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Portfolio Assignment

SUS1501 – Sustainability and Greed

Student Number:63418533
Date: 10/10/2023
Teaching Assistant Name:


By submitting this portfolio, I implicitly declare that this is my own work except for the
“Introduction” which was kindly written for me by my lecturer.

I am aware that if ANY unacknowledged copying is detected in ANY answer, I will get 0 (zero)
for the entire assignment.


• Please read the instructions on myUnisa carefully.

• Please download the most up-to-date version of this template from your group site on myUnisa.

• Go through the MCQs again, and record your current choice in the template (we suggest that
you don’t look at your original choices before you have been through all questions)

• For each question, record your original choice in assignment 1.

• Write a note of AT LEAST 100 words for each of the five (5) questions that are written in red.

• Write a note of AT LEAST 100 words each for any other five (5) questions of your choice.

• Write your conclusion of AT LEAST 500 words

• Somewhere within your notes and/or conclusion there must be meaningful references to the
major theories that we covered (deontology, consequentialism, distributive justice, virtue ethics
and environmental ethics).

• Your notes and conclusion should also make reference to discussions with fellow students that
you found meaningful.
• Save the file as a Word document with a short name (myUnisa will reject files with long names).

• Submit this file into the Assignments tool on myUnisa.

• Take a screen grab of the final submission acknowledgement on myUnisa and save this
somewhere safe in case of any disputes.

• Check under the Assignments tool that there is a date in the “Processed” cell for the SUS1501

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST – i.e. if you do not fulfill ALL of these you will NOT pass this

1. Correct template version used Y

2. All 20 multiple choice question original answers captured Y

3. All 20 multiple choice question answers now captured Y

4. Notes for the five (5) questions in red Y

5. Notes for AT LEAST five (5) other questions of your choice Y

6. Each note AT LEAST 100 words long Y

7. Conclusion present Y

8. Conclusion AT LEAST 500 words long Y


My aim in compiling this portfolio was to reflect on the things that have struck me throughout
this crazy module.

My starting point for doing this was to revisit my opinions to the multiple choice questions
which were presented in the Crossroads assignment. I present these current opinions, together
with my original opinions, and some brief notes in the section entitled: “Back at the

Once I have done this, I draw some key conclusions about this crazy module and about the
things that did indeed strike me.

Back at the Crossroads!

1. (YOU MUST WRITE NOTES ON THIS QUESTION) “Why do some people have to be miserably poor in
order that others can be extravagantly rich? I speak for all the children in the world who don't even
have a piece of bread.” (Fidel Castro) My personal opinion on this statement, is most closely
described by:

a. Who cares what Castro said? He was an ideological dinosaur anyway.

Castro was a political leader in Cuba. He did a lot o changes in Cuba by providing electricity,
offered free education and health care to all Cubans and weeded out racism in his country’s
society. I really cares about what he said regarding this statement, simply because he fought
poverty during his time as a leader. He tried his level best to uplift the lives of the communities
and making their life simple by providing free education, this was a way he was fighting poverty.
If you have education you can be anything you want to be in life. So I take his statement to

b. Wealth and poverty are unrelated phenomena.

Poverty and wealth are often found side by side. They are two dimensions in our world that are
interrelated because they affect each other and influence both the willingness and capacity of
the states to ensure a stable global system. Poverty is not really about the unemployment and
less money. It is a social phenomenon in which a section of the society is unable to fulfill even
it’s bare necessities of life. In wealth they can afford any want and need. They are able to fulfill
all the necessities of life. We cannot all be wealthy, that would make the economy be in
shambles. That why we must balance life, poverty and wealth they will always be pairs for
forever. Poor mindset immediately sees a surplus as an opportunity for consumption. Rich
mindset seeks to spend their time, resources and energy on work that continues to pay off long
after the effort has been invested. Rich mindset is all about getting a flywheel spinning. Building

c. Well perhaps the rich should just stop all their charity and we’ll see where this leaves the
ungrateful poor.

