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Home Question: 899 nat hageen tothe Hesing pit of etylne eal when uted with 2) Ro become oer Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘See AC 120-58, pagos 17 nd 18, which read ‘boat use pure (100 percent ethylene ghoolorpure propyene aco fui ‘vnonprecptation condtens. The reasons fore cauion ar exiines| bolo Te teezing point of pure ethylene iycas much igh than hat ted wit water. Sighttomperature decreases canbe induce by factors suchas ol-soaked uel in wing tans, eduction ofeoarraciaton by ous {bscurng he sun, amen! temperature cooing wind effects, andlawered Temperature duingdevelopmantafwing tthe Feezing pattie remaining lm found ob insite deicng/anteing process ‘Should be repeatod before te acrtis rleased org. -Fulsrengih (ute) propyiene ayo. having a strenght abou 68 percent lyecl at temperaturesiess han-10 dgraos (+14 grees) is {gute seaus. nts oem. propylene gyal based fulds have boon fondo roduceitreductons of bout 20 percent. Propane geal FPD Tus are rotintended tobe uredin the unhded stato unless specticaly ‘commended by tb ara manufacture. Home Question: 909| 1) mt be conser aering to thesia. Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Westher Remaining: 192 explanation ‘Se Advisory Cesar 12059, pape 3, which states: “ee, testo snow ontop of decing or ant-cing ids must beconsideredas ashorngtothe ara. Takeo shou not be atompled™ Next Home Westher Question: 9 Remaining: 190 explanation Frecing Pon Depressat (FPO) ful resitue on engine ana compresoe ‘Seo Advisory Crear 120-58, page 28, which states: "Fluid residue on engine fan or compressor blades can reduce engine performance o cause stllor surge. Inaiton this couldinerase the Dossbity forte quanti of lea! vapors nlanng the aera Brough he tnging bleed arsyetem” Clean aecees pertomance and cause sung andor compressor stats Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Question: 1515 Remaining: 169 Ucn INTIAL coke ircatns shuld plot te sume of when headin C_indatedsaped Sess sf ith dom, an Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Westher explanation ACOD-SH, page 2 says Inconvastto shears which increase reed, an ineeasing tain or {ecreasng headwind) soar wil docreaso Indeated arspeed and pearmance capabity Duelo arspoes Ios hearplane may endtopitch own orgain im speed 1930 sites dsemio = om Home. Pint Fig Weather Question: 1518 Remaining: 18 (Retr to poendie 2 fut A success winder eceery fern Bilas pests 8 8 woul cure Ch matali ocean teh atte and aceping owe than asl Specs Back Font Size Explanation Next 144 io Mark Question Jo © aueston# coe! 2 a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 1523 Remaining: 187 1 Arspedwa cone to decrease ater the arate at Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go 940 sites demo = ore Home. Pint Fig Weather Question 1527 Remaining: 18 (Peter to poende 2 ute Wine a icant encoun, ‘ich aera poston lhe mos severe Someta oc? cise Back Font Size Explanation Next 144 io Mark Question Jo © aueston# coe! 2 942 sitassdsemio = ore Home. Pint Fig Weather Question: 1529 Remaining: 185 (Peter to poem 2 fur 4 Reeve to te ter erat wa lect ‘ns eros encounter have upen th ares npaston 3° 1 suena downer E A i i ' H t i Back Font Size Explanation Next 144 io Mark Question Jo © aueston# coe! 2 942 sitassdsemio Aoowteate ore Home. Pint Fig Weather (Question: 1550 Remaining: 184 (Retr to poem 2 gre 6 What eect wi microbe Fave upon ie arritn pation &? 1) 109 atin. Back Font Size Explanation Next 144 io Mark Question Jo © aueston# coe! 2 a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 1541 Remaining: 183 1) Deseening othe sre an hen cua lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher (Question: 1542 Remaining: 162 lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go Home (Question 1552 Remaining: 181 Uren em apes when te tamperatre of hea changes by compression roipanon nth naan nse or ome? radiate Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Westher explanation ‘See AC00-06A, Chapter 6, pago 47, under tho subheading “Changes within Upward Downward Mowng Ar wich rac: (CHANGES WITHIN UPWARD AND DOWNWARD MOVING AIR ‘Anytime ar moves upward expands because of decreasing atmospheric ressureas shown n igure 40, Conversely downward moving ais omprossodby nerasing pressure. Bula prossure and volume change, temperature also changes When si expands, tools: an when compressa warms, These changes ‘re adiabatic meaning that no heats moved rom araaded the ai We ‘Requontusethetorms expansona or adiabatic oolng and compressional adabate heen, The diab rate of change of temperatures etal faedin unsaturated abut vaies nsatated ae Home Westher Question 1553 Remaining: 180 explanation ‘ras the apposite ote unsaturated ot wi esl Bing usops? ‘Be cael not conte this Dry Abate Ral of Temperature Change ithe standard atmosphere emperaturelanserais 1) 3*Cper 000 Feet ‘See AC00-06A, Chapter, page 48, under the subheading “Unsaturated ‘nw ead ‘Unsaturated moving upward and downward cools and warms at bout3.0 ‘ogroes (54 dogreesF)por 1,000 Toot. This rats tho"ary acaba rate ‘oftperature change" ands independent ofthe emperature ofthe mass (tr tough which he vertcal movements occu. