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Erdem MM and Bikçe M Paper 1900386 structural analysis

Uniaxial stress–strain relation for low- and normal-strength concrete in compression. Received 06/08/2019; Revised 24/11/2019;
Magazine of Concrete Research, Accepted 29/01/2020
ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Magazine of Concrete Research

Uniaxial stress–strain relation for low- and

normal-strength concrete in compression
Muhammet Musab Erdem Murat Bikçe
PhD Candidate, Department of Civil Engineering, Iskenderun Technical Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Iskenderun Technical
University, Hatay, Turkey University, Hatay, Turkey (corresponding author:,

In the modelling and simulation of reinforced concrete structures, accurate definition of material properties is
important in terms of obtaining precise results. Among the parameters defining the behaviour of concrete in
structural analyses, stress–strain behaviour has great importance. Since the stress–strain behaviour of concrete is
difficult to determine experimentally, many relations have been proposed in which this behaviour is predicted
numerically. However, it is seen that the most commonly used of these stress–strain relations are produced with a
limited number of samples, and that most of the relations are based on test results obtained from a single
laboratory. Accordingly, the stress–strain behaviour relations constituted in different studies for the same concrete
are quite distant from each other. Therefore, there is a need for an inclusive and valid relation for low- and normal-
strength concrete. In this study, a simple and realistic stress–strain relation for low- and normal-strength ordinary
Portland cement concretes in compression was proposed by using stress–strain data obtained from different
laboratories by different researchers. The proposed relation, which predicts stress–strain behaviour with relatively
low error rates when compared with similar relations, is presented, with comparative graphs, to the benefit of
researchers and designers.

Notation In numerical simulations of reinforced concrete members,

f0 compressive strength the whole compressive stress–strain behaviour of unconfined
fc compressive stress concrete may be required to define a concrete material model.
k coefficient that controls the shape of the descending For finite-element solvers, such as ANSYS, ABAQUS and
branch of the curve LS-DYNA (ANSYS, 2013; Hallquist, 2006; Hibbit et al.,
n coefficient that controls the shape of the curve 2012), it is important to define concrete behaviour properly. In
nasc coefficient that controls the shape of the ascending particular, the fact that the uniaxial stress–strain behaviour
branch of the curve of the concrete cannot be accurately reflected causes miscal-
ndesc coefficient that controls the shape of the descending culations of many parameters, such as fracture energy, result-
branch of the curve ing in erroneous results and evaluations.
t number of data points of the stress–strain curve
ε0 strain at peak stress To obtain a proper stress–strain behaviour of unconfined con-
εc compressive strain crete, researchers have two options. One of these is to obtain
σc compressive stress this behaviour experimentally; the other is to use stress–strain
σ(exp,j ) stress value of jth data point of the experimental relations derived from experimental stress–strain data. Of those
stress–strain curve two options, the first is mostly impossible, owing to cost, diffi-
σ(rel,j ) stress value of jth data point of the analytical stress– culty or inadequate experimental facilities. Although it seems
strain curve easy to obtain the concrete stress–strain relation experimen-
tally, it is a complex process that is affected by many factors,
such as the loading rate (Bischoff and Perry, 1991; Fu et al.,
Introduction 1991; Jitsu et al., 1998; Mainstone, 1975; Müller, 2008; Shah
Concrete has been widely used in constructions for many years, and Ahmad, 1985; Kumar et al., 2012), the stiffness of the
owing to its advantageous properties, such as economy, shape- experimental set-up (Hognestad et al., 1955; Whitney, 1943),
ability, durability and good adherence with reinforcing steel. the length–diameter ratio of the specimen (Samani and Attard,
Proper characterisation of the behaviour of concrete is important 2012; Watanabe et al., 2004; Kumar et al., 2012), the loading
in terms of obtaining more accurate results in structure analysis. type (Hussein, 1998; Kumar et al., 2012) and the age of the
One of the most basic parameters in determining concrete specimen (Yi et al., 2003; Kumar et al., 2012). The ascending
behaviour is the stress–strain relation. This relation, which branch of the stress–strain diagram can be observed using
indicates the deformation and strength characteristics of the load-controlled test machines, while the descending branch
concrete, is crucial for structural analyses, such as section ana- of the diagram can only be observed using displacement-
lyses and numerical simulations of reinforced concrete members. controlled test machines (Bineshian, 2014; Hussein, 1998).

