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Received: 18 December 2023 Revised: 30 March 2024 Accepted: 17 April 2024

DOI: 10.1002/joc.8476


Recent trends in agriculturally relevant climate in Central


Jennifer Nakamura 1 | Richard Seager 1 | Haibo Liu 1 | Fabien Cottier 2 |

Michael J. Puma 3,4 | David J. Wrathall 5 | Brian Katz 5 | Alex de Sherbinin 2 |
Susana B. Adamo 2

Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of
Columbia University, Palisades, New Abstract
York, USA This study examines the climatology and trends in climate in Guatemala,
Center for International Earth Science Honduras, and El Salvador over the past four decades, against the background
Information Network (CIESIN), Earth
of potential impacts on rainfed agriculture, livelihoods, and migration. The
Institute, Columbia University, Palisades,
New York, USA results show that there has been a significant warming of surface tempera-
Center for Climate Systems Research, tures, an earlier start to the monsoon, a drier and longer mid-summer drought,
Columbia University, New York, New and a delay in the second peak of precipitation from September to October.
York, USA
These changes have led to an increase in vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in
NASA Goddard Institute for Space
Studies, New York, New York, USA northern Guatemala and along the Pacific coast in winter. High VPD can stress
Department of Geography, plants and lead to reduced yields. The study also finds that the thresholds that
Environmental Sciences and Marine cause a decline in coffee yield have already been reached in El Salvador, but
Resource Management, Oregon State
University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
the average VPD has also risen in Guatemala and Honduras over the past
42 years. Maize yields have also been negatively affected with an inverse rela-
Correspondence tionship with daily maximum temperatures during the summer flowering sea-
Jennifer Nakamura, Lamont Doherty
Earth Observatory of Columbia son. Observed changes and trends in these climate factors are believed to have
University, Palisades, New York, USA. direct implications for crop yields and livelihoods, potentially driving shifts in
migration patterns.
Funding information
U.S. Department of Defense
agrometeorology, climate, humidity, monsoon, rainfall, tropics

1 | INTRODUCTION highland regions, including portions of countries such as

Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua, exists
Central America, a region that extends from Belize to a geographic area with a population of around 23 million
Panama, is characterized by a tropical monsoonal cli- people (CIESIN, 2018) commonly referred to as the Cen-
mate. An extended winter dry season occurs in the period tral America Dry Corridor (CADC). This contrasts with
between the retreat and the onset of the monsoon. There extensive lowland tropical broadleaf forests in Northern
are many complexities to the precipitation pattern across Guatemala, and the Caribbean coast of Honduras
Central America due to topography and proximity to and Nicaragua, dominated by smallholder agriculture
water bodies. Spanning the western lowland and inland and large conservation areas, comprising the

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2024 The Authors. International Journal of Climatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Meteorological Society.