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Question: 1565 Remaining: 178 ‘iy soul you sek to oi ence specced an alts in fate 18) Toy wiley ez when sking exposes obec Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘See Advisory Crsar O-6A, Chapter Shieh reads ‘SUPERCOOLED WATER. Frossingis complex angus wal doplts olen condense or poral ‘omperatres cals than 0” C. Water ropes colder han O° Caro Supetcooea When tay sie an exposed object, the mpactinducss ‘teszing Impact Yeezng of supersoole water can esti aerating ‘Supercooled water drops very olen rein abundancin clouds at tomperatires between Cand-15°C witndaceasing smounts at colder peratures. Usual, alempertures cole than-15"C,subenation ‘prevalent andloudsandfogmay be mostly ie crystas wit)a lesser ‘amount f supercooled wala. However, song vertealcurets may cary poroale Waterto great highs where temperatures aro much coor than-15"C, Supercolad watarhas been cbuerved temperatures coer ‘han 0°. Home Question: 1566 Remaining: 178 Cheeaes sigh ar atts neresea cr Tare state, Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Westher explanation ‘See Advisory Crear 006A, Chaptor6, under What Does I Al Me tana, wncheade" 8 Eveninclear weather, youhave some cesta stabi, ie {2 When temperature decreases unforiy and rap asyoucim (@pproaching 3 C por 1000 eat youhave anindcaton of unstable a. fternperature remains unchanged decreases ony slighty with atte, the aironds tobe sabe cthetemparaurenereaces wth alte through layer invrson = ‘helayer sabi and cancion s suppressed. Alrmay Downstate neath einen “When sr near he srtaceis warm andi, spect neatly, ‘Surface haan, cooing ale. converging upslope win, oraninvadng mass teade af may ead osiebity and cumutionn clouds. Home Question: 1588 Remaining: 177 2) Wind peed of 15k a mere Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘See Advisory Crear 00-6A, Aviation Weather, Chaptr 12, which reads: ADVECTION Fos ‘Advortiontog forms when moist ir moves ove colder round water |smostcommon along coastal areas but fen develops doopin continental sarees Atsoatlscalld"seafog." Advert fog deepens as wind speed Inetesses upto about ISkres Wind much stonger han tS knots the {ogiro a tye ofiow sats or svatocumulus. "The wos! cast ofthe Untod Statesis quite vulnerable to advection og ‘This fog equent forms offer as aresul of old water a sono Sgure ‘1Banthen'scaredniand bythe win During the winter, advecton og, overthe conta anteastem Unies States els when maior the [Gif ofhenico eprosde nora aver cld ground as ehownin Agu 19. ‘Thefog may extendasfar noth asthe Great Lakes. Water reasinaochern lates have requent dense seafogin summer a rest of warm, moi, ‘topical ai Rowing nortward over oler Art waters. Home Question: 1582 Remaining: 176 hich ype ude assisted wth vk uence and tend omar ‘heprosicton of inns ise? A) cums marmats (CBA) Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Westher explanation Acronyms: CCEMANT= Cumoninbus Mamsmatus 'SOSL = Standing Lenticular Statocumuus [ACSL = Atocuruis Standing Lanter (CCSL=Crroeumuiue Stand Lentcuar ‘See Avation Weather (AC 00-64) ich rads: “Tomado (sometimes cates econo, twice) vilonty eating eclrmn of sr; pendant roma cumulonimbus Goud, snd neat always cboerable ‘s"Wunne shaped" isthe mos! deste of aa smal seale atmosphere Phenomena Home Question: 1593 Remaining: 175 Back Font size Mack Question Next sump to Question Go Westher explanation ‘See Aviation Weather (AC 00-64), Chapter 1. which reads ‘Arsome weather avodance radars a ls name ios, fo avldng ‘severe weather -nolfopontraingit Whether lo fy into an area oar {choos dopends on echo ntnsity spacing botwoon the echoes andthe apablites of you and your accra Remember thal woater radar detects ‘nly pretation dope t does nat detect minute doud dope. There, ‘horadar scope provides no assurance of avoiding instrument weather in ‘oud and fo. Your scope may be doar between nonse echoes: is oar area doas nat necessary mean youcan fy between the stom and ‘maintain visual ping ofthe, Home Westher Question: 1598 Remaining: 174 explanation nat netecaoical canton an be expected when enceunteing era ‘See Avation Weather (AC 00-64, Chapter which reads -FRONTALWAVES AND OCCLUSION Frontal waves and cyelone (areas of ow pressure usualy formon stow ‘moving cai fntsoron stationary fons, Telia cele and movement ofa 2 Slom moving orn jeloneisdtatedto a great extent by the upper window. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Question: 1599 1) Dewpaiterence Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘See Avation Weather (AC 00-64, page 77, which reads: ‘DEWPOINT FRONT OR DRY LINE ‘uring a considerate part ofthe year, dow point ona comenonin ier Tras and Now Mice rortward over te Plain Sats. Moist it fling north om the Gute Mexico abu the yr andthertore sigh denser a flowing torte soubwest Except for moisture diferences, the 's seldom any sigifeantar mass const acros is "Fron andthertero, iiscommeny called ary ine Nghtime and wary meng og anion levelouds olen prevallan the molt ie ofthe we general clear kes marke dry sie, n sping a ear sunmer over Texas, Oklahoma fandKansas, andor some dtance eastward the ty ine sa favored Spawrang are ersqualinesandtomadces, Home (Question: 1602 Remaining: 172 18) Her pon tse reaure. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Westher explanation ‘See AC00-54 para? 3.4which reads: Inconastto shears which increase airspeed, an rereasing alvin (or decreasing headwna) shear wil decrease nested aiepeed and perormance capability, ueto airspeed les, the alane mayne pich ‘down oregaln tim speed Home (Question: 1607 Remaining: 171 1) Aesiar ght winner he sutace anda relate tong inst Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Westher explanation ‘See Advisory Crsar 0-64, Chapter which reads: \WIND SHEAR WITHA LOW LEVEL TEMPERATURE INVERSION ‘Alompratre inversion fos nea the surface onaclear rghit clin rface wind as decussedinchapor2, Wind just above heinversion tly song. As lustatedntgure 86, awind shear 20 ra7/T8 Sead eeOBD. You know ) Rian urgent apr stating ato 8-757 encountered severe rbuence ‘mies nothens oth URP VOR between FIGD 0 at 8622 Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Westher explanation ‘See AC00-4SH Change 2, pag03-27. ‘The PIREP decodes to Urgent Bo Weather Report locaton 045 degrees at 1Sauteal mies fom LRP, at 1452 UTC, at fightleve 190, Boeing 737, turouence of eaves lnvnsiy remarks: between FLIB0 and FL190. Home Question: 2578 Remaining: 120 fon arizoe omtbet2ooooxr PES BxNO27 EkN050 BKNG7O Frost oecook ast Ta BenouOes TE SaTODTD VRB 25K7 Ay Four mtes tty wth handestrmsin te vy. Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation “The in inthe TAF that reads, "FM 092100 01005KT ASM VCTS SCTO2S QVCO decodes to: Fromthe 3rd day 21002, winds 010 at knots statute mies visit, thundorstome inthe vicniy,clouds catered at 2500 feet AGL. oud ‘overeat 4000 feet AGL. Home Question: 2579 Remaining: 19 Kuo o213572o2os2 ep00Kr Pes vors scToN exNO26CS ‘veae0 TewPo oztajoa 25h TSRA BRN OIEEN OveOIO 1) 2satue mis vit, ciing 1500 fet ad thundestrms. Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘The ine inthe TAF that reas, TEMPO 021410217 25M TSRA BKNOISCB. QVCO decodes to: “Temporary romthe 2nd day at 14002 unt te 2nd dy at 17002, stale ios vsbiy tunderstorms and rin, cumulonimbus ous broken at {200 (eet AGL, clouds overcastat 200 fest AGL. Home Question: 2584 Remaining: 16 yay be encountered pt 20 mies ateraly om a tundesor Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘See ACO0-6A, Chapter 1, which reads: ‘TURBULENCE Hazardous turbulence i present in althunderstomms;andina severe thunderstom,tcandamago an artame, Stongesturovonce whine Cloud occurs wth shear between updrats and downdats. Outside the ‘oud, hear bulence hasbeen encountered several houses above nd 20 mies italy fom a severe stor. low lveltrbulent area ithe ‘Shoar zane between the plow wind andsurouncng atonal us nthe leading adge ofa storm marks he edlasinthis shear. Therolcloud ‘Simos prevalent wth cod frontal or squaline thunderstorms. andsigies anexremeiy turtle! zone. Tho fst ust cass rapid and somtimes rast change in surtace wind ahead an approaching stom. Figure 113 ‘hows a achemate cross secon of thundersorn wih areas ouside the ‘oudwhere tubence may be encountered, Home| Westher Question: 2616 Remaining: 17 explanation ‘Seo FAAH-0083-250, page 12:25, which rads ‘mparte ste rac wnat condone aul be xpeteg™ ‘As halstones fl tough whose temperatures above 0°C. hey begin ‘meltand precptaten mayreach he ground as either alo ran Faint he Sface does natmean the absence ahal alokPossbiha shoud be laniopsted wih any hunderstom,especaly beneath he anv large Cumulonimbus Halstones ge than oneal chindamster can Signlcanty damage an aeraftinafow seconds, CMa an be expected even unde he thunderstorm ar Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Westher Question: 2617 Remaining: 16 explanation ‘speci Comectve Sire may be tut when mich fhe fooming ‘See AC00-45H, page 7, which roads: Contion am expected are tan minutes fe a po” ‘Convective SIGMET - Special Issuance Crea. Aspecal Convective SIGNET may beissved whon any of he folowing eto are oes otk ‘hojuspmentoftheforecastor ao expected to cecrTormore than 30 15) Wind gusts rater than reuse sO knot. minutes of ie vale pen, + Tern hall grater than or equal to % inch (in (athe surface) or wind (ust greater than or equal to 80 kro) (tthe suraco) re reported, nication of apy changing condos nthe forecaster’ judgment ‘hoy are net sufcionty desrbedinaxising Convective SIGMETS, + Special ssuance snot equted fr avalid Convective SIGMET. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go amy Home Question: 2626 Remaining: 15. (Peter to poem 2, ure 4 Wha on approch what fet ls ‘merors encour ave upon the cra inpoaton Cheated erspeed vous ncease Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 e060 Westher explanation ‘See AIM chapter7, section 1, the gr tited Mreburst Encounter Dung Takeot whch charactarzes the experience of penetrating amiccburst. ‘The fgure shows hata aati postion 1 encounters an nerease in hoadwind, Tha creacedheaduind woudresutnincreased i and ‘heteorea cmb and nereasedidicaled arspeed, with ncreaseof ch cor power equredby the plo. 1158 Trg a 76 ma = - Home. Pint Fig Weather Question: 2626 Femsining: 15 (Peter to poem 2, ute 6 Wha on approach what fet lls Imerobrst encounter ave upon th aft nposiion Cheated erspeed vous ncease E A i i ' H t i Back Font Size Explanation Next 144 io Mark Question Jo © aueston# coe! 2 a 5 58 Teneo uo Home. Pint Fig No Figures - Sonasoqn 708 Westher Question 2652 Remaining: 14 nesting ipso rot) ih al treatin 18) Coa, forms beyond the reach eine surtaces lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 58 Teneo uo Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 2651 Remaining: 13 en using anata aro west avoids, el 1) shouldbe var thataterton oud cave deta targets to ot be role Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 58 Teneo uo Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 2656 Remaining: 12 1 ean arse tet pvermance and mus be removed lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 58 Teneo uo Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question 2660 Remaining: 11 omer? 2) counterions, Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 58 Teneo uo Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 2665 Remaining: 10 ‘he mare stage cst nse by wich weer Hera lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go 1207 Tope ooo Home Question: 2674 Remaining: 109| nena SGMET sae fe vlan aha plat should eld suspended onana seh huss sp campy aro an areas wi lene ash artic. Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘See AIM chaptor7, section 5, which reads: Fight OperatonsinVoleani Ash Sever veicanicarypons which snd ash and Suphur dioxide (802) 9a inthe upper aesphore ‘otur somewhere around the wo several mes ‘ach year ing ilo a wolanieash loud canbe ‘xcoedingly dangerous AB7A7-200|est four {engines after such an encounter anda 8747—400 had ‘hesare near catastrophic experience Piston were aera ar ess kly lose power But Severe damago's almost coriainoonsue aor an noounterwihavleanie ash coushch sony a fewhours » Mostimporantste avid any encounter wth ‘olan ash The ash plume maynetbe sib, ‘especialy inintument contons or atigh ‘von fil, itis dct disingisn visualy between anaes loud and an erdnary weather oud Volcan ash couds are not dsplayedn arborne or [ATCrada The iol must ly on epet tom ar ‘raf contellesandioter pots determine the lceaton ofthe ah cousand use that formation 2 ‘remain wal ear ofthe aes. Addon, he bresence ofa sulphur-ike odor tought he eatin ‘mayindeato the presence of S02 emits vleanc ‘ety, butmay ormaynatiniatthe presence of ‘olan ash Every attempt should bemade remain onthe opin side ofthe olan 1207 Tope ooo Home Westher Question: 2676 Remaining: 108 | explanation na does 0000047 heat on TAF? ‘Seo AIM chaptor7, section 1, which reads: Flgue 71-21 -Keyto Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) and Avation Routine ‘Wosther Roc (METAR nthe Window sales that Calm inde are Inccated by"00000K7- Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go 1207 Tope ooo Home Question: 2681 Remaining: 107 fearees may bo sed for tn ptning pups on Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Westher explanation [Eaters noo: te question, he tree answer choices, and "profit lanai purposes onl being scoedas correct have alban postively onfimed by several poopie} ‘Seo FAH 8088-258, pogos 13-23 and 13-24, which eae DataLirk Weather Products Flight infrmaton Service Broadcast(FIS-8) Fig information Servie-Groadeast(F1S-8)is a groundbroadeas sence ‘provided trough te Automatic Dependent Surveilance-roadcast(ADS- 8} Senvoasnatvors avert 978 UAT dank, Tha FAA FSB syst roves plots and ight crews of rope equipped crf witha tight {splay of certain aviation weather and aerenautelintrmation wich are fsteatetow. - Avaton Routine Weather Reports (METARS) Spec Avon Reports (SPECIs) “Terminal Area Forecast (TAFs) anther amendments TNEXRAD (repens and CONUS) preciptalon mape atos to Airmen (NOTAM) Distant and Fight Data Center Airmen’ Metrologic Contons (ARMET) “SignifeaneMetoroegeal Coton (SIGMET) and Convective SIGNET “Status Special Use Aspace (SUA) “Tenporary Fight Resticions (TFRs) Winds and Temperatures Alot “Plt Reports (PIRES) Cris-Bsenice states ‘The woather products provided by FIS- are forinfrmation ony. Therefore, we 5 se gta 7 io r ote Home. Pint Fig Weather eae rw ree sone eu seve oveo saa Question: 2682 Remaining: 108 145 ° (Petr to poem 2, gue 45) What eth most recent tanger st Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jo © aueston# a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question 2688 Remaining: 105 12) Smoot tt Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 2685 Remaining: 104 FOU UGAOW Tonsw hour BaaRLZ0 7778 MOD-SeV 8.0080 1 Moderatto severe ubilene below 8000 fet. Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jo © aueston# Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question 2687 Remaining: 103 ‘Asse th 26 dy ofthe month at 0452 Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jo © aueston# Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 2695 Remaining: 102 ie is an advange hing the sbatosphae? 1 Yau ai the monty of soca itu nd convection funda Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question 2697 Remaining: 101 he anutiog ox nrg grep ounce oly 15 raatioral cooing eden thea temperature tao eo ts Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 2698 Remaining: 100 2) Tutulrce an goad curtace visit Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go 1210 Tre a oma = som Home. Pint Fig Weather Question: 2706 Remaining: €8 (Peter to poem 2 figure 502) Onthesnace progr cha, wht 30 ‘he sly spaced ht ay nes norma aes 2 eres? cretah wines. Back Font Size Explanation Next 502 Mark Question ume Qvestans coe . a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher (Question: 2707 Remaining: 98 12) Conective ety withhiph cloud aca nd the precence of vgs Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question 2709 Remaining: 97 12) 2scper 00 feet, Back Font Size Explanation Next Mack Question Jue 0 aveston co a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 2712 Remaining: 96 fants wtra ta etna amity mrss the Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 2718 Remaining: 95| ‘The Natral esther Sane proves Terminal res Forecasts TAF tha vitor A) 2430s lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go oem Sf 5 Home. Pint Fig Westher Convective SIGMET wuKoc wet 091785 Convective sewer 42c ‘WALID UNTIL 19552 TxOK FROM sw MLc-PEO-ssT-SWMLC [AREA SCT EMEDD TSTMS MOVG LT TOPS 300. convective siower 3c ‘VALIDUNTIL 19582 coKSOK FROM AKO-OSW-20WNW OKC-—AKO convective siemer aac ‘WALID UNTIL 19552 ONE MEW ISOLDINSTO LVLS TSTW DIAM 1@ MOV FROM 2625. TOP ABY 450, OUTLOOK VALID UNTIL 23552 ‘TSTMS OVR TXAND SE OK WL MOV SEWO 18 KTS ‘TSIM OVR TN ML.CONT MOVG EWD 25 KTS. Question 2720 Remaining: 98 (Petr to poend 2 figure 48} Aecong athe Conecte SIGMET, what Figure 148. Convective SIGMET. 148 Back Font Size Explanation Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Next Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher (Question: 2722 Remaining: 95 ifyouare even ros county to a estatonepredtohove a aughin thoarea, what eater ar you kay to aecurr? cleus ana precotaton. Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 2725 Remaining: 92 sine nthe re carey nam and ami Youn erp! 1th development of aa ne wah hazardous waster Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a0 again Home. Pint Fig 49 o vox Weather swoon | Queston: 2726 Remaining: 91 So | (tesa appani2, fe 14) What apprsinte wn acto, speed, EEE, | temperature ar ompecte fora nt over eM a FL 3207 S588) | A280" 2 20 nets -s0°0 Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jo © aueston# oo Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question 2734 Remaining: 20 Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go Home Question 2781 Remaining: 69 sy s1ower. Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘See AC00-4SH Change 1,page$-4,whichroads: SIGNET (Non-Convectve}~CONUS. SIGMET (Non-Convece) Issuance Crtria—CONUS. [ASIGMET mayb issued nthe CONUS when any othe fllowing Condos are affecingr nthe judgment of he forecaster. re expected to Sect an area fateas 3,000 square miles (2) or an aceajudged to have e ‘Signfleantimpacton he safely of ara operations + Sovoreor rear tubule (SEV TURB), + Severe cing(SEVICE}, Widespread duster (WOSPR DS). + Widosproad sandstorm (WOSPR SS). Volcanic ah (VA), Forcomparison wth Convocive SIGMETs 00 ‘See AC00-4SH Chg 2, pages 7 snd which read 5.14 Convective SIGMET, Convective SIGMETs ar sued forthe CONUS istad of SIGMETe for ‘Any Convective SIGMET implies severe or renter tubusonce, severing, ‘nd (onevelwingshear ‘Athough the areas whare th Convective SIGMETs apply maybe shown ‘rephicaly, ‘Sucha graphical depicton ofthe Convective SIGMET polygon isa Home (Question: 2782 Remaining: 68 Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘Seo FAAH-0083-250, page 12:20, which roads ‘Comparison of Cols and Warm Fonts ‘Vise fronts and col ont ar ver iflerentin nat a are hehazards ‘aseocatd wih ach font. They varyinepoed,compoction, weather ‘phenomenon, and prediction. Cola fonts, which move a 20t0 35h, {raveltesterthan warm fonts, which move alo 1016 25 ph Cold ons aso possess sagper ronal ope. Volt weathar acti ic associated ‘i cls ons, andthe woater usualy occurs along tho rental boundary. notin advance, However, squal ines can form dting te sumer mona ‘star a 20 mes n savanceof strong cold ort Whateas warm Fors ‘ing lw cong. poor isi, and rin, cold Fonsring sudden storms, gusty winds, twulenc, and somtimes halortomadoos. ‘codon ar ast approaching wit ite or no waning, athey bing abouta completo weathor change injustafewhours. The weator