clear-
respective study to the San Diego Veter- ance calculated from a clamp. The out-
ans Administration Medical Center’s Spe- line of the modeling analysis is shown in
cial Diagnostic and Treatment Unit, and Fig. 1.
consumed a weight-maintenance diet Model equations. We assume that the
containing 55% carbohydrate, 30% fat, relationship between glucose clearance
and 15% protein. Studies were performed (Cl, ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2) and insulin con-
at 0800 after a 12-h overnight fast. centration is the linear relationship
Oral glucose tolerance test. A standard
3-h 75-g OGTT was performed. Blood Figure 1—Outline of the model development
samples were collected at 0, 30, 60, 90, Cl ⫽ Clb ⫹ S ⌬I (1) and data analysis.


Mari and Associates

cose clearance, and Ra (mg 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2)

is the glucose rate of appearance, which is
glucose dose DO (expressed in g/m2), i.e.,
Ra(120) ⫽ p1DO. Fourth, we have calcu-
⫽ p5 1 ⫹
ClEU 冊
the sum of glucose production and oral lated ⌬Ir(120) as
glucose appearance. For V, which cannot ⫺ GCLAMP兴 ⫹ 1 (7)
be determined from the OGTT, we have ⌬Ir共120兲 ⫽ I共120兲 ⫺ I共0兲 ⫹ p 2 (5)
assumed a value of 10 l/m2, which repre- where GCLAMP is the clamp glucose con-
where I (␮U/ml) is insulin concentration. centration (normally 90 mg/dl), G(120) is
sents the total glucose distribution vol- Indeed, insulin concentration at the site of
ume (10 l/m2 ⫻ 1.7 m2/70 kg ⫽ 243 ml/ action (⌬Ir) is delayed with respect to
considered representative of an average
kg) (13). The initial steady-state glucose concentration during the OGTT,
plasma insulin (11,14). However, be-
condition for Eq. 2 is G(0) ⫽ Ra(0)/Cl(0), cause around t ⫽ 120 min on average the
and p5 and p6 are parameters. Equation 7
where the values at time 0 are the basal embodies two principles: 1) glucose clear-
plasma insulin concentration is relatively ance decreases with increasing glucose
values. stable, the difference between the plasma
We assume that Cl(t) in Eq. 2 is re- concentration (the ratio of clamp to
insulin concentration increment and ⌬Ir OGTT clearance increases linearly as the
lated through Eq. 1 to the insulin concen- is expected to be small. Furthermore, it
tration increment in a compartment glucose concentration during the OGTT
was necessary to introduce the parameter
remote from plasma, denoted as ⌬Ir(t) p2 to prevent ⌬Ir(120) from assuming
increases); 2) the decrease in glucose
(11,14). With this assumption, Eq. 2 be- clearance is more pronounced for low
near-zero values when the insulin secre- than for high clearance values (the slope
comes tory response is low, which would make of the line is greater for low than for high
dG共t兲 the clearance calculated with Eq. 4 very ClEU) (15).
V ⫽⫺[Clb ⫹ S ⌬Ir共t兲]G共t兲 ⫹ R a共t兲 (3) large. Fifth, we have simplified the second Equation 7 is a quadratic equation in
fraction in the square brackets of Eq. 4 as ClEU, which can be solved with standard
Equation 3 can be solved for S, treating techniques. Thus, the equation for pre-
the other variables as known, and the ex- Pb共⌬Ir共t兲/⌬I ⫺ 1兲 p3
⫽ (6) dicting the clamp glucose clearance from
pression of S thus obtained can be in- Gb G共0兲
the OGTT includes an equation to calcu-
serted into Eq. 1. Because Clb ⫽ Pb/Gb, late ClOGTT, which is derived from Eq. 4
where Gb and Pb are basal glucose con- where p3 is a parameter. This choice is due
to the difficulty in formulating an effective with the assumptions above and the cor-
centration and production, respectively, rection for the glycemic level, which is the
the equation for predicting the glucose expression for Pb and to the limitations of
clearance at the target insulin concentra- the predictor of ⌬Ir. In addition, alterna- solution of Eq. 7 (see APPENDIX at the end of
tive expressions have been tested that did this article for a detailed derivation)
tion increment ⌬I is the following (see
APPENDIX at the end of this article for de-
not improve the performance of the final
equation (see CONCLUSIONS). Sixth, we ClOGTT ⫽
have assumed a fixed value for the target

冋 increment in insulin concentration ⌬I. p 1D0 ⫺ V关G共180兲 ⫺ G共120兲兴/60 p3

⌬I R a共t兲 ⫺ VdG共t兲/dt ⫹
Cl ⫽
⌬Ir共t兲 G共t兲
We did not fix ⌬I a priori but included ⌬I G共120兲 G共0兲
among the model parameters to be deter- I共120兲 ⫺ I共0兲 ⫹ p 2

