2022 China Mathematical Competition

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August 8, 2022 16:1 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) - 9in x 6in b4669-ch-01-2016 page 1

by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

China Mathematical
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There are 8 short-answer questions and 3 word problems, which should be
solved in 120 minutes with a full score of 120 marks, in the first round
test of 2016 China Mathematical Competition (CMC). While the scope
of these questions and problems does not exceed the teaching requirements
and content stipulated in the “Mathematics Syllabus for Full-time Ordinary
Senior Middle Schools” issued by the Ministry of Education in 2000, smarter
methods are needed to deal with them, so that contestants’ mastery of
basic knowledge and skills, as well as their abilities to comprehensively and
flexibly apply these knowledge and skills in practice is examined.
There are 4 word problems (including one in plane geometry), which
should be solved in 150 minutes with a full score of 180 marks, in the
second round test (Complementary Test) of CMC. Their scope is in line
with the International Mathematical Olympiad, plus some content of
the Mathematical Competition Syllabus.

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2 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

Part I Short-Answer Questions (Questions 1–8, eight marks

1 Given real number a satisfies a < 9a3 − 11a < |a|, the range of a is
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

Solution From a < |a| we have a < 0. Then the original inequalities
9a3 − 11a |a|
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

1>> = −1,
a a
2 2 10 4
or −1 < 9a − 11 < 1. Therefore a ∈ , . Since a < 0 we have
 √ 9 3
2 3 10
a∈ − ,− . 
3 3

2 Suppose complex numbers z, w satisfy

|z| = 3 and (z + w)(z − w) = 7 + 4i,

where i is the imaginary unit, and z, w are conjugates of z, w, respec-

tively. Then the modulus of (z + 2w)(z − 2w) is .

Solution We have

7 + 4i = (z + w)(z − w) = |z|2 − |w|2 − (zw − zw).

Since |z|2 and |w|2 are real, and Re (zw − zw) = 0, then

|z|2 − |w|2 = 7 and zw − zw = −4i.

As |z| = 3, |w|2 = 2. Then

(z + 2w)(z − 2w) = |z|2 − 4|w|2 − 2(zw − zw)

= 9 − 8 + 8i = 1 + 8i.
√ √
Finally, we get the modulus of (z + 2w)(z − 2w) is 12 + 82 = 65. 

3 None of three positive real numbers u, v, w being 1, if

logu vw + logv w = 5 and logv u + logw v = 3,

then the value of logw u is .

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China Mathematical Competition 3

Solution Let logu v = a, logv w = b. Then

1 1
logv u = , logw v = , logu vw = logu v + logu v · logv w = a + ab.
a b
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The given formulas become

1 1
a + ab + b = 5 and + = 3,
a b
from which we have ab = . Therefore
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

1 4
logw u = logw v · logv u = = . 
ab 5
4 Bag A contains two 10-yuan banknotes and three one-yuan bank-
notes, and bag B contains four 5-yuan banknotes and three one-yuan
banknotes. Now two banknotes are randomly taken out of each of
the two bags. The probability that the sum of the face value of the
remaining banknotes in A is greater than the sum of the face value
of the remaining banknotes in B is .

Solution Define a as the sum of the face value of the two banknotes taken
out of A, and b as that of the two banknotes taken out of B. Equivalently,
we just need to find the probability that a < b. Since b ≤ 5 + 5 = 10, the
two banknotes taken out of A must be both one-yuan, so there are C23 = 3
choices. Furthermore, from b > a = 2 we know the two banknotes taken
out of B cannot be both one-yuan, so there are C27 − C23 = 18 choices.
Therefore, the required probability is
3 × 18 54 9
= = . 
C25 × C27 10 × 21 35

5 Let P be the vertex of a cone with points A, B, C on the circumfer-

ence of its bottom surface, satisfying ∠ABC √= 90◦ , and M be the
midpoint of AP . If AB = 1, AC = 2, AP = 2, then the dihedral
angle M -BC-A is .
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4 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

Solution From ∠ABC = 90◦ we know AC is the diameter of the bottom

circle, whose center is denoted by O. Then P O⊥ plane ABC. Since AO =
1 √
AC = 1, we have P O = AP 2 −AO2 = 1.
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

Let H be the projection of M on the bottom surface. Then H is the

midpoint of AO. If HK⊥BC is taken at point K in the bottom surface,
then M K⊥BC is known from the three perpendicular theorem, so ∠M KH
equals the dihedral angle M -BC-A.
1 HK HC 3
Since M H = AH = and HK//AB, we have
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

= = , i.e.,
2 AB AC 4
3 MH 2
HK = . Then tan∠M KH = = , which means the dihedral angle
4 HK 3
M -BC-A is arctan . 
 4  4
kx kx
6 Given f (x) = sin + cos , where k is a positive integer.
10 10
If for any real number a,

{f (x) | a < x < a + 1} = {f (x) | x ∈ R},

then the minimum of k is .

