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Ya worrf vd arava faore fers faites sage Rae ate eormel sara, a aoe | ie fires, eons Fate, a—viere art, a PReett—110 001 | | National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited \ Yo Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India ‘BUILDING INFRASTRUCTURE - BUILDING THE NATION ‘3rd Floor, PT! Building, 4-Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001, +91 11 2335 1282, www.nhidelcom CIN: U45400DL2014G01269062 Guidelines for maintaining Road Safety Data on National Highways under implementation by National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. It is directed that ail the Branch Offices of NHIDCL should maintain Accident data/record regarding Road safety of their respective corridors in the given format annexed herewith (Annexure-A enclosed). 2, All Branch Offices in their respective corridors should locate vulnerable / accident prone /black spots areas along the National Highways, if any, and accordingly corrective measures to be adopted. 3. All Branch Offices of NHIDCL to maintain separate record/file regarding road safety and to submit monthly report to HQ. The informations on Road Safety data is required to be submitted to the Supreme Court Committee on Road Safety on quarterly basis: (i) Name of the Road (ii) Length of the Road (iii) Death occurred during last 3 months due to Road Accidents. (iv) Black Spots (vy) Corrective measures/ Remarks. 4. A Certificate from the EPC Contractor with recommendation of the Safety Consultant for the respective Projects as per the EPC Document may be ensured. Certificate to highlight the measure recommended by the Safety Consultant to be incorporated in the design of Project Highway which have bearing on safety of all road users associated with accidents. The Safety Guidelines issued by the Supreme Court Committee on Road Safety (copy enclosed) and the directions issued to the States/UTs to implement road safety taws may be complied. At important junction’s and crossings should have speed ‘iit sign or rumbles etc to enhance safety of road users and other precautions like use of helmet and traffic information signage’s also to be provided atong the corridor. In case, any liquor shop within 100 mtr. distance on NH, the same to be intimated to local Govt. Authority. 6. It should be ensured by the Authority’s Engineer and Branch Office that the EPC Contractor are adopting proper safety precautions at the site for the information of the road users to avoid untoward accidents during Construction. joned guidelines, every Branch ‘sing of members team i.e., 01 JT, Briage Engineer). 7. For the implementation of the above men Othice, NHIDCL should form a road safety cell come NHIDCL (Manager), 02 Authority’s Enginga \Rusider 8. This issues with the approval of Managing Director, NHIDCL. k Enctosures: As stated above (26 sheets) Rahul Gupta Executive Director (T) Copy Te (1) Executive Director (P), NER, Guwahati-Ni! (ii) All General Manager (P), NHIDCL. (i) ll General Manager (T), NHIDCL (ivi IT Cell: For uploading on NHIDCL wet ite. Copy for Information: (i) PS to MD, NHIDCL (in) PS to Dir (AGF)/ Dir (T), NHIDCL (iii) Executive Director- I/I/II/IV prrwmbs oda! 91-01 ib “hy HT z sreawy] epmpomses| 0 o t o | over961 fea zine sw 7 ue fue | Yods $818 peqeveus| sosenormreni| 0 o 1 0 06+ LE feo ow o o Ww 18) w e) @. @ oO ‘Aanful uon |finfoy sou |Asniuy sofew | reves “oN ones 2a1toa| (26eurey9)) nee Suewey| sary so-ewen] wspiooy yo adi sun wapinay o sieiea voue207] _w6N Mea] seeannuon/oiea ‘ON Komubixs euonen BUEN DaTOTT BISTTUIOG ‘92 — so wow -212a quopI294) Gewioy om 700 Se popmnod aq 1 eIEG WPOW ATaNVE List of MORTH Circular on Road Safety pS] MoRTH Circular Dated ] Subject | No. | I 1_| RW/NH-35072/04/2004/SER(R) 27.04.2010 Road Safety - Engineering Measures 4.4 12 | Supreme Court Committee on Road | 18.08.2015 Directions to the State/UTs to| Safety | implement road safety laws . (3-H 3 | RW/NH-15017/109/2015-PEM (RSCE) | 08.10.2015 Sanction/ approval of permanent long term remedial measure for | “removal of indentified road accident | | black spots on National Highwa |4 | RW/NH/15017/109/2015/PEM 28.10.2015 Protocol for identification a | (RSCE) rectification of road accident black Seer | spots on National Highways 4 -< 5 | Supreme Court Committee on Road | 22.03.2016 Directions to the States/UTs to Safety implement road safety laws, 9 -% & | RW/NH-29020/1/2015-P&M (RSCE) | 07.09.2016 Provision of Road Safety items like | Road signs, Marking, crash barriers, | | safety provision at road side hazards | etc., on National Highways in the | | Improvement project and Resurfacing works . 4-16. i 7_| RW/NH-29021/1/2016-PEM (RSCE)_| 13.02.2017 Furnishing proposals of road safety | engineering works on _ National Highways for road safety Annual Plan 2017-18. fa-5¢ Ht 8 RWINH-29012/172015-P&M (RSCE) (17.02.2017 Operational road safety engineering audits for indentifying short term | | safety improvements measures [9 -\9_| 9 | RW/NH/29011/2/2015-P&M (RSCE) | 20.04.2017 Essential approach and principles to be followed for road safety engineering works. /- 2) oo GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS Transport Bhawan, |, Parliament Street, New Delhi ~ 110001 No. RW/NH-35072/04/2004-S&R(R) Dated: 27" April, 2010 To 1. Secretary, PWDs of all State Governments / UTS dealing with National Highways. 