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Jack-In-The-Web Doily

A festive doily for Halloween decorating fun!

Suggested Materials: (for 12" doily after blocking, measured from corner
to corner)

 Aunt Lydia's #10 thread in Pumpkin

 size 7 steel hook
 large-eye needle for weaving in ends

Abbreviations used:

 st = stitch (Note: each ch-2 space = 2 stitches)

 slst = slip stitch
 ch = chain stitch
 dc = double chain stitch
 hdc = half double chain stitch
 tr = treble crochet stitch
 sp = space

Special stitches:

 dc2tog = double chain two stitches together: yo (yarn over), insert hook into 1st st, yo, pull loop through, yo, pull thread
through first 2 loops on hook, yo again, insert hook into 2nd st, yo, pull loop through, yo, pull thread through first 2 loops on
hook, yo, pull thread through the 3 remaining loops on hook. A dc2tog counts as a single stitch.

 picot = ch 5 then slst to the first chain. All picots in this pattern use 5 chains instead of the more common 3 chains.

I've included a stitch count after each row for those who like to have them, but don't feel like you need to use it if you usually don't!

Ch 4, join with slst to first chain (circle made)

(ok to substitute magic circle, if you like them)

R1 ch 2 (counts as dc), ch 2 , *dc in circle, ch2*, repeat *-* 7 times, join with slst to top of initial ch-2 (8 dcs, 8 ch-2 spaces)

R2 ch 2 (counts as dc), ch 4 , *dc in next dc, ch 4*, repeat *-* 7 times, join with slst to top of initial ch-2 (8 dcs, 8 ch-4 spaces)

R3 ch 2 (counts as dc), ch 6 , *dc in next dc, ch 6*, repeat *-* 7 times, join with slst to top of initial ch-2 (8 dcs, 8 ch-6 spaces)

R4 ch 2 (counts as dc), ch 8 , *dc in next dc, ch 8*, repeat *-* 7 times, join with slst to top of initial ch-2 (8 dcs, 8 ch-8 spaces)

R5 ch 2 (counts as dc), ch 10 , *dc in next dc, ch 10*, repeat *-* 7 times, join with slst to top of initial ch-2 (8 dcs, 8 ch-10 spaces)

R6 ch 2 (counts as dc), dc in same st, ch 10, *2dc in next dc, ch 10*, repeat *-* 7 times, join with slst to top of initial ch-2 (16 dcs, 8
ch-10 spaces)

© Marsha Glassner 2017

Begin jack-o’-lanterns
R7 ch 1, dc in next dc (counts as dc2tog), *ch 4, 10 dc in ch-10 sp, ch 2, 10 dc in next ch-10 sp, ch 4, dc2tog over next 2dc *. Repeat
*-* 3 times, omitting the last dc2tog in final repeat. Join with slst in top of 1st dc2tog. (4 dc2tog, 8 ch-4 sps, 8 groups of 10 dcs, 4 ch-
2 sps)

R8 ch 3 (counts as tr), *ch 4, 2 dc in ch-4 sp, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 9 dc, 2 dc in ch-2 sp, dc in next 9 dc, 2 dc in next dc, 2 dc in ch-
4 sp, ch 4, tr in next dc2tog* Repeat *-* 3 times, omitting last tr on final repeat. Join with slst in top of initial ch-3. (4 ch-4, tr, ch-4
corners; 4 28-dc blocks)

R9 ch 2 (counts as hdc), *ch 2, 2dc in ch-4 sp, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 6 dc, **ch 2, skip 2 st, dc in next dc**, repeat **-** 4 more
times, dc in next 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc, 2dc in ch-4 sp, ch 2, hdc in next tr*. Repeat *-* 3 more times, omitting last hdc on final repeat.
Join with slst in top of initial ch-2. (4 ch-2, hdc, ch-4 corners; 4 34-st blocks. Block count includes 5 ch-2 sps)

R10 ch 2 (counts as dc), *ch 2, dc in ch-2 sp, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 6 dc, ch 2, skip 2 st, dc in next 16 st, ch 2, skip 2 st, dc in next 6
dc , 2dc in next dc, dc in ch2 sp, ch 2, dc in next hdc*. Repeat *-* 3 more times, omitting last dc on final repeat. Join with slst in top
of initial ch-2. (4 ch-2, dc, ch-2 corners; 4 38-st blocks. Block count includes 2 ch-2 sps, located kitty-corner from end sps of
previous row.)