Solution We have
kx kx kx kx
f (x) = sin2 + cos2 − 2sin2 cos2
10 10 10 10
1 kx 1 2kx 3
= 1 − sin2 = cos + .
2 5 4 5 4
f (x) reaches the maximum if and only if x = (m ∈ Z). Since any open
interval (a, a + 1) with length 1 contains at least one maximum point, so
k > 5π.
On the other hand, when k > 5π, any open interval (a, a + 1)
will contains an entire period of f (x). Therefore, the minimum of k is
[5π] + 1 = 16. 

7 Let hyperbola C: x2 − = 1, with the left and right focal points
being F1 , and F2 , respectively. Crossing F2 draw a line that inter-
sects with the right half of the hyperbola at points P and Q, mak-
ing ∠F1 P Q = 90◦ . Then the inscribed circle radius of ΔF1 P Q is
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China Mathematical Competition 5

Solution By the property of a hyperbola, we know

F1 F2 = 2 × 1 + 3 = 4 and P F1 − P F2 = QF1 − QF2 = 2.
Since ∠F1 P Q = 90◦ , then P F12 + P F22 = F1 F22 . We have
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P F1 + P F2v = 2(P F12 + P F22 ) − (P F1 − P F2 )2
= 2 × 42 − 22 = 2 7.
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

Therefore, the inscribed circle radius of ΔF1 P Q is

1 1 1
r = (F1 P + P Q − F 1 Q) = (P F1 + P F2 ) − (QF 1 − QF2 )
2 2 2

= 7 − 1. 

8 Let a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 be four different integers among 1, 2, . . . , 100, sat-

(a21 + a22 + a23 )(a22 + a23 + a24 ) = (a1 a2 + a2 a3 + a3 a4 )2 .
Then the number of such ordered sequence (a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) is

Solution By Cauchy inequality, we know

(a21 + a22 + a23 )(a22 + a23 + a24 ) ≥ (a1 a2 + a2 a3 + a3 a4 )2 .
a1 a2 a3
The equality holds if and only if = = , so the original question
a2 a3 a4
is equivalent to: find the number of ordered (a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ), such that
{a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 } ⊆ {1, 2, 3, . . . , 100}
and a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 is a geometric sequence. Now suppose the common ratio
of the sequence is q = 1, where q is a rational number. Then we can write
q = , where m, n are positive integers satisfying m = n and (m, n) = 1.
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6 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

n a1 n3
3 a1
When n > m, a4 = a1 · =. Then l = 3 is a positive
m m3 m
integer, as (m3 , n3 ) = 1. Therefore, a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 are m3 l, m2 nl, mn2 l,
n3 l, respectively. Obviously, n can be 2, 3 or 4 only, as 53 > 100; and for
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

any n, the value of l can be any of 1, 2, . . . , ; furthermore, it is easy
3 4
to see the value of q can only be 2, 3, , 4 and . Therefore, the number
2 3
of required ordered arrays in this case is
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

100 100 100 100 100

+ + + + = 12 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 20.
8 27 27 64 64
When n < m, by symmetry we also have 20 required ordered arrays.
Therefore, the required number is 40. 

Part II Word Problems (16 marks for Question 9, 20 marks

each for Questions 10 and 11, and then 56 marks in total)
9 In ΔABC, we know

−→ −→ −
−→ −−→ −→ −−→
AB · AC + 2BA · BC = 3CA · CB.
Find the maximum value of sin C.

Solution By the definition of scalar products and the law of cosines, we

→ −→ b 2 + c2 − a2
AB · AC = cb cos A = .
In the same way,
−−→ −−→ a2 + c2 − b2 −→ −−→ a2 + b2 − c2
BA · BC = and CA · CB = .
2 2
Then the original equation becomes
b2 + c2 − a2 + 2(a2 + c2 − b2 ) = 3(a2 + b2 − c2 ),
or a2 + 2b2 = 3c2 . So we have
a2 + b 2 − c2 a2 + b2 − (a2 + 2b2 )
cos C = = 3
2ab 2ab

a b a b 2
= + ≥2 · = .
3b 6a 3b 6a 3

√ 7
Then sin C = 1 − cos2 C ≤ , and the equality holds if and only if
3 √
√ √ √ 7
a: b: c = 3: 6: 5. Therefore the maximum value of sin C is . 
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China Mathematical Competition 7

