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SOFT SKILL AND INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION introduction 2 conflicts & Stress 50 Habits 35 Listening & Telephone Communication 43 Technology And Communication 50 Communication Skills 51 Non-Verbal & Verbal Communication 67 77 Presentation Skills NOTE: MAKAUT course structure and syll: SOFT SKILL AND INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION has bs ‘al care of this matter we are providing labus of 8” semester has been changed from 2022. een introduced as a new subject in present curriculum. Taking spec chapterwise model questions & answers along with the complete solutions of new university papers, so that students can get an idea about university questions Palterns. a. ae 3 POPULAR PUBLICATIONS INTRODUCTION Very Short Answer Type Questions 1. The way people shake hands gives an insight into (MoveL, QUEST a) their attitude 3} sshether they aro from a highly populated or sparsely Populated ptacy 8) whether they are trying to deminate or treat the other party 2 00a tg them d) all of these Answer: (a) [MODEL Que, b) higher order need STON a) higher order want 2, Self-Actualisation is a) lower order need ¢} lower order want Answer: (b) 3. 9 (Aff) refers to [MODEL QUESTO, 2) Need for affiliation b) Need for affection ‘I ¢) Need for affiuence 4d) Need for affinity Answer: (a) 4. SWOT is an analysis of one's [MODEL QUESTION a) Strengths, Wisdom, Opportunities and Threats 5) Smartness, Wit, Opportunities and Threats ¢) Strengths, Wisdom, Oddities and Techniques 4) ‘Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Answer: (d) 5. Which one of the following is one of the ost important skills of a negotiator? ; [MODEL QUESTION a) Speaking b) Listening ©) Writing ) Debating Answer: (d) 6. The ‘W" in SWOT analysis stands for [MODEL QUESTION) a) work b) weakness ©) warmth ¢) willingness Answer: (b) 7. What do we call it when we judge Someone on the basis of our perception? MODEL QUESTION) 3) Stereotyping _ b) Categorizin t a Answer: (a) forizing ©) Halo effect d) Prototyping SSC.2 SOFTSKIL AND INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION 0 Fae eat thee — a) infor lomontary sens, ‘ove ' py sonsory reduction of impulses in sory level QUESTION) c) the process of interproting sensations ‘orvous system gh the processes In the brain the underlie se gdlving thom meaning answver! (C) naatlon which of the following helps In raising the Individual perceptions oft ns of low tevel of self tooms? si situation empow MODEL a mont job enriehmont reinforcement is the proce: sedis Satori es by lel individuals select, organize and interpret erent picture of the environment in which they live. a) Conception b) Perception . [MODEL QUESTION] Answers (b) ©) Cognition 4) Confrontation 11, One of the major elements of planning process is 3) Developing leadership qualities b) Selecting ‘iia c) Perception of opportunities d) Designing organization structure ‘Answer: (C) 42, Which one of the following is a feature of good plan? [MODEL QUESTION] a) Consistency b) Highly ambitious targets ¢) Formulated by all persons d) Rigid targets Answer: (a) Short Answer e Questions 4. What Is Interdependence in an organization and how can it be brought about? [MODEL QUESTION] Answer! Imerdependence is a dynamic of being mutually responsible to and sharing a common set of principles with others, This concept differs distinctly from “dependence” jn that an imerdependent relationship implies that all participants arc emotionally, economically, andior morally “interdependent.” Some people advocate freedom or independence as 2 sont of ultimate good; others do the same with devotion to one's family, community, oF society. Interdependence recognizes the truth in each position ‘and weaves them sopellas Two people in a good relationship ate said to be ‘interdependent. Itcan also be defined as the interconnectedness and the reliance on one another socially, economically, environmentally and politically. ; i 48) i patonmentally and Potm iimerdependence in, the, Com Mani and describing the universal interdependence of nations in CO Dectarautciy of nation sieaal me jency. Will Durant = z . nal seclusion and self-sufficiency: wwe been ‘written in the years sine, and Interdependence on April 8 1944, Others I ssc-3 TE Wy POPULAR PUSLICATIONS e wake of the September 11, 200) as picked up in the wake of . aig Ce nate ea. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Stephen Cones svat length about interdependence, Leaders as div we written anal sp loot 2, What are the objectives of Self Development? MODEL QUESTioy, wer: present d oal, his first objecti : obstacles may have to be ove i * wld and ithae to be cleared out with positive at stl decision REMAP UR cal cotuitions. This is also very much applicable in car jemand of the environmental condition: I y mi I Kf on on ooo al proislems so that ultimate peaceful working atmosphere is created, Ant poson, witha postive fame of wind, must have an objective in his life, unies ind mal he goes in for his selfdevelopment, he may Tand up in a mess as he is Vikely to bein double minds in achieving the objective. Emotions may sometimes dissuade him from uudging the proper likes and dislikes, ; a - solr evelopment gives the confidence in a person to achieving his ultimate goa) needs brushing up the attitude of a person for a happy ending outcome a strategie planning tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, ‘opportunities and threats involved in a project or ina business venture. ‘This is also vey uch applicable in case of day to day life activities. Creative attitude assists in Sele Development. Independent thinking without interdependence helps in faster progress although sometimes views of other have got to be listened to and ultimately the final decision one has to take for the best. The objective of Sclf-Development — be with all, live with all to establish peace, prosperity and development in the society, cei, ne fat to Tea sm, in an OrEANIZaiON 10 achioe soe fate to be selfatevelopment, In reaching the fina overcome. Hindranees are likely to be there, in this complet iduals and organizations? [MODEL QUESTION] 3. What is SWOT analysis? How can it be used by in Answer: SWOT Analysis is concemed with idemtifying Strength-Weakness ~Opportunity ~ Threat fan individual or an organization. This is used for designing the strategy to be adopted by an individual or an organization for converting weakness into strength and threats into opponunity. 4. Why is SWOT valued in. today's business world? [MODEL QUESTION) Answer: SWOT analysis looks at your strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunites and threats sour business faces, By focusing on the key factors affecting your business, now and in the future, a SWOT analysis provides a clear basis for examining your business performance and prospects. Originated by Albert S Humphrey in the 1960s, SWOT Analysis is as useful now as it was then. You can use it in two ways - as a simple icebreaker helping people get together to "kick off" strategy formulation, or in a more sophisticated way as a serious strategy tool. What makes SWOT particularly powerful i thal, with a litle thought, it can help you uncover opportunities that you are well placed SSC-4 t r SOFL SKILL aN ‘DIN TERPFRSONALCOMMUNICATION 4. And by understanding the ot! weaknesses we Aine ahat ond atherssisc £3 of your bu Minas ts that would oth -¢ eateh you unin business, you can man aiselt ad ea eNotes sours tour competitors using the SW ‘More tan this, by ho pot Mya dislowioh fOuRat fee Pree fully in your mar hat nursell from ye A competitors, so that sucee! pes wor Hap small & ren sonstilt WOT Analysis: ney business might draw up the followi * able to respond very quickly fe no red tape, and no ne‘ y as we have no cable oreo have no red tape, and no need for higher ‘ple to give really good customer eare rat Weare We a eee the eureent smi re ve have plenty of time to devote to customer amoust af work seam mead consulta has song reputation nthe marke we ean chi We have low over ze direction quickly if we find that our marketing isnot work eto i jrketingis not working. ads, so we can offer good value to customers Weabmesses? easy company has Vite market presence or reputation, Re have a small staff, with a shallow skills hase in many aes Weare vulnerable to vital staf being sick, and leaving : or cash flow wil be unreliable in the early stages - Opportunities: Pryar business sector is expanding, with many fuxure opportunities for success. + Local government wants to encourage Jocal businesses. * Gur competitors may be slow to adopt new technolosics Threats: + Developments in te + Asmall change in 1 wwe achieve. chnology may change this market beyond our ability to adapt. Ihe focus ofa large competitor might wipe ou NY market position Asa result of their SWOT Analysis, the consultaney may decide 10 specialize in rapid response, good value services 10 local businesses tan Toeal government, Marketing would ein sclected local publications to get the greatest ossible market presence 0" & 3% advertising budget, and the consullancy Should keep uprto-date witht changes 1" technology where possible. 5. What is self development? How does it help in improving com QUESTION] identity, develop enhances quality of ivivies that improve awareness capital, ssc-5 Answer: Personal development covers acti talents and potential, build human facilitates employabili> POPULAR PUBLICATIONS on of drcnns and aspirations, Not finite t seta ean conte the sizing ro eli ther incl tose ie a a nina Se de tuone Ht refers 10 the methods, programs, tase te es, and assessinent 39s iigue ramen iy inte hello ets ine Posed 5 ingot 1 Raprocing ails roan J pulling orrenewng iene esteem 2 dhelping songs tess spl destopment ing o improving potential - ? ab ‘(altematively) human capital of ite building employabil cenhartcing lifestyle or the qual improving health ling spans 2 nating teers or (tematvely) personal autonomy x denee. I leads {0 an improved skill trsonal development leads to knowledge and confidenes. It 7 srteal cr eearcmdeie sig Ti, am la bro connecting power with the person one is communieuing with and one can als lear how to communieate more nication is more result-oriented and fruitful. effectively such that the communi 1g ahead and control is looking back.” Comment. “Planning is looh 6. "Planning [MODEL QUESTION) Answer: * Planning and controliing ars two interrelated function, While planning looks ahead or ‘o the future, comrolling looks back and checks the past, * Manning is the process ty which a manager looks to the future and attempts 10 discover altemative course of ction open to him, ‘The answer tothe question that “planning is looking ahead” would be erystal clear if we 0 through the observation of Theo Haimann ~ “Planning is the function that determines ie granee what should be done. Ik consists of selecting the enterprise objectives, rolicis programmes, procedures and other means of achieving these objectives In hig Planning the manager must decide whick ofthe allemative platy are to's followed and executed. Planning is intellectual in nature, it is mental work. It is looking ahead and preparing forthe future,” pon te other hand, contol is forward looking because one ean control future appenings and not the past. Control Seeks to’ improve future events through past experience, Control reviews and examines past events s #9 for fare improvement an quan, CFSE fom them ad so SSC-6 . sours MEESKILLANDINTERMURSONAI.