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amy Home Question: 1026 Memory Aid Remaining: 212 (Peter to poem 2 figure 39) What the trl else of he ‘Sera intel mins rar ha rad seeted one. TRA nys0nw. ack FontSize Figures, Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation HSI questions ke thiscanbe confusing. Sheppard Ars"HSI(Figur 17) Example vidos cane you. Thy ae avalaleon our Video Center web Site page that can be accessed tem our Reference Docs page at hips ww sheppardae comfaFdocs hen Inthetop ofthe fue, we see we ar at 60 NM fom the staton. The picture shows us ofcourse by approximately 5 dagres (ve are about 21/2001 of ‘onthe inccator and each dots 2 dogrees). According tothe sty toon ‘la, sta detanceo 60 NM fom te saton, each degrees approximately (qualte NM Thereore the eral dsplacement fomthe course SNM, 6 00 Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation Question: 1026 Memory Aid Remaining: 212 (Peter to poem 2 figure 39) What the trl else of he nys0nw. a Font Size Explanation Next ie Mack Question Jue 0 aveston co Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation Question: 1027 Memory Aid Remaining: 211 (Peter to poendi 2, gute 39) On wich aise erat asin Back Font Size Explanation Next ie Mack Question Jue 0 aveston co a Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation Question: 1028 Memory Aid Remaining: 210 (Petr to poem 2 fire 39) Which 088 slscton an the Na NAY 16s Back Font Size Explanation Next ie Mack Question Jue 0 aveston co a Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation Question: 1029 Back Font size 139 Mack Question Memory Aid Remaining: 208 (Peter to poende 2 fut 39) What he tera dgpcementin does a Explanation Next Jue 0 aveston co Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation (Question: 1030 noe Back Font size 139 Mack Question Memory Aid Remaining: 208 (Peter to poem 2 figure 39) Which 08S seectonan the Ne 2 NAY a Explanation Next Jue 0 aveston co Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation Question: 1081 Memory Aid Remaining: 207 (Peter to poem 2 figure 39) Which 088 secon an the Ne 2 NAY Back Font Size Explanation Next ie Mack Question Jue 0 aveston co a 140 1 1FR& Navigation (Question: 1057 Memory Aid Remaining: 206 na Back Font Size Explanation Next Mack Question Jue 0 aveston co am 140 1 1FR& Navigation Question: 1038 Memory Aid Remaining: 205, Back Font Size Explanation Next Mack Question Jue 0 aveston co am Faw 2 peat Paton a2 Faw 2 peat Paton a2 Faw 2 peat Paton a2 Home Pint Fa IFR& Navigation Question 178 feminng: 201 (Gee taper 2, ue 26 Deternine he OEP CON eqns forthe Sire arin rom ay ke esne srt Tastee : : i i ; ; t t TUCSON SEVEN DEPARTURE = ase Back Font Size Explanation Next 361 Mark Question Juro 0 Qestons coe = ee Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation Question: 1182 Remaining: 200 (Pelr to poem 2 ure 2554) veh apron conta regan = Indes tme OGiME DOWNER aa rts we Back Font Size Explanation Next 2558, Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go ae Home. Pint Fig 257A 38 1FR& Navigation Question 1187 Remaining: 199| (Peter to poem 2, ures 257%) What approach fh reall for he IUSRWY 28¢ approach CAR? nase Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation Question 198 Remaining: 198 c15s00 eet aay ae Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go IFR& Navigation Question: 1205 eminng:197 (rate apen 2, ae 79, ad sper gen 72) What she Sporn of career fr pan papers manta Seams pes issih apenas btu comet 955 in E i i : ; i t ea wowren WSeeLSC RSE Back Font Size Explanation Next mn Mark Question sumo estan 65 a 2 co Cc Ro ee eee Ys ww, es 123 Figure 123. Aircraft Course and DME Indicator. ° 1FR& Navigation (Question 1214 Memory Aid Remaining: 196 Back Font Size Explanation Mack Question Lu 1 aveston co 1FR& Navigation wetter, Ree, eee Ys Los re 123 Figure 123. Aircraft Course and DME Indicator. ° Question: 1215 Memory Aid Remaining: 195 Back Font Size Explanation Next Mack Question Lu 1 aveston 1FR& Navigation Cc Ro ee eee Ys ww, es Question: 1216 Memory Aid 123 Figure 123. Aircraft Course and DME Indicator. Back Font Size Explanation Mack Question Lu 1 aveston ° ° . Remaining: 194 1FR& Navigation Cc Ro ee eee Ys ww, es 123 Figure 123. Aircraft Course and DME Indicator. ° Question 1217 Memory Aid Remaining: 193 Back Font Size Explanation Mack Question Lu 1 aveston Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation vette, ro 16 fe Figure 124. Aircraft Course and DME Indicator. 128 ° Question: 1218 Memory Aid Remaining: 192 Back Font Size Explanation Next Mack Question Lu 1 aveston co Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation vette, ro 16 fe Figure 124. Aircraft Course and DME Indicator. 128 ° Question: 1218 Memory Aid Remaining: 191 Back Font Size Explanation Mack Question Lu 1 aveston Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation Memory Aid Remaining: 190 vette, ro 16 fe Question: 1220 Figure 124. Aircraft Course and DME Indicator. 128 Font Size Explanation Back Mack Question Lu 1 aveston ° ° . a 5 Home Prin Fg 1FR & Navigation I re ueston 1223 Memory Aid Remaining 109 (Stet pve 2, fe 28) Wich ie (ne 2 ipa the SSevottnesr ere am bea met west cy 1200 et ee ec Canon : : t Back FontSize Explanation Next ew? Mork Quesion smote estone Go Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation Question: 1224 Memory Aid Remaining: 168 eto spent. 26) Wn ste os gee sea? 614000 eet sow expert. f A i Faw 8, Cis Chega § ' H t i Back Font Size Explanation Next oe Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go coe Home Question 1225 Memory Aid Remaining: 167 12) Twossy comeunitons and anand, Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation ‘See AIM chaptor3, secon which reads: Class CArsoace 43 Desinon General, that airspace rom the surface to 4,000 eet above ‘he arpor olovaion (chartodin MSL) suroundingthoseaiprs hat hav ‘an operational contol tower, are serdcedby aradar approach cone, and ‘hathave a cran number of IF operatos or passenger enpanements [Athough the caviguraton of each Cass C space areas iniiualy talored, the arcpace usualy consis ofS NMradius core sutaoe area that {xtands tom tha surfoce upto 4000 eet above the apart elvatio, anda SONM aussi area that ecend ne ower than + 200 fet up to 000 fool above the airport elevation Chars. Class Carspace is charted on Socal Char walla, and Terminal Ate Chats where appropriate © Operating Rules and Prov qupment Reqarement: 1. Plot Certeaton, No