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Faculty:Tehsil 2

Profession:English teacher


Subject: language skill

Teacher:Həmidova Nigar

Student:İbayeva Aysun

Topic: The influnce of tecnology on interpersonal

Technology has significantly impacted interpersonal relationships
in various ways. One of the most apparent effects is the ease of
communication that technology provides. With the advent of
smartphones, social media, and messaging apps, staying in touch
with friends and family has become more convenient than ever
before. People can now connect instantly, regardless of
geographical barriers, which has helped strengthen relationships
over long distances.

However, the rise of digital communication has also brought

about challenges. Many individuals find themselves glued to
their screens, prioritizing virtual interactions over face-to-face
communication. This can lead to a sense of detachment and
hinder the development of deep, meaningful relationships. In-
person interactions allow for the exchange of emotions, body
language, and subtle cues that are often lost in digital

Moreover, technology has changed the dynamics of how people

interact. Social media platforms, in particular, have altered the
way individuals present themselves and their relationships
online. People often curate their online personas, showcasing
only the highlights of their lives, which can lead to unrealistic
expectations and comparisons. This phenomenon can strain
relationships as individuals may feel pressured to live up to the
idealized images they see online.

Additionally, the constant connectivity facilitated by technology

can blur the boundaries between personal and professional life.
Many people find themselves constantly checking their devices,
even during moments meant for relaxation or quality time with
loved ones. This can lead to feelings of neglect and frustration
within relationships, as individuals may feel ignored or
unimportant when their partner prioritizes technology over
spending time together.
In conclusion, while technology has undoubtedly revolutionized
the way we communicate and connect with others, it is essential
to recognize its impact on interpersonal relationships. Finding a
balance between digital and face-to-face interactions is crucial
for maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships in today's
technologically-driven world.

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