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Y_ This community organizing focuses * on the adoption of local laws, the intent is to demonstrate the use of governing authority to protect community right and expose the misuse of governing authority to benefit corporations. O Faith-based community organizing © Right-based community organizing © Grass roots action © Feminist community organizing ~“ Acommunity organizing methods * in which there is a technique that involves redistribution of power and resources to disadvantaged segments of the population. © Social planning @ Social action v © Social mobilization O Locality development ~Y Societies as socialsystems and * proposes that all components of society whether they are individuals, groups, communities, nations, or global organizations, have functions- both manifest and latent- for their maintenance and growth. © Structural functional theory S © Symbolic interactionism theory O Phenomenology/ethnomethodology © Conflict theory X Atoolina family system approach * to common clinical situation to a better understanding of a patient problem that qualitatively measures family functioning. © APGAR O Genogram @ FACES K Y Conflict is considered dysfunctional to the development of organization and social relationships, and dysfunctions need to be rectified or balanced through normative values and the correction of unanticipated consequences of action. © Symbolic interactionism ©@ Structural functional theory © Conflict theory O Phenomenology/ethnomethodology X Thisisaveryimportanttoolfor * the physician in obtaining a therapeutic ally for the delivery of care in the family which provides a schematic description on wham to ask for assistance in making decisions for the patient. © Family lifeline © Family map © Draw a family test % Y_ Aprojective technique that canbe * administered individually or in- group test and does not provide clues on family members with regards to their personalities but also serve as a diagnostic device. © APGAR @ DRAFT v © Genogram x Community organizing is not * solely the domain of progressive politics, as dozens of fundamentalist organizations are in operation. © Political orientation O Right-based community organizing © Grass roots action © Broad-based community organizing ~Y Impact of culture in public health * except: Collective patterns of health-related 7 © behavior based on choices from options available to people according to their life chances. O Health behavior, that is what people do regarding health risk Health attitudes and beliefs, that is, © how people feel and think about health and illness People's perceptions of and responses © to health authorities public health guidelines and recommendation. ¥Y _ Atool that summarizes the 4 history of the family in particular and it also includes how the family has coped with these stressful life events. © DRAFT @ Family lifeline v © APGAR X Thisis abrief graphic method for * disclosing, gathering and discussing family dynamics. © Family lines O Family circle @ Draw a family test x ~“ Acommunity organizing methods * based on the concept of broad self- help participation from local community. O Social planning O Social action @ Locality development v © Social mobilization Y Inapublic health approach,when * trying to know what is the cause means; © Surveillance © Imervention evaluation @ Risk factor identification v © Implementation Y Crisis-patients have controlover * their illness through negotiation: diagnoses and treatments by the medical profession may be negotiated and treatment involves the patient's active participation. © Conflict theory ® Symbolic interactionism JS © Structural theory © Phenomenology/ethnomethodology ~“ Thisisaconcept based around * wiretapping and other kinds of surveillance that constantly gather information, rather than actively pursuing targeted results. © Active surveillance @ Passive surveillance v © Syndromic surveillance Y _ This is distinctive for its bottom up * approach to organizing, in which the organizers build community groups from scratch, developing new leadership where non existed and organizing the unorganized. © Grass root action v © Faith-based organizing © Political orientation © Broad based organizing The individual's subjective perception of the situation through meanings and symbols has a significant impact of hi/her behavior. © Conflict theory @ Symbolic interactionism 7 O Structural theory O Phenomenology/ethnomethodology Y_ The following basic components * of surveillance: © Collection and analysis O Dissemination © Response ©@ Allofthe above V7, xX Apart of SCREEM in which the pathology is handicaps limits the ability of family members to comprehend the problem or recommended solutions. © Educational © Economic © Medical * / __ Refers to values and beliefs emanating from one's ethnic and religious ethos, typically transmitted across generations as part of the community's identity for living. O Ethnic © Values @ Culture v © Family * Y Atreatment plan that involves * closely watching a patient's condition but not giving any treatment unless there are changes in test results that show the condition is getting worse. @ Active surveillance v © Passive surveillance © Syndromic surveillance X Acommunity is not,when people * get together tc effect a specific social change but have no long term plan @ Activism x © Mobilizing © Advocacy O Social movement building O@O0 The potential for conflict is a normal component of social relationships, thus, negotiation and bargaining are key elements of social interaction. Symbolic