Work Power Energy Practice Sheet

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is smaller in cue (ti) than in cue (i).

t. In the figur e abown the sprin g sites
cout •nt ia , . The m•u 'lf uppe r
(d) The work done on the block. by tbe 1nrri tauoo al
foree is amaJJl!r in cue (ii) than in cue (j).
diac ism and that of the lower dix ia
4. Which of the following graphs best rep: amt. a the
3"'. The uppe r block ts depressed
graphical relation between momerttwn (p) and
down from itl equilibrium poaiUon kinetic energy CK) for a body in motion?
by I dj,t• 9~ 6 = 5 m, / Ii and
releued at t = 0. Find the velocity ol 'm' when
normal reactJon on 3m is m&. (a) lnp (b) lnp
(a) uro (b) g[m/ 1)11 2
(e) 2g (m / kJl/2 (d) (m / Ji]l/2 ln K lnK

S. The total work done on a particle is equal to the

change in it.a kinetic energy : (c) lnp (d) None of these
(a) always
(b) only if the forces acting on the body are lnK
conservative 6. When the momentum of a body increases by IC>Ot,,
(c) only if the forces acting on the body are its KE incre ases by :
gravitational (b) lOO'I,
(a) 4~
(d) only if the Corces acting on the body are elastic (d) none of these
(c) 300'1,
S. You wish t.o lift a
T T 8. A body is moving uni-directionally under the
heavy block through C~> h influence of a aou.ree of constant power. Its
a height h by
,ttac binr a string of 1 ------1 diaplacement in time t is proportional to :
(b) t (c) iJf2 (d) t2
negligible rn•M to lt and pulling 80 that it IDOVN at (a) tl/2

a conatant velocity. You have the choice of lifting it 7. When the cart m•ximally comp reues the •Prin l a
either by pulling the strin g (l) vertically upward or the bottom of the fixed track, the cart' s:
UO along a frictionless inclined plane (see
diagram). Which one of the rallowing stat.ements is
(a) The magnitude of the tension force in the strin g
ia mtaller in cue (U than in case (ii). (a) velocity and acceleration are aero
(b) The W<n"k done on the block by the tension force (b) velocity is non-zero but its acceleration is uro
is lhe same m both cases.
but ta velocity ii aero
00 and atatl eruio n are both nan-nn> ball A and the kinetic enera, of '-11 c,
a. A palential eoetlY eww Ub) 11 ahown ln the mcreuiDI B
(c) The difference betw een the potential
f11are. What aloe must the mechanical enet'IY of lhe balls remains cona tant
• . . of'dw partime not exceed. if the particle is to be
(d) The difference betw een the kinetic......_
withi n the region shown in ,raph ?
the balla rern• to• coDBt.ant.
8 11. A block. of m•ss M slide& with
11 uniform angular speed m on a

- drmlar track of radius R in

'i 5
::> 3 V f
boris.ontal plan e with coefficient
of kinetic friction µ, .


[Pl Work done by strin g in one
revolution is negative of
I I I l Ii . work done by friction.
(QJ Work done by hand on sbin g does not
(a) 3J SJ (b) on angle 8.
(c) 6J SJ (d)
[R] Work done by hand. on strin g is Dept i~
8. A putic:le is to move along the x-axis from x = 0 to work done by friction.
z a .i:1 while a con e v•tive fuu:i,, dinct.ed along the [S] Work done by strin g on the block is µMg (2d
.r-ui a, Kta an the putid e. For each force definition in one rewl ution .
Pl 1 •ted in the figures the m•xirnu:m magnitude
·Choose the corre ct stat.ement..
of the fmee CF1) is the ume for all cases. Rank the
(a) Only S (b) Only P and R
fmcti6 aa:anling to the cb•n p in potential .energ
y (c) P, Q and R (d} All are correct
•eeoci•t.ed with the motion shown, from moat
poait ive to moat negative : 12- A chain of mass M is kept on a hemisphere
shown. Find out pote ntial energy of the cha
888Uilling reference line as a aero pot.ential energ

