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Thermal Physics of the Atmosphere 1

(Developments in Weather and Climate

Science 1) 2nd Edition Maarten H.P.
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Thermal Physics
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Second Edition
Developments in Weather and
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Thermal Physics
of the Atmosphere
Second Edition

Maarten H. P. Ambaum
Department of Meteorology
University of Reading
Reading, United Kingdom

Series editor
Paul D. Williams
Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom
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Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
CHAPTER 1 Ideal gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Thermodynamic variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Microscopic viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Ideal gas mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
CHAPTER 2 The first and second laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1 Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2 Energy conservation: the first law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 Entropy and the second law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 Thermodynamic heat engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.5 Boltzmann entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.6 Entropy and probability: a macroscopic example . . . . . . . . . . 32
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
CHAPTER 3 General applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1 Thermodynamic potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.2 Heat capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.3 Properties of ideal gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.4 Potential temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.5 Open systems: enthalpy flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.6 Latent heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.7 Turbulent energy fluxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.8 Van der Waals’ gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
CHAPTER 4 The atmosphere under gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.1 Geopotential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.2 Hydrostatic balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.3 Adiabatic lapse rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.4 Buoyancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.5 Dry static energy and Bernoulli function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.6 Vertical coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.7 Statistical mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
CHAPTER 5 Water in the atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.1 The Clausius–Clapeyron equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.2 Calculation of saturated vapour pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

vi Contents

5.3 Humidity variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

5.4 Dewpoint temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.5 Wet-bulb temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.6 Moist static energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.7 The Penman equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
CHAPTER 6 Vertical structure of the moist atmosphere . . . . . . . . 115
6.1 Adiabatic lapse rate for moist air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.2 Entropy of moist air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.3 Finite amplitude instabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
6.4 Vertical structure in thermodynamic diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.5 Convective available potential energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
CHAPTER 7 Cloud drops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
7.1 Homogeneous nucleation: the Kelvin effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
7.2 Heterogeneous nucleation: the Raoult effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
7.3 Köhler theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
7.4 Charge-enhanced nucleation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
7.5 Drop growth by diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
7.6 Drop growth by collision and coalescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
CHAPTER 8 Mixtures and solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
8.1 Chemical potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
8.2 Ideal gas mixtures and ideal solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
8.3 Raoult’s law revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
8.4 Boiling and freezing of solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
8.5 Affinity and chemical equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
CHAPTER 9 Thermal radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
9.1 Thermal radiation and Kirchhoff’s law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
9.2 The Stefan–Boltzmann and Wien displacement laws . . . . . . . 180
9.3 Global energy budget and the greenhouse effect . . . . . . . . . . . 182
9.4 Climate feedbacks and the hydrological cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
9.5 Thermodynamics of a photon gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
9.6 Derivation of the Planck law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
9.7 Energy flux, and the Stefan–Boltzmann integral . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
CHAPTER 10 Radiative transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
10.1 Radiative intensity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
10.2 Radiative transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
10.3 Zenith angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
10.4 Radiative–convective equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Contents vii

10.5 Optically thin layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
CHAPTER 11 Non-equilibrium processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
11.1 Energetics of motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
11.2 Diabatic effects and the second law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
11.3 Thermodynamics of forced dissipative systems . . . . . . . . . . 232
11.4 Climate thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
APPENDIX A Functions of several variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
APPENDIX B Thermodynamic diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Useful data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

Should we view classical physics as a tool to understand phenomena in atmospheric

science, or should we view atmospheric science as an applied branch of classical
physics? Of course both viewpoints are mostly accurate, relevant, and even overlap-
ping. However, by focussing on the first viewpoint we may miss out on the profound
sense of universality, of organisation that classical physics brings to our understand-
ing of the world. Here we will focus on the second viewpoint. This book is an attempt
to present atmospheric science as one of the great modern applications of classical
physics, in particular of thermodynamics.
The present second edition of Thermal Physics of the Atmosphere has been re-
vised and expanded throughout compared to the first edition. The revision follows
from years of teaching this material to postgraduate students. Many students have
told me of their sense of achievement and satisfaction —and of relief!— on finishing
a masters level physics topic, often their first exposition to advanced physics mate-
rial. I still experience the same sense of wonder, discovering and exploring the myriad
ways in which we can use thermodynamics to understand and predict so many differ-
ent phenomena in the atmosphere. I hope the reader will share this sense of wonder.

Maarten Ambaum
Reading, United Kingdom
October 2020


Ideal gases
In this chapter we introduce the concept of an ideal gas, a gas of non-interacting
molecules. An ideal gas is an accurate model of dilute gases such as the atmosphere.
We further introduce the notion of macroscopic variables, amongst them such
familiar ones as temperature and pressure. These macroscopic variables must be re-
lated to some property of the microscopic state of the molecules that make up the
substance. For example, for the systems we consider here, temperature is related to
the mean kinetic energy of the molecules. The linking of the macroscopic and mi-
croscopic worlds is the subject of statistical mechanics. In this chapter we give an
elementary application of it to ideal gases.

1.1 Thermodynamic variables

Consider a volume of gas. A useful mental picture is that of a gas in a closed cylinder
with a piston, similar to the driving cylinder of a steam engine, see Fig. 1.1. In this
way we can control certain properties of the gas, such as its volume or temperature,
and perform experiments on it. Such experiments are normally thought experiments,
although in principle they can be performed in the laboratory.
At the macroscopic level, the gas has some familiar properties:
• volume V (units: m3 )
• mass M (units: kg)
• density ρ = M/V (units: kg m−3 )
• temperature T (units: K, Kelvin)
• pressure p (units: Pa = N m−2 , Pascal).
The gas is made up of molecules with individual mass M1 , so the total mass of gas is

M = N M1 , (1.1)

with N the number of molecules. The number of molecules N is often expressed as

a multiple of the Avogadro number NA ,

NA = 6.022 × 1023 . (1.2)

The Avogadro number was until very recently defined as the number of molecules in
12 g of carbon isotope 12C, but is now defined as the exact integer 6.02214076 × 1023 .
Thermal Physics of the Atmosphere.
Copyright © 2021 Royal Meteorological Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. in cooperation with The Royal Meteorological Society. All rights
2 CHAPTER 1 Ideal gases

Gas in a cylinder with piston.

The number of molecules is then defined as a multiple n of NA

N = n NA , (1.3)

where n is the number of moles. With this definition of the mol, the mass of the gas
can be written as
M = nμ (1.4)
with μ = NA M1 the molar mass. So the molar mass of 12C is 12 g mol−1 . (Although
the ‘mol’ is not strictly speaking a physical unit, it is defined by writing the Avogadro
number as NA = 6.02214076 × 1023 mol−1 .)
The temperature can be defined as ‘that property which can be measured with a
thermometer’. This definition sounds circular but it can be shown to be a perfectly
valid definition. The SI unit1 for temperature is the Kelvin (K). Temperature is often
denoted in degrees Celsius, ◦ C with T /◦ C = T /K − 273.15, or in degrees Fahrenheit,
◦ F with T /◦ F = 1.8 T /◦ C+32, see Fig. 1.2. Temperature can never be lower than 0 K,

or absolute zero; the temperature in Kelvin is also called the absolute temperature.

Nomogram for Celsius–Fahrenheit conversion.

Figure 1.3 illustrates the typical mean temperatures encountered through the depth
of the Earth’s atmosphere. This figure uses the logarithm of pressure as a vertical co-
ordinate because this is approximately proportional to the altitude in the atmosphere.

