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VMPC2000XL Documentation

Release 0.5.8

Izmar Verhage

May 05, 2024

Table of Contents

List of Figures iii

1 Introduction 3
1.1 Open Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Behavioral emulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Install 5
2.1 Install ZYpp packages (openSUSE, Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Manual installation (Ubuntu 20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Building from source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 Install using the installers (macOS/Windows) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.6 Uninstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.7 File Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Getting Started 11
3.1 Starting VMPC2000XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Audio/MIDI configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Loading the TEST1 sounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 Controls 15
4.1 Keyboard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2 Mouse & touchscreen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3 MIDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.4 Import files and folders (iPadOS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.5 Export/share files and folders (iPadOS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.6 Manage Recordings (iPadOS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5 VMPC2000XL Specific Settings & Functionality 23

5.1 Normalize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.2 Direct-to-disk recording a.k.a. bouncing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.3 The SETNGS tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.4 Configuring the keyboard in the KEYBRD tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.5 Configuring auto-save in the AUTSAV tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.6 Configuring (USB) disk devices in the DISKS tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.7 MIDI control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.8 Auxiliary LCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.9 Custom Skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Index 33

List of Figures

Figure 4.1: The “Reset window size” button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Figure 4.2: The “Configure computer keyboard” button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Figure 4.3: The “Import” button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Figure 4.4: The document browser after tapping “Select” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Figure 4.5: The “Export” button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Figure 4.6: The options after tapping the “Export” button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Figure 4.7: The “Recording Manager” button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Figure 4.8: The Recording Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

VMPC2000XL is an emulator of the Akai MPC2000XL sampling sequencer intended for vintage studio
equipment enthousiasts.
VMPC2000XL comes in standalone desktop application and DAW plugin formats for Linux, macOS,
iPadOS and Windows. The recommended mode of use is like how the original MPC2000XL was
intended – as the centerpiece of your project. This workflow can be achieved most easily when using
the standalone desktop variety of VMPC2000XL.
It is highly suitable for those who want to experience what it was like to create beats before modern
music production software became ubiquitous, whether for nostalgia or for actually creating beats for
further processing in a modern DAW.
It is not meant as an alternative to modern equipment with MPC-style pads. Such devices offer
a much higher degree of efficiency, intuitiveness and possibilities.
VMPC2000XL is completely free and open source. Though nothing is currently documented about it,
contributions are highly welcome! Contact Izmar if you are interested. Contributions are welcomed in
the form of code, graphics, website maintenance, documentation, forum moderation and more.

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

2 Chapter .
Chapter 1


VMPC2000XL is an emulator of the Akai MPC2000XL sampling sequencer. It is free and open source,
and it works on the most popular platforms: Linux, macOS, iOS and Windows. For all four platforms
there is a standalone application version. For Linux there are LV2 and VST3 plugins, for MacOS there
are AU and VST3 plugins, for iPadOS there is an AUv3 version, and for Windows there’s a VST3
plugin variety. Experimental LV2 support for macOS and Windows is on its way.
Conceived by Izmar, VMPC2000XL started early 2014 as a vehicle for learning how to program.
The first iterations were written in Java. The fact that Java has a garbage collector, however, doesn’t
make it very suitable for low-latency, glitch-free, realtime audio applications. Almost no professional
audio software is written in garbage-collecting languages for this reason, and the same goes for
domains like realtime video and high-frequency trading.
For that reason in 2016 an effort to port VMPC2000XL to C++ was initiated. The first ports were based
on WDL OL and a bit later the VST2 SDK. Ultimately the project settled on JUCE, mainly for its ability
to target all popular platforms and plugin formats.

1.1 Open Source

VMPC2000XL is Free and Open Source, with a GPL3 license. Check out the source code and issue
tracking (for questions and support, reporting bugs and requesting features and improvements) at and

1.2 Behavioral emulator

VMPC2000XL is a behavorial rather than a hardware emulator.
Good examples of hardware emulators are the many game console and arcade machine emulators
available today. These model the CPU and other relevant circuitry of consoles and arcade machines,
resulting in a virtual machine. This virtual machine allows you to run any unmodified copy of a game
ROM, cartridge or CD that would run on the original hardware.
The same can be done for the early MPCs. A crude implementation of the MPC3000 is being worked
on in MAME.
VMPC2000XL, however, models the behavior of the MPC2000XL as a whole, rather than its parts that
make it a computer: the CPU, memory, BIOS and so on. The source code of VMPC2000XL knows
nothing about the microprocessors, DACs and other hardware that resides inside the MPC2000XL.
Contrary to the MAME implementation of the MPC3000, VMPC2000XL is not, and does not aim to be,
capable of running the original MPC OS.
In this approach we essentially care more about what can be done, rather than how it is done. The idea
is that at the cosmetic and functional levels the emulator is similar enough to substitute the original in
certain conditions.

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

More than a hundred LCD screens have been reproduced, in most cases with pixel-precision. Their
functionalities have been reverse engineered and implemented from scratch. VMPC2000XL is
congruent with the main functional specifications of the original:
• 64-track sequencer
• 99 sequences in memory at once
• 32 simultaneous playback voices
• digital sampling of sound
• MIDI in/out

Very little functionality has been altered or added, so in most cases to know something about
VMPC2000XL equals knowing something about the MPC2000XL.
Additionally the MPC2000XL’s native file formats have been reverse engineered, allowing exchange of
SND, PGM, APS, MPC2000XL MID and ALL files. If you have a real MPC2000XL, you can load and
modify its projects in VMPC2000XL and vice versa. This functionality can be combined with
VMPC2000XL’s Section 5.2 to solve the common problem of multi-tracking or “tracking out” to
a DAW – a common operation when working toward a final mixdown of a hiphop beat. Instead of
hooking up your hardware MPC2000XL to an audio interface, you can now load your projects into
VMPC2000XL and bounce them to up to 5 individual stereo WAV files in a matter of seconds.

