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DBA Level- IV COC Theory Exam

Choose the best answer

1. How to change data from sql to access?
a. Import export wizard c. Business intelligent studied
b. Scp
2. Which one not true about resource location role manager
a. Scheduling c. Prepare and reading report
b. Acknowledge mail d. Meting
3. Complete picture of data in database?
a. Schema
b. Record
c. System flow chart
d. Relational database management system
4. Which one is open source and run on lnux window and unix operating system?
a. Mssql b. Jspisql c. Ml
5. Some words cannot use as object and variable name in java?
a. Keyword c. Class
b. Syntax d. Reserved words
6. Which one is procedure to change authentication mode?
a. Reboot operating system c. Restart sql server agent
b. Restart sql server login d. Use…….
7. Which one is sql level principal?
a. Sql server b. Sql server login c. Window account
8. Which do you mean by recursive relationship?
a. Employees has many department c. Employee manage employees
b. Employees manage department d. Employee manages organization
9. Relation R cardinality 2 degree 3 and relation Y cardinality3 degree 2 do this by Cartesian
a. Degree 5 and cardinality 6 c. Degree 8 and cardinality 5
b. Degree 6 and cardinality 5 d. Degree 12 and cardinality 5
10. Which one is true when you run a single program and multiple program the result should be
the same?
a. Atomicity c. Consistency
b. Durability d. Isolation
11. Which one is not true about performance of database?
a. Taking backup c. Index
b. Hard ware optimization d. Database tuning
12. Which one is secure features of database schema
a. Database user c. Database
b. Service d. View
13. ------------user mapped
a. Login b. Window group c. Window count
14. What part of object-oriented technology defines super class and subclass relationships?
A. Inheritance B. Scalability

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DBA Level- IV COC Theory Exam
C. Encapsulation D. Polymorphism
15. Data encryption techniques are particularly useful for
A. Reducing storage space requirements
B. Improving data integrity
C. Protecting data in data communication
D. Maximizing data Quality
16. Each entity is represented as a(n):
A. Tuple C. Attributes
B. Table D. File
17. What term is used to a specific record in your music database; for instance; information
stored about a specific album?
A. Relation C. Table
B. Instance D. Column
18. What are certain packages that allow people to define data items, place these items particular
records, combine the records into designated files and then manipulate and the stored data
A. Data storage system
B. Database management system (DBMS)
C. Batch processing system
D. Data communication package
19. Which of the following problems using the sql group by phrase with a select statement can
help to detect?
A. The multivalve multicolumn C. The missing values
B. The inconsistent values D. The general-purpose remarks
20. Which of the following column properties specifies whether or not cells in a column must
contain database values?
A. Null status C. Default value
B. Data type D. Data constraints
21. What are the instructions called that tell a system what how, and when to do something?
A. Object-oriented technology approach
B. Object-oriented database
C. Program Database management
22. Alogical schema
A. Is the entire database
B. Is a standard way of organizing information in to accessible parts
C. Describes how data is actually stored on disk
D. The design of the database
23. In sql, which command is used to remove a stored function from the database?
24. The action in java class is
A. Procedure C. Method
B. Function D. Subroutines
25. Which of the following is true concerning triggers?

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A. Do not create them with sql
B. Execute against only some applications that access a database.
C. Have an event ,condition, and action
D. Cannot cascade (cause another trigger to fire)
26. Which of the following is not part of an administrative policy to secure a database?
A. Authentication policy
B. Limiting particular areas within a building to only authorized people
C. Ensure appropriate responses rates are in external maintenance agreements
D. Present information in different formats
27. When the values in one or more attributes being used as a foreign key must exist in another
set of one or more attributes in another table, we have created a(n):
A. Transitive dependency C. Referential integrity constraint
B. Insertion anomaly D. Normal form
28. Which of the following is not a restriction for a table to be a relation?
A. The cells of the table must contain a single value.
B. All of the entries in any column must be of the same kind
C. The columns must be ordered
D. No two rows in a table may be identical
29. Which of the following do not include strategic planning factors?
A. Organizational goals C. Information engineering
B. Critical success factors D. Problem areas
30. What is the fact that the same operation may apply to two or more classes
A. Inheritance C. Encapsulation
B. Polymorphism D. Multiple classifications
31. Which of the following statement is true concerning object and/or classes?
A. An object is an instance of a class
B. A class is an instance of an object
C. An object includes encapsulates only data
D. A class includes encapsulates only data
32. Which of the following qualifies as best DR (Disaster Recovery) site?
A. DR site in the same campus
B. DR site in the same city
C. DR site in the same country
D. DR site in a different country
33. Which of the following data constraints would be used to specify that the value of cells in a
column must be one of a specific set of possible values?
A. Domain constraint C. An intra-relation constraint
B. Range constrain D. An inter-relation constrain
34. Scalability feature in SQL server enterprise edition:
A. Publishing C. Binary and compressed xml transport
B. Data mining D. Partitioning
35. Contains data and database objects
A. Log files B. Data files