Magazine of Concrete Research
Magazine of Concrete Research Uniaxial stress–strain relation for
low- and normal-strength concrete
in compression
Erdem and Bikçe

Moreover, it is not sufficient to use displacement-controlled obtained from a single laboratory, and the composition of
machines to observe the descending branch of unconfined con- different proportions and ingredients with different mineralogy,
crete specimens. In compression tests, while the concrete speci- can be considered as reasons for this difference. Considering
men is loaded, the loading system stores some energy, owing the drawbacks of the relations presented for OPCC, such as
to the load it is exposed to. In the case where the slope of the being complex and requiring experimentally necessary
descending branch of the stress–strain curve is equal to the slope parameters to form a curve, a new relation is needed in terms
of the stiffness curve of the loading frame, the energy stored of simplicity, inclusiveness and usability.
in the loading frame is released and a sudden fracture occurs
in the concrete specimen (Arioĝlu, 1995; Hognestad et al., 1955; For this purpose, a new relation that gives uniaxial compressive
Whitney, 1943). Additionally, as the loading rate increases, it is stress–strain behaviour for OPCC is proposed in this study.
reported that a decrease in plastic strain (Dilger et al., 1984; The proposed relation was achieved by considering the follow-
Glanville, 1938; Soroushian et al., 1986) and an increase in ing objectives.
the gradient of the descending branch (Fu et al., 1991) can be
observed. Specimen geometry is also influential on the shape & Stress–strain data from different laboratories were used to
of the stress–strain curve. Studies indicate that an increase in generate the relation that represents the general behaviour
the length–diameter ratio of specimen causes an increase in of the OPCC.
the gradient of the descending branch of the curve (Arioĝlu, & Experimental data for OPCCs in the 8–52 MPa
1995; Nakamura and Higai, 2001; Samani and Attard, 2012; compressive strength range were used to represent the
Watanabe et al., 2004). These challenges in obtaining the stress– most commonly used type of concrete in the construction
strain behaviour experimentally and the lack of experimental industry.
opportunities lead researchers to the second option. & This relation, which defines the stress–strain behaviour
of concrete with minimum parameter requirements,
Since the 1950s, many stress–strain relations have been pro- provides ease of use to structural analysts and designers.
posed for ordinary Portland cement concrete (OPCC) (Aslani
and Nejadi, 2012; Carreira and Chu, 1985; Desayi and The accuracy of the proposed relation is evaluated in terms
Krishnan, 1964; Dilmaç and Demir, 2013; Güler et al., 2012; of mean square percentage error (MSPE) rates and is shown
Han and Xiang, 2017; Hognestad, 1951; Kumar, 2004; Lim with comparison graphs.
and Ozbakkaloglu, 2014; Popovics, 1973; Saenz, 1964; Sahin
and Bedirhanoglu, 2014; Shah and Ahmad, 1985; Tsai, 1988;
Tulin and Gerstle, 1964; Wee et al., 1996; Yip, 1996). It is also Experimental uniaxial stress–strain data of
possible to find relations developed for various types of con- unconfined concrete
crete, such as concrete with recycled saturated aggregates To generate a realistic stress–strain curve, a set of experimental
(Belén et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2019; Corinaldesi, 2010; Xiao curves has been selected from various studies. The key feature of
et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2017; Zhu et al., 2019), concrete with the selected experimental data is that it was obtained from differ-
glazed hollow beads (Wang et al., 2014), geopolymer concrete ent laboratories by different researchers. A total of 34 test curves
(Chitrala et al., 2018; Noushini et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2014), consists of six curves in the range 8–20 MPa, 11 curves in the
steel-fibre reinforced concrete (Nataraja et al., 1999), expanded range 20–30 MPa, nine curves in the range 30–40 MPa and
polystyrene concrete (Cui et al., 2016), lightweight concrete eight curves in the range 40–52 MPa. Concretes having compres-
(Cui et al., 2012; Han and Xiang, 2017; Kumar, 2004), coral sive strength above the range of this study mostly contain special
concrete (Da et al., 2016) and bacterial concrete (Srinivasa additives that change the mechanical characteristics of the con-
et al., 2013). However, OPCC is still dominant among the crete. Hence, concretes with compressive strengths over 52 MPa
materials used in the construction sector, despite the fact that are outwith the scope of this study.
new concretes are produced with different contents by develop-
ing concrete technology (Bhaskara et al., 2018; Humad et al., The concretes used in this study were selected according to the
2018; Lynn et al., 2019a; Lynn et al., 2019b; Rashad, 2019; following criteria
Wu et al., 2016). The fact that new buildings to be constructed,
and old buildings that are being retrofitted, are mostly con- & only OPCC
structed with OPCC indicates that OPCC is still frequently & 28 d compressive strength
modelled in structure analyses. & specimens with a height–diameter ratio of 2.