1.3 Stability
At the time of writing, the latest version of VMPC2000XL is 0.5.0. A huge amount of effort for this
release has gone into ironing out bugs and making behaviour more like the original. Moreover, all
causes of crashes that I’m aware of have been addressed.

4 Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2


VMPC2000XL can be installed in Linux, macOS, iPadOS and Windows.

The recommended way to use VMPC2000XL is in standalone mode. The original is a complex piece of
equipment with a 200 page manual. Roger Linn poured a tremendous amount of interconnecting
functionality in the MPC2000XL’s ancestors, the MPC60 and the MPC3000. A modern computer, let
alone a full-on DAW, offers a lot of distraction from all this.
On the other hand, the usefulness of a DAW can’t be denied – it’s great to load up an instrumental
made on a real 2000XL and run it through your favorite software effects, via 10 individual mono
outputs if you wish. You can also let VMPC2000XL control your software instruments via MIDI. Or
maybe you want to add some of the MPC workflow to your projects just for parts of the beat.
By releasing VMPC2000XL in standalone, LV2, AU, AUv3 and VST3 formats it’s completely up to you
where and how you run it.

2.1 Install ZYpp packages (openSUSE, Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora)

Please follow the instructions below for
• standalone (openSUSE, Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora)
• LV2 (Fedora, openSUSE)
• VST3 (Fedora, openSUSE)

There are binaries available for x86_64, and for Tumbleweed aarch64 as well. There are also some
Fedora binaries.
The VMPC2000XL standalone executable will be installed in /usr/bin.
On 64 bit systems the LV2 will be installed in /usr/lib64/lv2, and the VST3 in
On 32 bit systems the LV2 will be installed in /usr/lib/lv2, and the VST3 in /usr/lib/vst3.

2.2 Manual installation (Ubuntu 20)

Note For Linux packager people: As per version 0.5.0, VMPC2000XL’s Linux build process fully relies
on CMake, and portable source packages suitable for offline builds can be generated with ease.

Some effort was put into making VMPC2000XL more attractive for the Linux community, for example
by following the XDG Base Directory Specification. Various self-contained standalone and LV2
Ubuntu builds are provided. Building from source should be straight-forward via the vmpc-juce repo.
Suggestions, or even better, contributions, to improve the Linux side of VMPC2000XL are welcome.

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

For now the recommended process for Ubuntu 20 is as follows:

• Visit
• Download the binary you need, place it where you should and run it
• Optionally download the demo beats and save them into

As per the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, the recommended location to store the portable
VMPC2000XL executable is in /usr/local/bin.
As per the LV2 docs, the recommended location to store VMPC2000XL.lv2 is one of these:
• ~/.lv2/
• /usr/local/lib/lv2/
• /user/lib/lv2/

As per the VST3 docs

the recommended location to store VMPC2000XL.vst3 is in one of these:
• ~/.vst3/
• /usr/local/lib/vst3/
• /user/lib/vst3/

The standalone is built with JACK support, which is the recommended driver type to use for getting
the lowest latency. Alternatively use ALSA. PulseAudio also works, but it is the option with
the highest latency.
Builds for other distributions can be requested, or made by yourself.

2.3 Building from source

You should be able to build VMPC2000XL on many platforms, for example most Linux distributions.
If you wish to build VMPC2000XL from source, please follow the instructions here.
Additionally the project has been set up in such a way that alternative front-ends can be implemented.
Start exploring the source code of the JUCE implementation, which, in this context, serves as a refer-
ence implementation.
The main idea for an alternative front-end is to do what vmpc juce is doing, i.e. exchange audio i/o
with, and direct controller input into, mpc, and present the state of this library’s core entity, Mpc, and
its children, to the user. This presentation can be for example an ASCII display, a hardware LCD or
a vector GUI, and the controller input can come from a dedicated MPC-like board. A somewhat func-
tional VR concept was implemented in Unreal.

2.4 Install using the installers (macOS/Windows)

• Visit
• Download the installer you need and run it
• Follow the installer’s instructions

The installers allows you to select which formats (standalone, VST3 and AU) to install. After installa-
tion you can move plugins from their default directories (see below) to anywhere you like.

6 Chapter 2. Install
VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

2.4.1 macOS
The macOS installer deploys Universal 2 binaries of VMPC2000XL standalone, VST3 and AU. When
you install the standalone variety, the AUv3 comes with it – it is embedded in the application. You
need to run the standalone application at least once before AUv3 hosts pick up on it. The other
plugins are installed in /Users/you/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins.

2.4.2 Windows
The Windows installer deploys 64 bit binaries on 64 bit systems, and 32 bit binaries on 32 bit systems,
in standalone and VST3 formats. The VST3 is installed into C:\Program Files\Common
Files\VST3 on 64 bit systems, C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3 on 32 bit

Important note for Windows users

If you experience missing DLL errors when attempting to run VMPC2000XL after a successful instal-
lation procedure, you are probably missing a Microsoft update which you can grab from here: http-

2.5 Update
If you have installed VMPC2000XL before, the installer may offer various options to migrate your
previous configuration and user data. Please run the installer to see what applies to your system.
It is recommended to regularly backup your data, especially right before updating VMPC2000XL.
Moreover, the update process may not always succeed in cleaning up the old application files. Please
refer to the Uninstall section below if you come across any files you’d like to delete, or simply want to
clean up what can be.

2.6 Uninstall

2.6.1 Linux
See Section 2.2 for the likely locations where you can rm any VMPC2000XL binaries.

2.6.2 macOS
Remove /Applications/
Plugins can be removed from /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins.

Note If you are an existing user and the last time you tried VMPC2000XL was a while ago, you might
have a, which should also be removed.

2.6.3 iPadOS
Tap and hold the VMPC2000XL icon in your Home Screen and tap “Remove App”.

