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I. Course Code: CDEFTAC4

III. Course Description:
The course covers the fundamental of marksmanship, the proper handling and procedure of marksmanship specifically its safety and know
the different firing stance and arm style in firing a weapon/gun. It includes the relevant law on firearms and their related special laws, and
awareness in carrying firearms outside residence based on RA 10591 for prosecution of cases.

IV. Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO1: Demonstrate competence and broad understanding in providing important knowledge with regard to the firearms safety, necessary
in law enforcement administration, public safety.
CLO2: Collaborate effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams about firearms saftety
CLO3: Engage in lifelong learning and understanding of different techniques in effectively adapting in their own the importance of the
theory of the group, understanding the theory of small arms fire and the importance of the application of marksmanship and combat
CLO4: Apply professional, social, and ethical standards in the practice of marksmanship.

V. No. of Units: Lec: 2 Lab:0

VI. Pre-Requisite: CDEFTACT03
VII. No. of Hours Per Week: 3
VIII. Course Outline:
 Marksmanship Principles
 Accuracy and Precision
 Theory of the Group
 Theory of Small Arms Fire
 Application of Markmanship
 Combat shooting
 Combat Reloading
 Special consideration
IX. References:
2013 Shideler, Dan Best of Gun Digest : classic combat handguns, classic combat rifles
2013 Dougherty, Martin J. Self-defense : how to punch unarmed combat skills that work
2015 Vicente, Jezreel B. Handbook on markmanship and combat shooting 2nd ed
2016 Klein, Chuck Instinct combat shooting : defensive handgunning for police 4th ed
2018 Bustria, Leonardo A. The basic of marksmanship and combat shooting : with provision and policies, firearms legal requirements and
X. Requirements: Comply and pass all academic requirements
XI. Computation of Grades: The passing score is 50% of the total items in the examinations, while the passing grade for the semester is 75%
or 3.00. The basis for the computation of the semester grade is as follows:
Midterm grade: 70% Class standing and 30% midterm examination
Final Grade: 70% Class standing and 30% final examination
Semester grade: 50% midterm grade and 50% final grade

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