2. Engineer in Chief/Chief Engineers of all State Govts./UTS dealing with National Highways. 3. Chairman, National Highways Authority of India (NHAI). 4, Director General (Border Roads), Seema Sadak Bhawan, Naraina. 5. Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi. Sub: Road Safety - Engineering Measures. Sir, ‘A group of experts from various organizations including this Ministry have deliberated and suggested the engineering measures to ensure road safety. These are enclosed. All central and centrally sponsored projects shall be framed keeping in view these safety measures as applicable to specific site situations. Yours faithfully, (Trivendra Kumar) Executive Engineer SR&T (Roads) for Director General (RD) & SS Encl: As above Copy with enclosure forwarded for information and necessary action to: 1. DG(RD) &SS 2 ADG 3. All Chief Engineers of MoRT&H 4, AIROs / ELOs of MoRT&H 5. IRF Copy for information to: oa (Enclosure to Ministry of Road Transport & Highways letter no. RWINH-35072/04/2008- S&R(R) dated 27" Apri, 2010) Follow-Up of 4" IRF Regional Conference Recommendations “Accident Prevention : Road Safety Measures” Engineering Measures to Ensure Road Safety 1. Introduction The existing road accident scenario on Indian roads is very grim and is a matter of serious concern for all stakeholders, The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways and IRF have jointly embarked on a Mission to reduce fatalities on Indian roads by 50% by the year 2012, This Mission involves a mult-prong approach combining engineering, enforcement and education measures, The mullilane highways being built under various road development programmes are adopting the geometric standards specifications, signage, road markings, etc. as per the provisions contained in the Codes of Practice and the Standards of the Indian Roads Congress supported by the Ministry's specifications. However, accident data demonstrate that motorists leave the Toadway for numerous reasons including errors of judgement. To ensure long term ‘oad safety on these highways built so far, those being contemplated to be upgraded and the ones being planned and designed, the following engineering measures are considered essential for adoption so as to help in improving road safety leading to reduction of accidents: 2. Geometry of the Road For all future multi-ane highways where adequate land is available, itis preferable to provide wide depressed median having width of 12 m or more, but with W-beam metal crash barriers at the edges of the median, For mult-ane highways already developed / being developed with raised median, It is essential to provide W-beam metal crash barrier in the median along both the carriageways. In case the two carriageways are at different levels, the median edge of the higher carriageway shall be provided with a W-Beam metal crash barrier. In case of narrow medians, 2m or less wide, as generally provided in urban areas, New Jersey type concrete crash barriers should be used along with anti-glare screen for avoidance of headlight glare, {In urban areas, all through lanes should be of normal width (3.6m) for maintaining uniform safety, except at the approaches to the junctions where the speed is expected to be very low, the lane width can be reduced to @ minimum of 3.1m as per IRC code: for a length of at least 50 m in the approach. It is desirable to keep lateral clearance along multi-ane highways of at least 1.6 m width from the edge of the carriageway without any obstacles, Wherever a permanent object cannot be removed for some reason, provision of fenders and hazard markers with reflectors must be made. Further, frangible lighting columns and sign posts need be used for minimizing the severity in case of collision, [In constrained situations where deep road side drains with depth of 1,0 m or more exist (including those along the central median), these should be covered by concrete or | steel gratings, and should be protected by W-beam metal crash barrier to prevent the | traffic from entering such deep drains, | Page 1014 3. Wherever embankment height is 3 m or more, the W-beam metal crash barrier must be provided at the edge of the formation. For green-feld projects of high speed highway/expressway, for ensuring effectiveness of recovery zone a slope of 1:4 is required to be provided, and slopes steeper than 1:4 shall be provided with W-beam metal crash barriers for safety ofthe traffic. Separation of Local Traffic For the safely of traffic operation, in all cases of mutt-iane highways, local trafic has to be separated / segregated from the through trafic plying on the mult-lane carriageway by adoption of suitably designed 7 m wide (absolute minimum 5.5 m wide) service roads with safety fence, rallings, etc. of robust and vandal proof design. To enable the trafic on