R11 ch 2 (counts as dc), *ch 2, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 5 dc, ch 2, skip 2 st, dc in next 22 st, ch 2, skip 2 st, dc in next 5 dc, 2 dc in
next dc, ch 2, dc in next dc*. Repeat *-* 3 more times, omitting last dc on final repeat. Join with slst in top of initial ch-2. (4 ch-2,
dc, ch-2 corners; 4 40-st blocks. Block count includes 2 ch-2 sps, located kitty-corner from sps of previous row. Jack-o-lantern
smiles completed.)

R12 ch 2 (counts as dc), *ch 4, dc in next 19 st, ch 2, skip 2 st, dc in next 19 st, ch 4, dc in next dc*. Repeat *-* 3 more times,
omitting last dc on final repeat. Join with slst in top of initial ch-2. (4 ch-4, dc, ch-4 corners; 4 40-st blocks. Block count includes 1
ch-2 sp, located in center of each row (nose).)

R13 ch 2 (counts as dc), ** *ch 1, dc in same st*. Repeat *-* 2 more times, ch 3 (corner completed). Dc in next 19 st, ch 2, skip 2 st,
dc in next 19 st, ch 3, dc in next dc**. Repeat **-** 3 more times, omitting last dc on final repeat. Join with slst in top of initial ch-
2. (4 corners consisting of a ch-3, a cluster of 4 dcs separated by 1 ch each, and ch-3. Four 40-st blocks. Block count includes 1 ch-2
sp, located in center of each row. Nose completed.)

R14 ch 2 (counts as dc), ** *(ch 2, dc in next*. Repeat *-* 2 more times, ch 3 (corner completed). Dc in next 7 dc, ch 2, skip 2 st, dc
in next 22 dc, ch 2, skip 2 st, dc in next 7 dc, ch 3, dc in next dc*. Repeat **-** 3 more times, omitting last dc on final repeat. Join
with slst in top of initial ch-2. (4 corners consisting of a ch-3, a cluster of 4 dcs separated by 2 ch each, and ch-3. Four 40-st blocks.
Block count includes 2 ch-2 sps (outside corners of eyes).)

R15 ch 2 (counts as dc), ** *ch 3, dc in next*. Repeat *-* 2 more times, ch 3 (corner completed). Dc in next 7 dc, ch 2, skip 2 st, dc
in next 4 dc, ch 2, skip 2 st, dc in next 10 dc, ch 2, skip 2 st, dc in next 4 dc, ch 2, skip 2 st, dc in next 7 dc, ch 3, dc in next dc*. Repeat
**-** 3 more times, omitting last dc on final repeat. Join with slst in top of initial ch-2. (4 corners consisting of a ch-3, a cluster of 4
dcs separated by 3 ch each, and ch-3. Four 40-st blocks. Block count includes 4 ch-2 sps.)

R16 ch 2 (counts as dc), **** *ch 4, dc in next dc*. Repeat *-* 2 more times, ch 3 (corner completed). Dc in next 7 dc, **ch 2, skip
2 st, dc in next st**. Repeat **-** 2 more times (1st eye completed). Dc in next 9 dc, ***ch 2, skip 2 st, dc in next dc.***. Repeat
***-*** 3 more times (2nd eye completed). Dc in next 6 dc, ch 3, dc in next dc****. Repeat ****-**** 2S more times, omitting last
dc on final repeat. Join with slst in top of initial ch-2. (4 corners consisting of a ch-4, a cluster of 4 dcs separated by 4 ch each, and
ch-4. Four 40-st blocks. Block count includes 6 ch-2 sps.)