When the stress–strain relations in literature used to model The basic terms of the typical stress–strain curve of concrete,
uniaxial behaviour of concrete are examined, it is seen that that is, compressive stress ( fc), compressive strain (εc), compres-
different relations can give distant stress–strain behaviours for sive strength ( f0) and strain at peak stress (ε0), are illustrated in
an OPCC of a certain strength. Such factors as the formation Figure 1. Relevant information, that is, compressive strength,
of relations with a small number of samples or with the results sample identification code and references of each experimental

Magazine of Concrete Research
Magazine of Concrete Research Uniaxial stress–strain relation for
low- and normal-strength concrete
in compression
Erdem and Bikçe

fc Table 1. Test data of unconfined concrete samples

f0 Specimen Compressive
De No denotation strength Reference


ing 1 SM-1 8·8 Smith and Young (1956)


bra 2 HO-1 11·4 Hognestad et al. (1955)


h 3 YI-1 14·9 Yi et al. (2003)


4 IL-1 16·4 İlki (2000)

5 IL-2 17·0 İlki (2000)

6 IL-3 17·8 İlki (2000)

7 AL-1 20·0 Mohamad Ali (1983)
8 SM-2 20·7 Smith and Young (1956)
9 HO-2 21·0 Hognestad et al. (1955)
0 10 YI-2 21·1 Yi et al. (2003)
0 ε0 εc 11 IL-4 21·6 İlki (2000)
12 NA-1 19·8 Nakamura and Higai (2001)
Figure 1. Typical stress–strain diagram of concrete 13 IL-5 22·6 İlki (2000)
14 AL-2 25·0 Mohamad Ali (1983)
15 IL-6 28·2 İlki (2000)
dataset used in this study, is shown in Table 1. Owing to the 16 IL-7 28·9 İlki (2000)
17 KU-1 29·1 Kuchma (1996)
quantity of the stress–strain diagrams of the samples, they are
18 AL-3 30·0 Mohamad Ali (1983)
presented together with the proposed relation in the compari- 19 SM-3 30·6 Smith and Young (1956)
son section instead of showing them individually here. 20 IL-8 30·8 İlki (2000)
21 WE-1 31·3 Wee et al. (1996)
Stress–strain relation 22 YI-3 33·8 Yi et al. (2003)
23 AL-4 35·0 Mohamad Ali (1983)
General form of the stress–strain relation 24 HO-3 35·7 Hognestad et al. (1955)
To represent the stress–strain behaviour of concrete, one of the 25 ME-2 36·0 Melek et al. (2003)
most basic relations, which is used by Desayi and Krishnan 26 GA-1 38·5 Gan (2000)
27 AL-5 40·0 Mohamad Ali (1983)
(1964), Popovics (1973), Saenz (1964) and Tulin and Gerstle
28 GA-2 40·1 Gan (2000)
(1964), was utilised (Equation 1), owing to its simplicity. In 29 KU-2 40·5 Kuchma (1996)
Equation 1, n is the empirical coefficient, which controls the 30 JA-1 45·0 Jansen and Shah (1997)
shape of the stress–strain curve. 31 HO-4 46·3 Hognestad et al. (1955)
32 WE-2 46·6 Wee et al. (1996)
εc n 33 SM-4 49·5 Smith and Young (1956)
1: fc ¼ f0   34 HO-5 52·0 Hognestad et al. (1955)
ε0 n  1 þ ðεc =ε0 Þn