Sometimes the poor people can be very ungrateful. You may help where ever you can, but
people will always be people, you sometimes find that will be criticizing the things you helped
them with. Some will say these are old clothes, why don’t you give me money to buy new things
since you are rich. Well that being really ungrateful. Now day being rich it’s like you a pride or
it’s like a sin. You cannot help everyone people expect a lot from the rich individuals. But the
riches should not stop their charity a lot of people benefit a a lot from this charities, some
children depends on the bursary schemes they provide. And lastly helping someone it’s a good
thing to do.

d. Well on a simple technical level, the answer to this is poverty and wealth are both relative
so it’s just not possible for there to be someone rich without someone who is relatively

Well we can’t all be rich at the end of the day some will be better than the others some will be
the worst. There are people who will work for others and get a penny. The only thing we must
fight for is Equality. Yes you may have people working for you but be considerate and appreciate
the work the employees do. There are homes and orphanages which takes in children who
suffer the most in the hands of parents, they are provided with shelter and go to school. The
children are not supposed to be working to put the bread on the table they should be at school
sharpening their future. In terms of boss abusing the employees financial, they should think that
without the employees there is no production for the business, the ceo is not really involved
with the daily basis of production

e. I think this is the wrong question. The right question is: “How do we prevent people being
extravagantly rich while others are miserably poor?”

There is no way to prevent people from being extravagantly rich. The only thing the riches can
do is to be much more involved in the NGO’s and charity events. Create bursary scholarships or
schemes. Although we might argue that most of the times the charities do not give out all the
money or things that were donated to deserving individuals, they take some things for them in
the organization. The solution to this will that the person who needs help or seek help must
directly go to that particular rich person offering help. In this way the money will go straight to
the deserving person and not go through the organization. The rich people must help where
they can. The person who is poor can still change things especially if it a child. We all don’t know
what the future holds. Look at Bill Gate he used to be very poor and go to school with torn
trousers and walk with torn sneakers, but above all that he did not give up. Look at him today he
is the most rich man in the world.

Choice now: D

Choice in assignment 1: D


2. (YOU MUST WRITE NOTES ON THIS QUESTION) "Save the rhino!!" My personal opinion on this
statement is most closely described by:

a. Who cares?

b. Let the people who want to use this resource pay to protect it.

c. We have bigger problems than worrying about rhinos.

d. We must save the rhinos for our children.

e. We must save the rhinos because it is the right thing to do.

Choice now: D

Choice in assignment 1: D

Notes: The remaining species of rhinoceros are in a brink of extinction due to upsurge in the poaching
of them. Some people will ask what does rhinos help with, well to answer that question. Rhinos are
keystone species and are disproportionately large effects they have on their natural environment,
relative to population size. They play a critical role in maintaining the structure of an ecological
system and without them, many experts believe that the ecosystem would be dramatically different
or cease to exist. Besides the ecosystem saving rhinos is a right thing to do it’s goes with good morals
and values to respect. We must also remember that they attract the tourist. Tourism is a major source
of employment and income in our country. That contributes a lot to our economy. If we let the rhinos
all dies or perish who will help the ecosystem for our children

3. (YOU MUST WRITE NOTES ON THIS QUESTION) “If the present growth trends in world population,
industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits
to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years. The most
probable result will be a rather sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial
capacity.” (The Limits to Growth, 1972) My personal opinion on this statement is most closely
described by:
a. I don’t believe this tale of doom.

b. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast, but I don’t think this is a problem as there
is plenty of time to find technological solutions to problems that emerge

c. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. The first priority in solving this is to put the
brakes on human population growth.

d. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. The first priority in solving this is for rich
people to reduce their consumption significantly.

e. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. The first priority is for poor people to not
have more kids than they can afford.

f. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. And frankly I don’t see any solution
because increasing consumption is the basis of our economic growth.

Choice now: C

Choice in assignment 1:F

Notes: The utilitarian principles will have to apply on this matter because it’s focuses on the good side
of the results, maximizing the total good of majority. I know this may sound a bit selfish since there
are people who still want to grow their families but putting brakes on human population growth will
benefit everyone. Everyday a new life is born and that means natural resources are becoming scarce
each day. People must reduce personal consumption and go vegan, people must learn to share and
stop being greedy. The existing children must be educated about sex so that they will take precautions
and not produce more children that will consume natural resources that are already scarce. The family
planning program must be generously funded. The government my eliminate the children grant,
people tend to not take precautions and produce more babies course they know they will get the
grant from the government. And on top of that they are not working which means they don’t
contribute any thing to the economy of the country. There are many orphans In the orphanage home,
people must learn to adopt those children. In that way natural resources will be preserved.

