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Alouette on course to reduce emissions

The Alouette smelter, based in Quebec, Canada, is the largest smelter in the Americas. It has successfully
increased its production capacity without compromising on its environmental standards. Its recently-
published Sustainable Development Report 2008 outlines the work it has done in reducing emissions.

The Aluminerie Alouette smelter is located

on the Marconi peninsula in Sept-Iles, in
Quebec’s North Shore region, Canada and
is a joint venture between five companies.
They are Rio Tinto Alcan (40%), Austria
Metall (20%), Hydro Aluminium, Norway
(20%), Marubeni, Japan (6.67%) and the
Société Générale de Financement du
Québec which owns the remaining 13.33%.
It is the largest smelter in the Americas
producing 573 908t in 2008 and has a
staff of nearly 1000 with a further 1000
jobs linked to the site.
It was commissioned in 1992 and since
then has been upgraded several times.
Between 1995 and 2000, Alouette
(from the French, skylark) reduced its
specific power consumption by 7% while
metal production rose 12% in the same
period. It uses approximately 13kWh/kg of
power to produce 1kg of aluminium, one
of the best performances in the world The Phase 2 inauguration saw a shift from mainly casting 25kg ingots and high profile sows to the casting of low profile
among aluminium producers. sows weighing 691kg
It has proved that it is possible to
increase production without compro- spearheaded the drop. Efforts to reduce outage in 2008 which affected pot
mising the environment, the company gas and particle fluoride emissions are still operations and produced a large quantity
said. In its bid to meet safety and ongoing. With a higher number of pot of anode effects which are responsible for
environmental standards it has introduced stoppages and start-ups in 2009 and perfluorocarbons (PFC) emissions. Alumina
several upgrades in recent years, which 2010, reducing fluoride emissions will pot feeding controls must be optimised
has helped it post its lowest accident remain a challenge. following the introduction of new control
frequency rate on record. software on line 1. Alumina concen-
One of its recent environmental projects Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) trations in the electrolytic bath constitute
was the design and delivery of five electric Results for 2008 are estimated on 2007 a critical parameter, as inadequate levels of
vehicles to service the potlines. readings (Fig 2). Samples from fixed dissolved alumina generate anode effects.
The vehicles were assembled in Sept- sources will be measured in 2009 at the The company said achieving excellent
Isles and designed and manufactured by Fume Treatment Centre of the Baking greenhouse gas emission targets enabled
Precicad engineering, a firm involved in Furnace and at the Anode Paste Plant it to distinguish itself from other alumi-
designing machinery to operate in a high scrubbers, after the cleaning of collecting nium producers. Improving its GHG
magnetic field environment typical of ducts is completed. intensity performance was an integral
aluminium smelters. Alouette will grad- PAHS are found in the pitch used to part of its strategy, and initiatives were in
ually replace its entire fleet with the new manufacture anodes. PAH emissions are place to encourage all employees to reach
vehicles over the next few years. They can very low when prebaked anode that objective.
travel for 40km and be used for material technology is used, as it is at Alouette,
and passenger transport. because the compounds are either Energy consumption
Prototypes of the vehicle have been destroyed or captured during the anode Alouette averages 12825kWh/t Al of direct
shipped to Alouette’s shareholders Hydro baking process. energy specifically for electrolysis
Aluminium in Norway and Rio Tinto Alcan operations, which continues to make
in Saguenay, Canada. Greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) Alouette the world’s most energy efficient
Specific greenhouse gas emissions were smelters (Fig 4). Energy efficiency is
Environmental record externally audited in 2008 (Fig 3). The among its priorities for growth and
Environmental emissions BNQ standards bureau found that sustainability.
Total fluoride emissions dropped to Alouette met its GHG reduction target for
0.35kg/t of aluminium in 2008 (Fig 1), 2002-07 as per a voluntary agreement it Sulphur dioxide emissions
which was its best performance to date. signed with the Government of Quebec. Sulphur dioxide emissions remained below
Improved work methods combined with The 2008 emissions, however, were its internal target. They vary according to
the installation of a new type of valve at higher than the internal target set by the sulphur content in commodity
the pot tending machines’ loading points Alouette. This was partially due to a power materials. Alouette’s objective is to limit