[Q] -+---% .a..__ ~:. .r


__,;; ;a..__ ----"- -...... .1-~ Refenmce line

Fu) u=O
(a) Mg 2R (b) Mg R
n n
(c) Mg R (d) Mg 3R
2n 2Jt
13. Figure shows a pendulum of length
L auapended from the top of a nat
Ca) R. P, Q Cb) Q, P, R beam of heig ht LI 2. The bob ia
(c) R, Q, P (d) P, Q, R pulled away from the beam so it
10. Two identical bowling balla A and B are each mekea an angle 8 with the vertical.
dropped from rut from the top of 8 tall tower Ball Now, it is nleu ed from rest. If is
A ii dropped one aecond before ball B. lgn ~ air the maximum angu lar deflection to
reaiatanoe, after ball B ii dropped but before ball A the right , then :
atrib a the d ... _
ll'Wn , uuw are the mechanical (a) •8 (b) <8
ener gi• of the two balla ebanginr? (c) 8 < s; 28
(a) The difference between lhe mechanical (d) > 28
ofl ball and the mechanical energy of b=~ e~
l4. The work done by the force F=xi+ y} around tb
ncreutng path show n in the figure ie :
of a tower. Th e work
(0, a) ...c_.......__ B<a.a) I 8. A ban la rm ue d fro m the top
ond. 2nd aecand,
done by force of gra vity in let aec
mot1on of the ball
3rd second ...nt.h second of the
before it reachea ground form:
0 A
(0.0J (a.O> X
(o) an A.P. series (b) a GJ>. ae rie l
(c) as (d) ~a a (c) a H.P. series (d) none of the se
(1) ~03 (b) zero
3 19. The U(:x) - :r curve for U<.r>
Jj. A parttcle is projected
alo ng a horizontal field
system ii shown in the
.,.hose coefficient of friction varies as µ =
A where r
r2 figure. Its force curve will
me t.e n and A ls 0
is the distance from the origin in
l dis tan ce of t.he
pombve con sta nt. The ini tia
and its velocity is
part1de is 1 m from the origin
tial velocity at
radially outwards. Th e mi nim um ini FC x)t --- -
ps is (if the given Cb)
ttus point so tha t par tic le neveT sto (a)
mction condition con tin ues ) :
(a) "° (b) 2JiA 0 a : .r

(c) ,fiiiX (d) 4/iA FCx) fu)

e gra ph foT a particle

16. The kinetic ene rgy (KE) vs tim
wn in the figure.
moving along a str aig ht lin e is sho (c) (d)
par tic le may be :
The force vs tim e gra ph for the
and F2 , act on an obj ecl
20. Two conservative forces, F1
Wh at is the relations.hip between

Ttme W. = f <Fi+ i;) • d;

F and f -• -+

W_ = (F; - F2 ) • d s ?
bol me ans tha t the
(The circle on the integral sym

a closed pa th)
int egr al is to be eva lua ted around
(a) (b) (a) w+ > w_ (b) w. = w_ 0

W.=W_=O (d) W.<W_

(T un e (c)
1 o 1
Tim e 21. A ]oop of lig ht inextensible
stn ng passes over smooth

F F small pulleys A and B. Two

masses m and M are att ach ed

\ \_ to the points O and C

(c) Cd) Th en the
condition tha t m and M will
Time and AC = AB = 'lll
cross each other, [Take AB = 21
is -u o m , I
17. A block of mass m = 2 kg will be :
,EL m» »> ;:!~ ~,J ,
moving with velocity Vo 1
+ - 1 (b) m > 2 j11 + 3 - 1
(a) m >
t.owa:rda a massless unstret.ched te-1 m- t
M 11+3 M \11 +1
spring of force con sta nt k = 10