4. (YOU MUST WRITE NOTES ON THIS QUESTION) “Investment under neo-colonialism increases rather
than decreases the gap between rich and poor countries.” (Kwame Nkrumah) My personal opinion
on this statement, is most closely described by:

a. Get over colonialism now!!!!

b. It’s irresponsible messages like these that frighten foreign investors away from Africa.

c. Colonialism died off decades ago. Why are you still talking about this.

d. Absolutely. As Thomas Sankara said: “debt is a cleverly managed re-conquest of Africa”

e. This is all managed through ratings agencies who have much more say in the decisions a
government takes than the citizens of the country.

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E

Notes: This statement suggest that foreign investments in a post colonial countries, often led by
multinational corporations do not necessarily lead to equitable development but instead widen the
economic gap between wealthy and impoverished nations. There is influence of international
financial institutions, credit rating and global economic actors on the economic policies and decisions
of countries. My personal opinion aligns with the idea that external factors such as ratings agencies
and global economic influence, can play a substantial role in shaping a country’s economics direction,
potentially impacting the gap between rich and poor nations. The neo colonialism refers to the
continuation of the economic and political control by former colonial powers in newly independent

5. (YOU MUST WRITE NOTES ON THIS QUESTION) “It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the
end of capitalism.” (Mark Fisher) My personal opinion on this statement, is most closely described

a. Who cares?

b. This is what comes from a world population that believes that the path to enlightenment is

c. Capitalism is absolutely the only viable economic system, so yes, this is true and right.

d. I had never thought of this, but as unreasonable as this might sound, it is actually so true.

e. I think that we need to work on our imagination then because this is clearly absurd.

Choice now: C

Choice in assignment 1: D

Notes: Capitalism has achieved such dominance that the alternatives are difficult for many to
conceptualize. It’s has been indicating that it’s has proven itself as the best option among the various
economic system. This perspective supports the idea that capitalism is deeply entranced and difficult
to replace with alternative. My opinion aligns with the notion that capitalism is not only the prevailing
economic system but also the most and effective and viable one. People tend to ask what will happen
the world comes to and end but never imagine what will happen the capitalism comes to an end. I for
one think that they will be many benefits like environment considerations the ecological impact of
economic systems is growing concern. The end of capitalism might prompt a reassessment of
economic practices to address environmental sustainability more effectively
6. "The wealth of the few depends upon the poverty of many." My personal opinion on this statement
is most closely described by:

a. So long as I am amongst the few I don't care

b. This is just not true – the rich are simply more “diligent, intelligent, and above all frugal”.

c. This is just not true – if it were not for the generous wealthy, the poor would be even poorer
than they are.

d. This is absolutely true – there is only so much wealth in the world at any one moment so if
one person has more than their share someone else has to have less than their share.

e. This is absolutely true and given how much poverty there is we ought to do something
about it.

Choice Now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E

Notes: This statement reflects a perspective often associated with the critiques of wealth inequality,
where the accumulation of riches by small portions of the population is seen as connected to the
economic disadvantages faces by larger portion. It’s implies that the prosperity of a select few is often
built on the labor of the poor. Resources or economic circumstances of many others who may be in a
less fortunate position. My opinion strongly aligns with the statement, indicating my belief in the
existence of wealth inequality and it’s interconnectedness with poverty. In this case we can use the
consequentialist theory that says: the greatest good of the greatest number. By doing something we
will be helping many people in need and fighting the wealth inequality economic justice

7. “I didn’t join the struggle to be poor.” (Smuts Ngonyama) My personal opinion on this statement is
most closely described by:

a. Me neither.

b. No one joins the struggle to be poor.

c. It is this sort of attitude that has led to widespread corruption.

d. This is counter-revolutionary – you don’t solve oppression by becoming an oppressor.

Choice now: D

Choice in assignment 1: D

Notes: Firstly joining a struggle does not mean you will be suddenly be rich. The struggle is all about
fighting for the justice and Equality of human rights. It all about fighting the system. I believe that
maintaining the principles and values of a struggle for justice is crucial and pursuing wealth or
privilege In a way that perpetuates oppression is a counter to those principles. The pursuit of wealth
or privilege at the expense of others can be counterproductive to the original goals of a struggle for
justice or Equality which is totally wrong. This contradict the core principles of social or political
movement aimed at positive change

8. “Even before COVID, one out of every five South Africans lived below the food poverty line.” My
personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:

a. Who cares?

b. If population growth rates of the poor were not so high they wouldn’t be so poor.

c. If they worked harder, they wouldn't be so poor.

d. This is sad, but to be honest, it is not going to stop me from focusing on my own wellbeing

e. I think that we must all strive to eliminate poverty together.

