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E-COMMERCE & ERP glectronic Commerce technologies, Wireless Application Protocol pusiness Models of E-Commerce g-strateey convergence, Collaborative Computing content Management & Call Center supply Chain Management £-Payment Mechanism E-Marketing Electronic Data Interchange (ED!) Risk of E- Commerce Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) NOTE: WAKAUT course structure and sytlabu E-COMMERCE & ERP has been introduced as a new subler sof 8° The syllabus of this subject 1S. special care of this matter we 3" providing the of E-Commerce (CS 8026] 2 papers, so that students ca” 921 dea about university questions Pavers Temes has been changed from 2022 17 27 36 39 42 46 sa 70 78 94 108 cl in present curriculum vtmest same as E-commerce [CS S025] Taking relevant MAKAUT university solutions wg with the complete soutons of nt vniversity 1ypticAHiOns i ONIC erg Shor ontin the year (WeU et <) 20097 2 COMMERCE popuLarr' earl puna ay non Pm i 1 Tete Ast a ets | a) 1998 vn ors in -c0 sot trade ete ae merce? 2. How many 9 steed 7 2) One ) Two Ansnerste) orc i nat suitable 0F sd antiques 3 e-commerce otf expansive joweiory an ota 2) salepurchase of mobile 6) salefpurehaso of branded cl @ onine ob searching yhones jothos. Answer: (d) (WUT 2019 4, Which ofthe following describe E-commerce? 8) Doing business electronically ) Doing business €) Sale of goods 4) All of these Answer: (2) 5. Which Is a funetion of E-commerce? b) Advertising a) Marketing ¢) Warshousing 4) All of these Answer: (d) 6. Vil stands for Answer: ‘Vendor Material Inventory 7. What is caliod sale or purchase of Ms without physically visiting Answer: E-commerce 8, What is E-Business? Answers ‘business encom Ey 800d to supply chain mana semen Lear the many faeces b . e-business, ERp.2 QWBUT 2008, 2014, 2015, ap Four " (BUT 2010, 2013) (weur 2017) [WBUT 2023] a shop? [WBUT 2023] [wauT 2023) PASSES 2 Wide range i rntPes processes, from buying and sling nec IMP ReE A re Short Answer Type Questi s.whatis (fade 6ycIo? What a aon e beer trade eyelo would include? , 2006, 2008, 2011, 2015, 2017, 2018) ate Ne ayele is the series of e oe cre BO Aries of exchanges, Hence isione Pre-Sales: Finding a supplier anda ng the terms. eet Execution: Selecting goods an aking dv Settlements voi (fany) and pases Following up complaints or providing maintenance Onder Payment Setlerment Detiver ‘Aer Sales ‘Aer Sales 2, What is ubiquity? qWBUT 2007, 2010] Answer: Refer to Question No. 2(b) of Long Ausver Type Questions. 4. What Is e-shopping? What aro the advantages and disadvantages of & shopping? {WBUT 2007, 2011] Answer Online chopping or e-shopping isthe process whereby consumers directly buy Boods ¢t services from a seller in real-time, ‘without an intermediary service, OV the Internet. Uf an intermediary service is present the process is called clectronte commerce. An online shop, e-shop, &-store, internet shop, arebshop, webstore, online store, oF virtual store srahes the physical analogy of DUYINE produts or services at Ol ickseand-mortar reiailer or ina shopping mall. - ; : The Reseda E-Shop master project consists of the plannit of an online shop and website for Reseda Engineering. pas i is“ we i application us Webshop or online store is “a jecironic commerce #9P! ed fr B20 off high erves to sll products Services over the insert AS yet, an ontine shop #8 part The e-business framework. mre wo primary objectives of he of the e-commerce field of? | es of cat e ra oompeny enamel ite Reseda ation are the presentation of ne ypany| een and the S09 ft online orders ‘and consulting Further features incl ng, design and implementation "An ane shop, intermet STOP od for B2B oF B2C” ERP-3 pupuicA Ons prodts. TACIONY, showroom, wor . sf a pan, omens des for. news. Contin gt 2 at Sa jes SOAs) and suppor amg “na and dat. 0d iis cae 2m ich Parameters Should the stay wh any, on . Jompany. (wu alt f float a new e-cor Se Tormuatea? Exp + Reduced inventor reducing inventor © vi Lower mansaction costs by einina Te chen Improved au of by hating of signs and produetion schedules aoe te ca forcllaboating wih suppliers and disibutrs Increased opperunitics for colors Greater price transparency carried omation ib rm merce. (weUT 2013 5, Describe various risks in e-cor Answer: ') Authentication: i) Peasy and Proton of information: The lene In prvacy and Proectnot Information is to share data while protecting personally identifiable information. ily Fraud and Misrepresentation: {1 company knowingly publishes ineceuste information sou produ with the intent to generate more sales then that is Eee I's company ttieves the information could be tue. even if they dont investigate for themselves, then that is misrepresentaion 40) Reliability of trang partners: The trading partners has to rely on themselves on potential information, eae ay Rk: The ris for E-commerce include both technology risk and mera sara Information technology such as Intemet is the core faene influencing the chnology risk is a big threat for the snication is any process by Which you verify that someone i development of E-commerce. Hoviever, ‘plication of information echnalogy. 