1 SI stands for Système International d’Unités, the internationally agreed system of units for physical
1.1 Thermodynamic variables 3

Temperature, in ◦ C, as a function of height. Tropical annual mean (thick line), extratropical
winter mean (medium solid line) and extratropical summer mean (medium dashed line).
The tropics here correspond to the latitudes between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn;
the extratropics here correspond to the latitudes beyond 45◦ in either hemisphere for the
corresponding season. Based on data from Randel, W. et al. (2004) Journal of Climate 17,
Going up in altitude, the temperature first decreases (troposphere), increases
(stratosphere), and then decreases again (mesosphere). The mesosphere ends at about
90 km altitude, above which the temperature starts to increase again (thermosphere). These
atmospheric layers are separated by the tropopause, stratopause, and mesopause,
The temperature increase in the stratosphere is due to the photo-dissociation of ozone, O3 ,
which absorbs the solar energy in the UV part of the spectrum (wavelengths shorter than
about 320 nm). Indeed, the ozone itself is formed by photo-dissociation of molecular
oxygen, O2 , which occurs at wavelengths shorter than 240 nm. The maximum ozone
concentration (‘the ozone-layer’) is at about 25 km altitude.
The temperature in the troposphere has a maximum in the tropics, while in the
stratosphere it has a maximum in the summer hemisphere and a minimum in the winter
hemisphere. This latitudinal temperature gradient is reversed in the mesosphere. Note also
that the tropopause is coldest and highest in the tropics.
The thermosphere (outside this plot) is heated by absorption of UV radiation and
subsequent ionization of the molecular constituents, thus forming the ionosphere. At these
altitudes the density is so low that energy does not get thermalized effectively and local
thermodynamic equilibrium is not fully attained. The thermosphere gives way to space in
the exosphere.
4 CHAPTER 1 Ideal gases

Pressure is the force a gas exerts on its bounding walls per unit area. This does
not mean that gas only has a pressure defined at the bounding walls: the internal pres-
sure of a gas can in principle be measured by inserting some probe and measuring
the force per unit area on the probe. There are several units of pressure in use, each
with its specific area of application. The SI unit for pressure is the Pascal (Pa) which
is equivalent to one Newton per square metre. In atmospheric applications we nor-
mally use the hectoPascal (hPa; by definition, 1 hPa = 100 Pa) or millibar (mbar; with
1 mbar = 1 hPa).
A pressure of 1013.25 hPa is also called one atmosphere, the notional mean value
of mean sea level pressure on Earth. So we have 1 atm = 101325 Pa. This pressure
unit is almost exclusively used in high pressure engineering applications and, despite
its name, does not usually find application in atmospheric science. A related pressure
unit is the bar with 1 bar = 105 Pa, from which, of course, the millibar is derived.
Pressure and temperature do not correspond to a property of individual molecules.
They are bulk properties that can only be defined as a statistical property of a large
number of molecules. This will be discussed in the next section.
There are several other macroscopic variables that can be used to describe the
state of a simple gas; these are known as thermodynamic variables. If we know all
the relevant thermodynamic variables, we know the full thermodynamic state of the
gas. All these variables are interrelated and it turns out that for a simple substance (a
substance with a fixed composition, such as dry air) we only need two thermodynamic
variables to describe its thermodynamic state.2
For more complex systems we need more variables. For example, in a mixture of
varying composition we need to know the concentrations of the constituents. Moist
air is such a mixture. The number of water molecules in the air is highly variable
and these variations need to be taken into account. For sea water we need to know
the salinity —the amount of dissolved salts— because it has important consequences
for the density. Finally, for cloud drops we need to know the surface area as well as
the amount of dissolved solute, both of which have profound consequences for the
thermodynamics of the drops.
Thermodynamic variables are either:
• extensive, proportional to the mass of the system, or
• intensive, independent of the mass of the system.
Volume and mass are extensive variables, temperature and density are intensive vari-
ables. For most variables it is obvious whether they are extensive or intensive.

2 The number N of thermodynamic variables required to define the state of any system is given by the
Gibbs’ phase rule,

N = 2 + C − P,

with C the number of independent constituents and P the number of coexisting phases (gas, liquid, solid)
in the system.
1.1 Thermodynamic variables 5

Extensive variables can be divided by the mass of the system to become intensive;
such new variables are then called specific variables. Specific and extensive variables
will be denoted by the same letter, but with the specific variable written in lower case
and its extensive equivalent in upper. For example, the volume V of a system divided
by the mass M of the system becomes the specific volume v with v = V /M. Note

v = 1/ρ, (1.5)

where ρ is the density. Specific volume is often, confusingly, denoted by a Greek

letter α, an apparently arbitrary notation which we will not follow here. Later we
will come across other extensive variables. For example, the entropy S of a system
is an extensive variable, so we can define s = S/M as the specific entropy. Although
temperature T is an intensive variable it is normally denoted by an upper case letter,
a convention we adopt here as well.
We have ignored internal variations in the volume of gas or material under con-
sideration. For example, we assume there is no internal macroscopic motion of the
gas, which would be associated with pressure variations and internal kinetic energy.
Clearly this is not the case for the atmosphere as a whole. The pressure and density
vary enormously through the atmosphere, usually most dramatically in the vertical:
at 10 km height the pressure is about a quarter of its surface value.
We assume that we can define the intensive thermodynamic variables locally and
that they have their usual equilibrium thermodynamic relations. We then say that the
gas is in local thermodynamic equilibrium. Local thermodynamic equilibrium is valid
if there is a large separation between the spatial and temporal scales of macroscopic
variations and those of microscopic variations. The spatial scale of macroscopic vari-
ations needs to be much larger than the mean free path of molecules, the mean
distance a molecule travels between collisions with other molecules. The temporal
scale of macroscopic variations needs to be much larger than the mean time between
molecular collisions. Near the Earth’s surface the mean free path in the atmosphere is
about 0.1 µm (about 30 times the average molecular distance) with typical molecular
velocities of several hundreds of metres per second, so local thermodynamic equilib-
rium is satisfied. It turns out that above about 100 km height, local thermodynamic
equilibrium breaks down: the density and collision rate is so low that thermal equi-
librium cannot be achieved on short enough time scales.
A small volume of gas in the atmosphere, for which the internal motion can be
ignored and which has well-defined density, temperature, and so on, is called an air
parcel. Because an air parcel is, by definition, in local thermodynamic equilibrium,
its thermodynamic variables satisfy all the relationships that are found in equilib-
rium systems. At the level of an air parcel we need not worry about non-equilibrium
6 CHAPTER 1 Ideal gases

1.2 Microscopic viewpoint

From the microscopic viewpoint, temperature is defined as the average kinetic energy
of the molecules,
3 1 1 1
 k B T = M1 U + M1 V + M1 W ,
2 2 2
2 2 2 2
with (U , V , W ) the three-dimensional vector velocity of the molecule. The brackets
. . . denote the average, a time average for a single molecule, the average over all
molecules, or the average over an ensemble of gases in the same macroscopic state.
A key assumption of statistical mechanics is that all these averages lead to the same
result. The constant kB is the Boltzmann constant,

kB = 1.381 × 10−23 J K−1 . (1.7)

In statistical physics as well as macroscopic thermodynamics, energy is the funda-

mental quantity. Temperature is a derived quantity which has been given its own
units because it is measured with a thermometer. The Boltzmann constant is merely a
proportionality constant between energy and absolute temperature. The fundamental
point is that statistical mechanics can be formulated such that the microscopic defini-
tion of temperature in terms of the mean kinetic energy of the molecules corresponds
to the thermodynamic definition of temperature.
Before May 2019 the Kelvin was defined as exactly 1/273.16 of the temperature at
the triple point of water. The standard of temperature was a triple point cell, a closed
vessel of glass which contains only pure water, kept at the temperature where the
water coexists in its three phases. Under that definition, the Boltzmann constant was
determined by measuring how much energy a molecule gains for a given temperature
change. From May 2019 the Boltzmann constant has changed from a measured quan-
tity to a defined fixed constant exactly equal to 1.380649 × 10−23 when expressed in
the unit J K−1 . This definition then ties the value of the Kelvin to the value of the
Joule, which is defined independently in terms of other fundamental physical con-
stants. The temperature of water at its triple point is now a measured quantity. Of
course it is still measured to be 273.16 K but now with an uncertainty of 0.0001 K.
The factor 3/2 in the microscopic definition of temperature reflects a classic result
in the mechanics of systems with many components, namely that each degree of free-
dom contains, on average, the same energy. A degree of freedom is an independent
variable in which the system can vary. A single molecule carries three translational
degrees of freedom: motion in the x, y, and z-directions. There can also be internal
degrees of freedom corresponding to rotations and vibrations of the molecule. The
equipartition theorem states that each accessible degree of freedom3 carries on av-
erage the same energy, and this energy equals kB T /2. Adding the average kinetic

