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Home Question: 875 Remaining: 18 ra would ale the plo 2 wansienrtermitet compressor tal? Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Engines explanation ‘See Aerodynamics for Nava Aviators NAVWEPS O0-G0T-60, Chaper 2 vain road fan excessive pressure ies equi through he compressor stallmay ‘our wih te attendant oresdoun of stable, steady flow though the Compressor As sat occurs, the pressure se drops adhe compressor oes ol funsh ascharge a pressure equal tothe combustion chamber pressure. As result alow revorsalorbackretakes pace. eas transient and interment heindeaton willbe theintemitent "Bang at ‘ake anew reversal ake lace. he sal dovlops ara becomes ‘steady ston viraon anda ud (an possibly expensive) roar develons {rom the continuous ow reversal Th ineoassin compress power raquredtonds toreduce RPMand the reducodariow andincreased ual flow cause epi, nmadiate ras in exhaust ges temperate, The possibly cof damageis immediate wit the steady sal and covery ust be ‘accomplished quick by redueng trot song lowering he aplane langle of tack. and increasing arspeed. Genera he compressor ta {caused by one oa combinaten ofthe foloaing tems {@)Amafuncionng foo controlar governing apparatusisa common ‘cause. Proper maintenance and adjustments anecessty for sal-re6 ‘operation. Themallurctoningls mostubualy apparent during engine seeetraton, {(©)Poor int condons are typical athigh angles ofattack and stesip. ‘These canons reduce ne ow and create nononform flow condlons the compressa face, Of course, these condtona are althe mmedate onl ofthe pit. {6)\oryhighattusefightpreduces iow compressor Reynolds umber ndan afect smiarto haf afolssctons. a decrease ow Reynoids ‘humbersreduces the secon amas, very high aliudes reduce the ‘maximum pressure ra fhe compressor, Thereduce sll margins Increase the ikelnod of compressor tal. Home Question: 876 Remaining: 13 1) tong iran and id se Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Engines explanation ‘See FAAH-8089:250,page 7-24, hich in partroads ‘Compressor sas can betransient and itemitent or steady and severe. Indeations ofa ransintintorsitetstalare usualy an inlrmitent "bang {sbecktro and flow revreltak place. Ite stl develops andbocomes “Steady song vraton and aloud arma develop rome contnuous ‘ow reversal. Oe, height deck gauges Uo nol show amido ansion tal bu they donate a developed tal. Typical nrumentineatons Include ctuasonsinrpm and an increase m exhaust gas temperature ‘Most ansenstals ae notharmlltothe engine and een correct themselves ater one of wo pulsations. The possibility of severe engine damage roma stacy state tal simmosate, Recovery mustbe ‘complished by quick) reducing power, decreasing the acra's AOA. and Ineresing airspeed. Home Question: 885 Remaining: 12 teat arerate ‘Armadale round contac, Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Engines explanation ‘Seo FAAH-8083-30 page 16-11 which reads Reverse thustls mote flectve atigh speedthan tow speed, For ‘maximum reverse test eficeey, th iol should us ita soon ass rudentater touchdown. The pol shoud remombor hatsomoaiplanes| {ond pic noseup when reverse selected on landing andthseflect pariculry wen combined with Brenase-ap pic elect em the pote, an cause the aiplanoto eave tho ground again momentary, On ese ‘ypos the aplane shouldbe fm on te greundath he nose-whool down etre reverse seeced. Other types ofarpianes have nochange ch, andtevorae idle maybe selected ater the main goats down andere the noso-wheelis down. Since reverse trusimay affect drectonal cont, runway surface conatons (9, contamination), actor niotheuse of ‘reverse tivust Specie precedures orreverse ust operation or ariculrapanelongine combination ae contained inthe FAK approved ‘AFMfortnat airplane Home Engines Question 2408 Remaining: 1 explanation How ae bine engines css? ‘See FAAH-8089-258, Page 7-20, whichroads: ‘Types otTubine Engines cy Thepath the srtakes teu the engine ad athe powers prosicd ‘The pate ar tkes tough he engine and how powers produced doletmnes he ype of engine, There are tour iypes of aera ture engines ‘turbojet tuoprep turbofan andturbosha. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Engines Question 2887 Remaining: 10 explanation Aono stat etubine gine caused by ‘See FAAH-8089:250, page 7-29, hich in partroads ‘Tubing Engine HotHung Stat \Whon he GT exceeds tho sao iit ofanarcraft itexparencosa hot stat his caused by too much fuel entering the combustion chambat ot Cy teomueh usin the eomaurton chante insuftent turbine fom Avy tne an engine has aot stat relerto the [AEMIPOH or an appropatemantenance manvalforinspecon| requirement tne engine fails o accelerate tthe proper speed aerignitton or des not accelerate idle pm, ung orale strthascecured. hung start may Secaused by aninsutlontsaring power scuce ofl canta! ‘mattincton Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Engines Question: 2536 Remaining: 9 explanation han erase in attusein a ojet erat what happens tere ‘Seo FAAH-8083-36 pogo 16-4 which reads thtlonywnrosr ofl a A — Jet Engine EMcieney ‘temperate decreases fo costant engine pm andre speed (TAS) “Thus. by ying ata high atts, he aane operates wth improved tel economy and speed At igh atiices, engines maybe operating cloes 0 ‘mor tarperture limts, and excess tts may actbeavaable ‘Therefore, pts should accompli al manevering win te bits of avalabi tut slabaty, and eno. Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Engines Question: 2590 Remaining: 8 explanation ‘ais the Nt nseation tubing powered engine? ‘Seo FAA+H-8083-258, pogo 7-28, hich reads: [Nt reprosonsthe rotational speedotthelow pressure compressor and it presen on the ndcator asa perconlag of eign rpm. Ato start, the [peed fh low pressure compressor le govered by tha urine whee ‘The! tune heels conected to thelow pressure compressor hvough aconcentie sat Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Engines Question: 2591 Remaining: 7 explanation ‘asthe N2rseaton in atutine-ponees engine? ‘Seo FAA+H-8083-258, pogo 7-28, hich reads: 1) Therottna sped forthe ah pressure coneesso Nzindeatr [N2reprosons the rotational speedotthehigh pressure compressor ands preceniod on teindcatr as a porcontage of design rm The high prossure Compressors govered bythe NZturine wheel Te NZturne wheats connected to the high pressure compressor tough a concent shat Back Font size Next Mack Question sump to Question Go Home Question 2657 Remaining: 6 ya ameout, Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Engines explanation ‘Seo FAAH-8083-258, pogo 7-24 which reads Flameout ‘Aflameout ecu inthe operaton of gas turbine enginein ‘which thofreinho ongine unintentional goos out tho ‘him hefust- arate s exceeded inthe combustion chamber, te are wil woul. This conditon ston ‘eter aa ich aoc. geneal results rom aet engine acalration here an avery ich mate ‘causes the ful temperature to drop below the combustion temperature. ay also be caused by insult iow to suppor conuston Home Question: 2761 2 oot ato int the composer cton Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Remaining: Next Engines explanation ‘Seo FAA+H-8083-258, pogo 7-28, hich reads: ‘compressor Stas Compressorblados ar smal aii ond are sbjectiothe same ‘rodynamic prinples that ppl to any afl, Acompressor blades an ‘AOA hala resu inlet a veloc and the compressors olaonl ‘ood These wo ores combine to fom avetr, wich defines ho {rfe'sacual ADA othe appreachng ita. ‘Comparison ofnomal and distorted aowino he compressor secon [Acompressor sali an imbalance between he wa vector quanto, net ‘oat and compressor tational speed. Compressor sil cut when ‘he compressorbiades AOA exceeds the criiea AON Alt point, seat ‘rows teres and trblence ie rested wih pressure hucuatons. ‘Compressor sials cause Bowing in th compressor slowdown and Sagnate, sometimes reversing dvecton. Compressorstalls can be ansiont and ition or stand and savers Indestons ofa translrWineritant tal are usualy an itrmitent "bang beck and ow revrsltake plac. esta develops andbecomes ‘tad ston vibration and aloud roar may develop fromthe continuous ‘iw reversal Oe, height deck gauges donot show amid or tansiont sta buteyooindcat a developed stl, Typical nstrumentindcatons Ince tuctuatons in epm and an increase m exhaust gas enperatre ‘Most ransentstalle ae nctharmfl tothe engine andoten correct themselves ater one orwo pulsations. The possi of severe engine damage roma steady state tal simmedate, Recovery mustbe accomplished by uch) redueng power, decreasing the ara's AOR, and increasing airspeed. Home Question: 2078 Remaining: 4 1 tern bang at backs and low evra ee Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Engines explanation ‘See Aerodynamics for Nava Aviators NAVWEPS O0-G0T-60, Chaper 2 vain road fan excessive pressure ies equi through he compressor stallmay ‘our wih te attendant oresdoun of stable, steady flow though the Compressor As sat occurs, the pressure se drops adhe compressor oes ol funsh ascharge a pressure equal tothe combustion chamber pressure. As result alow revorsalorbackretakes pace. eas transient and interment heindeaton willbe theintemitent "Bang at ‘ake anew reversal ake lace. he sal dovlops ara becomes ‘steady ston viraon anda ud (an possibly expensive) roar develons {rom the continuous ow reversal Th ineoassin compress power raquredtonds toreduce RPMand the reducodariow andincreased ual flow cause epi, nmadiate ras in exhaust ges temperate, The possibly cof damageis immediate wit the steady sal and covery ust be ‘accomplished quick by redueng trot song lowering he aplane langle of tack. and increasing arspeed. Genera he compressor ta {caused by one oa combinaten ofthe foloaing tems {@)Amafuncionng foo controlar governing apparatusisa common ‘cause. Proper maintenance and adjustments anecessty for sal-re6 ‘operation. Themallurctoningls mostubualy