Pb共⌬Ir共t兲/⌬I ⫺ 1兲
Gb 册 (4)
mined from the data, i.e., ⌬I ⫽ p4. Be-
cause the glucose clearance predicted by B ⫽ 关 p 5共G共120兲 ⫺ GCLAMP兲 ⫹ 1兴ClOGTT (8)
Eq. 4 with the assumptions above is pro-
Equation 4 is the basis for predicting the portional to ⌬I, the parameter p4 can be ClEU ⫽
clamp glucose clearance from the OGTT. considered a scaling factor.
However, because several variables in Eq.
4 are unknown, it is necessary to intro-
With these assumptions and assign-
ing a value to the parameters p1– p6, Eq. 4
2冋B ⫹ 冑B2 ⫹ 4p5 p6 共G共120兲 ⫺ GCLAMP兲ClOGTT 册
duce further assumptions. First, we have yields the formula for calculating glucose
evaluated the time-dependent terms at clearance from the OGTT. However, this Equation 8 requires the oral dose DO, the
t ⫽ 120 min, i.e., we have used G(120), glucose clearance value (ClOGTT) is not glucose concentration values G(0),
dG(120)/dt, Ra(120), and ⌬Ir(120). This directly comparable with that obtained G(120), G(180), and the insulin concen-
choice is motivated by the fact that glu- from the euglycemic glucose clamp. In tration values I(0) and I(120). These data
cose disposal, the increase of which fol- fact, glucose clearance is not independent can be specified in different units, pro-
lows the increase in plasma insulin, is from glucose concentration, and the glu- vided the parameters p1– p6 are scaled ac-
usually reaching maximum around 120 cose levels during the OGTT may be cordingly. Table 2 reports GCLAMP, V, and
min (12) and that in the last hour of the much higher than the clamp levels, par- p1– p6 for the common and SI units. The
OGTT, glucose concentration exhibits a ticularly in subjects with diabetes. To ob- values of p1– p6 in Table 2 have been de-
clear downslope from which the deriva- tain a prediction of glucose clearance at termined as described below.
tive of glucose concentration can be safely euglycemia, we have thus introduced a Equation 8 is based on a 3-h OGTT. It
calculated. Second, we have evaluated correction for the glycemic level. We as- is also possible to rederive Eq. 8 for a 2-h
dG(t)/dt as [G(180) – G(120)]/60. Third, sume that the ratio between the clamp OGTT, which is another commonly used
because Ra(120) is expected to depend on glucose clearance at euglycemia (ClEU) OGTT protocol. In this case, in Eq. 8,
the oral glucose dose, we have assumed and the glucose clearance calculated from G(120), G(90), and I(90) replace G(180),
that Ra(120) is a constant fraction of oral the OGTT (ClOGTT) is given by G(120), and I(120), respectively. Fur-