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E

Notes: it’s is important that we work together as a society to eliminate poverty. There is no social and
economic equity in our country. The statistic show that poverty has been there since the past years
way before the Covid-19, people even now are still not able to make ends meet they are till struggling
to put food on the table. Helping to eliminate poverty does not necessarily means giving out food
parcels or giving clothes, we can change that narrative by helping the children from poor homes get a
better a education in that way a child will be something tomorrow through education and that will
make they stats In the system decrease. That child will be able to help others in the coming future. In
that that way we are fighting the inequality slowly but surely.

9. “60% of the world’s cobalt is mined in the DRC. Significant amounts of this is mined under appalling
conditions often by child labourers.” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely
described by:

a. What’s cobalt got to do with to me?

b. The DRC is a long way from where I live so I don’t really care.

c. This is just a fact of global supply chains and necessary for global economic growth, which is
in everyone’s best interest.
d. I wonder who is profiting out of this?

e. It breaks my heart to see children exploited. This is morally wrong and must not be allowed.

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E

Notes: In this scenario the rights of children in DRC are being ignored which it totally unacceptable
because every living person have right. The is absolutely unethical since the I’m against child labor.
One of the children’s right state that every child has a right to education. In this case when does the
children goes to school and learn or play with others. They are exploiting children making tons of
money trough them. The mining industry have no ethical standards to upheld. This is a abuse on
another level, course at the end of the day you will find that this children earn nuts after a whole
loads of work. The parents must fight for their children to go to school, they must be the one to work.
They can’t expect kids to be the one who puts food on the table. This children will grow up with
emotionally abused minds. In this sense there is no Equality if the child is expected to work and stop
going to school.

10. “Of the top 10 wealthiest people (all men), seven are tech billionaires. Their net worth is US$ 847
billion or ZAR 13 trillion!” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:

a. I think that such wealth is utterly immoral when there is so much poverty and suffering in
the world and so active steps should be taken to correct this.

b. These billionaires are all tech visionaries and deserve every cent of their wealth because of
their brilliance.

c. Why would anyone want or need that amount of money?

d. These are my heroes. I aspire to be like them.

e. Bill Gates is one of them and look at how much money he is giving to the poor through the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Choice now: B

Choice in assignment 1: B

Notes: I believe that their wealth is well deserved due to their innovation and impact on the field.
They really worked hard for their wealth. In this case we can say that the fairness distributive justice
must come to work because this billionaires did all the work coming with solutions and tech visions,
now they are eating fruits of their labour. Not everyone can be like them buts if they put more efforts
in what they are doing they can be too be come rich. There is no one who was exploited for them to
become this successful. They even have charity organization where they give back to the community.
There is never enough money in our world so if you get a chance to make it you must grab that
opportunity by both hands, but making sure that you do it the right way

11. “In order to have the continued opportunity to express their ‘generosity,’ the oppressors must
perpetuate injustice as well.” (Paulo Freire) My personal opinion on this statement is most closely
described by:

a. This is crazy ‘commie’ nonsense from Freire – it’s a disgrace that Unisa allows this rubbish to
appear in its official study material.

b. This is rubbish - if it were not for the essential goodness of the wealthy, the lives of the poor
would be so much worse than they already are.

c. So let me get this straight – Freire is saying that in order for some to continue being
generous (like Bill Gates), wealth AND poverty need to be sustained? I’m going to have to
think about this.

d. Freire is absolutely right - all this ‘generosity’ just makes rich people look like the heroes
when actually they are the villains.

e. How can you possibly say something as ungrateful as option d?

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: D

Notes: This is a critical pedagogy, Freire’s work often centers on the idea of critical consciousness,
where the oppressed recognize the oppressive structures in society and work toward liberation. He
believes that education and dialogue are essential tools for challenging and transforming oppressive
system. In this case it’s mean he says that the oppressors may use acts of generosity to maintain their
positions of power and perpetuate injustice. This means people must understand the dynamics of
oppression and working towards a more just and equitable society. Sometimes this charity events are
way of showing how rich they are for the community to see them as being generous, wherelse they
are pushing their own agenda. This must come to an and the youth must wake up do something about
their education.