Int J Climatol. 2024;44:2701–2724. 2701

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

F I G U R E 1 (a) Central America topography and bathymetry in meters showing land elevation and ocean or sea depth. Pacific Ocean to
the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. Countries are outlined in black. The southern portion of Mexico is on the top left side of the
map. The study area includes Guatemala, south of Mexico primarily with a Pacific coastline. Honduras, on the southeast border of
Guatemala, primarily with a Caribbean coastline, and El Salvador on the southwest border of Guatemala, adjacent to the Pacific Ocean,
between Guatemala and Honduras. (b–e) Monthly climatology 1980–2021, area averaged over the countries in the study region.
(b) Precipitation in mm/month from University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) version 4.06. (c) Temperature in  C from CRU
version 4.06. (d) Vapour pressure deficit in kPa from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis (ERA5) in solid lines
and Climate Lab at Sierra Nevada Research Institute (TerraClimate) in dashed. (e) Vapour pressure in kPa from ERA5 (solid) and
TerraClimate (dashed). (f) 700 hPa vertical velocity from ERA5 in m2/s2 with negative values indicating upward motion.
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Meso-American Biological Corridor (MBC). In general, that has been detrimental to rural livelihoods
agricultural and livelihood patterns associated with these (CARE International, 2020). In popular media
regions are distinct, with smallholder agriculture domi- (Lustgarten, 2020), and some academic literature (Linke
nating in the dry corridor (Pons, 2021) and large-scale et al., 2023; Pons, 2021), a link has been made between
industrialized agriculture and cattle ranching concen- the impacts of climate change and variability in the
trated in areas receiving greater precipitation. Small- northern triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and
holder coffee production is most prevalent where dry and El Salvador, and the migration of rural inhabitants to dif-
wet areas converge. ferent regions or beyond national borders, sometimes
Over the preceding decade, the CADC has been referred to as climate migrants, with a significant number
afflicted by the most severe droughts witnessed in undertaking perilous journeys through Central America
decades, resulting in disruption for over 1.3 million sub- in route to the United States (IFAD, 2021).
sistence agriculturists and labourers, predominantly com- Since changing agricultural livelihoods may play a
prising marginalized Indigenous populations, causing role in migration, it is important to determine how the
substantial livelihood losses, marked instances of acute region's climate has affected livelihood prospects. Migra-
food insecurity, and prompting adjustments in their tion in the region is, however, also attributed to other key
migratory behaviours (Anderson et al., 2023; Linke challenges facing Central American societies including
et al., 2023; Pons, 2021; Stringer et al., 2021). The primary poverty, inequality, and violence (de la Rosa, 2023;
migrant-sending countries of Central America and the Swanson & Torres, 2016). Widely cited factors include
CADC to the US/Mexico border are Guatemala, macro-economic changes such as inflation and commod-
Honduras, and El Salvador (Angelo, 2021; Young, 2021). ity prices (Ruiz-de-Oña et al., 2019), demographic
Within the prevailing atmospheric circulation charac- changes including a “youth bulge” in Central America
terized by easterly trade winds, the influx of moist air from (Clemens, 2021), violence and narcotics trafficking
the Caribbean Sea encounters elevated terrain (Figure 1a) (Clemens, 2021; Swanson & Torres, 2016), and evolving
creating a rain shadow on the western Pacific leeward side social networks of diaspora communities (Clemens, 2017;
in the CADC (Trewartha, 1981, p. 74). Quesada-Hernandez Glover et al., 2001; Lorenzen, 2017). Also contributing to
et al. (2019) defined the CADC meteorologically using sev- migration are the significant environmental challenges
eral drought indices and a ratio of potential evaporation to affecting the region, such as deforestation, colonization
precipitation that changes during normal, dry, and wet of the agricultural frontier within the region, hydrologic
years. The brown regions (lower than 14 g/kg) of the interventions, both rural and urban (Bnamericas, 2019;
monthly climatology of surface specific humidity in Vidal, 2017), and the intersections of these processes with
Figure S1 illustrate the more arid regions. Due to the agri- climate change (IPCC, 2023; Wrathall et al., 2020).
cultural focus of this study, we adopted the Food and Agri- Over time, the typical international migrant from Cen-
culture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)'s tral America has changed from single, working-age males
definition of the Central American Dry Corridor (CADC) to entire families and unaccompanied minors (Linke
as it considers geographical, climatic, natural resource, et al., 2023). The Washington Post (2023) reported that
socioeconomic, and institutional aspects characterizing the families, the current largest demographic migrant group
region in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. This defi- crossing the US/Mexico border, reached an unprecedented
nition aligns well with the highland areas (Figure 1a) and high in August of 2023, even in the brutal summer heat
areas west of the highlands (van der Zee Arias et al., 2012). (Miroff & Sacchetti, 2023). The humanitarian crisis of fam-
In the three highest migrant-sending countries of ilies at the border and the possible role of climate in
Central America, agriculture remains an important part influencing migration prompted us to examine recent cli-
of the economy. In 2021, agriculture accounted for 15.5% mate trends in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador,
of GDP and 24.8% of the labour force in Honduras, 15.3% which exert an influence on agricultural yields.
of GDP and 15.3% of labour in El Salvador, and 9.4% of There is consensus in the literature that climate
GDP and 29.7% of labour in Guatemala (World change is impacting rural Central American livelihoods.
Bank, 2023). These figures indicate that relative to Harvey et al. (2018) studied climate change impacts on
El Salvador, larger proportions of the population in smallholder farmers and found that nearly all surveyed
Honduras and Guatemala consist of rural farm workers. smallholder farmers (95%) have observed manifestations
Livelihoods are heavily dependent on two major crops: of climate change, and a substantial majority are pres-
maize is a principal staple crop in the region going back ently contending with the repercussions of rising temper-
centuries (Kennett et al., 2020), while coffee is a major atures and changing precipitation patterns on
cash crop (Avelino et al., 2015). At the same time as the agricultural yields, pests, and diseases, with impacts on
CADC drought, increasingly wet monsoons and devastat- economic prospects, and, in select instances, the stability
ing tropical cyclones have contributed to flooding of food supplies. A significant proportion of maize
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farmers (87%) and coffee cultivators (66%) have docu- We selected the University of East Anglia Climatic
mented adverse effects of climate change on their crop Research Unit and Met Office (CRU) version 4.06 as the
productivity, while approximately a third (32%) of all representative precipitation dataset, and it was also used
smallholder farmers have reported instances of food inse- for monthly surface temperature. This dataset,
curity after occurrences of extreme climatic events available from
(Harvey et al., 2018). The recent Intergovernmental Panel cru_ts_4.06/, offers data at a 0.5 resolution (Harris
on Climate Change Assessment Report 6 (IPCC AR6) syn- et al., 2013). For comparison, three other monthly precip-
thesis report indicates medium confidence of adverse itation datasets were examined.
impacts, due to human-induced climate change, on agri- First, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
culture/crop production for a combined area of Central istration (NOAA)/National Weather Service Climate Pre-
and South America (IPCC, 2023). Cavazos et al. (2019) diction Centre (CPC) Unified Gauge-Based Analysis of
investigated the trends in temperature and precipitation in Global Precipitation Data, available from https://iridl.
Central America from 1980 to 2010. They found in obser-
vations significant annual and summer and winter season UNIFIED_PRCP/.GAUGE_BASED/.GLOBAL/.v1p0/.
positive trends in temperature, and negative trends in pre- Monthly/.extREALTIME/.rain/#info at a 0.5 resolu-
cipitation for Guatemala (DJF), Honduras (JJA and DJF), tion (Chen et al., 2008; Chen, Shi, et al., 2008; Xie
and El Salvador (DJF) at the 0.05 level. Studies using et al., 2007). Second, the National Oceanic and Atmo-
model projections indicate increasing aridification of the spheric Administration Global Precipitation Climatology
CADC in the next century (Depsky & Pons, 2020). Centre (GPCC) version v2020 appended with monitoring
This study aims to provide a comprehensive, up-to- data at 1 resolution available from
date, quantitative assessment of changes in climate data/gridded/data.gpcc.html (Becker et al., 2013;
drivers influencing the livelihoods of potential migrants Schneider et al., 2016; Schneider et al., 2017). Finally, the
in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador over the past Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Informa-
decades. This study expands the time period of the assess- tion using Artificial Neural Networks-Cloud classification
ment by Cavazos et al. (2019) through 2021, examines System-Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CCS-CDR) at a
monthly trends, and crucially conducts a systematic anal- 0.04 resolution available from https://chrsdata.eng.uci.
ysis of variables important to crop yields such as moisture edu (Ashouri et al., 2015; Nguyen et al., 2019; Sadeghi
fluxes, heights, vertical motions, vapour pressure deficit, et al., 2021). The CRU and CPC Unified precipitation had
daily maximum temperatures, pressure, and surface similar climatological patterns but differed in their trend
moisture. In examining trends, this work may also con- patterns. However, a higher degree of agreement was
tribute to the understanding of current anthropogenically found for both climatology and precipitation trends
induced climate change in a region of the world where between CRU, GPCC, and PERSIANN-CCS-CDR
the IPCC's recent synthesis report indicates a low level of datasets.
confidence for changes in heavy precipitation and limited Vertically integrated vapour flux came from the
agreement on changes in drought (IPCC, 2023). European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Section 2 describes the climate and crop data used and reanalysis (ERA5) version 5 available from https://cds.
the method of the analysis, focusing on two significant!/home at a 0.25 resolution
crops: coffee, a crucial cash crop, and maize, a staple grain. (Hersbach et al., 2018). Climatology and trends of verti-
Section 3 presents the results, while Section 4 includes the cally integrated vapour flux were confirmed with the
discussion and conclusions, featuring an application to National Aeronautics and Space Administration Modern-
migration modelling. If temperatures rise, monsoons ERA Retrospective analysis for Research and Applica-
change patterns, and country-averaged vapour pressure tions version 2 (MERRA-2) dataset available from
deficits increase in Central America, then rural agricul- at
tural yields will decrease, and livelihoods may be lost. a 0.5 resolution in latitude and 0.625 in longitude
(Gelaro et al., 2017). ERA5 was chosen as the representa-
tive vertically integrated vapour flux dataset and used for
2 | DATA AND METHODS monthly 2-m temperature and dewpoint which were used
to calculate vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and surface
2.1 | Climate reanalysis and specific humidity (q) (in Section 2.3), 700 hPa vertical
observed data velocity, heights at 700 and 850 hPa, and surface pressure
used in the q calculation.
Several monthly climate datasets were used to analyse Monthly VPD was also sourced from the Climate Lab
the climatology and trends of Central American climate at Sierra Nevada Research Institute (TerraClimate) avail-
for the period 1980–2021. able at
10970088, 2024, 8, Downloaded from by Honduras HINARI REGIONAL, Wiley Online Library on [18/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