10 Given that f (x) is an odd function on R, f (1) = 1, and f =
xf (x) for any x < 0, find the value of
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1 1 1 1 1
f (1)f +f f +f f
100 2 99 3 98
1 1
+···+ f f .
50 51
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

Solution Define an = f (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .); then a1 = f (1) = 1. For
x = − (k ∈ N+ ), Note that
x −
= k = 1 , and f (x) is an odd function.
x−1 1 k+1
− −1
We have
1 1 1 1 1
f =− ·f − = ·f ,
k+1 k k k k
ak+1 1
and that means = . Therefore,
ak k
n−1 n−1
ak+1 1 1
an = a1 · = = .
ak k (n − 1)!
k=1 k=1

50 50 49
1 1
ai a101−i = =
i=1 i=1
(i − 1)! · (100 − i)! i=0
i! · (99 − i)!
49 49
1 1 1 i
= · Ci99 = · (C + C99−i
99 )
99! i=0
99! i=0 2 99

1 1 298
= × × 299 = . 
99! 2 99!

11 As shown in Fig. 11.1, in the plane rectangular coordinate system

xOy, point F on the positive semi-axis of the x-axis is the focus and
O is the vertex of parabola C. Through P on C in the first quadrant
and Q on the negative semi-axis of the x-axis, draw line PQ tangent
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8 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

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Fig. 11.1

Fig. 11.2

to C, and |P Q| = 2. Circles C1 and C2 are tangent to line OP at

P and are both tangent to the x-axis. Find the coordinates of F so
that the sum of the areas of circles C1 and C2 takes the minimum

Solution Suppose the equation of parabola C is y 2 = 2px(p > 0), Q(−a, 0)

(a > 0), and O1 (x1 , y1 ), O2 (x2 , y2 ) are the centers of C1 , C2 , respectively.
Let the equation of line PQ be x = my − a (m > 0). Combining it with
the parabola equation to eliminate x, we get

y 2 − 2pmy + 2pa = 0.
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China Mathematical Competition 9

As PQ is tangent to C at point P , so
Δ = 4p2 m2 − 4 · 2pa = 0.
2a √
We get m = , and then P (xP , yP ) = (a, 2pa).
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|P Q| = 1 + m2 · |yP − 0|
= 1+ · 2pa
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com


= 2a(p + 2a) = 2.
4a2 + 2pa = 4. 1
We have OP ⊥O1 O2 , as OP is tangent to C1 , C2 at P . Suppose C1 , C2
are tangent to the x-axis at M , N , respectively. Then OO1 and OO2 are
bisectors of ∠P OM and ∠P ON , respectively, so ∠O1 OO2 = 90◦ . From
the projective theorem, we have
y1 · y2 = O1 M · O2 N
= O1 P · O2 P = OP 2
= x2P + yP2 = a2 + 2pa.
By 1 , we then get
y1 · y2 = a2 + 2pa = 4 − 3a2 . 2
Since O1 , P , O2 are collinear, so

y1 − 2pa y1 − yP O1 P O1 M y1
√ = = = = ,
2pa − y2 yP − y2 P O2 O2 N y2
from which we have
y1 + y2 = √ · y1 y2 . 3
Let T = y12 + y22 . Then the sum of the areas of circles C1 and C2 is πT .
From 2 , 3 ,
4 2 2
T = (y1 + y2 )2 − 2y1 y2 = y y − 2y1 y2
2pa 1 2
= (4 − 3a2 )2 − 2(4 − 3a2 )
4 − 4a2
(4 − 3a2 )(2 − a2 )
= .
1 − a2
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10 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

Let t = 1 − a2 . Then from 4t = 4 − 4a2 = 2pa > 0, we know t > 0.

(3t + 1)(t + 1) 1
T =
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

= 3t + + 4
t t
1 √
≥ 2 3t · + 4 = 2 3 + 4.

