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School Base:__________ SHIFT: __________________ TERM: ______________

SUBJECT: ________________________________________ LEVEL: __________


STUDENT´S NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: ___________

You can improve your English by listening to native speakers, this will help you to feel more confident and prepared for
your English test.
So, you will practice your listening skill and learn some useful information about environmental issues. Then you answer
some comprehension questions and finally you will listen to the dictation exercises.

COMPETENCIA: Describe información sobre el impacto de las acciones humanas en el medio ambiente en el país
empleando las estructuras lingüísticas y el vocabulario aprendido durante el periodo académico.
DBA3: Reconoce información específica en textos cortos orales y escritos sobre temas de interés general.


1. Read the text and questions. 4. Now answer the questions

2. Listen to the audio (as many times as you needed) 5. Listen again
3. Read the question again 6. You´ll find audios in attached file

TO REMEMBER: remember that it is not necessary to understand every single word from the audio, the most important
in this exercise is that you understand main information.

A. Comprehension
#1 Taking action on Climate Change
This exercise is about climate change. You will learn about what causes it, and find out some of the things we can do to
stop it.
Listen to the audio. (as many times as, you need it)
A. Answer the questions.
1.What causes climate change? 2.Why is climate change a problem? 3.What can we do to prevent it?

B. Listen to the audio again to find the answer to questions 1-8. Choose the best answer for each question.
1) According to the speaker, greenhouse gases are produced by?
a. Heat from the sun c. the sun`s rays, and also the actions of people
b. the actions of people d. the speaker doesn`t say

2) Which of these things is a greenhouse gas?

a. carbon monoxide c. oxygen
b. carbon dioxide d. the speaker doesn`t say

3) Which of these ways to generate power provides a clean source of energy?

a. a gas c. wind power
b. oil d. they are all clean sources of energy

4) Which of these things can help reduce levels of carbon dioxide?

a. driving to work c. using public transport
b. heating with coal instead of gas d. leaving your TV on standby, rather than switching off

5) Which of these prediction about climate change does the speaker make?
a. If the planet gets warmer, then polar bears will become extinct
b. If the planet gets warmer, then we can expect more floods
d. If the planet gets warmer then sea levels will rise

6) The word extinct means?

a. to become scarce or rare c. to become endangered
b. in need of protection d. something that has died out, and no longer exists

7. Choose the best answer to complete this statement:

If the planet continues to heat up, _____________ expect to experience more extreme weather.
a. then will we b. then can we c. then we can d. then should we

8) Which of these things isn`t mentioned by the speaker?

a. wave energy b. car pooling c. coral reefs d. heat wave

#2 Eco Tips
Steven, a student from Costa Rica, talks with Rachel about how he tries to help the environment.

Vocabulary Challenge
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Confess running leave on whole inspired

1. He left the car ______________________ while he ran in the house.

2. Be sure not to _______________________ the lights.
3. I had to _______________________ to the police.
4. My ______________________ class is coming to the school party.
5. The movie __________________ me to travel to South America.

Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) Who is good at saving water? a) Steven b) Rachel c) Both of them
2) What tips does he mention? a) Buy a cup to recycle water b) Unplug appliances c) Buy recycled paper
3) Who unplugs their computer? a) He does b) She does c) Neither does
4) What does she do? a) Recycle trash b) Drive a eco-car c) Take public transport
5) What does he say about Costa Rican Transportation? a) The buses are good. b) The train is cheap. c) It is not like America.

# 3 Deforestation
Vocabulary Challenge
Complete the sentences with the words below.

vulnerable living standard extra dime support discourage

1. Do you work now or do your parents ____________________ you?

2. They want to buy a house so they are saving any _____________________ they can.
3. Please try to _____________________ your brother from smoking.
4. The ________________ is very high in most of Europe.
5. Babies are more _______________________ to sickness.

Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) What is deforestation affecting in Kenya? a) People b) Animals c) Both
2) What is the imbalance? a) Animals living near people b) People hunting animals c) More animals than people
3) What do the animals tend to attack? a) People b) Livestock c) Both
4) Why are the people cutting the trees? a) To gain farmland b) To make charcoal c) To make houses
5) Who is trying to remedy the situation? a) Local activists b) A Nobel Prize winner c) Both
Listen to the audio (normal) to understand the general idea
Listen to the audio (slow) and write down what the speaker says.

#1 Dog Kept on Ice


#2 Japan Say UFO’s Exist


#3 Pollution

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