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A transport which uses energy to pump molecules against a concentration gradient is known as
(a) Diffusion (b) Facilitated diffusion
(c) Active transport (d) A.O.T
2.Which is always negative (under natural condition)?
(1) ψs (2) ψw of solution (3) ψp (4) ψp of solution
(a) 1, 2 only (b) 1 only
(c) 4 only (d) 3 only
3.. The relationship between ψw, ψs and ψp can be given as:
(a) ψs = ψw + ψp (b) ψp = ψw + ψs
(c) ψw = ψp + ψs (d) A.O.T

Q( 4 to 6)

Answer the question with respect to the above diagram:

4. The solution of which chamber has a lower water potential?
(a) A (b) B
(c) Both have same (d) Cannot predict
5. The solution of which chamber has a lower solute potential?
(a) A (b) B
(c) Both have same (d) Cannot predict
6.In which direction will osmosis occur?
(a) None (b) B to A
(c) Both the direction (d) A to B
Dry seeds when placed in water swells due to
(a) Imbibitions (b) Absorption (c) Diffusion (d) Adsorption
7.Identify A to D in the given figure.

(a) A–Plasma membrane, B–Plasmodesmata, C–Epidermis, D–Casparian strip

(b) A–Casparian strip, B–Epidermis, C–Plasmodesmata, D–Plasma membrane
(c) A–Plasmodesmata, B–Epidermis, C–Casparian strip, D–Plasma membrane
(d) A–Epidermis, B–Plasma membrane, C–Casparian strip, D–Plasmodesmata
8.During symplastic pathway water moves through
(a) Cytoplasm (b) Plasmodesmata
(c) Cell membrane (d) All of these
9.. Which of the following is incorrect about symplastic pathway?
(a) Movement of water is relatively slower.
(b) Movement is down the concentration gradient.
(c) It may be aided by cytoplasmic streaming.
(d) Most of the water flow in root occurs by this pathway.
10.Movement of water is correctly represented by
(a) Cortex → Root hair (Epidermis) → Xylem → Endodermis → Pericycle
(b) Root hair (Epidermis) → Endodermis → Xylem → Pericycle → Cortex
(c) Root hair (Epidermis) → Cortex → Endodermis → Pericycle → Xylem
(d) Xylem → Cortex → Endodermis → Pericycle → Root hair (Epidermis)
11. Where is apoplastic movement shifted to symplastic pathway?
(a) Cortex (b) Endodermis
(c) Pericycle (d) Xylem
12.What is the approximate rate of the ascent of sap?
(a) 5 m/hr (b) 15 m/hr
(c) 40 m/hr (d) 2 m/hr
13.Stomata helps in
(a) Transpiration (b) Exchange of gases
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
14. Transpiration is affected by
(a) Humidity (b) Wind speed
(c) Light and temperature (d) All of these
15. The plant factor which affects the transpiration are
(a) Number and distribution of stomata (b) Number of stomata open
(c) Water status of plant (d) All of these
16. Transpiration driven ascent of sap depends mainly on the _________ physical properties of
(a) Cohesion (b) Adhesion
(c) Surface tension (d) All of these
17.The loss of water in the form of vapour from the aerial plant parts is known as
(a) Osmosis (b) Respiration
(c) Photosynthesis (d) Transpiration
18. Guard cells are found in
(a) Stomata (b) Root tips