3 √
The equality holds if and only if t = . Then a = 1−t =
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

1 − √ , when πT reaches the minimum. Then by 1 we have

p 1 − a2 t 3t 1
= = =  √ = √ .
2 a 1 3− 3 3− 3
1− √
Therefore the coordinates of F is  √ ,0 . 
3− 3
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by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

China Mathematical
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

While the scope of the test questions in the first round of the 2017 China
Mathematical Competition does not exceed the teaching requirements and
content specified in the “General High School Mathematics Curriculum
Standards (Experiments)” promulgated by the Ministry of Education of
China in 2003, the methods of proposing the questions have been improved.
The emphasis is placed on testing the students’ basic knowledge and skills,
and their abilities to integrate and flexibly use them. Each test paper
includes eight fill-in-the-blank questions and three answer questions. The
answer time is 80 minutes, and the full score is 120 points.
The scope of the test questions in the second round (Complementary
Test) is in line with the International Mathematical Olympiad, with this
some expanded knowledge, plus a few contents of the Mathematical Compe-
tition Syllabus. Each test paper consists of four answer questions, including
a plane geometry one, and the answering time is 150 minutes. The full score
is 180 points.

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12 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

Test Paper A, the First Round

Part I Short-Answer Questions (Questions 1-8, eight marks

by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

1 Letf (x) be defined on R, satisfying, for each real number x,

f (x + 3) · f (x − 4) = −1.
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

Moreover, when 0 ≤ x < 7, f (x) = log2 (9 − x). Then f (−100) equals


Solution Clearly, f (x + 14) = − = f (x), and it follows that
f (x + 7)

1 1 1
f (−100) = f (−100 + 14 × 7) = f (−2) = − =− =− .
f (5) log2 4 2 

2 Let x, y be real numbers such that x2 + 2 cos y = 1. The range of

x − cos y is .

Solution Since

x2 = 1 − 2 cos y ∈ [−1, 3],

√ √ 1 − x2
it follows that x ∈ [− 3, 3]. By cos y = , we have

1 − x2 1
x − cos y = x − = (x + 1)2 − 1.
2 2
When x = −1, x − cos y attains the minimum value −1 (as y equals );
√ √ 2
when x = 3, x − cos y attains the maximum value 3 + 1 (as y equals
1 √
π). Since the range of (x + 1)2 − 1 is [−1, 3 + 1], we find the range of
√ 2
x − cos y as [−1, 3 + 1]. 

x2 y 2
3 In the Cartesian plane, ellipse C is given by + = 1, point F is
9 10
the upper focus of C, A is the right vertex of C, and P is a moving
point on C in the first quadrant. The maximum area of quadrilateral
OAPF is .
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China Mathematical Competition 13

Solution Clearly, we have A(3, 0) and F (0, 1). Let the coordinates of P
√  π
(3 cos θ, 10 sin θ), θ ∈ 0, .
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

1 √ 1
SOAP F = SΔOAP + SΔOF P = · 3 · 10 sin θ + · 1 · 3 cos θ
2 2

3 √
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

3 11
= ( 10 sin θ + cos θ) = sin(θ + ϕ),
2 2

in which ϕ = arctan .

√ When θ = arctan 10, quadrilateral OAPF has the maximal area as
3 11
4 A three-digit positive integer is called a “stable number” if any two
consecutive digits differ by at most 1. The number of stable numbers
is .
Solution Let abc be a stable number.
If b = 0, then a = 1, c ∈ {0, 1}, and there are 2 stable numbers.
If b = 1, then a ∈ {1, 2}, c ∈ {0, 1, 2}, and there are 2 × 3 = 6 stable
If 2 ≤ b ≤ 8, then a, c ∈ {b − 1, b, b + 1}, and there are 7 × 3 × 3 = 63 stable
If b = 9, then a, c ∈ {8, 9}, and there are 2 × 2 = 4 stable numbers.
Therefore, the number of stable numbers is 2 + 6 + 63 + 4 = 75. 

5 In tetrahedron P -ABC, AB = 1, AP = 2. Plane α through AB cuts

the tetrahedron into two solids with equal volumes. Then the cosine
of the angle between line PC and plane αequals .

Solution Let K, M be the midpoints of AB, PC, respectively. Clearly,

plane ABM is exactly plane α. By the Apollonius’s theorem,
1 1 1 1 3
AM2 = (AP2 + AC2 ) − PC2 = (22 + 12 ) − × 22 = ,
2 4 2 4 2
and hence
  2 √
 3 1 5
KM = AM 2 − AK 2 = − = .
2 2 2
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14 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

Furthermore, MK is the projection of line PC on α, MC = 1, KC = .
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3 √
KM 2 + M C 2 − KC 2 4 4 3 5
cos ∠KMC = = √ = ,
2KM · M C 5 10

3 5
i.e., the angle between line PC and plane α has cosine value . 
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

6 A plane point set is given by K = {(x, y) | x, y = −1, 0, 1}. Choose 3

points from K at random. Then the √ probability that there are two
points among them with distance 5 is .