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C. File groups D. Primary files primary data files
36. Which is not SQL server Principal?
A. SQL server login C. SQL server
B. Windows domain login D. Application Role
37. Securable objects in a database schema:
A. Database user C. View
B. Database D. Service
38. Some words cannot use as objects/variable name in java?
A. Key word C. Class
B. Syntax D. Reserved words
39. Which of the following can be mapped to a database user?
A. Login C. Domain account
B. Windows account D. None
40. One of the following is not related to database performance.
A. Partitioning of table C. Hardware/software optimization
B. SQL tuning D. Taking backup
41. Which transaction property ensures or changes to data are performed as if they are a single
A. Consistency C. Atomicity
B. Durability D. Isolation
42. An open source of DBMS product that runs on UNIX,LINUX, and WINDOWS.
A. Sun access C. IDB/SQL
43. Which of the following is not true about Null Values?
A. Is equivalent to zero
B. Is not considered to be greater than,less than or equivalent to any other values
C. Is equivalent to space
D. Equivalent to blank
44. The complete picture of data stored in database known as:
A. Schema C. Stored data chart
B. Column D. DBMS
45. Which one is true about resource allocator role manager?
A. Scheduling C. Acknowledge mail
B. Prepare and reading report D. Meting
46. How to import data from Access to SQL.
A. Import/export wizard
B. Business development
47. Which one is an example recursive relationship?
A. Employee has many department C. Employee manages employee
B. Employee manages a department D. Department employ employees
48. Which one is the procedure to change authentication method?
A. Reboot operating system C. Restart SQL server agent
B. Restart SQL server D. Change SQL server instances.

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49. Suppose you are a database administrator of Northwind Company. The company needs to
prepare database protection policy. The company formed committee for this purpose and you
are a member of the committee. Which one of the following is not your role in this policy
formulation process?
A. Understand all employee behavior of the company
B. Understand day to day activity of the company
C. Understand business plan of the company
D. Understand future need of the company
50. One of the following does not force a company to migrate to new technologies.
A. The need for support from venders C. Competitive advantages
B. Data growth D. Data Redundancy
51. You need to bring data from an access database in SQL Server. You want to perform the
tasks as simply as possible. Which one of the following options best meets the requirements?
A. Import and export wizard C. Create database wizard
B. Copy database wizard D. Create from wizard
52. One of the following is a task in database system testing?
A. Comparing actual results to expected results on completion of each database system unit
B. Removing redundant records if there are any
C. Preparing the database backup before starting database system test
D. Making sure that technical documents are prepared
53. You have run an SQL statement that asked the DBMS to display data from a table named
USER_TABLES.The results include columns of data labeled “Table name”,number of
columns and “primary key”.You are looking at:
A. User data C. Report data
B. Metadata D. Indexes data

54. Which one of the following is not factor that affect work place information communication.
A. Person behavior C. Office location
B. Lack good governance D. Motivation to work together
55. A language that expresses a computer problem as a series of objects system contains, the
behaviors of those objects and how the objects interact with each other.
A. Structure oriented programming languages
B. Object oriented programming languages
C. Functional oriented programming languages
D. Procedure oriented programming languages
56. One of the following is not a basic concept on object oriented programming languages?
A. Polymorphism C. Transmission
B. Class D. Inheritance
57. one is not considered as a core concept of Kaizen task:
A. Workplace management C. Focus on individual performance
B. Waste elimination D. Standardization
58. Criteria that should not consider when evaluating or assessing functionality of database?

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A. Accuracy of database C. Sensitivity of database

B. Reliability of database D. Consistency of database
59. The strategies in managing and maintaining small/medium business day to day operations
does not include:
A. Developing work activities
B. Developing effective work habits
C. Adjusting work schedules as needed
D. Developing business strategy
60. Which of the following is not true about strategic plans?
A. In indicates the future business plan of the organization
B. Implemented within bounded time
C. It indicates day to day activity of the organization
D. It indicates the major activities‟ of the organization
61. You are assigned to lead a small team in your company that manages database. Identify the
wrong statement in leading the team.
A. Assign responsibilities to team members
B. Favor some individual in your team
C. Possess necessary leadership skill
D. Understand the team role.
62. One of the following is not the responsibility of database administrator
A. Control over data and program accessing data
B. Authorizing access to the database
C. Maintenance of hardware and software components of the entire organization
D. Creating and testing backup
63. How do you prevent system privilege deletion and updating authority on PRICE and YEAR
column of the CATALOGUE table from user Girma.
64. In your data model, you have two relation associated with each other by many-to-many
relationship. How will this relationship be physically implemented in a relational database?
A. By adding a third relation between the original two relations in order to create
two many-to-many relationship
B. By adding the primary key of the first relation to the second relation as a foreign key
C. By dragging the primary key of the second table to the first table
D. By adding any key of the first table to the second table as a foreign key
65. A statement used to create ,modify, and delete database objects such as tables, views,
schemas, triggers and stored procedures