lars ‘pid atterpastage and eer arth unites visttes preva Warm fonts on teeter hana, provde advance waeningosher approach and an ake aysto passthrough a region, Home Question: 2783 Remaining: 87 State mim rectors of 1 potent for seer or non-svere conection Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘See AC00-45H Change 2, pag@5-35, whichreads ‘Convective Outooks (AC). The NWS Storm Predition Center (SPC) issues ‘arate and grape! Convective ooo o provide the CONUS NWS \WFOs, to pubte, the moda, and emergency managers wih tho potontalfor vor Lenado, wind gsi 0 kis greater oral! nin dlameter or greater) and non-severe general) corwecton and pectic severe weater {ats during to folowing 8 cays. The Convective Oulok tne areasot ‘marginals (MRL) sight rsk(SLGT), enhanced rsk(ENH}, moderate "ak{MOT),orhigh isk (HIGH) of severe weather bared an percentage ‘probaly wich varies for ime periods kom ayo. days andthen Wo ‘robablisic tresholsforDays 4 through. Thoday 1, ay 2, andday 3 [Convective Outooks alo depict aras of general hunderstorms TSTMS) ‘The outlooks in graphical (se Flgue5-22,Day 1 Catoorcal Convective isto Graphic Exam) and et formats are avassie onthe SPC Web Home Question: 2786 Remaining: 85 Uokjov wernt 2 ofT®CLao fas LLS-25 S030 DURE 1 aeratas reported i vl ese Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘As you nals inthe following ExampioPIREP tan fom ACO {456,"LLW5-25 SFC-030" nthe queston IRE dances aLow Love Wind ‘Shear report. ‘See AC00-4SH Chg 2, page 3.34 which roads: 3.24.12. Windsheae ‘Ton ts ormorePucuationsin win spoed (+-10KTS),witin 2.000 ofthe surface, requ an Urgent (UA) pict report When LLWS senor ina plot tepod. LLWSis entered as the rt remark the remarks (RM) group example: IRMLLWS ¥-18 KT $F-098 DURC RY22JFK Remar, LLNS, speed Mutations of pus or mins 15s, sua o 800 euring ce, Runway 2, Jon F Kennedy Inemational Apart, NY. Home Question: 2788 Remaining: 85 Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘See AC 00-68, page 165 which reads: Haze. Hazes asuspension nthe of exremely smal parclesinvisibleto ‘he nad ey and sfelenty numerous o give the aan opalascant appearance reduces visi by seating th sororwavolngt of [ght Haze produces abush clr when viewed aganet a dark background anda yetonish veil ahen ened agaist alight bockgiound. Haze ay be “singuishod by tis amo efector mst whic ils ony agray ‘obscuration Corainhaze parle crease in iz wih neeasing lave humid, arastealy decreasing vib. Wile vbilyIsameasure ofhow farone can see, nln te ability to see the etues and cca therein, haze'stheinabityto view smilarscane with eqiaclay, Haze occurs stable alr ands usuaty only few thousand etic, but ‘may extend upwards to 15.000 fet (2.600 meters). Ahaze layer has a Gott ceing above which itight(ar-o-a wsbily is unostcied.Ator below his evel, th slant ange alo-gound) isis poo Vt in zeae eth epenangonwterbe psc ooo) ‘When skies are clear above surface based layer of haze ar smoke, ‘sty gneray improves during he day. Heating dung te day may cause canvectveminang, spreading the soko of haz toa higher aude, and decreasing te concentration near he srtace, Howes the Improveronts slower than ho earngoffog, Fog evaporates, buthazo and smoke mustbe dspersedby he movementoar A icklayerofouds above haze or smakemay boc sunlight preventing dlsipaton. Viy walimprove te, any, ding Bea Home (Question: 2752 Remaining: 84 ‘Wise sprocting tan, you chav a camectve clo ve the sot Cre presence ofa mieebust Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Westher explanation ‘Seo FAAH-0089-250, page 1211, whichreads ‘The mostsoveretypeoflowievel wind shes. a micreburt associated with convective precipitation it ry a at lod bas. Mleroburtatvity ‘maybe ndicated by an tence ran sha athe surface bul vga at loud base andaring flowing dstis often ie oly ible ue A pial ‘merobursthas ahoronal diameter of 1-2 aes and nominal depot £000 fet, The espanofamiroburstis about 5-15 mints drng which ‘imeitcan produce downeats of up 06,000 eat permite fm) and headin losses of 0-0 kes, sercusly degrading perfomance ean ‘so produce strong uulence anshazardous ind drecton changes, Consider igre 12-17 During aninadveretakeofintoa errs. the plane may frst experience a pofemance-ncroasngheadwig (1), flower by perormance-decresingdowncrat (2) alowed by araidy creasing ‘atin (3). This ean esti terainmpact or tight dangerously cose ote ‘ground (3). An encounter curing approach nwolesthe samo saquence of nd changes and could force the planeto he ground shot ofthe away. Home. Pint Fig Weather Question: 2763 Remaining: 83 msec (Pele to poendie 2, gute 46 What the METAR repre cig st pipettes 15000 eet Aa. oe Back Font Size Explanation Noxt 146 Mark Question Juro 0 Qestons coe = ee a 5 Westher Question 2765, Remaining: 82 No Figures - 12) warm nga and cot preston induced deesenng a Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go Home. Pint Fig Weather 11317502 05006KT 105M SCTO12 OVCO30 30/20 A3011 RMK RAEA7. | Queston: 2773 Remaining: 61 {317962 15016KT 7SM SCTO28 OVC250 3020 A3008. (Retr to spoon 2 ture 4 What os the wets phenmenen IAJOV SATITW 1739ZIFL UNKN/TP UNKNISK OVC 040, etl taakeld) 317852 22012KT 7SM BKNO18 OVCOTO 25/23 A002, 1917572 09014KT 69M -RA SCTO2S OVCDNO 24/22 A300. {318202 01025KT 25M +RA OVCOISTCU 22/21 A3000 MK OSNT TOR INOW SPSITM 1818/FLOBOTP C402/SK OVC O75. {317512 17015KT 165M SCTOIS SCT100 OvC2S0 31/20 83007. P| 11317532 AUTO 26029G41KT 2SM +TSRA BKNOOS OVCO20 31/24 A30C ciRan began, i [ to17582 17013KT 75M ScTOs0 OVC250 30724 A005. 