Solution There are 9 points in K, and the number of ways of choosing 3

points from K is C39 = 84.
Let the points be A1 , A2 , . . . , A8 and O, as shown in the figure below.

There are 8 pairs of points at distance 5. Let us choose one pair among
them. By symmetry, we may assume the chosen pair are A1 and A4 . Since
there are 7 ways to choose the other point, there are 7 × 8 = 56 unordered

triples. On the other hand, each Ai (i = 1, 2, . . . , 8) is at distance 5 from
points Ai+3 , Ai+5 (indices modulo 8). This implies that there are 8 triples
{Ai , Ai+3 , Ai+5 }(i = 1, 2, . . . , 8)
being counted twice. Hence the total number of unordered triples is
48 4
56 − 8 = 48, and the probability is = . 
84 7
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China Mathematical Competition 15

7 In ΔABC, M is the midpoint of BC, and N is the midpoint of BM.

π √
If ∠A = , and the area of ΔABC is 3, then the minimum value
−−→ −−
of AM · AN is .
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

Solution Clearly,

−−→ 1 −−
→ −→ −−→ 3 − −→ 1 −→
AM = (AB + AC), AN = AB + AC,
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

2 4 4

and it follows that

−−→ −−→ 1 −−→ −→ 3−−→ 1 −→
AM · AN = (AB + AC) · AB + AC
2 4 4
1 − −→ −→ −−
→ −→
= (3|AB|2 + |AC|2 + 4AB · AC).


√ 1 − −→ −→ 3 −− → −→
3 = SΔABC = · |AB| · |AC| · sin A = · |AB| · |AC|,
2 4

−→ −→
we obtain |AB| · |AC| = 4, and furthermore

−→ −→ −−
→ −→
AB · AC = |AB| · |AC| · cos A = 2.


−−→ −−→ 1 −
−→ −→ −−
→ −→
AM · AN ≥ (2 3|AB|2 · |AC|2 + 4AB · AC)

3 −−
→ −→ 1−−→ −→ √
= |AB| · |AC| + AB · AC = 3 + 1.
4 2

→ 2 −→ √ −−→ −−→
When |AB| = √
, |AC| = 2 × 4 3, AM · AN attains the minimum value
√ 3
as 3 + 1. 

8 Let {an }, {bn } be strictly increasing positive integer sequences, sati-

sfying: a10 = b10 < 2017, an+2 = an+1 + an , bn+1 = 2bn for every
positive integer n. Then all possible values of a1 + b1 are .
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16 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

Solution Clearly, a1 , a2 , b1 are positive integers, and a1 < a2 .

Since 2017 > b10 = 29 · b1 = 512b1 , b1 ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Repeatedly use the
recurrence formula of {an } to derive
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

a10 = a9 + a8 = 2a8 + a7 = 3a7 + 2a6

= 5a6 + 3a5 = 8a5 + 5a4 = 13a4 + 8a3

= 21a3 + 13a2 = 34a2 + 21a1 .

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21a1 ≡ a10 = b10 = 512b1 ≡ 2b1 (mod 34).

As 13 × 21 = 34 × 8 + 1, we have

a1 ≡ 13 × 21a1 ≡ 13 × 2b1 = 26b1 (mod 34). 1

On the other hand, notice that a1 < a2 , which implies 55a1 < 34a2 +
21a1 = 512b1 , or

a1 < b1 . 2
If b1 = 1, 1 , 2 become a1 ≡ 26(mod 34), a1 < ; no integer solution
If b1 = 2, 1 , 2 become a1 ≡ 52(mod 34), a1 < ; we have a
unique solution a1 = 18, and a1 + b1 = 20.
If b1 = 3, 1 , 2 become a1 ≡ 78(mod 34), a1 < ; we have a
unique solution a1 = 10, and a1 + b1 = 13.
As a summary, a1 + b1 could be 13 or 20. 