3 Not all available degrees are necessarily accessible. Quantization of energy levels implies that there is a
minimum energy required to excite higher energy levels in any degree of freedom.
1.2 Microscopic viewpoint 7

Transfer of momentum by a molecule colliding with the wall. The total momentum transfer
is twice the momentum in the x-direction of the molecule.

energies in the three spatial directions then gives the result of Eq. (1.6). The proof of
the equipartition theorem is given in Section 4.7.
Pressure is the result of many collisions of individual molecules against the walls
of a vessel or a probe. If a molecule approaches the wall with a velocity U and
elastically collides with the wall, then the molecule’s momentum in the direction of
the wall changes by 2M1 U , from M1 U to −M1 U . This momentum is transferred to
the wall. By Newton’s laws, the amount of momentum transferred per unit time is the
force on the wall, see Fig. 1.4. For an interior point we can define the local pressure
as the momentum flux density through some imaginary surface in the interior of the
So how many molecules collide with the wall? Let the number density of
molecules, that is the number of molecules per unit volume, be denoted with ñ. We
can now write the number density of molecules with x-velocities between U and
U + dU as ñU , which is related to the total number density ñ by

ñ = ñU dU . (1.8)

Over a time δt, those molecules with positive velocity between U and U + dU that
are located within a distance U δt of the wall will collide with the wall. Therefore,
the number of such molecules that have collided with the wall will be ñU U δt A,
with A the area of the wall. To get the momentum transfer per unit time, simply
multiply this number by the momentum transfer per molecule, 2M1 U , and divide
by the time taken, δt. This is the force FU exerted on the wall by molecules with
positive velocities between U and U + dU ,

FU = 2ñU M1 U 2 A. (1.9)

To find the pressure we need to divide by A and integrate the force over all positive
velocities, U > 0, because molecules with negative velocities will not collide with
8 CHAPTER 1 Ideal gases

the wall and thus will not contribute to the pressure,

p= 2ñU M1 U 2 dU . (1.10)
U >0

By symmetry, there will be an equal number of molecules with positive and negative
U . We can therefore integrate over all velocities U , positive and negative, and divide
the result by two. The expression for the pressure then becomes

p = ñ M1 U 2 , (1.11)

with ñ the total number density. The equipartition theorem states that M1 U 2  = kB T
so that the pressure satisfies

 pV = N kB T , (1.12)

where we have substituted ñ = N/V . This is the ideal gas law.

By writing the total number of molecules N as nNA , the ideal gas law can be

 pV = nR  T , (1.13)

where R  is called the universal gas constant,

R  = NA kB = 8.314 J mol−1 K−1 . (1.14)

Before the microscopic definitions of temperature and pressure were known, it was
already hypothesized by Avogadro, and later confirmed to be true, that the constant
R  is the same for all types of gases, and therefore indeed universal.
The ideal gas law implies that for a particular number of molecules nNA held
in some volume V at some temperature T , the pressure is independent of the type
of molecules. This can be understood from the observation that both the kinetic en-
ergy (and therefore temperature) and the momentum (and therefore pressure) of a
molecule scale with the mass of the molecule.
Another form of the ideal gas law follows by dividing by the mass M = nμ of the
gas to find

 pv = RT , or p = ρRT , (1.15)

where R is the so-called specific gas constant,

R = R  /μ. (1.16)

This is the form of the ideal gas law that is normally used in atmospheric science.
Confusingly, the convention is to use a capital R for the specific gas constant even
though it is a specific quantity. Note also that in most physics and chemistry literature
the letter R stands for the universal gas constant; it should be clear from the context
1.2 Microscopic viewpoint 9

which is meant. This is one of those instances where the convention used in atmo-
spheric science literature is not particularly helpful. Although the ideal gas law in the
form of Eq. (1.13) is more general, the big advantage of the form of Eq. (1.15) is that
it is formulated in terms of specific quantities: we do not need to define the size of
the system we are describing.
The ideal gas law encompasses:
• Boyle’s law: at constant temperature, the product of pressure and volume is con-
• Gay-Lussac’s law: at constant volume, the pressure of a gas is proportional to its
Figure 1.5 illustrates these laws in diagrams. These laws were originally determined
experimentally. They are only strictly valid for ideal gases.

The left panel illustrates Boyle’s law and the middle panel Gay-Lussac’s law. The right panel
illustrates that, for an ideal gas at fixed pressure, the volume of a gas is proportional to its
temperature; this is sometimes known as Charles’s law.

In deriving the ideal gas law, we have not considered subtleties such as inelastic
collisions, where energy transfer between the gas and the wall occurs, or the consid-
eration that the wall is not a mathematical flat plane but made up of molecules. These
complications do not alter the basic result.
We have also not considered interactions between the molecules and interactions
at a distance between the molecules and the wall. This does make a difference and
it defines the difference between real gases and ideal gases. Ideal gases are made up
of non-interacting molecules, vanishingly small molecules that are unaffected by the
presence of any other molecules.
We assume that molecules in an ideal gas do not interact with each other and also
that the molecules are in thermal equilibrium. Strictly speaking these assumptions are
inconsistent, as a gas can only achieve thermal equilibrium through many collisions
between the molecules. The colliding molecules distribute the energy amongst all the
accessible degrees of freedom and thus achieve equipartition. This process of energy
distribution is called thermalization. A gas is in local thermodynamic equilibrium
if all the available energy is thermalized. If collisions are rare, energy cannot be
thermalized effectively and the gas cannot achieve local thermodynamic equilibrium.
10 CHAPTER 1 Ideal gases

This occurs at high altitudes in the atmosphere (higher than about 100 km) where the
energy input from radiation is not thermalized due to the low number of collisions.
The ideal gas law is an example of an equation of state. Real gases are not ideal
and will therefore have a different relationship between pressure, density and temper-
ature. For example, the equation of state for real gases is more accurately described
by van der Waals’ equation,
  n 2 
p+a (V − nb) = nR  T , (1.17)

with a and b constants that depend on the particular gas. The term −nb represents
the reduction in available volume due to the finite effective size of the molecules.
The term a(n/V )2 is related to the average interaction energy between molecules
(which is why the term is quadratic in the number density) and it contributes as an
effective pressure; the relation between pressure and energy density will be explained
in Section 2.2, and a derivation of van der Waals’ equation will be presented in Sec-
tion 3.8. Van der Waals’ equation is more accurate for gases at high densities, and
approximately describes such important processes as phase transitions.
Densities of gases in the atmosphere are such that the ideal gas law gives essen-
tially the same results as van der Waals’ equation, so we stick to the much simpler
ideal gas law. Indeed, for low densities van der Waals’ equation reduces to the ideal
gas law,

Eq. (1.17) → pV = nR  T if n/V → 0. (1.18)

Conversely, for large pressures,

Eq. (1.17) → V = nb if p → ∞. (1.19)

So the high pressure, incompressible liquid is also a limiting case of van der Waals’
In general, an equation of state is some relationship between the variables of the

f (p, N, V , T , a1 , a2 , a3 , . . .) = 0, (1.20)

where a1 , a2 . . . represent any other variables that influence the state of the system,
such as humidity in air, or salinity in water. The equation of state is dependent on
the precise nature of the system and results derived using an equation of state are
therefore only valid for that particular system. We will see that many of the results in
this book are derived without reference to an equation of state and will therefore be
valid for any substance.
1.3 Ideal gas mixtures 11

1.3 Ideal gas mixtures

Ideal gases are defined as gases where the molecules themselves have negligible vol-
ume and have negligible interactions with each other. So if we mix several ideal gases
at the same temperature in a single volume they do not ‘feel’ each other’s presence.
This means that each constituent gas contributes independently to the pressure. The
contribution of each constituent to the total pressure is called the partial pressure. So
ni mols of constituent i will have a partial pressure pi equal to
ni R  T
pi = . (1.21)
The fact that these partial pressures independently make up the total pressure of the
mixture is called Dalton’s law:
p= pi . (1.22)
Dalton’s law is only strictly true for ideal gases. For non-ideal gases, partial pressures
cannot be easily defined in general.
Another way of expressing Dalton’s law is
pi = yi p, (1.23)

where the molar fraction yi of constituent i is defined by

yi = ni /n, (1.24)

with n = i ni the total number of moles in the mixture.

