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amy 644 Te tea Home Question 38 Remaining: 125 ‘hneg deans hers? fy 3 state mes, 1000 et above 500 fet eon ond 2.00 fet Font size Figures Mack Question sump to Question 108 explanation ‘Youray fn the attached ge 127 inthe gues supplement hapulin answonng his quesion ‘Seo the ins E aspace Less than 10000 fest MSL eocSon ofthe tate below rom 14 CFR 165 91.155 Basic VER weather mininuns. (@)Excopt as provided in paragraph (ots socon and 91.187, 90 pereonmay operate an areraftuner VFR wan th fight bly lees, oF [tacdatane rom clouds that alas, han thet preserbed forthe orterponding aude and cas of aspacein the lowing bie Datanc rom Arspace —_Fighivbilly coud Cassa. NetApptcabe Ciate8. Staite mies. ass. Stat mies "000 fot above 2.000'eet hoon tars. sat mies "000 fot above 2.900'eet horizontal NetAppicabo ‘ceerot Clouds. 500 feet iow 500 fot below loss: Less han 10,000 feet MSL. 9 statutes, +000 fet above 6 00 Question: 45 Remaining: 124 ais he mini ig ty and lu eran for Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go : to ae explanation ‘Seo 14 CFR 91.155, hich states hao Class Easpace,“atorabove 10.000 eet MSL' thatthe required fight visits" statute les and that {he teaured stance om clouds is", 000 feet below 1 000 feet above, an 1 laite honor” Question: 47 Remaining: 123 ket eet speed. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go to ae explanation ‘See the excerpt fom 14 CFR 1.2below: ‘V1 means the maximum speedin the takoo at hich the pt must ake the Sirt action (eg. appy bakes, reduce trust, deploy speed brakes) 0 stop thoarplane wit the accolrate-ctop tance V1 also means he ‘minimum speed inthe akeo follwing afature ofthe crtical engine at VEF, _twhich te plotean conus the takeoff and acheve be required height above he lake srtacewihin otakeot distance, \Vemeonstakeot safety sped ‘amin means minimum akeo safety spond : to ae FaR's Question 57 Remaining: 122 explanation ‘ras 2 aed by tear "stop" ‘See 14CFR 1.1 whichreads ‘Stopway means an area beyondthetkeof una, no less widethan the runway and centored upon the extended centorine te runway, able to 1) An res detgntd for wen decelerating an aborted aka Supporthearplane durng an aborted akoo witout causing sutra Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Gamage tote aplane, ard designated bythe apo autres or useln Gecelralngthe apiane dung an abotestakeot Next Question 62 Remaining: 120 How san ater he contin fring whe moist by leh ergs ‘alinbe presto te Fan, ch aaatan Secury esa 15) Noite tan 60 doy ter he moter vehicle actin Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See 14 CFRG1. 1S uhichreads 61.15 Offenses involving alcool drugs. (@)Aconvicion forthe vation of any Federal or Stato statuterolangtotho (growig, processing, manufacture sale, ispostin, posession, ansprtaton, or inpartaton of narcotic dros, maruana, oF depressantor simuant rugs or substances grounds fo (1) Denial ot an appicaton or any certs, rating, or authorization ssued Under this por prod ofupto year arth date otal conto; or (2) Suspension or revocation of any cette, ating, cr authorization ‘Seued under par. (©) Commiting an actprohitedby § 91.17) or§97.19(a) ons chapters (gourds tor (1) Denia an appiaton ora catia ratng, or authorization seed Under ths partforapered ofupto 1 yearatrthe datecfthat actor (2) Suspension or revocation of any cetcte, ating, or authorization "Ssuadundor ts par. (6) Fort purposes of paragraphs (de), and (ofthis section ameter ‘vehi acon means (1) Aconveon str November29, 190, forine alaton of any Federal or ‘State satu felaing othe operation of mater vehi whe tocated by alcoholora rug, whe impaired by alcoho era, o while under the ‘uence of lohol ors dup Question: 90 Remaining: 19 ‘ute engine: powsne ala when oe enaes ie naparsre? 1) The eater condone tao nl etstion must be VFR Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : ‘> 0% explanation ‘Seo 14 CFRO1.611 which, in par. roads: 91.611 Autnoczaton orf fight wth one engine inoperative (@) General. The holder ofan acai operating cerifcte or an operating Cota sued under part 125may conduct et fight of afourengine ‘plane oa utine-engine-poweredaiplane exuppes wih tes ene, ith one engine inoperative, to abase for he purpose of epairing that engine subject th lowing (1) The aptane modes been test fan and found satisfactory for safe Aightn accordance wit paragraph 8) or() ets section, as appropriate, However each operatorho Before November 1, 1065 has chown st 2 ‘modelof plane vth an engine inoperative is satistctr fr safe ight by @ {est tightconducte naccorance wth perfomance datacontanesin te spplcableAepane Flight Manual under paragraph (a2) Fhe eecton| esd netrepest tne tet fight frhat moda. (2) The approved Airplane Fight Manual contains he follwing perfomance ata aathe ightiseanductedin accordance withal dat: (Maximum weight (0) Contr of gravy ts {iy Coniguraton ot he inoeratve propel aplicabe, (6) Runway length ortkeotiuting temperture account). (oy Atiuterange, Question 16 Remaining: 16 te ying Rin canted siepce fone fhe ts VOR rece fe vinen core of ahen shoul tpi neonmand alow? 2) Adie ATC nmecataly, Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : > 0% explanation ‘See 14 CFRO1.187, which roads: 91.187 Operation underIFRin controled space: Maunction pos. ‘avigatonl approsch,o communication equipment curing igh (©) Ineach report required by paragraph (a ofthis secon he plotin ‘command sha Incas (\)Aireraidonteaton: 2)Equipmentatced {@)Deqreeto which he capabity ofthe plo operate under FR inthe ATC system's impaired and (4)Nature and extent of assistance desires rom ATC (Question: 120 Remaining: 17 rare nha eees to epact na ane sera? ©) Tere es nt Hat on, Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See 14 CFRO'.105, wich roads: {91.185 FR operations: Two.way ato communications far, (2) General. Unies atherwise authorized by ATC, each pil whe has two ‘way radi communications alure when operating under FR shal comely ‘ib teres oft sacton (©)VER condos. tthe falure occurs in VFR condtions orf VER Conditone are encountered afte te falure, each pc shal coninue the fightunder VER and iandas son as peaceable (6)IFReondtons. te falieaccursin FR eandionsoritparageaph(®) lofts secon cannot be compte wih, each ll shalcortie the ight according othe allowing (Route (By tho route assigned in th last ATC Gearanco received: (@itboing radar vectored, by he doc route tom te point of rel fare ‘he iru, os speed inthe veto clearance {ipinto absence fan assigned rout, by th rete ‘maybe exacted ina futher dearence or tATChas sdveed (v}Intn absence ofan assgnadroute ora route that ATC has advised may be expectedina further dearance,bytherout fled nthe fghtpin. {2)Akaude. Ath ighestofthe folowing aiudesrfightleves forthe route segment boing own amy Question 128 Remaining: 16 ‘Spestacelow 10,000 ee tT 2) 2504s, Back Font Size Figures Mack Question sump to Question Next ‘> 0% explanation ‘Youray find attached Figure 127 hepftin answering tis question, ‘See 14 CFRS1.117 which ead (ote thal "urine power has no eect onthe answer 91.117 Avera speed (@) Unies othernisesutrized by tne Administrator, no person may ‘operate anacraft blow 10,000 fel MSL atannccatd arspeed of more ‘han 250 ets (288"m.p (@) Unless otnerise auharized or required by ATC, no person may operate naira atorbnicn 2,500 fet above the srtae wind rascal miles oF ‘heprmaryarport ofa Cass Cor Cass D aspaco ara tan nated sirspeedofmere than 200 knots (280 mph).Ths paragraph o) doesnot ff ‘pptytoanyoperatonsuhina Cass arspace sea, Suen operations | shalleomy wth parograph a) ofthis secon E (6)Noperson may operate an aeraftinthe airspace underying a Class 8 space area designated eran arpor orn a VFR corr designated {hreuph such Clas 8 airspace area, alan indicated arspood of more than 200 Kooi (220 mh {@)if minimum sae arspee for any part operations greater than ‘hemaximum speed presorbedin this ecto, the arcraft may be operated tatminimum speed 6 00 : ‘> 0% Question: 140 Remaining: 15. explanation orator one om i ita nd eat acre shal be ‘See 14 CFRO1.600%hieh, pared: recon orders {@)tome evento an accent or occurence requrng mediate nctfcaton {othe National Tansporaton Safely Board under part 830 of equations ‘halrests inthe tomanation ofthe fight, any operator who has instal {approved ight recorders and approved cocap voce recorders shal keep recorded inermaton aloes 6D days requested by the posse causes of eco or eet ‘dminstator orto Boar for alonger pais. Ifemmaton blaned rom the ‘ecordis used asin dotormining the cause of acdens or occurences [connection wh the nvestgaton undorpart 0. The Adminstrator does notte the cockpit oie recorder recordin any ci pena or cricate ‘eto Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Question: 245, Remaining: 14 ‘env [rane aaa Elman) 15) ci akoy or an aproed ot. ray o.oo parton ether ot thn nae eof wae pts ha chest a Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation [Eater's noo: We got word that he answers tothis question may have been Sightyrewerded. Soi yousee ton youre please memorze hs hee choles remember whch one you chose, and caus wih ther. Everyone Spores your help] ‘See paragraph (below: ‘See 14 CFR 195.209 hich roads 125.290 Piotincommand: Line checks: Routes and pons, {@) No certicate holder may use pict rocmay ay person serve, a plot incommandofa fight les, sine th beginning athe 12th eaten ‘month before that service, thatplethas passed ight checkin one ofthe ‘ypesofaat which that platistofy.Thefigh check shal (1) Be gienby an approved check latory he Administrator (2) Consist of atleast one fight over oneroute segment and {@) Include takoos and lndings atone or morerepesentatv pots. In ‘dion the requrements fs paragraph for ape uthorzedo Conduct FR operations atest one fight shale Rowm over cl ia anapprovod ot away out, ora orion other of hem, (©) The plot whe conduct te check shall determine whether he platbeng checked satstactonly performs the des ad responses oa itn ‘cammandin operations under this pat, and shal so corti tpt trang record (c) Esch carcate holder shalletabish inthe manual rue by 195.218 procedure whichllonsure that eachplot whe has not low over aroute amy Question: 271 Remaining: 13 (petro append 2, gute) Was tbe way distance hat my be used byatuting engine powered vanmont teary pan oon ony Blaise station arp 8) 900 et Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 6 e060 > 0% explanation Fst nace hatthe question does askforthe planned ray requiedat ‘ha dastnationbutineeed ak forthe actual amu ofrunay te plans ‘mayue upon aval. Do be tempted io applying the 60% parsing redveton which wousresllinananswerof 8 460'eet (The PAA osing Contr computers sor that answorasincoret) The corectansweris| 9-100 feet, 10360-1250 =9100 feet Question 317 Remaining: 12 at ect yeh aie aeons a 18) 15 percent of he ranoylerath ected ory unwey. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See paragraph (4) below: ‘See 14 CFR 121.195 whch rads: 121.196 planes: Turbine engine powered Landing imitations: Desthaton apart. {@)Noperson operating aude engine powered plane may ake ofthat plane at sucha weigh tat (allowing for rermal consumption offaland Olin ight the destation or oat arpor) he wert ofthe plane on larval would exceed ne landing waht storm inthe Alans Fight Manualforthe elevation ofthe destinaon or aternate aor andthe anbint temperature anicpated atthe time olan. (©) Except as provided in paragraph (co) ofthis secon, no person ‘operating a urine engine pmered airplane may take otal plone Unlssis wight on ara. aloning fer normal consumption offvel and otin Aight in accordance wn th landing dstance set forthe Arpane Fight Manualforteeevaton ofthe estinaon apt and the wind condone aniopated thee atthe time ofan, woud alow a flsiop landing atthe Intonded destration apor wit 60 percontofthecfachvelongh ofeach ‘runway dascibed below rom a point 0 fet above heinersecton ofthe ‘bateton dearance plane an herunay Forth purpose of deteining ‘heatonablelanding weigital the destnatonarpor te folowing is ‘ssumed: (1) The aptane landed onthe most favorable runway asin themes favorable ection, tl ai, (2) Thespian itndadon the moe suitable runway considering the robabiewind velocity and drecton andthe groundhnding characteristics ofthe airplane and considering ether conditon suchas landing jis and Question: 323, Remaining: m1 ‘Sleracarer rss ftir? 12) Ay nteraton more thn 30 mit os yb re Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See paragraph (below ‘See 14 CFR 121.359 whch, part roads: 121.350 Cockpit vic recorders. (@)No cerca alder may operate alarge turbine engin powered Siplane or aiaige pressured airplane wth fur ecpracatng engines ‘nls an approved cocep vice recorders instaedin that ayplane aris ‘operatod continously fom tho star ofthe use ofthe check (before starting engines orth purpose of fg), to completion of thea checkst atthe teminaten ofthe ight (@) (Reserved) (6) The cock voice recorder eis by paragraph a oft secon must ‘moet the folowing aplcaton standards: (1) Therequcements of pat 25 ofthis chaperinafet on August 1,197, (@)Atr September 1, 1980, each carder container must- () Be ore ight orange obght yaw: (i) Have refetve tape affixed the external surface to fecitat ts location {Gp Have an approved underwater locating device onc adacentttho Container ution securadinsuch manner nat ey arent key tbe Separated during crash inpact, ness the cockpit vlce ecard, athe Aightrecorerrequvedty 121345, areinsaled adjacent io wach then suchamannerthatthy ar et key tobe separaod during cash impact. Question: 338 Remaining: 10 eoning yarn maser te maumumfigh ace are ‘ibout ane pt wearing and ung on onaen mask lease esa Me olnaton eas. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation [Eater's noo: Ploase otic thatthe question specially says that larplane Is NOT equipped wih quick donning oxygen mass. Therefore paragraph (c(2)blow. The mask wearing exceponsn paragraph (V2 lr spectcallntcase ofeach fight crewmember on fight eck ty has aquck-doonng type ofoxygenmasi. The F410 prion of CFR. 121353 blow testa nother questons you wilstudyn our ATP/ADX. course, butts ot whathe FAAS asking aboutin tis pacar question ‘ahore there are NO quick donning masks ‘See 14 FR 121.398 whichraads: 121.338 Supplemental oxygen foramergency descent and foc fet i {urine orgie powered apanos.wihpossuredcabins. {@}GeneralVihen operating attane engine powered auplane wih a pressuszedcabin te ceria older sha Kumish oxygen and dispensing ‘uipmento campy with paragraphs (o) treugh() ofthis section the (vent of cabin pressurzation flue (©) Crownembers. When operating. ight attues above 10,000 feet. the aiicate holder shal supaly enough oxygen o comply wi 12.928, but rnotlgsthan a two pour supply or each fight crewmember night dak ‘uy The required wo hours supply that quantity of oxygen nacessay fr constant rate of deacon fom he plane's maximum created ‘perating atid 10,000 eatin en minute and folowed by HO minutes 131 10,00 feet. The oxygen equi the event of cabin pressurization fare by 121387 may be ncitesin determining te supply required ee Aighterewmemberson ight deck cy ()Usectonygenmasksby flghtcroumenbors (() When operating at fight ates above ight vel 250, each ight Home Question: 380 Remaining: 109| {She petrmedintne evant am emergency” 1 corecate ole’ mana. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121297, which rads: (@)Each cericate holder shal or ach ype and model of alane _ssgned teach category ofrequredcrewmombar, as approprato, the resesearfonctone tobe performed ian emergency ora suaton requ ‘mergency evacuaton. The ceria holder shat show thse anchors a reali canbe practical accomplished, ang wil meet ny reasonay niopaied emergency ncusig the possible ncapactaton onda ‘rewmemtersor then to each he pascenger cabin because of Shing carg in eambinaton cargo passenger arpanes (©) Tho coat holder shall describe ins manualthe functions ofeach tatogry of requted cewmembers under paragraph a) fn secon 648 Tee tea Home Question: 384 Remaining: 108 | ‘pastenge sting capsy ot 29 hen 290 pasangers we ear Ay seven Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go ‘> 0% explanation tal dopends on seating capacity not actual occupant: For aiplanes having seating capaci of more than buts han 1 passengers, youreod one igh attendant “For arpanes having a seating capacity of more than 0 butlssthan 101 passengers youneadtwofightatandats, “For apanes wih seating capaci of more han 100 passengers, you eed vo fight atendans pus one aditonal fight atendantor each unit (Gepartot aunt) of 0 passonger seats above soaing capacty of 100| passengers Fortis question youneed2atendansfor being ovr 100 seas nt than {vemorfrtheadaonal seats (ourfulunts 50 and one untioss than 50), ‘Seo 14 CFR 121.391 which, n pat reads 121391 ght atendants, (2) Except as epecedin § 121.399 and§ 121.24, each cartfeatoholder must provide lest the folowing fight attendants on boar each paseenger-crningaplane when passengers ron Boars (1) Forarplanes having a maximum payload eapacty of more than 7 500 pounds anahaving a seatingcapactyof more han @butloss than St paseengers-enefightatendat. {2)For arplanes having a maximum payload capatyof7 500 pounds or less and having seating capacty of more than Tut las han passengers -one fig atendant 648 Tee tea Home Question: 396 Remaining: 107 eps (ege O°757-B00), mey serves pt heoneanned ween cong 9 Uprae wana. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : 108 explanation ‘Seo paragraph (¢K3)in 14 CFR 121.40 which, pat reads (@) Forte purpose oft subpar, the folowingterms and defitons app (lal wang. The raining required for crowmonbars and sept ‘ahohave ntquallad and servedin the same capactyon another plane tthe same group. (2) Transtion training, The traning required for crewmembers and ‘dapetchers wha have qualified and served inthe same capac on anther ‘plan othe same gro, {@)Uporade raining. Tho taining required for fighter members whohave ‘qualia andaerved as secondin command na parteuaraiplane ye, efre hey serve as pin command on tat apne. (@Conversiontaning. Thetaningrequreatorfghtrew members who have qualified and served as ight engineer ona partelaatplane ype, ‘bofore ey serve secondincommandon that apie. (©)Diteences traning. The waning requted for crewmembers and ‘dapalchre who have qualifled andsarved on a pariestartype apie, ‘ahon the Admnstrator fds ferences trainings necessary before» rowmemter serves inth same capacty ona patcuar variation hat ‘role. Home Question: 405 Remaining: 108 ploximcarmandina we pit eb for 8 ag secre 2) 32hours Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question : 108 explanation Detrions: ’AFiap care sane who conics sched oprntons deans cari he congue sates ‘ADomesie carter consuls scheduled operant whin he 48 congas aoe ‘Soper acre conduc eperaonsanytereits operate! specseaora slow butonanoeschessed bess ony. ‘See paragraph) n 4 CFR 121.481 which reads: 121481. Fihttme imtatons: One or wo pisterens. (@)Acenfieat holder conducting fig operations may schedule apt ify Inanaipane tatnasa cow afone or we plots for eghthour or nes ‘dung any 24 consecuve hours whouta rest prod during thes ight (@) if create oder conducting ag operation schacules a potty ‘morethaneighthours during any 24 caneecutve hours, shal ge hin an intrvening rest perio, ator bor he ond feght schoduled hours ight Guy This fst pore mustbo atleast vice he numberof heurs flown since ‘he preceding rest period, butnotleesthaneghthour. Thecenscate olde shaletevethat pi ofa duty wth iuing ates pesos. (6) ech pet who has fown merethan eight hours during 24 consecutive hours mustbe given atleast 18hour ort before being assigned a any utywith be certs ole ()No pot may fy more than 32 hour curing any seven consecutive days, vdeach pot mustbe eleved oma duty fer atleast 24 conseculve hous Teast once during any seven conseutve days. Home Question: 407 Remaining: 105 12) Paeceger shuld up tr set ets astened wl sete Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go ‘> 0% explanation ‘Seo paragraph (2) in 14 CFR 121.571 which roads: 121571 Brieing passengers beloretakeot (a) Each corfiate holder operating apassangor- 0% explanation ‘Seo paragraph) n 14 CFR 121.565 which reads: 121.55 Engine inoperative: Landing reporting Unkoan amendment published at 72 FR 1863, Jan. 16,2007 (@) xcept as provided in paragraph (b) ofthis secon. whenever an angne olan arplae also whenever he olaon ofan engine stopped to ‘reven posible damage, he pit in conmane shal andthe arplane altho nearest suitable apo, npantof time, atwhich asafelandng canbe ‘mode. {©)tFretmorethan one engine ofan airplane hathas hr ormere engines falsors retains stopped the pot in command may proceso an aport thathe select afer considenng the folowing he decdesthal proceeding ‘oihat pons a safe as andng at he nearesi sulle spat (1) Thenature ofthe mafancion and te possible mechanical cules that ‘may ocauriffightisconioued (2) Thott, weight, and usable uot hetime of engine stoppage (@) The waster condions on out ant posible landing pons (4) Thea rat congaston, (6) Trekindorterain, (©)Histamiianty withthe aportto be used, (6) Theplotin command shal report each sovpage f engine oation n Tightto tho appropriate ground aie saben as seen as practicable and shall Home Question: 425 Remaining: 103 18 te plot a command and Dre ot Operations Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation Detrions: ’AFiap care sane who conics sched oprntons deans cari he congue sates ‘ADomesie carter consuls scheduled operant whin he 48 congas aoe ‘Soper acre conduc eperaonsanytereits operate! specseaora slow butonanoeschessed bess ony. ‘See paragraph) n 14 CFR 121.837 wtih, part, rads: 121.537 Responsibly or operaonlconra:Suppemental operations (@)Each corate holder conducting suplementaloperatons- (*) ls responsible fer operational cont and {@)Shalisteach person authorized ito oxercise operational contoinits operator's manual (©) Theplotin command and the dco of operations arity ‘sponsible hantaton, contnaton, diversion and termination ofa {igttn compliance wih tis chapar and he operation pectatans, The recto of operations may delegate the uncon or beinitaon, antinvaton,dvrson an trmnation ofa ightbuthe may ot delegate ‘heresponsbiy for hose functons. 648 Tee tea Home Question: 426 Remaining: 102 ‘The pat in corma perting under CFR Pat 21 as eergeny ene case sy ana para am smiance toe ac 2) interest ot atety wh cing megane tony. Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : ‘> 0% explanation ‘Seo paragraph) in 14 CFR 121.547 which, inpat, eas: 121.547 Admisionto ight dock, {@)Nopersen may acmitary person othe ight eck ofan aca unless theperson boing ated ie ()Aceumenber {@)AnFAA air carerinspector, a D0D commercial a carer evaluator oF ‘nauthoraed representa ofthe Natal Transportation Safty Soar, ‘ahois petting fell dates (@)Anypersonwho- (tas permision ote lt commen, an appropiate management ficial te pat 119 coral elder andthe Admanstator and (isanempoyee ot (A) The Unite States, (@)Apart 119 conteate holder and whose duos ae such hat admisiono {ho ighteck is cassary or advantageous fr ste operation: oF (C)Anacronautcal enterprise cerifeatedby te Admintatrand whose ‘us are such hat adisson othe igheckis necessary ot ‘advantageous for safe operation. (4) Any person who has the permsson othe pista command, so pprepiate management oe fhe pa 9 cereale hole andthe ‘Adminstrator Paragraph (a2) fis section des al int the emery Home Question: 431 Remaining: 101 tho copra apo for 8 two-oneiespan nde CFR pa 2 es? 12) nor anal orden seed Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : 108 explanation ‘Seo paragraph} in 14 CFR 121.617 which roads: 121.617 Atemate aiportordeparure. {a)ifte weather sontion tthe airport ot takeot ae below helancng ‘inimume in te careatehotors operation specication fer hat aor, persona dspatchorrleaseanareraf em hat ayportuness he 0% explanation ‘See 14CFR 121 542(e) below: 121.542 Fight crewmember des. (a) No cerfeate holder shal rue, normay any Fight cxeurnenbor econ. any dutes during cal pase fight oxcopthose autos ‘equredtorthe safe operation ofthe aera. Dues such s company ‘equied calls mace for uch nonsafty elated purposes as ordering gaey “Supplies and cofming passenger connections, anrouneemonts made to passengers prometng hear carr or porting out sighs ofneret, and fling out company paral and elatod records arenotequted forthe sale operation attest (©)No ght crewmember may ongagein. nor may ny pln command emit. any activ during ariel phase of ight which could earact any figitereumember rom he perfomance of Ni orer des o whic cols intororoin any way wih te proper condutof hese dtes. Actos such {sesting ala, engaging in nonessential convareatons within he cockxt ndnonessentacormmunicalons between thecabin andeacpterews, and reading publications not relted oho proper conduct ofthe fightare net ‘equredfortne safe operation ofthe ara. (6) Forte purposes ofthe section, cto phases of tight ines ‘round operators invoing tax takeo and aning, and alloher ight (operations conducted balou 10,000 foot except cue fight ‘Noe: Tai tine a "movement of a aplane under is oun power on the surface oan apart. () During a fight tne a datinadin 4 CFR 1.4, no fight crewmember may ‘se, nor may any plotincommandpert thew of a persona wireless ‘communications dove as definedin49 U.S.C. 44752() oraptop amy Home| Question: 468 Remaining: 95 (eto appr 2:0) Te PC fT Bo a 9 ow nd 2 ‘Rois en. approach Porte Pe? sy s1a80 Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 108 explanation [Esters roto: Dont be distractedby ho “RVR authorized wit use ofFD or [AP or HUD 0 DA" noon the approach plata. 14 CFR 121.652 doos net ‘Steal any exceptons o he nexprienced PIC increased minimums or any exta aera approach equpment (FO, HUD, ete} “CFR 121.8828 atached aterthe explanation or your reference Ihe PIC ofa Part 121 pane dosnt have 100 hoursasPICin 121 ‘operationsin the alana ype, then the MDA or Dis raised by 100 and 12 ‘ile vistlty, However the PIC can reduc the 109 nour requirement by a2 ‘muchas 50%, down 0 SD hours, slong asheshe has alias 100 urs PiCinanatrerPart 2% pane. heshecan src! hove rom the 100 hour equromentfor each nding not axcoed 80) macain the other ‘era. Now: tis queston, he PIC has wel over 100 ous PICinthe ‘review plane, so landingereditean be taken, The mast eeatthe PIC ean {ako550(thaPIChas 24 lancngsin the provius plane). Sotho 100 hour urements educedby 90 whieh silleaves arequrementfrS0hoursin we current plane node o avoid increasing the minimums. So since the iC only as 49hours the PIC must ais the OM and minsmums S13 and ‘5000 RVR, Roca ha V2satle mie iby = 2400 RVR and that state mile \sblity= 6,000 RVR. (See atachod Logond 28) So, thenew declsion heights 213+ 100= 313 ‘And the nen visibly requements-V2 SM (2400 RVR) + 1/2 SH (2.400 FRVR)=1 5M (5 000 RVR), 121.652 Landing weather minimums: IF Alleetfist holders. {a)ifbe pots commando an aplane hasnt served 10 hours a pot in ‘commandin operations under this pat inthe ype of arplane es pera, 6 e090 Home Question: 490 Remaining: 92 (Retr topper 2 gue 30) Te PC on TNAGD (ATC eat Spent oncr Fe Pa 12) hasnt How 09 Mears Pinte MOND. atc wnt RY oH we Ot 995000 8 amy Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question ‘> 0% explanation "CFR 121652 attaches blow the explanation for your reference, ifthe PIC ofa Par 121 pane doesnt have 100 hours as PICin 121 ‘perationsin the apane ype, thon te MDA or Ds ised by 109 and V2 ‘ie vistity ata destination, However, the PIC can add upto SO hour of ‘rita hater hour hela has more than 1OOhours ae PIG in anaher| art 21 plane. ashe canal one Dour far each nding inthe previous plane ois hours nth curentarplan oy og ove 100 ours {and avoiding the minimums atl Inti queston, ees noche {xpatonceniormaton given aboutthe PIC, so we assume the PIC must ‘aise the minus by 100 and 2400 RVR 1/2 mile) flows: Recall hat V2 statute mle visblty=2 400 RVR an that statite mle ‘Enya (ssn ans) | H so,nenondecennos219 + 00231: Hy ccbenenrabiyreauanena aon ioorn)ssasnas RVR) = 1 SM (5.000 VR), 121.852 Landing wethor minimums: IFR: Alcea holors. {@)ife pltin commando an atplane has net served 100 hours a pot n ammaniin operations under tis patin te ype of plane hes operating, {ho MOAor DM and vis laning minimums the catia holders ‘operations spocfeatontor regular provisional or fueling apors are Iereased by 10 fost and one-half mie (othe VR equvalnt) The MDA or ‘Hand visibly minimums needno! be wereasedatove hose appcabe to ‘hearpor when usodas an aioratoarpot, bin everimaytelanding ‘minimums be aes han 200 and However 8 Plotn corimand employes Sy acest older conducting operations in iege avert unde pa 135, ois chapter, may eet ight ine aquired operators conduced fo ‘haloperator uncer part inthe same type apano for upto 50 percent of 6 00 Home Question: 1757 Remaining: 91 ais meant by a tere cockt? 