Part II Word problems (Questions 9–11, 56 marks in total for

three questions)
9 (16 marks) Let k, m be real √ numbers. If |x2 − kx − m| ≤ 1 holds for
all x ∈ [a, b], prove b − a ≤ 2 2.
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China Mathematical Competition 17

Solution Let f (x) = x2 − kx − m, x ∈ [a, b]. Then f (x) ∈ [−1, 1], and in
f (a) = a2 − ka − m ≤ 1, 1
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

f (b) = b2 − kb − m ≤ 1, 2
a+b a+b a+b
f = −k· − m ≥ −1. 3
2 2 2
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Take 1 + 2 − 2 × 3 to get
(a − b)2 a+b
= f (a) + f (b) − 2f ≤ 4.
2 2

Hence b − a ≤ 2 2. 
10 (20 marks) Let x1 , x2 , x3 be nonnegative real numberss satisfying
x1 + x2 + x3 = 1. Find the maximum and minimum values of
 x2 x3 
(x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 ) x1 + + .
3 5
Solution By Cauchy inequality, we have
 x2 x3 
(x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 ) x1 + +
3 5
√ √ √ x2 √ x3
≥ x1 · x1 + 3x2 · + 5x3 ·
3 5
= (x1 + x2 + x3 )2 = 1,
where the equality holds at x1 = 1, x2 = 0, x3 = 0. Therefore, the
minimum value is 1.
On the other hand,
 x2 x3 
(x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 ) x1 + +
3 5
1 5x2
= (x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 ) 5x1 + + x3
5 3
1 1 5x2
≤ · (x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 ) + 5x1 + + x3
5 4 3
1 14
= 6x1 + x2 + 6x3
20 3
1 9
≤ (6x1 + 6x2 + 6x3 )2 = .
20 5
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18 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

1 1
The equalities hold simultaneously at x1 = , x2 = 0, x3 = . So the
2 2
maximum value is . 
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

11 (20 marks) Let complex numbers z1 , z2 satisfy Re(z1 ) > 0,

Re(z2 ) > 0, and Re(z12 ) = Re(z22 ) = 2 (Re(z) represents the real
part of z).
(1) Find the minimum of Re(z1 z2 );
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

(2) Find the minimum of |z1 + 2| + |z2 + 2| − |z1 − z2 |.

Solution (1) For k = 1, 2, let zk = xk + yk i (xk , yk ∈ R). Clearly,

xk = Re(zk ) > 0, x2k − yk2 = Re(zk2 ) = 2.
This implies that
Re(z1 z2 ) = Re((x1 + y1 i)(x2 + y2 i)) = x1 x2 − y1 y2

= (y12 + 2)(y22 + 2) − y1 y2
≥ (|y1 y2 | + 2) − y1 y2 ≥ 2.

When z1 = z2 = 2, Re(z1 z2 ) = 2. Hence the minimum of Re(z1 z2 ) is 2.
(2) In the Cartesian plane, let complex number zk correspond to point
Pk (xk , yk ), for k = 1, 2. Let P2 and P2 be symmetric about the x-axis.
Then P1 , P2 are on the right branch of the hyperbola C: x2 − y 2 = 2.
Let F1 , F2 be the foci of C. Evidently, F1 (−2, 0), F2 (2, 0). By definition
of hyperbola,
√ √
|P1 F1 | = |P1 F2 | + 2 2, |P2 F1 | = |P2 F2 | + 2 2,
and furthermore,
|z1 + 2| + |z2 + 2| − |z1 − z2 |
= |z1 + 2| + |z2 + 2| − |z1 − z2 |
= |P1 F1 | + |P2 F1 | − |P1 P2 |

= 4 2 + |P1 F2 | + |P2 F2 | − |P1 P2 |

≥ 4 2,

√ holds only when F2 lies on the segment

where the quality P1 P2 (for example,
z1 = z2 = 2 + 2i, and F2 is the midpoint of P1 P2 ). √
Thus the minimum of |z1 + 2| + |z2 + 2| − |z1 − z2 | is 4 2. 
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China Mathematical Competition 19

Test Paper B, the First Round

Part I Short-Answer Questions (Questions 1–8, eight marks

by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

√ √
1 Suppose a geometric sequence {an } satisfies a2 = 2, a3 = 3 3.
a1 + a2011
Then equals .
a7 + a2017

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a3 3
Solution The common ratio of {an } is q = = √ , and hence
a2 2
a1 + a2011 a1 + a2011 1 8
= 6 = 6 = .
a7 + a2017 q (a1 + a2011 ) q 9 

2 Let complex number z satisfy the equation z + 9 = 10z̄ + 22i. Then

|z| equals .

Solution Let z = a + bi, a, b ∈ R. Clearly,

(a + 9) + bi = 10a + (−10b + 22)i.

a + 9 = 10a,
Comparing the real and the imaginary parts, we have
b = −10b + 22,

which gives a = 1, b = 2, z = 1 + 2i. So |z| = 5. 

3 Let f (x) be defined on R, such that f (x) + x2 is an odd function,

and f (x) + 2x is an even function. Then f (1) equals .