Insulin sensitivity from the OGTT

Table 2—Parameters of Eq. 8 the same variance in all subjects, that it is

not correlated between subjects, and that
3-h OGTT (OGIS180) 2-h OGTT (OGIS120) the change in the subject’s clearance be-
tween the two tests is negligible. The hy-
Common units SI units Common units SI units pothesis that the clearance standard
p1 289 2.89 650 6.50 deviation does not depend on the clear-
p2 270 1,618 325 1,951 ance value was tested visually and by re-
p3 14.0 103 779 81.3 103 4,514 gression analysis from the plot of the
p4 440 2,642 132 792 clearance standard deviation calculated in
p5 637 10⫺6 11.5 10⫺3 652 10⫺6 11.8 10⫺3 each subject versus the subject’s clear-
p6 117 117 173 173 ance. The subject’s clearance standard de-
Parameters differ depending on the units used for measuring glucose concentration, insulin concentration,
viation was calculated from the two
and the oral glucose dose. The table reports the values for the common units (mg/dl glucose, ␮U/ml insulin, clearance measurements and the clear-
and g/m3 oral glucose dose) and for the SI units mmol/l glucose, pmol/l insulin, and mmol/m2 oral glucose ance from the mean of the two values. To
dose. The parameters of Eq. 8 not reported in the table are V, 104 ml/kg (both common and SI units); and test the concordance between the two
GCLAMP, 90 mg/dl (common units) or 5 mmol/l (SI units). Units for the parameters in the table are not clearance measurements, the correlation
reported, as not relevant.
coefficient between the two values was
also calculated.
thermore, in the derivative of glucose IGT. Because the clamp insulin dose in
concentration, the time interval between these subjects was higher than in the pre- Comparison with other insulin
glucose measurements is 30 instead of 60 vious group, correlation but not equality sensitivity indexes
min. Eq. 8 for a 2-h OGTT requires its between OGIS and Cl CLAMP was ex- HOMA. The HOMA index (3) was eval-
own parameters, which are also reported pected. uated as the product of the OGTT glucose
in Table 2. Lower dose insulin clamp. In 12 of the and insulin concentration at time 0. Be-
Equation 8 is easily implemented on a nondiabetic subjects described in Table 1 cause HOMA provides an index of insulin
spreadsheet (a downloadable version can (age 28 – 45 years; BMI 21–38 kg/m2), we resistance rather than sensitivity, the ex-
be found on the World Wide Web at compared OGIS with the more usual 40 pected correlation with the clamp is neg- mU 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2 insulin infusion glu- ative. For comparison with the clamp, we
home.html). The index of insulin sensi- cose clamp. applied a logarithmic transformation of
tivity yielded by Eq. 8 will be referred here both HOMA and the clamp index, as the
for brevity as oral glucose insulin sensitiv- Reproducibility relationship between the two indexes was
ity (OGIS), with subscripts “180” and Reproducibility of both Cl CLAMP and found to be curvilinear.
“120” for the 3- and 2-h protocols, where OGIS was evaluated from duplicate tests ISI(composite). The OGTT index of in-
appropriate. The acronym OGIS will also in the same subject studied under stable sulin sensitivity [ISI(composite)] (4) was
be used more generally to denote the conditions of diet, exercise, and body calculated using both the data of the en-
present OGTT method. weight. For the clamp, the group of sub- tire 3-h OGTT and the first 2 h of the test.
Parameter determination. The six pa- jects was composed of 15 nondiabetic We could not make direct comparison