en the block nnd
NI m. Coefficient of friction betwe m >
(c) 1 +1 (d) none of the se
ma xim um vn1ue of uo, M V~ 3
Lhe ground isµ = !. Fin d the
5 g on a str aig ht trn ck
22. Statement-I: Whtie run nin
er vre ssi ng the spn ng the block does not e by friction \s no t
so tha t oft
manently. with increasing Ap .._J work don
return buck bu t stops the re per zero.
m/ e
Ca) 6
(h) 12 m/ s
.. .. -- c- 11 Work done by 21. Tbe potentie.l energy
all I.he force• on a 9 2
of a body 11
II equal I.II the ch&nll! In
kinetic enerc.Y of
u"' - - -. The po11. t1on at which lt'a D ~
J'i % __ , b
the •J •td l· -.. ...
(a) Statament-1 11 tn ie, maximum la :
1ta&ement-2 ii coJTe II true and (a) x • + 3 m Ii
Ct explanation for (b ) .t • - 3 m
(c) % • 9 m
atatament-1. Cd) .1 • - 9 m
(b) Stat.ement.-1 11 tru 17. A ball i• projected up
e, atat.emenlr2 la true and warda wt
atat.ement--2 ia NOT the con-e
ct explanation for Which of Lhe following gr ap th an iniUat
hl beat rep • ~
atatemant-1. kinetic energy of th e ball as
(c) Statemen~l ii true. eta a function or':::,l
tement,2 is false. reaches back the point or pr-
(d) Statamen~ 1 La false,
>jectton. tlllq
statement-2 ia true.
11. A partlcle moves along
.,.t.em. with a force compony- ui a of a coonUn ate
ent Fy • (2 N / m3) y3
a.cting on it. Aa the parti
cle moves
Y• 3 m, how much wotk is do from the origin to (b )
ne on it by the force?
(a) -162 J
(b) 40.6 J
(c) -'0 .6 J
(d) 162 J l
M. A cannon ball of mass
m is fired with an initial
veloc:lty ....
u = usl +u ), which make (c) (d )
1 s an angle t- .
8 = tan - 1 (:: )w ith rea 28. A block of mass m
ped. to the horizontal. W at rest at he ig ht h on a
hat j _Sprint
ta the work done by gravity frictionleas inclined L:.-•~_!1_I:;_~L_J:__
on the cannon ball till it _j__"
reaches the peak {i.e., hig plane. The block slides
hest elevation) of its
trajectory? (Consider y-axis down th e plane. On a
along vertical) ...--d--....
1 rough horizontal surface· wi
(a) 2m u,2 (b) -m
1 th coefficient of kin be
friction µ, and compres&e
(c) -- m u2
2 u2.I
1 constant Ii by distance x an
S a spring with
d travels total ~ d
(d) -- mu 2 on horizontal surface befo
2 ' ;r 2 re moment;arily commc to
~- Potential energy curve U rest. Then the sp rin g exten
of a particle as function of ds and the block travels
the po.Won of a particle is back acroaa the rough surfa
shown. The particle has ce, sliding up the plme. mechanical energy E The correct expression for
of 3.0 J. the roaximum height h'
U(.JlI,~ that the block reaches on its retu
rn is :
(a) mgh' = mgh - 2µmg
6 d
\ (b) mg h' = mg h + 2µmg
\ -
(c) mg h' • mg h + 2µ,ng
4 d + u2
' I [\ I
(d) mgh' • mah - 2µ,ngd -
29· In th e ft. pr e shown,
l \ I \ I maaa of th e hanging
th e
\ [/ \ I/ block is m, while th at of
0 1 2 3 \4 5 - %(m)
-1 6 J7 8 r

th e block resting on th e
-2 I floor is 3 m. The noor i.B
-3 \ J

horizontal and friction-

-4 \ / less and all pulley, ideal.
~e . syaiem is initially
held sLatioo&rY wilh th,
(a) It can never be prese mc~ned thread making
an angle 8 • so• vrilh
nt at .x • 0
(b) It can never be preaent al%= m honzontal. The block.a
now released frodl rest
(c) At .i • 2 it.a kinetic energ 5 • and allowed to move. n1
y is OJm. c hanging bloek fal}s
(d) At.r • 1 ita klnetic energ through 8 lleight (49 / 6) m be
y aJ .• fore hi tti nl the ooor
It la found th at the value of
8 becomes so•, •bell tbtl
hanging block hits the Oo
A fnrtj ..,.1 be
a.or• Detenmne the iDJIVlrd abeneP powar rfJuu wt t..,
(b) l m/a
'111/ • the DffltQr to the eleYato r.
(d) ~)~k W ~JDk W
td 2 ml• (e) :W kW (d) 44 kW
h&ht TOpe ia tied ao
Qne end of a u. A body ta movm s-with . sp1!!111d 1 ml.a IUi8 , .
,._ g1.-..,_ bfll.A mao inits•Jl y at n!lltcm the farce Fu Deet,.t · Lo tliap tt u, L If tlaiir a; 1a i
,,_and IUl'ta the rupe hand alfbod:, iJI 8 m / 1 t.hen nmwt• nr fiaU!! n • fflsd u, asap
crfJ1ll6 blmd upu,. beishl , .. tt in MCI+ d'• ,.,ce ir would be :
(a) 1.5.F (b) 3F (~) 6F <cU 9F
1"Jlll. the ame he narta at r8d. an the I
pvand u, I.he time be 1.& ba,ngtng at rest i aa. A baJl ta IIIIBpeDded Crum the u,p df • cart by• llltriD«
al 8 beigb1 J. bow much wwk wu done of leqtb LO m. nie cart and tl2 ba1I arr
aa the man by t.he rope? .ID0¥1D gto the rigbt.a Lmnet urt &p !!" d v. m; llbilWD in

(a) 0 (b) ltlgl figure ( 1). The cart names w n!&t aAa- m l ~ .aDd
lJt;ickln g to a 6ced hurnpr: r. u in figure 00. '1hr
(t) -1111 auapm ded ball nrinp t.bnrug b • • angle
(d)It depend ,; o.n how fast the man goes up. g= m/r}
6Ir. Thr initial speed Viii: ( U>
fL A hlor:k slides over 3 rough -v
UJtiined p)•ne having eqn•J
aw,IFir, eot of frid:ion and
equal height boi. diff'ere nt ,.j L

..... nie inae.a. R in

kinetic cl)EJ gy will be
greates t for ;
(a) slope-1 ' F'~(l)