apparent during engine seeetraton, {(©)Poor int condons are typical athigh angles ofattack and stesip. ‘These canons reduce ne ow and create nononform flow condlons the compressa face, Of course, these condtona are althe mmedate onl ofthe pit. {6)\oryhighattusefightpreduces iow compressor Reynolds umber ndan afect smiarto haf afolssctons. a decrease ow Reynoids ‘humbersreduces the secon amas, very high aliudes reduce the ‘maximum pressure ra fhe compressor, Thereduce sll margins Increase the ikelnod of compressor tal. Home Question: 3050 reticent string pont oul cotelmatnetin Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Engines explanation ‘Seo FAAH-8088-258, ago 7-28 which reads ‘Tubing Engine HotHung Stat \Whon he GT exceeds tho sao iit ofan aircraft iexpaencosa hot stat” Thais caused by oo much fue entering the combustion chamber or Insuftient turbine pm Ary tne an engines aol star eer tothe [AFMIPOH or an appropatemantenanco manvalfrinspecton requirement tne engine fails o accelerate tthe proper speed aerignitton or des not accelerate tile pm hung orale strthascecured. hung start may ‘ecaused by an suficint starting power source orl contol malfunction. Home Engines Question: 3053, Remaining: 2 explanation Ina tubio engine, what weld aus a campressr tt? ‘Seo FAA+H-8083-258, pogo 7-28, hich reads: 1) Compressor ades hae ceeded he te! OK, ‘compressor Stas Compressorblados ar smal aii ond are sbjectiothe same ‘rodynamic prinples that ppl to any afl, Acompressor blades an ‘AOA hala resu inlet a veloc and the compressors olaonl ‘ood These wo ores combine to fom avetr, wich defines ho {rfe'sacual ADA othe appreachng ita. ‘Comparison ofnomal and distorted aowino he compressor secon [Acompressor sali an imbalance between he wa vector quanto, net ‘oat and compressor tational speed. Compressor sil cut when ‘he compressorbiades AOA exceeds the criiea AON Alt point, seat ‘rows teres and trblence ie rested wih pressure hucuatons. ‘Compressor sials cause Bowing in th compressor slowdown and Sagnate, sometimes reversing dvecton. Compressorstalls can be ansiont and ition or stand and savers Indestons ofa translrWineritant tal are usualy an itrmitent "bang beck and ow revrsltake plac. esta develops andbecomes ‘tad ston vibration and aloud roar may develop fromthe continuous ‘iw reversal Oe, height deck gauges donot show amid or tansiont sta buteyooindcat a developed stl, Typical nstrumentindcatons Ince tuctuatons in epm and an increase m exhaust gas enperatre ‘Most ransentstalle ae nctharmfl tothe engine andoten correct themselves ater one orwo pulsations. The possi of severe engine damage roma steady state tal simmedate, Recovery mustbe accomplished by uch) redueng power, decreasing the ara's AOR, and Back Font Size Next | ereasngarspeed, Mack Question sump to Question Go Home (Question: 3080 Remaining: 1 A) Reuco poner oreo RPM Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Next Engines explanation ‘Seo FAAH-8083-258, pogo 7-24, hich roads: ‘Compressor sas can betransient and itemitent or steady and severe. Indeations ofa ransintintorsitetstalare usualy an inlrmitent "bang {sbecktro and flow revreltak place. Ite stl develops andbocomes “Steady song vraton and aloud arma develop rome contnuous ‘ow reversal. Oe, height deck gauges Uo nol show amido ansion tal bu they donate a developed tal. Typical nrumentineatons Include ctuasonsinrpm and an increase m exhaust gas temperature ‘Most ansenstals ae notharmlltothe engine and een correct themselves ater one of wo pulsations. The possibility of severe engine damage roma stacy state tal simmosate, Recovery mustbe ‘complished by quick) reducing power, decreasing the acra's AOA. and Ineresing airspeed. ‘See also Aerodynamics or Naval Aviators ‘Reduce the tte toreduce the volume fallow tute engin, decrease ‘hearcraM ADA\e ensure smooth aiflow inthe engine rake, and then ‘vance th thot. Home Question 3173 Remaining: 0 ‘imum etches 18) soon se nos ea toehes down Back Font size Mack Question sump to Question Engines explanation ‘Seo FAAH-8083-30 page 16-11 which reads Reverse thustls mote flectve atigh speedthan tow speed, For ‘maximum reverse test eficeey, th iol should us ita soon ass rudentater touchdown. The pol shoud remombor hatsomoaiplanes| {ond pic noseup when reverse selected on landing andthseflect pariculry wen combined with Brenase-ap pic elect em the pote, an cause the aiplanoto eave tho ground again momentary, On ese ‘ypos the aplane shouldbe fm on te greundath he nose-whool down etre reverse seeced. Other types ofarpianes have nochange ch, andtevorae idle maybe selected ater the main goats down andere the noso-wheelis down. Since reverse trusimay affect drectonal cont, runway surface conatons (9, contamination), actor niotheuse of ‘reverse tivust Specie precedures orreverse ust operation or ariculrapanelongine combination ae contained inthe FAK approved ‘AFMfortnat airplane

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