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Assignment no 1


Question: Explain the various concept related to the curriculum.

Ans: Tyler’s model of curriculum design indeed emphasizes four key elements : objectives ,
content, methods and evaluation. Curriculum goals are broad statements that describe what
students are expected to learn over a longer period of time. They provide a direction for teaching
and learning activities or serve as a basis for developing objectives. These goals essential for
shaping the overall educational experience or guiding the development of a coherent curriculum.

Curriculum theory focuses on the principles, concepts or frameworks used to design , implement
or evaluate educational programs, including what should be taught, how learning outcomes
should be assessed. Pedagogy on the other hand, is more about the actual methods or strategies
of teaching or learning. Both are integral to the overall educational process.


Elementary schools often design their curricula with the goal of improving national testing
scores or helping students learn fundamental skills. They might or science, as well as incorporate
activities that promote critical thinking, creativity or other important skills. The curriculum is
typically designed to meet educational standards or prepare students for future academic success.

Question: Why is curriculum essential for educational institution?

Ans: A well-designed curriculum is crucial for ensuring that all stakeholders in the education
system are aligned or working towards common goals. It provides a roadmao for teachers,
students, administrators or the community outlining what needs to be learned or achieved. This
not only helps in delivering quality education but also ensures that students are adequately
prepared for the next stages of their education and professional life.

The curriculum tells students or teachers what they need to learn or they need tolearn or do to
succeed. An evidence based one uses research to make sure it works wells.

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