at a 0.04 resolution (Abatzoglou et al., 2018). TerraCli- T −273:16
17:2694 Td
d − 35:86
mate VPD uses a daily average of the saturated vapour ea = 0:61078 e ð3Þ
pressure at maximum and minimum temperatures and
the mean daily actual vapour pressure (Kath et al., 2022). where es is saturated vapour pressure and ea is the actual
Two sources of VPD were used. The monthly ERA5 VPD vapour pressure both in units of kPa (Bolton, 1980).
potentially gives an underestimate of climate influence ERA5 actual vapour pressure (3) in kPa and surface
on crops due to averaging over the daily scale. TerraCli- pressure (sp) in Pa are used to calculate specific humidity
mate, computed from daily data, potentially gives an (q) in g/kg as in Laure (2020)
overestimate of climate influence on crops due to the
diurnal transpiration cycle and photosynthesis (Kukal & 0:622ea
q=    ð4Þ
Irmak, 2023). The crop warming threshold (CWT), sp + 0:378 1000

defined in Section 2.4, was computed from daily surface

maximum temperature anomalies with respect to 1950–
1980, from Berkeley Earth available at https:// at a 1 resolution (Rohde 2.4 | Crop warming threshold
et al., 2013; Rohde & Hausfather, 2020).
Berkely Earth daily surface maximum temperature
anomalies (Ta), with respect to 1950–1980, were used to
2.2 | Land and crop data calculate the monthly crop warming threshold (CWT) a
daily marker (d) averaged over the month:
Topography and bathymetry are from NOAA's ETOPO5
5 × 5 min Navy database available from http://iridl.ldeo. 1 X
T a <1 C,d =0 at a CWT= d,where  ð5Þ

days 1 T a ≥1 C,d =1
0.08 resolution. Crop data were analysed from two
sources. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAOSTAT) maize and coffee yields are available where days is the number of days in the month, CWT is
from at a monthly in units of fraction of a month the daily maximum tem-
resolution (FAO, 1997), and the United States Depart- perature anomaly is 1 C and over.
ment of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Produc-
tion, Supply, and Distribution (USDA PSD) maize yield
and coffee production available from https://apps.fas. 2.5 | Climatology and trends also at a
monthly resolution (USDA, 2014). Harvested area Climatology is a long-term mean, necessitating no less
fractions of coffee and maize are from EARTHSTAT than three decades to ensure precision in the derived
available from averages. In our study, we adopted a duration of 42 years,
yield-175-crops/ as a single map for a 1997 to 2003 aver- spanning from 1980 to 2021, based on the available data
age (Monfreda et al., 2008). sources. Within this framework, the climatological
assessment of a specific month, such as January, is con-
ducted by the computation of the collective mean of all
2.3 | ERA5 vapour pressure deficit and Januarys within the timeframe.
specific humidity Trends, in this study, refer to linear trends calcu-
lated by a straight line fitted by linear least squares
Monthly ERA5 2-m temperature (T) and dewpoint (Td), through time calculated at every point. Positive trend
both in K, were used to calculate a monthly vapour pres- coefficients indicate increasing values of the variable
sure deficit (VPD) in kPa, by Tetens' formula, the rela- over time, while negative coefficients indicate decreas-
tionship between temperature and the partial pressure of ing values. The magnitude of the coefficients indicates
water vapour, the rate of change over 42 years. Trend significance is
calculated by critical values of the Student's t-test for
VPD =es − ea ð1Þ a two-tailed distribution, at the 0.1 significance level,
and is indicated by small dot hatching on trend
es =0:61078 eð17:2694 T −35:86 Þ
T − 273:16 figures.
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2.6 | Crop data fractional harvest area for coffee was used to identify cof-
fee growing areas of 0.1% and higher as in Anderson
Sardo et al. (2023) report the Central American food sys- et al., 2018. This was then used as a mask for the two
tem to be heavily dependent on rainfed agriculture, VPDT datasets. The VPDT is then spatially area averaged
where the bulk of local dietary requirements is met over areas of coffee production for each of the study
through domestic cereal grain production, an over- countries for 1980–2021 (the first one being June 1979 to
whelming majority of which is maize, while the primary February 1980). Finally, it is converted into the percent
source of income is derived from seasonal coffee reve- of months times area that VPDT is exceeded.
nues. Therefore, coffee and maize were selected as a Coffee production from USDA PSD and coffee yield
focus for the climate impacts on agriculture in Central from FAOSTAT were collected and processed with a But-
America. terworth filter to remove the 10-year low-frequency
increase due to agricultural advances and better isolate
the impacts of climate variability. The 10-year window
2.6.1 | Coffee allows for the removal of a non-uniformly varying tempo-
ral trend in innovations, as opposed to a uniform linear
Kath et al. (2022) found vapour pressure deficit (VPD) trend. The high pass (HP) production and yield were
during fruit maturation to be a critical determinant of obtained by subtracting out the 10-year low pass (LP):
worldwide coffee productivity, with yield sharply decreas-
ing beyond 0.82 kPa. This vapour pressure level suggests HP Yield= Original Yield −LP Yield ð7Þ
a crop sensitive to climate conditions. In greenhouse
experiments, where temperature and humidity are con- Kath et al. (2022) also found that coffee yield was
trolled, crops perform best within a vapour pressure strongest correlated with a 2-year average, including the
range of 0.8 to 0.92 kPa (Shamshiri & Ismail, 2014). They previous year, as Arabica coffee has a 2-year productivity
show optimal growth at or above 0.82 kPa, instead of cycle (larger harvest followed by smaller harvest cycle).
experiencing a yield decline at this level. VPD typically All coffee production and yields are 2-year averaged
decreases with elevation. Lower temperatures lead to before correlation with climate variables.
lower saturation vapour pressures, which in turn
decrease the VPD. Currently, coffee is grown at 400–
2000 m in the study area where VPD is lower than at sea 2.6.2 | Maize
level (Ovalle-Rivera et al., 2015). Future model studies
predicted 2050 global warming to increase the coffee pro- Anderson et al. (2018) determined the sensitivity to heat
duction to 800–2500 m over the region (Ovalle-Rivera stress for maize was highest during the flowering June–
et al., 2015) and over 1000 m in Eastern and Southern August season in the Mexico area. EARTHSTAT frac-
Guatemala (Haggar & Schepp, 2011). Ovalle-Rivera et al. tional harvest area for maize was used to identify maize
note the lower elevation of El Salvador means it will be growing areas of 0.1% and higher. This was then used as
more impacted than Guatemala or Honduras which will a mask for the CWT dataset and area-averaged over the
gain coffee cultivation suitability areas at 1500–2500 m. study countries in areas of maize production 1980–2021
The supplemental information table S2 of Kath et al. for the flowering season and individual months of the
(2022) indicated the fruit maturation period/growing sea- season. The 10-year low pass for agricultural advances is
son for Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador (also removed by (7) as in Section 2.6.1.
Nicaragua and Costa Rica) as the 9 months of June
through the following February after an April–May flow-
ering season. 3 | RESULTS
The growing season threshold (VPDT) was calculated
for the two monthly VPD datasets of ERA5-derived and 3.1 | Climatology
TerraClimate by:
3.1.1 | Precipitation
1 X
VPD<0:82 kPa, m =0
VPDT = m, where The CRU precipitation climatology, area averaged over
months 1 VPD≥0:82 kPa, m =1
the study countries in mm/month, is shown in Figure 1b.
The winter/spring dry season lasts from November to
April and the summer/fall wet season from May
where m is the monthly marker and months is the to October, typical of a monsoonal climate. There is a
9 months June through February. EARTHSTAT peak of monsoon precipitation in June, a dip in July, and
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F I G U R E 2 Monthly climatology 1980–2021 of precipitation (colours) in mm/month from University of East Anglia Climate Research
Unit (CRU) version 4.06 and vertically integrated vapour flux (vectors) in kg/m/s from the fifth version of the European Centre for Medium-
Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis (ERA5). A scale vector of 100 kg/m/s is in the bottom right of each month's plot. The colour scale
ranges from grey at zero, to brown, light brown, light blue, light green, and darker greens for high values.

