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O Riante Nature
Ah, how wondrousis nature
From the Opera:(Phil6mooet Baucis,,
T.Balbieraad M.Carr6 Charles Gouuod,
Engliehversionby EstelleLiebling ' Edited by Estello Liebling
withadditional Fluto Cadenza

Il a per-dumatra- co.
Eo cannolongor findme.

Ah, peurre Phi-16 rton, cours a-prbs ton bai - ser olol, Jo de-man-do
A.h, tnypoorPht-le- mon, how hopleadslor a Llss, lut I must say him

Copg?rghgtOXfi .bg @.8*hac4Ino.

Intq.n ational Co?yrigtt Scdod
l86610r Prletcd la tlc U.3.A.
I-J|--l r---r r--?----r

gra - cer
- Ft- .ju veux un mo-meut i - ci me re _ po -
And'tis horo aud. a - lone lor ; mo_mentI,l1

ri - aa - to nEr-


tu tQt O jardins em-bau mes._ Rulg seaux- arr doux rnur-

n&- turo, gBrld.orsper - fumett so Brook- lete flow- a,nd.rnum so

mu - f€r ti6"dosz6 - phirs- ciour on-flan- m6s.- tout sb-nfune

d, d6-
soft - ly, gpn - tls bree - !€81 aties sll a - blaze.__ Dv+y.:where all ie

olai - rertouts'a-nimoet $b- clai - ro lmesr+gardschar-m6s.

rap - tu-ro,ou-ly rap-turoanttjoy - thstmy- eyoe_ tto gloet.

ctaso. ddm, p

a 31 6 l

I-loi-seau de bran-cheeubran- - cho vol-ti - geplusgai-meat,-

Thebirds from branch to brane'hr- howgai-ly do they lly, -

a, tentpo

l'ol-soau de bran-cheen bran - cho vol-tl - gpplus gai-ment. De

so gai-ly clo thoy fly.
thebirdsfmmbralehto branoh-

Itur - tlo qui- .so pen ohe I'on- do

forrn - tains, how- thoy sp&t klo, spar-klo with



- le et - s'e parr - cbe, plus a - m o u -

w& - ters ehoot. - ing high, - w& - ters


plus a - t r I o u - rou-so-meflt. Uon- de

flow - ing,- tlow - ing gai - ln- foun - tains

oou le, lbn de ooule et pan - cho plus 4-mou-reu

sper klo, anil theY flow so ros-aing-lyl flow- ce - r€s

Lloi-seaudebranohoen bran che vol.ti - geplus gai-
I!.obirils fmdbmnshto brauch, how gai-ly tlo they

Yol-ti- Beplus gai- ment, vol-ti- ge plus gal-meut, vol-ti-geplus ga(-

sogai-ly do they lly, sogai-ly tto they fln how gai-ly ilo they


- ri - an-te na - tq
howrondrous ig !.&

o Jar - dins - ba+-o n6q.*,*

gEl - dens per - €4 -
fumed so fire6t,,,,,:,
L t a


au dour- Eur - mu
and, mur - mut so soft

phirs e[ - flam - [les. Tbut s'a:r-i-me et
bree ell & - blaze. On-ly rap - turo

- rZG

olai -- 1s i - mesro - gards cbar- fies.-

joy- do myoyor greet.- *,


,-' ^ r'- -^
a- -./-- --^ .^a^ /

D'un o - porur qu'tl ost doux do rt

Sweotit ig Just to laugh at love.

mavotx dans le bois

ttis to laugh

si mavof: dans lo bois l'at ti quo l'a - rnorrr

It youkUow that holoves You ttu€. Ihon you know
eq 0e jour- lins pi Ce bai-ser donx et
that ho will rs- turn to you.
kiss sweet antl

ten- dro qubn fait sem-blant de re-fus - er, ce bai-ser doux et

ten - der that one pro- tenils:- to re , fuso, Yes,thiskiss is to-

ten - dro qubn fait sem-blant do ro - fus - er, oe bai

jec - tetl on.e's swoot - hoart- to oon- fusel V€8r this

ser dour
kise one
pre -
ten -
tonils to
c'est i lui h" sa - voir* le-
fuser- ono re - jects- Just-

t I &
pre[ - dio. A'hr- a.b,-
to- oon - ftrso.

outil ost doux do Si ma voix

Ah, eo swoot
l:uet to laugh at IATA

- nOr ai mavoi:
da.oslo bois
ttig to laugh dosr lovs. Il you know
dans le bois l'at que lb - moirr
that he lovos yor theu you know

: ' 7
l'ins - pi - re en oo Jour. ,,
that hswill re-turn to you. Ah, _ a^h, - .

ma voir dans lo bols

you hnow that yout love
quo rb-
thon yor

!10ur etr oe f ins - pi - re. si ttra voix

!o - to you,- il yout lovo
kuow hetll

tiro oa oo Jour quo Ita - mour- I'ins - pi - ro.

thr vill to turn to- you.
loveg you theu you Luow that hs /.\


be interpolateilhere.u cadelzais noi usetl,cut to Q pago15'

r cadenzsad lib.(withor without,.rlutQmay
and flutd.,


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