(b) alape-2
W alope-3 (d) eqwd far all

n. A body of rn•ss m. acce! uniform Jy from rest

to o 1 in tune t 1 . The instant aneous power deliver ed
to the body as a functio n of time t is ;
nw2l t (b)
mv 21 t
(a) Flgm'e( Z)
(a) .ffo m/s (b} 2J5 m/fi
(c) mv1t2 (d) m~t
(c) 6,,12 mfs (d} 4 ml•
87. A particl e movtne ••cuw the .X-U:US a arsal upon b.y
IS. Which of the followi ng graphs depict the variati on a aingle force F -= F r,t--b. whme F O and It are
of kinetic energy of a ball bo1md ng elaatically an a mnatao ta- The particl e ia re!e:s ri 6um t"eal._ llt.s • O.
boriaon taI O.OOr, with height? (Negle ct air It will attain • mari:m nm k:b.ttdJ&. ene:. ID flf:
reatatan ce) Fo Fo
(a) - (b) -
i ~l
(c) iF0 (d) (tF0 )'
Ca) (b) 2
S8.. .An endleee inenen &ible m
string panes over tw-o A B
smooth pep A and B.
h AB being harizon
fo) ( d) None of these Two pa:rtic ln af maa M M
and m <M > m) are tied .trically to the hro
KE parta of the stnng as sho-wn. The particl e of man m
I 3.4.. An elPVnt.or of mass (elevat or + p.ossen gerl
l80o kg is movmg up vnth o consta nt speed of2 m/e.
ls release d when tt tam level wrth the Pf'&&- A.s 1 1

2 aw .bo tae T.
(a) Tbe JIJM!ld of JI> the ,pe ed of
(b)The .., ... of " - the .pe ed of ,n
(cJ The op of II < the spe ed of m ( a)h l > It~ > la a (b) h l < h 2 < h
(d) The raw , af't heu ' ape eda
ii M • m
(c) h 1 • ha <: h2 (d) h 1 • • ,-:
.._ Tlae cau ae of mcreue in ~ c ....... vw ben am an 4 A sys tem eom prt aes of 1.wo sm all
SJ>herea _
e.,_...., d
IILIIJU ruo oin a wit hol lt. hia ,naaees 'm'. Th e 1pr ing UJ non
alip pm g on gro un
sph ere s are set. in mo tio n in gra
de for :
hi ub d £nm two students. -nty free
Rie k:, J Ca ue of ioc nJU e in ldn ~tie . ork the velocitieta aa abo wn in the dtag
enel'IY l.8 w r'1Qn_
clw by fric don farce wit.bout wh
ich he can not run . lo
Aa il : Cau ae of inc rea se ln kin etic
ene rgy is wo rk
don e by mt.ernal fort z8 of the bod
(a) Rlc:ky la rm, eet. , An
il i• wrong Th e ma xim um ela stic pot ent ial ene
rgy ..._.
{b) An d is correct.. Ric ky
18 wro ng sys tem ts:
(c) Bot h correct mD ~
(cl) Bot h are wro ng (a) 2J2 (b) mv~
40. Tw o spr inp of force con
sta nt 100 N / m and 160 1
N / m in ae.riea u shown. The (c) -m. vo2 (d) 2nw~
block is pul led by a 2
dist ,an ce of 2..5 an to the rig
ht from equ ilib rium 44. Th e pot ent ial ene rgy of a 1
poatt.ton. Wh at ia the ratio of kg particle free t.o
wo rk don e by the alo ng the .x:--axis is giv en by :
spr ing at left to the wo rk don
e by the 1pr ing at
rig ht? 2
VCx) =( 4 - 2r )
Th e tot al me cha nic al ene rgy of
the par ticle i
Th en the ma xim nm spe ed ( in mis
3 ) is :
(a) - 3
(a) ./2 (b) 3J2
(c) 0.2 (d) No ne of the se 9
~1. A block of rna•• m ia pus hed (c) - (d) 2
up aga ins t a spr ing , 2
com pre uin g it a dia tan ce .x, and
the block is the n 45. A 2 kg block is gen tly
rel eue d. Th e spr ing pro jec ts A
the block alo ng a pus hed fro m res t at A
fric tio nle u hor izo nta l sur fac e,
giv ing t.he block a and it slid es dow n alo ng
spe ed v. '111e sam e spr ing pro jec
ts a sec ond blo ck of the fixed sm oot h cir cul ar
roa u "'71, giv ing it a spe ed 3v.
Wh at dis tan ce wa s sur fac e. If the atta che d
the apr ing com pre sse d in the sec ~2 m
ond caae ? spr ing has a force _J,_ _-1. ..!. .l-- -
(al 6:r (b) -
con sta nt le = 20 N / DL Wh at is uns
6 tret che d 1eng
spr ing so tha t it doe s not allo w
(c) 38.r (d) No ne of the se the block to leave
4S. A bod y i.a rel eue d from sur fac e unt il ang le wit h the ver tica
res t at hei ght from the l i.18 a s<r.
bot tom (a) 1 m
of the cra te mown. Th e por tion AB (b) 1.5 m
bu flu d tnd ina tio n a. Th e ver y of cra te (c) 0.6 m
lon g portion CD (d) 0.8 m
can be .et into inc lina tiom 8 a 48. A ma chi ne del ive rs pow er Po
1 30- , 82 • 45• and 8 giv en by P -=
• SO-. Th e body alw aya rem ain 9
in cont.act wit h the
crat.e and rues upt o height.a h
from the bot tom for the giv1en 2
, h , ha rea pec tive ly
ang les . All the
wh ere P0 and t are con sta nts . T
at t • 0 and run 8 for eve r. Wh at
is •
mr fac ea are frict1onJess. Wh ich tha t the ma chi ne can per for m?
of the foll ow ing is
cor rec t? (a) Inf ini te (b) Zer o
(c) P t
0 0
(d) Ca n not be pre dic ted , do.t.a
ins uffi cie nt
I In lhe figUn shown, there 11 8
41. ainootb tube of radius 'R', ftxcd
(a) 0 (b) 90•
ii\ \,he vertica1 plane. A ball 'B'
o(oias& 'm' ii released from the
kl ooa-i(-Ja) (d)s1n-'(-Ja)