€ SUNICATION cally preventive as the presence of aly PENS presence of « wan dein from sans F contend systems feads to minimize term plans. Diferantiate betwoon standing and ing and spacial use plans. {MODEL QUESTION ona ~ cn pati (LRP) Fanning (LRP) oF longet . eb se range UI cinge fanning, sets goals, develops strategies a aig oe wgies and (ranslates strategies into vive usually related to such goals that are likely to be met ure, g is the responsibility of the board of directors, nge Pl five or jannin: top level Lone Lagement ad Corporate planners. ts wonding PANS Sanding plans are intended for repeated use. These plans = ongoing plans that are Seed 10 provide guidance For necessary sks performed epestedly within the organization. 4 standing plans include organizational structure, policies standard procedures, rules spd standard meio ‘a standing, plan pro + Standing plans recuting problems. ‘ges a ready guide to ection. Formulated for guiding managerisl esters and decisions on special-tse Plan _ ‘eA sspecial-use plar plan to mest the special needs of a situation ‘ofan organization. «These plans are designed for 8 specifi purpose: they are not used wgain. AS a samt, these plans have ashe life. ts of purposes + ‘The example of special-use PI rs for ay special ever nis specially designed met. ans are plat gsc-7 - sus sources, includ ps: Communication is a ertical componem gp workplace. Inadequste, “ancl. or misimgeg an lead te misundeestandings..misinterpetationg ang in communication Sie, lve channels for effective commune Furthermore, the rise af remote work has brought its “own a communication challenges that can exacerbate workplace cont ct es: Ler inva ings 9 unique peso ag of values to the workplace, While diversity can lead (0 a richer ang more innovative work enviroment i can also Feu in prsonaliy” ck Differences in work styles, personal values, or levels of openness m ideas ean lead to tension and contlict if not properly managed. Competition for Resources: Limited resources, be it budget, equipment oy even personnel, can induce competition among employees or teams len ding The perception of unfair distribution or preferential Ureatmen, can also fuel these conflicts. . * Differing Goals and Expectations: Ina large organization or in teams with | cross-functional roles, differing objectives and expectations can lea 0 i smooth running, communie: ict. This ean result from di i : he lack af appropri | | barviors, oF 1 | + Personality Cl conflict. One team’s goals might impede another's, or misunderstandinge about job roles and expectations ean lead to tension and disagreements as. starting point for understanding the potential sources of NE A positive © comnion causes serve conflict. Recognizing and addressing them promptly ean help in marotey and productive work environment The Impact of Unresolved Conflicts on Employee Morale Unresolved workplace conticis can inflict extensive damage on employee morale, with | Consequences that ripple aeross the entire organization, Sonve examples include } * Creation of 2 Toxie Work Environment: Persistent unresolved conflict can fosier a toxic work environment, marked by constant tension, negativity. and hostility. Such an environment undermines trust, hinders ; follaboration, andl makes it ditticult for employees to focus oon their work. : I + Peereased Job Satisfaction: Conflict and tension make re workplace Feel ane unpleasant. contributing to decreased. ob satisfaction. Employees who are unhappy at work are lees likely to be invested in thee [eles othe success of the organization, Overtime, log job satisfaction can lead to diminished performance and produetiv ity, * Increased Employee Turnover: High levels of conflict and low morale San lead to increased employee tumover. a couth consequence for ny organization. Replacing employees involves significant time and financisl investment in recruitment, waining, and onboarding. Moreover, high umover rates can further damage morale as remaining employees must Continually adapt to new team dynamics, SSC-8 RSONAL COMMUNICA LION of Unresolved Conftic eampact iets on Producti: auluetivity he PET workplace conflicts do nse! 7 ah nit do not only atfeet empl Nefave tangible. detrimental impact Pee I RAL enpacte ae sae paseo al level, but ity. This can manifest in several fu, Tnefficiencies: When employees are away trom their tasks and ‘ounin then ged in conflicts, their focus shifi fe work isn Fonger being dome jn thy inflict. This leads to inelticiencte gray spend SiENIFICADE portions oF th faust effective ms 1 acl : Wo ‘ ins avicnmat such as managing st Y unny dealin swith the conflict oF bn their primary duties d relationships, instead of focusin Project Delays: {na teat i y a team. setting, unre: = Mabsration. a nresolved conflicts Se eepend an essential clement for timely i Pwicied. 0 a Tea ean rene en Geteyn, as asks orion be compleied on time due to a lack of cooperation ot ab Chown af sation. These delay: era a breakdown communication. These delays ean have a cascading effect on i verdepe eke ancl result in overall project delays. et oniterdepena . Nees Te the Bottom Line: Decreased productivity and project jelays_ ine oe ly impact a company’s bottom line, Reduced output, 1 potentially inereased costs associated with high employee combined wit turnover or the need for ‘additional resources to cover inefficiencies. cn read to diminished profits. 7. Frphoyees hinder 2,Define Learning: Discuss the significance of: [MODEL QUESTION] ajassociation b) reinforcement and ¢) observation in the Learning process. Answer 1 Part: Defining Learning + Learning is ani sell as to both 1 human resources. «The behaviour ©} assistants’ and others are « Inany organizational setti modified so as to improv principles and process. . . ein “anpple sense, learning can be defined a the modification of behavions. ie. relatively permanent change in behaviour oF potential behaviour through practice, training and direct oF indirect experience. important psychological process determining human behaviour 3s ihe understanding and effective development and management of rst, staff f the organisational people like workers’, manag affected by learning. ing. the behaviour © | peopl : ¢ their performance, swith the application of learning the organisational people cat be 2 Parts Reinforcement! and Observation the earning The significance of Association, process is analysed as under: ssc-9 eae Oe 4 POPULAR PUBLICATIONS ea conditioned response involves building up an association between conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus, - joned stimulus and an unconditional stimulus The association between a condi could be explained by the experi Ivan Pavlov. «Daring the experiment, Pavlov presented u piece of meat, the dog exhibited 4 ble increase in salivation, Just after that, Pavlov with held the presentation “ly rang a bell, This time, the dog did not salivate. “ted by Pavlov was to link (associate) the meat and ringing of e 1g of the bell before getting the meat, the rents on classieal cantlitioning, conducted y noticeable of meat and mer The nent step initiated bell. Atier repeatedly hearing the ringin, dog began to salivate. «Afier a while, Pavlov rang the bell only without presenting the meat and the dog salivated 10 the bell along. even no meat was offered to the dog. «This experiment describes the behavior of the dog salivating in association of the ringing of the bell alone. Reinforcement © Reinforcement is a fundamental condition in the process of learning Reinforcement is 2 process by which certain types of behaviour are strengthened, «Reinforcement plays a significant role in learning because behavioural response is conditioned by reinforcement. A-teinforcer’ acts 2s 2 stimuli that causes a ceriain behaviour to be repeated or inhibited, «All organizations, big or small, are interested that all their employees behave in a manner which is desirable by the organization. On the contrary, organizations are also interested in eliminating behaviours of the employecs that are undesirable, © Consequently, organizations introduce certain ‘reinforcers’ so that organizations can maintain or increase the probability of such behaviours as to quality performance, high level of attendance and punctuality and so on. ‘The presence of reinforcement increases the learning in the sense that when a behaviour in reinforced, a person tends to repeat the same response he was emitting at the time of reward. Over a period of time, the person may leam to associate the organizational response with the reward. Asa result, reinforcement acts as behavior modifiers, The role/importance or significance of reinforcement in the learning process Has been specified by Thorndike as follows: Of several responses made to the same situations, those which are accompanied or closely followed by satisfaction (reinforcement) will be more likely to occur: Those which are accompanied of closely followed by discomfort (negative reinforcement/punishment) will be less likely to occur. SSC-10 r LSKILLAND INUERDERS NALCOMMUSICATION _wation or fe can learn by cn observing what le eople acquire new cc On a vhat other peop reo by observing or imitating others in Sere ene cae i 8 in a social setting selting. Learning by ving is said to be vieari abs ive mats saronis fe ious learning or modelit wc arent, Pees television performers ang noon plu from q a diaetart s and motion pictures, ete. + or desire to acqui ning discipline and self ¢ Ee rm inet ¢ acquire skills and knowledge { control as also from an eonisequenees or rewards, ‘dge irrespective of the external a *tsocial learn iM cory is - re sso Tearing theory is 80 named as people en apservation ard rect experience in a social or organis ‘len \eam through both ational setting. qn an orgatisa tion" I setting, subordinates witordl ates may consider thei models and subordinates observe the attitudes 8 ee their managers as role may uy Jearn from them. efforts of their managers and reception? Write in brief about the factors that influence perception what Is Pe [MODEL QUESTION] answer? * part: In simple sense, perception may be explained as the interpretation of sensory data, that is, the process of selection, organization and interpretation of sensation, $0 2s iapyovide a meaningful experience for the individual. . « Inother words. perception may be referred to a process which an individual selects, organizes and interprets his sensory data into a meaningful picture around his environment. * Thus, perception is primarily an individual process and as @ result, what one individual perceives may be vast different from objective reality - that is, what one perceives reality to be and not necessarily as what reality is. part: Factors influencing perception or The factors that influence perception are summarised «The three influencing factors on the concept of A. The perceiver and his/her characteristics B, The perceived — its characteristics C. The situation ~ its characteristics three influences on the concept of perception as under: perception are: A: The perceiver and his/her characteristics As or het asics + An Individual” son towards nt and his or her at ividual’s perception (0 ersonall characteristics