18) Not engin ay acti blow 19000 fst SL ang tein ade {umeneveris tone ob tan what equre oe ett Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121.542 nd 14 CFR 125,100 which es 121.542 Flghtcrowmember dues. (@)Nocorficte holder shall quire, nor may any Fight creumembor edorm. any dutes during acitcl phase o igh excepthose duos ‘equedtorthe safe operation ofthe aera. Dues such as company ‘equred calls made for uch nonsafty aatod purposes as ordering gay ‘Suppls and oafimingpassongar connocions, announcements madeto passengers promoting tea carir or porting out sighs ofineret, and filing out company paytal and related records ar not equ for these operatonoftnearera (©) Noth creumember may engagein, nar may any pln command emit. any activ during aerial phase o ant whi could erat any {ightcreumenber rom te perfomance of hiserher dues or which cols Intererein any way wih tne proper condutof hose ces Actives such seating meas, engaging in anessentl conversatons within he cockpt ‘andnonessenacorsmnictionsbetwoen the cabin and cocker, {and reading publitionsnotrelated oho proper conductofthe fightare nt ‘raquredtortne safe operation ofthe aca. (6) Fort purposes ofthis stn, citicl phases of ight includ ‘ground operators invoing tax, tskeot and lanaing, and alother Aight (perations conducted balou 10,000 feet excep! cule fight "Noo: Tas ofined as "movement ofan plane underis own power on ‘hesurace ofan airport.” (¢) During tighl tne a detnedin 14CFR 1.1, no fight ceumember may so, nor may any pt in command permitthe use fa personal wireless Home Question: 1769 Remaining: 20 The second commando ah aki ty ot uppementl epesins Ferra hee or mere lt ony mst ele Aven aTP ceticate,ye ating, nd fst cass meds Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121496 nhichroads: Pot Quatiication: Certctes and experience requirements (@)Nocertficatehader may se nor may any pltact spain command of Snakera (ras scondincommandofanseraftina ag or supplemental ‘operation that requves ve or mae pilots) unless the it (1) Hols an atin anspor pilot orificate net subjecttothelimtatensin§ 61.167 of ha chapter, (2) Hols an appropriate aca type rating forte arcrat beng flow: and {@)ifserving a plotincommandin part 121 operations, has 1,000 nous ‘cond in czmmandin operation under his pat pictncorsmand in ‘operations undor § 8. 1053(a\2}() ofthis chap plotn commandin| operations under §135243(aK) this chapter or any combation ‘hereof. Fortes pts who are employed as plotin command in par 121 ‘operations on Juy 31,2013, comptance wi fhe requerents of his aragraph (0K) snot required (©) No certcate holder may use nor may any pl act a second in ‘commanduniessthoplotheds an ate vansport plot cartlat and an [appropiate aera ype rating forthoatreraftbeing flown. Asocond- ‘command ype rating ablaned under § 6186 does not aia the requcements fb secton (6) Fort purpose fsatistyng the lghthourequirerentin paragraph (=) {G)otthis secon, aplotmay ee 500 hours of mailtary fight time abies 'pintin command of amaliengneubine powered, feswing aan ‘operation requng more than one pl. : > 0% Question 1763 Remaining: 69 explanation iene opeate eipmen onthe arf, whet duet sul you ‘Seo thotolowing excerpt tom 14 CFR 121.135: ‘ornce a determine tte ea an om 121.135 Manual contents 1 caret oles MEL ana (6) Enroute ight navigation, and communication procedures including procedures forthe dispatch or release” contnuance of fghtfanytem ot Sasomertreated oh pre os open bcos npeatie Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go : ‘> 0% FaR's Question: 1873 Remaining: 68 explanation ow does desahesd wanspration, going Ham a dy assignnert, Hor aro two references for his question both of whichagrs: cee computation ig ir a cei igh crnmember? ine 121.491 Fighttme tations: Deadhead ranspoatin. ‘Time spentindeachead transportation oor rom duty assignments nt Apt considered be part of 3st perio eae mmcmiaseiee 121.519 Fighttme tations: Desdead vansporation: planes. “Tmo spentby an amanin deadhead vansporationoor oma duty assignments not conderedibe pat of any est penod Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Question: 2166 Remaining: 87 fi ne ort core dato wreseneuatan 8) 2hows Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See 14CFR 17.19(0(1) below: 11719 Fgh uy period extensions (a)Foravgmented and augmented peratons,funoreseen operational Ceumstances arse priori takoot (1) Tepotn command and he coca holder may extend te maximam Tightauty ered porte in Tables Bor C ofthis partup to 2 hours. The pllotn cormand athe cerifeatsheler may also ated thomaxinum ‘Combined ight dy pero and reserve avalablyperodkmitsspecied a S1721(¢(3}a0d (é)erthspartupto Zhou, {@)Anextnsionntefght uty period under paragraph (ot) his Sect ofmoce than 3 minutes may ocou aly ance lor treceling a rst ‘etioddosebedin 17 250). (@)Anontcuiy period cannatbe extended under paragraph (0 t)othe ‘section fi causes a fightoew member to exced the cumulative ight duy or mts pectin 17 2%), (4) Each certiatehalder mustraparto the Adminttor within 10days any light period Wa exceeded he maximum ight uly evod ‘rittodin Tables Bor Cf his part by or than 30 minutes. The report ‘st contain the folowing (A doseripton ofthe extended ight uty pari and he ckevtances ‘surounding the need orth extension: and (iitn creumstancas giving sto the extension wre within the crtifesta holder's cont thecorrectve action(s) thal the cericate hoeeintends to {ake tominimze ne need forfture extensions : > 0% Question: 2187 Remaining: 85 explanation ecve CAM eforeament depends or ‘See AC 120-51, pag 13, hich reads: « Rebsoroementandteedback ate essentaltoeecive CRM alnng ‘Creamembars must receve continsalenforcementio susan CRM Concept. Efectve reinforcement depends upon sabi feedback ‘crewmembers on thelr CRM pracces and on hel tchnica perfomance Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Question: 2258, Remaining: 85 2) lining th ralng ston ess ange! Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121438 whichroads: 121.438 Piotopeatnglintatons and paling equrements {a)ife socondin commandhas fewer than 100 tours of igh me as Socond i commana|n operate under hispat inte type atplane boing ‘town andthe lotn command spol an appoprtaly quate check lo, ‘hepiotincammand must make al ake andlandings nthe flow tuations (1) Atspecal alors designated bythe Adminstrator oa spec aperts ‘designated by the coriflesteholder and {2)lnany ofthe fellaving cantons (THe prevating vsibity vale n he atest wear epotfr he alors storbeiow 38m, (0) There visual ange forthe rnway tobe used at below 4,000, feet (4) The ray tobe usodhas wate, snow, suse sna conons that ‘mayadversely atlet airplane performance, (6) Tre braking actin on therunway to be used aporiadto bolas than "goo! (The cosswind component forthe runway tbo used isin excess of 15 ot. (oh Windshearisrepotedin te Wein ofthe pot Question 2305 Remaining: 84 fing er sna re 1 uate protec snaling dees Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation ‘Seo paragraph) n 14 CFR 121.383 which reads: 121.353 Emergancyequpmentfr operations over uninhabited terain areas: Fag, supplement andcatain domestic operations {Unoss ine arplane nas the folowing equipment no person may conduct a ‘ager supplemental operation ora domesto opraon win te States ot ‘Aska orHawalloveran uninhaied area or any athe rea tha ns ‘operations spocfeatons) he Adminsatr species equred equprant for earch and rescun meaeo oan emergency (2) Sutabie pytolechniesignaing devices (0) An approved sunivatype emergency loetorranemier Batons used ‘nth anaritr must replaced (orracharged the bf ia rechargeable when te ransmiter as been ase formore tan 1 cumulative hour or when 60 porcntof thor usoflife ofr rechargeable Datlenes, 0 percent ofthae use eof cmarge) has expired, 25 slablshed by be vansmiter manufactur under approval. Te new ‘xpraon dato for replacing (or recharging) the batory must tabi ‘marked onthe cule of tha ranemtter. The Batley use or usaf ofcharge) requirement ofthis paragraph dont apply o batts (such as ‘eater actvaledballoes) hal are essentay unaocted uring pecbable storage ntonas (6) Enough survival its, appropriately equiped forheroutetobetlown for ‘henumber of ecupants the spare Question 2366 Remaining: 83 2) Anas bey he eof runay, leat wie he any, pale Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : > 0% explanation ‘See 14CFR 1.1 whichreads ‘Stopway means an area beyondthetkeof una, no less widethan the runway and centored upon the extended centorine te runway, able to Supporthearplane durng an aborted akoo witout causing sutra Gamage tote aplane, ard designated bythe apo autres or useln Gecelralngthe apiane dung an abotestakeot 656 Tee a2 Home Question: 2415 Remaining: 82 ‘sconce y emo at i: necessary to nat te destino atenate apo. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation ‘Seo paragraph (bin 14 CFR 11719 whieh reads: 11719 Fgh uy period extensions (a)Foravgmented and augmented peratons,funoreseen operational Ceumstances arse priori takoot (1) Tepotn command and he coca holder may extend te maximam Tightauty ered porte in Tables Bor C ofthis partup to 2 hours. The pllotn cormand athe cerifeatsheler may also ated thomaxinum ‘Combined ight dy pero and reserve avalablyperodkmitsspecied a S1721(¢(3}a0d (é)erthspartupto Zhou, {@)Anextnsionntefght uty period under paragraph (ot) his Sect ofmoce than 3 minutes may ocou aly ance lor treceling a rst ‘etioddosebedin 17 250). (@)Anontcuiy period cannatbe extended under paragraph (0 t)othe ‘section fi causes a fightoew member to exced the cumulative ight duy or mts pectin 17 2%), (4) Each certiatehalder mustraparto the Adminttor within 10days any light period Wa exceeded he maximum ight uly evod ‘rittodin Tables Bor Cf his part by or than 30 minutes. The report ‘st contain the folowing (A doseripton ofthe extended ight uty pari and he ckevtances ‘surounding the need orth extension: and (iitn creumstancas giving sto the extension wre within the crtifesta holder's cont thecorrectve action(s) thal the cericate hoeeintends to {ake tominimze ne need forfture extensions Home Question 2438 Remaining: 61 A) The cago be moy note tale in posi that Boek, ett the Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go ‘> 0% explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121 285 whichroads: 121.288 Caniage of cagoin passenger compartments, (a) Excopt as provided in paragraph 0), (0) 0 (this section, no orfiatehldermay cary eargoin the pascengercomparent an ‘rplane. (©) Cargo maybe cared anywhersin the passenger compartments Cariedinan approvedcargobin tat meats th eloving requirements: (1) Then mustihstand the lad factors and emergency asin ondtons apliabl the passenger seals ofthe arplanein which bin ‘Sinsang, muted by afactere? 16, using the combined weghcf he in and he maxmum weight ofcorgo thatmey be caedin ten. (2) Thomaxsmum weight f cargo hatthe bins approveste camry and any Insructons necessary to insure prope weight dstrbuton wihin hein ‘mustbe conspicuous markedonthe bn {@)Thebin may notimpose any ladon the Nero other stuctur ofthe plane that excoods the nadimitaions ofthat suche (@)Thotin mustbe attached tothe soatracks oto the oor suc of be ‘plane ands attachment must withstand the load factors and emergency landing condtions applicable othe passenger sessof he apane nwfich ‘hebinsintaes, matiped by ether the factor 1 15orthe seat tachment ‘actor specid forthe apane,whicheveris greater. using te combines \weightofthebinandthe maxmumwaightcfcarg that may be cared nthe {@)Thebinmaynotbeinstaledinaposton thatrestits access oor use of amy Home Question 2868 Remaining: 60 (Peter to poende 2, tg 273) What the ning minis pe CFR {Bt amiaton fra Pic nana 0 our men yp ne apr Pc ewparnee executing th stain LS RAY 25 approsch et Phen Shy Nebo avpart Pr? ey ze- Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question ‘> 0% explanation ‘The potas lssthan 100hoursPICin type. sotho 14 CFR 121652landing minimums inresees of 100 fet nd 2m apply. Therefor, the ILS ‘inmums of 1326-1/2areinreasedto 1226-1 ‘See 14 CFR 121652 whichroads: 121.952 Landing wether minimums: FR; Acree nodes, {a)ifte ptin command ofanarplane has net served 100 hours pot in cammandin operons under tis pat inthe ype of arplane espera, {heMDAocDMand vat landing minimumsin thecal holders ‘operations specifeation or regular provisional orefueling apo are Increased 10 feet and one-half mile orthe RVR equivalent The MOA ot ‘DH and visibly minimums nein! be nreased above these appicable to ‘heatport when used as analeteaxpor, bun no eventmay belong ‘minimums be les than 300 an However a Plotn conmang employes Dyacontcat holder conductng operatensin largo arera undo part 135, cis chapter, may eat ight une acquired noperatonsconducied fo ‘hal operator under pat nthe same type alpane fr upto 50 percent of the 100 ours ofpetin command experience requredby his paragraph (©) The 100hours of pltin cammandexparence requed by paragraph (a) otis socon may berediced nol exceed 0 pores by substting one landing i oporatons under partin the ype of apane fr equod our ‘of potn command experence he plethasatleae 10 hours a plot in ommandaf another type apane inoparatonsunder his pa (6)Gategory 1 minimums andthe sng scale when authorized inthe cariicate elders operations speciation do not aply unl he aot n {ammand subject to paragraph) ef his secton meets he requemens of ‘hat paragraph inthe ype of alane he isopeating, 6 00 8 Tee a3 Home Question 2488 Remaining: 79| cept yur at tyson? : 15) On ater the end of ourrequtod est ered Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next “ ‘> 0% explanation ‘See 14CFR 117.25 (a) below: 117.25 Rest period (a) No cereale oder may assign and no fighteow member may accopt {Sssignmentio any roservor duty wih the coricate heer dure ary ‘requredrast pared (©)Botorebagening any reserw or ight uy period a igtraw monber ‘mustbe gan atleet 30 consecutive Mouse om ay within the past {8consecutvehour peed (e)fafightrew member operatngin anew theator has recived 36 Consecubvehours fea. hat fightzrew members accimated andthe rst avd mee he raqiements of paragraph) oft section (@)Arightcren mombormustbo givn a minimum of 56 consecutive hours ‘estupen etre homebase he fightrew member (1) Travels mere ‘han "nga during ight cy period ra eres fight duty period, ‘and(2)¢away rom hamebase for more than 168 consecuve hour ng {histtavel The 56 hous ofrsl speci inthis secton must encompass ‘tree pysiclogeal nights rest based onlocal bm, (6) No certfcate alder may schedule and no ight member may acct {nassignment eran reserve right duty perio unless the fightrew ‘momberis gen area parod oft ast 10 consecubve hoursimmedatly Solos begining the reserva igh uty period measured em the te the fightzrew member's releasod tom duty. The 1Ohourrestpoiod must rove the iter member win minimum of uninieuped ours of Seep oppotuniy| (fa tightrow mambo determines thalarest prod under paragraph) 8 Tee a3 Home Question 2490, Remaining: 78| uigment ora rere or ght ty prea uss ne Higher ‘member in onarestpeneao 2 atleast 10 conection nours este bare bagning he eer or fe ay pid sna tome erent ead Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation ‘Seo paragraph (in 4 CFR 11725 which roads: 117.25 Rest period (a) No cereale oder may assign and no fighteow member may accopt {Sssignmentio any roservor duty wih the coricate heer dure ary ‘requredrast pared (©)Botorebagening any reserw or ight uy period a igtraw monber ‘mustbe gan atleet 30 consecutive Mouse om ay within the past {8consecutvehour peed (e)fafightrew member operatngin anew theator has recived 36 Consecubvehours fea. hat fightzrew members accimated andthe rst avd mee he raqiements of paragraph) oft section (@)Arightcren mombormustbo givn a minimum of 56 consecutive hours ‘estupen etre homebase he fightrew member (1) Travels mere ‘han "nga during ight cy period ra eres fight duty period, ‘and(2)¢away rom hamebase for more than 168 consecuve hour ng {histtavel The 56 hous ofrsl speci inthis secton must encompass ‘tree pysiclogeal nights rest based onlocal bm, (6) No certfcate alder may schedule and no ight member may acct {nassignment eran reserve right duty perio unless the fightrew ‘momberis gen area parod oft ast 10 consecubve hoursimmedatly Solos begining the reserva igh uty period measured em the te the fightzrew member's releasod tom duty. The 1Ohourrestpoiod must rove the iter member win minimum of uninieuped ours of Seep oppotuniy| (fa tightrow mambo determines thalarest prod under paragraph) 8 Tee a3 Home Question 2498 Remaining: 77 8) iin arp i crete wth anoint sane ye ang Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121496 below: ‘Tile 14: Aoronautes and Space PART 121OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: DOMESTIC, FLAG, AND 'SUPPLENENTAL OPERATIONS ‘Subpart O—Crewnember Qualiations 121436 Pilot Qualification: Corbicates and experience requirements. (@)Nocertticate holder may use nor may any plot act splctin command of narra eras seconéineommandofan ateralinaag ar supplemental, ‘operation that requires tre or moe pits) unless the plot (1) Hols an alin anspor plot cenicte not subjacttathelimtatens in 51-167 oft chapter, (2) Hols an appropriate ara ype rang ori arerttbeng flown: and {@)ifserving a lot in commandin part 121 operations, has 1.000 hours ‘socand incommand|n operations under his pat plot ncarmmand in ‘eperations under .1063(a)(2() ofthis chapter, lt incommandin {perations under 135 249(a1 of his chap, or any combination Pere For those ps whe are employed as piotn command inpar 121 ‘operations on July 31,2013, compliance wth th requomnts fis paragraph (a) snot required (@)Nocortticate holder may use nor may any pt act as scond in ‘commandunisstheplathelde an atine anspor pletcerfest and an sppcepiate aera ype ating forthe aera being flown, A second command yperating lane’ under 81 S5does oleate requroments of bs section. 