6. What isthe etference between i sme nce between E. ‘commerce & E-business? [WBUT 2013), E-commerce is buying and sel ing 8 Using an el Payments over the ne, doing banking irom or information using the World Wide Web and “4 ‘Business in addition to encompassing E-com applications that form the engine none nic medium. It is accepting eredit and Using the Internet, selling commodities on. for mode =" includes both front and back-office fi er . ‘or modem E-commerce. E-business is not just lt ERP. Ebapmcnweer: yesommimeree FONSACTIO NSS toes 10 ins sean MaNimnize coy svanistee #8 EN aout vedi mele tomer vatuc me tines Phusingy 1 T-Blusiness, ’ ets with the aid of overall strategy ani state the functions in asset IN e-commerce these art the Typical fun (wast 2014) i liont alice ons of an e-comnmere freee steo aval Hoth on back ice Basket Payment Prowict management Orders management ¢ VAT and shy Ng cos formation need 8 purchase, users must renter with the site 9 The a ile od on ahs nd wl val fom ah fx aa are ene 4 Sorting bate ale ew ee Ge sthey tothe cheekout for payinen Payment 1 payment system is a mechanism that facilitates dialogue besser th pats mole nancial econ hon he sean ve hour ered ca Product management: This is the main cen ce ee Ls pana - sme a This is the main part of the e-commerce sysiem and provices all W features required for product placement, order fulilment, ete, hey 19 the ‘management of online sales. 7 Order management: The order is the card that summarises all the delivery information to enable carrect delivery. - VAT and shipping costs: In addition to manages the VAT and the shipping charges. The e« VAT rates in countries within and outside the EU. Shipping costs both fixed and variable based on the weight and volume of the shipment, ipPine Long Answer Type Questions 4.2) What is e-commeroo? a) What is e-commers usr 2006, 2006, 2010, 2011, 201% 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018], ere. dvantages and the limitations of E-coromerce. WDeaertsroS oftnes qweuT 2005, 2006, 2010, ‘2014, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018) ins for controlling E-commerce? [WUT 2005), and order the cost of products purchased, the system ‘commerce module is able to manage c) What are the rules and regula se of eCommerce, consists of e-commere y merce, commonly known a €-m mace cnt 2 Beane on a a sitet , 5s. Commerce OF lectronic networ Popularly, a e eS ed and other comping and sein varie ood and servis on te Waid es (heey EC be nits basiesetse meas Ihe SMe ‘as traditional co” internet). E-Cot BRP-S onuan suicaT!O8S tsi PY ving and st « ens OVEr Wired commun 8 ang w ve hares O nica buys and sti OE comm’ Wend Wide Web serves ay ing soe Te sos he eso Rabpes trough ake Sy rs I one ren oe cin fall radii ase EE gs easy 1 find products, sneoretical £EO8rOphic limitations, iy oF serves. ec 1 of etre Comme pangseling POE nestling 247. sis no et ctor se is Me tonal ents a et Novae of psa cmp 5 — ee range a busi scm posites Easy toto ge ay lent produets om GHTSTEM. roviders thou my, Castomers can e25 around physically. by Advanta i ree F Disadsantages of Etstronie COMMS 4 yysiness. And there are many bag sites «Any one, good or bad, car Seance imu enaee of ise stom Compan interactions, custome; loyalty is always on a check. © many hackers who fook for opportunities, and thus an ecommerce sie Ree eee allarcaheayt prom ioaund: ity service, payment 6) The first dra ofthe Information Technology (HT) Bill was introduced as ealy as 1999, The IT Act, which finally eame into esstence in 2000, includes laws and poles onecmning data security and eyber evimes, Spar from te [T Acc, the Indian Copyig Act of 1972 deals with copyright issues in eomputer programs, We briefly discuss thet ‘Act and otiver laws, which companies can use to safeguard proprietary information, The Act covers eyber and related information technology’ Jaws in India. The IT Act has shade amendments tothe Indian Pensl Code of 1860, the Indian Evidenee Act of 187, ihe Bankers’ Books Evidence Act of 1891 and the Reserve Bank of India Act of 1934 to spéate them with the provisions ofthe Act. The information security issues under the TT Act are the following, Section 43: According to Section 43 of the IT Act, ita in-charge of the computer system, acces causes denial of access, will be liable for 2 Section 65: Tampering Section 65 of the IT documents. According destroys or ai Person without the permission of the person Ses, downloads any data, introduce. virus ot Penalty of up to rupees 10 million vith Computer Source Code 10 Seatog th the issue of tampering with compe sue ters any computer sous 720% ho deliberately or purposely hides ” SomPuer Sours code or induces someone else todo 5 tl 2 ERPs eanshable $1 IMpVisoy sen ECOMMERC faRe Raf aes. OF WAH Doth MUP to three SeOrS, OF with g : Eretion 66: Hacking Nite, wes may ga yp on 00 of the HP a, ‘ sectie et deals coking 1 ComMItEG iP yp AlS Wi the asst ow _hoesteduc tht nage ehtion of causing saemers wn AESHOYS / deletes AMARC OF loss, is lik he dest °F alte to esi ty 4 shes its value o1 any infor on ne hich may Bo up to ee Duttshed with wetsl! BY any means, ira ise which MAY 20.Up Lote hp Nee HH imprisonment sees Ta bea upees, or with ty won eas sion 