spocfecrifeaten required 2 Equipment (a) Tworway aco: and {©)Uniess otherwise autizodby ATC, an operable radar beacon transponder wit automat alitude paring expt FRED Route Question 1256 Remaining: 185 | 15) The plot mst operate owe he er whan thin tetera te of Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation ‘See AIM chaptor3, secon which reads: Class 8 Arspace {Deion General, that airspace rom the surface to 10,000 feet MSL Surounding the natonsbuscetanpors inte cf FR operations passenger enplanemenis. The coniguraion ofeach Class B arspace area ‘Sinidualytalored and conssts ofa srtace area and wo or more ayers (ome Giass 8 arepac areas reso upsdo-down wedding cakes), and ‘= cesgnedto contain alpubliedinerument procedures ones an aia {enters te arcpace. An ATC clearance requ arcrafte operat n ‘heres, andl acral hal are so leared receive separation services isin tho aspace, The oud clearance requirement fer VER operations (S'aearof coud Operating Rules end PistEqupment Requemensfr VFR Operations. Regardless of weather eondsions, an ATC dearance i requtes peta operating wit Class B arspace, Pls should otrequesta earanceto ‘operate withn Clas arspace unless the requrement ot 14 CFR Section 91-215 and 14 CFR Secton 1.131 aremet. Included among hese requirments ar 1 Unlossothervise authorized by ATC ara must be equipped wit an coparabe two-way radio capable of communicating wih ATC on appropiate ffequonces or thal Cass Baspace 2.Noperson may ake fran a cl aca at th following pray ‘ports wihin Case airspace ules he plt-n-conmandhol atleast prvale plot creat {a) Andrews Air Force Base, MO (@)AtaniaHartselé Apo GA (6) Boston Logan Arpor MA {@) Chicago Ona int. Apo {6) Dalasi Wort. port, TH Home 1FR& Navigation (Question: 1282 Remaining: 185 explanation deat usa emerge on cetera ghng sts ‘See AIM chaptor2, section 1, wich reads: Ireturway Uahing 23 RueayContoine Lighting Systm (RLS) Runway contorine igh are 1 erate res and wht ahs rom 3000 ft 100 fe inetd on some precision approach runways to facia lang under torte ‘averse vsbllycondtons. Thay arloated long te runway centring ndare spaced at 30ot eras When viewed Fem the nding {trosht, the runway entrine ighsare white ut heat 3,000 oot ot ‘herunway. The whi ight bgin to aerate win red forthe next 2.000 fat anforhalast 000 fet of he uray, al cntrine lights are 'Taehéoun Zone Lights (TDZL). Touchdown zone ights reinstalled on ‘ome precision approach runways inate he ouchdown zane whan landing under adverse vy condions. Toy consist rows of LYonsverseightbar deposed syrnetealy about the runay contre, ‘The system consis of stesdy-buing wh igh hich start 10 Tet ‘beyond the lancng freseldandextendto 3,000 feetbeyendtne nding threshld oro the mipoit of he runway. whichever sess. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go a 5 1FR& Navigation (Question: 1262 Remaining: 164 (Retro apoen2,gute 80) When ann on 700 fot una oh what ce renoningtpotan wer ey oe 5) 2000 fet Figo 128 1D Nergecoon apa Rano Haine ng Back Font Size Explanation Next 130 Mack Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 1FR& Navigation (Question: 1266 Remaining: 183 (Petr to poem 2, gure 31) What te naay tans remain st (Ptars cate tisoonraoy 9 5) 2000 fot. Fr 11, FAIEAO ein esnips Back Font Size Explanation Next 1 Mark Question Jue 0 aveston a 5 Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation Question: 1269 Remaining: 162 (Retr to poende 2 ute 31) Yuh ade en ny 02. What ithe 5) 2000 fot. Fr 11, FAIEAO ein esnips lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next 1 Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Home 1FR& Navigation Question: 1285 Remaining: 181 ‘tars? on towerteqvancy, Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go explanation ‘See AIM captor, section 4 which reads: Radar Services. These services ace provided for ‘sachsimataneous ncepenson approach 1. During tum on to paral nl approach erat arerormaly provided mies radar Separation ora minimum of ,00D eo oral Soparaton Tho assigned altudo mustbe maintained Untlinterepting he gdepath unas eared terns by ATC. Avera wilnotbevorsared to Intorcoptthe ral approach course at an angle greater ‘han ity degrees. NOTE” ‘Some siusaneousopevaton permite sera osc ‘anRINAY course begining on downwind an contuing Inatumtointaresptine nal approach cous. nthis case, Separaton th the araton the ajacent nal approach ours provided by the mito conte wih ference woanNtz 2 The fal mantr controlar withave the capability of veri the tower contr on the tower foquoney 1 Plt lbs ntact contact th tower ‘requoncypriorto the plat whereNTZ mantoring begins, 4: Aieratobservedto overshoot the um-on ot ‘econtnus ona wack whin wil penetrate the NTZ ilo istscteato return othe correct inal Sppccach course immediately, Thea mentor onraler may eanco he appreach clearance, and Home 1FR& Navigation (Question: 1308 Remaining: 160 explanation Under what contin shoul platen FR aise ATC of minima fe ‘See AIM chapter ection Shieh reads ‘Minnum Fuel Advisory 3 Plt {Adve ATC of yourminimum uo tata when your fel upplyhas reached asta where, upon eaching destination, you cannot accept any Unde day. 2 Boawareitisis nan emergency station, but maelyan advisory that Indcates anemergonoystuston's posse should any undue delay occu. {Onin conto he term mnmum ue shouldbe used aftr stating cal sion. EXAMPLE- ‘Salt Laks Approach, Uneod 621, "minimum ol” {4 Be auore a minimum ul advisory doesnt mpy 2 need eat ety. 5. the remaining usabe fel supp suggests the need rai pont to {ensure ele landing, you shoul declare an emergency due alow folans ‘epor ue remaining aminuts. REFERENCE. PolControter Glossary ten-Fusl Remaining -Contatr ‘When an ara daclare a tte of minimum ue, rlay tiinformaton to {he facto whom contol padi i anstred 2. Boalerter any osourence which might doay fare Cre remanng uel rcttes any undue dey Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home (Question: 1311 Remaining: 178 oars t 240. You we quid by ARTCC, "VERE LEVEL AT FL 1 20s you are at F200. Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation ‘See AIM Chapter, Socton 3 which rads: 3.Altmes conta vil ask pioisto vey ‘talthey areata parcular altos, The phraseology ‘eed be VERIFY A alte) Inesmbing ot ascending stuatonscortroders may ak plato “VERIFY ASSIGNED ALTITUDE AS atts” Pots should confem tat hoy ar ath altude ‘tated th contra or tat he aesigned abides Coretta: tated. Ihe nolthe case, they shoud Inform te controle ofthe actual aide beng ‘ainained arte deren assigned ahide. ‘CAUTION. Plots should ot ake acton to change thi atu te or ferent assigned ald o Beaute stated Inthe controls vetcaton request unless the contol specicaly auhorzess change. Home 1FR& Navigation Question: 1518 Remaining: 178 Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go explanation ‘See AIM chapter secon which reads: ‘Aahtonal Reports ‘2: The folowing report should be made lo ATC or FSS faites witout SpocticaTC request ‘ata ies (2) ¥en vacating any previously assigned aide or fight ve for anewiy signed ate or ight ov {@) nen an atitude crange willbe made if operating on aclearanco spectyng VFRan-op. {elmen unable cmbisescend at rat of last 500 fet per minute. {@) When approach has boon missed. (Request earance or spec acon Lo. toatematve apart, ancter approach, ac) (e) Change nthe average rue airspeed (atcnising stud) when varies ‘by Spereent or 10 kro whichevers greater) om Bat led ine igh pln, (Thome and atts right evel upon reaching aholing xo pointto van case {@) nen caving ay assigned hlding xo pont Note “The reports in subparagraphs (and (9) maybe oid by peso kerf levohedininsturentvaning atta trminl area aces when oda Sorce beng proved (@)Any less, ncontotod airspace, of VOR, TACAN, ADF fw frequency rnavigaton recover capabaty, GPS anomalies whie using isto IFR Caled GPSIGNSS reclvrs,complatoor prtalios afILS receiver apabiltyorimpaimento lound communications capably Reports shoul indo ara denticaton, equipment aleciod, degre to which ‘hecapabity to operate under FR nthe ATC sytem spared nthe ature sndestantof assistance died orn ATC NoTe- {Other equipmentinstalledinan arcraftmay efecvelyimoai safety Question 1514 Remaining: 17 19 Lean FA raound ote mare boind and missed sro Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation ‘See AIM chapter secon which reads: ‘Aahtonal Reports ‘2: The folowing report should be made lo ATC or FSS faites witout SpocticaTC request ‘ata ies (2) ¥en vacating any previously assigned aide or fight ve for anewiy signed ate or ight ov {@) nen an atitude crange willbe made if operating on aclearanco spectyng VFRan-op. {elmen unable cmbisescend at rat of last 500 fet per minute. {@) When approach has boon missed. (Request earance or spec acon Lo. toatematve apart, ancter approach, ac) (e) Change nthe average rue airspeed (atcnising stud) when varies ‘by Spereent or 10 kro whichevers greater) om Bat led ine igh pln, (Thome and atts right evel upon reaching aholing xo pointto van case {@) nen caving ay assigned hlding xo pont Note “The reports in subparagraphs (and (9) maybe oid by peso kerf levohedininsturentvaning atta trminl area aces when oda Sorce beng proved (@)Any less, ncontotod airspace, of VOR, TACAN, ADF fw frequency rnavigaton recover capabaty, GPS anomalies whie using isto IFR Caled GPSIGNSS reclvrs,complatoor prtalios afILS receiver apabiltyorimpaimento lound communications capably Reports shoul indo ara denticaton, equipment aleciod, degre to which ‘hecapabity to operate under FR nthe ATC sytem spared nthe ature sndestantof assistance died orn ATC NoTe- {Other equipmentinstalledinan arcraftmay efecvelyimoai safety Home (Question 1521 Remaining: 175 at DME cations shld ilar when ict evra VORTAC stot 2000 ee 15) 20ME mis. Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation [DME measures siantrange distancoin NM. A16080'per nautical il, ‘2000'e almost enact 2 NM ‘See AIM chapter, section 1 which ead: Distance Measuring Equipment (OME) 8. Inthe operation of DME, pared pulses ata specif spacing ee sentout ‘rom te area his iste nterogaton) and ae received ate ground sation. The ground station (ranepande then vansmts paired pulses back {othe aca athe same pulse spacing bulon deen frequency. The ‘ime requiedforthe ound ip of i sgralexchange smeasuredin the ‘aroome DME unitand is translated no stance (nautical es) tom the ‘eraftothe ground station, ' Operating ah eline-ofsight pncpe, OME furishes distance lsvrmation it) avery igh degfee of accuracy. Relate sgn maybe received atdsiances upto I99NM atine-ct-ightatudewitan accuracy Ofbeterthan 12 misc 3 percent the stance, whichever greats Distanceintmaton reeled fom OME equipments SLANT RANGE stance andot actual horeontl stance. © Operating foquency range ofaDME according o ICAO Aare 10s fom ‘0 HtHz to 1218 Miz. Arrat equipped with TACAN equipment wil receive [nlightsytem would also have tobe operatve Next 6 00 amy Home 1FR& Navigation Question 1478 Remaining: 155 explanation (Rel to apoende 2, pte 298) A San Francie (SFO), he ray al Figure 335incudos noo that says, "Several runway hldpesion sign are conte ngtraherthan hele sid ofthe taxiway” Clon ates of he aways. Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 e060 212 sea c cone Home 1FR& Navigation Question: 1505 Remaining: 154 explanation Lend an Hels Shr Operations (AHO inde aig en holing sh: ‘See AIM captor 4 section which reads: ‘jot sare designated pinto he ay lot Responses When CConditing Lanna Hold Short ‘Operations (LAHSO) &.LAHSOis an aconymfor"Land ane Hols ‘Shor Operations" Those aperaton nl landing lndlding short of an intersecting runway, an Intorsectng taxiway. or ore ther designated pnt narunway other than anintrsecting nny oF taxiay (S00 FIG43-8,FIG438,FIG43.10) » Plt Responses na Basic Procedures 1 LASOisanair ate contr procedure hat requires ple partcpaton balance te needs for Increase apo capaci and system eficiency. consent lh safety. Ths procedure can be done afl provided pts and conto are Knowledgeable andunderstand ther responsibil. The {allsing paragraphs ovina spactie poloperatr responsibliios when conducting LANSO. 2.Atcontoledarpots,awaftemay cleara piottoland ndolsshort Pots may accept such ‘learancsprovidedthat he pt n-command Getermnes hat the ara ean sae and and stp iin tho Avaliable Landing Distance (ALD). ALD Gata ere pubtshed in he special aces secton ofthe (Char Supplement US anain eS Term Procedutes Publcatons, Contles wise Back Font Size Next | provide ALD dataupon request. Students or Mack Question sump to Question Go 212 sea Home 1FR& Navigation Question: 1507 Remaining: 153 explanation ssn Hot Short erat (LAMSO) the pat hau have ‘See AIM captor 4 section which reads: ot Responsible When te pushes atte Landing Distance (ALD, anda partomance of ‘Conducting Landana Hol Short ‘Reta and ope tal LANs0 cantina te estat ape Came Laneo) &.LAHSOis an aconymfor"Land ane Hols ‘Shor Operations" Those aperaton nl landing lndlding short of an intersecting runway, an Intorsectng taxiway. or ore ther designated pnt narunway other than anintrsecting nny oF taxiay (S00 FIG43-8,FIG438,FIG43.10) » Plt Responses na Basic Procedures 1 LASOisanair ate contr procedure hat requires ple partcpaton balance te needs for Increase apo capaci and system eficiency. consent lh safety. Ths procedure can be done afl provided pts and conto are Knowledgeable andunderstand ther responsibil. The {allsing paragraphs ovina spactie poloperatr responsibliios when conducting LANSO. 