the service roads to cross over to the other side of the mult-lane carriageway, suitably designed cross connections as cattle underpass, pedestrian underpass and vehicular underpass shall be provided. In cases of open area without roadside developments, where there is no provision of service roads, to protect traffic from leaving the highway, it is essential to provide an ditional width of the paved shoulder with edge marking and ribbed pavement of at least 0.25 m width. In order to ensure that service roads are always available for safe movernent of local traffic, it is necessity to provide requisite parking facilities for the local IPT and ‘commercial traffic. Also, suitably designed truck laybye or truck parking areas for highway truck traffic is @ must to avoid parking on road side, leading to the safe operation of high speed traffic on highways Pedestrian Facility In the urbanized sections, adequate pedestrian facilties are to be planned and designed as part of the multilane highway so that the pedestrians are not required to enter the main carriageway. For safety of the pedestrians, appropriately designed footpaths with robust railings shall be provided at the outer edge of the service roads with cross over facilities ike underpass or foot over bridge (FOB). All pedestrian underpasses shall have a minimum 7 m width, with a vertical clearance of 3.5m, Bus Bays In situations where passengers have to board or alight from the buses, suitably designed bus bays at desired locations shall be provided along the main carriageway, but using extra width together with approach and exit transition lanes. At such locations, the arrangement for the dispersal of the passengers have to be designed duly considering their safety, ie. in no case pedestrian should be required to enter the main carriageway for cross over or even to move along the highway. The passengers (pedestrian) should move to the footpaths provided along the service roads, and then Use the cross over facilities like FOB, underpass, etc Mluminations Stretches of the multi-ane highways in built-up areas, the underpasses and Foot Over Bridges (FOB) shall be adequately illuminated, for which appropriate design shall be adopted so that a minimum of 40 lux is achievable with 24 hour power supply, if required, supported by solar power. Page of 7 10. 1. Development of Junction ‘The crossing of a mult-tane highway by a primary road (National Highway / State Highway) shall always be through a grade separator. In case of other categories of roads (MOR / ODR and VR), access shall be provided to the muitilane highway through service roads only. In'all such cases, the cross roads shall be brought to the leval of the service roads and flared for appropriate length, and stop / yield line and centerline markings shall be provided, In addition, rumble strips! speed breaker shell also be provided on each cross road with warning sign and road markings for the same. At all entry and ext, to and from the high speed highway, the merging and diverging shall be only through suitably designed acceleration and deceleration lanes, The at-grade junction below the grade separation should be designed with proper channelisation of traffic flows and to prevent undesirable movement (like wrong-way movement). The gore area shell be marked and delineated by reflectorized hazard marker sign; and wherever appropriate, to be provided with crash cushion facility also. Signages Signages and markings have to be developed in an integrated manner and shall comply to the standards Iaid down by the Indian Roads Congress. All signs and markings shall be of retro-reflective type only. (i All-curves with R < 750 m to be delineated on outer side of the curve from both the directions (for RH curve It will be on shoulder and for LH curve it wil be on median), by chevron signs. (ii) All embankments with height 3 m or more shall have W-beam metal crash barriers with delineating reflectors fitted on them, In low embankments and flat curves, where crash barriers are not provided, these need to be delineated by 1.5 m high reflectorized delineators. (iv) One-way reflective road studs shall be provided on edge lines and lane lines on the approach to an intersection or a high level bridge/culvervROB ete with high embankment, Also, such studs shall be provided along the sharp curves. ‘Traffic Calming & Safety Management Measures Wherever multi-lane highway passes through built up areas, designs should be such ‘as to bring about a reduction in the speed to the level of 60 / 70 Kmph. To achieve this, repeated bar markings (raised bars with gradually reducing spacings) with hot- applied retro-reflective thermo-plastic, white paints shall be provided at the approaches to such built up areas. Bridges / CD Structures In the approaches to and exit from, bridges and other CD structures, W-beam metal crash barriers shall be provided in continuation of the parapet on both the carriageways for at least 20 m in addition to hazard marker signs. Miscellaneous. {At special locations like open well or pond of the village, ete. along the highway located