rameters p1– p6 were determined by fit- males (age 30 – 61 years; BMI 20 – 41 kg/ with the clamp (as in ref. 4), because glu-
ting the glucose clearance calculated m2) who underwent duplicate clamps cose tracer and clamp steady-state insulin
using Eq. 8 (for either the 3-h or the 2-h within 2.0 ⫾ 0.6 months. For the OGTT, concentration (SSPI) were not available in
OGTT) to the clamp glucose clearance in the group was composed of 24 nondia- all subjects. We have used the steady-state
the pooled group of 91 normal subjects, betic subjects, 9 subjects with type 2 dia- glucose infusion rate in place of the tracer-
obese subjects, and subjects with type 2 betes, and 9 subjects with IGT (36 males, calculated glucose utilization rate, and in
diabetes. The clamp glucose clearance 6 females; age 29 – 62 years; BMI 22– 42 the 22 subjects who lacked the SSPI mea-
(ClCLAMP) was calculated as the ratio of kg/m2) who underwent duplicate OGTTs surement, we used the mean SSPI of the
the steady-state glucose infusion rate to within 2.8 ⫾ 0.3 months. Some of these 69 subjects in whom insulin concentra-
the steady-state glucose concentration, subjects are from the groups described in tion was measured.
thus assuming that glucose production is Table 1. MCRest(OGTT). The OGTT index of in-
a small fraction of the total glucose turn- Reproducibility of the glucose clear- sulin sensitivity [MCRest(OGTT)] (5) was
over (11). Glucose clearance was normal- ance estimate was expressed as an average also calculated. Glucose clearance was ex-
ized to the body surface area, calculated coefficient of variation, calculated as the pressed in ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2 instead of
from weight and height according to the ratio between the clearance standard de- ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 kg⫺1.
equation of Gehan and George (16). viation and the mean clearance value in
Least-squares data fitting was performed the group. The clearance standard devia- Evaluation of ␤-cell function
using Matlab (Mathworks, Natick, MA). tion was calculated as the sample stan- We have analyzed the relationship be-
dard deviation of the difference between tween insulin sensitivity and ␤-cell func-
Model test the two clearance estimates, divided by tion and compared, in this respect, the
IGT group. To validate OGIS against the two. This calculation quantifies the stan- clamp and the OGTT method. We have
clamp in an independent group of sub- dard deviation of the clearance estimation calculated a simple index of ␤-cell func-
jects, Eq. 8 was tested on 13 subjects with error in the hypothesis that the error has tion as the ratio between the area under


Mari and Associates

significance of the difference between two

groups was assessed with the Mann-
Whitney U test.


Clamp and OGTT data and model

Figure 2 shows the mean glucose and in-
sulin concentration in the four groups of
subjects during the OGTT. The steady-
state glucose infusion rates (M values, mg
䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2) during the clamp were as
follows: lean subjects 412 ⫾ 15; obese
subjects 304 ⫾ 17; subjects with type 2
diabetes 217 ⫾ 13; and subjects with IGT
350 ⫾ 24. The IGT value is not directly
comparable with the other three groups,
as in IGT a 300 mU 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m ⫺2 clamp
was performed.
The values of the parameters of Eq. 8
estimated by least-squares are reported in
Table 2 for both OGIS180 and OGIS120.