a stronger rebound peak in the fall. The dip is known as Atlantic Ocean (Trewartha, 1981, p. 82). The climatologi-
the mid-summer drought or ‘canícula’ (Karnauskas & cal monsoon is driven by the solar declination, which
Curtis, 2016; Maurer et al., 2022). The climatological progresses northward to the Tropic of Cancer in Mexico
North Atlantic subtropical high is strongest and the west- by the summer solstice, and southward to the Tropic of
ern flank is at the most southern position in July (see Capricorn in South America by the winter solstice. With
Figure S2, July). The geostrophic flow around the sub- a delay for atmospheric adjustment, this passage is asso-
tropical high intensifies the easterly winds, strengthening ciated with latitude shifts in convective instability and
the Caribbean low-level jet (CLLJ), which is linked to precipitation, and the position and the strength of the
dryness in the region through moisture flux divergence subtropical highs and CLLJ. The overall impact, over the
(Martin & Schumacher, 2011). The strength of the CLLJ long-term average, is an intensification of precipitation in
has been linked to the difference in sea surface tempera- June on the northward pass, and again in September on
tures (SSTs) between the tropical North Atlantic and the southward retreat, with a drier period in between,
Pacific, that is, a warmer Pacific leads to a stronger CLLJ though detailed timings are influenced locally by regional
and more CADA drying (Corrales-Suastegui et al., 2022; and remote SSTs, topography, and land cover.
Fuentes-Franco et al., 2015). Also, local land surface The monthly climatology of CRU precipitation in
properties can impact the intensity of the mid-summer mm/month and ERA5 vertically integrated vapour flux
drought primarily through moisture advection changes (VIVF) in kg/m/s are shown as maps in Figure 2. VIVF is
(Corrales-Suastegui et al., 2022). The second peak in the the total water vapour transported through a vertical col-
fall is enhanced by tropical disturbances from the North umn of the atmosphere over a given area. Moisture in the
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F I G U R E 3 Monthly climatology 1980–2021 of near-surface temperature (colours) in  C from University of East Anglia Climate
Research Unit (CRU) version 4.06. The colour scale ranges from low values in dark blue, to light blue, green, yellow, orange, red, and high
values in bright pink.

atmosphere is evaporated from the surface and is mostly for Guatemala and Honduras, with the monsoon precipi-
confined to the lower troposphere. Therefore, the vertically tation slightly reducing summer temperatures. The
integrated vapour flux (VIVF), which is calculated over monthly climatology of CRU surface temperature maps
the entire atmospheric column, primarily represents flux in  C is shown in Figure 3. As expected, on average,
in the lower half of the atmosphere. During the dry season southern areas are warmer than northern, and the sea-
of November to April, precipitation is confined to the sonal cycle follows the usual progression from cooler fall
Caribbean coast due to the orographic lifting of moist east- and winter to warmer spring and summer, but in all sea-
erly trade winds that occur primarily in the winter. The sons, there is a strong impact of elevation (Figure 1a).
monsoon begins in the southern portion of Central Amer- Temperature, like precipitation (Figure 2), is heavily
ica in May when the VIVF shifts to southeasterly, and pre- topographically dependent. The highest peaks in the
cipitation reaches the research area, from the Pacific to Guatemala interior highlands are the coldest in the study
Caribbean coasts, in June. July and August have less pre- area. Even in the winter, the western coastal Pacific low-
cipitation and an eastward shift in VIVF, with some diver- lands are warmed by subsidence drying. And also, possi-
gence over Honduras. September brings back the wetter bly, by the warm North Equatorial Counter Current
southeasterly VIVF and enhanced precipitation. (Jokisch, 2023, p. 18).