72 of Ihe Act slais 40 the disclosure of sa 55 10 Such nig Cc rec mation : information Technology Acu tn care ® See anni Of @ power granted under the von book, resister ect WT Nho has secured access to any electronic : f ‘spondence, information, docume " ce Nich ay ese AY Other person, he wil Be ye eee OF ber materia rem. which may extend to two years or mitt gee Dunished with both. The above py i : u with imprisonment § » or with @ fine, which may go to ten lakh rupees, oe Not apply to the disclosure r0t appl of personal information y his email service provider, ee rovision doe regarding a person in a website of 2.2) What is the difference between E-commerce and E-business? (WaT 2007] Answer: Jn both cases, the ¢ stands for “electronic networks” and describes the application of electronic network technology - including Internet and electronic dace interchange (EDI) ~ to improve and change business processes. E-commerce covers wutwarthe processes that touch custome: cing "S, suppliers and external partners, including sales, marketing, order taking, delivery, customer service, purchasing of raw materals and supplies for production and procurement of indirect operating-expense items, such ss office supplies. It involves new business models and the potential to gain new revenue or lose some existing revenue to new competitor s. Ecommerce implies business ansactions over the internet where the parties involve are ether selling or buying. The ‘ransactions conducted in e-commerce basically involve the transfer or handing over ownership and rights to products or services. Technically, e-commerce is ely apart of e- business because, by definition, e-business refers to all online Dasines aeacions including selling directly to consumers (e-commerce), dealing with manut paras a Svppliers, and “conducting interactions with partners. Information sctenee in cstralized database is also done in e-commerce, Business faneions are ony imited te the companies’ technological resources. E-commerce principal i, ales ae exchanges in the transactions. In e-business, as itis Broader, (reat Une ane \ansactions, All aspects in business are included like marketing, pro ie ie a management, ete. E-business is more about making grea Executing it. Well, of eourse, 8iving quality service, planning abou ea s ul Ta suich berms, tee the commerce is an integral part of the e-busines Activity of selling and buying. incl ERP-7 HONS ce porutas punLicati oreo inns wpe unique feature GR *m Fe ces ines es aly ae Wi a : ee chase. E-commerce is ubiquitous, meaning’, the ple wo make PST 10 shop from your deskiny 2 Bag es possible 1 shop from your desktp, makes tint oF ies Ubiguit reduces tanner Fo transact, it is no longer neces irotedig market, To transacl any’ the costo pariating in a mathe TO TTA broader level, the at spend ti eng Io required v0 complete a ts cominerse lowers the cognitive ST ecmits commercial transactio Global R erce technology Pe = Global Reach - Eo arn ‘tr ‘more convenicnily and effectively as, compared, ultra and maton esl, the poeatial market Size Tor e-commerce mechan traditional commerce, As a result station. esize of world’s online pop the wechnial standards of the frvernet_ id wetter ie estricl Sande conducting e-commerce ae universal standards ie they are shared by all the naie, sround the world ; vcchan Interactivity - Unlike any of the commercial technolo the possible exeeption of the telephone meting they alo fr twe-sy commneationbeteen ménchanis and conan Information Density and Richness « The Internet vastly increase information densi is the tolal amount and quality of information available to all market pancipens, onsumers and merchans, E-commeree technologies reduce information collie, stops, conminication and processing costs. At the same time, these tehnooges increase greatly the accuracy and timeliness of information, making information tec useful and important than ever. As a result, information becom 's plentiful, cheaper and of bigher quality. Infomation richness refers o the complesity and content ofa message. Personalization E-commerce technologies permit personalization, Merchants can target ihsir marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message to a persons wane inert and Fhe pamses. The technology also. permits customization. Mercia vanse the Product or service based on user's preferences or pit Ecommerce technologies make it possible for merchants to know much more about consumers and use this information more effec i ants brani i information o develop new infarc) ah Over before. Online merch brand products, charge prem; ie eration asymmetries, enhance tei aii > intoanendless number of subgroups each St ually service and segment them » each receiving a different price. ©) What is the goal of business? gweuT 20071 ERP.8 ceustemer to 20 someplace 18 is available just about every! resisted 1 a pssiol space and 7 arket space. From ayhiere yo. iat of, arse Connect at Hel Pains i an renee Ui sont eat the eae this Progress mean His principe, Une nae Seat ines ow espenes. However wan te vn your business, but in Hen marker system rey ree pei. hv serio Fr ba Money is. net . Me high tnd should not he the only dren, ieee 1 speci its con