Solution By definition of odd and even functions, we have

f (1) + 1 = −[f (−1) + (−1)2 ] = −f (−1) − 1,

f (1) + 2 = f (−1) + .
Adding the above equations to cancel f (−1), it follows 2f (1) + 3 = − , or
f (1) = − . 

4 In ΔABC, sin A = 2 sin C, and the side lengths a, b, c form a geo-

metric progression. Then cos A equals .
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20 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

a sinA
Solution By the law of sines, = = 2. From b2 = ac, we have a :
√ c sinC
b : c = 2 : 2 : 1. Then by the law of cosines,
√ √
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

b 2 + c2 − a2 ( 2)2 + 12 − 22 2
cos A = = √ =− . 
2bc 2× 2×1 4
5 Given regular tetrahedron ABCD, points E, F are on AB, AC,
respectively, such that BE = 3, EF = 4, and EF is parallel to plane
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BCD. Then the area of ΔDEF is .

Solution Clearly, EF is parallel to BC. Since all the faces of ABCD are
equilateral triangles, we have

AE = AF = EF = 4, AD = AB = AE + BE = 7.

By the law of cosines,

DE = AD2 + AE 2 − 2AD · AE · cos 60◦
√ √
= 49 + 16 − 28 = 37,

and DF = 37 likewise.
Let DH be an altitude of isosceles ΔDEF, H being the foot on EF, as
shown in the figure.

Then EH = EF = 2, and
DH = DE 2 − EH 2 = 33.
1 √
We conclude SΔDEF = · EF · DH = 2 33. 
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China Mathematical Competition 21

6 In the Cartesian plane, let set K = {(x, y) | x, y = −1, 0, 1}. Suppose

that three points are chosen from K at random. Then the probability
of no pairwise distance exceeding 2 equals .
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

Solution The number of ways to choose 3 points from |K| = 9 is C39 = 84.
If no pairwise distance is greater than 2, there are three situations:
(1) The three points are collinear; 6 cases.
(2) The three points
√ are the vertices of a right isosceles triangle with side
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018) Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

lengths 1, 1, 2; 4 × 4 = 16 cases.
(3) The three
√ points
√ are the vertices of a right isosceles triangle with side
lengths 2, 2, 2. When the right-angle vertex is at (0, 0): 4 cases;
when the right-angle vertex is at (±1, 0), (0, ±1): 4 cases.
There are 6 + 16 + 8 = 30 cases in total, and hence the probability is
30 5
= . 
84 14
7 Let a = 0 be a real number. The foci of the quadric curve x2 + ay2 +
a2 = 0 are at distance 4 from each other. Then a is .
x2 y2
Solution Rewrite the equation as − − = 1. Clearly, −a > 0, and
a2 a
y x2
the curve is a hyperbola, represented by √ − = 1. We have
( −a)2 (−a)2

c2 = ( −a)2 + (−a)2 = a2 − a,

2 1 − 17
and by 2c = 4, a − a = 4. Since a < 0, a = . 
8 Suppose positive integers a, b, c satisfy 2017 ≥ 10a ≥ 100b ≥ 1000c.
The number of such (a, b, c) triples is .

Solution From the given inequality, we have c ≤ = 2.
If c = 1, 10 ≤ b ≤ 20. For each b, due to the restriction 10b ≤ a ≤ 201,
there are 202 − 10b of a s, and thus the number of triples is
(102 + 2) × 11
(202 − 10b) = = 572.
2017 2017
If c = 2, 20 ≤ b ≤ , b = 20. Then from 200 ≤ a ≤ = 201,
100 10
we have a = 200, 201. There are two triples (a, b, c).
In summary, there are 572 + 2 = 574 triples. 
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22 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

Part II Word problems (Questions 9–11, 56 marks in total for

three questions)
9 (16 marks) Given that the inequality |2x − a| < |5 − 2x | holds for all
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

x ∈ [1, 2], find the range of real number a.

Solution Let t = 2x . Clearly, t ∈ [2, 4], and |t − a| < |5 − t| holds for all
t ∈ [2, 4]. We eliminate the absolute value sign by taking squares on both
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|t − a| < |5 − t| ⇔ (t − a)2 < (5 − t)2

⇔ (2t − a − 5)(5 − a) < 0.

For given real a, let f (t) = (2t − a − 5)(5 − a). Notice that f (t) is a linear
function of t (or constant 0 when a = 5). To have f (t) < 0 for all t ∈ [2, 4],
it suffices to require that

f (2) = (−1 − a)(5 − a) < 0,

f (4) = (3 − a)(5 − a) < 0,

which gives 3 < a < 5.

