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# Numerical type

1. The number of turns in the circular loop (radius R) carrying current i, such that net
magnetic field at the center of the loop is zero, is 𝑋/π. The long current carrying
wire is the plane of the loop and carries current 5i, located at a distance 2R from
the center of the loop. Find 2X/5.

Ans : 1.00

2. A proton (+e,m) and a lithium ion (+3e,7m), enter from the same point with same
speed V, in a uniform magnetic region with magnetic field B as shown. The
distance between the points where the charges exit is 𝑋𝑚𝑉/𝑌𝐵𝑒. Find 𝑋 − 𝑌.
Ans : 5.00

3. A conducting rod of length L = 2 m is aligned horizontally in east west direction

and released from rest. The region has uniform gravity 𝑔 = 10𝑚/𝑠 , vertically
down. Earth’s magnetic field B = 0.5 T is present in the region at a dip angle of 60 .
The potential indifference between the ends of the rod at t = 1 second is X volts.
Find X.

Ans: 5.00

4. In a gravity free region with electric field E = 10 N/C and perpendicular magnetic
field 5 T, many charged particles are projected with different velocities,
perpendicular to electric as well as magnetic field. The speed of the charged
particle that moves at constant velocity in the region is X m/s. Find X.

Ans : 2.00

5. A uniformly charged nonconducting semicircular disc with uniformly distributed

mass M, radius R and total charge Q is being rotated at angular speed w about an
axis passing its center and perpendicular to its plane. The magnetic moment of
the disc is 𝑋𝑄𝑤𝑅 /𝑌. Find 𝑌 − 𝑋.

Ans: 3.00

6. In a gravity free space a charged particle with charge 1 C and mass 1 kg is

projected from origin at speed 1m/s along the positive Y axis. The region has
electric field 𝐸 = 2𝑥𝑦 𝑖 + 𝑥 𝑗 (SI units) and magnetic field 𝐵 = 2𝑥 𝑖 + 3𝑦𝑗 (SI units).
The speed of the particle at the instant its position coordinates are (α, β, γ) is
𝐴 + 𝐵α β SI units. Find AB (product of A and B).

Ans : 2.00
# Multiple Correct

1. Mark the correct statement(s)

a. A neutral current carrying wire produces only a magnetic field.
b. The magnetic field created by neutral current carrying wire is frame independent.
c. Magnetic forces do no work.
d. Magnetic field created by a moving charged particle is frame independent.

Ans : ABC

2. For a charged particle to move at constant velocity in a region with uniform electric
and magnetic field, in absence of gravity
a. Electric field must be perpendicular to the magnetic field.
b. Electric field must be perpendicular to the velocity of the charged particle.
c. Velocity must be perpendicular to velocity of the charged particle.
d. Such a motion is not possible.

Ans: AB

3. A long current carrying wire of radius R with uniform current density j is shown with its
cross sectional view in the figure.

a. The magnetic field at a distance R/2 from its axis is µ𝑜𝑗𝑅/4.

b. The magnetic field at a distance 2R from its axis is µ𝑜𝑗𝑅/4.
c. The magnetic field increases linearly with distance as one moves from the axis
towards the surface of the wire.
d. The magnetic field at the surface of the wire is maximum.


4. A charged particle (Q,m) enters a uniform magnetic region orthogonally at speed V,

with field B into the plane of paper as shown. The width of the magnetic region is
d = mv/2BQ.

a. The time spent by charged particle in magnetic region is T/6 ( 𝑇 = 2π𝑚/𝐵𝑄).

b. The time spent by charged particle in magnetic region is T/12 (𝑇 = 2π𝑚/𝐵𝑄).
c. The magnitude of average acceleration of the charged particle between entry and
6𝐵𝑄𝑉 2− 3
exit points is 𝑎 = π𝑚
d. The magnitude of average acceleration of the charged particle between entry and
3𝐵𝑄𝑉 2− 3
exit point is 𝑎 = π𝑚

Ans : BC

5. Mark the correct statement(s)

a. The angle of dip in the Earth’s southern hemisphere is negative.
b. A dip circle is placed in a vertical plane at a 60 with the magnetic meridian. If the
𝑜 −1
actual dip at the place is 45 , the apparent dip of dip circle is 𝑡𝑎𝑛 (2).
c. Superconductors show perfect diamagnetism and can be used for magnetic
d. Soft iron core has higher coercivity than hardened steel which makes it ideal to
make permanent magnets.

Ans: ABC

6. In a planar arrangement of wires as shown, infinitely long wire PA brings current i

from infinity to point A. The resistivity (d) and cross sectional area (A) of sides AB, BC
and CA of the equilateral triangle of side length L is given as (d,A), (2d,A) and (d,A/2)
respectively. Wire CQ takes current back to infinity (O is the centroid of the triangle, PA
and CQ is very long).

a. The magnetic field at O due to wire PA is zero.

b. The magnetic field due to the equilateral triangle at O is zero.
c. The net magnetic field at O due to the equilateral triangle is 3µ 𝑖/5π𝐿

d. The magnetic field at O due to wire CQ is µ 𝑖(2 3 − 3)/4π𝐿


Ans : ACD

# Numerical value type (Paragraph)

Para 01

Consider a solenoid of length 8m and radius 3 m having 1000 turns carrying constant
current of 1000/π A (𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 73 = 8. 5, winding shown in the diagram is only for
representation and not to scale).
1. The magnetic field at the midpoint (P) of solenoid, on its axis, inside it is X T. Find
2. The magnetic field at a point (Q) on the axis of the solenoid at its edge is Y T. Find

Ans: 1. (0.04) 2. (0.04 or 0.05)

Para 02

A square current carrying loop of side length L = 1 m and carrying current i= 1 A is

placed in the plane of paper as shown. A uniform magnetic field B = 1 T exists in the
region parallel to the plane of the loop in space as shown. Mass of each side of the loop
is m = 1 kg and gravity is neglected.
1. The initial angular acceleration of the loop is X 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠 , find X.
2. The maximum angular speed of the loop during subsequent motion is Y rad/s, find

Ans : 1- (1.5) 2- (1.73 or 1.74)

Para 03

∫ 𝐵. 𝑑𝑙 is defined as the line integral of the magnetic field along the path length. As per

Ampere’s law, the line integral of magnetic field along a closed loop is given as

∮ 𝐵. 𝑑𝑙 = µ𝑜𝐼, where I is the current crossing the area bounded by the loop.

1. A current carrying finite wire of length 6L is symmetrically placed along the axis

of a circular loop of radius 4L. The value of ∮ 𝐵. 𝑑𝑙 of magnetic field due to the wire

along the entire length of the loop is 𝑋µ𝑜𝑖 . Find X.

Ans: ( 0.6)
2. The value of ∫ 𝐵. 𝑑𝑙 on an infinitely long straight line from Q to P (one end to
another, infinitely apart), due an infinitely long current carrying wire, carrying
current i into the plane of the paper as shown is 𝑋µ
𝑖. Find X (the wire is very
close to the line PQ, as compared to the length PQ).

Ans: 0.5

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