Comparison with the clamp

OGIS180. In the pooled group of lean
subjects, obese subjects, and subjects
with type 2 diabetes, the mean difference
between the glucose clearances deter-
mined from clamp and the 3-h OGTT
(–5.9 ⫾ 8.0) was not different from zero
(P ⫽ 0.47). The two clearance estimates
were equivalent according to the Bland-
Altman method. The glucose clearance
values are reported in Table 3.
Figure 3 shows the correlation be-
Figure 2—Mean OGTT glucose and insulin concentrations in lean subjects, obese subjects, sub- tween the glucose clearance calculated
jects with IGT, and subjects with type 2 diabetes.
from the clamp and from the OGTT. The
correlation was statistically significant not
the increment in insulin concentration group of subjects was confirmed by the only in the pooled group of lean subjects,
and the area under the increment in glu- Shapiro-Wilk W-test (17). The statistical obese subjects, and subjects with type 2
cose concentration during the OGTT
(units of the index are ␮U/mg). The glu-
cose and insulin baseline values used Table 3—Glucose clearance (ml 䡠 minⴚ1 䡠 mⴚ2) calculated from the clamp (ClCLAMP) and the
were the minimum values among the six OGTT (OGIS180) and the statistical significance levels of the differences between the groups
concentration points. Because this index
accounts for the glucose levels, it quanti-
fies ␤-cell sensitivity to glucose, not abso-
⫺1 ⫺1
lute insulin secretion. Glucose clearance (ml 䡠 min 䡠 kg )
Lean subjects 458 ⫾ 17 440 ⫾ 16
Statistical methods Obese subjects 338 ⫾ 19 362 ⫾ 11
Data are presented as means ⫾ SEM. The Subjects with type 2 diabetes 242 ⫾ 14 239 ⫾ 7
agreement between the model and the Subjects with IGT 388 ⫾ 26* 302 ⫾ 17
clamp glucose clearance was evaluated by Significance level of the comparison
standard regression analysis and by using Lean vs. obese subjects P ⬍ 0.0002 P ⬍ 0.0007
the Bland–Altman method. This provides Lean subjects vs. subjects with type 2 diabetes P ⬍ 0.0001 P ⬍ 0.0001
the confidence interval within which 95% Obese subjects vs. subjects with type 2 diabetes P ⬍ 0.0002 P ⬍ 0.0001
of the differences should lie to state the Obese subjects vs. subjects with IGT * P ⬍ 0.01
equivalence (P ⬍ 0.05) of the two mea- Data are means ⫾ SEM. *Comparison not possible because the clamp dose in subjects with IGT was higher
surements (17). Normality for the whole than in the other subjects.


Insulin sensitivity from the OGTT

(R ⫽ 0.81, P ⬍ 0.002), as expected. The

glucose clearance values for the clamps at
the two insulin doses were closely corre-
lated (R ⫽ 0.90, P ⬍ 0.0001). The corre-
lation between ClCLAMP and OGIS120 was
also statistically significant (R ⫽ 0.61, P ⬍

The coefficient of variation of the clear-
ance was 6.4% for ClCLAMP and 7.1% for
OGIS180. The two clearance measure-
ments were well correlated both for
ClCLAMP (R ⫽ 0.89, P ⬍ 0.0001) and
OGIS180 (R ⫽ 0.84, P ⬍ 0.0001). For
both methods, the standard deviation of
the clearance in a subject calculated from
the two clearance measurements was not
correlated with the subject’s clearance
value (ClCLAMP: R ⫽ – 0.3, P ⫽ 0.27;
OGIS180: R ⫽ – 0.06, P ⫽ 0.70). Similar
results were obtained for OGIS120 (coef-
ficient of variation: 7.5%; correlation be-
tween two measurements: R ⫽ 0.81, P ⬍
0.0001). For the OGTT, the clearance co-
Figure 3—Comparison between the glucose clearance from the clamp (ClCLAMP) and the OGTT efficient of variation was markedly lower
(OGIS180) in lean subjects, obese subjects, and subjects with type 2 diabetes. Correlation results: than that for the 2-h glucose or insulin
all subjects, R ⫽ 0.77, P ⬍ 0.0001, n ⫽ 91; lean subjects, R ⫽ 0.59, P ⬍ 0.02, n ⫽ 15; obese concentration (12 and 25%, respectively).
subjects, R ⫽ 0.73, P ⬍ 0.0001, n ⫽ 38; subjects with type 2 diabetes, R ⫽ 0.49, P ⬍ 0.002, n ⫽
OGIS performance
Differences between groups. The abil-
diabetes (R ⫽ 0.77, P ⬍ 0.0001, n ⫽ 91) 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2 (R ⫽ 0.61, P ⬍ 0.05, n ⫽ ity to detect significant differences among
but also in the individual groups (lean 12). OGIS180 was also correlated with normal subjects, obese subjects, and sub-
subjects: R ⫽ 0.59, P ⬍ 0.02, n ⫽ 15; clamp clearance of 120 mU 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2 jects with type 2 diabetes was similar for
obese subjects: R ⫽ 0.73, P ⬍ 0.0001,
n ⫽ 38; subjects with type 2 diabetes: R ⫽
0.49, P ⬍ 0.002, n ⫽ 38). Virtually iden-
tical results were obtained for the correla-
tion with the more traditional clamp M
values, as glucose was kept constant at
⬃90 mg/dl.
OGIS120. The performance of the 2-h
OGTT index was only slightly inferior to
that of OGIS180 (whole group: R ⫽ 0.73,
P ⬍ 0.0001; lean subjects: R ⫽ 0.53, P ⬍
0.05; obese: R ⫽ 0.57, P ⬍ 0.0002; sub-
jects with type 2 diabetes: R ⫽ 0.50, P ⬍
0.002). OGIS 180 and OGIS 120 were
strongly correlated (R ⫽ 0.92, P ⬍

