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‘’My first time in a Chinese restaurant’’

Last weekend, we visited the most popular and important Chinese food restaurant in ''Ciudad
Vieja’’. We found out about the opening of this stylish restaurant from a poster that we saw in
the street, and in a few weeks, become one of the most important and exotic restaurants of the
country, crowed specially by tourist and people who wanted to know more about Asian food.
The journey was extremely difficult because there was a lot of traffic and we thought that we
wouldn’t arrived punctually to eat that delicious Chinese noodle dish.
Previously, my best friend asked me to accompany me and go together, because she loves
Chinese and Japanese food, so we thought that it would be a good idea to visit it together and
discover new tasty dishes, too. It was a very pleasant and enjoyable experience for sharing
with a partner or someone you love. When we arrived at the restaurant, we realized that it
was very formal and smart, so, after that, immediately a waiter did a reverence and started to
speak to us in Chinese.
Then, the waiter showed us to sit at a large table for two near the door. Next, we quickly looked
to the menu and choose the most recommended and traditional Chinese dishes, specially the
food that seemed to be extremely delicious and quite strange. When we started eating, one of
our fantastic and favorite dishes was known as ''Lumpia'', which we never heard about, but I
could eat this every day. However, there was one which was very disgusting; that one called:
''Chicken chop suey’’, which it’s not something I would order again, because we found the
sauce disappointing, not very enjoyable and apart of that, we couldn’t eat the rest. After a
while, we decided to try about a Chinese traditional dessert like that called ‘’yuèbǐng’’ or
‘’Moon Cake’’. We found it very delicious because it was something new. I want to say that I
loved every bite of this, a quite sweet dessert with a little bit of pasta inside. It was very exotic
for us, but we really found it all right. At the end of the meal, we paid the bill and the waiter
offered us a free Chinese food to take away, which includes a Chinese normal breakfast, dinner
and lunch. It was an unforgettable experience to know, learn more and try another type of foods.

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