To capture the stress–strain behaviour of the concrete in the The value of k in this relation is 1 up to the peak stress of the
most accurate way, different suggestions are presented by curve, but larger than 1 in the descending branch, as the com-
various authors for the empirical coefficient n. While the value pressive strength of the concrete increases.
of the empirical coefficient n was proposed as 2 in some
studies (Desayi and Krishnan, 1964; Todeschini et al., 1964), it Proposed stress–strain relation
was considered to be 3 in other studies (Tulin and Gerstle, The relation proposed in this study and Equation 3
1964). Conversely, Popovics (1973) proposed Equation 2 to (Thorenfeldt et al., 1987) show similarities in terms of being
calculate n controlled by the shape of the ascending and descending por-
tions of the curve independently using empirical coefficients.
2: n ¼ 04  103  f0 ðpsiÞ þ 1
However, the general form of the proposed relation is the
same as Popovics’s relation (Popovics, 1973). The proposed
stress–strain relation is composed of two branches. Ascending
However, since the ascending and descending branches of the
and descending portions of the curve are represented by
stress–strain curve do not have the same gradient, it is difficult
Equations 4 and 5, respectively. The difference of this relation
to predict the behaviour of the entire curve using a single coef-
from Popovics’s is that the coefficient n governing the shape of
ficient n. For this reason, Thorenfeldt et al. (1987) modified
the curve is utilised separately for the ascending and descend-
this relation by adding a second coefficient, k
ing portions, as nasc and ndesc
ðεc =ε0 Þ  n ðεc =ε0 Þ  nasc
3: fc ¼ f0  ðnkÞ 4: 0  εc  ε0 fc ¼ f0 
n  1 þ ðεc =ε0 Þ nasc  1 þ ðεc =ε0 Þnasc

Magazine of Concrete Research
Magazine of Concrete Research Uniaxial stress–strain relation for
low- and normal-strength concrete
in compression
Erdem and Bikçe

ðεc =ε0 Þ  ndesc nasc = 2·0

5: ε0 , εc fc ¼ f0  ndesc = 2·0
ndesc  1 þ ðεc =ε0 Þndesc ndesc = 3·0
f0 nasc = 2 ndesc = 4·0
ndesc = 5·0

Since the ascending and descending branches of the stress–

strain curve have different characteristics, it has been found

appropriate to characterise these branches with separate coeffi-
cients. Owing to the nature of the general relation used in
this study, the change of the coefficient n at the peak stress
results in a smooth transition rather than a sudden change
or discontinuity. The fact that the coefficients nasc and ndesc
affect the result of the equation proportionally and that the
ratio εc/ε0, which is the multiplier of nasc and ndesc, increases in 0 ε0
small increments as a result of the increase of εc can be shown Strain
as the reason for this situation. (a)

Figure 2 demonstrates the effect of the coefficients nasc and

f0 ndesc = 2
ndesc. In Figure 2(a), the descending portion has been plotted
with constant ndesc (ndesc = 2·0) and the ascending portion has
been plotted with variable nasc (nasc = 1·5; 2·0; 3·0; 4·0).
Conversely, Figure 2(b) has been plotted with constant nasc

(nasc = 2·0) and variable ndesc (ndesc = 2·0; 3·0; 4·0; 5·0).

The proposed relation is characterised in terms of four par- ndesc = 2·0

nasc = 1·5
ameters, f0, ε0, nasc and ndesc. Of these parameters, f0 and ε0 nasc = 2·0
can be obtained experimentally. The determination of the par- nasc = 3·0
nasc = 4·0
ameters nasc and ndesc, which is the main objective of this 0
study, is explained in the next section. However, if ε0 cannot be 0 ε0
experimentally obtained, it can be utilised from studies (De Strain
Nicolo et al., 1994; Fib, 2013; Müller, 2008; Popovics, 1973) (b)
reported in the literature.
Figure 2. Effect of nasc and ndesc: (a) constant nasc, variable ndesc;
(b) constant ndesc, variable nasc
Fitting the parameters nasc and ndesc
The parameters nasc and ndesc, which govern the ascending and
descending branches of Equation 1, are determined by fitting the 1·0 YI-1
experimental stress–strain data in the literature. For this purpose, YI-2
the experimental data are precisely digitised and transformed 0·8 YI-3
into non-dimensional form for the fitting study. An example of a
non-dimensional stress–strain graph is given in Figure 3. 0·6