2.6.4 Windows
Run the VMPC2000XL uninstaller you have in Add/Remove Programs.
Assuming you have installed VMPC2000XL into its default location, you can manually delete

2.5. Update 7
VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

C:\Program Files\VMPC2000XL afterwards. On 32 bit systems, and some v0.2 and older installa-
tions on 64 bit systems, you can delete C:\Program Files (x86)\VMPC2000XL.
VST3 plugins can be removed from C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3, C:\Program
Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3 or any other locations where you store plugins.

Note If you are an existing user and the last time you tried VMPC2000XL was a while ago, you might
have a vMPC directory in your Program Files/Program Files (x86), which can also be

2.6.5 Cleanup
For a full cleanup including demo beats, configuration files and user data (your sounds, sequences,
etc.), refer to the Section 2.7 section below and delete from those what you wish.

2.7 File Locations

For locations of the executable and plugin binaries, refer to the Section 2.6 section above. The discus-
sion below is restricted to all other files that are installed and generated by VMPC2000XL. Each of
the files mentioned here are safe to delete, and VMPC2000XL will regenerate sane defaults.
There are two categories of files:
• Everything you create: VMPC2000XL/Volumes/MPC2000XL
• Direct-to-disk recordings: VMPC2000XL/Recordings
• Log file: VMPC2000XL/vmpc.log
• MIDI control presets: VMPC2000XL/MidiControlPresets
• Auto-save data: VMPC2000XL/AutoSave

Configuration files
• Keyboard mapping: config/keys.txt (only present when you have changed
the default mapping)
• NVRAM data (main screen user defaults): config/nvram.vmp
• VMPC2000XL-specific: config/vmpc-specific.ini
• Audio/MIDI configuration: VMPC2000XL.settings
• USB volumes: volumes.json

Demo beats are bundled into the executables and plugins. When you start VMPC2000XL, a check is
performed to see if a DEMOS directory exists in your user data directory. If not, a fresh copy of
the original demo data will be placed in VMPC2000XL/Volumes/MPC2000XL/DEMOS.
Resources that are absolutely required by the application, such as LCD background images and
the metronome click PCM WAV data, are also bundled into the executables and plugins, making
VMPC2000XL fully portable and self-contained. Hence you will not find such files anywhere in your

2.7.1 Linux
Documents ~/Documents/VMPC2000XL

8 Chapter 2. Install
VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

Configuration files ~/.config/VMPC2000XL/config and ~/.config/VMPC2000XL.settings

2.7.2 macOS
Documents /Users/you/Documents/VMPC2000XL
Configuration files /Users/you/Library/Application Support/VMPC2000XL/config and
/Users/you/Library/Application Support/VMPC2000XL.settings

2.7.3 iPadOS
Documents standalone and AUv3 App group sandbox. The exact location is undisclosed (by iPadOS)
and the only way to access these is via VMPC2000XL itself. You can share documents (via AirDrop or
to save them to Files) via the Section 4.5. You can listen to, and remove, your direct-to-disk recordings
via the Section 4.6.
Configuration files App group sandbox.

2.7.4 Windows
Documents C:\Users\you\Documents\VMPC2000XL
Configuration files C:\Users\you\AppData\Roaming\VMPC2000XL\config and

2.7. File Locations 9

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10 Chapter 2. Install
Chapter 3

Getting Started

3.1 Starting VMPC2000XL

3.1.1 Standalone

If you have followed the recommendations of the Section 2.2 section, your standalone application is in
By default this path is in your PATH environment variable, so you can run VMPC2000XL from
anywhere in the terminal by typing VMPC2000XL and pressing enter.
If you want to detach the process from the terminal completely, so you can use it for something else or
close it, run VMPC2000XL &; disown.

Navigate to Applications in Finder, locate VMPC2000XL and double-click it. Alternatively use
Spotlight and start typing “VMPC2000XL”. Pretty soon the application shows up and you can press
Enter to start it.

After installing VMPC2000XL, tap the VMPC2000XL icon in your Home Screen to start it.

Open the Start Menu and start typing “VMPC2000XL”. Pretty soon the application shows up and you
can press Enter to start it.

3.1.2 Plugin (all platforms except iPadOS)

If your DAW or plugin host is compatible with the format of VMPC2000XL that you installed (LV2,
VST3, AU or AUv3), it should detect VMPC2000XL as a software instrument with 10x mono audio
out, 2x mono audio in and MIDI in/out.
Please refer to your DAW’s manual if you are not familiar with adding software instruments to your
For more information on capabilities within each plugin and DAW combination, consult the plugin
compatibility matrix.

Note For the AUv3 to be detectable by the host, you need to have run the standalone version first.

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

3.1.3 Plugin (iPadOS)

On iPadOS, VMPC2000XL comes as an AUv3 plugin. Most of the testing has been done in AUM, but
in theory the AUv3 should work in other hosts too.

3.2 Audio/MIDI configuration

3.2.1 Standalone
When you start VMPC2000XL for the first time, it is highly recommended that you configure your
audio and MIDI devices. Click on the gear icon in the top-right.
Audio output/input

VMPC2000XL can function fine on audio output only, but this is also the absolute minimum you will
need to configure correctly. Audio input and MIDI in/out can be configured to your liking.
Note that for audio out to work well, an audio device needs to be selected, as well as which output
channels of this device you want to activate. If your device supports more than 2 mono outputs,
VMPC2000XL can make use of them. Up to 10 mono outputs can be used simultaneously, congruent
with an MPC2000XL that has the M208P 8 output expansion board.
Up to 2 mono inputs can be activated. A single mono input, such as the internal microphone of
a MacBook, also works (though VMPC2000XL will treat this single input as a left channel and dupli-
cate it to the right channel).

Note On iPadOS, VMPC2000XL does not allow recording from Bluetooth devices, because this would
result in 16KHz playback rates. This playback rate is beyond the control of the application and
the user. When you connect for example a pair of Bluetooth headphones that have a built-in mic, this
built-in mic will be ignored, and VMPC2000XL will keep using the iPad’s internal mic for recording
new sounds, while playback will keep going over the Bluetooth headphones.

