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Business communication Assignment

Name: Josephine Wutupa Mansaray

Module: Business communication
Reg: 42487

Q1. Why most organizations apply both forms of corporate communications?


The two main types of corporate communication are internal and external communications.
Internal communication is about employees, managers, executives, and board members
communicating. Some examples of internal communications are: A memo sent from
management to all employees. The reason why businesses apply both forms of corporate
communication is because, Even though internal and external comms’ activities may be
different, they both have similar goals and need to be aligned when delivering messages to
employees, customers and other stakeholders.
For a company’s success, internal and external communicators have to work together.
Organizations should always try to make them as complimentary as possible. Developing
messaging that motivates employees to meet their targets while uniformly enticing partners
and customers ensures effective communication. This is as a result of the following reasons:

1. Better strategic alignment

If external and internal comms departments don’t work together as a team, it is impossible to
achieve strategic alignment among various stakeholders.
Moreover, only 14% of employees understand their company’s strategy and directions.
When internal comms does a good job informing employees about what external
communications departments are working on, they can do a better job achieving their goals
and understanding the overall business strategy.

2. Aligning brand image from the inside out

Businesses have traditionally viewed external communication as their primary focus,
forgetting that their internal audiences are just as important.
It is imperative for brands to ensure there are no gaps between their products, customer
service and advertising efforts and the actual customer experiences.

3. Unified internal and external messaging

It is not uncommon to see that internal and external messages are not completely aligned.
For example, if the company shares conflicting information with its employees and investors,
they may have to deal with several unhappy and unmotivated stakeholders, which could lead
to bigger issues.

4. Understanding audiences
Businesses need to look at both the internal and external audiences together to have a
unified and well-set communication strategy.
For example, if a company is developing its brand message, it’s essential to create talking
points for both internal and external use. This approach helps creating messages that appeal
to the employees and motivates them to do their jobs.

5. Having everyone on the same page

External communications should ensure that IC department is aware of external campaigns
and other efforts.
Furthermore, internal comms is responsible for communicating those efforts to employees.
This is the only way for employees to be on the same page and understand the goals behind
those efforts.
In order to achieve this, it is extremely important to have all communication platforms
integrated so that information can be easily found and shared.

6. Building trust among employees and customers

Building trust in the workplace is one of the primary goals for employers across the world.
When messaging towards employees and external shareholders, such as customers, is not
unified, organizational distrust is inevitable.
Today, very few employees trust their employees, and one of the main reasons for that is
because internal and external communications are not unified.
External and internal comms departments should do a better job making sure not to deliver
contradictory messages to their audiences.
This is one of the main reasons why companies are now combining internal communication
with PR and external communications.
7. Helping employees to become brand ambassadors
Having employee advocates is extremely valuable. Brand ambassadors can help your
company get more brand awareness, generate more sales and attract more talent to your
However, this becomes a mission impossible if internal and external departments don’t work

8. Staying up-to-date with the company news and industry trends

Both internal and external communications departments have a job to communicate
effectively trends and important events happening in the industry and the company itself.
Therefore, they should be aligned about delivering the same information to employees and
Whatever you are trying to communicate to your customers, employees should be aware of it
as well.
Make sure, however, about the information overflow. Not every employee needs to know
everything. Too much irrelevant information has a negative effect on employee engagement.
For that reason, internal communications departments should consider implementing
internal communications technology that enables employees and managers to create
personalized news feeds based on interests and priorities.

9. Creating more engaging content

Employees want to know about their achievements and good results. On the other side,
external communications have a lot of insights from the company’s customers.
So why wouldn’t internal and external comms work together to create inspiring customer
These two departments can together create and deliver content that employees are
always happy to engage with.

10. Creating a sense of teamwork

Creating a sense of teamwork is one of the best ways to spread positivity in the workplace.
While internal communications have a strong impact and influence on employees, external
communications have it on current and potential customers.

Q2. List down and discuss five factors that hinder the effectiveness of external
communication especially at Fouray bay college.


1. Physical Barriers:
Physical barriers such as noisy classrooms, poor lighting, and crowded spaces can also
hinder effective communication in universities such as Fourahbay college university .
Students and lecturers may find it challenging to hear, understand each other or retain full
attention in noisy classrooms or poorly lit spaces. Universities need to provide comfortable
and conducive learning environments that facilitate effective communication.
. Technological barriers: The reliance on technology to communicate can also be a
barrier. For example, misinterpretation of an email or text message.
. Emotional barriers: Strong emotions such as anger, fear, or anxiety can interfere with
effective communication.
. Differences in communication styles: People have different communication styles, and
these differences can lead to misunderstandings and conflict.
. Factors such as shyness, lack of vocabulary, lack of interest, and mother tongue
influence can negatively affect students' speaking skills. It is important to consider
these factors when assessing and developing communication skills in different

Q3. As PR manager,how can you rebrand FBC’s corporate communication?