thst he fm ne ald exp alikewed ath vce eal Mt alked cadh tne yo make The activity can yy activity can have atleast ane nf 3, The activity Beherate cash Mow ve. Hime 1 determine hte pa cmt oh mare ee ivy. Doing someti Pee ting (0 plan sr sometting work doing te hing 1 an sega date nether to operate suet. Wh both, JOH a get some powerless Tink in terms of cash No, help eho coe els pretty heeaue i big 9 and cute the aligament faster and more frequently it's one thing to plan strategic nother to operate strategically. Whe Y When you align bath, you can get some posserful es a Oe a ee ily ap solos a precisely because it helps you do tis alignment faster and more frequently ee 43.) What are the various eyber crimes? (weuT 2016), Answer: Cyber crime encompasses any criminal a fucking. Additionally, cyber crime also in the internet. For example: hate erimes ct dealing with computer and networks called ncludes traditional crimes conducted through ret fraud, identity thet, and creditcard inen the illegal activities are committed ole Kinds of eyber erimes ate SQL ius dissemination, Logic ing, Web jacking, , telemarketing and Inter ecount thefts are considered 10 be cyber crimes wi through the use of 2 computer and the Ine’ Th injections, Theft of FTP Passwords, Cross scripting, Vi bombs, Denial-of ‘Email bombing and spammatr Service attack, Phishing, ; Cyber stalking, Dat to mention. ‘a diddling etc. are other Few b) What is the need for cyber law? WBUT 2016) Injernet technologies and compuier it includes computers, ils, ATM machines & devices, Internet, websites, mal tg is passed to proveet te Tere cyber Cyber law Includes: Answer Cyber means the networks, software, To protect the eyber ise of data storage ‘erime over Internet, thi igo is law is approved bY Re government. + Cyber crimes . +Electronic and Digital Signatures + Intellectual Property \d privacy ERP-9 * Data protection am electronic commerce usin y out el re yew ear = be a aaa doy the AC ion on the Web thus heralding ©-toverang ure provided ral irre i ora es fetal Gee tor shopping P Oe cane ae increas nl SMS MESSEECS for commana, : aire sig ema. cell nones ions + Ment pst ype Banking: TAN cyber crimes? cures to prevent Ye (BUT 2015) ont meat ) What aro the aif Sel emeten Answer straight-forward ~ I Title techy, 3 sion oo He avoided. In general, online ex ape Pe pe belo po ide tesie ‘information on how you can prevent online fraud, Se cour vom figured secure! 4 ee ont etaecat 4) Protect your computer with security software. 6). Online offers that look too good to be true val are, 7). Review bank and credit card statements regularly 4, Write down the benefits of electronic web commerce. (WeUT 2023 Answer: ; Am e-commerce hosting solution can be really alvantazcous for anyone whois looking a start an online business, The benefits can be summed up in below mentioned points: 1. High availabitity and scalability When you are running an e-store, you should ensure your website's all time availability. Because no or less-availability would mean lost sales, Unlike a Physical store, you can’t see your customers online and a slow loading webpage an irate a visitor so much that he might lose his interest and go away withoet making 2 purchase. An cflcient e-commerce hosting service provider will ensure high availability of ‘your website, with no or less downtime, : 2. Secure your customers’ transactions .CoMMsenes ber » hn er ane Saget ght or SE i hd rr Sled a ge 7 ong fen ine ne hopaing with simon wih sere chsh aN lp customers o Tae oar ing serves with shoping eat incegyaion ios ‘With pase wa. ete 36 Your prefer osting experience with 4 sting perience ih as techie knoe In esommeres hosting: he hosing eampany provid Saat 01 a pal cbs on our wets rated e ode (ron eee i tha sah ite et sane i amples, ish san be ued by een ce Your weal, Ths, even ih Ls oe Ese oe winger ie aim ef expan _ ine oder who wil Tt yeu manage mae webstes woes 4 Sine se cl Thin a nap yan xan fo bates bee da sinin pel your business base and eating «agus imact of ecmmorsin ie following areas: ii Finance and Accounting Anse: {i Benefits of E-Commerce on marketing: provides mary potential benefs to consumers an Trenabies customers to shop or do ater transactions © year around, through any pat ofthe word + It provides customers W! joices; they can select from many ‘vendors and from more products. - + {tallows quick deli books. ‘«Itmakes it possible to participate in virwal auctions. sma poe inert with oter eure 7 electonie tei cishange ideas as well as compare exper wetive detailed and relevant information within seconds. + Ieallows customers (0 t «Te tucitates competition, which resus in ‘substantial discounts. +. ECommerce expands he ‘marketplace to national and jnternational markets. With mmininal capital outlay, company O° easly and quickly loeate nore ‘customers, the best suppliers and the most stable business partners wordNi¢™ aa en aed reerhead by Facilitating “pall! 8PE supply chain management. DwaUT 2023} 1d organizations. These ar: round the clock a day, all in case of digitalized products ike music ond ery, especially i communities inventories and ERP-1L POPULAR PUBLICATIONS ‘capital and the roceiy i contin 0 OF ray out chances | ees tt en + tec sang, secs SIDING rg aay, ise me) nis beret ¢ attracts improve ig gases he co of ent ~_ tas it : pars Fa wen a ii) Benefits isthe practice a Fe i 7 ee E e-co4 rn Feat al he Fsmnmerce fe sta Bens a a a ss ME HE SPR et gp yp Think of i as subse ie gon eee ae ka ae Transaction il it can be easy t0 we tusiness finances, To si aoe purchase orders A purchase onde i « leually binding document Fam eg é % dnd type oF items they Want to buy, witha commen {howl ince payment details, Vour company might use a purchace wee request aw materials for vendor, ren might submit one io 04 equtig specific volume of goods or services Sales order: A sales order is dec pared by the sellee (often in response toa purchase order) that outlines all of the details of @ sale A cae order should include client information, description and quantity of goods so, der 8 sale amount, payinent information, and delivery address and date + Aceosnts payable able: These terms refer to outstanding bills and invoices, orto the total amount oF expenses not yet paid and revenue ns P yet receFved. + Cost of goods sold (COGS): This isthe total cost of production and distrbuion of produet. Wis frequently ealeulated to include shipping, warehousing, rd {2rd fees, and any other costs directly related to selling produets, l docs ml include overhead expenses like payroll, marketing, software licenses, or ee space. + E-commerce sales tay: ew MS of «. et s [his reters to the tax paid by an e-commerce busines to the satin which a pucchasr resides. Thats, ig sale ton mee ens bomen the ale ite Slate—meaning that the state has the right to tax a business. (It | Maly Coes if the business pursues any econamie activity inthe stale). ‘e-business and 2) Piscuss how E-Commerce is heipfal tusinege oes cess. ©) Welt about Tangible and Intangtene benefits of e-business weuT 2023 id F.COMMERCEA ERE ose! spur ta Question No, (a n “ 1 of Loug Answer Type Quest neree COVES Commercial ial transaction : ms, including the transfer of Oe at: hemi fer of data via the quickly In nls to the comnsonal methods of ret 2 tag te convecral mathids of rela bile ecotmeee ‘e-commerce platforms such HC honily, Opeacurt, Bigeoram, y Onenears 8 jerce from where you ean use a some pre-made temples ay ha PE UP an e-commerce huis os es an sting ts 6 nce a, Mes ues cena Mee aean Tey see tal ee secece ie Fahour investing snes ihe is ote te a ia sare ie nee heat isnt i a rect ne ee der 4. tusight an eustomer datas Anosher benefit of seting oni i WE A HES simple an lect sata, measure 1 and act of it, Selling oni enables ou fo BE YEE i fhow estoarers interaction with your website js to prove customer experience and boost and urs on firsthand ata by say of ta provides You with insights 00 bs earlier, e-commerce selling has different ‘audience with whom sellers ‘ternational shoppers as well. ers; As mentioned out to new custom own unique e channel has its Metact An online site can assist « business 10 reach star sites can help a business reach totally ne demographics. Catering to particular people who are on te tookout fr speci rogues The best par isha a business EOS regitterent onfine touch-points 0 ensure hat they inract with and engage many sifferemt audiences: formats. Every si ce onfine enables your business 1¢ romers. A branded, 6 Strategy for content marketing: Having @ Pr ces you offer your cus Stee chef data about the products 2nd S08 ; website offers the sellers & place to provide their castomers with Key coment Key ‘some detailed product descriptions, comparisons of product content consists OF products, availability of inve and pricing: intory in-store ester to the needs of ps businesses 10 ae A find it quite tough re coin collector Wi POPULAR PUBLICATIONS the amternet ult bo easicr seller, HO wees crt nem their Jocatior so mae pu roduc anywhere id of friction poi” RARE AD are A9enet BCoMMnRce mee 2 eine Consumer i =” | i == cs Pose sonst n me $5 jasacar| i=| nine Shopping Architeaure 3, DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMENORE 1) Refer to Question No. 6b) of Long Answer Type Questions. | 42. Write short note on Cyber Laws. [WBUT 2005, 2ott} | Answer: care rmes is eategorze in two ways. The COMPAS Et target using a computer 8° ‘ack other computers. Like; Hacking, Virus/Worm attacks, DOS attack etc. The computer as a weapon using a compu ° Mmmant re word crimes €8. CNET Terrorism, IPR violations, Credit card frauds, EFT frauds, Pornography etc. Cyber Crimes are regulated by Cyber Laws St Internet Laws . ‘The eyber laws are governed by the THE CE ORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT. 008 (No. 21 OF 2000) published by the govt. ‘of India press and some ‘of the important rules Peaet powever for detulist (TACT 2000.05 be velerred. 1. Authentication of electronic reeards. {2 Legal recognition of eleetrin records. 