of the interpretation of the same is largely influenced by the person ‘ individual perceiver, like needs, values, & res, personality and attitudes, etc. «An individual’s perception is “retermined by his/her inet 4 iinet et motives of an individual play 2 vital role in perception vshful thinking which jsa able to satisfy his/her needs, he/she remains engaged in wis gsc-11 " hlber satade ean Be away aPaacse. To a egallve Winker, it can act ays major block. The Perceived a . ee « pecepions abou others are largely influenced by ther py C: The situation — Its characteristics Pores difterent From frustrated individual, "or Jal is complet Terni ors . ister perception about of ion. 1 an individual peg nect influence on percept i es ee pen beni towards im is Hy tb in our daily (i become releratve ps Our atte determines how we pereive at an objet OF EVEN. To a pai, characterises ike appearance. facia! expressions, gender, age, many ommunicatons personality traits and othe pater of behaviour. : Fernie. when we sea porson dressed in business Suits, we assume him oy oe ee ate secutive ard conversely when ordinarily dressed, we asume hes be an ordinary worker. One’s appearance may put the oth: induce in him a receptive mood seyiads movement of person, postion of hands and legs and ether pars ofthe body reveal his personality, whether he is vibrant, dyna, nervous an confident, oF into resistant or ever! a hostile atttale For daten tnaliness). frown (discontent), raising. the eyebrons {cisblic, o tightening the jaw maseles (antagonism), ete ean nig te the meaning being conveyed through verbal means, The situation has a constant influence on Perception. An individual's perception about others are influenced by the situational characteristics, like physical location, social setting and organizational setting of the situation, For example, at a social gathering 2 subordinate behaves with his superior officer Gitferently than whea in the office place, Here, location of the event acting is an Important factor in determining behaviour. Again, in a social setting if you find cne gentle lady, whom you respect and admire, with @ person whom you most dislike, then’ you will create a bad image 2bout that gentle lady in your mind, SSC-12 > Mas he paves ined a > ae — Fach Expres > Mant oe > Pasotaliy “an ~ Pavers of behaviour (-Tiesiuation— Chasen > Physical Location : Socal Sening > Organisational Seting 4,2) Why is spiritual intelligence important in person sana sate a das Soar” 3 any is spiritual intelligence important inthe workplace? Squat isthe effect of spiritual intelligence? {MODEL quesTioN, Angwer? 2) Researchers regard spiritual intelligence as the most significant type of intelligence fecause of its ability to ini improving spiritual intel in achieving inner peace. control as well as help teetic pace of modern Ti F spiritual intelligence are identified: e components 0! {a)the capacity for transeendenc {oyine ablity to enter ino heightened spriual S16 of consciousness; {othe ability to invest everyday activities, even sacred; «to solve problems in ving: and (ihe ability to utilize spiritual resource i siode (the capacity 0 engage in virtuous behavior (0 ow forgiveness, 10 exBress gral robe humble, co display compassion. nal values of the employee 9 Spiritual intelligence helps in identifying ané aligning witha clear sense of purpose. Employees ‘would be a imtegi demonstrate & Hi fe change in people, societies, and eulures. Thus, sence helps individuals toward adopting a postive outlook and This, modification in autiude improves self-motivation and vg ta reduce the high stress levels commonly induced by the ve and eelatonsips witha sense of HS gh level of POPULAR PUBLICATIONS lion contributes 0 see ses and goals nts ways Pe india eve Is culivatng capabilities tha enabe pegy cr s functioning and adaptation » | 4: tenon to stops tobe followed nthe planning precere: (MODEL QUESTigg Proceso Steps Involved in the Pan Pom fo a elt stv. proves of ranagenen. Panning is ere e ends (i basically an exercise in determining the en ; Thus, planning process involves the following steps Function ft continuos and never ending activi «J. a “projected course Of action’, Playing" _ objectives) and means t achieve ye Saptices win ons towards which the activities of on enterprise ae dieaes Objectives depict a future state of afcirs, which an organization strives to rele Objectives are key to effective planning for any organization. Objectives serve as bench. mark of measuring the performance of the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the | organization nelapin ming premises Bets lang resi ery impart to deny the assumptions on wk the plans will be used, There is need to forecast the future to avoid uncertainty and make the plan a success, Assumptions are the expected future setting on which all planning depends. a Planning premises may be internal and external. The énternal premises include the plat capacity, financial strength, philosophy of the organizatior/management, the abilities and skills ofthe personnel and the sales forecast, the existing policies and programmes of the organization, etc The external premises are derived from the external environment of the business. ‘They relate to politcal, econamie, social and technological forces in which the organization ‘operates. These factors are generally beyond the control of an organization, Planning premises may be controllable and non-controllable, Controllable: Factors like materials, money and machines are controllable, Management has maximum control over future commitments in these areas, Semi-controllable: Such premises are those assumptions about future which are undet Partial control of « businesslike employer-employee relations and marketing stalegy. Non-controllable premises are entirely beyond the scope of the business as for insar Sovemment policy, international rade agreements, natural calamities, ete, JH, Collection and ‘analysis of data All necessary information related to the action for which planning is made, have to 6 collected fom different sources ~ reports, returns and stalisties, se, ‘Some guesswork and some factual estimates are to be mixed. SSC-14 the Bis Fm, ey jon nt ze ig aha st mab plons axa ans. These are sone", 1, Develop managet’Pl sannet AMUSE LF Wo Find all ind all the raat the most unviable alternatives, rating alternatives yp Evaluating alterna rere ate several alternatives or any ysoalls int varie long 3B vm aques Fr evaluating the avail alter sm Selecting the best course of action Pier evaluating and comparing resulls of SOESKIL Ne importaat areas plans. An efile Heh St be given due Fans of expected results. While evaluating eS gctors lke cost, rsk involved, ime Peper objectives, ete. The planner may teke i ND IN SRSOMA Commatcanios timitaions hy st might impede the smooth Provision for them. “ Possible alermaive plans of ns of action, and try Problem. ach altemative is 1 be evaluated the planner is tobe guided by ‘of funds, limiting factors ard may hhelp of various. quantitative different alternatives, the altemative which ae io be the best, in tens of various factors, is selected. The selection should be done with sufficient pr Shemative may be far reaching, ull. Formulating derivative plans Tom requied. IN. Dissemination of the plat “The plan must be made known to a be executed. X. Controlling the plans In this step of process, it is weaknesses and shortcomings, if any remedial measures to be taken sot 4. Write short notes on the following: 4) Storeotyping & Halo effect b) Perceptual process 9) Development of managerial perce! 4) Development of personality 9} Personality Trait theory ‘)Reinforcement in case of learning 11 members of the organization by whom the Bl to watch the progress of the pl ision, because the consequences of selecting @ particular ake the basie plan more effective, formulation of supportive or derivative plans a= fan will fans and to note down the “rhe shortcomings should be comected and hat it does not re-accur agaln. [MODEL QUESTION] jatual skills Ions POPULAR PUBL Answer: 8) Stereecypiont cption refers t0 judging someone gq, nt area oF soeial pen > Siereotyping, a8 an important a rcpt, rer od the basis ofone’s perception of the group te whi oe ms rir eategrized lo froups arin 10 itera kg rel that all people within a particular gogs, entirely on the basis of a single trait, like ineligence, sociability or appearance et, whieh may be favourable or unfavourabh ve physi > Example, in the process of selection of employees, o candidate's physical appearance may overtide all ether characteristies while appraising the candidate's performance b) Perceptual process: "HE paca ras ils ses of Ses consising of set a. processes which relate to one anoth The steps consisting of several sub-process are: > Stimulus or situation > Registration > Interpretation > Feedback, and > Reaction The first step involved in the perceptual provess is the presence of stimulus or situation that conftonis the human being, This confrontation may cither be with the immediate sensual stimulation or the total physical and socio-cultural environment * The second step involved in the perceptual process is the internal cognitive Drocess of registration phenomenon which occurs because of the presence of stimulus, Here, at this step, the physiological mechanisms, both sensory and neural ae alfected and as a result, the physiological ability to hear and see will affet te process of perception. * The third step involved in the process of perception is the interpretation. Interpretation isthe most important aspect in the provess of Perception. After the information has been selected and organized, the perceiver interprets the {nformation though a subjective and judgemental p ere, i In this called feedback. Feedback is required to clarify the response whether it is in the form of ‘kinesthele. feed-back, i.e, sensory impressions from muscles, of SSC-16 «evelopment of managerial perceptual ils Pevscrganiatonal Manager, undessanding of hares Dov Fnportanee in understanding and cont rmunage is to acquire certain skills inthe rerception process, These ate mar faneges should possess a high level af sir aNare0 + Managers should mi points of others. -Atanagers should be empathetic The main reason for inter-group conflict is with the conflict of goals. So, the min strategy to resolve inter-eroup conflict should be to Search out goals on which prope ‘can agree with. Only superardinate goals may separate the conflicting groups. > Inter-group conflict, due to sharing of organizational resourees, ean be resolved by planning about the judicious distribution and optimum allocation of the seace resources. For resolving intergroup conflicts, management ofthe organization has also a rele play, As such, the organization should make a provision by designating facilitators or integrators, who can handle and resolve the unresolved conics. Besides, imter-group conflicts may be resolved through reference to the concemed superior authority ofthe organization, 6. Discuss in brief the conflict management styles. [MODEL Question] Answer: The techniques of conflict handling styles/approaches as classified by K. W. Thomas at stated as under: 1. Avoiding > Avoiding technique attempts to keep the conflict from surfacing at all. This technique is based on low assertiveness and cooperativeness. > Avoiding implies the desire to withdraw or suppress a conflict. This technique can be very functional when the issue involved in the conflict i trivial. 