12. “Show me a great fortune and I’ll show you a great crime.” (a translation from Honoré de Balzac) My
personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:

a. Clearly Balzac had taken too much hashish when he wrote that!
b. It is completely possible to make a fortune by legal means – in fact this is what I intend to do
in my life.

c. I don't care - watch out Elon Musk, here I come!

d. I think that this is absolutely true.

e. Even if great fortunes are acquired in a technically legal way, they are always morally

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E

Notes: This statement implies that great wealth often involves some form of wrongdoing or unethical
behavior to accumulate such a fortune. They will be concerns surrounding the great fortune that
someone have. People will question the wealth you have. But in some cases you find that a wealthiest
person does small petty crimes for example dodging to pay the taxis. They end up paying tons money
because of their negligence. Even if they help the poor, the poor will accept the help but in question
like where does all this money comes from, what crime or rituals did she or he did to accumulate such
wealth. In black communities they believe if you are not educated enough where does the money
comes from and it's actually funny because they all come to one conclusion that says you did a blood
ritual to have money. Which sometimes it’s very true.

13. “It is estimated that humans are consuming natural resource at a rate that is 30% above the renewal
rate. If we continue to consume in this way we are likely to suffer dire consequences which could
include extinction.” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:

a. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast, but I don’t think this is a problem as there
is plenty of time to find technological solutions to problems that emerge

b. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. The first priority in solving this is to put the
brakes on human population growth.

c. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. The first priority in solving this is for rich
people to reduce their consumption significantly.

d. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. And frankly I don’t see any solution
because increasing consumption is the basis of our economic growth.

e. I don’t believe this tale of doom.

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: B

Notes: This statement presents a concern about the rate at which humans are depleting natural
resources, which exceeds the Earth’s ability to renew then sustainably. In this case we must apply the
utilitarian principle because it’s focuses on the good results, maximizing the total good of majority.
This solution of putting the brakes on human population growth will help us to be able to preserve of
what left from the natural resources. In that way the population we remain the same. The
government must stop the grants because many people don’t take precautions when it’s comes to sex
they just give birth to get grant. In the end of the day there are not working which means they
contribute nothing to the economy. Government stopping the grant will mean to take that money and
create more jobs opportunities, In that way the statistic of unemployed youth will decrease.

14. “Imagine you find out that some students get together, buy good assignments from previous years
and submit them as their own.” My personal opinion about this practice is most closely described

a. I have heard that Unisa might be using sophisticated plagiarism detecting software like
Turnitin and, if this is the case, the chances of getting caught are just too great. I don't want
to get into trouble.

b. Not only will I participate, I am going to be the one who sells assignments next year for cash.

c. I am not sure what the rules say but if this is against the rules I won’t do it.

d. I am not sure what is the right thing to do here or what is expected of me now that I know

e. The problem with cheating is that it undermines everyone's qualification, not just those who
are participating

f. Someone needs to report this because it is intellectual fraud, and that someone is going to
be me.

Choice now: A

Choice in assignment 1: A

Notes: The unisa has software like Turnitin, so how could you think you can get away with cheating.
Yes cheating does help sometimes but it’s not good for anyone because that simple means you know
nothing about the certain assignment. Cheating can affect an individual’s personal growth it good in a
short run but have negative impact in the long run. Also think the lecture will know when marking the
assignment that it's not the first time he or she sees this types of answers provided in an assignment
you bought. Cheating creates lack of self improvement meaning it’s hinders the development of
problem solving skills and critical thinking and the ability to overcome challenge. I would prefer to
write my own thing and get 20% that will help me to study more so that next time I can get 80%.
15. “It’s a fact! You cannot expect to have economic growth when there is the threat of expropriation
without compensation.” (van der Merwe) My personal opinion on this statement is most closely
described by:

a. Obviously!

b. I don’t know about economic growth, but those who wrote the Constitution of South Africa
knew what they were doing so private property is sacred and must be respected at all cost.

c. The notion of private property is a western individualist notion.

d. Hmmmm …. you have to admit that the economies of the north grew very handsomely on
the basis of expropriation without compensation? So this is not an immutable natural law.
It's just how the rules are currently structured right?