interactionism Structural functional theory Conflict theory vA Ethnomethodology X Community organizing principles * include the following except. The social condition of the © stakeholders itself gives opportunities to conscienticize the people. Tactics should be within the x © experience of the people and outside the experience of the target Holistic approach can deal © successfully with problems with which a fragmented approach cannot cope. O People generally act on the basis of their self-interest. ~ Acommunity is not, advocates & generally speak for others who are deemed unable to represent their own interest due to disability, inherent complexity of the venue such as courts and hospitals, or other factors. © Activism © Mobilizing @ Advocacy Rg © Social movements building S ©®©oOo0o0 When one try to ask how do you do it in a public health approach will mean; Risk factor identification Intervention evaluation Surveillance implementation v Y Aprocess whith oommutiities.are * helped to identify common prahlems ar goals, mobilizes resources, and in other ways devefop and implement streremes. for reaching their goals they have collectively set. © Social determinants of health © Community education @® Community organizing ¥v © Universal health care Y Criteria for selecting problemin * determining the priorities ans setting goals in the approach to community organizing includes the following except: Winnable, simple an specific Create an intervention v Must unite, affect many and build community OO @0 Part of larger plan Y_ Thisisthe monitoring of rateof * occurrence of specific disease/conditions through a voluntary network of doctors, laboratories and public health departments with a view to assess the stability or change in health levels of a population. © Syndromic surveillance © Sentinel surveillance A © Active surveillance © Passive surveillance X Adouble line symbols between two people indicates: © Functional © Dysfunctional x O Over-involved relationship where there is plenty of intrusion. * ~Y Labelling: illness may be socially * defined or labelled through a process of normative evaluation. @ Symbolic interactionism a O Conflict theory © Structural functional theory O Phenomenology/ethnomethodology X purposes of public health surveillance include the following except: © assess public health status © facilitate public health planning © define public health priorities © evaluate programs > Acomponentof APGARinwhich * there is commitment of family members to devote time to support each other's physical and emotional growth and pertains to the sharing of wealth and space. © Adaptation @ Growth x © Resolve ~ Medical care market different form * other markets: © Presence of uncertainty © Demand is irregular and uncertain © Ais correct only @ Allofthe above v Y _ illness as belonging to a broad category od disturbing occurrences which breach the taken for granted peace of everyday routines. © Symbolic interactionism © Confict theory © Phenomenology/ethnomethodolog ./ y O Structural functional theory * This gathers information about patient's symptoms during the early phases of illness. © Passive surveillance © Active surveillance @ Syndromic surveillance Y * Y Community characteristics affecting its ability to identify, mobilize, and address problems. © Empowered community O Social capital @ Community capacity © Participation and relevance * Y_ Thisis a family system approach to * common clinical situation to facilitate an understanding of a patient problem that included inheritance patterns, family illness, family structures and emotional process © APGAR © Genogram v © FACES < ©0000 some uses of public health surveillance includes the following: estimate magnitude of the problem determine geographic distribution of illness portray the natural history of a disease all of the above Y * Y __ Thisis the component of an APGAR deals with the physical and emotional growth attained by each family member from the family’s ability to support and guide. © Adaptation © Growth A © Affection * Y Thedeviance model-illnessasa * state of dependency for the person affected whereby is expected but seen as a social control system and the physician as an agent of social control. © Structural functionalist theory = / O Conflict theory © Symbolic interactionism O Phenomenology/ethnomethodology theory Y_ Thesickrole or capacitymodel- * illness is a breakdown of normality leading to the individual's total or partial incapacity to perform normal social roles, and brings the person into the sick role. © Conflict theory O Symbolic interactionism theory © Structural functional theory AS O Phenomenology/ethnomethodology theory Health and illness are qualitatively * different, one are either healthy or ill, there is no continuum between them. © Biomedical model wht © Biopsychosocial model © Matarazzo's definition © Biophysical model x DRAFT (Draw a Family Test) is useful in the family assessment. A tool in a family system approach >< to common clinical situation to a better understanding of a patient problem that qualitatively measures family functioning. Useful and revealing or can be an expression of the unconscious label that represents an adulterated basic needs. This assessment tool is based in the Olson's circumflex model of family function, a self reported scale wherein the patient rates his/her family. * Y _ Relationships and structures * within a community that promote cooperation for mutual benefit. © Social capital a © Community capacity © Empowered community @

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