3.1.2 | Temperature 3.1.3 | Vapour pressure deficit and vapour

The CRU surface temperature climatology for the study
countries, area-averaged in  C, is presented in Figure 1c. The ERA5-derived (solid) and TerraClimate (dashed)
The temperature peaks in April for El Salvador and May vapour pressure deficit (VPD) climatology for the study
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F I G U R E 4 Monthly climatology 1980–2021 of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in kPa, computed from monthly 2-m temperature and
dewpoint from the fifth version of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis (ERA5). The colour scale ranges
from low values in dark blue, to light blue, green, yellow, orange, red, and high values in bright pink.

countries, area-averaged in kPa, is presented in countries, area-averaged in m2 s−2, presented in

Figure 1d. Figure 1f, exhibits an inverse relationship with pre-
The VPD peaks in March for El Salvador and April cipitation in Figure 1a and the actual vapour pres-
for Guatemala and Honduras. sure in Figure 1e. Upward motion is indicated by
VPD (Equation 1), has both a temperature (es, values above zero, which occurs from April to
Equation 2) and moisture component (ea, Equation 3), November signifying low-level moisture convergence,
with hotter and drier conditions giving higher VPD. while downward motion is indicated by values below
If sufficient water is available in soils, evapotranspi- zero, which occurs from December to March.
ration increases with a higher VPD because of the The monthly climatology map of ERA5-derived
increased potential for water to evaporate or tran- VPD in kPa is shown in Figure 4 and of TerraClimate
spire into the atmosphere. The climatological VPD VPD in Figure 5. Strikingly VPD does not follow the
rises through the dry season first as vapour pressure same seasonal cycle as temperature, as would be the
decreases (Figure 1e) and then as temperature case if relative humidity was fixed. Instead, there is
increases (Figure 1c). VPD decreases rapidly at the high VPD along the Pacific coast and in the Yucatan
onset wet season as vapour pressure increases, in winter and spring including northern Guatemala,
slightly rebounds during the mid-summer drought, areas in which the climatological temperature
and then decreases further as vapour pressure (Figure 3) was high. Lower VPD is observed in the
increases and temperature declines due to precipita- summer and fall. Greater topographical detail is seen
tion and the associated cloudiness. The ERA5 in the higher resolution TerraClimate, showing ele-
700 hPa vertical velocity climatology for the study vated regions of Guatemala (Figure 1a) with a lower
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F I G U R E 5 Monthly climatology 1980–2021 of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in kPa from the Climate Lab at Sierra Nevada Research
Institute (TerraClimate, a land-only dataset). The colour scale ranges from low values in dark blue, to light blue, green, yellow, orange, red,
and high values in bright pink.

VPD in the summer, fall, and winter. As in the time 3.2 | Trends
series of Figure 1, higher values of VPD in the clima-
tological pattern are a combination of high es or tem- 3.2.1 | Precipitation
peratures (Figure 3), and lower ea or specific humidity
(Figure S1). Monthly trends over 1980–2021 of precipitation (colours)
in mm/month per 42 years, with small dot hatching
added where statistically significant, and vertically inte-
3.1.4 | Crop warming threshold grated vapour flux (VIVF, vectors) in kg/m/s per 42 years
are shown in Figure 7. During May, we find increased
The monthly climatology of Crop Warming Threshold low-level flow from the southeast in both the Caribbean
(CWT), defined in Section 2.4, with units of the frac- Sea and the Pacific Ocean and a wetter Guatemala imply-
tion of the month the daily maximum temperature ing an earlier start to the monsoon. The counterclockwise
anomaly is 1 C and over is shown in Figure 6. As a flow of the VIVF in May in the Pacific is associated with
monthly climatology of an anomaly with respect to an a trend towards low pressure. July, the month of the mid-
earlier period (1950–1980), all values over 0 indicate summer drought, has become starkly drier and the VIVF
warming of daily maximum temperatures in the later shows the clockwise winds of a high-pressure trend
period (1980–2021), with warmer colours showing centred over the study region likely inducing descent and
more comparative warming such as December to suppressing precipitation. Rauscher et al. (2008), in a
February in Honduras, and northern Guatemala in modelling study of 21st-century climate change, identi-
February. fied a feature like this with a westward movement and
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F I G U R E 6 Monthly climatology 1980–2021 of crop warming threshold (CWT) in a fraction of a month the daily maximum temperature
anomaly is 1 C and over, derived from the 1950–1980 daily maximum temperature anomalies from Berkely Earth. Colours and contours
every 0.1 fraction of a month. The colour scale ranges from low values in dark blue, to light blue, light green, beige, yellow, orange, and high
values in red.

intensification of the North Atlantic subtropical high velocity patterns. Figure 8 shows monthly trends over
from June to July. September, the month of the second 1980–2021 of 700 hPa vertical pressure velocity (colour)
monsoon peak, is drier than usual, but October is wetter. in Pa/s per 42 years, with small dot hatching added
This suggests that the second peak of precipitation in where statistically significant, and 700 hPa heights (con-
Guatemala is shifting later into the fall. In October, there tours) in m2 s−2 per 42 years. Vertical pressure velocity is
is counterclockwise flow over the Yucatan, indicating a shown in colour, with warmer colours indicating subsi-
low-pressure trend likely favouring ascent and increased dence and cooler colours indicating ascent. To place
precipitation over the study region. June, August, these local trends in hemispheric context, trends in
November, January, March, and April do not have signif- 850 hPa heights, in m2 s−2 per 42 years, showing trends
icant trends in precipitation while December and in the positioning of the Pacific and Atlantic subtropical
February which are already climatologically dry are fur- highs are presented in Figure S3, indicating significant
ther significantly drying. large-scale locally higher heights in every month except
August, October, and November in the study region. May
is characterized by a trend towards low pressure in the
3.2.2 | 700 hPa vertical velocity and heights Pacific Ocean and with southerly ascending flow over
the study area. Locally higher pressure centred over Cen-
The circulations present in the trend of VIVF in Figure 7 tral America in June and July, with the northward extent
indicate regional pressure trends, thereby prompting an of the high pressure peaking in July, drives subsidence
examination of local heights and associated vertical and the trend towards a deeper mid-summer drought.
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F I G U R E 7 Monthly trend 1980–2021 of precipitation (colours) in mm/month per 42 years from University of East Anglia Climate
Research Unit (CRU) version 4.06 and vertically integrated vapour flux (vectors) in kg/m/s per 42 years from the fifth version of the
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis (ERA5). A scale vector of 100 kg/m/s per 42 years is in the bottom right
of each month's plot. Small dot hatching over land indicates a significant trend in precipitation to the 0.1 level. The colour scale ranges from
low, dry, values in dark brown, to light brown, white, light green, and high, wet, values in dark green.