Model test
In the independent IGT group, the corre-
lation between ClCLAMP and OGIS180 was
statistically significant (R ⫽ 0.65, P ⬍
0.02, n ⫽ 13). In the subset of nondia- Figure 4—Relationship between glucose clearance from the clamp (ClCLAMP) and the OGTT
betic subjects who underwent insulin in- (OGIS180) and BMI and basal insulin concentration in lean subjects (●), obese subjects (䡲), and
fusion glucose clamps at both 40 and the subjects with IGT (䉬). Basal insulin concentration is reported on a log scale to improve reading.
120 mU 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 m⫺2, OGIS180 was cor- Subjects with IGT were not included in the clamp panels because of the different insulin dose.
related with the clamp clearance of 40 mU Correlation results are reported in the text.


Mari and Associates

the clamp and OGIS180 (Table 3). Nota-

bly, OGIS180 predicted a lower insulin
sensitivity in subjects with IGT than in
obese subjects (these groups had similar
BMIs). This comparison was not possible
with the clamp, because obese subjects
and subjects with IGT received different
insulin doses.
Correlation with BMI and basal insu-
lin. The correlation between glucose
clearance (clamp and OGIS180) and BMI
and basal insulin concentration in normal
and obese subjects is shown in Fig. 4. As
expected, the correlations were highly
significant and equivalent for the two
methods (R ⫽ – 0.64 to – 0.68, P ⬍
0.0001 for all, after bi-logarithmic trans-
formation). Considering normal subjects
only, in whom the span of BMI and basal
insulin concentration is much reduced,
the significance of the correlations for
ClCLAMP was not preserved (P ⬎ 0.25),
whereas it was still present for OGIS180
(BMI: R ⫽ 0.57, P ⬍ 0.05; basal insulin:
R ⫽ 0.55, P ⬍ 0.05). In subjects with type
2 diabetes, neither ClCLAMP nor OGIS180
were correlated with BMI (P ⬎ 0.9 for
both). In the independent IGT group,
OGIS180 was correlated with both BMI
and basal insulin (BMI: R ⫽ 0.78, P ⬍ Figure 5—Relationship between glucose clearance from the clamp (ClCLAMP) and the OGTT
0.002; basal insulin: R ⫽ 0.90, P ⬍ (OGIS180) and the index of ␤-cell sensitivity in lean subjects (䢇), obese subjects (f), and subjects
0.0001, after bi-logarithmic transforma- with IGT (䉬). Subjects with IGT were not included in the clamp panel because of the different
insulin dose. Correlation results are reported in the text.
tion), whereas for ClCLAMP, the correla-
tion was borderline (BMI: R ⫽ 0.55, P ⫽
0.052; basal insulin: R ⫽ 0.45, P ⫽ 0.13, subjects, the correlation coefficient was dividual groups, however, ISI(composite)
after bi-logarithmic transformation). similar to that of OGIS180 (R ⫽ – 0.75, was not correlated with the clamp (lean
Correlation with ␤-cell function. The P ⬍ 0.0001). However, in subjects with subjects: R ⫽ 0.09, P ⫽ 0.75; obese sub-
relationship between OGIS 1 8 0 and type 2 diabetes, the correlation was not jects: R ⫽ 0.27, P ⫽ 0.10; subjects with
ClCLAMP and the index of ␤-cell function significant (R ⫽ – 0.19, P ⫽ 0.26). In con- type 2 diabetes: R ⫽ 0.06, P ⫽ 0.72). In
in normal subjects, obese subjects, and trast to the clamp and OGIS, in subjects the group of subjects with IGT, the corre-
subjects with IGT is shown in Fig. 5. After with type 2 diabetes, HOMA was corre- lation of ISI(composite) with the clamp
bi-logarithmic transformation of the vari- lated with BMI (R ⫽ 0.45, P ⬍ 0.005). was better (R ⫽ 0.70, P ⬍ 0.01 for 2-h
ables, the correlation coefficients were ISI(composite). In the entire group of OGTT; results for 3-h OGTT were simi-
as follows: all data pooled, R ⫽ – 0.71, normal subjects, obese subjects, and sub- lar).
P ⬍ 0.0001; lean subjects, R ⫽ – 0.84, jects with type 2 diabetes, ISI(composite), MCRest(OGTT). In the entire group of
P ⬍ 0.0001; obese subjects, R ⫽ – 0.66, calculated from 2-h OGTT, was corre- normal subjects, obese subjects, and sub-
P ⬍ 0.0001; subjects with IGT, R ⫽ lated with the clamp, but the correlation jects with type 2 diabetes, MCRest(OGTT)
– 0.81, P ⬍ 0.001. As expected, the cor- coefficient was quite low (R ⫽ 0.27, P ⬍ was correlated with the clamp (R ⫽
relation was not significant in subjects 0.01). In part, this mediocre result was 0.48, P ⬍ 0.0001), excluding one sub-
with type 2 diabetes. In the pooled group due to the presence of two subjects with ject with diabetes who had a very low
of normal and obese subjects (IGT could unusually high values of ISI(composite). MCRest(OGTT). Considering the individ-
not be included because of the different These subjects were thus excluded in the ual groups, MCRest(OGTT) was corre-
clamp insulin dose), ClCLAMP was also in- subsequent analysis, obtaining a higher lated with the clamp only in obese
versely correlated with the index of ␤-cell correlation coefficient (R ⫽ 0.34, P ⬍ subjects (lean subjects: R ⫽ 0.33, P ⫽
function (R ⫽ – 0.48, P ⬍ 0.0005). 0.0001). Similar results were obtained us- 0.23; obese subjects: R ⫽ 0.61, P ⬍
ing 3-h OGTT (R ⫽ 0.39, P ⬍ 0.0001) 0.0001; subjects with type 2 diabetes: R ⫽
Other insulin sensitivity indexes and in the subgroup of subjects in which ⫺0.04, P ⫽ 0.81, outlier excluded). In
HOMA. After logarithmic transforma- the steady-state clamp insulin concentra- the group of subjects with IGT, the corre-
tion, HOMA was inversely correlated tion was measured (R ⫽ 0.44, P ⬍ lation of MCRest(OGTT) with the clamp
with ClCLAMP. In the pooled group of 91 0.0002, 3-h OGTT). Considering the in- was significant (R ⫽ 0.59, P ⬍ 0.05). As