From Dalton’s law it follows that
ni R  T M ni μi R 
p= = T = ρRT , (1.25)
i V i V M μi

ni μi R 
R= = w i Ri , (1.26)
i M μi i

with Ri the specific gas constant for constituent i and wi the mass fraction of con-
stituent i —that is, the fraction constituent i contributes to the total mass of the
mixture (see also Problem 1.6):
wi = Mi /M. (1.27)

The specific gas constant of the mixture is related to an effective molar mass of the
mixture μ which is defined by
R 1 wi
R= with = . (1.28)
μ μ i μi
Table 1.1 lists the main constituents of air. The dry air constituents are well mixed
and long-lived which means that the bulk composition of dry air is fixed throughout
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secondly: the value of manao alua: na hana a
the bambu. ka ohe.

First: the bambu is used for Hana mua. He makoi lawaia ia

fishing rods; that is one way the ka ohe. Oia kekahi mea, e loaa
natives here in Hawaii had of ai ka ia i na kanaka o Hawaii nei,
catching fish, by tying a string to ma ka hoopaa ia ana o ke aho,
the tip end of the bambu, with a ma ka welau o ka ohe, me ka
hook attached on the end of the hoopaa i ka makau ma ka piko o
string; such a bambu is called a ke kaula, a ua kapa ia o ua ohe
fishing rod. nei, he makoi lawaia ia.

Second: as house battens; that Hana Alua: He aho hale. Oia

is another use of the bambu. In kekahi hana a ka ohe, aia i ka
the olden times small sized wa kahiko, ua kii ia na ohe liilii
bambus for battens (or sticks) for kupono ke hana ia i aho hale, a
thatching a house; that was one oia kekahi hana a ka ohe. [591]
of its values.

Third: the Hawaiians in the olden Hana Akolu: He pahi ka ohe na

times used the bambu as a ko Hawaii nei i ka wa kahiko. Aia
knife. 52 But the time for its use nae ka wa e lilo ai ka ohe i pahi,
as such was when it was split aia i ka wa e nahaha ai, oia ka
up; that is when it is sharp. wa oi o ka ohe. O kekahi hana,
Another value of the bambu is in he mea kapala kapa ia na na
its use as a printing stick 53 for wahine kuku kapa i ka wa
marking kapa made by the kahiko, a hiki no i keia wa, aia i
women in the olden times, and ka wawahi ia, a apanapana
even to the present day. It is split maikai e like me ka manao o ka
and shaped up as the skilful loea kuku kapa, oia kekahi hana
kapa makers desire it. That is a ka ohe.
one use of the bambu. [590]
Fourth: its joints. The joint Hana Aha: Ma kona mau puna.
sections are made into water Aia ma kona puna ua hana ia i
containers 54 when it becomes huawai, aia nae, o ka ohe nunui
large enough for that purpose. ke kupono ke hana ia, oia kekahi
That is another value of the hana a ka ohe.

Fifth: its leaves. The leaves of Hana Elima: Ma kona lau. Aia
the bambu are used for ma kona lau he mea anai komo
polishing; it would put a good ia, i mea e maikai ai ke komo,
polish on rings; also on pipes pela no hoi ka ipupaka, a me ka
and on wooden calabashes; ipulaau, oia iho la na hana a ka
such are the uses of the bambu. ohe.

Another subject of consideration Eia kekahi o ka manao; no na

concerns the famous bambu ulu ohe kaulana. Aia ma
groves. At Kuikuilaumania, Kuikuilaumania, i Hawaii, kekahi
Hawaii, is a famous bambu ulu ohe kaulana, e kokoke ana i
grove; it is near the sugar mill of ka wili ko o Kaupakuea, ma Hilo.
Kaupakuea, at Hilo. The reason Ka mea i kaulana ai oia ulu ohe,
that grove is famous is because aia malaila na ohe maikai, nunui,
there are found fine large sized a malaila no hoi ka ohe e kii ia ai
bambus; it is there also that i mea oki no ka omaka o na keiki
bambus are gotten which are o Hawaii, nolaila, kapa hou ia
used in circumcising the kekahi inoa oia ulu ohe, o
Hawaiian youths; that is why the Homaikaohe.
name of the grove is also called
Homaikaohe. 55

There is a second famous Eia ka lua o na ulu ohe kaulana,

bambu grove, also at Hilo, aia no ma Hilo i Hawaii, o Halai
Hawaii. This noted grove is ka inoa oia ulu ohe kaulana. Ka
called Halai 56 (calm). The reason mea i kaulana ai oia ulu ohe, no
it is so famed is because the ka nui o ka ohe, a malaila e kii ia
bambus are numerous. It is there ai na ohe hiaku, a na kanaka o
that the rods for fishing the aku Hawaii; oia iho la na ulu ohe
are gotten by the Hawaiians. kaulana o Hawaii a’u i lohe ai; he
These are the celebrated bambu mau ulu ohe kaulana hou aku no
groves of Hawaii which I have paha koe, na oukou nae hoi ia e
heard of. There are other notable hoike ae.
bambu groves, but then it is for
you to reveal them.

Here on Maui, at Koolau, East Ko Maui nei hoi, aia ma Koolau, i

Maui, Pohakea 57 is the name of Maui Hikina, o Pohakea ka inoa
a bambu grove: it is also known oia ulu ohe, o Hinai kekahi inoa
as Hinai. 58 It is a place where the ona, he wahi kahi olona ia nae ia
olona is treated at the present e na kanaka i keia manawa, aka,
time. Why this grove became o ka moolelo i kaulana ai oia ulu
famous I do not know, but it is ohe, aole i maopopo i’au, oia iho
the only noted bambu grove that la ko Maui nei ulu ohe kaulana
I have heard of here on Maui. a’u i lohe ai.
Oahu has no famed bambu
grove. Kauai is like Oahu; it has Ma Oahu hoi, aole ulu ohe
no noted bambu grove. kaulana malaila.
Therefore, we know where the
Ko Kauai hoi, ua like no me ko
bambu came from, that is,
Oahu, aole ulu ohe kaulana
through Hina; its place of origin
malaila. Nolaila, ua maopopo ae
and its uses; and the places of
la ia kakou, kahi i loaa mai ai o
the notable groves hereinbefore
ka ohe, oia hoi, mai a Hina mai,
mentioned. This is all that I have
kahi i loaa ai, ame kana mau
learned about the bambu.
hana, ame na wahi ulu ohe
Timothy Lililea. kaulana i hai ia iho nei, oia iho la
kahi mea i loaa i’au no ka
moolelo o ka ohe.
Timothy Lililea.


The coconut 59 is not a tree O ka niu, aole ia he laau

indigenous to Hawaii nei, kamaaina no Hawaii nei mai
because no one can show and kinohi mai, no ka mea, aole he
no story can verify the idea that kanaka nana i hoike mai, aole
this is an ancient plant from the hoi he moolelo e hoike ana i ka
time of the origin of these oiaio he laau kahiko ia mai ka
islands. And because of the lack hoomaka ana mai o keia mau
of this testimony some people mokupuni. A no ka nele ia mau
concluded that the coconut came hoike, nolaila ua manao kekahi
from Kahiki. poe no Kahiki mai ka niu.

