grading art

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Grading Scale For Co-Scholastic Assessment

Grade Lavel (I Score – E Score – D Score – C Score – B Score- A
– VIII) (Fail) (need (Fair) (very Good) (outstanding)
Following Not Emerging Developing Competent Advanced
directions Attempted
Craftsmanship Not Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced
Creativity Not Did not follow Followed less Followed Followed all
Attempted Directions than half of most directions
the directions directions
Understanding Not Not neat ,did Somewhat Neat , Neat ,
and Met Attempted not execute neat Executed Executed
Objectives required skills executed, required skills required skills
some skills well and
with added
assistance additional
Complete Not Showed little Showed some Work Work
Attempted to no individual demonstrates demonstrates
evidence of thought but use of own use of own
using own lacks in ideas and ideas and
ideas. sincere imaginations imaginations
originality with added
Grading Scale For Co-Scholastic Assessment
Grade Lavel Score – E Score – D Score – C Score – B Score- A
(I – VIII) (Fail) (need (Fair) (very Good) (outstanding)
Uncooperati Puts for Inconsistentl Consistently Gives top
Effort ve. Poor minimum y follows follows rules. effort daily.
effort. Little effort. rules. Puts Consistently Self
or no Contributes forth displays daily motivated.
movement little to the minimum effort, Encourages
during activity. effort. Does cooperation others.
activities. Inconsistentl not work and works Committed
y follows the hard enough hard. to improving
rules. Does to improve personal
not work fitness level. fitness.
hard to
fitness level.

Insufficient Uncooperativ Needs some Good level of High level of

Participati knowledge e at times. reminders to participation participation
on of rules and Talks when participate. . Displays . Always
game directions are On task most quality displays
strategies being given. of the time. movement quality
with no Displays poor Performs during movement
attempt to understandin most skills activity. during
learn them. g of basic and game Demonstrate activity.
Bends rules skills and strategies at s basic skills Excellent
to suit self. game a satisfactory and understandin
Doesn’t strategy. level. strategies of g of skills and
follow the Reminders to games with strategies.
rules. Avoids stay on task. ease. Stays on
participation. task. Plays
Complains fairly.
about the
Attitude Disruptive. Sometimes Inconsistentl Demonstrate Shows
Interrupts disruptive. y s positive respect to
teacher Very little demonstrate attitude and classmates.
when encourageme s positive often Encourages
talking. nt to attitude and encourages others to
Generally classmates. sportsmansh other improve.
not involved. Argues ip. students. Consistently
May ask during Always demonstrate
inappropriat activity. demonstrate s a positive
e questions. Does not s good attitude and
Poor demonstrate sportsmansh good
sportsmansh positive ip. sportsmansh
ip. Displays sportsmanshi ip. Works
poor attitude p. (Negative well with
towards at times.) others.

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