Digital Electronics 1

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National Certificate in Industrial Technician

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Module : Digital Electronics

Module No : E 1-4

Module Value : 01
60 Hours (2 Hours per Week)

Assessment Method : Assessment & Examinations

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module the student shall be able to,

 Describe logic circuit

 Demonstrate the knowledge of applied digital systems
 Demonstrate the knowledge to interface analogue to digital systems
 Explain truth tables and logic functions
 Construct logic circuit using schematic diagrams as a guide and evaluate the cuicuit
using electronic maths formulas(Boolean Algebra and Demerges Theorem).

Learning Content / Topics

1. A digital system is a condition of devices designed to manipulate physical quantities
or information that are represented in digital form.

1.1. Explain about digital systems.

1.2. Compares Analogue and digital signals.
1.3. Explain advantages of digital signals.
1.4. Explain limitation of digital techniques.

2. Many number systems are in use in digital technology. The most common system is
in the decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal systems. Examining some of it’s
characteristic will help us to better understand the other systems.
2.1. Explain why digital systems are based on binary systems.
2.2. Explain conversion process of decimal to binary and vice – versa.
2.3. Explain following operators :
(a). Conversion of Binary to Octal and vice – versa.

(b). Conversion of Decimal to Octal and vice – versa.

2.4. Explain following operators

(a). Conversion of binary to hexadecimal and vice – versa.

(b). Conversion of decimal to hexadecimal and vice – versa.

2.5. Defines the following terms.

(a). Bit

(b). Byte

(c). Least Significant Bit (L.S.B)

(d). Most Significant Bit (M.S.B)

2.6. Explain main applicable and advantage of Octal and hexadecimal systems.

We are familiar with arithmetic operators such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division using decimal numbers. Similar operations can be performed on Binary numbers. As
concern to Binary arithmetic is much simpler than decimal arithmetic. Binary consist of two
states 0 and 1 involved.

2.7. States the rules of Binary addition including the carry function.
2.8. Perform following Binary arithmetic operation and illustrate usage numerical
examples :
(a). Binary Addition
(b). Binary Subtraction

(c). Binary Emulsification

(d). Binary Division

2.9. States the rules to represent the signed binary.

2.10. Explain operation of 1’s compliment and 2’s compliment of binary number, using
numerical examples to illustrate the definitions.
3. The digital singles are discrete in nature and can only assume one of the two valves or
1. In the middle of 19 th century, an English mathematical George Boole developed
rules for manipulations of binary numbers, knowing as BOOLEAN ALGEBRA. This is
the basis of all digital systems like computers, calculation etc.

3.1. Explain the advantages of Boolean algebra over the ordinary Algebra.
3.2. Explain why we need Truth Table.
3.3. Verity using troth Table following Boolean expressions:
(a). A.B = B.A (h). A+1 = 1

(b). A.1 = A (i). A+0 = A

(c). A.0 = O (j). A+A = A

(d). A.A = A (k). A.B.C = A. (B.C) = (A.B).C

(e). A. ¯A = O (l). A+B+C = (A+B) + C = A + (B+C)

(f). A=O (m). A. (B+C) = A.B + A.C

(g). A+B = B+A (n). A+B.C = A.B + A.C

3.4. Explain how to simplify expressions using “BOOLEAN ALGEBRA”

4. Knows the symbols, operation and applications of elements.
4.1. Familiarisation with Diode Resistor and Diode Transistor Logic circuits.
4.2. Sketch the following Logic circuit symbols and output logic expression for each
(a). OR gate (d). NOR gate

(b). AND gate (e). NAND gate

(c). NOT gate (f). Exclusive OR

4.3. Construct the troth tables for the gates in 4.1

4.4. Explain half adder and full adder and construct using logic gate.
4.5. States the rules governing to “DE MORGAN THEOREMS” for two variables and
extend to three variables.
4.6. Explain how to apply “DE MORGAN THEOREM” to minimized expression to
obtain circuits in NAND and NOR form.
4.7. Explain that the use of one type of Logic gate is economically feasible.

5. Explain the Karnaugh Map and how it is applied to simplify logic circuits.
5.1. Construct karnaugh maps for three variable and four variable logic expressions.
5.2. Explain solving method for three and four variables logic expressions.
5.3. Construct the circuit of minimized expression of (5.2)
5.4. Explain why we need “DO NOT CARE” terms and illustrate using example.
5.5. Explain following terms




5.6. Explain how to simplify “PRODUCT OF SUM” and “SUM OF PRODUCT” terms
using Karnaugh map for three variable and four variable logic expressions.

6. Understands the various types of Bistables in “Integrated Circuit” form and applicable to
their digital circuits.
6.1. Explain the term “BISTABLE” or LATCH.
6.2. Explain “Negative going transition” and “Positive going transitions” terms related
to clocked signals.
6.3. Explain how to construct a simple RS Bistable using “NAND” and “NOR” derives
and its truth tables.
6.4. Application of a FF flip flop as a Bounce free switch.
6.5. Explain the auction of “CLOCKED SR FLIP FLOP”
6.6. Explain the operation of “CLOCKED SR FLIP FLOP” with “PRE SET” and
6.7. Explain how to construct “SR FLIP FLOP” in to “JK FLIP FLOP” and derive truth
table for JK Flip Flop.
6.8. Draw the JK Flip Flop using “NAND gates”.
6.9. Explain the “MASTER SLAVE JK FLIP FLOP” and its operation and “RACE –
6.10. Explain the following flip – flops and Their Truth tables.
(a). T type flip-flops

(b). D type flip-flops

6.11. States the Excitation Tables for above flip-flops.

7. Bistable devices may be used to form registers and operation and application and
applications of these devices.
7.1. Explain what is meant by “SHIFT REGISTER”
7.2. Explain the function of “SHIFT REGISTER”
7.3. Explain the following operator in detail, for the four registers.
(a). Serial IN – Sensual out Operation (SISO)

(b). Serial IN – Paralleled Out Operation (SIPO)

(c). Parallel IN – Sensual out Operation (PISO)

(d). Parallel IN – Parallel out Operation (PIPO)

7.4. Explain the operation of following Registers

(a). Bidirectional shift Register

(b). Universal shift Register

7.5. States that registers of both types are commercially available in TTL and cmos
7.6. Compare the performance of TTL and CMOS register in terms of speed and
flexibility operators.
7.7. Explain the use of register memory devices. eg. RAM.

List of practicals _ DIGITAL ELECTRONICS I

1. Construct basic combinational circuit using IC’s TTL and CMOS (e.g. 7400, 7402, 7406,
7408 7432, 7411,4001,4000,4012 etc)

2. Check IC’s using logic probes

3. Assemble BCD to 7 segment (decorder/driver)LED display

a. Common cathode (7 segment display)

b. Common anode (7 segment display)

Teaching/Learning Activities

 Lectures
 Assignments
 Demonstration and lab practical’s
 Simple design calculations
 Discussions
 Spot test
 Tutorial Classes

Assessment & Type Topic / Activity Weighting

Weighting Assignments Based on main session topics 30%
Practical 05 20%
First Year End General test on total module 03 hour
examination question paper

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