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66. Planning and organizing a given work does not include:
A. Setting attainable objectives
B. Creating and manipulating database
C. Monitoring and evaluating activities
D. Scheduling activities
67. One of the following is not the task applied when converting data
A. Backing up data before conversion
B. Documenting data rejection and errant behavior of data
C. Modifying and formatting data
D. Converting support documents
68. It is not an activity to establish specifications to maintain and improve quality at work
A. Developing an agreed upon specifications
B. Identifying quality requirements
C. Monitoring the effectiveness of quality assurance procedures
D. Providing service for requested departments
69. Which one of the following does not affect database performance (response time)?
A. Database design
B. Number of columns to be retrieved from tables
C. Number of concurrent users
D. Number of users within administrative access right
70. The process of deciding how to commit resources between varieties possible task is:
A. Consistency C. Realistic
B. Scheduling D. specificity
71. The components of strategic plan that defines the organization‟s purpose and primary
A. Mission statement C. Guidelines principles
B. Vision statement D. SWOT Analysis
72. Which one of the following is the correct procedure that you follow to solve a problem.
A. Define the problemImplement the plandevelop the planevaluate the result.
B. Implement the plan define the problemdevelop a planevaluate the result.
C. Develop a plandefine the problemimplement the planevaluate the result.
D. Develop the problemdevelop a plan implement the planevaluate the result.
73. The process of combining heterogeneous data sources in to a single queriable schema to get a
view of these data.
A. Data transformation C. Data integration
B. Data processing D. Data cleaning
74. The process of changing the data into the format of new database system is:
A. Installation C. Data conversion
B. Documentation D. Maintenance
75. Suppose that you have an activity which can perform a number of times repeatedly. Then
which of the following statements is more preferable?
A. If….else statements C. Case statement
B. Loop statement D. Jump statement

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76. Assume you are a database administrator in the department of information technology. Then
if you want to generate a report about all female students, which SQL command is
A. Create C. Retrieve
B. Update D. select
77. If you join data from two tables then which one of the following is true about the application
of inner join?
A. Returns only the rows from each table that has matching values in the join column
B. Returns all the rows of the first table
C. Returns a row in the result table for each combination of rows of using Cartesian product
D. Returns all the rows of the selected table.
78. The ability of database system to be enlarged to accommodate the growing amount of work
A. Database functionality C. Database consistency
B. Database scalability D. Database integrity
79. In database development life cycle, the process of testing a system module by module is:
A. System test C. Integration test
B. Acceptance test D. Unit test
80. Mr. Abebe is one of the database worker in your organization and he want to his Id_number
from org123 to org12 but he did not do it. Why abebe can‟t change?
A. He may not have select privilege
B. He may not have insert privilege
C. He may not have update privilege
D. He may not have drop privilege
81. Assume you are a member of a database development team,and your team developed a
database system for a company which has thousands of customers whose information is
updated rapidly. Six months the company database faces a problem in its performamce. What
is your recommendation for this company?
A. The company should delete all customers information to improve performance
B. The company should tune the memory,I/O to improve performance
C. The company should update all customers information to improve performance
D. The company should ask the team to develop new database system to improve
82. Which one of the following is a concept of migrate to new technology?
A. Migrate from Microsoft office 2013 to Microsoft office 2007
B. Migrate from window 8 to window 7
C. Migrate from Microsoft SQL server 2012 to Microsoft SQL server 2008
D. Migrate from Microsoft Access to Microsoft SQL server
83. Why Microsoft SQL server is more preferable than Microsoft Access for database developer
A. Because Microsoft SQL server is open source software
B. Because Microsoft access is open source software
C. Because Microsoft SQL server is more secure than Microsoft access software
D. Two software have no difference.
84. Which one of the following is not factor of workplace communication?
A. Personal behavior C. office location
B. lack good governance D. motivation to work together
85. Which one is not considered as core concept of kaizen task?
A. Workplace management B. B. west elimination