3 Legal recognition of Uist signatures, ‘erpontll [3 begs remeronic records ard gi Seats in Goverent and i BEN jes. 5. Retention of electronic recor. oni 3 Retemijon ule, ruletos Ss Electronic Ot ERP-15 POPULAR PUBLICATIONS cept in electronic form nit espeet of digital patch of electronie Sue records ind focument should Be a » insist ie Fes by Central Govern ‘acknowledgment? or receipt eer and receipt of eleetrenic record Secure agi sig GULATION OF ce ERTIEYING AUTHORITIES & License to issue Dig | ita Signature C 4, PENALTIES AND ADJUDICATION IS. TRIBUNAL, OFFENCES 16. Power of police officer and other officers 10 enter, search, ete. | | | | | | | | ERP1g F.COMMERCE MERE TECHNOLOGIES, wi sECHNOLOGIES, WIRELES ,, WIRELESS APPLICATION PROTOCOL PLICATION Very Short Answer i re Question _ exception the PRYBIAL Layer, WAP consist of ovsseeenPFOROCOI layers. a4 age) as az 1 008) znetwart Layer eauiraiontto 2 el fayer 3 ui Jost model layer S bb) OS! model tayer 2 (WUT 2014) ansvert (2) 6) none of these + lecronic commerce is enabled b EDP era technologies a ulisieciae (WBUT 2085, 2018] 3 internet era technologies ee answer (©) qweUT 2016} ise stands for s) Internet Service Provider by Internet Service Pro 2) nranet Servien Protocol gma Answer: (2) s.What is URL? wou 29231 Answer AML (Uniform Resource Locator) isa unigu identifier us Theme I is also referred to asa seb adress. wsed to Locate a resource on the &. SMTP refers to . [weUT 2023) Answer: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Short Answer jaestions s qweuT 2007) 4. What is blue-tooth? n Denmark more thant Answer: . The name Bluetooth iS tportowed from Harald Bluetooth, a king in Ds re us an Of yortuinity for the industry 10 iver aT of devices. Bluetooth is 3 ss a broad range 1,000 years ago. The tec! f ‘ubiquitous acros | a munications Witeless solutions that are ce specification for the use Of Jow-power radio comm computers and other network “Jevices aver srt distances: o wirelessly link phones, ERP-17 punLicATIons ' a spelt tec a te ch a sl Pentel cover dsan sf LEE sen las asated aly commute a ess thay (Ce op Taso tanh eee sin OF, cl wth Specification, Alingst ti orth “ani aha Pa ame’ 3s 802.1 1b and Boa i onsmunisate eine proweeots AY AG a comeant 82.116. Blo Buco manda ies the i Compared to Wik het a suitable ote 8 vickss wots. OEMS wth Bag se and tr meng tschnoingy include Bluctooth was ratified as EAE 802. [5 8 Extranet 1 2. Explain about internet, Intranet & Extranet. IWveur aot, cat 9 camectng euspster 1 as ther computer anywhere in thy Inert is a means of connecting Hers are connected overt dicated rovkers and servers. When Hse Cony wsorid via dedicated row eateries Intemet, they san send and ra Soans oum ines fog sve eprint the werd ove albert ng ctining and develinent. The hspeed, ibroptic cables (called backbngy dae i ead ete re oie by dy og anenhere from dozens to thousands of people. They’ often have their own physical infrastructure, separate froin the Imemet Viouch they tend to offer Internet access, Some do wo. typically for reasons af privacy, security at lack of need. In comparison, an intranets éan be partially seaied off from the extransts they access, allowing for a add ro eee private areas of its insane from the eyes of eaher ‘companies. In addition to its strategic nesessiy, this alsa has se ity value since extranets usually run on the*global Intemet as. viral Privale networks, This makes extrancts especially crane agit atsks when compared to inane To ees Ca an rant extranet, a user, senerally needs a Passcode, . work, € 'met Industry structure with diagram? [WBUT 2023] Follow oy commensal 237), We can investigate firm Structure (the boundaries of the firm) by 10 the altrnaive of were ont" *et3ting production stages within a single firm relative Inf Market exchange 19 Wansfer intermediate goods. The value sy fo INEM Service Eons f ®. including Econ ‘hat mi lvternet tee ve oie tot cre NY Isclacatanpot sevice UA) {site remetianpe ees on “area transport services (WAT) , phony. may be phy ay be decompose ne te ‘ee ss ge ay caleba a onic eer secs bi © madern pc ns 1 ee sees + eed usocicmecton * peenez endarienons ‘Wide sees Fite Pesier wan (Carlene disuree xe) Caso toca ats (oslo) Con = geal sees thing at respon lies ‘A model of internet industry structore 4. Define WAP. Explain ite importance in ecommerce: Answer [wBUT 2008, 20101 Wireless Application Protocol or WAP is an open international standard for applications thet use wireless communication. Its principal application is 1© enable access 10 the internet from a mobile phone or PDA (personal digital assistan®) Mobile internet sites, or WAP sites, are, ebsites written in, or dynamically converted 10, WML (Wireless Markup Language) and ‘accessed via the WAP browse ‘A WAP browser is designed to provide all of the basic serviees of 2 computer ase web browser but Simplified to operate within the reset ofa mobile PHONE . WAP is now the protocol used for the majority of the world’s sabe ink li known as WAP sites. The Japanese i-mode system is currently the only other. i . The pol. WAP, service providers Trad tisited opportiies {© compating witless ee ie .P, service pos ae required £0 SHPPOR HON offer interactive 4 retive data applications ata services. Inter commonplace activities Such 2 «email by mobile Phone ‘© stock market prices + sports results + news headlines racking, | Elune pon itt ade peg Sacks ptt Bat wht © iY of ction, + te Sy or a ome ps WAP cpt se "CNA aca rte ste a8 WAP i ra nll dei 5A ence, Lavever tl proincnl imdeperaience eek ‘incuit switel 2 Poe PP vera cut