(c) Ovary (d) Lenticels
19.Out of the following, which one is the most common type of transpiration?
(a) Foliar (b) Stomatal
(c) Lenticular (d) Cuticular
20. In a hot summer day, a plant cools itself due to
(a) Loss of water vapours from leaf (b) Transport of water in plant
(c) Loss of liquid water (d) Loss of water from entire plant
21.Guttation is caused due to
(a) Imbibitions (b) Osmosis
(c) Positive root pressure (d) Transpiration
22.Phloem sap is mainly composed of
(a) Water + Glucose (b) Water + Fructose
(c) Water + Cellulose (d) Water + Sucrose
23.The accepted mechanism for the translocation of sugar from source to sink is called
(a) Pressure flow hypothesis (b) Mass flow hypothesis
(c) Transpiration pull hypothesis (d) Both (a) and (b)
24.Root pressure develops due to:
(a) Low osmotic potential in soil (b) Passive absorption
(c) Increase in transpiration (d) Active absorption
25.The form of sugar transport through phloem is
(a) Glucose (b) Fructose
(c) Sucrose (d) Ribose
26..Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Absorption of simple sugar, alcohol, some water and medicines take place in stomach.
B. Maximum water absorption occurs in small intestine.
C. Small intestine is the major site of digestion and absorption of food.
D. Fatty acid and glycerol are absorbed by lacteals.
E. Nothing is absorbed in mouth and large intestine.
(a) A, D and E only (b) D and E only
(c) D only (d) B and C only
27.Loranthus is ______ parasitic plant
(a) stem (b) leaves
(c) Roots (d) A.O.T
28. Example of partial stem parasite
(a) Viscum (b) Cassytha filiformis
(c) Loranthus (d) A.O.T
29 Cuscuta is the example of _____ parasite of plant
(a) obligate (b) Partial
(c) Sometime partial sometime obligate (d) Both a and c
29. Sandal wood tree is the _____ parasite of plant
(a) stem (b) leaves
(c) Roots (d) A.O.T
30. Striga is a ____ root parasite
(a) obligate (b) Partial
(c) Sometime partial sometime obligate (d) Both a and c
31. Monotropa commonly known as
(a) Birds nest (b) Indian pipe
(c) Neotia (d) Pakistani pipe
32. Drosea intermedia also known as
(a) Sundew (b) Venus fly trap
(c) Water fly trap (d) A.O.T
33. According to Charles Darwin _____ plant is the most wonderful plant in the world
(a) Sundew (b) Venus fly trap
(c) Water fly trap (d) A.O.T
34. Dionaea muscipula also known as
(a) Sundew (b) Venus fly trap
(c) Water fly trap ( d) A.O.T
35. For obtaining their food requirements, parasitic plants penetrate -------- in host
a) Haustoria b) Rhizoids
c) Roots d) All of above
36. Due to Nitrogen deficiency, in tomato and apple leaves, the veins of leaves turn purple red due to
development of
a) Anthocyanin b) Carotene
c) Both a and b d) N.O.T
37. Pre-mature leaf fall, development of purple red spots on leaves, reduced Tillering of crops are mainly
due to deficiency of
a) Nitrogen b) Phosphorous
c) Magnesium d) Both a and b
38. Nitrogen is an essential element for all except
a )Protein b)Nucleotides of DNA
c)Chlorophyll d)Starch