There are two conjectures as to Elua manao no ke kumu i hiki

how the coconut was introduced mai ai ka niu i Hawaii nei. 1. I
in Hawaii. 1. Brought here by the lawe ia mai e ke kai. 2. I laweia
sea. 2. Brought here by Apua 60 mai e Apua ame kona kaikuaana
and his elder brother, me Aukelenuiaiku, a penei ka
Aukelenuiaiku, and here is the wehewehe ana.
explanation: When the coconuts
grew in Kahiki they were near I ka wa e ulu ana ka niu i Kahiki
the sea. As they bore fruit and ua hele a kokoke iloko o ke kai; i
the fruit matured they dropped ka hua ana a maloo ka hua,
here and there into the sea, and helelei no i loko o ke kai, a na ke
the ocean current brought some kai no i lawe i na hua i haule iho
ma kela wahi keia wahi, a lawe
and landed them here on Hawaii. loa ia mai kekahi hua i Hawaii
Upon being cast ashore and nei. I ka pae ana ma [593]kahakai
entering the sand they took root a komo iloko o ke one a hiki i ka
and grew and bore fruit. [592]And wa i ulu ai a hua a ai ia ka io e
when persons ate of the meat of kanaka, a na lakou i hoolaha ae
the coconut they proclaimed 61 ma na wahi a pau mai Hawaii a
[distributed] it from Hawaii to Kauai, a hiki i keia la. Oia
Kauai, even unto this day. That moolelo ia no ka niu.
is one story concerning the

Here is the second: Being Eia ka lua. O ka lawe ia ana mai

brought here by man. It is e ke kanaka. Ua manao na Apua
thought that Apua and his ma no i kii i ka niu i Kahiki a lawe
brother went to Kahiki and mai i Hawaii nei, nokamea, he
brought the coconut here to mau keiki laua no Kahiki a holo
Hawaii, because they were sons mai i Hawaii nei, aole nae i
of Kahiki who came to Hawaii, hoomaopopoia ko laua wahi i
but it is not known where they pae ai o Hawaii nei i kinohi. Ua
first landed on Hawaii. It is manao ia nae ua pae mua laua i
thought that they first landed at Puna, no ka loaa ana o kekahi
Puna, because there is a place inoa ma Puna elike me ka inoa o
in Puna called Apua, known so Apua, oia inoa no a hiki i keia
to this day. That is why it is wa, oia ka mea i manao ia ai ua
thought they first landed there. pae mua laua ilaila.

From there they came and Mailaila mai laua a pae i Lanai,
landed at Lanai on the eastern ma ka aoao hikina o ka pali o
side of the pali of Kaholo. The Kaholo. O ka inoa i keia wa o
name of the place now is Kaneapua ma ka inoa no o Apua
Kaneapua; it is derived from the i kapa ia ai. Ma ia holo ana mai
name Apua. When they came nae a laua aole laua i lawe mai i
that time they did not bring any na mea kanu no ka manao ua
plants, because they thought all ulu na mea apau o Kahiki ianei.
the plants of Kahiki grew here. A no ka nui o ko laua pilikia
And because they got in trouble pololi, nolaila, o ko laua hoi hou
and were famished, that is why no ia i Kahiki i ka ai. I ko laua
they went back to Kahiki for hiki ana i Kahiki, aole i pae na
food. When they arrived at waa i ka aina, no ka nui o ke kai
Kahiki, the canoes could not land koo.
on account of the high surf.

In sailing Apua sat on the I ka holo ana, o Apua, oia no

manu 62 of the canoe and mamua maluna o ka manu o ka
directed its course properly. On waa nana e nana i ka pono o ka
their voyage the canoe was filled holo ana. I ka holo ana, ua
with coral rock for the purpose of hoopiha ia na waa i ke akoakoa i
deceiving. While they were mea e hoopunipuni ai. Ia lakou e
floating outside Kaulaku spied lana ana, ike maila o Kaulaku i
the canoe. He suspected they na waa, manao maila he mau
were canoes seeking to buy waa kuai ai, nolaila manao maila
food. He also thought they did ia aole e hiki ke pae iuka no ka
not, on account of the storm. nui o ke kai, nolaila, hoikeike
Therefore, Kaulaku showed maila o Kaulaku i ka maia, ike
them a banana. Apua saw that akula o Apua a kulou ihola ke
and he bowed his head and poo ilalo, i aku i kanaka: “E
spoke to his people, “Show them hoikeike aku i ka puna”; hoike
a coral.” They picked up a large, akula lakou he puna wanawana
coarse, red coral rock and ulaula e like me he ili maia la o
showed it. It did look like a ripe waho me ka i ana aku o Apua:
banana outside, and Apua again “E hai aku oukou he maia ia; ua
said, “Tell them that what you ulu, ua kupu, ua lau, ua hua, aia
have is banana; it has grown and no i Hawaii na hua.” A lohe aku
sprouted, leaves have shot forth, la o Kaulaku i aku la oia i
and it has borne fruit; the fruit kanaka: “E, ke i maila lakou la
has been left in Hawaii.” And he maia ua loaa no ka ia lakou
when Kaulaku heard this he said aia no i Hawaii.” Ia manawa kiloi
to his people, “Say, they are ia maila o ka hua, o ke kumu, o
saying that that is banana, and ka lau, o keiki; pau maila ia
that they have it at Hawaii.” They lakou nei, e ia nae ua pau lakou
therefore threw out the fruit, the nei i ka pololi ia wa.
tree, the leaves and the suckers;
the others got them, for they
were sorely beset with hunger.

Taro was also shown them. They Hoike hou ia mai no ke kalo;
did for that as in the first place; hana no lakou nei e like me ka
they indicated that it has grown hana mua, ua ulu, ua kupu, ua
and sprouted; it has leaved out lau, ua hua, aia no i Hawaii na
and it has borne fruit and the fruit hua, o ka lakou la hana no ke
was still at Hawaii: the shore kiloi iloko o ke kai pau no ia
people therefore threw the taro lakou nei i ka ohi. Pela no ka
into the sea, and those on the hana ana a pau na mea ia lakou
canoe gathered them up. They nei i ka ohi ia mai; o kumu, o ka
did this until everything was lau kau iluna o na waa. Mahope,
gathered by those on the canoe, lawe ia mai ana kekahi kumu
the plants and the leaves and laau loihi a ku ana i ke one, o ke
put them in the canoes. kumu o ka lau. O ka inoa oia
Afterwards the shore people laau i Hawaii nei he halapepe. A
brought a tall tree which they ike aku la o Apua, kena ae la ia i
stood in the sand, its trunk and kanaka e kukulu i kekahi kumu
its leaves. That plant in Hawaii laau nui me na lala no e like me
nei is called Halapepe. 63 When ka niu, iluna o na waa. I aku la
Apua saw this he instructed his lakou nei he niu ia, ua kupu, ua
men to erect on a canoe a large ulu, ua lau, ua hua aia no i
plant with branches resembling Hawaii. No ka lakou nei olelo
the coconut. They told the shore ana aku pela, ke kiloi ia maila no
people that it was a coconut; that ia a loaa aku la ia lakou nei, kau
it had grown and sprouted, mai la iluna o na waa. O ka hua
leaved and had borne fruit in o ka lakou nei laau o ka
Hawaii. Because they said this hoopunipuni ana, he puna; ua
the halapepe was thrown into the hana ia a me he hua niu ’la. Hele
sea, and they got it and put it a piha na waa i na mea ai, o
into the canoes. The canoes kumu o ka lau, ku mai i Hawaii
were loaded with eatables, nei.
trunks and leaves when they
landed in Hawaii nei.