R17 ch 2 (counts as dc), ** *ch 5, dc in next dc*. Repeat *-* 2 more times, ch 5 (corner completed). Sk next dc and dc2tog in next 2
dc, dc in next 34 dc, dc2 tog, ch 5, skip 1 dc and dc in next dc**. Repeat **-** 3 more times, omitting last dc on final repeat. Join
with slst in top of initial ch-2. (4 corners consisting of a ch-5, a cluster of 4 dcs separated by 5 ch each, and ch-5. Four 36-st blocks
consisting of 2 dc2tog and 34 dc each.)

© Marsha Glassner 2017

R18 ch 2 (counts as dc), ** *ch 6, dc in next dc*. Repeat *-* 2 more times, ch 6 (corner completed). Dc2tog in next 2 st, dc in next
32 dc, dc2tog, ch 6, dc in next dc**. Repeat *-* 3 more times, omitting last dc on final repeat. Join with slst in top of initial ch-2. (4
corners consisting of a ch-6, a cluster of 4 dcs separated by 6 ch each, and ch-6. Four 34-st blocks consisting of 2 dc2tog and 32 dc

R19 ch 2 (counts as dc), ** *ch 7, dc in next dc*. Repeat *-* 2 more times, ch 7. Sk 2 st, dc2tog in next dc, dc in next 26 dc, dc2tog,
ch 7, sk 2 st and ch-6 sp, dc in next dc*. Repeat *-* 3 more times, omitting last dc on final repeat. Join with slst in top of initial ch-2.
(4 corners consisting of a ch-7, a cluster of 4 dcs separated by 7 ch each, and ch-7. Four 28-st blocks consisting of 2 dc2tog and 26 dc

R20 ch 2 (counts as dc), ** *ch 8, dc in next dc, picot*. Repeat *-* 2 more times, ch 8. Sk dc2tog & 1dc, dc2tog, dc in next 6 dc, hdc
in next dc, ch 1, slst in next 3 dc.

BEGIN STEM (see also Alternate Stem Instructions below)

Stem R1 ch 7 (7 sts)

Stem R2 Sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 4 chs, slst to same dc as previous slst (dc at base of ch-7), slst to next dc, ch 1
(does not count as sc) , turn (5 sc, 2 slst, 1 ch)

Stem R3 sc in next 2sc, 2sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, ch 1 (does not count as sc) , turn (6 sc, 1 ch)

Stem R4 sc in next 6 sc, slst to same dc as the second slst in R2, slst in next dc (6 sc, 1 slst)

Slst in next 2 dc, ch 1, hdc in next dc, dc in next 6 dcs, dc2tog, ch 8, sk dc2tog, dc in next dc, picot **.

Repeat **-** 3 more times, omitting the last dc+picot in the final repeat. Join with slst in top of initial ch 2. Picot.

Finishing Tie off. Weave in ends.

Alternate Stem Instructions – You may prefer these instructions for a shorter and thicker stem that may be easier to work.
In R20, where stem instructions begin, substitute:

ALT R1 Ch 2 (counts as hdc), hdc in same dc and in next 2 dcs, turn. (4 hdcs)

ALT R2 Ch 2 (counts as dc), hdc in next 2 hdcs and in the top of the ch-2, turn. (4 hdcs)

ALT R3 Ch 2 (counts as dc), hdc in next 2 hdcs and in the top of the ch-2, ch. Turn sideways keeping right side
toward you, with your hook at the right corner of your work. (4 hdcs, 1 ch)

ALT R4 Work 1 slst in the end hdc or ch-2 of each row. (3 slsts)

(then resume R20 after stem instructions end)

Note about faces – This design uses the filet crochet technique for the Jack-O'-Lantern faces.
Filet crochet designs are usually represented as charts. You can use graph paper or spreadsheet
software to create and substitute different faces - it's like carving your own Jack-O'-Lantern. Put
a different face on each pumpkin! Here is the chart used for the face in this pattern:

Have fun!

© Marsha Glassner 2017

Chart credit: Masako Kawahara

© Marsha Glassner 2017

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