Sample rate

The sample rate is generally best left at 44.1KHz or 48KHz, but you can run VMPC2000XL at any
sampling rate that suits your needs.
Audio buffer size

Keep the buffer size as low as possible. You generally want to keep the buffer size at 512 samples or
below. The bigger the buffer size, the bigger the latency, meaning a bigger delay between triggering
a pad and hearing its sound. On the other hand, if the buffer is too small, your audio will sound
glitchy or garbled.
Below is an overview of the smallest buffer sizes that still work well on most modern systems:
• Windows Audio: 192
• Windows ASIO: 128
• macOS CoreAudio: 64
• Linux JACK: 128

Note These are very rough approximations. Depending on what other software you are running and
various system configurations, you may need a larger buffer, or maybe you can go lower than
the suggested buffer sizes without audio artifacts.
If you are on Windows or Linux and you are picky about your latencies (fully understandable when
you’re recording MIDI), it is highly recommended to explore all your options until you find the best

12 Chapter 3. Getting Started

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8


3.2.2 Plugin
When you open VMPC2000XL as a plugin in your DAW or plugin host, there are no audio/MIDI
settings that can be configured in VMPC2000XL. It is your DAW/host that determines the buffer size
and sampling rate. If you notice a big delay between triggering a pad and hearing the sound, please
refer to the documentation of your DAW/host to find out how to change the buffer size.
For some suggested buffer size settings, see Audio buffer size.

Note If the PLAY LED lights up but Now:001.01.00 does not start counting, or if it starts counting
but you don’t hear the metronome, verify your Section 3.2 settings.

3.3 Loading the TEST1 sounds

When you start VMPC2000XL for the first time, there are no sounds in memory. Let’s load some
sounds and assign them to a pad. In this section we will discuss two ways to achieve this:
1. Via the LOAD screen
2. Drag-and-drop a WAV or SND file onto a pad

Another way to load sounds is by loading a PGM or APS file. After having learned how to load indi-
vidual WAV or SND files in the section you are reading, it’s fairly simple to figure out how to load PGM
and APS files. Please refer to the MPC2000XL manual (p164-167) to see the details of this process.

3.3.1 LOAD screen

To open the LOAD screen:
• Make sure the sequencer is not playing
• Press Shift and 3 simultaneously to open the LOAD screen
• Press the ↓ key to navigate to the File: field
• Press the - and + keys, or drag the DATA wheel with the mouse, to change File: to TEST1

• Press F6 to enter the TEST1 directory

• Turn the DATA wheel to change File: to KICK1 .SND

• Press F5 to play a preview of the sound

3.3. Loading the TEST1 sounds 13

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

• Press F6 to open the Load a Sound screen

• Click on pad 1 or press z to change the Assign to note: to 35/A01

• Press F5 to confirm

Now when you click pad 1 or press z you should hear a kick drum.
Go through the same process for the HAT1 and SNARE4 sounds from the same directory and you have
assembled a basic kit.

3.3.2 Drag-and-drop
From your Operating System’s file manager (Nautilus, Finder, File Explorer, etc.) drag one SND or
WAV file onto a pad. This sound is now loaded into VMPC2000XL’s memory, and assigned to the pad
in your active program.

14 Chapter 3. Getting Started

Chapter 4


There are 3 ways to control VMPC2000XL:

• Keyboard
• Mouse/touchscreen

It is strongly recommended to get familiar with Section 4.1.1 rather than relying on the mouse.
The more keyboard shortcuts you use, likely the greater the sense of immersion.
The other buttons are also mapped to keyboard shortcuts, but you can pick these up as you go.

Note The degree of MIDI controllability is the same as on the real MPC2000XL, i.e. not every button
can be mapped to a MIDI control change parameter, and there’s a limit to 4 mappings at a given

4.1 Keyboard
For most controls you can display a tooltip that shows you which key on the keyboard is associated
with it. In the case of the DATA wheel it’s 2 keys – one for clockwise and one for anti-clockwise. To
display a control’s keyboard shortcut in a tooltip hover over the control while holding one of
the modifier keys on your keyboard (Shift, Control, Alt/Option, Command):

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

Below are the default keyboard shortcuts for most of the UI components.
Some letter keys are written in uppercase for disambiguation. For example, Record is mapped to
the letter L and is written in uppercase to clarify it is not letter i or number 1, so there is no need to
press Shift here.
In the same vein some special characters are clarified by appending their name in parentheses, for
example ; (semicolon).

Note The default keyboard mapping is geared towards US keyboard layout, but it’s fully configurable.
See Section 5.4 for instructions.

4.1.1 Basic operations

Operation Key(s)
Up/Down/Left/Right Up/Down/Left/Right
Data wheel up/down +/-
Numeric keypad 0…9
Shift Left shift
Record L
Overdub ; (semicolon)
Stop ‘ (quote)
Play Space
Play start \ (backslash)

16 Chapter 4. Controls
VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

F1 … F6 F1 … F6
Main screen Escape
Open window i

Hold 1 modifier (Ctrl, Alt or Shift) to increase DATA wheel by 10. Hold 2 to increase it by 100. Hold 3
to increase it by 1000. Note that increment modifiers in the TRIM, LOOP and ZONE screens are rela-
tive to the sound length: the bigger the sound length, the bigger the jumps.

4.1.2 Pads
g h j k
b n m ,
a s d f
z x c v

4.1.3 Advanced operations

Operation Key(s)
Bank A Home
Bank B End
Bank C Insert
Bank D Delete
Previous step/event q
Next step/event w
Locate/Go to e
Previous bar/Start r
Next bar/End t
Tap tempo/Note repeat y
Erase F8
Full level o
16 levels p
Next seq [
Track mute ]
After/Assign F9
Undo seq F10

4.1.4 VMPC-specific operations

Operation Key(s)
Direct-to-disk recorder Shift + Play start (defaults to L)

4.2 Mouse & touchscreen

4.2.1 Pads
The pads can be hit by by clicking them with the mouse, or, if you have a touchscreen, by touching
them. The further away from the center of the pad, the lower the velocity. When a pad is hit, it will
light up blue.