Pama perros WIP es O88 SHERson mecha ove siden fr bith packet ss neta {rash pu oF ei pak site of ae rere it COCA efron ad Er Front Pushed to thameas ites at cactus, WAP Pa aloe WAP sti Spee encoded mene fest iu ue ineren. WAP S spiel ontop oe Se ee egies Hebe Wal >P supported bearer, such as GPRS or SAS ‘most GS\4 ares ee supported so WAP Pes messages have t be delivered sn or the SMS ber On caine WAP heh nate later enabled handen cil ute ically ive the user the option to access the WAP content, The network enti tps Wa Paes nese or SMS bearer is know TA a po sult tht would allow the interopesbiliy of wap Select the product > Negotiate price Place an order indicating total price confirm order and the availability Make payment using SET Protocol Verily and approve the purchase Process orders Ship the product Collect feedback fom the seller YYvvvvyy nlespecialized services aad servers perform the functions are: mab Serer isnot a hardware platforms Software program, The Web servers eg. htp daemon in UNIX or itp servies in Windows NT the functions are: | 1. Service HTTP requests | Provide access control Mechanism(ACM) | : pee access rights oF 8 particular directories oF files on the Web server ~ Run scripts and extemal Programs to either add Functionality to the Web documents 5. eyeapelte atime accesso databer and other dynamic data Emblen Jon Ree and administration OF both the server functions and the contents 6 ‘2B ranstetions thatthe user males ERP-24 pistinguished by: Platt forms, servers cam be di Unix platform, Wie eee’ performance: ‘ator, Window: 7 perforce: Various servers snect y security Sitting YP addess, seed, Conumeree? SuppOR online sll oa il hers ata exchange, et 5 pitferentiate among Internet, intranet and &; et and Extranet compare and contrast Extranet and Intranet. pistinguish between Interns . internet ontnas and Intranet. Network diagram = Aout = Fae FS, ‘= Aplin Seve =, Ccasomer's Nenwork vane Internet Ti aGlobal system of | It is interconnected computer network specific tM network organisation. Wot regulated by any author | Paar conten Ta the wetwork Thus content i s | [isaceessible to | accessible only ; members of organizations everyone connected. | ERP-25 Econ HeRCRcHe ervices) ' : buying (li 1 (ike shopping car and TPeivate network thet vendors regained by rliple organization: Sf mT | wok mer earwected hae [commode Te is meane of sharing a ormation ion between members and ‘ nization. catoread vin a | Security ealbeea y sat oF Te | Secor Urewall that separates inti, [sar ef eve somcted ts eval & extrane e { network, ample TOS ain ena | Exam a ant [Examples Whar we are i business | network for. busine normally usiaw is internet. iano ‘operations, | TS Sioa rave val] Users shod ae | |e cy Soe SHR Ue ced to does | erences anonymously ee Extranet, ? inane a i regulated by [Extranet ts also re; | Tuemet is unregutated and [ But Iniranet contractual arate the organization po uncensored between organizations 6. Write short notes on the following: a) Mobile Computing (WBUT 2009) b) Wap Answer: a) Mobile Computing: Mobile computing is a form of human-compu expected to be ‘ransported during normal usage. Mobile mobile communication, mobile hardware and mobile soft, Communication issues in ad-hoc and inffastruc Properties, protocols, data formals and concrete technolo, on the hardware, ie. mobile devices or the characteristics and requirements of m, bile applications, b) WAP: Refer to Question No, } of Long Answer Type Questions, ERP-26 externay members, intel waiag 8 related to access Bulated by [waur 2007] er interaction where a computer is computing has three aspects are. The first aspect addresses ‘ure networks as well as communication . The second aspect focuses device components. The third aspect deals with 4 eBay 5 88 CXOMPLe of aay 5) 820 b) ED} E-commerce a answer) Cy enee Me: WBUT 207,209,201) } z.The PRLC aBProseh ident he Reconstruct b) Deaton Net ot tho fallow sor? (8) struct Spraage ese? Wau 20971 ” ° ) Both (a) & (0) which Model of E- comm 3 erco deals with i 3) Aggregator model Virtual auction? answer? (3) 4) Brokerage model 4.There are at a) one {ype of Business Transaction modes, BUT 290) Answer: (@) eythree 6) four 5. 1Gov. com is an example of 2) B28 b) 2G sea (weUr 2010, 2043] Answver: (©) goes g.Ebusiness SMW is best defined to manage qweUT 2040} 'a) buyer applications b) seller applications ¢)all of these ¢) none of these Answer: (©) 1 whieh of the following is part of the four main types For E-Commerse? oan (wBUT 201 2) 828 b) B2C cz ) All of these Answer: (3) 019 s. Which cegment do eBay, Amazon and OLX belong te? wr 2019] a) B28 b) B2C Ci Answer: (e) 1c 9 advantages 1S normally asoocited SUT aa 4. Which of the followin ecommerce? i a} shorter cycle time ¢) reaches wider ‘audience Answer: (4) by) reduction in costs ) all of those ERP-27 JAR PUBLICATIONS werce is z waars commerce fs MELT 20, 1G e-commoreo, 28 «- 10. Compared to 82 sch ir _sunnatstrpas 11. ¥hat ype of e-commerce onde — irons Governme 820) | Short Answer Type Questions work? D020 nd how does it 1. What is e«governance and hot er examples. Exon Ecovermance wth eae aE 7, oan 2009, 20462, 2019) 1 Part ‘s use of information technology t0 exch