Choice now: B

Choice in assignment 1: B

Notes: The private property might not be suitable for all cultural or economic settings. This statement
acknowledges the importance of private property rights and the intention behind their inclusion in
the constitution. It's does not directly address the relationship between economic growth and
expropriation without the compensation, but emphasizes the significance of protecting private
property. In essence the property rights are the means to exercise inalienable rights. We have what
might be called socially productive property, this consists of things that are used to produce goods
and services. Things like shoe factories, an electric power plant and supermarket. If that the case then
we can talk about the the growth of economy, simple because the socially productive property
contributes to the economy.

16. “Every day some 20,000 children die prematurely from poverty related causes, mostly treatable
diseases.” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:

a. Who cares?

b. It’s hard to say it, but given the rising human population, perhaps this is a blessing in
disguise for the human species as a whole

c. It’s hard to say it, but this just means less people competing with me for scarce
opportunities and resources.

d. This is morally wrong, but practically, I think that it would cost too much money to solve

e. It is morally unacceptable for a single child to die of a preventable disease and we should
collectively fix this irrespective of the cost.

Choice now: E
Choice in assignment 1: C

Notes: already the human population increase every day which means less opportunities and
resource. I think dying of this children Is blessing in disguise. Why get pregnant in the first place
knowing exactly that you cannot afford to go the private doctor. I always say that going to the
government hospital while pregnant is a wrong move course public hospitals do not have enough
equipment, people are sleeping in corridors waiting for one doctor to attend them. Yes it’s really huts
seeing the children suffering or dying but there is nothing we can do about that. Government must
make it’s a law that everyone do family planning, already everything is scarce in our country we all
suffering, the child you are carrying will also suffer. That why government must enforce the law that
states everyone must do family planning.

17. “In the 2018/2019 financial year, Bob van Dijk, the CEO of Naspers earned a total remuneration
(salary, incentives and options) of R 1.9 billion.” My personal opinion on this statement is most
closely described by:

a. Good for him – he worked hard to earn this.

b. The only problem I have with this is that this money is in van Dijk’s bank account and not in

c. No problem with this. I'm sure van Dijk donates huge amounts to charity.

d. I think that it is morally wrong for anyone to earn that much money.

e. I think that active steps should be taken to correct such immoral executive remuneration

Choice now: D

Choice in assignment 1: E

Notes: Firstly there is no Equality at this point. The CEO is exploiting the workers. He must give the
employees what is due to them, and how can one person gets so much money as if he was working
alone. Every company has a structure it’s can be wide narrow structure or wide stricture. Both this
structure work with teams in department. The CEO must think of the following year at this point the
business might be bankrupt. The employees might not come back the following year to work, they can
look for jobs somewhere else. The ceo must show appreciation to employees by giving them bonuses,
this inceptive will make employees have momentum of coming back the following year. The
executives tends to not care about employees towards the end of year. In this scenario the ceo used
the income inequality. This refers to the unequal of distribution of income. There was no fairness or
social justice from the CEO
18. “Unless fossil-fuel use slows dramatically, the earth’s average temperature could rise by six degrees
Celsius in the next 100 years.” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:

a. Who cares?

b. I don’t believe this climate change nonsense

c. Six degrees will make winters much more bearable to me personally

d. I’m a bit concerned about this, but there is nothing that I can do about it

e. I’m a bit concerned about this, but why should I invest my personal time, effort or money in
solving a general social problem

f. I think that individually we can and should strive to solve this problem for the greater good

Choice now: F

Choice in assignment 1: F

Notes: Climate change is a global issue, and collective efforts are necessary to address it effectively.
People must make sure to reduce energy consumption like turning off the lights and electronics when
not in use. If possible, consider installing solar panels on your home or support renewable energy
programs in your area. This can reduce the your reliance on the fossil fuels for electricity. Minimize
waste by recycling, reusing items and reducing your consumption of single use products. The
production and disposal of these products often involve fossil fuels. Educate yourself and others, stay
informed about the climate change and it's impacts. Educate friends and family about the issue and
the steps they can take.