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C. focus on individual performance D. standardization
86. Criteria that should not consider when evaluating or assessing functionality of database?
A. Accuracy of database C. sensitivity of database
B. reliability of database D. consistency of database
87. The strategies of in managing and manipulating small medium business day to day
operations do not include?
A. developing work activities C. adjusting work schedule as needed
B. developing effective work activities D. developing business activities/strategy
88. Which one of the following is not true about strategic plan?
A. It indicate the future business plan of organization
B. implemented within bounded time
C. it indicate day today activities of the organization
D. it indicate the major activities of the organization
89. You are assigned to lead a small team in your company that manages database identity the
wrong statements in the leading the team?
A. Assign responsibilities to team members
B. favor some individuals in your team
C. possess necessary leadership skill
D. understand the team role
90. One of the following is not the responsibility of database administrator
A. control over data and program accessing data
B. authorizing access to the database
C. maintenance of hardware and software components of the entire
D. creating and testing backup
91. how do you prevent system privilege deletion and updating authority on price as year
column of the catalogue tables from user girma
A. Grant delete, update(price year) on catalogue from girma
B. Allow delete , update(price, year) on catalogue from girma
C. Revoke delete, update(price, year) on catalogue from girma
D. Deny delete, update (price, year) on catalogue from girma
92. In your data model, you have two relationships associated with each other by many to many
relationships, how will these relationships be physically implemented in the relational database?
A. By adding a third relation between the original two relations in order to create two
one to many relationships?
B. By adding the primary key of the first relation to the second relation as a foreign key
C. By dragging the primary key of the second table to the first table
D. By adding any key of the first table to the second table as a foreign key
93. A statement used to create, modify, and delete database objects such as views, schemas, domains,
triggers and stored procedures
94. Planning organizing activities a given work doesn‟t include?
A. Setting attainable objects
B. creating and manipulating database

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C. scheduling activates
D. monitoring and evaluating activities
95. One of the following is not the task applied when converting data?
A. Backing up data before conversion
B. documenting data rejection and errant behavior of data
C. modifying and formulating data
D. converting support documents
96. It is not an activity to establish quality standard specifications to maintain and improve
quality at work?
A. developing an agreed upon specifications
B. identifying quality requirements
C. monitoring the effectiveness of quality assurance procedures
D. providing services for requested department
97. One of the following is a task in the database system testing?
A. comparing actual results to expected results on completion of each database
B. removing redundant records if there are any
C. preparing the database backup before starting the database system test
D. making sure that technical document is prepared.
98. . If the attribute phone number is included in the relation all the values need not be entered into
the phone number column. This type of entry is given as
A. 0 C. Null
B. – D. Empty space
99. A database problem occurs when one transaction wants to read more than one object at the
same time
A. Recover C. Deadlock
B. dirty read D. Transaction Conflict
100. Which of the following assigns the number 5 to the area variable?
A. area=5 C. area 1=5
B. area==5 D. area-->5
101. Step by step sequence of activities or course of action (with definite start and end points)
that must be followed in the same order to correctly perform a task
A. Procedures C. Practice
B. operational D. Activates
102. In_______of oracle, the database administrator creates user account in the database for
each user who needs access
A. Operating system authentication C. External authentication
B. internal authentication D. Database authentication
103. Which of the following is a scalability feature in SQL server enterprise edition?
A. Binary and compressed XML transport C. Data mining quires
B. Publishing D. Partitioning
104. A type of joins that can be returns only the rows from each table that has matching
values in the join columns and any rows that do not have match between the tables will not
appear in the result table.
A. Full join C. Outer join
B. Cross join D. Inner join

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105. Two tables can be connected with the UNION operator if they are compatible with each
other. This means
A. Have the different number of columns but the same data types
B. Have the different number of columns and data types
C. Have the same number of columns and data types
D. Have the same number of columns but the different data types
106. Which type of file contains data and database objects such as tables and indexes?
A. Data files C. Log files
B. Binary files D. file groups
107. Keeping the rules to maintain the standards and continue to improve every day in kaizen is?
A. strengthing C. Sorting
B. Sustaining D. Shining
108. Which transaction property ensures changes still present following a crash or system failure?
A. Durability C. Consistency
B. Atomicity D. Isolation
109. Microsoft Access is
B. Network Database model D. RDBMS
110. ODBC stands for_________
A. None of the above C. Offline Database connection
B. Open Database Connection D. oriented Database connection
111. Which symbol can be used to represent functional dependency?
A. An arrow C. Rectangle
B. Diamond D. Ellipse
112. Which of the following statements is true concerning routines and triggers?
A. Both run automatically C. Both have to be called to operate
B. Both consists of procedural code D. Both are stored in databases
113. Effective teams operate in a manner that is supported by
A. Decision making by leader C. Decision making by Customer
B. Decision making by consensus D. Decision making by owner
114. CREATE TABLE Manager(ID NUMERIC,Name VARCHAR(20),budget NUMERIC,Details
In order to ensure that the value of budget is non-negative which of the following should be used?
A. Check(budget>0) C. Alter(budget>0)
B. Check(budget<0) D. Alter(budget<0)
115. Which one true about the guidelines to create a data model?
A. Identify different data components –consider raw and processed data
B. Identify the relationship between similar data components
C. No repeats the steps to optimize model
D. Test the model with similar scenarios
116. The entity relationship model (E-R) model
A. Entities are represented by circle
B. It represents conceptual view
C. It corresponds to row

