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Lymph differs from the blood in lacking

(a) red blood corpuscles (b) platelets
(c) plasma proteins (d) A.O.T
2.Lymph is formed from tissue fluid inside blind capillaries called
(a) spleen (b) blood
(c) lymph capillaries (d) N.O.T
3.Which duct receives lymph from the right side of the head , neck and thorax and the right arm.
(a) lymphatic vessels (b) right lymphatic duct
(c) lymphatic nodes (d) thoracic duct
4.Which receives lymph from the entire body except the right side of the head, neck and thorax
and the right arm
(a) lymphatic vessels (b) lymphatic nodes
(c) thoracic duct (d) right lymphatic duct
5.Lymph node are distributed throughout the body and it is not present in
(a) Groin (b) Neck
(c) Central nervous system (d) Armpit
6.The lymphatic tissue are present under the mucous membrane which lines nose, mouth and
pharynx and it is called as
(a) Larynx (b) Pharynx
(c) Epiglottis (d) Tonsils
7.Those lymphatic vessels that are rich in fat
(a) are found only in the brain (b) are known as lacteals
(c) enter the left atrium of the heart (d) are found only within the spleen
8.The movement of fluid through the lymphatic vessels is assisted by
(a) pressure from the right ventricle
(b) pressure of contracting skeletal muscles
(c) movement of phagocytes such as macrophages
(d) movement of red blood cells
9.Which of the following applies to the thoracic duct?
(a) it drains the entire body above the diaphragm
(b) it empties its contents into the subclavian vein
(c) it carries blood into the lymphatic system
(d) it arises in the vessels of the brain
10. Which is the correct sequence of the air passage in man?
(a) Nasal cavity → pharynx → trachea → larynx → bronchi → bronchioles → alveoli
(b) Nasal cavity → pharynx → larynx → trachea → bronchi → bronchioles → alveoli
(c) Nasal cavity → larynx → pharynx → trachea → bronchi → bronchioles → alveoli
(d) Nasal cavity → larynx → bronchi → pharynx → trachea → bronchioles → alveoli
11. In mammals, voice is produced by
(a) Bronchus (b) Syrinx
(c) Larynx (d) Inhalation and exhalation
12. Opening of larynx into pharynx is guarded by
(a) Syrinx (b) Epiglottis
(c) Tracheal valves (d) All of these
13. The Lungs are protected with the help of?
(a) Ribs (b) Vertebral column
(c) Sternum (d) All of these
14. Each terminal bronchiole gives rise to a number of very thin, irregular walled and
vascularized bag like structures called
(a) Alveoli (b) Respiratory bronchioles
(c) Pleural membrane (d) Follicles
15. Epiglottis is made up of
(a) Fibrous cartilage (b) Hyaline cartilage
(c) Elastic cartilage (d) Calcified cartilage
16. Covering of the lungs is called
(a) Perichondrium (b) Pleural membrane
(c) Pericardium (d) Peritoneum
17. Sites of gaseous exchange in lungs are
(a) Alveoli (b) Bronchi
(c) Bronchioles (d) Pleural membrane
18. Even when air being absent, the human trachea does not collapse due to the presence of
(a) Bony rings (b) Turgid pressure
(c) Chitinous rings (d) Cartilaginous rings
19. Larynx is made up of _____ cartilage
(a) 2 (b) 9
(c)5 (d) 4
20. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Inspiration is an active process (b) Inspiration is a passive process
(c) Expiration is an active process (d) Both expiration and inspiration are passive processes
21. Gaseous exchange between blood and alveolar air across respiratory membrane occurs by
(a) Osmosis (b) Diffusion
(c) Active transport (d) Phagocytosis
22.Approximately both lungs (mammalian) contain ________ of alveoli
(a) 70 million (b) 700 million
(c)70 billion (d) 700 billion
23. Following statement about expiration is true except
(a) It is a energy consuming process
(b) Relaxation of inter costal muscles occur
(c) Decrease the volume capacity of thorax
(d)Sternum moves inward & downward
24.The concentration of CO2 and H in blood is monitor by chemoreceptor k/a
(a) Aortic body (b) Carotid body
(c) Heamoglobin (d) Both a & b
25.The tidal volume of lung is ________
(a) 450 cm3 (b) 450 m3
(c) 450ml (d)Both a and c
26. During inspiration
(a) Diaphragm and external intercostals muscle relax.
(b) Diaphragm and internal intercostals muscles relax.
(c) Diaphragm and external intercostals muscles contract.
(d) Diaphragm and internal intercostals muscles contract .
27. During inspiration, the diaphragm
(a) Relaxes to become dome-shaped (b) Contracts and flattens
(c) Expands (d) Shows no change
28. Expiration involves
(a) Relaxation of diaphragm and intercostals muscles
(b) Contraction of diaphragm and intercostals muscles
(c) Contraction of diaphragm muscles
(d) Contraction of intercostals muscles
29. The total percentage of O2 transported by haemoglobin or RBC is
(a) 3% (b) 97%
(c) 70% (d) 7%