1217532 AUTO 22015G25KT 34SM R2B/2400FT +RA OVCOIO 29128 8 1317552 080056 10KT 35M FU BKNOSO OVC100 30/21 A3010, 1317562 00000KT 58M SKC 20120 A082, JAIOV HRO-FSMITM 1825/FL250/TP 8737/SK SCT 200 1317552 170018G32KT 28M +TSRA'SO SCTO30 BKNOSOOVC1ONCB 2 JAIOV 1 E DAKITM 1755Z/FLO01/TP CY 440/RM WS LND RWY10FYV. ‘1317512 54006KT 185M SCTO4 OVC1S0 32/18 A3010, 11817532 09007KT 7M FEWO20 BKNOAOCE 30/27 A300 Back Font Size Explanation Next 6 Mack Question Jue 0 aveston Go 8 Taga ome Home| Print Fa = ss Weather Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecasts (Question: 2782 Remaining: 60 49 (Peter to poende 2, gute 49) From what tection woul jou exec the sing tebe rer stare 1 2407 2s 2 | aynae : & i ft Back —FontSize Explanation Next Mork Quesion smote estone o°e o) a 5 Westher Question 2786 Remaining: 79| ‘ren tying rough thats warmer han sanded tempts, = No Figures - 1) the spine wt hae aor serie cling lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - Sonasonae oon Westher Question 2786 Remaining: 79| ‘ren tying rough thats warmer han sanded tempts, 1) the spine wt hae aor serie cling Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question 2790 Remaining: 78| 18) Thee te cadet tine oy when te temperate crops te lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 2791 Remaining: 77 1) inrezring a ant reering ize blows hort lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher (Question: 2797 Remaining: 76| 1) Were oj steams converge. lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go x Home. Pint Fig 146 Westher (Question: 2601 Remaining: 75| (Peler to poem 2, pte 48 Which stations the fat to experience earn Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go coe Home Question 2811 Remaining: 73| lone oramond snapestantetrouge,Yousan eee Ay Tuulence Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Westher explanation ‘See AC00-68, page 17.3, which roads: Mountain Waves. Ammountin wave (se Figure 17-4)is an atmogpherc ave disturbance formed whon stable aio passes over amountancr ‘mountain ge. Mountan waves aro form of mechanical buono which ‘develop above and downaind of mountains. The waves emai ety Stationary whl the wn bows rap hough them. Te waves may extend {600 mes (1,000 klometors) or more downwind rom to mountain ange Mountain waves requonty preduceceverato extreme turulenes. Location ‘ndintenaly varies wth wave characterises Inredy,verealy ropagaing mountain waves have been docanened pt 200,000 eet {60,000 motrs) ana higher Mountain wave often produce violent downdrats onthe mediate leeward ‘ie oft mountain bare. Sometimes he downuard speed exceeds the ‘maximum cm rate ofanarcrat and may érvothe arate ‘mountanslce -Amountain wave cloudi¢a cloud that forsntheringtranchos of ‘mountain waves ae occupies he cess ofthe waves, Tho most isinive {arth sharp-edged ons, or amona-shape lenteuar clouds When. ‘Sufcient moisture spresetin he upstream Now, mountain waves produce intresting cloud femators (see Figure 17-5)inchuding: cap clouds, ‘irecumulue standing lntcular(CCSL),Akocumius Stang Lente {CSL} and ot clouds. These clouds provide visual prot hat mountain aves exist However, hese clouds maybe absentfthe aris oo dy. 4 Tope toa emie Home. Pint Fig Weather 150 Question: 2614 Remaining: 72 (Petar tog 60) Youate planing aight wth a destraton west en {i here ate nactungee neater eagesad sha tine your pred ral ar you requrete ie antes? 15) eth cong estan 2.000 eet and ss than 3 miles isi Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go coe 448 Tope toa7 emie oI me Home. Pint Fig Weather Question: 2616 Remaining: 71 (Retr to igre 502) The Wa the sutheaat of aan Ton the Stace Prograste cart etna 1 eecvise ed out Back Font Size Explanation Next 502 Mark Question Jum 6 aueston Go a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question 2825 Remaining: 70| 1) TheEars eaten lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go Home. Pint Fig Weather Eun rT nT 06H Bo ove TAR KPVW 1317502 OSCOSKT 105M SCTO12 OVCO30 907209011 RMK RAEST. ST omHe2 UAV SMM HUFL OUT UNOLEK E00. eon SPS 1317572 09014KT 6SM-RA SCTO2S OVCUBO 2422 A3006, “site uaov eau rion oaaeK oF oe \ san csi cr st sce scro Ove 004807 || Stari rors auto azancen 250 «TSRA BANGER OVCORO 72442001 RA foe F srarwvcr 117s r0t0K" 79 ScTosoOVCaS0 2004 005 Eo rae entero eu ren Ov 28, at anmar vor ino.raur aro 7K SC 0 "4 roer2 NOV EDA ESF OVTPC 4H AEE, a TAR KHRO 1317532 O9007KT 75M FEWO20 BKNOHOCE 3027 A300}, 20 188902 UUNOV 8S HROMI 1825 OOTP OCA WS TKO RIN 18 146 Question: 2856 (Peter to soem 2, pte 46 Whichreperting