2. Competing > Competing technique rests on high assertiveness and low > Competing is a desire to sats other party to the conflict, cooperation. fy one's own interests regardless of the impact of the SSC24 * 4, collabora PERSORSAL Costus Co Ghsborating is technique is MMSE HON Siebert: is 3 stanton when ge feobiems by elaifying din wten the both panies a a canines 85 ta 19 a confit desing tn snr the pf view: 4. necommosatin ««.compromising y Comprom willing to give up something. cach panty toa cone is “ay Here, there is no clear winner or laser. « pitferentiate Betwoon traditional approach and madern a ‘modern appre answer? pifierent Cont and effectiveness. 4. what are the types of Gontlon? Fi «es ome pty 4 a conf wing tiation between traditional approach and mod: suenneen ir moder woth on cone ‘aaeaceanad eee ea ete nll el Cosel epatin t Case an anncinny pal one oy ae Consequences of conflict > ganization hence itis to be avoided Fe Confit hinders ongonisational perform SOFLS SKM AN Her ve the vations poets ines linn of se pny confit self-sacrifice in i he terest ofthe other technique is us it 1g technique is used in » situation where foach on conflict. {MODEL QUESTION] re bereft wo prow's fercining * lorpnisation. Se Conic is Farad pee of even ama fia orgmisatonr arena ie of conic (confi ean be eimicated, but be Randi a constructive wa SET TaGAITE Tee HS. Considered conte ass poses SS Ai isaton, |roup wothing In an cxarsn sidered oral coi & corpo freon ow performance effec ict eeslution o¥p0? it es o1N BUT 2025) is harmful 10 the cow to become a cont BLIGATIONS Answer! 1 part ct, there exist several different levets of conten, fo the musnber of individuals involved i the nt views of co 1 addition to diffe By level of eunllict, we ate ref conflict, That is, isthe coniTict thin just one person, between WO people, between tho te eases of conflict and p oF mote organizations? Both th lor more groups, or becween EY oF AioKe HEEIDIZ c the most effective means ts resolve it-ean he atfected by bevel, Four levels ean be Giotrapersonal conten), between wo panies identified: within an individ (interpersonal contlien, between ional conflict, conflict), and between oryaniza t (interorgania, Intrapersonal Confict | Invrapersonal conflict arises within « person lu the workplace, this is often the result of competing motivations ot toles. We oltea hear about someone wh has an approach voidance conilict: that is, they ave both atiruete repelled by the same object alternatives, such as two conflict) or repelled by two equally unpleasan a coworker guilty of sonal conflict can aise Similarly, 9 person can be attracted 16 180 equally appeating h good job offers (approach-appr alternatives, such as the threat of breaking company ruies (avoidance-avoi dnecause of differences in roles fred iff one fails 10 identi ¢ contlict), Inirap A role confliet occurs when there are competing demands on our time, energy, and other resources, For example, a conflict may arise if you're the head of one team bul also @ member of another team, We can also have conflict between our roles at work and those roles that we hold in our personal lives, Another type of intrapersonal conflict involves role ambiguity. Perhaps you've been given the tsk of Finding a einer for a company’s business writing training program You may feel unsure about what kind of Person to hire—a well-known but expensivt SSC-26 SOETSKIUL anti SCN fa focal, mnknown ut tow SONI. COR oo Ving wi hover uergersonal Comlt Ibseveral aptinng, 8 HSER wien eal TTA SONNE | racer CLO oid tc sat a eS Sateen in toys Mony camponies sani ‘ sauauies sur became af mee EE psec Of CLOS resghed on MS ve Ack OA Gneciegs CWhichon yt tei Jobe cate Wy a we itchonne Song es brcace ty hm corto ie Ber psense on oe pes in Ne an Strategies for deafing with ntorpcrrch ea sete > et hichly the opps ih between, the ixreroun Conti tnveoup conflict is conflict that takes place | group confit is conic th lace among different gro | Imetreement ver gous, values, oF resnures sh as sa as Seefments, employee Unions, oF management in eo veces rte pe suns CuSKiMens. Departnens Tiny Cone oes eee lea bat MPT managernent may’ disagree over work res, mle a ees eee sei aha on the quality of pars. supplies may conflict ith Merging two groups together can Tea to feton benwen he groups—especialy i se aust difficult nd hard-fought labor isu in an alrine merger.” Canadian Air and Ae Canada pilots were locked into yours of personal and legal confi when the 140 iio seniority lists Were combine following the merger (Stoykewch, 2003), Sic Bin able and searse resource for plo, because it helps to determine ws fis i rad bigeest planes, who eoceives the best fig routes, and uo pig ei Frvesponse tothe loss of seniority, former Canadian Alt pis icketed at shareholder treetngs, centered to callin sick, and had ongoing cont with pilots from Air cenit he history of past conflicts among organizations 2 ennployees makes ne Geals challenging. Intergroup conic. can be the met ‘complicated fom of conic because of the number of individuals involved. Coalitions can fort and result inane aaa ear” meruatty, Here, too, isan opportunity (or BF to form insulated ways thinking and problems solving, thus allowing groupthink to develop and thrive. two companies in Interorganizational Conflict sa dite Fialy we aio erorganizationsl conflict in loose s the sie industry (for example, disagreement betwee tes oF computer standards), between #80 companies ferent (Tor example, a conflict between real ee vexap fe, a trade dispute betwee slang), and even between two OF =e POPULAR PUBLICATIONS wie Sie Rass) man Us is Keing fiusttated by the ether par path 4 bet career, such ii your eater work in many industries, i's helpful tog uilon seselie S house an industry later, choos) Be Tinh yo can che a ns er hon zeus tise, |g 1. Chose cause e sc ini te oust, Tap yu an chose : can help your make focused desi ho egg 34 eT in what kind of college clasts, dev ee sais felp soe ind ‘hich paesionls might help You Bud an efecie help y most. It can also help you network for your career q 2: arn a actors degre a Trough sun employes dom que 3 dase, many’ peter hei conti lag speciatiss to have one. Even if the workplace youre applying to does require ont resolution include: Conflict or dispute management + Negotiation + Mediation + Law pe 1 work in, iS can be helpfill to take classes IF you know which industry you ho; > plan to work in corporate coniliet resolutien, relevant to that industry. For instanee. if ou YOU might ake some business classes 3. Earn a master's degree Some employers want conflict resoluion specialists who have eamed a master's depee This is especially helpful if your bachelor's degree doesn't have a focus on eeu resolution. Consider earning your master's degree in a related field, such az cailit ‘management or dispute management, 4. Earn a certification ‘Though not always required, earnin, Your resume. Certifications can also help you find conflict management or resolution. Many certifi cefiiements include coursework and passing an exam, Contidey searching online forte Semfcation tat bes ts your nseds to find out thir specie requirements, 18 & certification in conflict management can improve employment if your degree ist in 5. Gain experience Most employers prefer to hire those With experience in conflict resolution. You can gsia ‘xpsince through an extemship, an internship or an entry-level position, Experience it Ssc-28 4 AND INR cotton is Most helpful siti ato improve yi resume, Some 20 : alist positions, Se oe = KFi0ns tenet resclaie $n your experience, consider asking Kine sour sup solution exec Tie SON ca ist on pet to assist them iN conflict experience and important skills cxdershi This e can help you resume ee a jeur ener ee Oe area eae i enor who ean teach you more about t mtoteagues with open positions puild your newvork by contacting other confi Aeetup groups oF joining a professional organization. 1 rrspaidon specials, fding Srcontlct resolution can help, you might also consider ough ining sous ta css Ce ny Whyalla eae ae ahenenarl tm se onc Ys jmsee nares fase you cat e stress. What are the major sources of stress? How does 2 mar imager cope OT rk-related str ji uith work-related stress? sewn (MODEL QUESTION] 1" Part: oxi Part word ‘stres" is not a new one. Hans Selye a renowned medical re stress w } ical researches theverm ‘stress first to deseribe the body's biologieal Taper mechanisms ve ‘be defined as a state of mind which reflects certain + In simple sense, stress may tioctemieal reactions in the human body whicl fn opportunity, constraint and demands. + Thus the term stress’ may be referred 10 as the beds physical, mental and Thus ul reactions which is exposed By # sense of tenon depression and ansiety ceric eaused by certain forces that eannot be met By the resources available to the person concemed. is generated due to confrontation cess in organization/potential sours of 2 Part: Major sources of stres: stress: . “The factors that act as major source oF CAUSE ‘or potential source follows: The various factors/causes oF Sources tader: ssffactors that eause St of stress are analysed 8 ofstress are classified juo four broad categories 3 a. Organizational factors J stressors b. Group factors / stressors c. Individual factors /s d.. Environmental facto tr¢S80TS, rs / stressors gsC-29 POPULAR PUBLICATIONS discussed below: vt sic to the Job itself or task dems The nn fo at Tend to more sessed response than other ‘employees, there. have to work under threaten ne ork condi the Stuene temperature. pollution, ameomfortuble lighting and ventilation, loud noise and jen Aempertre peli, ner yes working under such eondilgn = exposed to high stress. i) Organisational policies and strategies 1 “The erenivatonal pots, sategies,suctre and design organizational ero, wrocedures, downsizing and advanced cermpetine prone, bureaucrat rules and procedures, 0 scemolepel adoptions eis are oeaung aver ses for indvidual employes their jobs. ili) Role Demands | a + Role demands relate to pressures placed on an employee while functioning in particular role in the organization. - * Role demands include role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload and role under load. iv) Organisational Responsibility + Sometimes, responsibility seems to be a burden upon an employee when he isto accomplish a ‘project” with limited budgets, equipments and time constraints, ‘+ This responsibility creates stess, as to much work is to be completed in a given time oF when it becomes two diffieult to complete the project or tasks because of lack of skills and abilities of the subordinates. v) Interpersonal Demands * Imerpersonal demands are pressures created by the colleagues and other emplayess of the organisation. * Poor interpersonal relaionship is one of the major sources of stress, be it within the group or superiors or subordinates, + Due to non-cordial interpersonal relationships, employees develop a sense of anxiety which ultimately cause stress to the employees, vi) Organisational Leadership + Leadership style is the pattern of behaviour which an organization leader exhibits and or applies to influence and get things done through his subordinates SOE SKK, HAND