The parameters nasc and ndesc of each of the non-dimensional 0·4

stress–strain datasets were obtained for the ascending and des-
cending portions separately. In this process, to obtain the best 0·2
fit values of nasc and ndesc, a method named the ‘Levenberg–
Marquardt’ method, which was proposed by Levenberg (1944) 0
and later modified by Marquardt (1963), and is used fre- 0 1 2 3 4
εc /ε0
quently to adjust constant variables (Dan et al., 2002; Gavin,
2019; Sousa, 2014), was utilised. The fitted empirical values of
Figure 3. An example of a non-dimensional stress–strain graph
nasc and ndesc of each curve are presented in Table 2. (Yi et al., 2003)

The fitted parameters nasc and ndesc for each specimen were
scattered according to their compressive strength (Figures 4(a) strength are given as
and 4(b)), thus, the trend curves of nasc and ndesc were
obtained. The exponential functions of the trend curves for 6: nasc ¼ 09658  e f0 00259
ascending and descending branches in terms of compressive

Magazine of Concrete Research
Magazine of Concrete Research Uniaxial stress–strain relation for
low- and normal-strength concrete
in compression
Erdem and Bikçe

Table 2. Fitted values of nasc and ndesc 6·0 Hognestad et al. (1955)
Smith and Young (1956)
Specimen Compressive Yi et al. (2003)
No identifier strength nasc ndesc 5·0 İlki (2000)
Mohamad Ali (1983)
Nakamura and Higai (2001)
1 SM-1 8·8 1·3273 1·7562
4·0 Kuchma (1996)
2 HO-1 11·4 1·7241 1·6507 Wee et al. (1996)

3 YI-1 14·9 1·3497 1·8043 Melek et al. (2003)
Gan (2000)
4 IL-1 16·4 1·5078 1·7700 3·0
Jansen and Shah (1997)
5 IL-2 17·0 1·5812 1·8052
6 IL-3 17·8 1·3730 2·1145 2·0 nasc (Eq. 6)
7 AL-1 20·0 1·7846 2·7396
8 SM-2 20·7 1·6816 2·5687
9 HO-2 21·0 2·2738 2·0113 1·0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
10 YI-2 21·1 1·5469 2·2430
f0: MPa
11 IL-4 21·6 1·4550 2·0460
12 NA-1 19·8 2·2393 2·5136 (a)
13 IL-5 22·6 1·5514 2·2046 Hognestad et al. (1955)
6·0 Smith and Young (1956)
14 AL-2 25·0 1·8343 2·2093
Yi et al. (2003)
15 IL-6 28·2 1·9688 2·5452 İlki (2000)
16 IL-7 28·9 2·0998 2·8103 5·0 Mohamad Ali (1983)
Nakamura and Higai (2001)
17 KU-1 29·1 1·6895 2·2311
Kuchma (1996)
18 AL-3 30·0 1·8966 1·9290 4·0 Wee et al. (1996)