When they returned they landed I ka hoi ana mai pae no i Puna;
at Puna, and all the plants were ilaila kahi i hoolei ia ai na mea a
landed there. The coconut was pau. A kanu ia ka niu ilaila ma
planted there at Kahaualea 64 Kahaualea nae a me Kalapana
and Kalapana; that is where the kahi i hooulu ia ’i ka niu o Hawaii
first [594]coconuts were first [595]nei, a mai laila ae hoolaha ia
planted, and after that they were ma na wahi apau o Hawaii nei.
taken and planted in other parts Oia na kumu i manao ia ’i pela, i
of Hawaii nei. Some people think hiki mai ai ka niu i Hawaii nei.
that is how the coconut was Oia hoi ka lawe ana mai a ke
brought here to Hawaii, either by kai, a me Apua laua o
the action of the sea or Aukelenuiaiku.
introduced by Apua and

Next, let us consider the value of Pau ia. E imi kakou i ka waiwai o
the trunk of the coconut tree, the ke kumu o ka niu, ka hua, ka
fruit, the husk, the shell, the pulu, ka iwi, ka io, ka lau, a me
meat, the leaves and their ka niau.
midrib. 1. The value of the trunk
of the coconut tree in the olden 1. Ka waiwai o ke kino o ka Niu i
time. The trunk of the coconut ka wa kahiko. Ua hana ia ke kino
tree was made into a dancing o ka niu i pahu hula i ka wa
drum 65 in the olden time; it is kahiko, ua olelo ia he keu ia o ka
said that that kind of a drum pahu kani. I ka hana ana, ua
excelled in sound. To prepare it, kalai ia no a maikai loa. O ke
it was hewn to perfection. 66 The pani i hana ia’i ma na poo, he ili
[upper] end was covered over kala, a me ka ili mano; ua hana
with the skin of the kala, or the ia no a maikai loa.
shark. It was generally very well

Another value: It was used for Eia kekahi. O ka hana ia ana i

house building. It was used for laau hale. O ia laau no ka laau
the houses of chiefs in the olden hale o na ’lii i ka wa kahiko, a
times, and often helped in the paa na hale nui o na kanaka a
construction of large houses of me na ’lii, oia no ka pani puka
the people and the chiefs. They kikiki, he mea pou puka pa
were used for door posts, posts holoholona, he mea pahu papale
for the gates of pens confining na ka wahine, a hiki mai no i
animals, hat blocks for the keia wa, he pahu kui noni, kui
women, even to this time. They hili, kui kope a pela aku.
are also used for a bowl in which
to pound noni, hili, coffee, etc.

This tree is large and tall, though O ke ano o keia laau he nunui,
some are short. Its leaves are he loloa, he pokopoko no hoi
unlike those of other trees kekahi. O kona mau lala aole i
growing here. The leaves grow like me ko kekahi mau laau e ae
in a bunch in one place; their e ulu nei. O ka ulu ana o na lala
narrow lanceolate segments he ulu pupupu no i kahi hookahi,
project in parallel lines. The fruit o kona lau he manamana; o kahi
comes out of the body, sprouting e puka ae ai o ka hua, mai loko
out amid the hollow of the ae no o ke kino a puka ae ma na
leaves. When the fruits first poaeae o na lala. O ka hua, aole
come out they can not be i ike ia i ka wa e puka ae ai, ua
detected, for they are [encased] paa i ka wahi ia, aia a nahae ae
in wrappers; when the wrappers ka wahi, alaila, ike ia aku na
are broken through, then [the pua. A pau na pua i ka helelei,
cluster of flowers] would be alaila ike ia aku na hua i ka
seen. When the flowers fall off, oloolo mai. O kona io he ono loa.
then the fruit [in a cluster] would
be noticed hanging down. Its
meat is very palatable.

Characteristic of the fruit: the Ke ano o ka hua. Ke ano o ka

fruit is somewhat round, but not hua he hua poepoe. Aole nae i
round as is the uliuliu gourd, but poepoe elike me ke uliuliu ka
somewhat ovoid with the lower poepoe, aka, he kihikihi o waho,
part flattened. That is its he omuomuo aku o lalo. Oia
appearance. Its meat is inside; kona ano. O ka io aia iloko, aia a
when you have peeled off the ihi ia ka pulu, a wahi ia ae ka iwi,
husk, and broken the shell, then alaila loaa ka io ua keokeo me
you come to the meat. It is as he hau la no ke kuahiwi. A
white as the snow on the maloko o laila he loko wai. Ekolu
mountain. Inside of the meat is a ona maka; elua maka ike ole,
pool of water. It [the coconut] has hookahi maka e puka ai ka wai.
three eyes, 67 two of which are
blind, and one through which the
water comes out.

2. Let us consider the value of 2. E imi i ka waiwai o ka pulu. Ua

the husk. The husk was made hana ia ka pulu i kaula. Elua ano
into twine in olden time. Two o ke kaula i hana ia ia wa; he
kinds of twine 68 were made in kaula hili palaha, he kaula hilo
those days; a twine plaited flat, maoli. O ke kaula hili palaha, ua
and a twine regularly twisted. hana ia i lanalana waa, i kaula
The twine plaited flat was used pahee a me kekahi hana e ae no
for tying parts of canoes, for e pili ana no ia kaula. Ina e kuai
pahee cords and various other
uses. If it is sold, one can make ia, ua loaa no ke kala, oia hoi he
money, say five dollars for forty kanaha anana, elima kala.
fathoms. 69

The twine regularly twisted. This O ke kaula hilo maoli ia. O kona
was used for making netting for waiwai he koko, he aho lawaia.
calabashes, and for fishing lines. He nui na ano koko e hana ia ai
There were many kinds of na na ’lii i ka wa kahiko, a pela
network of strings made in the aku, aka, ina e makemake ia ke
olden times for the chiefs, and so koko e kuai i ke kala, ua loaa
forth; but if the calabash netting elua, ekolu, eha kala no ke koko
were to be sold for money, one, aha; waiwai no! O kekahi, ua
two, three or four dollars could hanaia i mea hehi wawae ma ka
be secured for each calabash puka o na hale laau o na haole i
netting. How valuable! Another keia wa. Oia ka waiwai no ka
thing: door mats for wooden pulu. [597]
houses of the white men were
made of husks. That is the value
of the husk. [596]

3. The value of the shell. Here 3. Ka waiwai o ka iwi. Eia ka

are the uses of the shell: as waiwai o ka iwi. He umeke, he
calabashes, fish bowls, awa ipukai, apu awa, puniu hula,
cups, hula calabashes, rings, komo lima, poho paka, he puna,
tobacco containers, spoons, he poho kui palu, he kiaha wai.
bowls for pounding bait, and
water cups.

4. The value of the meat. Here 4. Ka waiwai o ka io. Eia ka

are some of the uses of the waiwai o ka io. He mea ono ka io
meat: the meat of the coconut is o ka niu, ke wawahi ia i piha ke
palatable; when it is scraped poi nui, kanana a maikai me he
until a large bowl is filled and waiu la ke ano; a kalua ka uala a
strained, it looks like milk; cook moa, alaila, lomi pu me ka niu a
the potatoes and, when done, wali, i ka ai ana aku, aole o kana
clean and mash, and mix with mai o ka ono, a kapa ia kona
the milk of the coconut; when it inoa, he poi palau. O kekahi, he
is eaten it is exceedingly hui ia me ke kalo maka, kalua i
palatable; that is called the poi ka imu a moa me ka wahi ia a
palau. It is also mixed with raw paa loa i ole e kahe iloko o ka
taro and baked in the imu. It imu. I ka ai ana aku ua like me
must be tightly bundled so as not ka puaa hoolua ka ono. Ua kapa
to flow in the imu (oven). When it ia kona inoa he kulolo.
is eaten it tastes like pork
cooked under ground. This is
called kulolo.