Aluminium International Today March/April 2010

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emissions at the source in order to

maintain ambient air concentrations of
SO2 below accepted levels.
SO2 is a precursor of fine particles and
acid rain. The company closely monitors
certain concentrations that can have an
impact on vegetation.
Ambient air levels of sulphur dioxide
were within the legal daily maximum of
110 parts per billion (ppb). The results
never exceeded the hourly maximum of
500ppb during the year. In 2008 a new
device was acquired to update
concentration averages every four Fig 1 Total fluoride emissions in the electrolysis process Fig 2 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (kg/t baked
minutes. It became operational in 2009. (kg/t Al) 1996-20F08 anodes) 1996-2008
This will help compare results against
future ambient air standards, as proposed
by the Quebec government.

Gaseous fluoride in ambient air

Ambient air concentrations of gaseous
fluoride remained below the internal
target used as the benchmark for
protecting vegetation in the non-industrial
zone. An outside firm inspected this area
and found vegetation was not affected by
the fluorides.

Examples of products recycled within the Fig 3 Specific greenhouse gas emissions (t/t Al) 1996-2008 Fig 4 Specific energy consumption 1996-2008 (kWh/t Al)
plant itself are:
– Wastewater, which is reused in the Other products such as cathode blocks Anode length has been increased to
process as cooling water; and metal bath siphoning tubes are sold 1550mm, with width at 650mm and
– Aluminium recovered from Casthouse for recycling. depth 635mm. Each block weighs 970kg
furnace dross; when baked. The two existing anode
– Aluminium recovered from the Shipping baking furnaces were modified and a
autogenous mill; Alouette runs a barge transportation further two installed to deal with the
– Dross from conveyor operations service linking the North Shore to Canada increased anode length so a single size
– Electrolytic bath residue from the and the USA via the St Lawrence seaway. anode is used throughout the plant.
cleaning of anode butts; This link enables the company to ship part Annual output of anodes increased
– Anode butts; of its production by water, reducing traffic from 149.5kt in Phase 1 to 245kt on
– Used pot cover; on Highway 138 and reducing completion of Phase 2.
– All waste aluminium spare parts; greenhouse gas emissions. The two new potlines each hold 156
– All damaged anode stubs; This ‘blue highway’ meets Alouette’s cells with 20 anode assemblies per cell.
– Waste oil; current needs and confirms the company's Anode life is normally 26 to 26.5 days. The
– Iron and copper; commitment to sustainable development. cells use AP-30 technology and the
– Wood and Paper. As Alouette’s shipping volume takes up majority are operated at 340MPA but
approximately half of the barge’s available some at 370MPA the number being
space, other companies may also use the limited by available power.
barge to transport their goods, thus The Phase 2 inauguration saw a shift
developing their export activities. from mainly casting 25kg ingots and high
profile sows to the casting of low profile
About the smelter sows weighing 691kg. Output of sows has
Phase 2 of the smelter was officially grown from 97kt/y at Phase 1 to 390kt/y
inaugurated in September 2005 with the at completion of Phase 2.
opening of two pot lines adding 330 new In recognition of the success of the
cells bringing the total for the plant to Phase 2 expansion project Alouette and
594. In charge of engineering, the construction engineers SNC Lavalin
procurement and construction manage- and Hatch received an award by the
ment were SNC-Lavalin and Hatch. The Quebec Association of Consulting
two lines have their own anode furnaces, Engineers for the most successful project
casthouse, alumina and carbon silos and a in Quebec in 2005.
power supply allocation of 500MW. Each
of the new potlines are a kilometre in Contact:
length and a 72m extension was built on Aluminerie Alouette, 400 Chemin de la Pointe-
to each of the two existing potlines to Noire, PO Box 1650, Sept-Iles, Quebec,
Alouette uses approximately 13kWh of power to produce house 18 cells dedicated to R&D, which is G4R 5M9, Canada email
1kg of aluminium thought to be unique to any smelter. Web

March/April 2010 Aluminium International Today

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