1650 Tee tea Home Question 2495 Remaining: 76| 2) 10 consecutive oust Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : ‘> 0% explanation ‘Seo paragraph (in 4 CFR 11725 which roads: 117.25 Rest period (a) No cereale oder may assign and no fighteow member may accopt {Sssignmentio any roservor duty wih the coricate heer dure ary ‘requredrast pared (©)Botorebagening any reserw or ight uy period a igtraw monber ‘mustbe gan atleet 30 consecutive Mouse om ay within the past {8consecutvehour peed (e)fafightrew member operatngin anew theator has recived 36 Consecubvehours fea. hat fightzrew members accimated andthe rst avd mee he raqiements of paragraph) oft section (@)Arightcren mombormustbo givn a minimum of 56 consecutive hours ‘estupen etre homebase he fightrew member (1) Travels mere ‘han "nga during ight cy period ra eres fight duty period, ‘and(2)¢away rom hamebase for more than 168 consecuve hour ng {histtavel The 56 hous ofrsl speci inthis secton must encompass ‘tree pysiclogeal nights rest based onlocal bm, (6) No certfcate alder may schedule and no ight member may acct {nassignment eran reserve right duty perio unless the fightrew ‘momberis gen area parod oft ast 10 consecubve hoursimmedatly Solos begining the reserva igh uty period measured em the te the fightzrew member's releasod tom duty. The 1Ohourrestpoiod must rove the iter member win minimum of uninieuped ours of Seep oppotuniy| (fa tightrow mambo determines thalarest prod under paragraph) 1650 Tee tea Home Question: 2505 Remaining: 75| (ot feg peraon ay tected how wary ur dy cece 100 Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : 108 explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121481 whichroads: 121.481 Fghttme nations: One or wo pioterens. (@)Aconificat holder conducting fg operations may schedule apt iy Inanatplane thathas screw ofoneor te plots or ght hour ors during any 24 consecuverours wihout asl period during these ght (@) if cerca oder conducting ag operation scheles spotty ‘more than eighthours during any 24 consecutive hours shal ge hin an ‘Sterening rstperiod atorbetore he end oeight checked hours ight uy This fst pore mustbo atleast vic he numberof heursfown since ‘he preceding rest period, butnotleesthansghthour. The ceria hole shalteve tat pt ofa duty wi rng at rest pero, (6)E2ch pet who nas foun merethan eight hours during 24 consecutive ours mstbegven atleast 18 hours of rest before being assigned any uty wth be cota hole. ()No pot may fy more than 32 hour during any seven consecutive day, nd each pot must be relloved roma duty fer alleast 24 coneecuve Nous atleast once during any seven consecutive days (e)Noplot may fy a3member of crew mare han 100 hours during any ne calendar mont (®Nopotmay yea memberata crew mare than 1,000 hours during any ‘2ealandarmonth perio, soot neget2, Home Question: 2516 Remaining: 74 Youate the IC of out ele. You hve st shut oun an creo Provo ure magn, Aecring We Ch et 8 ana what contre 1) your sean equips hese ere engines Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation ‘Seo paragraph (bn 14 CFR 121.565 which reads: 121.55 Engine inoperative: Landing reporting Unkoan amendment published at 72 FR 1863, Jan. 16,2007 (@) xcept as provided in paragraph (b) ofthis secon. whenever an angne olan arplae also whenever he olaon ofan engine stopped to ‘reven posible damage, he pit in conmane shal andthe arplane altho nearest suitable apo, npantof time, atwhich asafelandng canbe ‘mode. {©)tFretmorethan one engine ofan airplane hathas hr ormere engines falsors retains stopped the pot in command may proceso an aport thathe select afer considenng the folowing he decdesthal proceeding ‘oihat pons a safe as andng at he nearesi sulle spat (1) Thenature ofthe mafancion and te possible mechanical cules that ‘may ocauriffightisconioued (2) Thott, weight, and usable uot hetime of engine stoppage (@) The waster condions on out ant posible landing pons (4) Thea rat congaston, (6) Trekindorterain, (©)Histamiianty withthe aportto be used, (6) Theplotin command shal report each sovpage f engine oation n Tightto tho appropriate ground aie saben as seen as practicable and shall soot neget2, Home Question: 2519 Remaining: 73| ‘9 sie aro st crete wih a apropte scr y ag Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : 108 explanation ‘See paragraph) n 14 CFR 121436 wtih eats: 121436 Pot Qualification: Cerates and experience requterents (@)Nocertficatehader may se nor may any pltact spain command of tnakera (ras second conmandofanaferaftinaflag or upplamertal ‘operation that requves ve or mae pilots) unless the it (1) Hols an atin anspor pilot orficate net subjecttothelimtatensin| 61.167 of ha chapter, (2) Hols an appropriate aca type rating forte arcrat beng flow: and {@)ifserving a plotincommandin part 121 operations, has 1,000 nous ‘second in commandin operation under hs pat pot ncorsmand in ‘operations undor 8.1053(a).2)} ofthis chapter, plot incomsmandin (operations under 135243(a)1) ofthis chapter or any comainaton erat Forthose pos who a employed as piotn command in part 121 ‘operations on July 31, 2013, comptance wit he requiornnts of his aragraph (0K) snot required (©) No certcate holder may use nor may any pl act a second in ‘commanduniessthoplotheds an ate vansport plot cartlat and an ‘appropiate aera ype rating ortho atreraf being flown, Asocond- command yperatngblaned under 8185 does ot sais the requcements fb secton (6) Fort purpose fsatistyng the lghthourrequirerentin paragraph) {Ghoti secton, a plotmay eet 500 hour ofl fghtime obtained ‘pintin command of amaliengineubine powered, fesning span ‘operation requng more than one pl. Home Question 2525 Remaining: 72 ter ight ght, you tice tat theese ecognon ght on the fl i> tance neeratne. Who places tat nts maitennce og bok? 1 Plot n cones Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go to ae explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121 569 whichroads: 121.588 Reporing mechanical regu, ‘The potin command shall ensure that l mechanical reguantio occuring lung fight tme ae entered inthe mantsnancs ogo! he spane a the ‘end of nat igh ime. Before each fight eplotin command shal ascertain ‘he stats of each inoguartyenlerodintelog athe endo te preceding Aig Home Question: 2532 Remaining: 71 ‘ater eauomern pert? 2) wen thunders arent eset tong te ote Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121357 whichroads: 121.357 Arbome weather radar oqupmentequiements (a) Nopersen may operate any transprtcalogory airplane (except C46 ‘ypeaiplanec)oranonransport catagory aplae cortcted ator December 3t, 1964, unless approved arbore weather radar equipment has Deen slated the plane (@) (Reserved) (6) Each person operating an plane required tohave approved aloe \woathor radar equipment instal shal whan usingit under this part, ‘operate in accordance wih he lowing (1) Dispate. No person may cspaten an aplane or begin the ight ofan atplane nthe case of acorticate recor that dos rtuseacspatch ‘Systm under IFRor night VFR conditions when curent weather epets Inca thal bunderstoms, or other penal hazardous wesher ondtions that can be dtacin wth borne woath radar may reasonably be expected along therouto oe foun, ules the arbome woatrerradar equipments in satisfactory operating conto, @)Ifbe aitome weathar radar bocames inoperative on route, the aplane rustle operat in accordance wih he approved instructors and procedures spect nthe operations manual fr such an event (@) This socton does notappy to aplanes used soll iin the State of Hawai or wii th Stat of Alaska and that prof Canada west oflongitude *30degrees W, betwoen atase 70 degrees N andiatule 53 degrees, ‘or during any ang, test, or ey fig amy Home Question 2539 Remaining: 70| trou 2 Fe 31) Yo eng te ACY LOC RU 1 tty for your CtegoryD sero (no MEL Roms)? 1 so00 evn, Back Font Size Figures Mack Question sump to Question to ae explanation “The rotoin the upper lf comer ofthe approachin fgure 311 indicates that forinoperative MALSR, “ineesse &-LOC 13 Cat wy to RVR S000" Next 6 00 Home Question 2549 Remaining: 68 Tosti 1 naitin varsport lot eis wth nappopite aera ype ata, Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : 108 explanation ‘See paragraph) n 14 CFR 121436 wtih eats: 121436 Pot Qualification: Cerates and experience requterents (@)Nocertficatehader may se nor may any pltact spain command of tnakera (ras second conmandofanaferaftinaflag or upplamertal ‘operation that requves ve or mae pilots) unless the it (1) Hols an atin anspor pilot orficate net subjecttothelimtatensin| 61.167 of ha chapter, (2) Hols an appropriate aca type rating forte arcrat beng flow: and {@)ifserving a plotincommandin part 121 operations, has 1,000 nous ‘second in commandin operation under hs pat pot ncorsmand in ‘operations undor 8.1053(a).2)} ofthis chapter, plot incomsmandin (operations under 135243(a)1) ofthis chapter or any comainaton erat Forthose pos who a employed as piotn command in part 121 ‘operations on July 31, 2013, comptance wit he requiornnts of his aragraph (0K) snot required (©) No certcate holder may use nor may any pl act a second in ‘commanduniessthoplotheds an ate vansport plot cartlat and an ‘appropiate aera ype rating ortho atreraf being flown, Asocond- command yperatngblaned under 8185 does ot sais the requcements fb secton (6) Fort purpose fsatistyng the lghthourrequirerentin paragraph) {Ghoti secton, a plotmay eet 500 hour ofl fghtime obtained ‘pintin command of amaliengineubine powered, fesning span ‘operation requng more than one pl. Home Question: 2567 Remaining: 68 ‘yt o-pot agcpeaton nny on aon ror ee? 1) 1000 Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : 108 explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121481 whichroads: 121.481 Fghttme nations: One or wo pioterens. (@)Aconificat holder conducting fg operations may schedule apt iy Inanatplane thathas screw ofoneor te plots or ght hour ors during any 24 consecuverours wihout asl period during these ght (@) if cerca oder conducting ag operation scheles spotty ‘more than eighthours during any 24 consecutive hours shal ge hin an ‘Sterening rstperiod atorbetore he end oeight checked hours ight uy This fst pore mustbo atleast vic he numberof heursfown since ‘he preceding rest period, butnotleesthansghthour. The ceria hole shalteve tat pt ofa duty wi rng at rest pero, (6)E2ch pet who nas foun merethan eight hours during 24 consecutive ours mstbegven atleast 18 hours of rest before being assigned any uty wth be cota hole. ()No pot may fy more than 32 hour during any seven consecutive day, nd each pot must be relloved roma duty fer alleast 24 coneecuve Nous atleast once during any seven consecutive days (e)Noplot may fy a3member of crew mare han 100 hours during any ne calendar mont (®Nopotmay yea memberata crew mare than 1,000 hours during any ‘2ealandarmonth perio, Home Question 2589 Remaining: 67 43.0 3; youhav ean 19 os nyu ire ple a vr ah uma eo 15) the ring ithe runay tobe wsadhas srow nls sae. Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : 108 explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121438 whichroads: 121.438 Piotopeatnglintatons and paling equrements {a)ife socondin commandhas fewer than 100 tours of igh me as Socond i commana|n operate under hispat inte type atplane boing ‘town andthe lotn command spol an appoprtaly quate check lo, pilin command mus make altakeots and landings the fallowing tuations (1) Atspecal alors designated bythe Adminstrator oa spec aperts ‘designated by the coriflesteholder and {2)lnany ofthe fellaving cantons (THe prevating vsibity vale n he atest wear epotfr he alors storbeiow 38m, (0) There visual ange forthe rnway tobe used at below 4,000, feet (4) The ray tobe usodhas wate, snow, suse sna conons that ‘mayadversely atlet airplane performance, (6) Tre braking actin on therunway to be used aporiadto bolas than "goa! (The cosswind component forthe runway tbo used isin excess of 15 ot. (oh Windshearisrepotedin te Wein ofthe pot Home Question: 2613 arcana Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next to ae explanation ‘Seo 14 CFR 121533 (121.535 and 127.837 are similar which, impart ads: (@)Each certicate holder conducting domeste operations responsible for operational cont (©) The pctn command and he aca cpatcher arity response forthe preg plaming, delay, and dlspstes ease ofa ghia comple wit his chaptor and oporatons speciiatons (6) Thealesat patches responsible or— () Monitoring the progress ofeach ight {@)lssuing necessaryntrmation{or the sat ofthe ight and {@) Canceling orrosspathing fight fins opinion othe opinion ofthe plotn commang, th fightcannotaperateorcontnue to operate safely as Banned oreleases, (@)Eachpotincammand ofan aats during fight ine, in commandot {he aera and crew and\a responsible forthe safety ofthe pasbengers crewmembers, arg, and apne Home Question: 2621 Remaining: 65| Eitl'prenpecrty ANG Toston or uner wha conton the pt 1 Tat AC atty manger itn 48 hows, requested Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : 108 explanation ‘See paragraph) n t4 CFR 91.129 which ead: 91.125 Compliance wih ATC clearances and istuctons. (a) hen an ATC clearance has boon stained no patin command may ‘ovate fom tha clearance unless an amended learance = oaned an ‘emergency eles, orfe vation fin response to atafic alt and Calson avoidance sytem resolution advisory. However, xceptin Class A ‘rspaco, a piotmay can! an IFR tight plan the operation's bang Conducted in VFR weather contons When a plot suncarainaf an ATC, ‘oarence, that plo shal inmedlataly request daca am ATC (@) Except an emergency, no person may operate an ater conarytoan [ATC nsincton nan aea nhlcn ivf conals exces. (6)Esehpietin commana who, nan erargoncy orn esponee te aac ert endcolsten avoidance system escuton avisery deviates roman [ATC learanceernsrcton shal not ATC of at deviaton 38 soon as possbie. {@)Eachpctin command who though ot deviating fom aru his Subpart) isgven poy by ATCin an emergency, shal submit detaed report ofthat emergency within 48 hours tothe manager ofthat ATC actif requested ATC. {@)Uniess otherwise authorized by ATC. no parson operating an att may ‘operate that erat according any clearance orinsruction that hasbeen [Ssuodto the plotofanctnr area for radar aif contol purposes, Home Question 2625 Remaining: 64 1) Na, dada conedeced ty title lt assed. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : 108 explanation ‘See 14CFR 117.3 which read ‘Deadhead ansporation means wansporaton of ighterewmenber a6 passenger ernon-operaing ighterew member, by ay mode of {Tanspertaton, as equed by acerificate older, excluding Wansporation to cortom asutabe accommodaton.Altime spent deadheadtranspaiation 'Scuyandis notes For purposes of determining maxima ight ly ‘ord in Table 8 ofthis pa, deadhead transportation isnatconscereda figntsogmont 121.491 Fighttime tations: Deadhead ranspoiatin. ‘Time spentindeadhead vanspertaon oor rom duty assignments not considered io bea part of rest period. 121.519 Fgnttme itatons: Dschessransperation: plane. “Time pent by an amanin deadhead vansporation oor om duty assignments not considered tobe part of any est pariod Home Question 2624 Remaining: 63 hot use the in us te cove eration belie eanspcuouy Sioa Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : 108 explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121 509 9hichroads: 121.588 Cany-on baggage. (a) No cereale Moder may ow the boarding of carry-on baggage onan ‘plane unless each passenga’sbaggagehasboen stannedtocontatthe ‘ize and amount camedon Dard in accordance wh nspprovedcay-on, ‘baggage programs operation specications In aon no pasterger ‘may board an apne hier cary-on baggage exceeds the baggage ‘ttowanoeprosebedin he cary-on baggage program nthe crete holders operations speciteatons, (©) Nocertfcate holder may alow ll passenger enty doors ofan span to be ocean proparain fr tax or pusnbeck ures atleast oneroqUred ‘crewmember as vere that each ace of Baggage’ stowed ccordance with hi section ans 121285 (an (8). (€)Noceriicatehldermay allow an apane take offorlandunless each ale ofbaggageis stowed ()Ina suitable dosot or baggage o cargo stowage compartment placard forts maximum weight and prong proper restraint orallbsygage cargo stowed wih, and ina manner al doesnot had the posible we ofany emergency equipment or (2) As provided in 12.285) and (8:00 (@)Undora passenger seat (Baggage car nan aces oooee dating, may not be placed nan ‘overheadrackuniess that rack is equipped wih aprovedrestaining (ovis or door Home Question 2648 Remaining: 62 nan the ate ent sgn sued af gt, wan shoul the 1 rnd bere or atthe sa ar tne of Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : 108 explanation ‘See AC 121-240 which re (1) Seatbets (euding Seatbots,Atbag Setbets and Shoulder Harness {ap Bot Comtinations),Imatly before oath Faston Seat Bl ‘ignistmedof, an amauncementmustbe made hat paceengere shal ‘oop hal seatbosastned wis seatedeven fine "Festn Sea Bet ign 'Stumed of The possi of encountering unexpected turbulence should ‘boomphasizodto passengors. Blatant ad repeated disregard for crewmember nstructons egaring the seatbol ign corplance shall be ‘potato tha PIC a8 a potentl nncomplan,dupve passenger, (Reteto $5121 517()and Rand 121 5790300)), os a Home Fans ‘Queston: 2647 Remaining: 61 explanation nde CF pat 2, wht ght equipment mus te plotn conan ‘Ses paragraph (in 4 CFR 121549 wich reads: tne soaea bot esn it Paraaaen(e) 121.549 Fying equipment (a) The potin command shallensurtha appropiate seronautca chats Contain adequate nfomation concering navigation ie and inroment ‘pproach procedures are aboard the arto ach fight 1) Anrep sro (©) Each crowmemter hal on each fight have realy avalale ori use a flashighthatsin good working order Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Question 2655 Remaining: 60 evainie oath oceans ot sre A) Wen operating over an habe ra, Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : 108 explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121.59, which rads: 121.353 Emergency equipmentor operations over uninhabtedtertan seas: Fag, supplemental andcartain domestic operations. Unies ihe aplane ns the following equipment. no person may conduct & ‘lager supplemental opetaien ora domestic operation wshin Be States of ‘asa orHawaioveran uinhabtedarea or anyother areata ns ‘operations specfeatons) he Adminsatorepenfesrequred equipment for Search and rescue ease on emergency (2) Sutabie yroechnicsgnaing devons (@) An approved sures type emergency actor ransmiter. Bates used inthis vansmitermusibe replaced (orrecharge eben is rechargeable) when te transmiterhasboon musofor more than 1 Cumulative hur or when 60 percatof tor useful orfor rechargeable ‘atlees, 50 percent of he Useful if of charge) has expired, 38 stablishod by be tansmiter manufacturer undorits approval. Tene ‘xpraon dato for replacing (orrechargng} the batory must be logy ‘marked onthe cusdeofthaanomter Theater use or uefa ‘ofcharg) requirements of is paragraph donot apy o batteries (such as ator actvaosbatires) hat are essonsaly unafocod during probable ‘Storage nora (6) Enough survival kts, appropriately equiped forthe route tobe own for ‘henumber of occupants ofthe alan. Home Question: 2661 Remaining: 59 15) musty oor above the pide path between he inl apeoueh xan te ae Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : 108 explanation [Eater's noo: this quotes rom 1.129, Operations In Class D Arspace, lhe the question apparent stpustes Class Caspace, Bune werdng “nd guldance match how the test question scored ‘Seo 14CFRO1.120 hich, in pat rads: ()Miimum ates when operating an aiprtin Class D airspace (1) ‘Uniossroquredby the appeabie tance om-cowd cra, each pick operating large or turbine powered aiplane must ener the wai patir ‘allude of test 1 S00 eet ove th elevation the separ and ‘mail atest 500 ee turer descent required a slelandng (2) Each parang large or turbine powered airplane approaching to \Gndon a runway served an stumant approach procedure wih vera guidance ine airplane's so equipped, must. tan atte at cr above the glide path between he published inal approach andthe decison aude (OA), or decison aight (0H), asappicadie;or (@iteomplance wih the applicable dstanc-fon-clous erteria requires {ide path interception coserin, operate that arplane alo above the ge ‘ath, between te point ofrtercepton of ge path andthe DAor tho DH. (@) ach pet operating an splane approaching to land on arunvay served ‘yavisual approach slope indicator must main anatase ato above ‘he ide pth unl alower alte snecessary fora safe landing, (4) Paragrapns (6X2) andes secton donot pro