39. Who said that carnivorous plants make digestive enzymes same as human stomach e.g. Pepsin
a)J.D. Hooker b)Robert Hook
c) Both a&b d)The legend Abrar

40. In autotrophic nutrition, the organic food material is made from

a)Inorganic raw material b)Organic substances
c) Both a&b d)N.O.T
41. Aldovanda commonly known as
a) Sundew b) Venus fly trap
c) Water fly trap d) Bladder wort
42. Utricularia commonly known as
a) Sundew b) Venus fly trap
c) Water fly trap d) Bladder wort
43. In fertilizer ____% of phosphorous present
a) 5% b) 10%
c) 15% d) N.O.T

44. In fertilizer ____% of potash present

a) 5% b) 10%
c) 15% d) N.O.T
45.. Hormonal control of the secretion of digestive juice is carried out by local ______, produced
by __________ and _____ mucosa.
(a) Neurotransmitters, liver, pancreas (b) Hormones, Liver, pancreas
(c) hormones, Gastric, intestinal (d) Neurotransmitters, gastric, intestinal

46 Absorption of digested food is carried out by

(a) Passive method (b) Active transport
(c) Facilitated transport (d) All of these

47. Identify A to E in the given figure.

(a) A–Oesophagus, B–Pyloric, C–Fundus, D–Superior portion of duodenum, E–Cardiac

(b) A–Pyloric, B–Cardiac, C–Fundus, D–Oesophagus, E–Superior protein of duodenum
(c) A–Superior protein of duodenum, B–Oesophagus, C–Cardiac, D–Fundus, E–Pyloric
(d) A–Oesophagus, B–Fundus, C–Pyloric, D–Superior protein of duodenum, E–Cardiac
48. Saliva contains
(a) Salivary amylase / Ptyalin (b) Electrolyte (Na+, K+ ,Cl-, HCO3- etc.)
(c) Lysozyme (d) All of these
49. Match the column:
A. Mucus cells – 1. HCI
B. Peptic (Zymogen) cells – 2. Intrinsic factor
C. Parietal/Oxyntic cells – 3. Pepsinogen
4. Mucus
(a) A → 4, B → 3, C → 1, 2 (b) A → 1, 4, B → 2, C → 3
(c) A → 4, B → 1, 3, C → 2 (d) A → 4, B → 2, 3, C → 1
49. Digestion of carbohydrates starts from
(a) Buccal cavity (b) Stomach
(c) Small intestine (d) Large intestine
50. Select the total number of true statement from the following.
A. In stomach the bolus is converted to chyme.
B. Chief cells secrets intrinsic factor required for absorption of Vit B12
C. Pepsinogen change into pepsin with the help of H+
D. Pepsin converts protein into amino acids.
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
51.Select the incorrect from the following:
52.Which digestive processes take place in the mouth (buccal) cavity?(A-LEVEL)

53.Which features make a villus well adapted for absorbing amino acids from the ileum?(A-LEVEL)
(a) large surface area, thin walls, lacteal
(b) large surface area : volume ratio, good blood supply, thin walls
(c)small surface area, good blood supply, lacteal
(d) small surface area : volume ratio, good blood supply, thin walls
54.The table shows where different components of food are digested in the alimentary canal.
Which option states where protein is digested?(A-LEVEL)

55.In which order do these events occur in human nutrition?

(a) digestion → ingestion → absorption → assimilation
(b) digestion → ingestion → assimilation → absorption
(c) ingestion → digestion → absorption → assimilation
(d) ingestion → digestion → assimilation → absorption
The products of digested food are present in the ileum.
56.Release of pancreatic juice is stimulated by
(a) enterokinase (b) cholecystokinin
(c) trypsinogen (d) secretin
57.Emulsification of fat will not occur in the absence of
(a) lipase (b) bile pigments
(c) bile salts (d) pancreatic juice
58. Pancreatic juice and hormones of pancreas are produced by
(a) same cells (b) same cells at different times
(c) statement is wrong (d) different cells
59.fat digestion occurs in
(a) rectum (b) stomach
(c) duodenum (d) small intestine
60.The enzyme enterokinase helps in the conversion of
(a) pepsinogen into pepsin (b) trypsinogen into trypsin
(c) caseinogen into casein (d) proteins into polypeptides
61.The hormone that stimulates the stomach to secrete gastric juice is
(a) gastrin (b) renin
(c) enterokinase (d) enterogasterone
62.Identify the order of the following histological layers which are present in the wall of human
alimentary canal from esophagus to rectum.
A. Serosa B. Bowman’s layer C. Muscularis D. Sub-mucosa E. Mucosa F. Ganglion layer
(a) A,B,C,D (b) B,C,D,E
(c) A,B,D,F (d) A,C,D,E
63.. Which of the following is the outermost histological layer of alimentary canal?
(a) Serosa (thin mesothelium) (b) Mucosa
(c) Sub mucosa (d) Muscularis
64Mucosal layer that forms irregular folds in the stomach is called
(a) Rugae (b) Villi
(c) Microvilli (d) Papilla
65.The gland which is situated below the tongue is
(a) Parotid (b) Sub-maxillary
(c) Sub-lingual (d) Sub-mandibular
66. What is digested by trypsin ?
(A) Protein (B) Lipid (C) Carbohydrate (D) All Above
67. Make the correct pairs
Column – I Column - II
(P) Small intestine (i) Largest internal organ
(Q) Pancreas (ii) Absorption of water
(R) Liver (iii) CCK
(S) Colon (iv) Digestion and absorption
(A) (P-iv) (Q -iii) (R-i) (S - ii) (B) (P-iii) (Q -ii) (R- i) (S - iv)
(C) (P-iv) (Q -ii) (R- i) (S - iii) (D) (P-ii) (Q -iv) (R- iii) (S- i)
68. Make the correct pairs
Column – I Column - II
(P) Lipase (i) Starch
(Q) Pepsin (ii) Casein
(R) Renin (iii) Protein
(S) Ptylin (iv) Lipid
(A) ( P-iv ) ( Q -ii ) ( R- i ) ( S - iii) (B) ( P-iii ) ( Q -iv ) ( R- ii ) (S - i)
(C) ( P-iv) ( Q -iii ) ( R- ii ) ( S - i) (D) ( P-iii ) ( Q -ii ) ( R- iv) ( S - i)

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