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2023-2024 Academic Year

Time Allowed (2) Hours


1. state TRUE or FALSE to the following statements. Do not copy the statements. (10) marks

i. Antagonist and agonist skeletal muscles often occur in pairS, called antagonists
ii. There are about 750 skeletal muscles in the human.
iii. All green plants use energy from the sun to make their own food is known as
chemosynthetic nutrition.
iv. Plants get the materials required for photosynthesis from their environment.
v. Macronutrients that provide energy include fibres and water.
vii. Drinking enough water is important for health.
vi. Minerals play an important role in growth, bone and muscle health and other
vii. Hydra has an asexual method of reproduction called fragmentation.
ix. Chromosome is an organized package of DNA found in nucleus of the cell.
x. In humans, there are 46 chromosomes in each cell.

2. Complete the following statements. Do not copy the statements. (10) marks

i. Pectoral fins are used to ___ in the fish.

ii Fish have a streamlined body shape for ___ in water to reduce function.
iii. Animals, ___ on other organisms for their food.
iv. the process of photosynthesis takes place in the green ___ of a plant.
v. Chlorophyll in green plants is ___ on stacks of membrane in the chloroplast.
vi. The liver produces bile into the gallbladder and ___ in human.
vii. An adult human has a lot of 32 ___ teeth.
viii. A new individual produced from a single ___ without involving the sex cell is called asexual
ix. Inheritance is the ___ of genetic information from generation to generation.
x. Two different types of cell division in ___ are mitosis and meiosis.

3. Choose the correct answer for the following statements. Do not copy the
statements. (10) marks

i. Plants require essential elements are C,H and O are derived from the ___
(A. soil B. atmosphere C. water D. Sun).
ii. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll that transfers light energy into ___ (A. electrical B.
mechanical C. physical D. chemical) energy.
iii. In ___ (A. parasitic B. autotrophic C. holozoic D. saprophytic) organism obtain nutrients by
living on (or) in the body of the host.
iv. Where does mechanical digestion of food? (A. ileum B. oesophagus C. mouth
D. colon).
v. Amino acids in the cells are built up, with the aid of enzymes, into ___. (A. hormone B.
proteins C. energy D. food)
vi. Rose, sugarcane, and cactus are grown by ___ (A. cutting B. grafting C. layering D. budding)
in vegetative propagation of plants.
vii. After ___ (A. 260 B. 270 C. 280 D. 290) days of conception which is about
nine months, an embryo grows into a foetus and then a baby is born, in human.
viii. Each chromosome is made up of DNA and ___ (A. oils B. fats C. proteins D.
ix. In mouse body cells, each contains, ___ (A.14 B. 40 C. 42 D. 46) chromosomes.
x. Gene is a length of DNA, which consists of a specific sequence of ___
(A. nucleolus B. nucleus C. nuclei D. nucleotieds).

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