close to the formation of the highway, W-beam metal crash barrier shall be provided for ‘appropriate length for the safety of trafic operation on the highway. Page ot 12. Road Safety Audit (RSA) Road Safety Audit (RSA) should be carried out at all stages of road development (planning, design, construction and operation) for all the highways. The highways, Which are already built as BOT or DBFO or EPC project, should be subjected to road Safely audit fo identify the safety related deficiencies, if any. RSA should identily the nature of accidents from the past data to recommend specific corrective measures. All RSA recommendations should be duly considered and implemented for the roads being planned for future as well for the existing mult-lane high speed roads to make them safer highways, Page 4ol4 SUPREME COURT COMMITTEE ON ROAD SAFETY Chairman: Justice Shri K 8. Radhakrishnan Secretary: SD B: Members: S. Sundar a one Dr. Nishi Mittal BY SPEED POST MOST IMMEDIATE F.No.05/2014/CoRS- Partull Dated: 18" August, 2015 To Chief Secretary of all States/UTs Subject: Directions to the States/UTs to implement road safety laws — reg. SirlMadam, The Committee constituted by the Supreme Court of India to monitor and measure implementation of road safety laws in the country has had detailed discussions with the concerned Central Ministries and all the States/UTs on the trend of road accidents and fatalities. The data furnished by them have clearly established that the number of fatalities in India continues to be very high, causing serious emotional trauma and economic loss to the families of the deceased and the society. The compensation awarded to the victims by the Insurance Companies also runs into hundreds of crores of rupees every year. 2. The Committee has over the last one year issued directions to the States/UTs to establish institutional arrangements to promote road safety, undertake engineering measures to make roads safe, tighten enforcement together with promoting road safety education and establishing adequate trauma care facilities, and the Committee has been closely monitoring the action being taken by the States/UTs, Even though a number of measures have been taken by the States/UTs as directed by the Committee, the Committee on the basis of detailed analysis of traffic accidents and fatalities has come to the conclusion that unless strong and urgent measures are taken to deal with over speeding, drunken driving, red light jumping, violation of helmet laws and seat belt laws, use of mobile phones while driving, and over loading, the number of accidents and fatalities will continue to remain high. ROOM NO. 249, VIGYAN BHAVAN ANNEXE, MAULANA AZAD ROAD, NEW DELHI-110011 TEL NO.011-23060597 EMAIL ; SUPREME COURT COMMITTEE ON ROAD SAFETY 2 3. The Committee is of the considered view that the States/UTs and their concerned Departments should take stern action against the violators of the law and exercise the discretion under Section 19 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 read with Rule 21 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 by passing an order disqualifying the offender from holding a driving license for a specified period and also by seeking imprisonment wherever it is provided under the law. The Supreme Court, while constituting the Committee, has also emphasised the necessity of strict and faithful enforcement of all existing laws and norms not only as an absolute principle of law as well as for the high beneficial effects thereof. 4. The Committee, therefore, directs the States/UTs and their concemed Departments to take the following action forthwith: Suspension of the licence for a period of not less than 3 months under Section 19 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 read with Rule 21 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 for: (i) Driving at a speed exceeding the specified limit which in the Committee's view would also include red light jumping; (ii) Carrying overload in goods carriages and carrying persons in goods carriages; (ii) Driving vehicles under the influence of drink and drugs; (iv) Using mobile phone while driving a vehicle 5. The Committee further directs that in case of driving a vehicle under the influence of drinks or drugs, the police should prosecute the offender and seek imprisonment as prescribed under Section 185 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 even for the first offence. 