Insulin sensitivity from the OGTT

with HOMA, and in contrast to the clamp more sophisticated approaches (14,19). pendent experimental findings (21). The
and OGIS, in subjects with type 2 diabe- Clearly, our model cannot be completely parameters p5 and p6 account for a depen-
tes, MCRest(OGTT) was correlated with determined from the OGTT data. The dence of glucose clearance on glucose
BMI (R ⫽ ⫺0.97, P ⬍ 0.0001). rates of oral and endogenous glucose ap- concentration (Eq. 7), which was neces-
pearance cannot be calculated without a sary to prevent underestimation of the
CONCLUSIONS — T h i s study complex double tracer experiment (20). clamp glucose clearance in subjects with
shows that the OGTT method presented These processes are quite variable, and an type 2 diabetes, who were markedly hy-
here (OGIS) and the glucose clamp give a adequate mathematical representation is perglycemic. The predicted reduction of
very similar assessment of insulin sensi- lacking. The glucose distribution volume glucose clearance in subjects with type 2
tivity. The two insulin sensitivity indexes is also not determinable. In addition, the diabetes was ⬃20% on average; maxi-
are correlated in four different groups of experimental information provided by a mum values were ⬃30%. These results
subjects, spanning a wide spectrum of in- standard OGTT is limited. Typically, only are compatible with published results
sulin sensitivity. In particular, the corre- six glucose and insulin measurements are (15,22). For the 2-h OGTT index
lation was significant in type 2 diabetes, a available, and the data, collected in a clin- (OGIS120), the parameters are different
condition in which indexes of insulin sen- ical environment, may be less precise than because the index is calculated in differ-
sitivity alternative to the clamp often per- those obtained from more rigorously con- ent conditions. However, the parameters
form unsatisfactorily (for the minimal trolled experiments. In this context, the that have some physiological interpreta-
model, see ref. 18; for HOMA and the use of heuristic assumptions to obtain a tion still have sound values. The value of
other OGTT indexes, see RESULTS). Further- usable equation from the model is un- p1 is, in fact, higher, because the glucose
more, using OGIS, the relationships found avoidable. The assumptions used to de- rate of appearance at 90 min is also higher
between insulin sensitivity and other vari- rive Eq. 8 from the more generally valid (21) and the parameters expressing the
ables, such as BMI or ␤-cell function, are in Eq. 4 were aimed to obtain the best pos- dependence of glucose clearance on glu-
agreement with known facts, and the dif- sible agreement with the clamp and have cose concentration (p5 and p6, Eq. 7) are
ferences in insulin sensitivity between been selected after testing other possible very similar.
groups are consistent with current under- alternatives, which had inferior perfor- We believe that the key of the validity
standing of diabetes pathophysiology. mance. For instance, we have introduced of OGIS is its derivation from a physiolog-
This indicates that OGIS is an adequate the simplification of Eq. 6 because more ical model. The good performance of
index, even if the correlation coefficients elaborate expressions did not perform OGIS can only be due, in part, to the use
with the clamp are not always very high. better (results not shown). Given the as- in Eq. 8 of parameters that have been de-
OGIS has also a good reproducibility, sumptions used to derive Eq. 8, only termined from the same data on which
comparable with that of the clamp (coef- some of its parameters have a physiologi- the equation has been subsequently ap-
ficients of variation: 7.1 vs. 6.4%, OGIS cal meaning and can be compared with plied. Although this issue requires testing
vs. clamp), despite the fact that the OGTT independent references. In particular, in larger independent groups to be fully
itself may not be very reproducible (the there is no expected value for p4, because resolved, our results do not indicate that
coefficients of variation of the 2-h glucose it embeds a scaling factor. The parameter this is a major problem for two reasons.
and insulin concentration were 12 and p3 is a composite parameter, because it is First, the number of parameters in Eq. 8
25%, respectively). related to basal glucose production and to (six parameters) is very small in compar-
A good performance was obtained the insulin levels ⌬Ir(t) and ⌬I (Eq. 6). ison with the number of subjects (91 sub-
with both the 2- and 3-h OGTT versions Because ⌬I is unspecified (see RESEARCH DE- jects). It would not have been possible to
of OGIS. We prefer the 3-h index because SIGN AND METHODS), p3 also lacks a reference obtain a good correlation with the clamp
the derivative of glucose concentration is value. Similarly, p2 (Eq. 5) does not have a by adjusting these six parameters if the
better defined in the third hour of the physiological interpretation. It is intro- underlying model was not adequate. Sec-
OGTT, and at t ⫽ 120 min, the rate of duced to limit the effects of insulin concen- ond, we have tested the method in an in-
glucose appearance, which is quite vari- tration in Eq. 8. The insulin concentration dependent group (IGT), in which we have
able, is smaller and thus has less influence increment has a wide span and is close to found a correlation with the clamp as
in Eq. 4. However, because OGIS120 was zero in some subjects with diabetes. With- good as in the group used to adjust the
only slightly inferior to OGIS180, the most out p2, the denominator of Eq. 8, and thus parameters.
widely used 2-h OGTT is sufficient to cal- OGIS, would exhibit a variance that In our data set, the performance of the
culate OGIS reliably, which is an impor- would not be compatible with the ob- OGTT-based indexes by Matsuda and De-
tant advantage. served variance in insulin sensitivity. Be- Fronzo (4), Stumvoll et al. (5), and
Our modeling approach is based on cause p2 is about 5.5 times the average HOMA (3) is inferior to OGIS, but a better
physiological evidence, with simplifica- insulin increment, the influence of insulin comparison would require a totally inde-
tions dictated by the specific characteris- concentration on OGIS is much reduced. pendent data set. Indeed, in the indepen-
tics of the OGTT. For glucose kinetics, we However, the inclusion of insulin concen- dent IGT group, the performance of the
have used a single-compartment model, tration in Eq. 8 is important for obtaining OGTT methods and HOMA are compara-
which is a reasonable approximation in a good correlation with the clamp. The ble (R ⫽ 0.6 – 0.7). However, at least with
the OGTT, because the changes of glucose product p1DO represents the glucose rate our data, the published OGTT methods
concentrations and fluxes are gradual. of appearance at 120 min. The mean value and HOMA have drawbacks that are over-
For insulin action, our model is equiva- in lean subjects of p1DO is ⬃3 mg 䡠 min⫺1 come by OGIS. In type 2 diabetes, HOMA,
lent to the minimal model (2) or to other 䡠 kg⫺1, which is in agreement with inde- ISI(composite), and MCRest(OGTT) do