norma "racketng maneuvers above orbeow the ge path tht are conducted fo thepuposoofremaining onthe gidopath. Home Question 2708 Remaining: 58 1 the reseed aot minus, on absence of any ako minus, b00"2/S00"2 er o0e™ Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : 108 explanation efron: ‘Flag a cars one wna conducts acheduledoperatons inside and cutie th 4 coniquaus states. "ADomeste ar camer conducts scheduled operations ony wahin the 48 contiguous states, "A Supplemental a carer conducts operations anyehee ts operatona spocteations alow, buton anon-scheduled basis only. ‘See paragraph (an 4 GER 127.637 which roads: 121.637 Takeo fom unlisted and alternate apts: Domest and ag {@)Nopot may takeo an aplane rom an pot thatisnatlcedin he operations specfeatons uness (1) The aor andrelatd facies are adequato forthe operation ofthe arpa {@)He can comply wih tne applicable plane operating intatons: {@) The aeplane has boon dspatchod accordngtodspatching ules applicable peraten rom an approved aport and (@) The weather condtions at hat port ae quali or batter than tbe folowing (Aiport in tho Unt Stats. The weather mirimumsfortakoof presenbedin part 97 of thischaper: a where minimums aenctprescribes forthe apt 800-2, 900-1 12,0r4,000e Aiport outside he United Stats. The weathor minimums for takoot Home Question: 2717 Remaining: 57 Sree Boaa tsb 15) Evacuation ofthe area ting the emergency ass syst, Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : ‘> 0% explanation ‘See NTSB Part €20 5 which reads: £8305 immediatenotiteaton ‘The operator of any civ aerator any pic itera not operated by the ‘Armed Frees oranogance agency ofthe Unted Siatos, or any frign| ‘tert shall immediately. andy te most expeditious meane avalbl oy the nearest Nationa Transporation Safety Board (NTSB) of. ‘thon {NTS headquarters located at 490L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, OC 20598, Conlatintormation othe NTSB regional ofces fava st hit:ewer ish gov. Toropor an accent or incent, you may cathe [NTSB Response Operations Conta, t 844-373-0022 or 202-314-6200, {a)Anairra accidento any ote folowing ited serous eden eee (1) Fight contol systom matuncion or faure: 2) rab of any require ight rowmembert perform normal ight tos asaresulofinizyorllness; (2) Faaue of anyintrnal bine engine component that rete inthe ‘scape of debs oar than out he exhaust path toto te; (©)Areracalisionin ight (@) Damage topropay, ote than the aera, etatedto exceed $25,000 forrepa (cling materia andiabor ora market valve inthe eventof tolalloes whicnevere ss, Home Question 2730 Remaining: 55 0 ahoriaons wd tts reach typ of operon. Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : = 0% explanation ‘See 14CFR 119.7 which reads 119.7 Operations specfeatons. (a) Eachcerateheldors operation specications must contain (1) The authorizations, atone, and certain procedues under which each ida operaton,appeabie, sto be conducted and (2) Cran cer procedures under wich each assand siz of acratisto De operated (©) Excoptfor operations specications paragraphs dettyng authorized kinds ofoperatlons,operatone specricatons are nota part of acariiat, Home (Question: 2732 Remaining: 55| ‘a reguce unter prt 12 a apache must peceay athe each aoe ae coe te exept anon C)anaean nde Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go > 0% explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121 599 whichroads: 121.598 Dispatching autorty: Domestic operations. Excop hen an aiplane lan aan ntomersate apr specedin the ‘ongial pate release and remains theo for not mere than one hen ‘ereonmay sara fight unless an acafapatcherepecealy autores thattight Home Question 2750 Remaining: 54 Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next “ 108 explanation ‘Seo paragraph) in 14 CFR 91.187 which reads: 91.187 Operation under FR in contd aespace: Maltuncton repos, {@) Te plotin command of each aera oporaesin controle airspace Under IFR shall eportas son as praicalto ATC any mauncons of ‘navigatonal approach, or communion equipment acurng night. (@)Ineach porta by paragraph (a ofthis acon, te pltin ‘ommandshal ncaa the. (1) Areraidenifeaton 2)Equipmentafoces (2)Deareetownich ne eapadity othe pill to operate under IFRn te ATC ‘systomisimpaed and (4)Netue and extent of asistane desired rom ATC Home Question 2764 Remaining: 53 (Retro poor 2, gute 336) Apt na Par 12 arts thirg thes fri aren Gina (Oak) Tha Par 86 hears Inte aerate Siac ein ten. Peat asrone ihe Dae wt © 0000 amy Back Font Size Figures Next Mack Question sump to Question 108 explanation "CFR 121652 attaches blow the explanation for your reference, ifthe PIC ofa Par 121 pane doesnt have 100 hours as PICin 121 ‘perationsin the apane ype, thon te MDA or Ds ised by 109 and V2 ‘ie vistity ata destination, However, the PIC can add upto SO hour of ‘rita hater hour hela has more than 1OOhours ae PIG in anaher| art 21 plane. ashe canal one Dour far each nding inthe previous plane ois hours nth curentarplan oy og ove 100 ours {and avoiding the minimums atl Inti queston, ees noche {xpatonceniormaton given aboutthe PIC, so we assume the PIC must ‘aise the minus by 100 and 2400 RVR 1/2 mile) flows: Recall hat V2 statute mle visblty=2 400 RVR an that statite mle ‘Suara agen) A So, decison 207+ 100-207: E Scdteran vay rnuronentoTZoM400ROR)vasmczco RVR) = 1 SM (5.000 VR), 121.852 Landing wethor minimums: IFR: Alcea holors. {@)ife pltin commando an atplane has net served 100 hours a pot n ammaniin operations under tis patin te ype of plane hes operating, {ho MOAor DM and vis laning minimums the catia holders ‘operations spocfeatontor regular provisional or fueling apors are Iereased by 10 fost and one-half mie (othe VR equvalnt) The MDA or ‘Hand visibly minimums needno! be wereasedatove hose appcabe to ‘hearpor when usodas an aioratoarpot, bin everimaytelanding ‘minimums be aes han 200 and However 8 Plotn corimand employes Sy acest older conducting operations in iege avert unde pa 135, ois chapter, may eet ight ine aquired operators conduced fo ‘haloperator uncer part inthe same type apano for upto 50 percent of 6 00 sn Toya. Home Question 2766 Remaining: 52 Yowatedecenng tom £10971 350, andy set oe ae byt00toetbeforscomesteg, nso you do? Youve repro he Admit a deviation of mae han 300 Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go 108 explanation ‘See Appendix to 14 CFR Part 91 which, in par. reads: ‘Appendix to Part — Operatens in Reduced Vericl Separation inimu (RVSW) Airspace ‘Section 8. Reporting Atte Kooping Erors Each operator shalepat ithe Adminstrator each eventin which he operator siealthasexhbies the falowing abuse keeping performance: (@) Total verical amor of 30 fester mare: (©) Aimer system ero of 245 fet ore: oF (e) Assigned atte deviation of 300 fect or mar. Home (Question: 2787 Remaining: 51 12) coreeat ole’ operator pests torte spe. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go 108 explanation ‘See 14 CFR 121625 nhichroads: 121.625 Atemate aportweatec minimums. Unk an amendment published at 72 FR 1861, an. 16,2007 "Noperson may ist an apr as an atemate aipot inte spac tight release utes the appropriate weaher epotsoforeeass, or any ombiaton hare, indicate athe weather conditions wibeator above ‘heatmato weather minimums spocfedin tho catia holders ‘operations specteatons for tal ampor when he tight aves, Home Question 2790 Remaining: 50 bone Sees operating ovr an ihe rs. Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next : ‘> 0% explanation ‘Seo paragraph) n 14 CFR 121.383 which reads: 121.353 Emergency equipmentor operations over uninhabtedtertan seas: Fag, supplemental andcartain domestic operations. Unies ihe aplane ns the following equipment. no person may conduct & ‘lager supplemental opetaien ora domestic operation wshin Be States of ‘asa orHawaioveran uinhabtedarea or anyother areata ns ‘operations specfeatons) he Adminsatorepenfesrequred equipment for Search and rescue ease on emergency (2) Sutabie yroechnicsgnaing devons (@) An approved sures type emergency actor ransmiter. Bates used inthis vansmitermusibe replaced (orrecharge eben is rechargeable) when te transmiterhasboon musofor more than 1 Cumulative hur or when 60 percatof tor useful orfor rechargeable ‘atlees, 50 percent of he Useful if of charge) has expired, 38 stablishod by be tansmiter manufacturer undorits approval. Tene ‘xpraon dato for replacing (orrechargng} the batory must be logy ‘marked onthe cusdeofthaanomter Theater use or uefa ‘ofcharg) requirements of is paragraph donot apy o batteries (such as ator actvaosbatires) hat are essonsaly unafocod during probable ‘Storage nora (6) Enough survival kts, appropriately equiped forthe route tobe own for ‘henumber of occupants ofthe alan. Home Question: 2807 Remaining: 48 Per. CER Pat 2 you may notin gh with 2 pt ihren the toa gn tenet eee 13ers, Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question : 108 explanation ‘See 14CFR 17.11 which read: 117.11 Fight ie tation, (a) No cereale holder may schedule and no ight member may acco nassignment orconinue an assigned fight dy prod theo ight (1) ¥loxcos ho its specifodin Table ofthis partite operations ‘ondicted wth he minum required figherew (2) Wexcoed 1S hour the operatianis conducted wth ap ighten (@)¥oxcoed 17 hours the poratonis conduct wth a4 plot ighcrew (@)ifunoreseenoperatonalctcumstances arse ater akeo tha are beyond the corfcatohoder’s cont afighterew merbor may exceed he ‘masamu fight be spected in paragraph aot secon and tbe Cumulative fight me imtsin11723( ote extent necessary safely landthe acraftattenext destination apo or alomato, as pprepria. 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