6. The Committee also directs that the helmet laws be made applicable all over the State/UT both for main riders and the pillion riders. In case where the law relating to the use of helmet is violated by either the main rider or the pillion rider, they should both be subject to Road Safety Education and Counselling for not less than 2 hours before imposition of fine as prescribed under the Act 7. Those who violate the seat belt law should also be subject to Road Safety Education and Counselling before imposition of fine as mentioned above. ROOM NO. 249, VIGYAN BHAVAN ANNEXE, MAULANA AZAD ROAD, NEW DELHI-110011 TEL NO.011-23060597 EMAIL ; SUPREME COURT COMMITTEE ON ROAD SAFETY —————— ES 3 8. The Committee further directs the States/UTs to submit Action Taken Reports at the end of every 3 months starting from 1° Sept, 2015. Yours faithfully, Muy (SD Banga) Secretary to the Committee (S.D. BANGA) Secretary Copy to Committee on Road Safety Supreme Court of india Transport Commissioner/Secretary, Transport Department of All States/UTS ne {SD Banga) Secretary to the Committee (8. D. BANGA) Secretary Committee on Road Safety ‘Supreme Court of India EW DELHI-110011 ROOM NO. 249, VIGYAN BHAVAN ANNEXE, MAULANA AZAD ROAD, ‘TEL NO.011-23060597 EMAIL ; zoadsafetysc@gmailicom Top Priority Government of India Road Safety Engg Ministry of Road Transport & Road Safety Cell (Engi No: RW/NH-15017/109/2015-P&M (RSCE) Dated: 08 October 2015 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Sanction | approval of permanent long term remedial measures for removal of identified road accident black spots on National Highways — regarding India is one of the countries having high rate of road accidents and fatalities, National Highways account for a substantial proportion of these accidents leading to huge economic losses and to irreparable loss of human lives. Therefore, it has been decided to make concerted efforts towards improvement of road safety in general and on National Highways in particular. Towards this objective it is decided that the road accident black spots identified based on fatality data collected from police records (which is circulated vide letter No RW/NH-15017/12/2015 -P&M (PL) dated 27.07.2015) would be given priority for their removal through permanent long term measures. For this purpose a separate cell by name Road Safety Cell (Engineering) has been established within W/O RT&H to deal with the matters of improvement of road safety through engineering measures on NHs. 2. For the current year 2015-16, an amount of Rs500 Crore has been earmarked under annual plan for NH (0) mainly for removal of these black spots through permanent long term measures. The accident Black spot data identified based on 2011, 2012, 2013 fatalitiescited above has been consolidated and analyzed for your convenience. The black spots to be removed have been categorized into first priority, second priority and third priority etc., based on analysis of fatality data of all states under consideration. In case priority one spots are not there in your state, priority two spots and in case priority one & two spots are not there, priority three spots and so on, may be picked up for taking up remedial measures. The list of said black spots pertaining to your State (In case black spots are identified in your state/UT) is enclosed at Annexure-I.About 25 black spots in each of the 13 states circulated earlier are also reflected in the consolidated list and have been highlighted with bigger size font for easy identification of these old black spots. Long term measures would be sanctioned on first come first serve basis depending on the receipt of complete proposal free from deficiencies. Necessary action for taking up of remedial worksin a time bound manner for removal of the accident blackspots in order of priority may be taken as below. Preliminary inspection/assessment of the black spots 3. The black spots in order of priority have to be inspected in detail by a Committee comprising CE(NH) or his representative not below the rank of SE(NH), regional Officer MORTH, EE(NH) of the concerned NH division in whose jurisdiction the black spot is falling and any other co-opted member if considered necessary by CE (NH). The Committee should primarily examine the concerned black spot and identify if there are any road related deficiencies which might have been the cause of repeated Page 1 of 3 accidents/fatalities. While Identifying the limits of the black spot stretch generally a maximum length up to 1.0 Km may be considered for assessing the road related contributing factors causing repeated accidentsifatalities at a particular black spot. Local enquiry and discussion with local police personnel may also be duly considered in identifying the reasons/remedial measures for repeated accidentsffatalities. In case any such road related issues could not be identified it should be concluded that the accidents are possibly due to reasons other than those attributable to road (like mechanical problem of vehicle, driver's fault or any other issue). In such case no further road related action is required and it should be declared so. In case road related deficiencies which might have caused accidents are identified it should be ascertained whether sufficient land is available for implementing the remedial measures or not. In case sufficient land is available for proper long term remedial measures necessary action for framing of proposals for long term remedial measures is to be taken and the proposals along with supporting documents, schedule of rates of the concerned State etc., should be forwarded through Regional Officer of M/O RT&H to CE, Road Safety Cell (Engineering) MORT&H for sanction. 