ute; create a DNTERPERS reat 4 ule inthe " threats and punishment, feap Sattio wes -produeing. fear, tens PALCOMMURICATION. Nn eharaeters by cart ad stick ion and an ‘ly. Such leadership ean be annisation’s fife-cyeTe 49 ES, cnn RSME EEN pas US and decline. THs foursiage bough a eyele maaainty for the employe eycle creates 2 oe, 9 sstablishmen eay fo ae cmpeyees. The eae ge eee vrand in maturity stage ste sores A stage sess tends to be Weary Nt HPeline stages: ate. mor p Factors Tress P ration is regarded 3 a collection of saintly under a Management group i interacting and inerdepen ih a et tee cme si he group ca also bea penal source onthe beavour ofthe individual nd * sof coliesion”aniong members ofthe gray ss in the following different ways. alate cohesiveness resuls i atreton aie orgvation towards the eause of the group. ness, Strong commitment and «on the contrary, lack of cohesiveness a ‘embers. As a result, groups can beet real sch Sota ig tack of support from other co-workers puis i uman element as a social being wants | peork in isolated toneliness og vata bon ew Leiden tows ppt slacking fran individual, ican pode sess fer oe Confiet between an individual and his group ° so Groups have their own norms as rules of conduct and a standard of behaviour which Groves Peto be adhered to by all the group members af the oraz on ears untons, an individual, though ne group disses wth desison taken by cetoup This may eause confit a wel asses POS iv) Inter-group conflict ay iveraetion and inter-dependence between (wo sT0uRS aa epg result it causes stesso he group MeN sections or departments cause «) Individual factors/stressors | . Somg the fish ectors that contribute 10 stesso ihe pemnlt characteristics, personal economic problem”, amity sues marital ein and changes in life structure, ete. These individual factors are idisoussed as under: I.Inkerent personality characteristics: ve wlan () “TIE In respect of personality characteris personality and (ii) ‘Type B" personality. * Type “A’ and Type "B’ behaviour Pro ‘These two behaviour profiles ar gettin organizational researchers. ies two concepts i i ynality. he dimensions of peony files are one OF tne mesic a8 a5 atti FO gsc-3l POPULAR PUBLICATIONS sending their Financial capacities 2. Personal Economie Problems Economic problems, reared hy individ erenenng cron stress for the individuals and disteet them From t 3. Fai Family iss ne spouse and marital diffi ‘employees concerned. a sonnel policy of the organization, has t0 relocate fe Sitio, sew pavof es : SORES Ekle penioner en SE eee oan ie ofthe employes, rats proMens the spouses and children employees, generates fear of working in a new wor, environment and creating new relationships. ‘5. Changes in life structure The structure of life and the process of I employees. | + These changes in siructure of life and process of living have a very stressful impact ‘on the employees and these life changes also directly influence work performance 1g can act as a significant stressor forthe 4) Environmental factors/tressors a * Environmental factors, s extra organizational factors, contribute significantly to job siress. The environmental factors include political, economic and technological uncertainties. These uncertaimies contribute to stress because of their negative influence on the job tenure of employes. 3" Part: A manager may come up with work-related stress in 1. Physical Exercise ~ Physical exercise in any form, be it walking, jogging, swimming, riding bicycles or Playing games like foatball, badminton, of tennis, ete. plays an imporant role in reducing stress > WHat proper physical exercise, diet control and non-smoking habits, blood pressue and cholesterol levels become low and as a result the body becomes more resstat 9 pressures. 2. Yoga > ‘YOGA’ is a way of getting away from sire is i and boty nea of eting rel yassors. Yoga is a structured set of exercises them into a state af harmony. Yoga individuals, n the following ways: SQETSKILLAND Eg ia fon and Relaxation HHUESERSAL COMMUNICATION yrs ate can BNE 3 desable hye concentration oF in ule peaceful syllable itaetions and which ce Through deep selaxati press, THOUS laxation, one may feel phyl resafedy sensations. One may, elas ay feel ysl ences and deached fo on programmes on ‘Sports o ‘cinema’ aig a “good book’ or wale _, Sgn proses a petson with pronounced see of ™ sense of peacefulness. ‘4 Managing time for managing life a namie unique Fesoure. I canna be saved i aie arn canoes mater a is abe available toa person. I aso ieversible. TE Oe eee Ef ime is not Important bu eather how thet ornare ant effectively in he fare only by planing oy sranaged, Tine can be «Social Support $Setpr as 2 socal being needs social support and derives benefits out of it. Ina stressful Man er close associates, empathetic coworkers and cles confidence are and provide support gt te petson fee rom sess situations. ¢ Behavioural self-control oa can achieve self-control By managing thea of histher own behaviour. + By managing the sel-behaviour one ean PEcOTE nore aware of hisher linnits and constraints. . + By understanding self-behaviour one Cat in advance avoid peonle or sivaton Hot may put hinwlher under stressful situation riecedents and also the consequences 1. Setting realistic goals and plans Individuals always try to achieve toe expectations and limited resources 1° achieve noch things in to ite Fm these igh ‘uch expectations cause SUS to ust et eli BO PY eadjuting goals 5° 4 Toavoid such stressful situation, 0 aso reach the goals with facing any SSS OPULAR PUBLICATIONS 8. Biofeedback =» Through Biofoedback methodology’ a sophist detect and control stress related symptoms stomach acidity and heart rates, ete, > The porential benefit tha feedback can provide is the human ability to by ‘of the body funetions under voluntary control. SSC-34 Ng some oS 1. Foeu! ai .wwnat pect? ofthings 3. What ‘answer? 5 4.°D08" ay values by ethics answer! (@) se} monner d)eutture 4. What Answer There a Opportut everyon Wake u| And ry benefits chance fring to bed early too, and that you struggle with this planner easily and start your day Meditate or pray vil Stan taking some time for yourself va ity meats FPA Net selfccare ritual where you Bet grounded ‘and focus om oe og Mortis 1S ‘social minute thing if your schedule is Sipsotuely packed west SYP media seralling or toxic © cvs cugtage water the statervon 2 Te 1 true ofa weir 2023), er ‘eth trigger that initiates the habitus beh il behaviour, SQETSKILL AND ety HABITS PEONAL.Ce Lcommunseation on small, incremental chang one vanges Is a ‘oy princi a ile for creating effective ig the “eve” in the habit oop? qwaur 2025) ces bial sor an had a wen rcople around you. _ from time of day, je the final step in tho goal-setting process? Monitor progress constantly qweur 2023) and ‘Don'ts’ moral issues and choices are related with [MODEL QUESTION] Short Answer Type Questions are some examples of good habits that can Improve one's daily tite? [WBUT 2023) make your fife better Fe so many healthy habits you could be working on 10 5 for good health teat So ve endless really. We've cured a Tst of RB fe can Cand should) implement. pearly waking up at the sam Most people are producti ‘of accomplishing your goals that way. Pl good for your Tpody that gets to recharge PP abit ry scheduling fn and plea rings in your digital dS ing, These litle indulgences wail inspire You daily schedule planner time every day, Staring your day cost fas many ste fist haf of the day, 50 20u NAY eicer ve waking up carts (ideals) mean erly. first thing in the morn ile vith task wracking i9 free aying, Think of 1 38 2 Sversations and EOSSIPIOE -ATIONS POPULAR PUM toons side effect i that YOU might ony Dead soar (ooth anilale eve recommendations and brush OUT 12th either eat A dar li oer nes Oe era ne ee ape shah teally piniul ann expensive. The best isto mane syutebly ‘you sent have to worry about them, sare they ate heathy at all ies sot ing i so important to us. it is unbelievable. Healthy foods have all thy hus otk is Ea pod Rah steal and mentally, Those ‘who eat heli triers that make iting sick with diseases thay i on aa a Mb consi is teping stom to living a long, GAM re ave so many things each of us wars 10 do, dont let the bad hake to Tose welg life. Ther of eating poorly rob you of that Start exercising and make ita part of your lifestyle There is no need to train for Ironman and exhaust y exercise routine in a form of a quick and easy warmup of 15 to 30 mints to stench 2m qiucles. Even the shor daily motion will de wonders for your health. To get Sap study your online calendar plane o isi the time when you are least Ike io be iterupted. Thow schedule quick workouts in viral planner ffee and in thot tis period to ensure it’s not booked for anti self. Rather implement a daily Dont use your phone before going to bed 1Gyto,tut i away atleast an hour before you goto sleep. Scrolling Facebook, chatting sn Someone and even simply being exposed to the sercen light “I prevent you from relaxing and falling asleep easily Go t0 bed cartier And aim for at least eight hours of sleep per ‘night. Sleeping at 10 or 11 pm is ideal, so nve fo do that and adapt your lifestyle slowly, Going to bed early is honestly one of the bas il habits you a implemen Getting enough steep will help you lead a healthy and productive fife. will also make developiny weod fy ier be you'l Sloptches pi bits easier because you'll have 2, How can one identity and break a bad habit? [WBUT 2023] SSC-36 sso ME aii arm anes abt The tine OT alsays nv ene sof the ol bad habit an eh! fn a naw anges ake: 6 ul hoy hon et habit nay vary depen on re nd breaking bad hats) wes Ie jt, SPE seen pow IP aihoweY four bad Bi eta places more than in oth ind habit and what brings sStnowa triggers May hinder we nout you even realiZing, 2} Make many small ehanges, not one big one, po best vay to 20 about break rebitis spending too much time vee rane usage 10 22r0 from one day (othe next. Doing so wil make it har se fbit and increases your chances of slipping back into i sted, by veg the sree allow yoursette spend on your phone every nig oroxery come ie. Setting many attainable small goals will improve meen jount of ti 4. Replace your bad habit by making a plan, ‘Gre of the most important steps to breaking bad ha what itis you are going to do when getting the urge to tive behavior with # positive one ma the neg Replacit than just doing nothing. Consider t the urge to eat junk food becat cing hungry. Simply not eating, by replacing the type of food ¥ while still satisfying your body's erav you, but having one decrease th: 4. Change your environment When taking the 2 to 4 weeks to learn about ng the 2 10 4 weet Factors that cont stould get an understanding of You procrastinate only when i Jou should when around certain peop! you should make any lifestyle Spend more time in the library or spend Fs5 ssc-37 ow thrive in to break tle bad habit fou may be eater to break tree of es vou should take 2 tod weeks pee as: What tigeers it?” When d SOET Sten LLAND RetiD Rs ONAL COMMUNIC TION it thoweh, Wolly of iene YOUE callepe to form form a new hata gee bd it in Your 4 0 shanldn’t get ‘whichis defintely es Years. Here are sever it away, a hab esos ait, you shou a fee 1 eather all he infomatin yon sea oes i happen the mart? Does happen Ant that you pet a deep uderstare at way you can