2.Atcontoledarpots,awaftemay cleara piottoland ndolsshort Pots may accept such ‘learancsprovidedthat he pt n-command Getermnes hat the ara ean sae and and stp iin tho Avaliable Landing Distance (ALD). ALD Gata ere pubtshed in he special aces secton ofthe (Char Supplement US anain eS Term Procedutes Publcatons, Contles wise Back Font Size Next | provide ALD dataupon request. Students or Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Question: 1752 Remaining: 152 ‘Precision Ray Mentring (RM approach may reaue: ‘Ay menting of te communication Heauecies sutras Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation ‘Seo AIM chapter 5, socio below andaleo soo FAAH-8083-168, page 65, Smultaneovs Coae Paral Precision Runway Montr(PRI) ‘ewoaches. 4. Dual Communications. The aca fying ts PRM approach must havethe capably of enabling {hepiotstolisen two communications ‘requonciessimutaneousl, Toavord blocked rismissions cach runway wi have wo equoncies, ‘primary and PRI mantor frequency. The ‘ower conte waltransmiton bath requenies ‘The mantorcontrolerstransmssions, needed, uiloverdebot fequonces Plots wil ONLY {ranamiton the ower corrals equency, bul wi ston to beth Requencies. Sletthe PRM ontor frequency audio ony when instructed by ATC to Contact ns tover Thevelumelaveeshoulbe eet bout he sam on both rads so thatthe pts ‘beable tohearvansmissions on he PM requoncy ‘Thetoweriblocked Sto-specfe procedure ako precedence over the genaalinfmatonprosaiadin {hsparagrah Recto he AAUP for apable procedures at specticarpors. 212 sea c cone Home 1FR& Navigation Question: 1753 Remaining: 151 explanation ow do yu raw if our arts euthrieoeanduct on LP apron? ‘Seo FAAH-8083-168, pogo 4-20, hich reads: RNAV Approach Authorzaten Uke any aes authorization given tai carr and Pat 1 operators, the authorization ose VNAV on aconventona on-precisen approach, NAV approaches, or LNAVIVNAY Cy nittesin the aerate A Spproaches sound nha operator's OpSpecs, APM, or ‘ther FAA aproved documents. Tore aremanyaiferont lovoleofauhorzatione when tomer the use of RNAV approach sjstoms. Th ype of equpment instal inthe ‘erat redundancy hat equipment is operational ‘Status thlvelofightcrow training, and level ofthe (operat s FAA autherzation ara factors that can affect ‘plots abi to use VNAVIfrmaten en an approach Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go 219 sea Home 1FR& Navigation Question 1758 Remaining: 150 explanation Tswoy CemarineLed-ftighs ae eb ended 0 war poss ha ‘See AIM chaptor2, section 1 which reads: « Tanway Centering Lead-Of Lights, Taxvaycenterin lead ghts Provide veel ‘uidance fo persons extng the runway. They ae olrcodedto war plots and vohise driver that yey at win the aay arionent US ein fe ‘heyarewihin the uray enveonmentor insrumortlanding syst (LS) cia area, ‘ahchowerismere estciv, Aternate gran and Yow ight reinstalled, begining wih gree, ‘rom therunwaycorerine oon cetoinelght poston boyore! the rua hosing poston oF LS tea are aking potion. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go 219 sea Home 1FR& Navigation Question: 1760 Remaining: 129 By requre eure of GPS. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go explanation ‘Seo AIM, captor, section 1, quoted belon fornen-WAAS atemato requirements (se theNots). Below thats an AIM, chapter, sect ‘quotaon which states atts equrement does natexst or WAAS ‘auiped aera (cPSinstument Approach Procedures {@Fortign planning purposes, "780.6129 and TS0-61960}-cqupped users (GPS users) whose navigation systomshave faut Getecion and exclusion (FOE) capably, wha pedormaprefight RAI predicion othe Sppcoach neg atthe apovtwnere the RNAV (Ge) approach wl be own, and nave proper knowedge and any requred waning andlor appeovalto conduct aGPS:bases IAP, may fe ‘asod ona GPS-based IAP attr he destination corte atemate apr, butnot at both locators. At {he temate arp. pots may plan: (1) Lateranavigabon (NAY) or ccng ‘minimum descort ate (MOA); (2) CNAVvertical ‘navigatonLNAVIVNAV) DA Fequpped wih and using approved aroma versal navigation baro\VNAV) equpment {G)RNPO3DAon an RNAV (RNP) IAP, They ae spoctically authorize users using approvedbere-VNAV equpmentandnepithas ‘vee required navigation performance (RNP) _valabilly Brough an approves predion program, {@)iftve above condos cannot beret any 219 sea c cone Home 1FR& Navigation Question: 1767 Remaining: 128 explanation ren re you aurea conde an NAVIN approach? ‘See AIM Chapter econ S which reads the approach paced i retvabe rom heart dtabace by RNAV and RNP Operations Poco rome 2 Pit 1: 1funabe to comp with he rquirments fan RNAV or RNP procedure, plots must advise ar atic convo as soon as poss, For ‘ramp, 1234 fale of GPS system, able RNAV, eoquest amended ‘oaranea” 2. Pi are not authorized fy published RNAV or RNP procedure (isiument approach, departure, or arva procsdue) unless eevable bythe proceirename emthe craft avgaion database andcanfoms to ho chated procedure 3: Whenever possible, RNAV routs (0-or Toute shouldbe extracted ‘tom te database nthe antiy aera losdng RNAV rute waypoints ‘rom te database into he ight plan nvidally However selecting an Inserting indi namaaies rom the databases persite, provided all {nas along the published outst be town are iserted {Plots must nt change any database waypoint ype rom ayy toy cover orvie versa. Noster mosiieaion ofatabaso waypoints othe ‘reaton of user-defned waypotsonpubshed NAV or RNP procodures ‘Speritad excepto: {@) Changeaitue andlor aspeed waypoint contains comply with an ATC carancafinteton, (©) Insert waypoint along th publish ute assstin coming it ATCinsirucon, example, “Desoond vate WILMS aval excep oss ‘north of BRUCE ator blow FL 210" Thi isimtedony to systems hat alow alorg-rack waypoint constuction. 