4. In case the land for implementing the permanent remedial measures is not available, short term temporary measures for reducing the accident potential should be taken and action should be initiated for framing a detailed proposal also containing proposal for acquisition of required land for long term permanent remedial measures. 5. In case a particular accident Black spot does not require any longterm permanent measures but requires only short term or simple measures like signs/markings etc., it should be declared so. These measures should be proposed for immediate implementation. 6, The results of the above preliminary inspection may be brought out in the form of an inspection note of the Committee bringing out the limits of the black spot stretch, reasonsiremedial measures, date of inspection etc. Appropriate photographs of the black spot site may also be captured for appreciating requirements. The basic inferences drawn from the inspection of these Black spots in the state may be brought out in the format enclosed at Annexure- Il. After the inspection of the Committee necessary action for removal of accident black spots may be taken wherever required as per the following approach. Framing of proposals and their implementation 7. The accident black spot sites where long term permanent measures are required should be got surveyed and a base map is to be prepared giving all theroad related features, road side features, superimposing the proposed remedial measureson the base map. An estimate for executing these remedial measures should be prepared as per usual procedure adopted for NH (O) works. 8. The preparation of such proposal including survey, investigationsiestimates could be carried out by procuring the services of competent consultants or through in- house efforts of State PWDs wherever feasible. In some cases if a consultant is already deployed and is willing to take-up additional work, the same may be assigned to that consultant through appropriate change of scope within the provisions of contract avoiding extension of time or delay on account of this additional work. 9. The execution of the remedial measures after the sanction/approval may be carried out through a contract to be awarded through bidding. However, in case some Page 2 of 3 2 work is in progress on a nearby NH location, the execution of long term remedial measures may be carried out through variations, within the provisions of that contract avoiding extension of time/delay on account of these additional works, 40. _Inall the above cases of procuring consultancy services or construction services, the time should be of utmost importance and a_ strictly time bound program is to be incorporated in the supplementary contract agreementivariation order/standalone contract Further details of the terms of reference could be worked out in consultation with Regional Officer MORT&HICE, (Road Safety), M/o RT&H. The requirements for these long term measures can be met from the contingencies of ongoing projects if feasible subject to approval even if those remedial works are not falling in the project stretch. 14. In respect of black spots falling on the stretches entrusted to NHAV/NHIDCL appropriate actions may be taken by the respective organizations for implementing long term remedial measures wherever such measures are required and the action taken/progress achieved may be intimated to the undersigned for appraising the Hon'ble Supreme Court Committee on Road Safety. 42. A time schedule for carrying out the above activities is drawn and enclosed at Annexure: Ill 13, In case some of these black spots are falling on state roads immediate necessary action for removal of those black spots may be taken by the State Goverment. In view of the highest importance which road safety deserves, it is roquested that all concerned should take the actions with special attention in a strictly time bound manner. ‘Those issues with the approval of Secretary (RT&H). Enclosure: As above B+ (Ravi Prasad) Chief Engineer (Road Safety) To Chief Engineer-P-1/P-2/P-3/P-4/P-5/P-6/P-7/NER/PLIMON-VEAP/NHDP-IV Chairman, NHAI [Kind attention: Chief General Manager (Road Safety))/ Director General Border Roads/Managing Director, NHIDCL All Secretaries of PWDs, Chief Engineers of NH, Chief Engineers of project zones, Regional Officers of MORT&H, OGBR, NHAI, NHIDCL Copy for information to: PS to Hon'ble Minister (RTH & S), PS to Hon'ble Minister of State for RTH & S, PS to Secretary (RT&H), Sr. PPS to DG (RD) & SS, Chief Secretaries of Concerned States & UTS, PPS to ADG-I ADG-II, Coordinator-|, II & Ill Page 3 of 3 wy te wa wa Wag Goverment of nla Wyre ago aRaea sie cart saree pee Na nl Ministry of Road Transport & Highways eye EN attags arta 4 ata ang Raec 10001 | Transport Bhawan, 1 Parliament Street, New Delhi- 110001 No. RWINH/15017/109/2015/P&M (RSCE) Date: 28.10.2015 As iy ye OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Protocol for identification and rectification of road accident black spots on National Highways a The present Road Safety scenario on road network in general and on National Highways in particular with a high rate of accidents leaves