October has a closed contour low over the upper northern region of the study area has experienced the
Yucatan, also present at 850 hPa (Figure S3, Oct), strongest warming, with brief periods of less intense
and extending over northern Guatemala. South of warming in May, June, and November. There does
the low, southwesterly flow and ascent bring seem to be an inverse relation between warming and
increased precipitation to Guatemala and a later sec- precipitation trends (Figure 7). For example, the
ond peak of the monsoon. November and January strong warming in July in Guatemala, Honduras, and
have striking and significant trends towards subsi- El Salvador occurs during the intensification of the
dence in the CADC. mid-summer drought.
In contrast, the limited warming in June comes with
generally increased precipitation or little change.
3.2.3 | Temperature Reduced precipitation results in a change in the surface
energy balance, leading to decreased cooling through
Figure 9 shows the monthly trends in near-surface evapotranspiration and increased sensible and longwave
temperature ( C per 42 years) over 1980–2021, with fluxes, consequently raising surface temperatures. Addi-
small dot hatching indicating significant trends. Near- tionally, reduced precipitation will lead to less cloud
surface temperatures have risen significantly over this cover, which will increase the downward surface solar
period such that no areas or months have cooled. The radiation.
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F I G U R E 8 Monthly trend 1980–2021 of 700 hPa vertical velocity (colour) in Pa/s per 42 years and heights (contours) in m2/s2 per
42 years from the fifth version of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis (ERA5). Small dot hatching
indicates a significant trend to the 0.1 level of the 700 hPa vertical velocity trend. The colour scale ranges from low values in dark blue, to
light blue, light green, beige, yellow, orange, and high values in red.

3.2.4 | Vapour pressure deficit and specific daily for TerraClimate). Temperature trends (Figure 9) do
humidity not show a coastal feature, but the monthly trend of spe-
cific humidity in g/kg over the period 1980–2021
Monthly trends over 1980–2021 of vapour pressure deficit (Figure S4) does show drier conditions along the coast,
(VPD) in kPa per 42 years are shown for ERA5-derived especially in March, which would increase VPD. While
in, Figure 10 and TerraClimate in Figure 11, with small the specific humidity trends here are not statistically sig-
dot hatching indicating statistically significant trends. nificant, given the warming and increasing atmospheric
VPD increases are stronger and more widespread in both water holding capacity, the default expectation would be
data sets than decreases. The ERA5-derived vapour pres- for rising humidity. Hence the decline, while not statisti-
sure deficit (VPD) exhibits a strong increase along the cally significant, is physically significant.
Pacific coast from December to March and slightly inland
in April and July, while the TerraClimate Pacific coast
increases occur in February and March and in July. Both 3.2.5 | Crop warming threshold
ERA5-derived and TerraClimate VPD have positive
trends in northern Guatemala every month, with the The monthly trends of the crop warming
strongest increases occurring in the spring (March to threshold (CWT) over the period 1980–2021, expressed as
May) and during the mid-summer drought (July the change per 42 years in the fraction of a month when
to August). The differences between the two datasets the daily maximum temperature anomaly exceeds 1 C,
along the coast may be due to the different time scales are shown in Figure 12. Small dot hatching indicates sta-
over which they are calculated (monthly for ERA5 and tistical significance. While CWT is generally increasing
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F I G U R E 9 Monthly trend 1980–2021 of near-surface temperature (colours) in  C per 42 years from University of East Anglia Climate
Research Unit (CRU) version 4.06. Small dot hatching indicates a significant trend to the 0.1 level. The colour scale ranges from low values
in dark blue, to light blue, light green, beige, yellow, orange, and high values in red.

across months and locations, one exception is in May (b) Guatemala, and (c) Honduras, that exceeded the
when CWT is decreasing in Guatemala, El Salvador, and threshold of vapour pressure deficit (VPD 0.82 kPa)
Honduras. This corresponds with the trend of the mon- for significant yield decline for coffee during the
soon starting earlier (Figure 7, May) with likely increased growing and fruit development season (June through
evaporative cooling of the surface preventing warming. February) for 1980–2021 where the EARTHSTAT frac-
In contrast, September CWT increased along with the tional harvest area for coffee was 0.1% and higher.
delay of the second peak of the monsoon (Figure 7, Sep). El Salvador (Figure 13a) is already high in VPD over
CWT increases across Central America during the the entire period due to the low moisture induced by
mid-summer drought. Honduras, in the fall and winter, rain shadow and subsidence. TerraClimate (blue)
stands out as a location and time where the warming of shows an increase for El Salvador (a) although this
CWT has been stronger than in other countries and might be influenced by a few large values around
seasons. 2020. In contrast, Guatemala for both datasets
(Figure 13b) and Honduras for TerraClimate (blue,
Figure 13c) are experiencing an increasing frequency
3.3 | Crops of climatic conditions that have been shown to reduce
the yield of the coffee cash crop over the period
3.3.1 | Coffee 1980–2021. When VPD is calculated on the daily scale
(blue) it shows larger values than ERA5-derived
Figure 13 shows the percent of month-area of each (black) over the whole period, perhaps due to the
country in the study region, for (a) El Salvador, daily versus monthly data input difference. Honduras
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F I G U R E 1 0 Monthly trend 1980–2021 of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in kPa per 42 years, computed from monthly 2-m temperature
and dewpoint from the fifth version of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis (ERA5). Small dot hatching
indicates a significant trend to the 0.1 level. The colour scale ranges from low values in dark blue, to light blue, light green, beige, yellow,
orange, and high values in red.