5 Plots of FMS-equpped ara ho are assigned an RNAVOP or ‘STAR procedure and subsequenlyreaivea change of unway,wanslon or ‘procedure, shave tha the appropriate changes are loaded and Back Font Size Next | Svalabiofernavigaton, Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Question: 1768 Remaining: 147 8) completa eof Wi communications 30% of arpa oy, ih Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation ‘See AIM chaptor7, section which reads: Precipitation tate "3 Precipitation state caused by aireratinightcomingin conte ith uncharged pares. Thete partes canbe ain, snow og seo, ‘olan ash dust: an sol ogud partes When the aca tikes ‘hese neva parices the postive tment of he pares efected may ‘tom te arcrat and the nogatve parle adheres tothe skin of aera, Inavery chr pao ote a sutstartia negate charge wil deveion on ‘heakinotine arezat he aera ratequipped win state dscnargars corhas aninefecive stat dschargr system, whena sfcent negative ‘volgolvols reached th aaftmay go nto"CORONA Thats iwi Gscharge he sta lacttty fom tho entromtes ofthe aera such as he ‘ting ps, horizontal stablzer, vera star, entanna, propel, el, ‘This charge of stat lecetys what you wil hearin your headphones andi what call-sate .A.eiew of pilot reports often shows ifrent symptoms wih each problem thats encountered. The folownglis of pekiemsis a summary of ‘many plotrepes rom many diferent ara. Each problem was caused by Peta “-Completoloss of VHF communicators 2 Erroneous magnetic compass readings (30percentin eon 5 High pchod squeal on auc “4 Motorboat ound on aude, $5 Loseofallavoniesncouds 65. VLF navigation system inoperative ost ofthe tine 7-Eraticinstament readouts, {8 Weak ansmissions and poor roeptivtyofrados. 9:°SLEino's Fre onvindsnved «© Eachot hese symptomsiscausedby one general protien onthe ) the let must stops that no part othe arr oxtands ‘yond he una holdng poston marking. When approaching he run plot shoul otras th urway halsing poston marking wahout ATC. ‘loarance a convaled spor, er without making ee of asoauate separation rom ober acrafal uncooled alps. An alrratexting 2 runway snot lear ofthe runway ui al pars ofthe arahave crossed ‘he applicable heldng poston markng amy Home Question 2048 Remaining: 138 | (Retr to poem 2, gus 269 an 248) Ft outed Hye Iremason Hs probaty pont cut a potenti carson ko an arn 1 crossing ny 9 waht cleranoe fr pate on nay 3 Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 00 1FR& Navigation explanation tyouleok at fgue 243, is nttoohept..tjust explains where te Ht ‘Spotis ("Ty Eat 02-27R"), Examination figure 244 shows the potenal is ofan alert mistakingrunway 9 focrurway 1S when costes fortakeoffon runway 13. Home 1FR& Navigation Question: 2056 Remaining: 137 eer ih relace white its onthe st 2000 fo of tho rama Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go explanation ‘See AIM chaptor2, section 1 which reads: Runway Edge Light ystems {3 Rureay edge igh are uso tin the odges of runways rng petods of darkness orrstited visibly condtions. These light ystoms re ‘assed according tthe nny or ighiness they are capable of reducing they are the High ines Runway Lights (HIRL), Medium Intensity Runway Lights (MRL), andthe Low Inensty Runway Lights (URL) The HIRLandMIRL sytem intensty cons, \ahoreas the LIRLs normally Rave anentanatysetng The ray edge phi ae white, except onium runways yale replaces wht an the lst 2,000 feet orate runway longi, whicheveris o toforma cautonzae or andngs. Thalia maring the ends ofthe runway eit igh toward te runway tomcat the endfruneay toa deparing aera and emit geen ‘utward rom te runway endo ndcate thereto laningarcat amy Home 1FR& Navigation Question: 2110 Remaining: 138 explanation (Weer to pond 2, igre 258) What the proce othe sed ‘Youhaveo manuaty sequence the GPSto the Missed Approach Specie oh RAY TGP} MY 32 proach ak? Procedure, Tne corset anewariaastaghcimtothe correct atte of 300 et as shown on te approach plate. ing by TOMDE, and then ‘rackingto ie holding fx. Youcan tl that TOMDE fay-by waypoint because, justimg almost ll eter GPS fous onto approach pat fs 15) Cm staph anes te 3,00, y-by TOME then tack 7390 SUSKE symbol a pon star thats nat ccled. By emparson fe nssed oe Sppccach waypontRSZ* say over waypoint nested bya point Sarthatiscrted A f E Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 e060 amy Question 2145 Remaining: 135 (Retr to poem 2 gues 269 ar 248) 2 Ft Lauded lye treme #84 pons poms ou = pteralincrson x2 apne ‘Spotia ("wy Ent eparture or Ry 27"), Examination figue 244, 15) anng yO andatng on Eo, hen crossing vy 1. Back Font size Mack Question Figures sump to Question 1FR& Navigation explanation tyouleok at figuro 243, is nttoohept.tjust explains where the Het shows the potential sk fan aera eating ray OBR and inadvertent crossing my 13 Next 6 00 amy Question: 2160 Remaining: 134 (Retr to sposnd 2, pute 27) At what pip shal you sonnet the 925s. Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 00 1FR& Navigation explanation ‘See thonotoat the tp ofthe approach plate whch reas: "Autoplotcoupled approach NA below 1925. NAT means Not Authorized” amy Home Question: 2261 Remaining: 133 trou 2. Fate 31) Wt ne ease LOE WY omy 1a tee Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 e060 1FR& Navigation explanation ‘The minimums forthe LOC epereach ithe LANDIinsrscton canbe denied, are 440 fe (se the minimums secon under"LANDIFIX MINIMUMS"), ih adsl VOR eapabiy, you would certainly be abe to "enti the LAND Home Question: 2521 Remaining: 132 IrRaceve Atoamous ney Monting RAMI capebity ssn igh, 12) the plot has no aeaurance of he accuracy the PS pston Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation ‘See AIM, chapter 1, section 1, which roads: (@) Recelver AstonomovsIntegrty Monitoring (RAM) {_)RaiRtoutages may occur de toan sufcentnomber of estates or duet unstable elit geometry which causes the eorinthe posiion solution to become toolage. Los of satelite Fecepton and RAIN warnings may occur due to {erat dynamics changes mph or bark angle). ‘Anenna latin on the ara satel poston relative tothe horzon, ander altude may aot ‘eceptonofene or more satelite. Sincothe relative Dositone of tne salts ora contany changing or expaience wth he apor does nol gurantee Fecepton aitimes, and RAIMavaisbiy shoud ‘aways be checked {2)Cian pts may obtain GPS RAM avalabiyinermaton for nonprecision approach procedures by using amanutacturer-suppliod RAI ‘redicton oo, orusingte SeniceAvalablly Predcton Too (SAPT) on he FA on out and terminal RAIMprecicton website. Ps can also aquest GPS RAI aeronautical inforaton rma fight serie station during prefight betings. GPS RAM aeronautical nfomstin canbe oblanes or period of Shurs for example fyouaro schedules {oernve at 12"shour, nan the GPS RAI ‘nvrmation avaiable tom 100 1400 hours or 8 24-hourtmetame at aparcularapor. FAK ‘fers wilprovide RAM infrmaton ora povios amy 125 sea Home Question 2354 Remaining: 131 terse 2. 