Therefore, the range of a is 3 < a < 5. 

10 Given an arithmetic progression {an }, let progression {bn } satisfy

bn = an+1 an+2 − a2n , for n = 1, 2, . . . .
(1) Show that {bn } is also an arithmetic progression.
 0 be the common difference of both {an } and of {bn }.
(2) Let d =
Suppose there exist positive integers s, t, such that as + bt is an
integer. Find the minimum value of |a1 |.

Solution (1) Let d be the common difference of {an }. A straightforward

calculation yields

bn+1 − bn = (an+2 an+3 − a2n+1 ) − (an+1 an+2 − a2n )

= an+2 (an+3 − an+1 ) − (an+1 + an )(an+1 − an )

= an+2 · 2d − (an+1 + an ) · d
= (2an+2 − an+1 − an ) · d = 3d2 .

Hence {bn } is also an arithmetic progression.

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China Mathematical Competition 23

(2) By the result in (1), 3d2 = d, d = since d = 0. We have
bn = an+1 an+2 − a2n = (an + d)(an + 2d) − a2n
by 2409:4081:109d:5287::1411:20a0 on 07/10/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

= 3dan + 2d2 = an + .
If as + bt ∈ Z, then
2 2
as + bt = as + at + = a1 + (s − 1)d + a1 + (t − 1)d +
9 9
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s+t−2 2
= 2a1 + + ∈ Z.
3 9
s+t−2 2
Denote l = 2a1 + + , l ∈ Z. For integers s, t, 18a1 =
3 9
3(3l − s − t + 1) + 1 is a nonzero integer, thus |18a1 | ≥ 1, |a1 | ≥ .
1 1 17
When a1 = , a1 + b 3 = + = 1 ∈ Z.
18 18 18
Therefore, the minimum value of |a1 | is . 
11 Let C1 : y 2 = 4x, C2 : (x − 4)2 + y 2 = 8 be curves in the Cartesian
plane. Through point P on C1 draw line l with 45-degree inclination
that intersects C2 at distinct points Q, R. Find the range of |P Q| ·
|P R|.
Solution Let P = (t2 , 2t), and we obtain the equation of l as y = x+2t−t2.
Plug it into the equation for C2 ,
(x − 4)2 + (x + 2t − t2 )2 = 8,
and simplify, to get
2x2 − 2(t2 − 2t + 4)x + (t2 − 2t)2 + 8 = 0. 1
Since Q, R are distinct intersections, the discriminant of quadratic equation
1 is positive, so
= (t2 − 2t + 4)2 − 2[(t2 − 2t)2 + 8]
= (t2 − 2t)2 − 8(t2 − 2t) + 16 − 2(t2 − 2t)2 − 16
= −(t2 − 2t)2 + 8(t2 − 2t)
= −(t2 − 2t)(t2 − 2t − 8)
= −t(t − 2)(t + 2)(t − 4) > 0,
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24 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2017–2018)

and we derive
t ∈ (−2, 0) ∪ (2, 4). 2
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Let x1 , x2 be the x-coordinates of Q, R, respectively. By 1 ,

1 2
x1 + x2 = t2 − 2t + 4, x1 x2 = [(t − 2t)2 + 8].
Furthermore, since l is parallel to y = x,
√ √
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|P Q| · |P R| = 2(x1 − t2 ) · 2(x2 − t2 )
= 2x1 x2 − 2t2 (x1 + x2 ) + 2t4
= (t2 − 2t)2 + 8 − 2t2 (t2 − 2t + 4) + 2t4
= t4 − 4t3 + 4t2 + 8 − 2t4 + 4t3 − 8t2 + 2t4
= t4 − 4t2 + 8 = (t2 − 2)2 + 4. 3

By 2 , t2 − 2 ∈ (−2, 2) ∪ (2, 14), (t2 − 2)2 ∈ [0, 4) ∪ (4, 196). So we conclude

from 3 that
|P Q| · |P R| = (t2 − 2)2 + 4 ∈ [4, 8) ∪ (8, 200).
Remark 1 Alternatively, one can take the distance from the  center of2 C2
 4 + 2t − t 
to line l, which must be smaller than the radius of C2 , to get  √ <

√ 2
2 2, which also gives the range of t.
Remark 2 A shortcut of evaluating |P Q| · |P R| is to apply √ the secant
theorem: since C2 is centered at M (4, 0), with radius r = 2 2, we have

|P Q| · |P R| = |P M |2 − r2 = (t2 − 4)2 + (2t)2 − (2 2)2 = t4 − 4t2 + 8. 

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