5. The value of the leaf. In the 5. Ka waiwai o ka lau. I kinohi i

olden time here in Hawaii the ka wa naaupo o Hawaii nei, ua
leaves of the coconut were used hana ia ka lau o ke niu i moena, i
for making mats, skirts, hats, pa-u, i papale, i peahi, i eke
fans, and fishing baskets, cover lawaia, i mea lanai hale, a he
for lanai of houses, and in mea kukulu hale. Ua olelo ia me
thatching for houses. It is said ka lau niu i lele ai kekahi kanaka
that a man once used a coconut mai luna aku o ke kumu niu a
leaf with which to jump from a haule iloko o ke kai.
coconut tree into the sea.

6. Concerning the oil. Coconut is 6. No ka aila. He aila kekahi

valuable for its oil. Here is how it waiwai o ka niu. Penei ka hana
is prepared. When the coconut is ana. I ka manawa opiopio o ka
young, that is the proper time for niu oia ka wa kupono e hana ai i
extracting oil from it. When ka aila. I ka hana ana halihali
desirous of making some, a man aku ke kanaka i ka pahu a
must carry a tub and leave it by kukulu ma ke kumu, malalo pono
the tree, right under where the o kahi e kau ana o ka hua o ka
fruits are hanging then go for the niu, alaila kii aku o ka hua
young fruit, cut open the bud and opiopio, ooki ae i ka muo, alaila
let the water drip into the tub; kulu aku ka wai a loko o ka
when that is finished, repeat the pahu, a pau ia, lawe hou aku
operation at the next tree, and ana ma ia kumu aku ana, pela
continue this until the tub is full, no e hana mau ai a piha ka
then pack it to the house and pahu, alaila hoihoi i ka hale e
convert 70 it into oil. When it is hana ai a lilo i aila. I ka puhi ana
lighted it burns brightly like the ua like me ka aila o ke kohola ka
whale oil. It is also used for aa maikai. He hamo lauoho
dressing the hair. kekahi hana.

7. The value of the midrib of the 7. Ka waiwai o ka niau. Ua hana

leaf. In the olden times here in ia ka niau ma Hawaii nei i ka wa
Hawaii, the midrib of the coconut kahiko a maikai loa, he mea
segments was separated with manai kukui, he mea niau kahili i
care and was used for stringing haku ia me ka hulu moa, palahu,
candlenuts; for props 71 for the a me ka hulu manu e ae no na
feathers of chickens, turkeys and ’lii. Ua hana ia nohoi i mea kahili
other fowls when made into lepo no luna o na moku, a me
kahilis for the chiefs. It is also loko no hoi o na hale moe o
used in making brooms with kanaka. He mea hula puili no ka
which to sweep the decks of wa kahiko. Ua hana ia no hoi i
ships, and houses wherein mea pahele aama.
people sleep. It was also used
as a dancing instrument in the
olden time. It is also used in
catching aama (black flat crab).

Such is the whole story O ia ka moolelo e pili ana i na

concerning the coconut which mea a pau o ka niu, i imi ia me
was sought with much ka luhi.
[Kauwenaole.] [Kauwenaole.]

The coconut is one of the tallest O ka niu, oia no kekahi laau loihi
trees growing down in Lahaina. e ku nei makai o Lahaina. O ke
This is how the coconut was kumu i loaa mai ai ka niu, ua
obtained: it was brought here by lawe ia mai e kekahi kanaka iwi
a man with very long bones, loihi, o Kane ka inoa. No kukulu
named Kane. He came from the o Kahiki mai oia, a nana no i
border of Kahiki and brought it lawe mai.
with him.

This is how Kane brought the Penei ke ano o ka lawe ana mai
coconut: formerly it was short, o Kane i ka niu. I ka wa mamua
about one yard. When it was he pokole ua like me ka iwilei
planted it was attended by much hookahi. I ka wa i kanu ia’i ua
labor. A man could reach for the nui ka hana ana. Ua hiki no i ke
fruit with his hand without kanaka ke lalau aku me ka lima,
climbing. But here is the strange me ka pii ole ae iluna. Eia ka
thing: when a certain chief mea kupanaha, i ka wa i ono ai
wanted coconut he ordered his kekahi alii i ka niu, kena aku oia i
servant to climb for some. When kona kahu e pii aku i ka niu. I ka
the servant reached for the wa i lalau ae ai ka lima, o ka wa
coconut the tree lengthened and no ia i pii ae ai ka niu a loihi.
grew taller. He was surprised at Haohao ihola ia i ke kumu o ka
this lengthening of the tree, so pii ana o ka niu, hookokoke aku
he climbed up. The tree grew oia. O ka wa noia e pii hou ae ai
taller until it was one hundred a hiki [599]i ka hanele anana, a
[598]fathoms high; so he hoi ihola oia ilalo hele aku oia a
descended and went to the hiki i ka hale o kona haku. Ninau
house of his master. The master mai la oia ia ianei: “Pehea aku
asked him: “How about the nei ka hoi ka niu?” “Aole i loaa
coconuts?” “I did not get any; to he uuku wale no hoi, i pii ae ko’u
be sure it is only low, but when I hana, o ka pakela loihi aku ia.”
started to climb it grew very Ninau mai ke alii: “Aole ka paha i
high.” The chief asked: “Then halawai oe me Kane, ka mea
you did not meet Kane, the nana ka niu?” Hoole aku oia. I
owner of the coconut?” He said maila oia, “O ia no ke kumu nui o
he had not. The chief answered: ko nele ana.” A he mea kaulana
“That is the reason you did not no ia i ka waha o na keiki oia wa,
get any.” It was a famous saying ua pane ae lakou penei: “Aole e
among the children of that time loaa na niu a Kane ia oe.” A pela
that you can not get the iho la ke ano eepa o keia laau
coconuts of Kane. That was the he niu.
queer thing about this coconut

Here are the values of the Eia na mea waiwai o keia laau o
coconut: its fruit is very ka niu. He ono loa kona hua, ua
palatable; it is made into sweet hana koele palau ia, a kulolo
potato pudding, taro pudding or paha, a i ole ia he haupia. Pela
starch pudding. That was the ka hana ana o ka poe kahiko, he
way the old people used it. It kapu nae, na ke kane wale no e
was, however, kapu; only men ai. Ua kau ia no kekahi niu
could eat it. Coconuts were also maluna o ka heiau i mea e maliu
offered in temples so that the mai ai ke ’kua.
gods might be propitiated.

Another benefit was: its shell O kekahi waiwai ua hana ia kona

when made into calabashes for iwi i umeke ai na na ’lii, a he
the chiefs, as also awa cups. apuawa kekahi. O ia iho la ka
These are the principal values of waiwai nui o keia laau. Aole no
this tree. I am not proficient on wau i makaukau no keia kumu
this subject. There is much manao. He nui no ka paakiki o
difficulty attending the search for ka imi ana i ke kumu o ka loaa
its origin, and this is what I have ana mai, a o ka’u wahi mea no ia
ascertained. If any person knows i loaa. Ina ua lohe kekahi poe,
anything further, he had better ua pono no ke hai ae imua o ke
reveal it to the public. akea.

Sema. Sema.



This banana field is a large one; O ke ano o keia e-a maia, he e-a
its length is the same as its maia nui no, o kona loa, ua ano
width, square in shape, but if a like no me ka laula, he huinaha
person wishes to visit it he like nae kona ano; aka, ina
should do so with a resident, 72 makemake ke kanaka e hele e
else he can not get around it, makaikai, e hele me kekahi
because he would go astray. kamaaina. Aole no e puni ana,
There is only one way by which no ka mea, he huhewa ka hele
a stranger can walk around that ana, hookahi wale no mea e
banana field, by putting up puni ai ia oe e ka malihini kela e-
marks. There must be four a maia, o ko hoailona i mau
marks; then you who wish to hoailona nau, o ka nui nae o na
encircle the field should start hoailona au e makemake ai e
from one end. When walking do hoailona, i eha hoailona, alaila,
not cast your eyes to this side or hele oe e ka mea e makemake
that side; keep walking straight ana e makaikai, a ma kekahi
ahead, then you can completely aoao mai, alaila, hoomaka oe e
encompass it; that is the way hele mai, i kou hele ana, mai
with this banana field; he who alawa kou maka ma-o a ma-o, e
does not follow instructions can pono hele no imua, alaila, e puni
not walk all around it. ana ia oe, oia iho la ke ano o
keia e-a maia, he puni ole i ka
mea hookuli ke a’oa’o ia.

