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Example I

1 Patients arrive at a clinic with one doctor in a poisson fashion

with mean inter-arrival time 10 min. The examination time of
patients is assumed to be distributed exponentially with mean
8 min. Find Ls , Lq , Ws , Wq . Also find the percentage of time
the doctor is busy and the probability that a patient has to
1 Find how much the arrival rate should increase so that the
waiting time before doctor examines the patient becomes 1
Ans: Ls = 4, Lq = 3.2, Ws = 40 min, Wq = 32 min
2 Consider a public telephone booth where average interval time
is 10 min between 2 arrivals. Call length is distributed
exponentially with mean 3 min. determine the probability that
person arriving the booth has to wait? Ans: 10
1 what is the average length of queue that forms from time to
time? Ans: 107
Example II
2 telephone department will install a second booth when
convinced that an arrival will have to wait at least 3 min for
the phone to be free. By how much the flow of arrivals be
increased in order to justify a second booth. Ans: Increase of
3 fraction of a day when phone will be in use. Ans: 10
4 average number of units in the system. Ans: 7
5 Probability that it would take an arrival more than 10 minutes
to wait for his turn. Ans: .03
3 12
6 Probability the queue size exceeds 10. Ans: ( 10 )
3 A bank has only one typist since the typing work varies in
length the typing rate is randomly distributed approximating a
poisson dist with mean service rate of 8 letters per hour. the
arrival rate is 5 per hour for an eight hour working day. If the
typewriter is valued at Rs 1.50 per hour, determine
1 equipment utilization Ans: 58
2 percentage of time that an arriving letter has to wait. Ans:
Example III

3 average system time Ans: 35

4 average cost due to waiting on the part of typewriter i.e. it is
remaining idle. Ans: Rs. 4.5
4 A repairman is to be hired to repair machines which
breakdowns at an average rate of 3 per hour. the breakdown
follow poisson distribution. Non-productive time of a machine
is considered to cost Rs. 16 per hour. 2 repairman have been
interviewed, one is slow but economic, while the other is fast
but expansive. The slow repairman charges Rs. 8 per hour
and he services broken down machines at the rate of 4 per
hour. The fast repairman demands Rs. 15 per hour and he
services at an average rate of 6 per hour. which repairman
should be hired. Ans: Fast Repairman
Example IV
5 In a railway marshalling yard, goods trains arrive at a rate of
30 trains per day. Assuming that the inter-arrival time follows
an exponential distribution and the service time distribution is
also exponential with an average 36 minutes. Calculate the
1 The average number of trains in the queue. Ans: 3
2 The probability that the queue size exceeds 10. Ans: 0.7512
3 If the input of trains increases to an average 33 per day, what
will be change in 1 and 2? Ans: Ls = 5 Trains, p = 0.8412
6 A warehouse has only one loading dock manned by a three
person crew. Trucks arrive at the loading dock at an average
rate of 4 trucks per hour and the arrival rate is Poisson
distributed. The loading of a truck takes 10 minutes on an
average and can be assumed to be exponentially distributed.
The operating cost of a truck is $20 per hour and the
members of the loading crew are paid $6 each per hour.
Example V

Would you advise the truck owner to add another crew of

three persons? Ans: Another Crew should be added
Multi-Server Queueing Systems
λ → mean arrival rate µ → mean service rate per server
p0 = s−1
X (λ/µ)n (λ/µ)s 1
n! s! 1 − (λ/sµ)

n! p0 0≤n≤s
pn = (λ/µ)n
s!sn−s p0 n≥s

Lq = ss!(1−(λ/sµ))2 p0
Wq = λ1 Lq Ws = Wq + 1/µ
Ls = Lq + λ/µ
Example I
1 Consider the two departments of an educational institute, arts
and sciences. Both the departments have one typist available
for 6 hours daily. They are equally efficient in typing the
letters and posses the same service rate of 20 letters per day.
Letters do arrive at the rate of 15 per day to both the
departments. Calculate the expected waiting time, before its
typing starts, for each letter reached to the respective
department. Ans: 20 Days
1 Further, the two typists started sitting at one place and
attending the letters irrespective of the departments, what
would be the new waiting time for each letter in the system?
Ans: p0 = 17 , Lq = 1427 9
, Wq = 140 Days
2 Later, the arrival rate of letters for the arts department remains
the same as before but for the sciences department it is
reduced to 10 letters per day. Calculate the new waiting time
in both the cases i.e. when typists sit individually and when
they sit at one place and attend letters from any department.
Example II
2 A tax consulting firm has four service stations(counters) in its
office to receive people who have problems and complaints
about their income, wealth and sales taxes. Arrivals average
100 persons in a 10-hour service day. Each tax adviser spends
an irregular amount of time servicing the arrivals which have
been found to have an exponential distribution. The average
service time is 20 minutes. Calculate: Ans: p0 = 0.0208 Days
1 the average number of customers in the system, Ans:
Ls = 6.567
2 average number of customers waiting to be served, Ans:
Lq = 3.234 Days
3 average time a customer spends in the system, Ans: 0.6567
4 average time a customer waits for the service. Ans:
Wq = 0.3234 hours

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