19 SM-3 30·6 2·0466 3·2031 Melek et al. (2003)

Gan (2000)
20 IL-8 30·8 2·0395 3·1896
3·0 Jansen and Shah (1997)
21 WE-1 31·3 2·2107 2·2337
22 YI-3 33·8 2·3573 2·3146
23 AL-4 35·0 1·9409 1·5045 2·0
24 HO-3 35·7 2·8970 2·5520 ndesc (Eq. 7)
25 ME-2 36·0 2·8823 2·1684 1·0
26 GA-1 38·5 2·4469 2·8555 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
27 AL-5 40·0 1·9623 1·6473 f0: MPa
28 GA-2 40·1 2·2671 3·0438
29 KU-2 40·5 2·1425 2·6245
30 JA-1 45·0 2·7307 3·3126
Figure 4. Exponential curves of (a) nasc and (b) ndesc
31 HO-4 46·3 3·8019 —
32 WE-2 46·6 2·6068 3·1333
33 SM-4 49·5 3·3040 —
34 HO-5 52·0 4·7237 — proposals, 34 different experimental datasets for the range 8·8
to 52·0 MPa from different studies were plotted with relations
proposed by other authors and the proposal in this study.
7: ndesc ¼ 16733  e f0 001194
According to Figures 5(a)–5( j), the proposed relation mostly
represents the complete stress–strain behaviour well in both
ascending and descending branches. When all of the graphs in
Evaluation and discussion Figure 5 are examined, the relations proposed by other authors
In this study, a stress–strain relation in the general form of give results that are closer to some of the experimental data,
the proposal of Popovics (1973) is proposed. This form was while others provide quite distant results. For example, Desayi
preferred, owing to its simplicity and applicability, and the and Krishnan’s proposal (Desayi and Krishnan, 1964) fits well
need for a small number of parameters. To construct more rea- with the experimental data provided by Mohamad Ali (1983).
listic stress–strain curves, exponential functions were generated However, it gives quite different behaviour, especially in higher
for n coefficients that govern the shape of the curve for ascend- strengths, according to the experimental data reported by
ing and descending branches separately. To evaluate the proxi- Hognestad (1951), Wee et al. (1996), Smith and Young (1956),
mity of the proposals, a comparison was made between Jansen and Shah (1997), Nakamura and Higai (2001) and
experimental (Gan, 2000; Hognestad et al., 1955; İlki, 2000; Gan (2000). Tulin and Gerstle’s proposal (Tulin and Gerstle,
Jansen and Shah, 1997; Kuchma, 1996; Melek et al., 2003; 1964) is relatively better than Desayi and Krishnan’s proposal
Mohamad Ali, 1983; Nakamura and Higai, 2001; Smith and (Desayi and Krishnan, 1964) at higher strengths. However, the
Young, 1956; Wee et al., 1996; Yi et al., 2003) and analytical accuracy of both relations is insufficient, since it is not valid
stress–strain curves proposed by other authors (Desayi and for the entire compressive strength range examined in this
Krishnan, 1964; Popovics, 1973; Tulin and Gerstle, 1964) study. Conversely, Popovics’s approach gives better results,
and the current study (Equations 4–7). Comparison graphs are since the coefficient n that governs the shape of the curve
presented in Figures 5(a)–5( j). To indicate the proximity of the changes according to the compressive strength.

Magazine of Concrete Research
Magazine of Concrete Research Uniaxial stress–strain relation for
low- and normal-strength concrete
in compression
Erdem and Bikçe

Popovics (1973) HO-5

AL-5 50 HO-4
Popovics (1973)
40 Desayi and Krishnan (1964)
Desayi and Krishnan (1964)
AL-4 Tulin and Gerstle (1964)
Tulin and Gerstle (1964)
AL-3 Experimental 40 HO-3 Experimental
30 Proposed
σc: MPa

σc: MPa
AL-2 Proposed
AL-1 30
20 HO-2
10 HO-1
0 0
0 0·001 0·002 0·003 0·004 0 0·001 0·002 0·003 0·004 0·005
εc: mm/mm εc: mm/mm
(a) (b)
Popovics (1973) Popovics (1973)
SM-4 Desayi and Krishnan (1964) 50 WE-2 Desayi and Krishnan (1964)
50 Tulin and Gerstle (1964) Tulin and Gerstle (1964)
Experimental 40 Experimental
40 Proposed
WE-1 Proposed
σc: MPa

σc: MPa 30
SM-2 20

10 SM-1 10

0 0
0 0·001 0·002 0·003 0·004 0 0·001 0·002 0·003 0·004 0·005 0·006
εc: mm/mm εc: mm/mm
(c) (d)
50 JA-1
YI-3 Popovics (1973) Popovics (1973)
Desayi and Krishnan (1964) Desayi and Krishnan (1964)
30 Tulin and Gerstle (1964) 40 Tulin and Gerstle (1964)
Experimental Experimental
σc: MPa

YI-2 30
σc: MPa

Proposed Proposed
YI-1 NA-1

0 0
0 0·002 0·004 0·006 0·008 0 02 04 06 08 ·010 ·012 ·014
εc: mm/mm 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0 0 0
εc: mm/mm
(e) (f)

KU-2 Popovics (1973) GA-2

40 Desayi and Krishnan (1964) 40 Popovics (1973)
Tulin and Gerstle (1964) GA-1 Desayi and Krishnan (1964)
KU-1 Experimental Tulin and Gerstle (1964)
30 30 Experimental
σc: MPa