toP of tube. B alides down IU. A of mus 1 kg ti&d to a light tnestenaible
due to gravity ond compreaaea string of length L • lO m t. whirling ln • ct.rcular
the spring. The end 'C • of the 3
prinl is fixed and the end A is C path of radiua L in a vertical plane . If the ratio of
~- (niUally the line OA Fix •moolh lllbe the maximum teMion ln t.he to the minimum
aiakes an angl: of 60° with OC and finally it makes t.enaion in the string ts 4 and if g is t.aken to be
an angle of 30 ~er compression. Find the spring 10 m / sec2, the a-peed of t.he atone at the highest
constant of the !J>nng. point of the circle is :
12mg(2+ J3) (b) 36mg(2+ ~) (a) 20 m/sec (b) lo../3 m/s
(a) Ki R (c) 5/2 m/ sec (d) 10 m/sec
18mg 52. A particle ia ln a verUcal circle by
(c) x~ R
(d) None of these connecting it to a light rod of length l and keeping
the other end of the rod fixed. The minimum speed
48. A block of mass m of the particle when the light rod is horizontal for
lies on a 4 --,--.,.~ --- which the particle will complete the circle is :
frictionless surface k(J)
(a) .[ii (b) '12gl
and is attached to 2r-l,..._.__...,.____..~_J

I one end of a
1.6 2
(c) J3gl
53. Two smooth tracks of
equal length have
"bumps"-A up, and .B
(d) none of these

A-==-:.....-_,, en
constant k) whose
other end is fixed. The block is initially at rest at the down, both of the same
position where the spring is unstretched (.r = O) curvature and size. The two balls start
simultaneously with the same initial speed of 3 m/ s.
when a constant horizontal force F in the positive
If the speed of the ball at the bottom oft.he curve on
direction of the x-axis is applied to it. A plot of the
track Bis 4 m/s, then the speed of the ball at the
resulting kinetic energy of the block versus its
top of the cwve on track A is :
positionx is shown in figure. What is the magnitude
... (a) =2m/s
(b) > 2 m/e
(a) 2 N (b) 4 N (c) <2m/s
(c) 8 N (d) 16 N (d) not enough information given
49. A skier plans to ski a 54. Two bodies of mass m and 4m 4m.__ _
smoot.h fixed hemisphere
ofradiUB R. He start.a from
are attached to a string as
shown in the figure. The body of I
rest from a curved smooth
surface of height (R / 4).
mass m hanging from string is
executing oscillation with
The angle 8 at which he angular amplitude 60° while other body is at rest on
leaves the hemisphere is : a horizontal surface. The minimum coefficient of
(a) cos-
m (b) cos-1( ~)
friction between the mass 4m and the horizontal
surface is:
I 1
(c) cos- 1 rn) (d) cos- 1 ( ~ ) (a) 4
(b) 3
(c) -
55. A particle ia attached with a
IO. A simple pendulum is vibrating with string of length l which is
an angular amplitude of 90° as shown
in fig. For what value of a (angle
between string and vertJcal) during its
fixed at point O on an
motion. t.he total acceleration is be given (at the lowest point) to the particle along
directly horizontally?
the inc.line so Lhat tt may complete a circle on
inclined plane (plane 11 amooth and initially
particle wu resting on the lnclined plane)?

