Reading 45 Measures of Financial Risk

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Question #1 of 12 Question ID: 1281296

Stock A has a standard deviation of 0.5 and Stock B has a standard deviation of 0.3. Stock A

and Stock B are perfectly positively correlated. According to Markowitz portfolio theory how
much should be invested in each stock to minimize the portfolio's standard deviation?

A) 100% in Stock B.

B) 30% in Stock A and 70% in Stock B.

C) 100% in Stock A.

D) 50% in Stock A and 50% in Stock B.

Question #2 of 12 Question ID: 1281302

Given a set of risky assets, a Markowitz e cient frontier:

A) cannot be generated unless one of the assets has a beta of zero.

consists of the portfolios that provide the lowest risk for every level of expected

can be calculated from the assets’ expected returns and the correlations of returns
for each pair of assets.

D) includes all portfolios that reduce the risk level compared to holding a single asset.

Question #3 of 12 Question ID: 1281304

Which of the following is not a correct description of a coherent risk measure property?

I. Homogeneity − the size of a portfolio will impact the size of its risk.
II. Monotonicity − a portfolio with greater future returns will likely have less risk.
III. Subadditivity − the risk of a portfolio is always more than the risk of the assets within

the portfolio.
IV. Translation invariance − the risk of a portfolio is independent of the assets within the

A) II and III.
B) I and III.

C) I and II.

D) III and IV.

Question #4 of 12 Question ID: 1281303

A portfolio manager is concerned about the downside risk of his portfolios that contain

nancial products with option-like payo s. The manager has been using the delta-normal
VAR method to assess the portfolio's downside risk. Which of the following statements most

accurately describes the characteristics of the delta-normal VAR method?

I. Assumes a normal distribution.

II. Adjusts for non-normal distributions.
III. Adjusts for option-like payo s.
IV. Adjusts for fat-tail distributions.

A) II and III.

B) II, III, and IV.

C) I and II.

D) I only.

Question #5 of 12 Question ID: 1281306

Which of the following is a property of a coherent risk metric?

A) Sub-Monotonic.

B) Sub-Additive.

C) All of these.

D) Positive Heterogeneous.

Question #6 of 12 Question ID: 1281297

There are bene ts to diversi cation as long as:

A) the correlation coe cient between the assets is 1.

B) the correlation coe cient between the assets is less than 1.

C) there is perfect positive correlation between the assets.

D) there must be perfect negative correlation between the assets.

Question #7 of 12 Question ID: 1281305

Which of the following are properties of a Coherent risk metric?

A) Positive homogeneous.

B) Sub-additivity.

C) Monotonicity.

D) All of these.

Question #8 of 12 Question ID: 1281301

On a graph of risk, measured by standard deviation, and expected return, the e cient
frontier represents:

the group of portfolios that have extreme values and therefore are “e cient” in
their allocation.

B) the set of portfolios that dominate all others as to risk and return.

C) all portfolios plotted in the northeast quadrant that maximize return.

D) all portfolios plotted to the left of the graph that maximize either risk or return.

Question #9 of 12 Question ID: 1281299

An investor is evaluating the following possible portfolios. Which of the following portfolios
would least likely lie on the e cient frontier?

Expected Standard
Return Deviation

A 26% 28%
B 23% 34%

C 14% 23%
D 18% 14%

E 11% 8%
F 18% 16%

A) A, B, and C.

B) B, C, and F.

C) C, D, and E.

D) A, E, and F.

Question #10 of 12 Question ID: 1281300

Which one of the following portfolios does not lie on the e cient frontier?

Expected Standard
Return Deviation
A 7 5

B 9 12
C 11 10

D 15 15

A) C.

B) A.

C) D.

D) B.
Question #11 of 12 Question ID: 1281295

Which of the following portfolios falls below the Markowitz e cient frontier?

Expected Expected Standard

Return Deviation
A 12.1% 8.5%

B 14.2% 8.7%
C 15.1% 8.7%

D 16.2% 9.4%

A) Portfolio A.

B) Portfolio C.

C) Portfolio D.

D) Portfolio B.

Question #12 of 12 Question ID: 1281298

Adding a stock to a portfolio will reduce the risk of the portfolio if the correlation coe cient
is less than which of the following?

A) +0.50.

B) +1.00.

C) 0.00.

D) +0.30.

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