euslature. judiciary, or administration Government may be applied bythe leslature. judiciary, or &-Government may be applied by OF processes of democrats icieney, the delivery of public services, getemanc as refs cen ovement eran ee ack of polices. The most important anticipated benefits of e-zovernment include improved Eifciency. convenience, and better accessibility of public services. in simple tere Electronic Govemance can be defined as giving citizens the choice of when and where they access government information and servis 2" Part: Examples ofe governance: Fighting Corruption Using the The Information Technology Standards pilot project whose aim is to increase public awaren anticipation in fighting corrupt practices. ‘The pilot project points oe ae It 8 fowns, two remote locations. The medis will oe the source Points of information which will be routed to the Electronic Graft Management (EGM) Centre, The EGM Centre will ' information electronically and forward/channel it {0 the relevant authorities for action, Cann eee Study can be consulted at The Cefter for Digital Discourse and Internet in Kenya Association (ITSA) of Kenya has launched a ness and encourage public will offer a Corruption online E-seva center in Andbea Pradesh State of India The goal of saat st simplify the delivery of city services by providing a wide {Besnum of ize tendly services th it S2V¢ citizens the bother of running around WS dpa. Serves prove incase Payment of utility bills; reservations of ERP-2g jo eke: gtNg bi 0 et dcparinicnt server wt itl erica Psoninnciaccae So oer Rae eh ie caine and often largy offices and wer launcts oF the ere S i ange crowds w; re Tormally ti Gv Proje eiirete C880 study oe eae forthe servic atonal tite For C cr driving Nicene: i, these serviens, hecaite of slow Mas oth ‘ommuniestion ant Dee tion and Developmen lopment ' what 3 20 alte moder? P es Sale to - ginesses that use this lel? Provide two yeshanne eat ¥ * this model. two examples of olectronic: commer (weur 2608), Ailiate (oF click-through) model merchant popular commerce relationshi ip im wihich an 7 an ag “= aaine ie merchants sie Each wale poet ee 2 ;. ach si seniera providing an advertiser: so ee a se 2 results ina small commission forthe affhate. pee ovis a eam of sh chant els in gal commision fre afte santé me a teeraraew athe, Cut rings the merchant, which owns the aMorget its desired audience. I i, cing estoner quien eos ar ow ‘i args In contrast to the istion pound sowie High sopeople tay be surfing. does hs by ole sured aveve ihe or of a percentage of revenue) to affiliated partner sites The afl sete shin clickshrough tothe merchant. tis papay forperformanes made ve ie er generate sales, it represen costo the merch. ee tae mote scprenily well-suited 10 the web, which explains its ponuarty i vieated inlae ner exchange, pay-per-click, and revenue sharing proprems ” Examples of affiliate models are: ames ané noble 4, what s supplier centric B2B electronic commerce? WUT 2008, 20101 Answer: Electronic Commerce: B2B Ir equires two or more business entities interacting with each other direst through an intermediary. The intermediaries in B2B may be the ‘market makers and directory service providers that assist in matching the ‘buyers and sellers and striking a deal. The business fpofiction of B2B electronic commer ra lized to faite alos al ES ot the interactions ‘among organizations, such as Inventory Management ‘Channel Management, Distribution Management, Order fattillment and deliver management. The B2B electronic commerce ca 1. Supplier-Centric, 2. Buyer-centric 3, Intermediary-centric : market place for various buyer businesses '° cet place: Jectronic commerce A supplier sets up the ¢! Nn cc s at its ‘electronic man interact with the supplies ERP-29 of products etsy sein the domain oF Such a may 5 Tepicy senate solutes ACN it hepa Dh ven iy, difterential P Inusinesses. US Funeria Comet Online (COD o-commer 4. Discuss about the potential benefits of 828 orca, Maur a Ainbivers 2 Shing up produet development ativities ~ reducing time to marke mproved business and market intelligent +. Understanding the market better than competitors 3. isiness in further markets Improving the speed of communication 2: Factarng conmmareaionbeteon customers ad suppirs 8. Reducing wastage through additional sales channels 9. Improved ability to experiment and learn 10, Higher customer retention rates 1. Lower customer acquisition costs 12. Reduced casts can be passed on in favourable pricing. . What are the benefits and points of concern in CPD? ee (W8UT 2009) The word CPD si nds for principles of continuing professional development Far Successful implementation of E-governance, professi y emanece, professionals need 10 be tra regular curriculum, metmgtt 6. What are tho models of 828 e-c Answer: B2B refe; $ i website that ane es 10 business marketing, Essentially, a B2B trade marketplace is 8 traders, distiburore nae where importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, fe prsing a business activity, 8 eternity can get together forthe purpose of A B2B trade marketpl, ‘ctplace has made it astonish; reach buyers anywhere on the planed

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