saten ha cig eyKe10, Back Font size Mack Question oe Remaining: 69 lr i H t Explanation Next Jo © aueston# Go Font Size Explanation Mack Question Jo © aueston# ame a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question: 2840 Remaining: 67 2) te sre table lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mack Question Jue 0 aveston co Home. Pint Fig Weather hones Question: 2843 Remaining: 66 "Wade done Fae (Retr to poende 2 tute 49) What pproninat ied tectn, pee {nd tempetsre se ebacastara gh over SY mL 300" rant ane varia, 34. E A i i ' H t : i Back Font Size Explanation Next 49 Mack Question Jo © aueston# Go coe a 5 Westher Question: 2845 Remaining: 65| = No Figures - yon helensng ede of he nt lr i H t Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Westher Question: 2852 Remaining: 64 No Figures - 2) Lom resus oh jet stream core Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 Westher Question: 2855, Remaining: 63 ra ype cet would mos hay be esate wha tena? No Figures - 1 superet Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go a 5 No Figures - coe Westher Question 285 Remaining: 62 2) Cane Westar Aisne Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go 656 Teg e744 ais Home. Pint Fig jm Font Size Explanation Back Figure 184, 300 MB Arayss Heightsstachs Chat cae Jo © aueston# Mack Question a 5 Home. Pint Fig No Figures - coe Westher Question 2862 Remaining: 60 These of uted tyne el must be aie i non precptaton teas sto ah Back Font Size Explanation Next Mark Question Jue 0 aveston Go Home Westher Question 2865 Remaining: 59 explanation ra eoations ae reauted or winds tobe reported a6 vate 9 TAF? ‘See ACO0-45H, Change2, page 5-87, which reads: Ay Heong changes of 30 degrees or moe ‘The pevaing wd deacons forecast or any speed eater than or ust to Tits When the prvating surface wind recon svaratle (vratonsin| indirection of 30 degroes or mor), th recat wind drecion is encoded {SS VRBAKT. Two condo uhare is can asur ae very ight winds ar Convective acy, Varabie wind drecten or vty ight ands musthave 2 ‘sind speed of 1-0 ksincuve, For Convective acy tho wind roup may De enoaded as VREMGInimkT, where Gini sthamaximumexpected ind gusts, VRB snot wad inthe Non-Convechve LMS group. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Westher Question 2865 Remaining: 59 explanation ra eoations ae reauted or winds tobe reported a6 vate 9 TAF? ‘See ACO0-45H, Change2, page 5-87, which reads: Ay Heong changes of 30 degrees or moe ‘The pevaing wd deacons forecast or any speed eater than or ust to Tits When the prvating surface wind recon svaratle (vratonsin| indirection of 30 degroes or mor), th recat wind drecion is encoded {SS VRBAKT. Two condo uhare is can asur ae very ight winds ar Convective acy, Varabie wind drecten or vty ight ands musthave 2 ‘sind speed of 1-0 ksincuve, For Convective acy tho wind roup may De enoaded as VREMGInimkT, where Gini sthamaximumexpected ind gusts, VRB snot wad inthe Non-Convechve LMS group. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Westher Question 2867 Remaining: 58 explanation hat ester candons can you ep when mest slonly moves ‘Seo FAA+H-8083-258,pago 12-15 which reads: LUpslope fog cous when moist, table as forced up sloping and eates koa mountan range. Ths typeof fog alo requires wid for formation ana continued oxstence.Upsope and advection fg, unlike rion og.may hotbum off with hemavning sun butinstead can persist or days. They can ‘dso extend to roar eights han radiation fog, ©) Foaay canons wh iow vsoaty Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Question 2867 Remaining: 58 nt waster concn cane xpec wen mes ste sly moves ©) Foaay canons wh iow vsoaty Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Westher explanation ‘Seo FAAH-0083-250, page 125 hich ead LUpslope fog cous when moist, table as forced up sloping and eates koa mountan range. Ths typeof fog alo requires wid for formation ana continued oxstence.Upsope and advection fg, unlike rion og.may hotbum off with hemavning sun butinstead can persist or days. They can ‘dso extend to roar eights han radiation fog, (Question: 2872 Remaining: 57 nen the a temperate ops below easing arg wth the ew pit, yt xm, Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Westher explanation ‘See Advisory Cruar 0-6A, Chapter 5, page 4, which roads: DEWAND FROST ‘During lar ight wih te orno win, vegetation, lon cols by radiation oa temperature ator below the dew point ofthe adjacent a. Moisture then cotects onthe leaves usta does on apcher fice waterin wai oom Heavy dow len collects on ass andar hen none alloc on pavement rage soi abjocs. These mre massive ctjocts absorb abundant heat during the dy. ose slowly dung he nigh and cool eto he dew pointoni in aher extreme cases Frosfonns mn much the sane ways dew The ference that he dew pontotsurounding amuse clserthan freezing, Water vapor the | Sublmates det 2a cxysascr ost rather han condensing as dow. ‘Somtmes daw forms adler freezes; however, zen dew a easly

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