4.2. Mouse & touchscreen 17

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

4.2.2 Buttons
All buttons can be pressed by clicking them with the mouse, or, if you have a touchscreen, by
touching them.

4.2.3 Data wheel

The data wheel can be turned by dragging or scrolling. Precise, single-step changes can be performed
by holding any of the modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt/Option) while dragging.
On iPadOS you can drag the data wheel with one finger for precise, single-step changes, or with 2
fingers for large increments.

4.2.4 Slider/Rec gain/Main volume

These controls can be operated by dragging or scrolling.
Note that, like on the original MPC2000XL, you can use the slider to change many of the values in
the TRIM, LOOP and ZONE screens, by holding SHIFT while moving the slider.

Note If your mouse or touchpad emits momentum/inertia events, VMPC2000XL will process these
accordingly. The data wheel, slider, rec gain and main volume controls will come to a gradual stop.

4.2.5 Resize and Reset window size

The first time you run VMPC2000XL it opens in its minimum window size, which is 649 x 497 plus
the border that your operating system or DAW adds to it. This should fit on most computer screens.
Then you have the option to resize it up to two times that resolution, making 1298 x 994. Resizing is
done by dragging the bottom right corner of the window.
To reset the window size back to its minimum size, click the “Reset window size” button in
the top-right.

Figure 4.1. The “Reset window size” button

4.2.6 Configure computer keyboard

Click the “Configure computer keyboard” icon in the top-right to go to the KEYBRD tab. See Section
5.4 for instructions.

Figure 4.2. The “Configure computer keyboard” button

Hover over the button to show an overlay with all current keyboard mappings. Every keyboard-con-
trollable component of VMPC2000XL’s UI will temporarily show a glowing square with a description
of the key that is mapped to it.

18 Chapter 4. Controls
VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

4.3 MIDI
Read more about MIDI control in the Section 5.3.4 and Section 5.7 sections.

4.4 Import files and folders (iPadOS)

Importing files and folders is the process of copying files from arbitrary locations on your iPad onto
VMPC2000XL’s default virtual disk volume.

Figure 4.3. The “Import” button

After tapping the “Import” button, a document browser opens. Tap a file or folder to import it. Alter-
natively tap “Select” to perform a multi-selection:

Figure 4.4. The document browser after tapping “Select”

Importing files from iCloud is fully supported. Google Drive (and possibly other 3rd party cloud
service providers) currently does not support importing folders.
After tapping a single file or folder, or after making a multi-selection and tapping “Open”, you might
see some quick graphics flashing. These are progress indicators. After each file is processed, you are
back in VMPC2000XL.
When a file or folder already exists, you will be asked if you want to overwrite the existing file. You
can also choose to overwrite none or all of the existing files of your selection.

4.3. MIDI 19
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The files and folders that you import are copied into the current directory as per your LOAD, SAVE
and Directory screens. To check what your current directory is, press Shift + 3 to go to the LOAD
screen, and your current directory is mentioned in the top-right of the LCD.

4.5 Export/share files and folders (iPadOS)

Exporting files and folders is the process of exposing files that are only accessible via VMPC2000XL.
This includes any beats you made, sounds and other files in the virtual MPC2000XL volume, and
direct-to-disk recordings.

Figure 4.5. The “Export” button

After tapping the “Export” button, you are presented with the below options:

Figure 4.6. The options after tapping the “Export” button

After tapping any of the options, you are greeted with the usual options when sharing things on your
iPad, for example:

20 Chapter 4. Controls
VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

4.5.1 Share APS, SNDs and ALL of current project

With this option you can export/share the complete state of VMPC2000XL, including all programs,
sounds and sequences that are currently in memory.

4.5.2 Share selected file/directory

This option will show up as “Share selected file” or “Share selected directory”, depending on what is
currently selected in the LOAD screen (Shift + 3). The name of the file/directory you’re about to share
is shown in the option. If you’re sharing a directory, it will be shared as a ZIP archive.

4.5.3 Share Direct to Disk Recordings

Any bounces/direct-to-disk recordings you have made via Section 5.2 can be shared via this option.
Tapping this option will show you a list of your recordings:

Tap any of the recordings to export/share it as a ZIP archive.

4.6 Manage Recordings (iPadOS)

Since the direct-to-disk recordings are not visible in the LOAD, SAVE and Directory screens, we need
some other way to remove them when we don’t need them anymore. That’s what the Recording
Manager is for.

Figure 4.7. The “Recording Manager” button

After tapping the “Recording Manager” button, you are presented with the following view:

4.6. Manage Recordings (iPadOS) 21

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

Figure 4.8. The Recording Manager

You can listen back to a recording by pressing the play button, and delete it by pressing the trashcan

22 Chapter 4. Controls
Chapter 5

VMPC2000XL Specific Settings & Functionality

In this section we will discuss settings and functionality that can’t be found on the real MPC2000XL.

5.1 Normalize
Sometimes you want to boost the volume of soft (portions of) sounds.
When you’re in the TRIM, LOOP or ZONE screen, you can normalize the selection to 100% by following
these steps:
1. Press F5 to open the Edit window
3. Press F5 to normalize

5.2 Direct-to-disk recording a.k.a. bouncing

Warning This feature is currently experimental. Some options like JAM and Split L/R don’t
work yet. The recordings are always stored in the same directory, overwriting any previous ones.
Additionally there will always be a set of 5 stereo recordings: L-R.WAV and 1-2.WAV …
7-8.WAV, even if one of these outputs is 100% silent.

