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IELTS Journey

Unit 3
Speaking Sample Answers

Linkers, collocations related to the topic, other important collocations

Part 1

Do you usually follow the news?

Yes, I typically keep up with the news on a regular basis. I find it essential to stay informed
about current events and global affairs. I often read news articles online and watch news
broadcasts to ensure I am well-informed about the latest developments. Staying updated helps
me engage in meaningful discussions and make informed decisions in various aspects of life.

Where do you usually get your news?

I primarily gather my news from online sources and reputable news websites. I also rely on news
apps and social media platforms to stay informed about current events. Occasionally, I watch
news programs on television to gain a comprehensive understanding of important issues.
Generally, I try to compare information from different sources to make sure the news I consume
is accurate and objective.

What types of TV shows are you interested in?

I’m particularly interested in a diverse range of TV shows. I enjoy watching thought-provoking
documentaries that discuss real-world issues and provide in-depth insights. I also find comedy
series to be a great source of entertainment. They help me unwind and relax after a long day.
Another type of show that I find interesting is educational programs that expand my knowledge
across various subjects.

Do you prefer reading newspapers or magazines?

I have a preference for reading newspapers over magazines. Newspapers offer a timely and
comprehensive overview of current events. As a result, they help me stay well-informed about
the latest developments. While magazines can be enjoyable for leisure reading, I find newspapers
to be a more reliable source of up-to-date and relevant information. Newspapers also provide
news stories HOT OFF THE PRESS.
Part 3

What are the advantages of reading news online?

Reading news online offers several advantages. Firstly, it provides instant access to a wide
range of current information from around the world. Secondly, online platforms often allow
customization. What I mean by this is that they enable readers to focus on topics of personal
interest. Additionally, digital news is more eco-friendly. In other words, it reduces paper waste
and doesn’t harm the environment. Lastly, the convenience of accessing news on various devices
makes staying informed more convenient and flexible.

Are there any disadvantages to online news?

Yes, there are certain drawbacks to online news. Firstly, the abundance of information online
can lead to misinformation and fake news, which make it challenging to find accurate sources.
Secondly, constant connectivity to news platforms can contribute to information overload and
increased stress. Furthermore, some online news websites may require subscription fees, and
this limits access to those who cannot afford them. Privacy concerns also arise as personal data
might be collected through online news consumption. Finally, reliance on digital platforms could
reduce interactions among people.

How do people get the news in your hometown?

In my hometown, people primarily obtain news in various ways. Many people rely on television
broadcasts to stay informed about local and global events. Newspapers are another source
which remain a popular choice for those who prefer in-depth coverage and analysis.
Additionally, the rise of digital technology has led to a significant shift towards online news
sources accessed through computers, smartphones, and tablets. Social media platforms like
Telegram and Instagram also play a crucial role, as people often share and discuss news
stories within their networks.

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