(c) shows more year-to-year variability than and anomaly (relative to 1980–2021), using the same
Guatemala (b) in both datasets. methods as in Section 2.6.1. Only El Salvador, with
The USDA PSD's 2-year and country-averaged time VPD data derived from ERA5, exhibited significant
series of coffee production (depicted in Figure S5a) indi- inverse correlations (0.05 level, two-tailed Pearson test)
cates a declining trend in El Salvador, which displays an for both threshold and anomaly. The TerraClimate
elevated VPD (Figure 13a), while Guatemala and VPD threshold had a significant inverse correlation
Honduras exhibit increasing trends. Coffee production with coffee yield for Honduras. Production should be
involves both yield and cultivated area. As VPD rises, it less climate-dependent than yield because it also
tends to decrease yield, which might be offset by an depends on the amount of land cultivated which can
expansion of planted areas to sustain higher production change over time. No significant correlations were
levels or a move to higher elevation. However, found between coffee yield from FAO STAT data and
El Salvador has limited high elevation land to increase VPD metrics, processed as in Section 2.6.1. When cof-
production (Ovalle-Rivera et al., 2015, Figure S5b). fee yield is not filtered the correlations are positive,
Figure S5b–d depicts the topographical elevation of opposite of expectations of lower yield, but possibly
El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, respectively, indicating both VPD and technological advances are
using 50-m elevation bins. rising over time unrelated to each other. Using a sin-
Coffee yield data were not available from the gle year of production or yield instead of the 2-year
USDA PSD, so coffee production was tested for corre- for the biennial productivity cycle gives lower correla-
lation with vapour pressure deficit (VPD) threshold tions as expected.
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F I G U R E 1 1 Monthly trend 1980–2021 vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in kPa per 42 years from the Climate Lab at Sierra Nevada
Research Institute (TerraClimate). Small dot hatching indicates a significant trend to the 0.1 level. The colour scale ranges from low values
in dark blue, to light blue, light green, beige, yellow, orange, and high values in red.

3.3.2 | Maize unrelated climate warming and technological advances

as both increase over time.
A June, July, and August seasonal average (JJA) of stan-
dardized monthly anomalies (relative to 1980–2021) of
crop warming threshold (CWT, blue) and standardized 4 | DISCUSS I ON AND
annual high pass USDA PSD maize yield (red) are shown CONCLUSIONS
in Figure 14. Subplot headers indicate correlation for the
JJA seasonal average, June only, July only, and August 4.1 | Discussion
only. The two-tailed Pearson correlation critical value is
±0.25. El Salvador (Figure 14a) shows a significant Our study builds upon the findings of Cavazos et al.
inverse correlation with the seasonal JJA, July, and (2019), focusing on climate trends from 1980 to 2021 in
August CWT indicating a higher CWT goes with lower Central America. Like Cavazos et al. (2019), we observed
yields. Guatemala (Figure 14b) is significantly inversely positive trends in temperature. However, our study also
correlated with CWT in JJA, and Honduras (Figure 14c) reveals distinct patterns in precipitation: In Guatemala,
in August. we found positive trends in monthly precipitation in May
CWT was compared with annual high-pass FAOSTAT and October. Conversely, we found dry trends in
maize yields and no significant correlations were found. February (Guatemala and El Salvador), July (Guatemala
Also, correlations with unfiltered yields are positive, and Honduras), and December (Guatemala). These
opposite of the expectation that warm maximum temper- trends in temperature and precipitation, both increases
atures lead to reduced yield by wilting flowers in the and decreases, are statistically significant, with a 10%
climate-sensitive period, but again likely reflecting likelihood that they could be due to random variation
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F I G U R E 1 2 Monthly trend 1980–2021 of crop warming threshold (CWT) in a fraction of a month the daily maximum temperature
anomaly is 1 C and over per 42 years, derived from the 1950–1980 daily maximum temperature anomalies from Berkely Earth. Colours and
contours every 0.2 fraction of a month. Small dot hatching indicates a significant trend to the 0.1 level. The colour scale ranges from low
values in dark blue, to light blue, light green, beige, yellow, orange, and high values in red.

under the null hypothesis of no trend (0.1 significance (Linke et al., 2023). However, the decision to migrate
level). is not solely driven by negative economic factors. In
These observed climatic changes may have far- fact, research by Cottier and Salehyan (2021) and
reaching implications. The shifts in temperature and Reichman (2022) indicates that positive agricultural
precipitation patterns are not just atmospheric phe- economic gains can also be a significant factor, poten-
nomena; they play a critical role in shaping the tially increasing migration, in particular where finan-
broader context of agricultural productivity and eco- cial barriers to migration are high (see also
nomic stability in Central America. The interplay Dustmann & Okatenko, 2014). This demonstrates that
among climate variability and change, agricultural migration outcomes in response to adverse weather
yields, and production, and local to global economic and agricultural change is contingent on household
dynamics forms a complex, interconnected system. access to resources to cover the costs associated with
This system significantly influences how climate fluc- out-migration. Additionally, the role of social networks
tuations affect crop yields, which subsequently impact plays a significant part in shaping migration decisions,
the economies of small to medium-scale rainfed farms. leading to diverse outcomes. This aspect of migration
Stringer et al. (2021) and IFAD (2021) have suggested dynamics, highlighting the influence of both
out-migration may occur in response to negative eco- economic factors and social structures, is further elab-
nomic impacts of recent climate trends, a hypothesis orated by Nawrotzki et al. (2015), who noted the
that received support in a recent empirical study heterogeneity in migration outcomes. Furthermore, de
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F I G U R E 1 3 Percent of month-area
of each country in the study region,
(a) El Salvador, (b) Guatemala, and
(a) (c) Honduras, that exceeded a threshold
of vapour pressure deficit (VPD of
0.82 kPa) of significant yield decline for
coffee during the growing and fruit
development season (June through
February) for 1980–2021 where the
EARTHSTAT fractional harvest area for
coffee was 0.1% and higher. VPD
threshold ERA5-derived (blue) is
computed from monthly 2-m
temperature and dewpoint from the fifth
version of the European Centre for
Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
reanalysis (ERA5). VPD threshold
TerraClimate (black) is from the Climate
Lab at Sierra Nevada Research Institute.
An example of percent month-area, a
value of 15 means that 15% of months,
in areas where coffee is grown, within
that year experienced VPD above the
threshold for yield decline. The year
indicates the year of the February
harvest. X-axes are time in years.


