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FACULTY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/SOFTWARE DLSH101: LEARNING SKILLS FOR OPEN DISTANCE LEARNERS “ April/May 2016 Time: 3 Hours a - INSTRUCTIONS Answer all five (5) questions. * Each question carries 20 marks. Answer all questions in Answer Books provided. \ US DLSH101: LEARNING SKILLS FOR OPEN DISTANCE LEARNERS PAGEIOF3 QUESTIONS (b) (c) (a) (b) (©) (b) © List four (4) major advantages of being a self-managed leamer. [4] In establishing effective goals, to maximise the ability to manage your learning, the mnemonic SMART stand for? 15] Given the following details of a book use APA citation to cite the book. {5} Aurthors : J.M Whitbey and P. Muyambo. Title of Book: Introduction to Neural Networks Year of Publication: 2014 Publisher Name : University of Florida Press Location of Publisher : Florida Describe three approaches under slow reading (6) What does content analysis entail in relation to the evaluation of information sources? [6] Explain the components of a bibliographic citation. 6 List the eight (8) guidelines for ethical conduct in writing theses, essays and assignments, (8) Given the following website address, explain the fneaning of each part of the address c http:/ [6] Internet search tools include Search engines, Meta search engines, Subject directories and Databases. Describe each of the above giving practical examples. 18] The Internet is a good source of information, however, not all information you will encounter_on the Intemet should be trusted Explain any three (3) methods for evaluating the trustworthiness of information on the Internet. (6) DLSH101: LEARNING SKILLS FOR OPEN DISTANCE LEARNERS. PAGE2 OF3 (b) Using your own examples outline the differences between Skimming and Scanning. (10 Explain five (5) ways of making notes. (10) With the aid of a well labelled diagram, describe the fundamental steps in the ZOU Information Trail. {15} Briefly describe why you have chosen Open Distance Leaming as opposed to other learning modes. (61 “** END OF PAPER **** DLSH101: LEARNING SKILLS FOR OPEN DISTANCE LEARNERS PAGE3OF3

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