30. Besides RBC blood plasma also carries O2 in dissolved state. The percentage is
(a) 3% (b) 97%
(c) 70% (d) 7%
31. CO2 is transported
(a) By RBC (b) As bicarbonates
(c) In dissolved state through plasma (d) All of these
32. Blood entering the lung is rich in
(a) Oxygen (b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Urea (d) More RBCs
33. The majority of CO2 is transported as
(a) Carbonates (b) Bicarbonates
(c) Carbaminohaemoglobin (d) Dissolved state in blood
34. Oxygen is transported in blood mainly by
(a) Blood plasma (b) Leucocytes
(c) Thrombocytes (d) Erythrocytes
35.Each molecule of haemoglobin can carry at the maximum of _______ molecules of O2.
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
36.___________ is located between two pleural sacs and is the central compartment of the
thoracic cavity?
(a) Hilum (b) Pleura
(c) Mediastinum (d) Thoracic cage
37.Which one of the following statements is false about the trachea?
(a) Has C-shaped rings (b) It is covered by epiglottis
(c) It splits into the right and left lungs (d) None of the above
38.In Aves, the exchange of gases occurs within the __________.
(a) Lungs (b) Air sacs
(c) Air sacs and Lungs (d) None of the above
39.The windpipe is also called the ________.
(a) Larynx (b) Lungs
(c) Trachea (d) Oesophagus
40.In Earthworms, the process of respiration is through ________.
(a) Skin (b) Head
(c) Lungs (d) Pores on its anterior end
41. Lungs are respiratory organs of which animals?
(a) Reptiles and mammals (b) Frog and earthworm
(c) Fishes and tadpole (d) Spider and scorpion
42.Respiration is controlled by:
(a) Medulla oblongata (b) Hypothalamus
(c) Cerebellum (d) Olfactory lobe
43.Which instrument is used to measure the amount of air inhaled and exhaled during each
(a) Lactometer (b) Spirometer
(c) Hygrometer (d) Odometer
44.Which respiratory pigment is present in humans?
(a) Hemoglobin (b) Haemocyanin
(c) Curcumin (d) Melanin
45.The volume of air that remains in the lungs after normal expiration is
(a) Residual volume (b) Vital capacity
(c) Expiratory capacity (d) Functional residual capacity
46.What is the nature of gastric juice?
(a) Acidic (b) Alkaline
(c) Neutral (d) Basic
47.The activities of gastrointestinal are under
(a) Neural control only (b) Hormonal control only
(c) Neither hormonal nor neural control (d) Neural and hormonal control
48.Chylomicrons are concerned with the
(a) Digestion of fats (b) Absorption of proteins
(c) Digestion of protein (d) Absorption of fats
49.Respiratory surface of animals bear following properties except.
(a) wet (b) semi-permeable
(c) thin (d) large surface area
50.Trachea, open outside the body through minute slit like pores known as _________
(a) tracheoles (b) spiracles
(c) muscles pore (d) lamellae
51.The type of ventilation in which not allow the lungs to completely emptied or refilled by air
(a)incomplete ventilation (b) in complete respiration
(c) in complete expiration (d) in complete inspiration
52.The birds have non-muscular 8 – 9 air sac which are present in following part except
(a) abdomen (b) neck
(c)wings (d) lungs
53.The lungs of birds are internally subdivided into highly vascularized channels known as __
(a) Para bronchi (b) trancheols
(c) alveoli (d) N.O.T
54.In man breathing is termed as ________
(a) incomplete breathing (b) negative pressure breathing
(c) pleural breathing (d)A.O.T
55.In fish each gills are composed of two rows of hundreds of ________
(a) lamellae (b) gill arch
(c) gill bar (d) filament
56.In planaria ____________ type of digestion occurs
I. Intracellular II. Extracellular III Mechanical IV. Chemical
(a) I only (b) II only
(c) II and III only (d) I, II, III, And IV
57. Absorption of vitamin K takes place in
(a) Rectum (b) Colon
(c) Ceccum (d) A.O.T

58. Which part of digestive system is acidic

(a). A (b). B (c). C (d).D (e) E
59. Which structure store bile
(a). A (b). B (c). C (d).D (e) E
60. Which structure secrete bile
(a). A (b). B (c). C (d).D (e) E
61. which part considered as vestigial organ
(a). H (b). I (c) J (d). K (e) A
62. Which structure involve in absorption of minerals and water
(a). H (b). I (c) J (d). K (e) A
63. Which structure have lysozymes
(a). A (b). B (c). C (d).D (e) E
64. Which structure responsible for killing the germ
(a). E ,F (b). F,J (c). G,C (d).A,E (e) C,D
65. Which structure show rectum
(a). E (b). H (c). G (d).I (e) A
66. Digestion is completed in jejunum, which structure have jejunum
(a). E (b). F (c). G (d).D (e) A
67. infant condtion rennin produce ______ structure
(a). E (b). F (c). G (d).D (e) A
68. Which structure involve the digestion of carbohyderates
(a). E.G (b). F.G (c). G.A (d).D (e) E

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