Sherbinin et al. (2022) highlight the critical role of theoretical frameworks to fully understand the complex-
migration theory in studies of climate-related migration. ities of why and how people migrate in response to cli-
They emphasize the need for integrating broader mate and environmental changes. This underscores the
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F I G U R E 1 4 A June, July, and

August seasonal average (JJA) of a
standardized anomaly of crop warming
threshold (CWT) monthly values derived
from daily maximum temperature
anomalies from Berkeley Earth (blue)
and standardized annual high pass
(removal of 10-year Butterworth low
pass to account for agricultural advances
over time) of United States Department
of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural
Service Production, Supply, and
Distribution (USDA PSD) maize yield
(red). Subplot headers indicate
correlation for the JJA seasonal average, (b)
June only, July only, and August only.
For (a) El Salvador, (b) Guatemala, and
(c) Honduras. X-axes are time in years.


importance of considering a wide range of factors, period, driven by increased prices and profits. Interest-
beyond just immediate economic and climate pressures, ingly, these profits were reportedly used to fund
when examining migration decisions. increased migration in response to short-term drops in
An illustrative example of this complexity can be seen coffee prices, highlighting a nuanced relationship
in the case of Honduras and its coffee industry. Even as between economic opportunities, climate impacts, and
crop yields potentially decrease due to the climate change migration decisions. However, we do not consider in this
quantified here, farmers with the economic capacity to article the effect of climatic changes on leaf rust, which
expand cultivation can remain profitable through access has dramatically reduced yields in some parts of
to international markets and by capitalizing on global Guatemala and has initiated out-migration in frontier
coffee prices. A notable instance of this was observed areas of Guatemala near the Mexican border (Ruiz-de-
between 2010 and 2017, when despite adverse climate Oña et al., 2019).
conditions for coffee production, Honduras emerged as Our climate analyses have identified key climate
the sixth-largest coffee producer globally. According to quantities that significantly influence rainfed agriculture
Reichman (2022), coffee production in the Central Amer- in Central America. Coffee production is an important
ican Dry Corridor (CADC) nearly doubled during this income-generating component of livelihoods in many
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Central America rural households (Avelino et al., 2015). reaches its minimum in September and October when
For example, the impact of the restrictions related to vapour pressure is high, and the temperature has fallen
COVID-19, and concomitant declining prices, resulted in from the spring maximum. Country spatially averaged
a regional decline in production, which has been linked VPD is increasing in key growing seasons. Coffee has an
to the loss of about 15,000 jobs and 17 million USD in extremely low VPD threshold of 0.82 kPa linked to lower
wages (FEWS NET, 2021, p. 4). These variables, due to yields (Kath et al., 2022). Maize also responds to both
their potential influence on crop yields and subsequently temperature and VPD increases with decreasing yields at
on livelihoods, may also play a pivotal role in shaping the expected 2 C global warming over the next century
migration patterns. Recognizing their importance, we (Hsiao et al., 2019).
plan to integrate these climate variables as key time Temperature is generally driving the higher VPD in
series predictors in our future migration modelling stud- the region, but reduced moisture is contributing to the
ies. This approach aims to bolster the accuracy and com- coastal increase. CWT decreased in May due to the ear-
prehensiveness of migration models, ensuring they lier start of the monsoon and increased in September
effectively capture the complex interplay between climate because of the delay in the second peak of precipitation.
conditions, agricultural productivity, and human There is also a strong increase in CWT in Honduras in
migration. fall and winter. El Salvador already experiences frequent
exceedance of VPD thresholds during the extended coffee
growing season, which reduces coffee yields. Guatemala
4.2 | Conclusions and Honduras have seen an increase in the frequency of
these exceedances from 1980 to 2021. CWT shows an
Overall, the trends show significant warming of surface inverse relationship with maize yields during the summer
air temperatures over the last four decades. Precipitation flowering season in El Salvador, Honduras, and
trends indicate an earlier start to the monsoon, a drier Guatemala.
mid-summer drought, and a delay towards October of the
second peak of precipitation. Changes in the timing of AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
the mid-summer drought were also found in Anderson Jennifer Nakamura: Conceptualization; investigation;
et al. (2019) and Maurer et al. (2022). In regions and writing – original draft; writing – review and editing;
months of significant drying over the past 42 years, a methodology; validation; visualization; formal analysis;
stronger positive temperature trend is found, as expected data curation. Richard Seager: Conceptualization;
from surface energy balance considerations. Trends in investigation; writing – original draft; writing – review
VPD, a metric of plant physiological responses, show and editing; methodology; supervision; validation; visual-
large significant increases in northern Guatemala in ization; formal analysis. Haibo Liu: Data curation; meth-
March through May, along the Pacific coast in winter, odology; formal analysis; conceptualization;
and across the remainder of the study area in July and investigation; supervision. Fabien Cottier: Conceptuali-
August. Taken together, these findings suggest trouble zation; investigation; writing – review and editing;
for coffee growers in Central America. supervision; data curation; formal analysis. Michael
Over the past four decades, the seasonal climatologi- J. Puma: Supervision; conceptualization; investigation;
cal fluctuations of precipitation, vapour pressure, and writing – review and editing; formal analysis.
vertical velocity in the region exhibit a monsoon pattern, David J. Wrathall: Conceptualization; investigation;
with upward vertical velocity and precipitation beginning writing – review and editing; supervision; formal analy-
in April and ending in November, briefly reduced by the sis. Brian Katz: Conceptualization; investigation;
mid-summer drought in July and August, and downward writing – review and editing; supervision; visualization;
vertical velocity and drying from December to March. formal analysis. Alex de Sherbinin: Conceptualization;
Temperature interacts dynamically with these seasonal investigation; funding acquisition; writing – review and
changes, peaking in April and May and then declining editing; supervision; formal analysis. Susana B. Adamo:
due to increased moisture levels during the remainder of Writing – review and editing; conceptualization; investi-
the Northern Hemisphere warm season, reaching colder gation; supervision; formal analysis.
temperatures in the fall and winter. VPD reflects the
amalgamation of these seasonal cycles. It attains its maxi- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
mum in March and April when temperatures are high Funding by DOD Minerva AFOSR Grant Number
and vapour pressure is low, and then decreases rapidly as FA9550-22-1-0282 on “Comparing Underlying Drivers of
the wet season begins. A corresponding modest peak is South-North Migration: Central America and West
evident during the mid-summer drought, while VPD Africa.”
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Today%2C%20the%20countries%20sending%20the%20most How to cite this article: Nakamura, J., Seager,
R., Liu, H., Cottier, F., Puma, M. J., Wrathall, D. J.,
Katz, B., A. de Sherbinin, & Adamo, S. B. (2024).
Recent trends in agriculturally relevant climate in
S UP PO RT ING IN FOR MAT ION Central America. International Journal of
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