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D. Attributes are represented by rectangle
117. Which of the field has width 8 bytes?
A. Number C. Hyperlink
B. Date/time D. Memo
118. A lock that allows concurrent transactions to access different rows of the same table is
known as
A. Row level lock C. Table level lock
B. Database level lock D. Filed level lock
119. If the maximum cardinality is equal to 1 both directions of a relationship then it‟s classified as
A. Many-to-many C. one-to-many
B. One-to-one D. optional
120. You are the administrator of a SQL server 2000 computer that contains a database. Users report
quires to this database respond slowly. You use system monitor to examine subsystems on your server
and receive the results shown in the exhibit. You need to modify server to accelerate query response
time .what should you do?
A. Add faster network adapter C. Add an additional processor
B. Increase the amount of RAM D. Upgrade to faster disk sub system
121. Which of the following continues improvement that decrease cost and improve quality?
A. Shine C. Standardize
B. Kaizen D. BSC
122. Which of the following is a securable object in a database schema?
A. Database user C. Service
B. View D. Database
123. UML stands for
A. Universal modeling language C. Unified modeling language
B. United modeling language D. Uni modeling language
124. Which of the following statement is used to remove the privilege from the user amir?
A. Remove update on department from amir
B. Delete select on department from raj
C. Grant update on employee from amir
D. Revoke update on employee from amir
125. During modeling your data entity relationship is applied at
A. Application and security C. Physical refinement
B. Conceptual database D. schema refinement
126. What type of join is needed when you wish to include rows that do not have matching values?
A. Equi join C. All of the above
B. Natural join D. Outer join
127. The behavior of effective communication skill is?
A. Incongistence body language C. Difference in perception
B. Focus fully on the speaker D. Lack of attention
128. The name for a memory location where you store some data
A. Expressions C. Data type
B. Operations D. variable
129. How do you understand the hierarchical data model?
A. Relationships are represented by a rectangle

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B. Represents modem file processing
C. Can be represented as a tree graph with records appearing as nodes
D. Allows a node to have more than one parent
130. Which of the following assigns the number 5 to the area variable?
A. Area ==5 C. Area =5
B. Area 1=5 D. Area --5
131. The maximum cardinality is equal to 1 in both directions of a relationship then it is classified
A. One to one C. Optional
B. One to many D. Many to many
132. Which of the following facilities DBMS should provide to assist data recovery?
A. Relationship facility C. Constraints facility
B. Design facility D. Checkpoint facility
133. A laboratory testing procedure in which one test is done simultaneously on multiple speciments
A. Test case C. Scheduling
B. Test scripting D. Bach test
134. Which of the following is the first step in designing and developing a new system?
A. Requirement analysis C. System implementation
B. System testing D. System design
135. Which one is defining a kind of data will store in variables and also defines memory storage of
A. Data type C. Size of array
B. Object D. Variable
136. how do change the price of Book whose id=B001 to value of 600
A. Change Book set price=600 where id=‟B001‟
B. Grant Book set price=600 where id=‟B001‟
C. Update to change Book set price=600 where id=‟B001‟
D. Update Book set price=600 where id=‟B001‟
137. Which of the following does not occur in the process of normalization?
A. Redundancy is eliminated
B. Duplicate columns are eliminated
C. Separate tables are merged
D. Separate tables are created for related group of data
138. A union query is which of the following?
A. Combines the output from no more than two queries and must include the same
number of columns.
B. Combines the output from no more than two queries and does not include the same
number of columns.
C. Combines the output from multiple queries and must include the same number of columns.
D. Combines the output from multiple queries and does not include the same number
of columns.
139. Microsoft access is A
A. ORDBMS C. Network database model
140. Which of the following queries is correct about the following output?
Pub ID Number of
1 4