fully address it. flavin top you from Kicking your bad habit 8? It is importa OU to do it tha or completely: st ing bad habits to tackle it e ita fine bit at aime. If your Fa ‘on your phone before going to sleep, deri try 10 ast is creating a plan ahead of time of ‘carry out the undesired behavior. kes it easier to Kick the bad habit Ihe bad habit of eating junk sacks. Every time you gt tue you ore hungry, grab a hefty soe instead of Tet ihe fact that you are hungry. junk food will not change t re aspect of the behavior vou eat you eliminate the negativ h Tubstiute may not Fully satishy back into your bad habit 1g. Your positive 'e chances of you slipping: ers it, you onus to ib as well. Maybe ‘vironmental factors tht : sl Man or room. Maybe YOU £0 OT jal events morn meople. nce these vaviromentl wages ae HEMET a 35 reduce your exposure 10 necessary 10 reduc sue oth cations re wih exrain people unl your eXais modi i I POPULAR PUBLICATIONS cw i Fir it easier 10 FICK Bd habits hag is and ferneneies they want to change. You shoulg Tap he au a i. TT ay Fe ese sear as bs supporting and Keeping each other in chet Sa nde aFenes making sae you keep i Tine, having. someone py rahe ninw your (rigndship with that person, S. Pariner ap) , When embarking on any. selfimprovertent pst one oF sau fie wel ew Bes thoi fai S61 alge get the bonus of st th Soa) tatuts we nah always easy 10 get rid of oF replace so you should undersiang reid that sou may have sip-ups. If hey occu. its important to not Fel defeated or lose hope, st remenber that there was atime in your life when you did not have te had habit. You are not changing into a new person, you are changing back to who you used fo be so you know i is possible. IF there is a sliprup, leer From it. Ask questions such What triggered it? How could you have avoided the tigger? Use tha, information to help you in the Future. 3. What are the rules to build better habits? [MODEL QUESTION Answer: The Four Lerws of Behavior Chhange are a simple set of rides we can use to build beter obits. They are (i) make it obvious, (2) make it attractive, (3) make it easy, and (4) make it saisfving.” + Make it OBVIOUS: Don't hide the books you need to read or the fruit you want to eat, display them to remind yourself to form new habits Make it ATTRACTIVE: Read the books you like to read, and it'll encourage ‘you to read more. © Make it EASY: Ifyou want to cat more fruit, eat the fruits that are easy to eal. + Make it SATISFYING: If you are satisfied, you will want more, Apply this to all good habits, and do the opposite for bad habits; Make them invisible, unattractive, difficult and unsatisfying. 4. What is the Zeigarnik effect? [MODEL QUESTION] Answer: Simply put the Zeigarnik effect is the tendene} than finished ones. “The effect relates to four important workplace factors: motivation, leaming, memory and task completion. In part, the effect is thought to be. of evolutionary benefit, as out brains flag items that need to be compicted-thus ensuring our survival,” explains Dr. Joseph Michelli, a psychologist, organizational, y (© remember uncompleted tasks more SSC-38 SFL SKIL ANDI PERSONAL CoMMUNcaTiON the Zeiparnik ik effec n gaps. “IT were Wo stad completed ice eect Ree ice rename eA eh our mana inc, ws a ich pes hi tae aoe PLAGp of mind nik effect cau jp ater ine vour have YeUto t's Je erales your have yo 0 Finish because your brains ean tne thous about 's looking for closur “ sg. wnyis productivity important? : 1oNy we (ooeL questi asrctivity is important beeause it helps you get clear up fo act arotate the greatest productivity and lead tothe bigaest cena Bites YoU do st results. ye benefit of being more productive means takin rat fused Time iowa those ac a ie a energy and activities, z ees people and projects that create tne sere wvanage of being more productive enables i ie and rou rhe ties ou ea doadacvsa, eepojetve of productivity isto achieve the biggest res posse v result possible inthe least amount aftime, Being productive helps you ereate Boundaries around your time fn your most productive activities, Yourtingso yousan sus ‘he benefit of being more productive on a small number of important activities can help eu York smarter, not harder and achieve your goals quicker and with les eff, inpoving your productivity in business and Tie allows you to focus more time onthe things and people that are most important to you. 6.Why habits are important for success? {MODEL QUESTION) ‘Answer: 1. Habits Free Up Creative Capacity This is actually the evolutionary purpose of habit. W todo, many things subconsciously so that we free up Mé acivity for important things. So, if you want to develop 1 focus on habits that help you eliminate the small decisions Commit to habits that sce that decision made in advones 2. Prioritizes Important Activities The reason that we need to limit the mambcr of 4 human beings suffer from decision making fatigue Tremors! Priore the worse we ae making them. 5 It Helps Maintain Motivation A jtions. We are often tol Asa general rule, successful people aim high and Mav bie ett et halivay thee to set dreams that seem too daring to be ahieve® om Weare doing well. fe are triggered to do, and learn hows ‘ore of our higher brain level brain habits that help enable success, that we make every day fons that we make each day is that decisions we make before & POPULAR PUBLICATIONS when you are i a prime Tong Answer Type Questions and explain why itis important for achiev), 1. Deserine the goal-setting process and explain why ar success, A goat is a desire te and planni i terms, ing is planning forthe future. . There are 3 typ of goals out there and the goals you set could belong to one or tuo, ‘ie these categories. me Goals ~ shorten goals that take less time co obtain and long-term geay tat considerably take longer, fll imo this eategory 2 Focus Goals ~ this ype of yoal is usual long-term and involves life-changing achievements and the nee te change different areas in life. For example, sang Jour own business. This may require you to find the relevant money, leaning about managing a business and so on | Topic-Based Goals ~ this spe of yoal applies to a specific area of your lie could be related to an aspect of your career, He, saving enough money to bus’ a new hous Goals are usefl for sting direction to somthing you do. I helps yo identity what you need ¥ do to achieve your target. Meny a time we abandon our goals before we reach the fini stra mile to follow a proper goal setting process, we can ac ining ovr targer. ‘We have Fisted below the steps you need to take and you'll re take much, Step I: Write down your goals asst seem like an unnecessary step? fier all, why should you write it down when you ‘can just remember it Contrary to what you may think, writing your goals down gives you something tangible, Hrnting to sit back and look at and determine if iis really went your time, When writing down your goals, think of what you really want to achieve and why you Ts serie i And set duc dates for completion and evaluation se vate This step will help you prioritize oUF goals. AS you write them down, you will have the chance to evaluate which goal is more importam and which can wait, and plan accordingly: mark. If we aewally go the ly improve our chances of ize that it actually doesn’t SSC-40 EF NOIR EE _ ep? Annis SMART se 2 Es Have select the eval 9g so gine SMART ster Make ra ‘Your goat showkd be elear ith nea tc ex example he pra es boas wl dtd Mo saHe SHH by cea seas jal? ning your BO rinable- Do you have the exports, none. }oneY, time, oF resources to xcipeant to ensre that he al ves imp foal you seta scievabc and sat ce preach. But this does"t me ea this tea you should set goals that are in taenging (2 si) goss Wil actualy hee you You motivated and commited atevant~ Does this goal align with the we . tae ie? vou need stop an nk fre ig gi tt ae {ake something useful out of it, ther, at the end of it all, you will be able to imeSpecifie~ Your goals should have deans an i | cresting. step 3: Ldentify the obstacles Sten Fold be obstacles that could Wold you back lang te Mave you fack ence and knowledge in a certain ae, or 108 rot have the money. WS cin tO figure oUt How to overcome these challenges ‘when allocating time and tasks you need to do. ine planning the Step 4: Create an aetion plan any steps? Don't sony, sous atest eal 12 stant Feel like there are way 100 Teekng on your goal -soon afer you crete I S598 plan. cu need to take to aeve sour Boa ‘Wouldr’t it ‘what t0 602 jou can bresk ‘This is where you identify the steps make things easier if you knew exact Ifyou have set a more challenging goo) * mestones to make it more manageable ju down into smaller steps and 5 + mn before eo do enc 9, werk es tps yu ed THE onder 10 take time Leg what you M x) make sure 10 ins 1, especially if the} Using an action plan, you can s the due date is done. AM ‘overcome the obstacles as wel a ee ae or sa OHO Kime, A jy ess ha 3 Sue 10 Fei Ne Joye “ht on seledule? W your are falling behind, » 2. How doos spiritual intelfigence differ from religious beliot? 1YBUT 2023) Answer Spit! inet about the greater within. It 110 multidimensional, + 10 UNMerStond ogg fiom being ca 10 aware, from being one on being disempawsered to empowered, is the highes "he fist i idenifhing Spiritual felligence os the ultimate quantum technology se yg + reator: our ability to create the fives an! reality We want using the is we think and the emotions we feel. To be able to tap into this technology, ne need to he a master of our thoughts and emotions and there one have clavty and presence ‘av ing elarity means having awareness of what we think, the paitert of our thoughts and reaching place of thought mastery. Having presence means twine able te operate ean place of emotional neural, Both of these will need to be mastered te tap into the creator within ‘essing. our intuition, Spiritual The second is Spiritual Imelligense as @ yiteway: to ace inteligence is the ability 10 access our higher selves and therefore access higher knowledge within ourselves, However: to tune into this, we need to be able to identity hat is our intuition and what is our evo. Throueh knowing our triggers, eeleasing eur emotional baguave and forming a relationship with and taming our eyo. wera through the noise and june into this, intelligence. The main element of drive and fulfiliment is purpose and making wwe are and what we do ~ accessing our spiritual intelligence will purpose. This is the third pillar of Spiritual Imellivence. ‘The higher our spiritual Uneligence, the higher eur calling will ke to have a positive impact and the higher the connection wil bs with our soul identity as an inner guide and compass showing us the unique way we can make a difference, low us to tap into this Religious beliefs are the set of values tha are taught to an individual about how they can be ai active member within their community, These beliefs will outline clear guidelines for individuals to follow regarding how they should Worship, behave and Practice their religion privately and publicly, SSC-42 SSESEIM ANDI TEREEPSONAT conn ysTENING & TELEPHONE communes ‘as ATION ‘Very Short Answer rn serimatti nestion some sbarer to tenn? 3 vot ae 1weUT 2023) F guations Smother Distractions, nq se 1. Personal Perspective Aven (Semantics, Emotional psychological bartler to active listening? toning’ wnat? sn nati seve ud OCS Fomatin cu kl a vey ll bene sei sie of mez you're in a more exteme mond, j.uatoning aki active by Involuntary apis, ‘PE SEEN answer? (©) 4) Casual tweet of lstoning effectively requires fa clarity b) consistency ¢) focus aregatt QUESTION] ‘Answer: (©) [MODEL QUESTION] biased listening Is 2 result of 2} prejudices ¢) arguments Answer: (2) b) semantic probloms 4) discussions ‘of the time to the verbal content, {MODEL QUESTION] 4) none of these «. alistoner pays heed to ¢) 56% of the time by 38% Answer: (©) i TION ‘.Attentive listening is benoficial gmoneL QUES’ 2) only for the superiors by only far the subordinates ¢) both for superiors and subordinates <6) only for the deat Aansw ) i are 4. Names of major elements in eornmmunication process model A Sey QUESTION) 1) lstenar foedback sender a) sender medium listener f these ¢ sender listener ay none 2 Answer: (a) POPULAR PUBLICATIONS sa stoning? (MODEL QUES ch eof the flowing distractions bade it , omnes atene oui waning ant! ‘ tionally disturboc 3) tenn stoner ie omotonaly tbs 8) Wien te tatenar pay vided att S) Attotiee Answered) (MODEL aUESTo tis preferable in taoponie talk? 2UEsron aban) corte «9 Biot 4) Evasive Ansvers(®) communication Is contingont upon (MODEL QUEST on ne oreo modulation 5 €) fntcnation fa of ese Aansners(0) ‘Short Answer Type Questions fou mean by Li 2 What are the difforont types of Listening? 