(al Js,, Chi J~

(c) J~ 11
(d) None oftheae {a)
(b) B
(d) D
58. The sphere at P ls given a P 1--.;...,_ .-.,....., o
downward velocity u0 and 60. Consider a pendulum,
swings in a vertical plane at consisting of a massless
the end of a rope of l = 1 m abing with a mass on the
attached to n support at 0. end. The mass is held with
The rope breaks at angle 30° the string horizontal, and
from horizontal, knowing that it can withstand a then released. The mass swings down, and the
muim um t.ension equal to three times the weight its way back up, the string is cut at point p wh
of the sphere. Then the value of v0 will be : makes an angle of 8 with the vertical.
(g = r mis") What should 8 be, so that the mass travels
Jt 2n largest horizontal distance from P by the tim
(a) -mis (b) mis return s to the height it had when the string
2 3
(c) n mis

57. A stone on a rope is

(d) none of these
(a) tan- 1 J3 Chi um-1 (}a)
released at point P
(c) tAn - ( ~) (d) tan-1 (1)
(refer figure). A pencil
ia firmly located in the 61. A particle is given an initial
way of the smog. AB a p speed u from the lowest point
result the stone will be inside a fixed smooth spherical
deflected from its shell of radius R = 1 m that it is
normal path. At which of the following points the just able to complete the circle.
stone will stop and retrace its path? Acceleration of the particle
(a) Point A (b) Point B when its velocity is vertical is :
(c) Point C (d) Point D (a) g./fO (b) g
58. Consider a roller coaster (c) g../2 (d) g/6
with a circular loop. A roller 62. Different C
coaster car starts from rest locations of a
from the top of a hill which cyclist moving
te 5 m higher than the top of with constant
the loop. It rolls down the hill and through the loop. speed on a road of hilly region are as shown in
What must the radius of the loop be so that the figure below. At which of these locations would
passengers of the cnr will feel at h.igbest point, as if feels heaviest?
they have thelr normal weight? (a) A (d) D
Cb) B (c) C
(a) 6 m (b) 10 m 63. A small sphere 'B' of I'
(c) 15 m (d) 20 m
59. A child ls belted lnt.o a Ferris wheel seat that
mass M is connected at
one end of a light rigid
A --,·1
rotates counterclockwise at constant speed in a rod whose other end is i
vertical plane at an amUBement park. At the hinged so that the
location shown, which direction best represents the sphere hangs vertically.