18) Youane landed wd a onthe ey. 1 Tse mathinsincat an intersecting uoay Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation explanation ‘See AIM chaptor2, section which reads: Holding Postion Markings 23 Rurtay Hoking Poston Markings. Forrunways these markings indicate ‘hore an arate supposed stop. They consist of four yellow nos Wo Sold andtwo dashed. space ser welvinchos apart and extending ‘c7se the wah ofthe away or runway. The sos lnes are aways onthe Sido where th aerate hols. There are re locations whereuniay holing postion markings ar encountered 2. Runway Holsing Poston Markngson Runways. Those markings.are Instaled on runways ont ftherunway snermalyusedby ara control {orien hod shor operation or exingoperatons and have operational {fe ‘ignleance ony for nose wo ypes of operations Asigntha white i Inserptononared background isinstaled adjacenttotheeehalding postion —|& matings. (S2eF1G2-3-N4, Theholdng postion markings are placedon | ‘runways porto theinersecton wah another runway oF some designated pont ots caving instructions "seared lana runway 70 oma {ric onl are authorized o ure he entra laning length he ran (any holding postion marking located an eran Pot receiving and accepinginsructon cleared tland runway had shortorumaay yom rraficconrl must ether exit aay "ot ‘opal holding positon por torunnay yy" 3 6 00 amy 125 sea Home 1FR& Navigation Question 2373) Remaining: 130 explanation (Pelt gre 25%) vat mitral ena required 0 he RNA ‘See tho oto intho upperlttcomorofthe approach in figure 251 which (rae 26 sporoach at? rats, "RF and GPS REQUIRED” ‘See AC90-101A, Approval Guidanc for RNP Procedures wit AR, wich rede: 2) a ptr wth epaby. @-Radusto Fix RF Leg, An RF legis defined as a constant adie cular ath, around a define un conto that starts andtarminatas ata fx AF legmaybe publshed as patofa procedure. Also se AMchaptr, secon 2 which reads: (e)Radusto Fx ARadus to Fo (RF) 6g defined asaconstentradus ff rear path aounéa detoestumcenterhatiemnates tat SeeFIG 1 |E 26. E Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 e060 1FR& Navigation Question 2385 Remaining: 129 explanation ra cations ae requted tobe clr for 8 sua eopoceh? ‘See AIM chapter ection which reads 1 eating 1000 fee an 3 tes visty Visual Aoeroach {A visual appreachis conducts on an IFR fight anand auberzos aplotio proceed vsualy and ‘ea of ouds tthe aor. The pot must have ‘thor he apotor te precoding iene’ aerat Insight Thisapereach mustbo authorized ana onladby the appropiate awaficconto, {acy Repoced weather ale airport must havea cng ator save 1,000 eet nd tty 3 ios or (greater ATC may athonzehstype of approach tthendwitbeoperatonsly benef Viusl Spproaches are an FR proce conduced under IFRin isualmeteoriogical condions. Cloud clearence equrements of CFR Section 1.155 are notappicabl, unless required by operation Spoctcations, Whan conducting visual approaches, plotsare enecuragedt use ober avaiable ‘avigatonal aide assist n poate lea and ‘oral aigrment withthe erway. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go amy Question 2398 Remaining: 128 (Petr to poem 2, figure 238) The wie Win a Back bon he nates ‘ton a tho procsauenacates 18) MAAS vroal udonce exages my cee day Back Font Size Figures Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation lease noo the darkened W synbolin the noes secon ofthe approach Wiehave atiscned Lenend27toths question, st describes this sya. ‘Seo the Aeronautical hat User’ Gide, U.S. Terminal Procedures section, veh roads ‘The [WL symbotndeates that outages ofthe WAAS vertical ‘guidance may occur day at Ps locaton deta syst Emiations WAS NOTAWs fr vericalcutagos arent provided fr this fpproach Use LNAV minima or fight planning atthese leations whether ‘as destination or lem, Fright operaons al these loealions, when {he WAAS avionics indicate fat LNAVIVNAY or LPV serie i avalabe, ‘hn verteal guldancomay be usedto compet the approach using he splyedtevelofserice Shoudan cutoge occurdurngthe procedure, {fe reversion foLNAY minima may Derequied. AsmeWAAScoverageis |B ‘expanded, the W wl be removed E 6 00 amy Question 2420 Remaining: 127 (Petr to poende 2, guts 178 and 376) Whi elope nest te 2) PAPI on eater to et or ht Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 e060 1FR& Navigation explanation Tako alookat Figure 376. As youroad tu the runway descriptions, yout soe hat each one contains ether (Pa) or (Pa, ndeating nat he runways have ether igh PAPIs on he Fight oon he Lateef the runway. ‘Wenave atsced Legend rom he FAA Bgures supplementta hap you, iebone what he PAL nd PAR sta fo, Home 1FR& Navigation Question 2850 Remaining: 126 explanation ‘ren enute and aknonetsing an ATC ceaance, epi shold ‘See AIM captor 4 section 4 which reads: A reodbuck instructions tor aitude, vector andraray assignment ».ATC Glearanceinstuton Readback Pot of artome arr should road back those parts of ATC Clearances andinstuctons containing altude assignments, vectors, ‘unwiey asignmenis as ameans of mutual vericaton. Te read back othe “numbor”sores.as adobie chock bween ps ae coils and ‘reduces the kinds ofcommunication ener hat oosorwhan a numbers ‘ther mishear’ ols ncaect {nude tho arra idetfcaon in allreasbacks and acknowedgenis This ais convorsindetermining thatthe corect ara recoivedtne clearence or nstucton. The eqaremento nude aeratidenfcaton a ‘lreadbacks and acrouledgements Becomes mare mpocantas ‘requency congestion creases ang when arcraftweh simi cal sigs re onthe same nequency. EXAMPLE- "Climbing to Fight Leelee hres zero, United Twehvoor"Noverber Five Charo Tango, ge, eared land runway nino. 2. Readback litdes tose estctons, and vector inthe same ‘soqence a they aregvonin tha clearance crinsrucion. 