4. What do by Listening’ 1 Eg to give one’s atention to sound, Listening involves complex: afte it vi fective processes include the mativatinn 0 atend cognitive, and behavioral processes. Affective p atend to others: cognitive processes include attending to, understa receiving, and interpreting content and relational messages and behavioural processes include responding with verbal and nonverbal feedback, Listening differs from obeying, A person who receives and understands information or an instruction. and then chooses not to comply’ with itor to agree to it has listened tothe speaker, even though te result is not what the speaker wanted. Listening is a tenn in ‘which the Tistener listens to the one who produced the sound to be listened. Types of Listening: Here are six types of listening, deep communication. + Discriminative listening Comprehension listening Critical listening Biased listening Evaluative listening Appreciative listening Sympathetic listening Starting with basic discrimination of sounds and ending in mee Empathetic listening ‘Therapeutic listening pinto stern Retationshin listening (NICATION aro the principles of effective saat tive listoninge pmunieation is nication is a (ODE cUEsTiON, for ps for fective come pre-re a a rapidly chan: ja could be rey 2 The message shou Sat estanding. Nighy aa en see ly? Simplicy in taage of ane eb de sens Sie I rete £00 pression onthe spn reve «Gri: Th speaker snd Neen mates crit is Tong dra procese, we en TM NC ore cogil esage cme eae “hatin te ea «Courtesy In business. orld everthing om credibility of the spstersander coats Much could be achieved ifthe message tonaer apenas ot CN nay Wie ene 1 ee This males comprcenson ease Clay ine mi Cuan ponent simple easy fo adesand mesoges,Such single cats weifeage when transmitted can be easily ate Camrectness: This builds Confidence. Incorrect arf i correc messages vail fad 0 loss of «Consistency: The messege should be transmitted in log : comsstene). This gives stability inthe oes __ fersetyaswesss The rissage tobe (ansied shouldbe be oe poi and eoree urge Tiked by the target audience This wil sve time, , s.Name and explain the factors that impede effective listening. [MODEL QUESTION) Answers Mie Histening is actively absorbing the jnformaticn given vo you by 2 speaker Swoning that you are Fistening and interested, and providing feedback tothe speaks aaee she Knows the message was receive’. ‘Delivering verbal communication, UKs wviting a newsletter, involves trying ‘choose the right words and weal cues i camvey a message that wil nd. Effective Visten 1] be interpreted in the way that YoU ime show speakers that they have been Tneard and understood. st sus. 1 Tre mest siled communicators, match thet responses (0 fons from the with the people you manages it helps 1 differentiate the ton ie cunts cunsline suis, Coaching 1 providing so a ronan Com 1 top ar employees to tnpove their SH andthe pr eeins aiess telpng subordinates recognize and address problems involine tmaivation, or personalities ssc-45 POPULAR PUBLICATIONS e sinwuld show the other \ listen we siwould He Bary supportive! you know that you ean offend some people by giving them adviee ah, Advising: they've told you about one of their eoncems? 4, What is the difference between listening and hearing? [MODEL QUESTIoy, Answer Liste and reacting toa message received irom the speaker. ‘ Hearing is Sense of what is heard. It requires @ conscious effort to interpret the sounds, interpretin ng is the process of receiv ‘grasp the meaning of the words and react to the mes Hearing and listening is thus not the same although people often use the ward interchangeably. In fact hearing is solely dependent on the ears. It is a physical a, Hearing is mainly vibration of sound waves on the eardrums whereas listening is an important skill. A purposeful listening involves reception and decoding of veal messages from other persons. Listening requites voluntary attention and then making sense of what is being heard. It requires conscious effort to interpret the sounds, grasp the meaning of the words and to react to the message. 5. Amit Sharma was asked to represent his department at the Benofits committee ‘meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to announce changes in the company's home loan scheme’s. Amit and the others in his department were unanimous in their support of the OTP (One-Time-Payment) scheme. But he knew that there were others in some department who favoured the MIP (Monthly Installment Payment. He walked into the room, hoping the OTP scheme should be adopted. The head of the committee entered the room, walked up to the podium, and begat to speak. “I know that all of you want to learn about our new home loan schem® and | won't keep you in suspense. We have decided that the MIP scheme will be our primary schem * As he continued to talk, Amit fumed, As soon as the meeting ended, he rushed back to his department with the news. Everyone was upset. What do you think happened in this case? Amit was prosent throughout Ihe ‘meeting. Yet, ho did not really hear what the speaker was saying, Why? [MODEL QUESTION SSC-46 DEG DYALCOMMUNICATION yon F gs have come ot ofthe meat MSued 10 opiate On a sca ad Ge ey a eo pongts, He bad come with ‘and he was prepare, tisanpet cit oe. HE ith a ot gr AEN to ana fut He weet as tT sae la ater eh a, he asthe auc ry mm wet 4 his team members lesired. ne re lot the dslintion fhe yp 31 AMOUNL Of repo e E MIP seherne wi ily informed that his opinion willbe wees pinion will cing asked to speak, when he ears served 38a bare 10 string Recent et Sri seed 362 fare teing Enon hgh oa ca eS, eid no eit wat was NE Eve tough he ws sons ken. spoken a8 he was Uy hon ving to conialhis ed disappointment. He was busy dealing with sy dealing wit ese in tN TOOM. Instead of processing what ues bee Sal Pa rin pressing what he fet, hat was being discussed, eenication. He presenied-a asic ease of bates 10 Poor listening is @ major cause of miscommunicat -communication” Do yi wesis jou agree? Explain sri ea 095- ‘answer? ; MODEL QUESTION] Listening is @ selective activity that involves the reception and the interpretation of aural ie aura vray ie decides sound into meaning and has tobe with i ‘ with a purpose. fk may be to exin sation, obtain directions, understané others, solve Sit cox tee oe sae person fel, show suppert et. Though i takes the sume amu or oe Seo writ Ping, the receiver has to hear the various messages, andertand the meaning verify and offer Leedback. Without any bias one has to listen thoroughly what the seas intends to say, without Frumopting him in the middle. Analyze by Leong & all the relevant factors and give Finthe proper feedback paving way for open ended questo Poor listening will be a major cause Of op Erormmunieaton and one has to take guard of the same so that ultimately peace prevails. jestions ‘Long Answer reasures to overcome thor ae [MODEL QUESTION] {.Discuss the barriers to effective listening 2° ve behavior and will most tik Answer: ive listening Mf When the tisiener 1S we are barriers to effect sos ages Interrupting ~ \\ is a problem. 25 it indicates aBeres® bring a eine tespon reaker being in¥ertuPles interupting, he or she is certainly ™ fully. POPULAR PUBLICATIONS «tv can be offensive and is usu hard VS the apr tt the Hstener does hgh Improper bod langage and ket This hana sods the ess ala what he spake is saying ¢ lis until the Jumping to conctusions = It finished before responding conversation to clarity istics communication, faking atten problem because it leads to miseommt aking atertion, ang “all of whieh threaten future communication, Distraction ~ Its 3 p tuning out all together Selective tstening = It's a major barrier, ad one fils to listem to the topic a8 Whole, ny hence results in an improper conclusion and misinterpretation of facts, To improve one's listening skill, the fotlowing steps should be taken: 1. Provide clues that you are actively involved 2. Concentrate ; 3. Refiain from giving an immediate response 4. Be open to new ideas. 5. Be prepared to accept revisions | 6. Be sure the environment is favourable for listening, Iisa quick mode of communication. ; A particular ¢-mail can be sent to more than one users simultaneously. The ‘reply' button enables one to include all or part ofthe original document, ‘One can copy and paste all or part of the mail, and save jt as a word document One can attach files and data with the e-mail, An e-mail can be read and replied to at one’s convenier -mail is quite cheap, and the cost does not depend on its size, time. 2, Describe about different telephone etiquettes, [MODEL QUESTION) Answer: ‘The telephone aids modern business communication greatly, However, like most mate made devices it has certain limitations and we have to adjust them. Some of the most important telephone skills are as follows: . * As jhe speakers at bolh ends cannot see each other (unless they are using uit roan telephones), the speaker who made the call should identify himself and ask for the person whom he wants at the other end. Ivis polite for the person receiving the call 0 entity himself/herself without being asked to do so, if helshe recognizes the caller’s voice, , A One should never interrupt the speaker on the oth ing speech : er end, because overlapping spe! annot be understoed by ether ofthe speakers and leads a econo SOFSKU.L seni poso at te thee “Nersalion- : cae ess tac canbe arg co ogi nar coro not ase slang and should avoid ealioquaon me ald BE EF iat NOTRE Res king, — Suns oF phrases tke "Um bum of re Tstening and ve to keep up the cen be nTOe. One should be. very careful 115, ete, may sound like ot ne seven etc. polite and use the words *pleae” and “thik you" wherever separ andthe person receiving the call should modulate thir vies 0 sound sjeasant. i 1 om hold one should tren Keeping @ person or excuse oneself nd never make a ‘het tore than 2 few seconds. Ifa onge delay iunavoiabls one held ote for ie ater end to excuse him forthe delay. paul alsvays end call by thanking the person athe ther en a ing the Orrer his ime and listening to him. catfodern imes it is possible for the eller o leave a message (vice mall) in the tn Mailbox of the person reeciving the call. Voice mail sould sate the purpose iin call very briefly and request he person to ell ater. olden rules of telephone eguetes ar: (1) One sould pean ths tephone Sofon to avoid awkward silences and forgotten plans. 