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2 2
3 3
Query out put 1
A. Select Pub ID,count(*) as [number of books] from books group by PubID having
B. Select PubID,count(*) as [number of books] from books group by PubID having
C. Select Pub ID,count from books group by PubID having count(*)=2
D. Select Pub ID,count(*) as [number of books] from books order by PubID having
141. While listining limitation of file processing system identity the wrong statement?
A. Difficult in accessing data
B. Data isolation and integrity
C. Concurent access is possible
D. Data redundancy and inconsistency available
142. Identify three data definition language commands
A. Create,insert,drop C. Create,alter,delete
B. Create,alter,drop D. Insert,update,delete
143. the main facilities offered by database management software are
A. Ability to store a large amount of data in a structured format,easy update,sort,
query, production or reports
B. Ability to process documents for different purposes
C. Ability to rotate images,copy and paste,fill scale
D. Easy editing, spell check, perform calculations, library of mathematical functions,
144. Which of the following can be mapped to a database user?
A. Domain account C. Windows group
B. Windows account D. login
145. Which of the following is true about Null value?
A. Is equivalent to zero
B. Is equivalent to space
C. Is equivalent to blank
D. Is not considered to be greater than,less than,or equivalent to any other value
146. A type of query that is placed within a WHERE or HAVING clause of another query is called
A. Sub query C. Master query
B. Super query D. Multi query
147. Having specific information about a persons current behavior in order to help him/her either
continue the behavior or modify the behavior
A. Suggestions C. Feedback
B. Opinion D. conclusion
148. Which one true about the guidelines to create a data model?
A. No repeat the steps to optimize the model
B. Identify the different data components consider raw and processed data
C. Identify the relationships between the similar data components

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D. Test the model with similar scenarios
149. When the computer can not differentiate between two overloaded constructors, they are called
A. Dubious C. Destructed
B. Ambiguous D. overloaded
150. information of an organization can gathered by
A. Guessing business rules
B. Imagining business forms
C. Interviewing end users
D. Stealing the organizations document
151. Which of the following is true concerning triggers?
A. They have an event, condition, and action
B. You do not create them with SQL
C. They execute against only some applications that access a database
D. They can not cascade (cause another trigger to fire)
152. In a given organization, employees are forbidden to use internet at any working hour except at
lunch time and weekend what dose this?
A. Organizational policy C. Organizational mission
B. Organizational structure D. Organizational goal
153. There is a database called PUBS having tables Authors (AU_fname, AU_lname,city) and
publishers (PUB_name,city) the riport generated by the following query is Use PUBS Select a.
AU_fname, a. AU_lname, p.PUB_name from Authors left outer join publishers p on
order by p. PUB_name ASC, a. AU_lname ASC, a. AU_fname, ASC
A. List only those publishers that are located in the same cities as the authors
B. List the name of every author in the authors table
C. Retrieves the name of every author in the authors table and the names of any
publishers that are located in the same cities as the authors
D. List the name of all authors and publishers
154. A set of convetions, rules and standards employed in acomputer systems technical framework,
plus customer requirements and specifications
A. E-R diagram C. Flow chart
B. Data modeling D. System architecture
155. Which of the following is not important in order to increase the performance of the database?
A. Use more powerful cpu‟s
B. Use less memory
C. Use high speed connection between database components
D. Use more RAM capacity
156. Two concurrent transactions are active in your system. The first transaction modifies data in a
table. The second transaction sees those modifications before they are actually committed to the
database. The first transaction then rolls back the modifications. Type of data problem has to
occurred is
A. Phantom read C. Repeatable read
B. Dirty reads D. Non repeatable read
157. The…………… schema uses a page table containing pointers to all pages, the page table itself
and all updated pages are copied to a new location
A. Shadow paging B. Update log records

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C. Shadow copy D. Delete log records

158. A method of combining the data and functions inside a class
A. Methods C. Encapsulation
B. Class D. Polymorphism
159. A logical description of some portion of database that is required by a user to perform task is
called as
A. Logical View C. User View
B. System View D. Data View
160. Which is a reserved word in the java programing language?
A. Methods C. Native
B. Reference D. subclasses
161. The operator is that allows you to specify multiple values an a WHERE clause
162. The issue that applies only to a multi user system is?
A. Concurrency C. Media recovery
B. Durability D. System recovery
163. One of a mechanism file or database from one format (from one physical environment) to another
or data is moved from one system to another.
A. Data control C. Data conversion
B. Data manipulations D. Data exchange
164. Which of the following facilities DBMS should provide to assist data recovery?
A. Design facility C. Checkpoint facility
B. Constraints facility D. Relationship facility
165. One of the following is NOT related to database performance
A. Hardware optimization C. SQL tuning
B. Partitioning of tables D. Taking backup
166. One of the following is a category of SQL environments
A. Index C. Catalog
B. View D. Data dictionary

