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On a battle turn:

1 Action: do an action such as attack, dash, cast a

spell, etc.
1 Bonus Action: only if an ability says to use it
Move: split up your move however over your turn
Free Action: Things like talking that don’t require
much focus

Spell Attack: Wisdom + Proficiency

Spell Details:

- Cast Time: the time it takes to cast

- Components: Steps to cast(Verbal(V), signed(S), and any materials
- Range: range of the spell. Read spell for more details
- Duration: how long the spell lasts

Wild Shape: 1hr per use(2 uses), animal cannot fly or be aquatic

Druid Circle: your specialization.


Weapon Attack: strength or dexterity + proficiency

Weapon Damage: weapon damage + strength or dexterity

Sneak Attack: +1d6 damage once per turn when having advantage

Cunning Action: Bonus action to dash, disengage or hide


Weapon Attack: strength or dexterity + proficiency

Weapon Damage: weapon damage + strength or dexterity

Unarmored Defense: armor is 10+dexterity+constitution

Danger Sense: advantage when rolling to dodge things you can see like traps and spells

Reckless Attack: advantage on your attacks for a turn but you’re easier to hit for a turn

Rage: 2 uses. Lasts one minute, activate with bonus action. Advantage on strength things, +2
damage with a weapon, half damage from weapons. Ends if you want it to or if you get knocked


Weapon Attack: strength or dexterity + proficiency

Weapon Damage: weapon damage + strength or dexterity

Favored Enemy: pick one (or two humanoids). Advantage to track and +1 damage against them.

Natural Explorer: Pick a biome. You find more food, can track easier, can travel easier, and can't
become lost in such terrain. Other bonuses but those are the big ones.

Hunters Mark: you can cast the hunters mark spell as a free action

Fighting Style: Pick a fighting style.


Fighting Style: Pick a fighting style.

Second Wind: 1/per rest heal 1d10+2hp

Action Surge: 1/per rest get +1 action for a turn


Spell Attack: Wisdom + Proficiency

Spell Details:

- Cast Time: the time it takes to cast

- Components: Steps to cast(Verbal(V), signed(S), and any materials
- Range: range of the spell. Read spell for more details
- Duration: how long the spell lasts

Divine Domain: the type of god you worship and associated powers

Channel Divinity: 1/per rest, use either your domain channel divinity or the “Turn Undead(repel
undead)” Channel Divinity


Weapon Attack: strength or dexterity + proficiency

Weapon Damage: weapon damage + strength or dexterity

Unarmored Defense: armor is 10+dexterity+wisdom

Martial Arts: your fists are 1d4 damage, and you can use a bonus action after attacking to punch.

Unarmored Movement: +10 speed without armor

Ki: 2 points of Ki to spend per day.

- Flurry of Blows: 1 ki to make two extra punch attacks after attacking(bonus action)
- Patient Defense: 1 ki to dodge as a bonus action(normally an action)
- 1 ki point to double jump AND dash as a bonus action(normally dash is an action)


Weapon Attack: strength or dexterity + proficiency

Weapon Damage: weapon damage + strength or dexterity

Divine Sense: 1+charisma uses. Detect the presence of evil or good within 60ft until the end of your
next turn.

Lay on Hands: can heal by touch. 10hp to split however you want, regenerated every day.

Fighting Style: Pick a fighting style.

Divine Smite: spend a spell slot to add 2d8 damage to your attack.


Patron: who gave you your powers(and what they are)

Spell Attack: Charisma + Proficiency

Spell Details:

- Cast Time: the time it takes to cast

- Components: Steps to cast(Verbal(V), signed(S), and any materials
- Range: range of the spell. Read spell for more details
- Duration: how long the spell lasts

Eldritch Invocations: like spells but also like abilities. You get 2.


Spell Attack: Intelligence + Proficiency

Spell Details:

- Cast Time: the time it takes to cast

- Components: Steps to cast(Verbal(V), signed(S), and any materials
- Range: range of the spell. Read spell for more details
- Duration: how long the spell lasts

Spellbook: you can hold a theoretically unlimited amount of spells in this. This is where the spells
you know are recorded.

Arcane Recovery: once per day after resting regain 1 spell slot

Arcane Tradition: your wizard specialty.


Spell Attack: Charisma + Proficiency

Spell Details:

- Cast Time: the time it takes to cast

- Components: Steps to cast(Verbal(V), signed(S), and any materials
- Range: range of the spell. Read spell for more details
- Duration: how long the spell lasts

Sorcerous Origin: where your powers come from. Also grants abilities and spells.

Font of Magic: 2 sorcery points per day to spend to convert to spell slots(you can do more with
these later)


Spell Attack: Charisma + Proficiency

Spell Details:

- Cast Time: the time it takes to cast

- Components: Steps to cast(Verbal(V), signed(S), and any materials
- Range: range of the spell. Read spell for more details
- Duration: how long the spell lasts

Bardic Inspiration: bonus action to give someone within 60ft +1d6 to a roll. Uses equal to charisma.
Jack of All Trades: +1 to any skill you’re not proficient in

Song of Rest: +1d6 healing on a short rest for everyone

Types of Rolls:
Check/Roll: Roll a d20 and add the stat/skill. Used to
attempt things and is the most common roll.
Attack Roll: Roll a d20 and add your attack
bonus(stat+proficiency). Used to try and hit things.
Damage Roll: Weapon Damage Die + stat. Deals
Saving Throw: used in reaction to things (dodge,
resist magic, etc.). d20+saving throw bonus.

Free Will and Open World: Do whatever, my job is

to react to your actions, but cause and effect do exist,
plus the law of reasonability (if its anime chosen one
logic, it probably breaks this law)
Rule of Cool: I will ignore the rules a bit if it means
something cool can happen.
Party Play: It’s a team game. Remember you’re on
the same side (usually).

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