much to be desired. Though the roads especially National Highways were expected to be developed adopting all Safety Engineering measures including design stage Road Safety Audit at the time of Preparation of DPRs and Pre-opening stage Road Safety Audit after completion of the development work, a significant number of locations even on NHs have remained prone to accidents on the road network in the country including NH network which has already been developed in one scheme or the other, due to several reasons and constraints in the development and maintenance. For improvement of such locations a ‘systematic approach is required which includes a common definition for road accident black spots on NHs and fa sequence of actions with time frame for removal of those black spots. For this purpose the following is the protocol for road accident black spots on National Highways. 2. __ Definition of Road Accident Black spot on National Highways: Road Accident Black ‘spot is a stretch of National Highway of about 500m in length in which either 5 road yw accidents (in all three years put together involving fatalities/grievous injuries) took place el) 44 during the last 3 calendar years or 10 fatalities (in all three years put together) took place ( 9)" during the last 3 calendar years Or 3. Forwarding the road accident data on NHs to Transport Research Wing (TRW) of MORTH: The accident data (keeping in view the above definition of accident black spot) [208 giving the specific location of black spot, limits of the black spot stretch (Up to a length of a about 500 m), Number of accidents involving fatalities/ grievous injuries, number of EC fatalities if any during a calendar year are to be forwarded by police authoriies/National Crime Records Bureau so as to reach TRW of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways by _ X81" March, of the subsequent calendar year( For example Road accident data of the year \)),, 2015 is to be forwarded to TRW by 31+ March 2016) Aw Y ONS“ 4. Forwarding of compiled road accident black spot data on National Miahways_b 7 TRWto Road Safety Cell(Engineering) of MORTH: Transport Research Wing of MORTH shall compile/analyse road accident data on NHS of a particular calendar year based on the above definition and furnish the black spot details along with details of accidents/ fatalities to Road Safety Cell(Engineering) of MORTH by 31% May of the subsequent calendar yea: (For example black spot data based on road accident data of the year 2015 is to be forwarded to RSCE of MORT&H by 318 May2016) Page 2 of 1 ll wa afta, na weary, age ofkaes afte corarf saree, wt arb ae oy al aff ue a va we AG OA RG are | “ghee” ‘Al communication shoul be adresse tothe Secretary tothe Goverment of Inia, Minis of Road Transport & Highways, by tite NOT by name Telegram : TRANSPORT" 5 Remedial measures for Rectification of Road accident black spots on NHS: The concemed executing agency should take necessary actions for preliminary inspection, framing of proposal and obtaining of approvalsisanctions as per the guidelines given in OM No RWINH-15017/ 109/2015 / P&M (RSCE) dated 08 10.2015 and obtain sanctions/approvals for rectfication of the accident black spots identified based on accident details of a particular Calendar year by 31" March of the next to subsequent Calendar year (For example sanctions of remacial measures for black spots based on toad accident data of the year 2015 by 31” March 2017)The execution of the remedial ‘measures including acquisition ofthe land for implementation of the road safety measures for removal of black spots should be taken up on top priority and should be completed in ‘minimum possible time commensurate with the size/ complexity of the remedial measures as per the respective contract conditions. In any case, short term measures ike installation of road signs. road markings, speed reduction measures and repair of damages causing unsafe conditions on the National Highway shall be taken up immediately and completed within 3 months of identification of the road accident biack spot. The progress of the execution of these remedial measures should be regularly (on quarterly basis) reported to Road Safety Cell (Engineering) of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, 6. Feedback on effectiveness of remedial measures taken: Concemed executing agencies who executed the remedial measures should obtain Road accident data of the locationistretch where remedial measures are executed. from concerned Police Authorities on a calendar year basis after the remedial measures are executed and should communicate to the Road Safety Cell (Engineering) by 31° March of the subsequent calendar year til 3 years after completion of remedial measures or the declaration of the remedial measures as effectve by Road Safety Cell (Engineering) whichever is later. This issues with the approval of Secretary (RT&H) PS . (Rav Prasad Chiet Engineer (Road Safety) To Chief Engineer-P-1/P-2/P-3/P-4/P-5/P-6/P-7/NERIPLIMON.l/EAP/NHOP-IV/ LWE/S8R (RUSAR (B) ‘Chairman, NHAI (Attention: Chief General Manager (Road Safety)) Director