σc: MPa

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 0·001 0·002 0·003 0·004 0·005 0·006 0 0·001 0·002 0·003 0·004 0·005
εc: mm/mm εc: mm/mm
(g) (h)
Popovics (1973) 30 IL-7 Popovics (1973)
IL-8 Desayi and Krishnan (1964) Desayi and Krishnan (1964)
30 IL-6 Tulin and Gerstle (1964) IL-5 Tulin and Gerstle (1964)
Experimental Experimental
IL-4 Proposed 20 IL-3 Proposed
σc: MPa
σc: MPa


0 0
0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0
εc: mm/mm εc: mm/mm
(i) (j)

Figure 5. Comparison of experimental and analytical stress–strain curves: (a) Mohamad Ali (1983); (b) Hognestad (1951); (c) Smith and
Young (1956); (d) Wee et al. (1996); (e) Yi et al. (2003); (f) Jansen and Shah (1997), Melek et al. (2003), Nakamura and Higai (2001);
(g) Kuchma (1996); (h) Gan (2000); (i) İlki (2000); ( j) İlki (2000)

Magazine of Concrete Research
Magazine of Concrete Research Uniaxial stress–strain relation for
low- and normal-strength concrete
in compression
Erdem and Bikçe

However, it is understood that the descending branches of some seen in higher-strength concretes in the proposal of Desayi and
test data, such as JA-1, IL-8, WE-1 and WE-2 (Figures 5(d), Krishnan and in lower-strength concretes in Tulin and
5(f) and 5(i)) show sudden changes and depart from the trend Gerstle’s proposal. When the linear trend lines of Popovics’s
followed. Although the relation proposed in this study is highly proposal and the proposal of this study are examined, it can be
compatible until the point of sudden changes, it is seen that the observed that closer error rates are obtained in lower-strength
curves of all the proposed relations show inconsistencies with concretes, whereas the proposed relation gives better results in
the rest of the experimental data. These situations are thought higher-strength concretes. In particular, in the zone ranging
to be caused by the challenges described in the introduction. In from 15 to 52 MPa, with an error rate close to 0%, the pres-
this study, it is essential to capture the ideal behaviour of con- ence of the proposed relation is clearly seen.
crete. It is considered that these situations appearing in the test
data in question are due to a separate issue that needs to be
studied comprehensively.
In this study, a compressive stress–strain relation, which has
great importance on the accuracy of numerical analysis of
Conversely, owing to the large amount of data, there is a need
reinforced concrete structures, is proposed for OOPC. The
to evaluate the proximity of experimental data to the relations
proposed relation was compared with experimental data and
proposed in the literature and the current study quantitatively.
other relations. The comments and outcomes of the study can
For this purpose, the MSPE method was utilised. This method
be summarised as follows.
gives the mean of the squared ratio of the difference in the
absolute experimental and numerical errors in the stress to the
& To obtain the most realistic stress–strain relation for OPCC,
experimental stress for the same corresponding strain value as
experimental stress–strain data obtained from different
a percentage. In this study, the MSPE was calculated for each
laboratories and presented by different authors were used.
relation according to each experimental data point as
& The need for a small number of parameters, simplicity
 ! and accuracy in the concrete classes that are frequently
100 Xt σ exp;j  σ rel;j  2 encountered in practice is thought to make this
8: MSPE ¼   
t σ exp;j  relation useful.
& Considering the comparative graphs in Figure 5 and the
error rates shown in Figure 6, it seems that the proposed
where n is the number of data points of a curve, σ(exp,j ) is the
relation is quite successful in presenting the compressive
stress value of the jth data point of the experimental curve and
behaviour of OPCC with reasonable accuracy.
σ(rel,j ) is the stress value of the jth data point of the numerical
& The proposed relation can be used for wider compressive
curve. The MSPE calculation results obtained for four
strength range, but it is in good agreement with concretes
stress–strain relations according to each experimental dataset
with compressive strengths in the range 8–52 MPa.
are shown in Figure 6. Furthermore, linear trend lines are indi-
cated for the MSPE of each proposal on the scatter plot.

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