VMPC2000XL allows various ways to record your beats and other projects directly to disk as WAV
files. Often this is referred to as bouncing or rendering. This way you can take your VMPC2000XL
creations to a DAW or sample editor for further processing.
You might for example want to master your instrumental beats by processing them with EQs,
compressors and so on before sending them to someone who will add a vocal track on top. Or maybe
you like to make drum tracks with VMPC2000XL, but you want to add synths and other layers in
a DAW.
Press Shift + <PLAY START> to access the Direct-to-Disk Recorder screen. On a default US
keyboard mapping the exact keyboard shortcut is Shift + \. You can also press and hold Shift on
your computer keyboard and click the PLAY START button with the mouse.
The Direct-to-Disk Recorder screen looks like this:

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

In the Record: field you can select what to record: a SEQUENCE, a LOOP (i.e. a part of a sequence as
selected in the Loop window that is accessed via the MAIN screen), a CUSTOM RANGE or a SONG.
Different settings appear depending on what you have selected, to further configure what to record.
In the Offline: field select YES to enable silent, non-realtime rendering. This allows you to record
even a few minutes worth of material in a matter of seconds, depending on the performance of your
When recording has finished the following screen appears:

In the specified directory there will always be a set of 5 stereo recordings: L-R.WAV and 1-2.WAV …
7-8.WAV, even if one of these output pairs is 100% silent. Each recording reflects the output of
a given stereo output of VMPC2000XL. If a particular pad is routed only to ASSIGNABLE MIX OUT
1/2 in the MIXER screen, this is respected while recording directly to disk. This allows you to create
up to 5 different stereo parts or stems that can be mixed and mastered in a DAW.
Like the Recording Finished prompt indicates, always move potentially valuable recordings out
of the Recordings directory! At the moment VMPC2000XL is not very smart about where to store its
recordings and what the files are named, so any recording session will overwrite the previous one.
This will be addressed in a future release of VMPC2000XL.

5.3 The SETNGS tab

Press Shift + 0 to go to the SETNGS tab.

5.3.1 Initial pad mapping

The way all MPCs work is that each pad can be assigned a MIDI note number, and a note number can
b assigned a sound, envelope settings and more. For a pad to play a sound, a MIDI note has to be
assigned to it. This information is stored in programs and their associated PGM files.
When a new program is created on the MPC2000XL, its default MIDI note mapping is pretty confus-
ing. See
There are rumours this mapping stems from General MIDI.
Whatever its origins, it causes confusion the moment you connect a MIDI keyboard to the real
MPC2000XL. In this scenario, a typical expectation is that adjacent keys on the connected MIDI device
trigger adjacent pads on the MPC2000XL. Instead, pad 1 is triggered by note 37, pad 2 by note 36, pad
3 by note 42, pad 4 by note 82, etc.
VMPC2000XL defaults to a chromatic mapping: 35, 36, 37, 38 … 95, 96, 97, 98 for pads 1, 2, 3, 4 … 61,
62, 63, 64. You can verify this is the initial pad mapping in the SETNGS tab. The Initial pad
mapping field should be set to VMPC2000XL like below:

24 Chapter 5. VMPC2000XL Specific Settings & Functionality

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To get the original pad mapping, set Initial pad mapping to ORIGINAL.

Note Changes to this field are only applied to programs created after the change. Any MIDI input that
can be mapped to a pad will do so regardless of the mapping in your programs.

5.3.2 16 levels erase mode

When 16 levels is enabled (see the green LED below 16 LEVELS in the top-right), the sequencer is
running and the user holds the ERASE button and any of the pads, the real MPC2000XL will erase all
recorded note events that match the note that you set in the Assign 16 levels window.
If this is what you want, leave the 16 levels erase mode field at its default setting: All levels.
If you only want to erase note events that match the level of the pad you’re pressing, set this field to
Only pressed level like below:

5.3.3 Auto-convert WAVs

VMPC2000XL has the ability to convert PCM WAV files that are unsupported on the original
MPC2000XL to a supported format. Eligible are 24- and 32-bit WAV files, as well as WAVs with
a sampling rate over 44100Hz.
By default VMPC2000XL will always try to convert WAV files to a supported format. If you prefer to
get a dialog instead, so you are aware of such conversions, set Auto-convert WAVs to ASK.

5.3.4 MIDI control mode

VMPC2000XL supports 2 different modes in terms of MIDI controllability:
1. VMPC. This is the default mode as per v0.5.0. In this mode you can use predefined or customized
MIDI control presets that match your MIDI controller. Supported commands are: pad 1 up to
pad 16, datawheel (rotary), datawheel up, datawheel down, rec-gain, main-volume and all hard-
ware buttons. The default presets maps notes 35 - 50 from any MIDI channel to pads 1 - 16, and
control change 7 from any channel to the Note Variation Slider.
2. ORIGINAL. VMPC2000XL will respond like the original would. This means that incoming MIDI
note events will be routed to pads according to how you’ve programmed your pad-to-MIDI note
associations in the PROGRAM ASSIGN screen (Shift + 6, F1 - F4). Please refer to the MPC2000XL

5.3. The SETNGS tab 25

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

manual (p185) to see the details of assigning MIDI Continuous Controllers to MPC2000XL func-
tionality in this mode, via the MIDIsw screen.

Continue reading below in the Section 5.7 section.

5.4 Configuring the keyboard in the KEYBRD tab

After pressing Shift + 0, press F2 to go to the KEYBRD tab.
If you can’t use the keyboard as expected, you can also click the keyboard icon in the far top-right.

Once you are in the KEYBRD tab, VMPC2000XL internally switches to a restricted keyboard input
mode that ignores any keyboard configuration you may have. The only keys that work in this tab are:
• Up
• Down
• F1 … F6

You can also use the mouse to interact with the Up/Down cursors and F1 … F6 buttons in the UI as

5.4.1 Changing a mapping

Use up and down to scroll through the list of functions. To change one of the mappings, highlight
the mapping and press F4. The UI will change to indicate learn mode is active. Some elements start
blinking to indicate VMPC2000XL is awaiting your keypress:

As long as the elements are blinking and you see CANCEL and ACCEPT, you can press another key
that you wish to assign to the selected function.
To accept your new key you have to use the mouse or touchpad and click F4. To cancel the learning
process, use the mouse or touchpad and click F3.