2) One shoud swich of conversone wen entering, a seminar, mesting or public perfomance or doe.) a cl ping a ccll phone, one shoul excuse oneself and move aay Beer ne that others in Une room are nt disturbed. POPULAR PUBLICATIONS, TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION 7 juestions: Very Short Answer Type Qu and culture-The statement chnology is the main factor shaping society and culture-Th - doccrbes the concept ot tecnologieal dctormmign. Do you agree? (WaUT gat doseribee the conc Answer: Yes Short Answer Type Questions 1nd drawbacks of communication via e-mail? 4. What are the advantages and drawbacks those Guesren Answer: oe , The terminalogy used is E-mail or electronic mail. -mail is the most poputar mode o¢ formed the style of comarunicat communication all over the world to day. It has transformed : ication at personal and corporate level, Internet has tusmed Marshall Meluhan's dream of “globo Village” a vinual reality. You can send any number of messages anywhere at a nominal cost. Big firms can have their own leased lines: small firms can use any of the E-mail service providers. E-mails have overcome the barriers of countries and continents, Jn E-mails the senders ID, date and time of the message are automatically transmitted, Therefore, they give some authenticity to the message. It is possible to send lage quantity of data through E-mails and scanned images, graphs, statistics, pictures, audio ‘messages. dravings. It can be sent and received as attachments without distorting the formasting. On-line chatting is one of the advantages of E-mail. Instantaneous communication is possibte. Packages such as MS Outlook and Outlook Express have the facility of storing the messages and sending them in a queue. We can save the drafts and personal E-mail address. This enables us to reach out to any of our stored information from any part of the world Communication using e-mail is reliable, cheap and having high speeds, It eliminates manpower required for typing. despatching and maintaining of files, The communications Spal be generated in the computer and then sent through e-mail and also throuth fax jie communication can be stored in suitable fle in the computer, Jn recent time there .are information from all over the world on Cyber crime, This is the drawback of e-Mail as on date. However the engineers and Scientists are trying to develop devices for protecting e-mail communications, SSC-50 ag fa ao ‘ | unas te PUTPOSE Of eA tigate Kase I ctiquene is important beg wralism. and avoids misunder isundersianding re Dweur 2023 ies NSC iL enhances OF conflicts, iuunication, promotes | ‘none ri anette purpose oF communication sto Inform, o a | 10 imagine, to influence, and to meet social at Eaton Fach ony ms tations, Each ofthese purpones ch of these purposes Ketpested in a Form of communication, ‘communication’ we mean imtati the Primary PUTPOES of communica ication? .sythe word a) Giving ideas . im 3} Exchanging of information 2) Receiving ig nation answer: (4) ) All of these 4.Abreak in the communication process is a) Recess ae Answer: (4) ) Fant | 5. Anexample of lateral communication process is, ¢} executive to executive d} all of the above 1 ‘Answer: (¢) 6. Which of the following represents the last stage of communication process? | JODEL QUESTION) a) decoding b) encoding ©) feedback. 4) fitering Answer: () TIO! 7.Communication begins.with wy encoding [MODEL QUESTION] 3) idea origi enc , asa origiration <é) channel selection Answer: (a) . MODEL QUESTION 8. "Wheel" is a channel of communicators ous ‘informal a) strategic 'b) formal 9 Answer: (d) POPULAR PURLICATIONS. arrior to communication? 9. Which one of the following is net a barrior t {MODEL QUESTIon, b) Difference in status or rank 4d) All of thoso a) Semantic barrior €) Less by transmission and retention fiends in an organization that ig 10. the communication network among peop! agencaton own is we erent communication b) horizontal communication“ '°§) <) grapevine 6} gangplank Answer: (e) 1 nication between the came status of people is regarded as 1. The communication be tHdeet Cucsroy 2) Horizontal communication b) Vertical communication ©) Grapevine d} Consensus. Answer: (a) 12, Diagonal on crosswise communication takes place (MODEL QUESTION, 8) among managers of the same department 5) when there is an appraisal of managers among employees and managers who are at higher or lower levels when letters or memos are sent 19. Communis means IMODEL QUESTION, a) to share ) to talk ©) to feel 4d) to understand Answer: (2) 44, Communication network in any organization is [MODEL QUESTION, ') verbal and written a) internal and external ©) oral and non-vorbal Answer: (d) d) all of these ion is also known as [MODEL QUESTION} ) vertical communication ation 418, Diagonal communi 2) cross-wise communication ©) horizontal communication 4) lateral commur Answer: (a) 16. ‘Chain’ information comes from . Communication. MODEL QUESTION} a) formal b) upward ¢) downward 4) grapevine Answer: (a) SOT KI a MENS TUI jvo communication is easentiany way process 7; effect ay nay POCESS 1 hot a ha onc-way an MODEL QUESTION " Sane al 9) one.y, nd a ante ray prea ant 4 o%ay procs Pie amimpotnt tment tio ‘ommunieation pr aysendet b) idea recess yer) ©) sie DEL QUESTION inti 8) profits Maa ot interotnthe topic 1 al se tag pder-oriented barrier a" fine ever drone ofthese 2 essere oar never (D rganizational barvise Short Ans. wer Type Questions s.wat do you mean by Bartlers to commune su gocever-oiented balers and how o pire answer! {MODEL QUESTION 1" Part? Borriers fo communication porrrs of communications are the diiculis involved in the process of communication Nhe message (rom being properly undersood by the eeeit Barriers which distort raybe physical, psychological, Taneuags emantic, organizational siructre bare oF Thural, Physical barriers may be due ‘0 ‘the nature of the environment, ¢. consal al barrier may involve an individual od off-sive employees. Psychologie personal discomfort caused by poor health or salflimiting beliefs arising out of 2 erontle in social of economic, background fond upbringing. Language or semantic barrier may be caused duc 10 unclear message, faulty translation, specialized Yanguaze, vars eehnical jargon, etc. organizational 1a cas to the anes of $0198 2 being very approachable and therefore a fot of their ‘pe misinterpreted between onsite an tecaise of the one-way flow of informalich es cultural differences due to the difference in upbringins and ake a oN flowed by individuals as a resut of the same asst coro ak also factors like prejudices, 1055 jn transmission, infor enthusiasm, ete. which can turn oul t° ibe barriers of commun 2 Part: ‘e Sender oriented Barriers: - cost efforts should 2 Avany 2086 sa Sender oriented barriers could be voluna jwvotuntary ; is the identify and rs gal not riers. (FHS y made on the part of the sender (0 Ofginato of comriunication, he shoul? bbe extren™ POPULAR PUOLICATIONS ov indeces tit hee are baie the communication comes gg rt tha ae sented ares lls Coe a et a ued In et one a he trea Los in Transmssion: Tilt ny oes ee bt one tat gin ir:mingnice when lead to inability in iransmiting the actual message. Once again, ifthe choice of the channel or medium is not right, the impact of the message is lost. This is mostly a physical noise However, the responsibility les with the sender as he should cesute that ll cheney are free of noise before commencing communication, ler discussion ean create problems Receiver Orieuted Barriers: Receiver can also have some barriers inthe course of the interaction. Although his role in the initial phase is passive, he becomes active when ie starts assimilating and absorbing ihe information. He is equally to blame ifthe situation goes awry and communication Eames t0 a stop, or there is miscommunication. Some of the barriers emanating from the side of the receiver areas follows: 1. Poor retention: Retention is extremely important during interaction. Ifthe receiver has poor retention capability, he would probably get lost in the couse of the proceedings, There would be mo connection between what was said initially and what is being said now. He the decoder feels that his retention capacities are not 004, a judicious strategy for him would be to jo: down points, l dees rot portray him in a poor light, Or the contrary, it shows how conscientious he is te get the message right 2. Write a note on Meta Communication, Answer: KILL AN SLAND INTER EE ying one's interpersonal SONAL Cony see fren Hvels an one msi, Mentos as ase content of what one sant MBE stare of ra the SOM hi oa Sg NCH To Sjook in bis eye. and other bod set tBe EE nse that his. m 0 spin oe NESSOECS are consign <3 ae esse Sy mesSOBES FE comistent fe eae sea toon Grape one (modes avestion, ane Gare stl outgrow he noma “roy deseo the organization people to eomaaar na se i th ineraction othe people nmuneate with each eer andthe | eetxine reall in organization and bsies Gof spontaneous channels, usually krown pds pass facts and rumours |. The “Grapevine” communication spreads by way cl ine carries are mostly in i sins of dstoned incomaion ns ats mos 1s through informal newworks and disseminates information with it often faster than the most formal or official messages. “ four” of grapevine communication are unpre bla and have grapevine process, a small number of organizational people a pants) and the majority of te organizational people Hess the which @ grape uspieious and all “Grapevine” travel amazing speed and qui ‘The ‘path and “behav no definite pattern. In setive players (part jnformation through the “grapevine”. Grapevine provides an outlet to ar the feeings, emote the members of an organization. ns, tives and thoughts of Nature / Character ties of Grapevine The naturelcharacteristies of era + Grapevine emerges from communicate with each other The news which a grapevine rumours and ail Kinds of dist Iciravels through informal ne It éisseminates information official messages. Grapevine is associated wi Employees resort to grapevin channels, and the managers difficult to gather informati Grapevine communication pevine are yn with amazing 5 on from te flows in all dire summarized below: re of the organi cof the people ‘information, hala, the natural desi ational people ‘and social interaction ‘carriers are mostly jnaceurale xorted information. works. not for ot peed and faster thar the well a8 riers it when they smanagets- the forme! communication find it on there a nication fh employee | ne communi also use 2raP 1m the employees Pons in an organization POPULAR PUBLICATIONS pevine cemmunication relates more people-oriemted issues rather than any oy, poe cluster chain 10 handila grapevine in your organization? 4, What moasures would you adopt to handle grap cee Answer: ie si The role of managers’ to make effective use of grapevine communication jg ‘organizations a rized below: .