toLal force exerted on the child by the seat and belt? At some instan t of time a
strong wind begins to
apply e constant
1. When a rubber-band i• st.retched by a
d1•tance .x:, it
Gel1 .9 a reiJtoring force of map
it.u de F • ax + bx2 {a) eJ Cb) 1B J (J
whe re a and b are co118tant.a. The wor
k done in
(c) 4.5 J (d) 22 J
libe tcbi n& the una t.ret dted rubb er-b
and by Lis : 8. Iden tify the corr ect statement.a from
the foll.
(A) Wo rk don e by a man in llf\i ng a buck
(JEE Mains) et~
bL 1 3 3 well by mea ns of a rope Lied to the
(a)-+ -
(b) -l(aJ -J
-}+bL neg ativ e.
S 2 2 S (B) Wo rk don e by grav itat iona l force
in liR
(c) oL1 + bL8 !(a L2 + bL3 >
(d) buc ket out of a well by a rope tied u, the
2 is neg ativ e.
S. A pen on tryi ng to loae wei ght by bur (C) Wo rk don e by fric tion on a bod y alidi
ning fat lifts a ng
ma u of 10 kg upto a heig ht of 1 m incl ined plan e is pos itive .
100 0 time s.
Auu me I.bat t.he pote ntia l ene rgy lost
each tim e be (D) Wo rk don e by an app lied force on a bo
low en the mas s ts diss ipat ed. How muc d
h fat will he on a rou gh hor izon tal plan e With
use up conaidering the work don e only
whe n the velocity in zero.
wei aht is lifted up? Fat sup plie s 3.8 7
,c 10 J of (E) Wo rk don e by the air resistan
ene rgy per kg which ia con vert ed to
mechanicaJ ce o
ene rgy with a 20% efficiency rate . osci llati ng pen dulu m is negative.
(Ta bg- = 9.8 ms-2 ) Cho ose the corr ect ans wer from the optio
[JEE Mains] ns
12.8 9 x 1()-3 kg belo w:
(a) (b) 2.45 x lo-3 kg (JllM
(a) B and E only (b) A and C only
(c) 6.45 • Io-3 kg (d) 9.89 x lo-3 kg (c) B, D and E only (d) B and D only
3. A poin t p
7. A is proj ecte d at ang le 30> t.o the
part icle
m•u . moves
of f The rati o of kine tic ene rgy of the
at po
alon g
8 proj ecti on to its kine tic ene rgy at the high
the est
unif orm ly I of flight will be:
rou gh trac k (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 4
PQR (c) 4 : 1 (d) 4 : 3
as Horizontal aur face -. Q R 8. A O. 4 kg mas s take s 8 s to reac h
aho wn in the ground
figure. The coefficient of friction, betw dro ppe d from a cert ain heig ht 'P' abov
een the e surfa
part icle and the roug h trac k equ als µ. The eart h. The loss of pote ntia l ene rgy in the
part icle lastse
is rele ased , from rest , from the poin t P and offa ll is _ _ J. [Ta keg = lOm /s 2 )
it comes [JEEM
t.o rest at a poin t R. The ene rgie s, lost 9. An obje ct of mas s 'm' init iall y at rest
by the ball , on a sm the part s, PQ and PR, of the trac k, are hor izon tal plan e star ts mov ing und er the
equ al to acti
eac h othe r, and no ene rgy is lost whe force F = 2N. In the proc ess of its linear
n part icle motion
cbagsP.& dire ctio n from PQ to QR. The ang le8( as sho wn in figu re) betw een thed
valu es of the iJ'edio
coefficient of friction µ and the dist anc force and hor izon tal vari es as 8 = h~
e x (= QR) where~
are, resp ecti vely close t.o: con stan t and .x is the dist anc e covered
[JEE Mains) by the o
(a) 0.. 29 and 6.5 m (b) 0.2 and 6.5 m from its init ial pos itio n. The expression
(c) 0.2 and 3.6 m of kin
(d) 0.29 and 3.5 m ene rgy of the obje ct will be E = n sin 8.
4. A bod y of mas s m = 10-2 kg is mov ing The valu
in a med ium k
and npe rieo ces a fric tion al rorce F n is [JEEM
= - ku 2 . Its --
ini:181 ape ed is v0 = 10 ms- 1• If, afte r 10
e, its ene rgy
u ,Mu : the valu e ofk will be:
8 (JEE Mains)
(a) 1<,C ka m- 1 (b) 10-1 kg m- 1 s- 1
Smo oth horiz onta l aw-face
(e) Io-8 kg m- 1 (d) 10-S kg e- 1
I. A tim e dep end ent force F • 6t act.a I 0. A sph eric al body of mas s 2 kg star
on a part icle of tilll froJllo
mu s 1 kg. If t.he part icJc star ts from rest acq uire s a kine tic ene rgy of 10000 J at
, wor k the •
don e by the force dur ing the firs t 1 sec. 5th seco nd. The force octe d on the body is
will be : ---
from it.a 17. A block or ma.11 0.
11, !b~ ied lo a dista nce x = 10 cm attached to a sprin g of
13 iiibtJUDl pomtion (at x = 0) on a frict.ionlea, force-conata.n l 2 NI m.
~ac e from resL The energy of the block at z = 5 The coefficient of friction ttalJ t.he
11 o.25 -1J. The sprin g COllBt.ant of the •Prin g iB between the block and the floor ii 0.l. lnJ y An
an (
NID • JEE Mains) block ii at reat and the 1prin1 l• unatret.ebed. 8
~o f !Dass M = 500 kg is descending With speed impulae 11 given to the block u ahown in the "": ;
1J.,. 2 ina -1. Jt., supp ortin g cable be&'inB to slip thus The block 1Jidea a duta nce of 0.06 m and com e~
1l'iJlg II lo fall wit.h a co111tant accelerauon of
2 rest for the flnt time. The initi al velocity of
rflJ~2. '!be kinetic energy of the lift at the end of fall bJoc ktnm /aisu •N/1 0. The nNi i: (UT•J
18. The work done on a particle or mas s m by force
~u, b tD a distance of6 m will be _ _ kJ.

A t,ody of mass 2 kg is initi ally at rest. It at.arts
K[ x
(x2 + ,2 )3/2
z+ Y
(x2 + ,2 ):n
1] CK being a C0DBtant
.,.arH le is
tJ. f)lOviDI unidirectionally unde r the influence of 8 of appropriate dimensions), when the -C
u,ee ofrons tant power P. Its displacement in 4 1 is take n from the point (a, 0) to the poin t (0, a) alon g8
0 2 .fi'~ The vaJue ofa will be........ (JEE Mains]
circular path of radiu s a abou t the orig in in t.he z-1
[JEE Advanced)
plane is :
Abody of maas 1 kg begins to move unde r the action
2 ., (a) 2.lln (b) kn (c) /uc (d) 0
of 8 wne dependent force F =(ti + 3 t J )N. Where 1
a a 2a
19. A particle of mass 0.2 kg iB mov ing in one dime nsio n
and j are the unit vectors along x and y axes. The 0.5 W
unde r a force that delivers a cons tant pow er
powe,r developed by above force, at the time l = 2 s.
to the particle. If the initial speed (in ms- 1 the) of
[JEE Mains]
will be _ _ W. particle is zero, then find the spee d (in ms- ) afte r
I6. Statement-I: A block of mass m start s moving one 5 s is. (JEE (Advanced))
rough horizontal surface with a velocity u. It stops