167. You need to produce a report for mailing labels for Customers. The mailing label must have only
the customer name and address. The Customers table has these columns ID, NAME, ADDRESS;
PHONE the SELECT statement to accomplishes this task?
A. SELECT*FROM customers;
B. SELECT id, name, address, phone FROM customers;
C. SELECT cust_name, cust_address FROM customers;
D. SELECT name, address FROM customers;
168. Which mechanism is used to detect deadlock
A. Waits for graph structure C. Commit
B. Ghant chart D. rollback
169. Data manipulation language (DML) is not to
A. Modification of information in the database
B. Create information table in the database
C. Insertion of new information in to the database
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D. Deletion of information in the database
170. What is a subquery?
A. A subquery is a select-from-where expression that is nested within another query
B. A subquery is any query that is nested within another query
C. A subquery is a relation that is externally specified which can be used to handle
data in queries
D. A subquery is a condition that excludes all the invalid tuples from the database
171. How do you prevent system privileges deletion and updating authority on PRICE and YEAR
column of the CATALOGUE table from user Girma
A. GRANT DELETE, UPDATE (price,year) ON catalogue From girma
B. ALLOW DELETE, UPDATE (price,year) ON catalogue From girma
C. REVOKE DELETE, UPDATE (price,year) ON catalogue From girma
D. DENY DELETE, UPDATE (price,year) ON catalogue From girma
172. Which of the field has width 8 bytes?
A. Date/time C. Hyperlink
B. Number D. memo
173. To expose a data member to the program, you must declare the data member in the _____ section
of the class
A. Unrestricted C. Exposed
B. Common D. public
174. a lock that allows concurrent transactions to access different rows of the same table is known as
A. Field-level lock C. Table-level lock
B. Database-level lock D. Row-level lock
175. Two tables can be connected with the UNION operator if they are compatible with each other
this means?
A. Have the different number of columns but the same data types
B. Have the different number of columns but different data types
C. Have the same number of columns and data types
D. Have the different number of columns and data types
176. Which of the following statements allows the user to enter data of the keyboard?
A. Cou t>> current pay C. Cou t << current pay
B. Cin << current pay D. Cin >> current pay
177. Which type of file contains data and database objects such as tables and indexes?
A. Log files C. Binary files
B. Data files D. File groups
178. Which of the following is considered as SQL server level principal?
A. SQL server login C. Application role
B. SQL server D. Windows domin login
179. Which of the following is a unary operation?
A. Projection operation C. generalized operation
B. primitive operation D. selection operation
180. What are ACID properties of Transactions?
A. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Database
B. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

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C. Atomicity, Consistency, Inconsistent, Durability
D. Automatically, Concurrency, Isolation, Durability
181. A transaction completes its execution is said to be
A. Saved C. Rolled
B. Loaded D. Committed
182. The variables in the triggers are declared using
A. – C. /
B. @ D. /@
183. If the attribute phone number is included in the relation all the values need not be entered into the phon
number column. This type of entry is given as
A. 0 C. Null
B. – D. Empty space
184. The process of deciding how to commit resources between varieties possible task is:
A. Consistency C. Realistic
B. Scheduling D. specificity
185. Which one of the following is the correct procedure that you follow to solve a problem.
A. Define the problemImplement the plandevelop the planevaluate the result.
B. Implement the plan define the problemdevelop a planevaluate the result.
C. Develop a plandefine the problemimplement the planevaluate the result.
D. Define the problemdevelop a plan implement the planevaluate the result.
186. Suppose you are a database administrator of Northwind Company. The company needs to prepar
database protection policy. The company formed committee for this purpose and you are a member of th
committee. Which one of the following is not your role in this policy formulation process?
A. Understand all employee behavior of the company
B. Understand day to day activity of the company
C. Understand business plan of the company
D. Understand future need of the company
187. One of the following does not force a company to migrate to new technologies.
A. The need for support from venders
B. Data growth
C. Competitive advantages
D. Data Redundancy
188. You need to bring data from an access database in SQL Server. You want to perform the tasks as simpl
as possible. Which one of the following options best meets the requirements?
A. Import and export wizard C. Create database wizard
B. Copy database wizard D. Create from wizard
189. One of the following is a task in database system testing?
A. Comparing actual results to expected results on completion of each database system unit
B. Removing redundant records if there are any
C. Preparing the database backup before starting database system test
D. Making sure that technical documents are prepared
190. You have run an SQL statement that asked the DBMS to display data from a table named
USER_TABLES.The results include columns of data labeled “Table name”,number of columns and
“primary key”.You are looking at:

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A. User data C. Report data
B. Metadata D. Indexes data