19. “If arctic ice melting continues, we are likely to see the loss of two thirds of the world's polar bear
population within 50 years.” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:

a. Why should we worry?

b. If it boils down to choosing between driving a luxury SUV and worrying about polar bears I’ll
take the car any day.

c. While this is sad, polar bears aren’t really very important to my personal welfare which is my
primary concern.

d. While this is sad, polar bears aren’t really very important to general human social welfare.

e. I don’t think polar bears are all that important to human welfare. However, their plight is a
symptom of climate change which is a big problem to future human welfare.

f. I think it is morally unacceptable for humans to put their interests ahead of the rights of
other species like polar bears.
Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E

Notes: The polar bears play a vital role in the food chain. They have instrumental value, they have
important role in the health of the marine environment. They balance the ecosystem of the artic life,
they eat the seals which eats the fishes in that way polar bear are controlling the population of seals.
Polar bears are invaluable asset to science and education. So if the sea melts that could only mean
that the bears will invade the trash bins on the humans looking for food, that can be quite dangerous
to humans. Polar bears have instrumental value. They are apex predictors in the artic food chain.
Their presence is crucial for the health and stability of the artic environment. By prioritizing human
interests over the rights of polar bears, we risk disrupting to ecological balance and losing the
instrumental benefits they provide.

20. “Austerity: the billionaires in business have convinced the millionaires in government that the
working poor are the root cause of all problems ” My personal opinion of what should be done, is
most closely described by:

a. As Julius Malema says: “Bloody agents”

b. And then the Houses of Parliament get burned down because ‘the root cause of all
problems’ was solved by the millionaires in government’ retrenching security guards.

c. And then the billionaires in business declare the millionaires in government incompetent
when the Houses of Parliament get burned down.

d. This is typical labour union clap-trap.

e. As Bill Gates says: “If you were born poor it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor it’s your

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E

Notes: Slowly but surely the technology is improving. Let look at bill gates, he was born very poor but
he changed all that he did not give up in his dreams. He was very sure that he was going to make it in
life, and he did. He went so school with torn pants and sneakers, I’m very sure other used to lough
him at school but look where he is today. This proves that you can be anything you want in like if you
put efforts in what you are doing. Bill gate is a self made billionaire, in 2000 bill gates and his wife
established the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. The foundation focuses on global health,
education and poverty alleviation. If there are still people like bill gates who still sees the important
on education and even give out funds for it, then what are you waiting for not going to school. He is
showing us that through education you can be anything.
Number unchanged: <Insert number of questions where the answers were the same here>

Number changed: <Insert number of questions where the answers were different here>


To conclude, looking at the preceding sections of this portfolio, the most important things which I
learned in this module were: that sustainability is a broad concept that encompasses practices and
principles aimed at maintaining or improving the well being of current and future generations while
minimizing harm to environment and ecosystems. All this information from this module I was really not
aware of it, this module made me think outside of my comfort zone. There are part where I had to be
selfish just like question 16. I really did not know that sustainability is so broad, it’s mostly deals with the
aspects such as environmental, that where I learned about the instrumental value and intrinsic value.
This is where were are protecting and preserving the natural environment, reducing population and
conserving resources, that all question 3 was about. The preserving of natural resources. I learned about
the social sustainability which was ensuring fair and equitable opportunities, social justice and high
quality of life for all people. This mostly talks about people who are not being fair, some are greedy just
like question 17 where the CEO was not showing appreciation towards employees and doing what we
call the income inequality. Fostering economic growth and development without depleting resources or
causing long term harm. In this module it’s mostly talks about the beliefs, principles that individuals or
groups adhere to. It made me had a long term thinking, asking myself questions like I’m I answering this
question correctly, still there I had to apply the theories on certain scenarios. I had to be able to balance
the Sustainability and greed, the contrasting philosophies of sustainability and greed remind us the
important of balance and moderation. While perusing success and prosperity is natural, it’s is crucial to
balance ambition with responsibility and consider the broader impacts of our actions. This module
highlight the need for ethical conduct in our personal and professional lives, emphasizing honesty,
fairness and respect for others and the environment. Both the sustainability and the consequences of
greed emphasize that we are collectively responsible for the state of our planet and society. Working
together to address challenges and promote sustainable practices is essential for better future.

NB: This should be the most substantial comment in this portfolio and must give us a clear indication
whether you have thought deeply about this module. It should be at least 500 words long. >

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