The owner of this banana field. Ka mea nana keia e-a maia. O
The owner of this banana field is ka mea nana keia e-a maia, na
the one mentioned above, that is ka mea no i hai ia ae nei
Kahuoi. This man came from maluna, oia hoi o Kahuoi. O kahi
Hawaii, and he left there i hele mai ai o keia kanaka, mai
because he could not agree with Hawaii mai no ia, a no ka nui o
his parents, Kauahua and ke paonioni o Kahuoi me kona
Heana. Kauahua was the father mau makua, oia hoi o Kauahua
and Heana was the mother. Why laua me Heana. O Kauahua ka
he did not agree with his parents makuakane o Heana ka
was because this boy was lazy makuahine; ke kumu o keia
and would not do any cultivating. paonioni ona me kona mau
The father continually urged the makua no ka molowa o keia
child to go to work, but he would keiki i ka mahiai, ua a’o mau aku
not heed any instructions the ka makuakane i keiki e hele i ka
father gave him; therefore the mahiai, aole nae he maliu mai o
father concluded to send his son ke keiki i ka ka makua ao aku,
away from home. When the son nolaila, kupu ka manao iloko o
was sent away he went down to ka makuakane, a kipaku i kana
the beach and saw a canoe keiki, a i ka hele ana o keia keiki,
ready for departure. He asked hiki oia ma ka aekai ike oia i
the man on the canoe: “Where is kekahi waa e holo ana. Ninau
the canoe going?” Kilua aku ia i ke kanaka oluna o ua
answered: “The canoe is going waa nei: “He waa e holo ana i
to Maui.” Kahuoi said: “Please hea?” Hai mai o Kilua: “He waa
allow me to go with you?” The e holo ana i Maui.” Olelo aku o
man consented. They sailed until Kahuoi: “E aho la hoi owau
they came to the observation kekahi e holo pu me oukou?” Ae
point of land for ulua. Alau is the mai no ua kanaka nei; i ko lakou
name of this point. On their hoomaka ana mai e holo, a
arrival there, Kahuoi asked Kilua: kaalo ana ka waa o laua nei ma
“Say, how is the canoe to be ka lae kiu ulua, o Alau ka inoa
headed?” Kilua answered: “Head oia wahi moku, a i ko lakou hiki
the canoe for Hamoa.” 73 Kahuoi ana malaila, ninau aku o Kahuoi
changed to the [600]bailing ia Kilua: “E, ihea ka ihu o ka
place 74 and Kilua took up the waa?” Hai mai o Kilua: “I Hamoa
paddle. 75 While they were ka ihu o ka waa,” nee aku la o
paddling along, a large wave Kahuoi a ma Kainaliu, lilo aku la
sprang up behind them, and [601]ka hoe ia Kilua. Ia lakou nei
Kahuoi called out to Kilua: “Say, nae e hoe ana, ku ana keia nalu
Kilua, keep the canoe on the mahope o lakou; olelo aku la o
crest,” and they raced along until Kahuoi ia Kilua: “E Kilua e, i ke
they arrived in the harbor above poi ka waa;” o ka pae mai la noia
mentioned. Kahuoi then went o ka waa o lakou nei, a kau ana i
and lived at Keakamanu; 76 and kela awa i hai ia ae nei maluna.
because he could not get O ko Kahuoi hele aku la noia a
enough to eat he kept wandering noho ma Keakamanu no ka lawa
on until he found a favorable kupono ole o ka ai ia ia,
place, right above Waiohonu; 77 hoomaka keia e hele hiki i kona
while living there it entered his wahi i makemake ai e noho,
mind to plant bananas for noho keia mauka pono o
himself, because he had noticed Waiohonu, i ko ianei noho ana
bananas growing about, and that malaila, kupu mai la ka manao
is the banana field which we are iloko ona e kanu i maia nana, no
hearing of. kona ike ana iho i ka maia e ulu
ana, oia iho la keia e-a mai a
kakou i lohe iho nei.
While he was planting, he heard I ko ianei kanu ana, lohe oia i ka
the voice of a bird, a paio, 78 and leo o kekahi manu, he paio ka
it said: “That is a favorable place inoa, e i mai ana: “He wahi
you have selected for planting; maikai kena ke kanu oe, alaila, e
that banana field of yours will be kaulana ana kena e-a maia au.” I
famous.” That was perhaps the ka wa olelo paha ia o ka manu. I
time when birds talked. After he ko ianei kanu ana a ulu, a ike
had planted the field, and keia i ke ano ulu maikai o ka e-a
noticed that the banana trees maia a ia nei, o ko ia nei kukulu
were growing well, he built iho la noia i hale nona, he hale
himself a house. The house he laumaia no ka hale ana i ako ai,
built was of banana leaves. He kanu keia i ke ko, ke kalo, ia
also planted sugar-cane, taro mea aku ia mea aku.
and various other things.

when the bananas ka hua ana o ka maia ka

came into bearing and mea nana i ai e mamua.
who first ate them.

One day he looked at his I ko ia nei nana i ka e-a maia a

plantation and he noticed that ia nei, ike aku la keia i ka palaku
the bananas were ripe, that other o ka maia a ianei ame na mea
plants grew well, that the cane kanu no a pau, ke ko, ua moe a
had lain down and come up ua ala mai, i ko ianei makaikai
again. 79 He walked from one end ana mao a maanei, ike aku la
of the field to the other. While keia i kekahi kanaka e uhaki ana
going about he noticed a man i ka maia a ianei, o ko ianei pane
plucking his bananas, so he said aku la no ia:
to him: “So Kinikuapuu is the one
to eat of the banana field of “O Kinikuapuu ka ka mea nana i
Kahuoi!” Kinikuapuu answered: ai ka e-a maia a Kahuoi.” Pane
“True, I am eating of your mai o Kinikuapuu: “Na’u la hoi i
banana field; the rising of the ai kau e-a maia, ka hikina a ka la
sun warms Ieiea [and] Poopalu, pumehana ai o Ieiea o Poopalu
the fishermen of Makalii.” This o na lawaia o Makalii.” O ka ai
man Kinikuapuu came from wale no ka Kinikuapuu i ka maia,
Kauai. He came with these na keia mau kanaka ka maona
fishermen and landed at Oahu, ana, no ka mea o keia mau
and from Oahu to Maui, landing kanaka, he mau kupua no laua,
at Kaupo. When he came from oia hoi na lawaia ae nei a
Kaupo, he arrived at this place Makalii. O keia kanaka o
above mentioned. While they Kinikuapuu, no Kauai mai no ia,
lived at this place they were ua hele mai oia me keia mau
great friends; there was plenty to lawaia a pae ma Oahu, a mai
eat; bananas, of course. Oahu mai, a pae ma Maui nei
ma Kaupo nae kona pae ana. I
kona hoomaka ana e hele mai
Kaupo aku, hiki ma keia wahi i
haiia ae nei maluna. I ka wa a
laua nei e noho ana, noho
aikane iho la laua nei me ka
oluolu o ka noho ana, ua nui ka
ai, ka maia no hoi.

the famine at the no ka wi ana o kai.


Famine was raging below Aia makai o Waiohonu, kokoke

Waiohonu, near Hana, Maui. The ma Hana, ma Maui nei, ua nui
children, the men and the loa ka wi, a ua pilikia na keiki, na
women were in great need. The kane, a me na wahine, ua hiki
famine had even reached as far loa aku keia wi a hiki ma kahi o
as the konohiki’s 80 place of ke konohiki e noho ana, a ua nui
residence, and the konohiki was ka pilikia o ke konohiki no ka nui

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