8. Ades contained in charted procedures, suchas DPs,insurent ‘approaches et, should note readback niss they are special stated bythe contlr 4: Intaread back fata, departure orlaning clearance should inde Back Font Size Next | therunvay assignment including let. ght contr te applicable. Mack Question sump to Question Go Home 1FR& Navigation Question 2867 Remaining: 125 2) daengape he autoplt and acta basout racecar Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go explanation ‘See AIM captor, section 4 which reads: 5. adeviatng ara als torespondto such Insiructons ri observed penetrating NTZ, the ‘aretattontheadjacont fina approach course i ‘heaened) wll beissueda breakout instucton PHRASEOLOGY. “TRAFFIC ALERT (arrafcalsgn) TURN (etuight) IMMEDIATELY HEADING (Sogres), climaldescend) ANDIMAINTAIN (atti) amy Question 2470 (Petro poende 2, gute 223) When peroaching Nisa, you shoe 2) btn TC esrane pir to resin Back Font Size Figures Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation ‘Seo AIM chapior2, section’. figures 23-13 and 23-18, ane paragraph (a) (which eas: 1. Runway Holing Poston Markings on Txiway, These markings ety ‘hlozatons on ataceay where an arcraftis supposed io stop when doos rnothave clearance topracesd ona the runway. Generally, runway hldng, positon markings als dently he Boundary othe ay safety area fo era extn the runway. The runway holding postion markings are shown InFIG2313endF1G2-2-16 When isiucted by ATCIo, "Hold ehort of (funway "s)he pet muststopsothatno partofthe ara extends "yond he runway hosing positon marking When approaching the unway pllotshoul not ross th urway hlsng poston marking wihout ATC. ‘oarence ata convaled aor. orwihoutmaking sure of acequste Separation tom aber acral uncotald eipars An aera exting runway isnot tear ofthe urway ui al parts fhe aierathave crossed ‘he appicabl nldng poston marking. 6 00 amy Question: 2471 Remaining: 123 (Retr to append 2, tute 354) The PIC of P72 70 wa use 30° bank Sr homer paring RY Ha PV ati tna en TAS VORDME SUD ders wha condor? sy 80 wet Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 e060 1FR& Navigation explanation leasolook altho "No Wing’, "Bank Angle” vrsus ‘Maximum TAS" bein ‘heuppernghtcomer of gure 354. Ata bark angleof 30" hetable lndeates maximum TAS of 180 kts. amy Question: 2471 Remaining: 123 (Retr to append 2, tute 354) The PIC of P72 70 wa use 30° bank Sr homer paring RY Ha PV ati tna en TAS VORDME SUD ders wha condor? sy 80 wet Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 e060 1FR& Navigation explanation leasolook altho "No Wing’, "Bank Angle” vrsus ‘Maximum TAS" bein ‘heuppernghtcomer of gure 354. Ata bark angleof 30" hetable lndeates maximum TAS of 180 kts. Question 2478 Remaining: 122 Shinetrineaton on he reuns wou show eae end he Botnet, 9 Nahe than ld lot, Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go 1FR& Navigation explanation [Eater's noo: This quostons ory much ke #2374. Higher than fold ‘evan is beng scored as corctby the testing center computers. Lower ‘han fel elevations atomping answer cole, butt scored as ncorect, bythe tesing computers] Inthis queston, we have corrected he altmeter for non-standard pressure. ‘Bute canteorectiforthe non-standard tompertire. Soe ast paragraph ofthe following excerpt rom 8083-258 is he mostelevanto is ‘question ‘Seo FAH 0085-258, pages -4and 8. [Efecto Nonstandard Pressure and Temperature iiseasytomaian a sonsistan neigh above graunait ‘he barameti pressure and temperature remain constant, ‘uti alte case, The pressure an emperature can change between takeot and landing even oneal ight those changes areetlaken nis conaderaton ight becomes dangerous. Watimetors coulénot be adjusted for nonstandard pressure. 2 hazardous stuaton could oocut For example, an acratie ‘lo trom a high pressure areas alow preseue area wihout adjusting th atimoter, constant atte wb splayed, butte actual hight ofthe areraf above tho ground would below than he ndctad aude. Theres an lg avlton Axiom “GOINGFROM AHIGHTO A LOW, LOOK OUT [BELOW Convery. fan aratis foun fomalow pressure area toa high pressure area without an agustment ‘ttn aimets, the actus aude ofthe arate ghar {han he indicted altde, Oncein igh tisimportanto {requentyobaincaentaimeter stings enroute toensire Home Question 2885 Remaining: 121 Ay youmustepr te tine and atte upon reaching the hlig fa Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation ‘See AIM chapter secon which reads: ‘Aahtonal Reports ‘2: The folowing report should be made lo ATC or FSS faites witout SpocticaTC request ‘ata ies (2) ¥en vacating any previously assigned aide or fight ve for anewiy signed ate or ight ov {@) nen an atitude crange willbe made if operating on aclearanco spectyng VFRan-op. {elmen unable cmbisescend at rat of last 500 fet per minute. {@) When approach has boon missed. (Request earance or spec acon Lo. toatematve apart, ancter approach, ac) (e) Change nthe average rue airspeed (atcnising stud) when varies ‘by Spereent or 10 kro whichevers greater) om Bat led ine igh pln, (Thome and atts right evel upon reaching aholing xo pointto van case {@) ¥en caving any assigned hldng xo pont amy Home Question 2496 Remaining: 120 (Petr to poor 2, tg 251) We evening the RNAY (RNP) RY 26L SGpcnchte PUN, outs here sea shad Ing om ey he vi sept ino he MONDA ecb ona 38 Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation explanation leasolook at atachod Legends 35 an 800 holpyou. Those logend Dctures isrtes he snaded fan ference inti quaston, Hyoulookon page" (he Profle View page} nthe LEGEND atthe front of {U.S Terminal Procedures approach book, thmidl ofthe page youl See very small shaded Yar or angle hatineats ‘Visual segment below MOADA\s ear of obstacles on 3:1 slope (Absence of shaded area indeates 341 isnotclear)” ‘The samen is valle on page 85 ofthe Aeronautical Chart Users de, 12 Eton, 6 00 amy Home Question 2496 Remaining: 120 (Petr to poor 2, tg 251) We evening the RNAY (RNP) RY 26L SGpcnchte PUN, outs here sea shad Ing om ey he vi sept ino he MONDA ecb ona 38 Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation explanation leasolook at atachod Legends 35 an 800 holpyou. Those logend Dctures isrtes he snaded fan ference inti quaston, Hyoulookon page" (he Profle View page} nthe LEGEND atthe front of {U.S Terminal Procedures approach book, thmidl ofthe page youl See very small shaded Yar or angle hatineats ‘Visual segment below MOADA\s ear of obstacles on 3:1 slope (Absence of shaded area indeates 341 isnotclear)” ‘The samen is valle on page 85 ofthe Aeronautical Chart Users de, 12 Eton, 6 00 amy Home 1FR& Navigation Question 2498 Remaining: 19 explanation (peter to poendi 2, gute 268) You ee ying trot ened ote [Esitore noe: Heicote lots... hi uestonis appearing onthe ea fice ee sal (atoning te nr) Ae tl you te rot Ces [ATP Heicopertst, eventhough he quaston spultes "htt" "20 fet arash RN nen subd bed. Yat : a ee ‘The noleonhe aria states, “TURBOJETS: Landing West alIAH expect cearanes to croes RICE at 12000, ross BRKKIN at 250 KIAS." 2501s ' i : Back — FontSize Figures Next Mork Queston amp tountin icc amy Home Question 2524 Remaining: 16 (Peter to spent 2 ure 248) vs 1) 560 eet, Back Font Size Figures Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation Inthe Tucson rt ont in ure 348, the runway lngths gen as 7000 feet conte inethal reads "RUYCo-21: HTOOOXIE0 (ASPH-GRVD) S-105,D- sar. 28c74, ‘Trois aiplaced threshold for unway 08 of 84 oot as shown ont ‘hal teads RUVY 03: Thi spied 641" Ralioad.” So theranwayavaiatiefor landing shouldbe 7000 eet 84 fot 180fe0t Undor he Runway Declare Distance Information, the RIVY 03 ne Indeates aLanding Distance Avalale 016160 foot 6 00 Home 1FR& Navigation Question 2529 Remaining: 17 loved pithor aad tof canoe conducted msn area tat recaps of hing these pained ts Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go explanation ‘Seo FAAH.