Mari and Associates

not correlate with the clamp, whereas equation for predicting the clamp glucose ⌬I ⫽ p 4 (15f)
OGIS does. This result, which is not in clearance from the OGTT (Eq. 8).
agreement with previous findings During the OGTT, the expression of These assumptions transform Eq. 4 into:
(4,23,24), may be due to different char- the glucose clearance given by Eq. 1 be-
acteristics of the subjects with diabetes or comes Cl ⫽
the different insulin level in the clamp.
Furthermore, the empirical formulas Cl共t兲 ⫽ Clb ⫹ S ⌬Ir共t兲 (9) p 1D0 ⫺ V关G共180兲 ⫺ G共120兲/60兴 p3

used in HOMA and MCRest(OGTT) intro- G共120兲 G共0兲
duce spurious results in some cases. In where ⌬Ir(t) is the insulin concentration p4
I共120兲 ⫺ I共0兲 ⫹ p 2
subjects with type 2 diabetes, we have increment in the remote compartment. By
found a strong correlation between inserting Eq. 9 into Eq. 2, we obtain
HOMA and basal insulin concentration which is the expression of ClOGTT as given
(R ⫽ 0.92, P ⬍ 0.0001). Such a correla- V
⫽ ⫺关Clb ⫹ S ⌬Ir共t兲兴G共t兲 ⫹ R a共t兲
by Eq. 8.
tion was found neither with the clamp dt The expression of ClEU in Eq. 8 is the
(R ⫽ 0.11, P ⫽ 0.53) nor with OGIS (R ⫽ (10) solution of Eq. 7, which can be rearranged
0.16, P ⫽ 0.35). This happens because in the standard form of a quadratic equa-
HOMA is the product of glucose and in- Eq. 10, solved for S, yields tion in the unknown ClEU as
sulin concentration. Similarly, the corre-
R a共t兲 ⫺ VdG共t兲/dt 2
ClEU ⫺ 关 p 5共G关120兴 ⫺ GCLAMP兲 ⫹ 1兴
lation of HOMA and MCRest(OGTT) with ⫺ Clb
BMI in subjects with type 2 diabetes, G共t兲
S⫽ (11) ClOGTTClEU ⫺ p 5p 6关G共120兲 ⫺ GCLAMP]
which is not found with the clamp and ⌬Ir共t兲
OGIS, is spurious. For HOMA, this orig- ClOGTT ⫽ 0 (17)
inates from the correlation (R ⫽ 0.54, P ⬍ which can be substituted into Eq. 1 to
0.005) between BMI and basal insulin, calculate glucose clearance at the insulin
which is used to calculate HOMA. For the concentration increment ⌬I: Acknowledgments — This work has been
supported in part by a grant from the project
method by Stumvoll et al. (5), BMI itself is
a variable used to calculate MCRest(OGTT). Cl ⫽ Clb ⫹ S ⌬I ⫽ Clb “Mathematical Methods and Models for the
Study of Biological Phenomena” of the Italian
These results suggest that if the perfor- R a共t兲 ⫺ VdG共t兲/dt National Research Council. J.J.N. was sup-
mance of OGIS and the other empirical ⫺ Clb ported by a grant from the Whittier Institute
indexes may be equivalent in some situa- ⫹ ⌬I for Diabetes at the University of California and
tions, there are also cases in which the use by the Provost’s Academic Development
of the model-based index OGIS avoids
the drawbacks of empirical formulas.
In the present analysis, OGIS and the
⫽ 冋
⌬I R a共t兲 ⫺ VdG共t兲/dt
⌬Ir共t兲 G共t兲
Fund, Trinity College, Dublin.
We thank Drs. Jerrold Olefsky and Robert
Henry of the University of California, San Di-
clamp give very similar results. However,
a caveat is necessary, because OGIS rests ⫹ Clb共⌬Ir共t兲/⌬I ⫺ 1兲 册 (12)
ego, for their support and the patients, volun-
teers, and nursing staff of the San Diego
Veterans Administration Medical Center.
on assumptions that the clamp does not Preliminary results of this work were pre-
require. When it is expected that the Basal glucose clearance is related to basal sented at the 59th annual meeting of the Amer-
mechanisms governing the glucose- glucose production (Pb) and concentra- ican Diabetes Association, San Diego,
insulin relationships are not those postu- tion (Gb) by the equation California, and at the 35th annual meeting of
lated here, OGIS may not be accurate. A the European Association for the Study of Di-
critical situation could be, for instance, Pb abetes, Brussels, Belgium.
Clb ⫽
abnormal glucose absorption, which can- Gb (13)
not be evaluated from the OGTT without
the use of a tracer. which can be substituted into Eq. 12 to
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