5.4.2 Reset mapping to default

To go back to the original mapping that is based on the US keyboard layout, press F5:

26 Chapter 5. VMPC2000XL Specific Settings & Functionality

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

5.4.3 Saving mapping changes

Press F6 to save your changes. A popup will appear saying “Keyboard mapping saved”. You can
return to the Main screen by pressing Esc and continue normal operation.
If your configuration is the same as what it was, a popup will appear saying “Keyboard mapping

5.4.4 Discard mapping changes

To discard the changes you made in the KEYBRD screen, press Esc or click the MAIN SCREEN button.
If you actually have unsaved changes, the following window appears:

Besides discarding your changes, you can choose to stay in the KEYBRD screen and continue making
changes, or you can save your changes, after which you’ll go to the Main screen.

5.5 Configuring auto-save in the AUTSAV tab

After pressing Shift + 0, press F3 to go to the AUTSAV tab.
Though auto-save also happens when running VMPC2000XL as a plugin, these settings only affect
behaviour of the standalone version.
The following aspects are part of the state that is saved and loaded as part of this feature in both
standalone and plugin versions of VMPC2000XL:
• All programs and sounds
• All sequences
• Current screen
• Current focus in that screen
• Current sound (in TRIM, LOOP, etc.)
• Current directory (in LOAD and SAVE)

5.5. Configuring auto-save in the AUTSAV tab 27

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

Warning Since all sounds are stored in your DAW project files, be aware of their combined size. If
you have 32MB of sounds in memory, your project file will become 32MB bigger.

There are 2 auto-save modes: * Disabled * Enabled

and there are 3 auto-load modes: * Disabled * Ask * Enabled
The default configuration is to enable auto-save, and to ask whether the user wants to auto-load
the last saved state.
When Auto-load on start is set to Ask, the following dialog appears upon startup if
an auto-saved session is detected:

5.6 Configuring (USB) disk devices in the DISKS tab

Warning Read the instructions carefully to avoid corrupting CF cards and other media. Make
backups if you’re working with important data that you have no other copies of.

After pressing Shift + 0, press F4 to go to the DISKS tab. The default configuration is like this:

5.6.1 The DEFAULT volume

The DEFAULT volume is the default directory where VMPC2000XL stores user data, including your
sounds, programs and sequences. It is located in
~/Documents/VMPC2000XL/Volumes/MPC2000XL. This volume ensures VMPC2000XL is always
in a useful state with regard to loading and saving SND, PGM and other files.
This behaviour deviates from the real MPC2000XL, in the sense that if no disk drive, CF reader or
other disk device is connected to the real MPC2000XL, you will not be able to load or save anything.
The Mode setting for the DEFAULT volume can’t be changed. It is always set to READ/WRITE.

Warning Any files placed in the DEFAULT directory will be renamed to names that are compatible
with the Akai FAT16 filesystem. For example, Fantastic Bassdrum 14.wav will become
FANTASTICBASSDRU.WAV. This is a destructive operation, meaning that the file in this location
will be permanently renamed. For this reason it is recommended to always keep a copy of
the original files elsewhere. Never assume you can copy files from this directory back into where
you copied them from.

5.6.2 Raw USB volumes (Linux, macOS and Windows only)

Raw USB access lets VMPC2000XL directly access your MPC2000XL CF cards. If you never use more

28 Chapter 5. VMPC2000XL Specific Settings & Functionality

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

than 8 characters for your sound names, this feature doesn’t bring a lot of value to your workflow. If
you want to use more than 8 characters for sound names, keep on reading.
Though a unique and cool feature of VMPC2000XL, proceed with care when using raw USB volume
access. At the moment this feature is experimental.
If you plan to use raw USB access and you want to be able to use sound names longer than 8 charac-
ters, on macOS use my FAT16 Mount Blocker, and on Windows use my registry patch. Note that these
tools can also be used independently from VMPC2000XL, by original MPC2000XL users who want to
be able to access MPC2000XL CF cards and other media on their desktop computer, without
corrupting their data.
To my knowledge on most Linux distributions no special tools are necessary to prevent corruption of
MPC2000XL media, but you must still stick to the principle of not performing any write operations
(including creating, deleting and updating files) outside VMPC2000XL.
Akai’s MPC2000XL FAT16 filesystem

This subsection should be seen as an addendum to Akai’s MPC2000XL manual. It does not discuss
anything that is directly related to VMPC2000XL.
The real MPC2000XL uses a hacky implementation of FAT16. In Akai’s implementation, 8 bytes of
each FAT directory entry that are ordinarily reserved for relatively trivial attributes like creation and
last access date/time, are used to store 8 additional characters for the filename.
It is via this mechanism that the MPC2000XL has 16.3 filenames rather than 8.3 in a single FAT16
entry. The only problem, however, is that this leaves the MPC2000XL user in a kind of limbo state
with regard to file exchange. Any Mac, Windows or Linux machine can read an MPC2000XL CF card
without complaining, but it will not be able to parse the filenames correctly. It will register the 8 addi-
tional bytes as invalid date/time values, since that is what these bytes are expected to mean in
a common FAT16 implementation.
For this reason, an MPC2000XL CF card with for example a DRUMKIT.PGM that refers to
a FUNKY_SNARE1.SND will not be copied correctly to most computers. Likely you will end up with
a file named FUNKY_SN.SND.
What’s worse, Windows and macOS have a tendency to rewrite the FAT entries of any volume that is
connected to your system. This results in truncating file names, for example FUNKY_SNARE1.SND will
become FUNKY_SN.SND. If you have PGM files referring to FUNKY_SNARE1.SND, loading such
program files will result in failure to find the SND file.