191. Planning and organizing a given work does not include:

A. Setting attainable objectives
B. Creating and manipulating database
C. Monitoring and evaluating activities
D. Scheduling activities
192. One of the following is not the task applied when converting data
A. Backing up data before conversion
B. Documenting data rejection and errant behavior of data
C. Modifying and formatting data
D. Converting support documents
193. It is not an activity to establish specifications to maintain and improve quality at
A. Developing an agreed upon specifications
B. Identifying quality requirements
C. Monitoring the effectiveness of quality assurance procedures
D. Providing service for requested departments
194. Which one of the following does not affect database performance (response time)?
A. Database design
B. Number of columns to be retrieved from tables
C. Number of concurrent users
D. Number of users within administrative access right
195. Which of the following statements is true concerning routines and triggers?
A. Both run automatically C. Both have to be called to operate
B. Both consists of procedural code D. Both are stored in databases
196. Effective teams operate in a manner that is supported by
A. Decision making by leader C. Decision making by Customer
B. Decision making by consensus D. Decision making by owner
197. D

198. D

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199. A

200. C

201. C

202. B

203. C

204. D

205. D

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206. D

207. C

208. C

209. A

210. A

211. D

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212. A

213. Keeping the rules to maintain the standards and continue to improve every day in kaizen is?
A. Sorting C. Straightening
B. Shining D. Sustaining
214. When the compiler cannot differetiate between two overloaded constructors,they are called
A. Overloaded C. Destructed
B. Ambiguos D. Dubious
215. When a child class function is called,the complier looks first for a matching function name in
A. Descendant class
B. Base class
C. Immediate ancestor class
D. Class of the object using the function name
216. A type of query that is placed with in a WHERE or HAVING clause of another query is
A. Master query C. Sub query
B. Super query D. Multi query
217. Referential integrity dictates that:
A. The value of a primary key must appear in a foreign key of the related table
B. The value of a foreign key cannot appear in a primary key of the related table
C. The value of a foreign key must appear in a primary key of the related table
D. The value of a primary key cannot appear in a foreign key of the related table
218. Database locking concept is used to solve the problem of
A. Data integrity C. Lost update
B. Functional dependency D. Transitive dependence
219. The EMP table has these columns: (STSDATE_HIRE_DATE)*36
management wants a list of required B. SELECT ENAME FROM
results? EMP WHERE
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220. Which of the following plan can be developed by top level managers of an organization?
A. Tactical plan C. Implementation plan
B. Strategic plan D. Work plan
221. Structured query language can be defined as --------------
A. Disable portability
B. Define data un structures
C. Standard for relational database management systems
D. Un specific syntax /semantics for data definition and manipulation
222. Which of the following is a basic form of grant statement?
A. Grant‟ privilege list‟ on „user/role list‟ to „relation name or view name „;
B. Grant‟ privilege list‟ to „user/role list‟
C. Grant‟ privilege list‟ on „relation name or view name‟on „user/role list‟;
D. Grant‟ privilege list‟ on „relation name or view name‟ to „user/role list‟;

223. Which of the following does not occur in the process of normalization?
A. Redundancy is eliminated
B. Duplicate columns are eliminated
C. Separate tables are merged
D. Separate tables are created for related group of data
224. The clause is optional and used in combination with the group by clause
A. Having by C. Group by
B. Order by D. Where clause
225. The language associated with a database management system that is employed by end users and
programmers to alter data values in the database is the
A. Data translation language C. Data definition language
B. Data presentation language D. Data manipulation language
226. Aset convention ,rules,and standards employed in a computer systems technical frame work ,
plus customer requirements and specifications
A. System architecture C. Data modeling
B. Fow chart D. ER diagram
227. Which one true about the guide lines to create a data model
A. Test the model with similar scenarios
B. No repeat the steps to optimize the model
C. Identify the different data components consider raw and processed data
D. Identify the relationship between the similar dat components
228. One is the process of creating new classes from the existing class or classes with taken some
properties of the base class
A. Inheritance C. Polymorphism
B. Encapsulation D. Function
229. Suppose you are a database administrator of the North wind Company. The company
needs to prepare database protection policy. The company forms a committee for this
purpose and you are a member of this committee .Which one of the following is not your
role in this policy formulation process?

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A. Understand all employee behavior of the company
B. Understand day to day activity of the company
C. Understand business plan of the company
D. Understand future need of the company
230. One of the following does not force a company to migrate to new technologies?
A. The need for support from venders C. Competitive advantages
B. Data growth D. Data redundancy
231. One of the following is a task in database system testing?
A. Comparing actual results to expected results on completion of each database
system unit
B. Removing redundant records if there are any
C. Preparing the database backup before starting database system test
D. Making sure that, technical documents are prepared
232. It is not an activity to establish quality standard specifications to maintain and improve
quality at work.
A. Developing an agreed upon specifications
B. Identifying quality requirements
C. Monitoring the effectiveness of quality assurance procedures
D. Providing services for requested department
233. Which one of the following does not affect database performance (response time)?
A. Database design
B. Number of columns to be retrieved from tables
C. Number of concurrent users
D. Number of users with administrative access right

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