due to friction between the block and the surface Comprehension for QM ~n Nos. 20 and 21
after moving through a certa in distance. The top of a
su.rf'ace is now tilted to an angl e of 30° with the A small block of mass 1 kg ts released from reat at the
m. The
horimJltal and the sam e block is mad e to go up on rough track.. The tmck is a circular arc of radiu s 40
the surface with the sam e initial velocity v. The block slides along the track without toppling and a fricti
decrease in the mechanical energy in the second force acts on it in the direction opposite to the insta ntan
on up to the
situation is smaller than that in the first situation. velocity. The work done in overcoming the fricti
e the
Statement-2: The coefficient of friction between point Q, as shown in the figure belo f, is 150 J. (Tak
[JEE Advanced]
the block and the surface decreases with the acceleration due to gravity,g = 10 ms- )
increase in the angle ofinclination. [UT-JEE] y

(n) Statement-I is true, atatemen t-2 is true;

statement-2 is a correct explanation for 30~ p
statement-!. _./ I
(b) Statement-I is true, stat.ement--2 is true;
statement-2 is not a correct explanation for

I x
(c) Statement-I iB true, state men t-2 is false. o· --- --- -~
(d) Statement-I is false, state men t-2 is true.
~- on
16. Alight inextensible strin g that goes over 20. The magnitude of the normal reaction that acts
a IIDOoth fixed pull.ey as shown in the the block at the point Q is:
(b) 8.6 N
figure connects two blocks of masses 0.36 (a) 7.5 N
2 (d) 22.5 N
kg and 0. 72 kg. Taking g = 10 m / s , find (c) 11.5 N
the work done (in joules) by the strin g on 21. The speed of the block when it reaches the point Q
(a) 5 ms-
1 (b) 10 ms- 1
the block of maaa 0.36 kg duri ng the first
(c) I0J3 ms-
1 (d) 20 ms-1
lecond aftel' tho system is released from
rei;t. [IIT-JEf]
a. Conatder an eWpUo.U., t.he hole tn a 1maJJ bead, Ja bent
Y9l'UcaJ plane with OP • 8 m and OQ • 4 m. A block in the form of qu art er of a circle.
alm a• I qt.p uJl eda Jon 1th era JJ fromPtD Q wit The wire J1 ftxed ver tica lly on
a fon.-e of 18 N, which ta aJway1 parallel to line PQ ,ro un d u 1bawn tn the ftru re.
,_ I.he 11,ure liven), Al1umin1 no fHd.Jonal
The bead ta rel eue d from nea r
loe w, the k.lnetJc energy of t.he block when it 80-
reachN Q ii (11 • 10) jouJea. The vaJue of n !1 : (ta b the top of the wir e and Jt 11J de,
acceJe:nUon due to gra vit y• JO m,- )
2 along the wir e wit hou t friction. "1..:.~~-::-:::~~
A.. the bea~ mo ve, from A to B, the force it 1
on the wire rs : (JEE l1PI-
(aJ always rad iall y out wa rd, .
(b) aJwaya radJaJly inward.a.
(c) rad iaU y ou twa rd. JnJtiaJ.Jy d
...e an ra,t1.n..._
inwards late r. ---.u1

\ \
(d) rad JaJ ly iowa.rda
out wa rds
init iaJ Jy --..1
auu radian

m - '.,p
0• •- -3-

• Answers
..., ... - --
2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (c)
free6. (c) 7. (c) I. (c) 9. (a) 10. (.bl
L (d)
12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17 (d) 1L (a) 1!. (b) zo. (c)
11. (d)
26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (a)
22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (a)
21. (aj
36. (a) 37. (a) 31. (b) 39. (b) 40. (al
32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (d)
31.. fc) SO. (c}
44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (a) 48. (c} 49. (cl
41. (a) 42. (d) 43. (b)
58. (a) 59. (dl 60. (c)
52. (b) 53. (c) 54. (c) 55. (b) 56. (c) 57. (b)
SL (d)
63. (c) 64. (c) 65. (b) 66. (b) 67. (d)
6L (a) 62.. (d)
L l
U. 67
2. 1
u.. 7
3. •
4. 1
14. 100
3 &. (a)
16. 8
7. (d)
17. 4
L 300
1L (d)
,. 2 10# 40 -
(c) u. 5 1ll l~l
2L {b) 22. 5 ZJ. (d)
• Single Correct Type

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