General Border Roads/Managing Director. NHIDCL, Director, |AHE Joint Secretary (Transport). Senior Advisor, Transport Research Wing Al Secretaries of PWDs, Chief Engineers of NH. Chief Engineers of project zones Regional Officers of MORT&H, OGBR, NHAl, NHIOCL Copy for information to: PS to Hon'ble Minister (RTH & S). PS to Hon'ble Minister of State for RTH & S, PS to Secretary (RT&H), Sr PPS to OG (RD) & SS. Chief Secretaries of Concerned States & UTs, PPS to ADG-1 ADG-Il, Coordinators, I & Il Page 2of2 Re Se SUPREME CouRT COMMITTEE ON ROAD SAFETY Chairman : Justice KS, Radhakrishnan Secretary :$. D. Banga. Members :8. Sundar Tel No. +91 11 23060597 Dr. Nishi Mittal Envail : BY SPEED POST MOST IMMEDIATE F.No.05/2014/CORS 5 Dated: 22"° March, 2016 To Chief Secretary of All States/UTs Subject, Sir/Madam, Kindly refer to this Committee's letters of even number dated 18" August, 2015 and 17" November, 2015 on the subject mentioned above. 1ot adequate. to,reduce. cases of Drunk Driving. The Committee desires: iving under the influence of drink or drugs, the polide 'should'if every, case prosecute the offender and seek imprisonment and levy of fine as prescribed under Section 185 of the Moto Vehicle Act, 1988 and suspension of licence under Section 20 of the MV Act 3. The Committee is also of the considered view that ‘Wrong carriage way driving’ would come under Dangerous Driving under Section 184 of the MV Act and if Gircumstances warrant, it would also fail under Section 279 of the Indian Penal Code. The police should, in every case prosecute the offendar and seek for maximum punishment as prescribed under the relevant provisions. 4. All States/UTS are requested to comply with the ebove directions of the Committee strictly. ; Yours faithfully, Huse (SD Banga) Secretary to the Committee (S.D. BANGA) ‘Secretary Sn gah vgon ee Copy to: ew baboon Secretary, Transport Department ‘Transport Commissioner of All States/UTS ROOM NO. 249 | VIGYAN BHAWAN ANNEXE | MAULANA AZAD ROAD NEW DELL INDIA [PINs 110011 Chairman Members :'S, Sundar Dr. Nishi Mitty? Sectstary SD Banga Tel No: +91 11 23060597 Erna f: roadsafetysc@gmail.con 3Y SPEED posr No. 42/CoRs/2014 Dated 16" November, 2015 F. «ue ¥ Shiet Secretary, S Government of Telangana, Ae > Hyderabad A) eh Ema: os6i lange ig me 4 Sub’ Follow up action on Read Safety Sir, The Supreme Court c: Timittee on Road Safety hag convened a meeting on 21 November, 2016 with the Government of Telangana to discuss and review the following (iv) Status of the implem=ntation ov the State Govt. of the directions issued by the Commitice vide is istter dated 8" uly, 2015: and ‘ "Road Safety Action Pig 2 cn ihe Measures taken by Your State were C'scussed by the Commities With the Staté officials in detail im the sai Tenn: AS Der discussions, the Committee requested the State Official: to take following action by 31% cember, 2015, or the date Speci’ ed: 0 Create a separate Der: for Read make 't operational by 34 March, 2916 (i) Furnish the status ard the tine black spots on National Nord State Highway ROOM NO. 249 1 ViGYAN BHAWAN ANNEXE | MIOLANA AZ1D yon: Safety as alrea 6 | NOW Dena f dy oroposed and {0 rectification of all the S: Also draw up 2 regular DIA TRIN 110014 bay Lue bh Deh 1p Comes (iv Implement strictly he direx lions issued by tre Committee on 18” August, 2015 onthe action -o be taken in Tespect o” ceitaliy Wame—— “offences y - oPences~ epee gn corere 1g" %0 the study on traffic calming 8 oussice the Hyderabad — by 30! inp wel wi) Soe eS es ana a te Es Age (2) Formulate Road Safety £tion Pran indicating yeor wise targets Pp reducing the toad accider's anc deatns along wah Mena and financial resources rac cited to ‘ehiave those targets, Yi Ug pp (i: Intimate the presert status in 1 Preposed to be adopted at locabo November, 2015... Pu Implement the Orcer of th Hon'ble Supreme Court to the effect he! privalg hospitals &"e obliged to treat road accident vege free of cost, = sof iygk Hreteste instructions to the ciname theatres to show a short firvctipping on road safely at ne beginning of the me ve, as is being done in case of use of tobacco > 4 we Ra Te ~ Bor fOu ate requested to kinsly take action as advised above and forward a Sremenensive compliance “exc to the Committes in fespect of all the directions by 31st December, 2348 or the cate specified ours faithfully, Wane (SD Banga) (S.D. BANGA) Sectetary Copy for information and necessary actin to const ty ‘Supreme Court of Incia The Joint Transport Commssoner, (Government of Telangena. Transport Bhawan, A Block, 4” Flocr, ~S Secret rit Hyderabad-600022 (Shri J Pandy Rang Naik )Emait jot it@tstve pmoat (SD Banga) (S. D. BANGA) Secretary ‘Committee on Road Safety ‘Supreme Court of india | i : 3 jj Day Li4iZ— 1 __ SUPREME COURT COMMITTES > RCAD SAFE-y wee URT COM! a Chairman: Sustice Shri ks Radhakiis" nan Members: S. Sundar eit Or. Nishi Mittal iT The Chef Secretary, — ‘ Government of Telangen: Hyderabad t 6 Email: cs@telangana.qoy Bea ” we eg eter ot Subject PRSHSSEO INS nerendseteyowe rep, cat 17) Sir/Madam,

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