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Guide to 1. Define your video goals.

Scriptwriting 2. Write your script outline in five sentences.

3. Write out your STORY script.
Explainer Videos

Goal: Use the sentence starters below to

determine the purpose for your video.

1. Define your goal.

3. List your three takeaways
I want to create this video because:
First takeaway:

Second takeaway:
2. Define your audience.
My audience is:

Third takeaway:

They should care because:

4. Write your outline.

Goal: Use the sentence
Setting the emotional tone.
starters to write your script
outline in five sentences.

Target audience: Who is affected most by this emotion?

Obstacle: You want to _______, but you can't because _______.

Resolution: You could solve this problem by _______.

Yes! It works: This works because _____.

5. Script your entire narrative. Goal: Use the STORY framework to

Setting - How am I setting the stage? What is the prepare a concise script to use for your
emotional tone? What is the situation? problem/solution explainer video.

Resolution - How do you propose to solve the


Target Audience - Who is affected most by the

emotion? What is a proof point to add to the feeling?
Why is this the answer?

Yes! it works - How does it work?

Obstacle - What is the problem for the target

Because problem is solved, what now? (CTA)

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