Note To avoid corrupting MPC2000XL data on a CF card, your options are:

1. Never insert the CF card in a USB reader connected to your computer.
2. Use up to 8 characters for the names of your sounds.
3. Use my FAT16 Mount Blocker for macOS.
4. Use my registry patch for Windows.

Always keep backups of important work! If you don’t have a hotswappable CF reader or SCSI hard-
drive connected to your MPC2000XL, your best bet for making backups is a Linux computer, or a Mac
that is running FAT16 Mount Blocker.
RAW USB access under the hood

Raw USB volume access allows VMPC2000XL to read an MPC2000XL CF card almost like
the MPC2000XL itself, meaning you can load and save PGM and APS files that refer to sounds with
long names over 8 characters.
This type of access is achieved by performing the following steps:
1. VMPC2000XL unmounts a USB volume from the operating system (meaning macOS, Windows
or Linux)
2. VMPC2000XL requests the operating system to provide it with exclusive access to the USB

5.6. Configuring (USB) disk devices in the DISKS tab 29

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

3. VMPC2000XL can now read from and write to the USB volume at the byte level
4. VMPC2000XL gives up exclusive access to the USB volume
5. VMPC2000XL mounts the USB volume back to the operating system

Note that 3) is where all the action takes place that the user is interested in – loading and saving SND,
PGM, APS and other files.
Steps 1, 2, 4 and 5 are only performed when necessary, which is typically at application startup and
shutdown, and the first time a user configures a particular USB volume in VMPC2000XL.
Also note that step 2 and 4 require elevated permissions, so you need to be a system administrator to
make use of this functionality.
Enabling a USB volume

When you first connect a USB pendrive or CF card with a FAT16 volume, the configuration in
the DISKS screen will look like this:

Note Every time you go to the DISKS screen, VMPC2000XL will try to detect which USB volumes you
have connected. There is no need to restart VMPC2000XL. If you happen to be in the DISKS screen
while connecting a USB volume, go to another screen and go back to DISKS to refresh the list of

Navigate to the volume you want to enable and set its Mode to READ-ONLY or READ/WRITE. If you
want to make sure your volume is not altered by VMPC2000XL, set it to READ-ONLY. When you are
done configuring your volume(s), press F6 to save the configuration.
Any enabled volumes will now be available in the LOAD screen’s Device: field. The volume name
will be used to identify each volume. Where the real MPC2000XL instantly makes SCSI and other
connected devices your active disk device as you cycle through them, one additional action is
required on VMPC2000XL to make a USB volume active – pressing F5 to APPLY that setting:

The reason for this deviation from the real MPC2000XL is to allow the user to explore any options
before actually changing the active disk device.
If after pressing APPLY no error messages appear, your USB volume is ready for load operations, and
for save operations as well, if you configured READ/WRITE earlier in the DISKS screen.
VMPC2000XL remembers configurations for any USB volumes that have been previously connected
and enabled, as well as the Device: you used in the last session. In other words, after a restart it is
easy to continue using your USB volume (though you may be asked for administrator permissions

30 Chapter 5. VMPC2000XL Specific Settings & Functionality

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

5.7 MIDI control

From the SETNGS screen press F5 to access the MIDI tab:

Each row shows an association between an interactable component of VMPC2000XL, and a specific
kind of MIDI input message that should control it.
The first column allows you to specify a status, either CC or Note.
The second column lets you specify a MIDI channel, which can also be set to all.
The third column lets you specify a value to filter by, which for a note message applies to the note
number, and for a continuous controller message it applies to the controller number. This value can be
set to OFF to disable a row.
Press F4 to toggle LEARN mode. You can also use the cursors and DATA wheel to modify associations.
When you leave the screen, VMPC2000XL checks if you’ve made any changes and whether you’d like
to save them. When you restart VMPC2000XL, these settings will be automatically restored.

5.7.1 MIDI control preset management

In the MIDI screen press OPEN WINDOW to open the MIDI controller presets window:

To load the default preset, press F5 while New preset is selected. The default preset is very basic:
notes 35 - 50 are associated with pads 1 - 16, and CC 7 is associated with the slider.
You can also load any of the named presets by selecting one and pressing F5.
To save your own preset under a name, select New preset and press F3. You can also overwrite any
of the existing presets this way.
Presets are stored as files under ~/Documents/VMPC2000XL/MidiControlPresets.

5.7.2 Bundled presets for known controllers

VMPC2000XL aims to support common pad controllers out-of-the-box. When a known controller is
connected, VMPC2000XL detects this and asks if you want to switch the active MIDI control mapping
to one for your controller:

5.7. MIDI control 31

VMPC2000XL Documentation, Release 0.5.8

The process of adding known controller mappings has just started, so the current list is quite small:
• Akai MPD16 and early MPC family
• Akai MPD218
• iRig PADS

Let me know which controller you use and I’ll try to add it.
If you have accidentally overwritten a bundled preset, delete its file from
~/Documents/VMPC2000XL/MidiControlPresets and the next time you start VMPC2000XL
the original preset will be restored.

5.8 Auxiliary LCD

In some cases it can be useful to have a bigger view on the LCD, maybe even on a dedicated display.
Open an additional window that displays just the LCD by double-clicking on the normal LCD.
A window with duplicate contents of the LCD will show up. You can drag the window around, resize
it and maximize it. To close it, double-click it or double-click the normal LCD.

5.9 Custom Skin

See for the original bitmaps.
Place files with those file names in ~/Documents/VMPC2000XL/Skin to override the originals.
The files that will be picked up by this feature are:
• bg.jpg
• datawheels.jpg
• sliders.jpg

Let me know if you need other parts to be skinnable as well.

32 Chapter 5. VMPC2000XL Specific Settings & Functionality


environment variable
PATH, 11

PATH, 11


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