1.Define your why

Before you announce your rebranding or renaming, you need to have a clear and compelling
reason for doing so. You need to explain why you decided to change your name, logo, slogan,
values, or any other aspect of your brand identity. You need to show how your new brand
reflects your mission, vision, and goals, and how it aligns with your customers' needs and
expectations. You also need to address any potential concerns or questions that your
audience might have, such as how the change will affect your products, services, quality, or

2.Plan your when and how

Once you have defined your why, you need to plan your when and how. You need to choose
the best timing and channels for communicating your rebranding or renaming. You need to
consider factors such as your industry, market, season, competitors, and events. You also
need to decide which platforms and media you will use to reach your target audience, such
as your website, social media, email, blog, press release, video, podcast, or webinar. You
need to create a communication plan that outlines your objectives, messages, actions, and
metrics for each stage of your rebranding or renaming process.

3.Involve your stakeholders

One of the best ways to communicate your rebranding or renaming process is to involve your
stakeholders in the process. You need to engage your employees, customers, partners, and
other key groups in your brand story and vision. You can do this by asking for their feedback,
opinions, suggestions, or testimonials. You can also invite them to participate in surveys,
polls, contests, or events related to your new brand. By involving your stakeholders, you can
build trust, loyalty, and advocacy for your new brand.
4.Showcase your benefits
Another way to communicate your rebranding or renaming process is to showcase your
benefits. You need to highlight how your new brand will add value to your customers and
differentiate you from your competitors. You need to demonstrate how your new brand will
solve their problems, meet their needs, or fulfill their desires. You can do this by using case
studies, stories, testimonials, or reviews that illustrate your new brand's features,
advantages, and benefits. You can also use visual elements, such as images, videos, or
infographics, that showcase your new brand's personality, style, and tone.

5.Monitor and measure your results

The final way to communicate your rebranding or renaming process is to monitor and
measure your results. You need to track and analyze how your audience reacts to your new
brand, and how it affects your brand awareness, reputation, and performance. You need to
use tools and methods, such as analytics, surveys, feedback forms, or social listening, that
help you collect and evaluate data and insights. You also need to adjust and improve your
communication strategy based on your findings and feedback.

Q4. Identify and fully discuss five benefits of a good internal communication.


. Enhanced employee engagement

For your organization’s goals to be carried out, you need a motivated and engaged
workforce. Having an effective internal communication strategy is a good place to start.
Employee engagement is directly impacted by effective internal communication. As an
employee, being engaged means more than just the passive reading of company emails and
updates. It means actively joining and being part of the company, giving feedback, making
your voice heard, and being motivated enough to want to give your best. It allows people to
feel part of the company truly. For an employer, this is priceless.

. Improved teamwork and collaboration

By sharing valuable updates, teams can collaborate and generate ideas to improve
organizational performance. The right hand needs to know what the left is doing, and vice
versa. This also means the company is in a better position to joint problem solve and develop
solutions across departments, fostering a culture of trust and collaboration that advances
the organization and its employees, and with so many digital pathways now open, it’s never
been easier.

. Managing change
Whether laying employees off, restructuring or policy updates that impact day-to-day
running, change is an inevitable part of the business. Legal and regulatory requirements will
often be involved. Change must be communicated, giving the full picture, the relevant
timescales, and any next steps. Failure to abide by this could result in legal challenges and
bad press for the organization. One major benefit of internal communications is meeting
regulatory requirements while informing employees of important news.

. Managing a crisis
An organization and its departments must know what to do when planning fails. All too often,
there can be no plan at all. Or, just as bad, the plan only gets revealed after the crisis, which
can be of little to no use to the organization or the employee caught in the middle. To prevent
problems from becoming more significant, teams must have a clear process to carry out at
the right time. Crisis communication is often the most important type of internal
communication as it could represent an existential threat to a company and must be tackled
head-on. Good internal communication is the way to do this.

. Building a strong work culture

Fact: when the people who work for you feel valued, they perform better. Internal
communication shapes and reinforces a company's corporate culture, marketing, and brand;
what you do on the inside impacts the outside. The actions and attitudes of the people who
work for you directly influence your brand's perception in the eyes of your customers and
stakeholders. The people working at an organization are more likely to act as brand
ambassadors of your external comms strategy if they understand and resonate with your
core values and mission and feel part of the bigger picture.

Q5. Five strategies of solving problems of weak internal communication in a workplace of

your choice.

● Maintain an open-door policy: Although it may not be workable to umpire for an entire
day, employees need a safe place to voice frustrations. Listen, without passing
judgment or attacking their personality. The goal is to resolve the conflict before it
escalates, not to antagonize the situation. Always maintain the strictest level of
● Know your audience: Everyone does not receive information the same. We all filter
everything we hear or read through our expectations which are often based on prior
experience. One member of your team may prefer project instructions in an email while
another desires a short meeting. In either case, the challenge for management is to
maintain employee commitment and enthusiasm with consistent communication, even
during times of stress.
● Get to the point: No one appreciates the abuse of their time. Just like you, busy

people prefer the short version. Although sometimes a little more background is
necessary that is not always the case. Share the most pertinent information first, then
open the floor to questions and other potential concerns.
● Master the art of Listening: People are thinking of their response instead of listening,
which leads to them missing key information. One way to avoid that temptation is to
form the habit of repeating the highlights of the conversation to affirm your
comprehension. This technique not only improves communication, but each party
leaves the conversation feeling valued and appreciated.

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