-9083-108, page 4-20, which reads ‘Toattain the benfts of RNP approach procedures, akey components carved fight wacks, Contant rad tus around fae called rao fialogs (FF loge) Those urs, which are oncadedieo he navigation databare, alow be ara aoidcrilea areas of trancrconfctng ‘space whie presening postona accuracy by mainaning proce, poste course gdance along he caved rack The rrosucton of Regs Ito th dsign of terminal INAV procedures results nenproveduse ot ‘repace and allows procedure abe devloped to andirom runways that fr others ite owasitonalinea tight pals 0 nsome cases, not Sored by an FR procadur tal Navigation syst i RF capa aro {a prrequistoto yng aprocadrethatincudes an og Retertothe notes boxofthe plot tng parton ofthe approch chain Figure 15. amy Home Question: 2546 Remaining: 16 (Peter to poendie 2, figure 30) What ae the minimus for ne LS RY SL Spoken tn your Ci Cturtna-povred arin ER? artes, Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 00 1FR& Navigation explanation ‘The minimums orth ILS approach aro 213 fet (se the inimums section ofthe approacr). Wit re MEL tems, you would cera be able tothe ILS appeosehtopublshed minimums, "No NEL tm isintndedte communica that there ar na inoperative systems or equpmenton the aiplane amy Question 2554 Remaining: 15. (Peter to pond 2, gute 6) As you rss hs re tera, yo 1 eanconfem youre cer fhe una wen al of oust hae pascal Back Font Size Figures Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation ‘See AIM chaptor2, section which reads: Holding Postion Markings 23 Rurtay Hoking Poston Markings. Forrunways these markings indicate ‘hore an arate supposed stop. They consist of four yellow nos Wo Sold andtwo dashed. space ser welvinchos apart and extending ‘c7se the wah ofthe away or runway. The sos lnes are aways onthe Sido where th aerate hols. There are re lactone whereuniay holing postion markings ar encountered “Runway Holding Potion Making on Taxiways. These markings deny ‘hetocatons ona lay where an avers suppotedto step unen does nothave dearancoto proceed ono he runway. Te runway heding poston ‘Markings are shownin FIG2--13 and FIG 22-16 When nected by [ATC*Hold hor of (runway the plot shouidslop 20 apache rer exends beyond the holding pesiton making. When approaching the told pesto rain, pie steotcoss te marking wipe TE ance at acontled apo or wihoutmakng sure of adequate Shorten once arcafalunconsalovarpors sr areatoxinga runway isnot clear ofthe urway ula pars of he arrathave crossed ‘he applicable heldng poston making. 6 00 we 5 1FR& Navigation Question: 2574 No Figures - nyF.z90 tore Back Font size Mack Question Remaining: 14 Explanation Next Jue 0 aveston co a 5 No Figures - 1FR& Navigation Question 2585, Remaining: 13 ghia aero 2) RAN copay Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go x Ps ae AR] "Vora oes aye sau ge ee aT gt as a smal Gs] 1FR& Navigation ° ° ‘Question: 2592 Remaining: 12 (Retr to poende 2, gute 293) What wb our arta ning tance forrannay i 19.488 eet. Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jo © aueston# . co Go x eee = eons sone Fit He Nviton aa a (etre tgs ye Rf [7] amok = nde ( ; [ Beck FantSze slant sot Vekcoetin arsine coe = = 1990 sepa ta 0s Home. Pint Fig i 1FR & Navigation Question: 2595 femal: [| tertoapent tae 272) tert the VORA, AT see oto 5 | Setiaspecat teste nnancsnyouson baw fd ats 1A pectin ' H i Back FontSize Explanation Next MarkQuesion dump to Ovestone Go Home. Pint Fig 1FR& Navigation Question 2594 Remaining: 10 am Back Font Size Explanation Next wom Mack Question Jue 0 aveston co Home Prt ig VFR Navigation ueton 2508 Memory Ald Ramin 19 re 45 : Figure 124. Aircraft Course and DME Indicator. Back Fontsize Explanation Next 128 Mack Question Lu 1 aveston co ° ° . Home. Pint Fig 140 1 1FR& Navigation (Question: 2601 Remaining: 108 ne Back Font Size Explanation Next Mack Question Jue 0 aveston co am : ; : i 1FR& Navigation Home. Pint Fig Remaining: 107 Question: 2602 "ar insmatonal What ime rae eq. (Retr to spoon 2, gure 70K) Yau plant dpa Ran ana OR at cone 12) 200 ot por navies mle Pee Next Font Size Explanation Back i Y YY, nec men noesicoonmnemocauns VW He ee cee He lt e a PHaEE 1] tator mann noresricnoenmnemocenns WY aT, Jo © aueston# Mark Question ° 170A amy Home Question: 2602 Remaining: 107 (Retr to spoon 2, gure 70K) Yau plant dpa Ran ana OR at [Sieage fre nmatonal What sims ora req 12) 200 ot por navies mle Back Font Size Figures Mack Question sump to Question 1FR& Navigation Next explanation Inthe absence ofa published mininum clin grasentona SD, DP erinthe Takgof Mumurs and (Obstacle) Departure Procedures secon he andard minimum cb gradient of200 fee per aaulcal mie apps. ‘Seo FAH 8088-158, pogo 1-12 which reads [ALDPs provide obstace clearance pode hearer crosses he on of he runway atleast 5 oot AGL; cbs 11 400‘eet above por levaton boar tuning: and cbs oes 200 fee per nautes mi FPNM) unless higher Climb gradient pected tothe assigned tise. ATC ay ‘octor an aeratofaproviouly assigned OP; however, {e200 FPNMortne FPNM spect the DP lrequied ‘See FAAH-8083-158, page 27 which reads fobstaces inthe departure path requte a stepechan Standard cmb gradient (200 fet per naues mle (PNM), tonto contr advices plot However, isthe plot's respon to chock the dopant apt [singin ie AFD to detamino fer are tees or irs inte departure path When in doubt ask the conor for ‘herequredcimgracion, 6 00 1FR& Navigation wetter, Ree, eee Ys Los re (Question: 2607 123 Figure 123. Aircraft Course and DME Indicator. Back Font Size Explanation Mack Question Lu 1 aveston ° ° . Memory Aid Remaining: 108 Home. 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