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€t $dPt&d ob *g d alxd od a * fi 3 alD dd d iJa a d d)g 6 abd'6 d d)
2019 $E"dgt$etd

-t ...;:r r' t.....u. l dd4d&d
;cadraddHDd (dgdIID

,!$on: Il tlooii*b
Ado$io#ed:366 lo$aodfi*b: 1o0

1. #oe{ o-gdcrJa;d dodde a{ {U*Jgdo::O- edDqd eeda) doodrd cdEE artD draen&d {lo,lridc e{ai -!,dfdc
rng)dorlst dori:uodo- &dJ soqd 6ado$O- $)qdtDndd ed€ getdo$ {nrar {d. d$d o3ooazi
zJdei oeor, drad,,3{d".
2. . (,CdeForD 4d4 d96o$ gerdq$r, d*o eNgd e€o$o- dDBd-an&d ode 4dFgro$ get or.rDn$dde
ooar:dd> o?!ddan*6cJ3ed). d6aFTiqt dod)rrodo.' ioae$dd d$dB* c&d$ $+ 4 Flro$ 9es6or$ 3E$d
drdod)d /rrdc\ d, dS.loi-Fd d)$ ?-.oo.€d.erDtd a€o$O $)qdsn$dg$do$ d9 to$dc
draeodr6 ioa5"I

ddFqLdn&&d dddgdo$ aiddcj-e

d$Ja6rded). 4d* 6&do$o-rJcd $ddqDdooeadd.

d{ 4 <O&6
pdldneodrJ noalo$Q

r0o 4rJlcs"a.srtJaoa$ld. {,eohod: {d",oJ:: 4 d.ggob?iddi(s,rrQdridd:) udzioo6&qd. aed erDqd
oadcS:O_ rbd:dr dradded&Jod oruQa*d1 u*:. *Edrag. Locb Jed (,O_ ?-odE6od drqJoorad w{ddedc3ccd:
&ed @ar,dd e*ri ei*dq*d0iDd e,.uQddo rbd:d: dJ)a. ode eddn {e {d;i oe{ dedo rod: eo{ddQ dJE$
erol.: d>dzjed:.

5. ase vuQdrlsldl ?-dRierDR&d qldred erudd aa$cj: d:ed iedc.r dq (9da o(o saooJo$
tJacr.Do5or!6 dqdo-dDg rO&Eb dDdrJc$. z..oo.erd. soqd dgd 6Ddc$OjJ addDd i,e?3ddd$*ri*eiDd)d.
6. aeri_ ddJlgzi id>d erodddJ. aoa-4wn etuqoao. red rlgi,rd z.uod uodridc eed sDqd dgd 6nSo$O_ rbdcdr
dJ)d)d iooirid wQdzid noa{o$dldrDg sdor,$qd.
7. r34 doiaDrR aaddcHl $d" d&dc$ eedclo_iroieDnd. 4d.d1d$ qd{ed o$ad Anddo_o$ra &ed clDd orcc$
8. doef,o$ d))eobddl ioeiiod ceo,gub rlon3 goo:,d dpirade erDqd dgi aadoJ.:O- eoapde r{:d:dr
d))d)dd$ cojirje$. iooedddr r.:cd: &d:oO;id en:Qd oado$d: Jdl 3dE6 ddcbAeocl: eldj.
driddra$dddrira pdg odg uJddO-o$ e *esd31$..
9 ?eo(qDdo$O.6qd. id"d $dgfCo_noded erDotrrdd, do$a8J eod?rDdo$ 4r"irlCd'r
Erj'i$ dd.{d;b+ d*o$dd).
Er"dgio$ ddjdCq,orJaddc,taoder edsJ6 sorlCDdo$ 4r;Sc eo3$snrbgd.
ojDdde oc.lo$ drrLtre, 8ac , 66cfqdetjd $* qgd ocSo$ Ddr*)#/d*Jodorrdd hcdrl$ es6ade& docsi
ieoeid arddrod.odil d$dd$ ndeQnd.

Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the back cover of this booklet.

366 (1-A)
1 obod aooeg ddddr" b.
nc.a"ol) d:odcldo
ider aod dnf

(1) $Q {ad eOe.t

dulgeOoJc*" (1) 6'5'C/1000 m

Q) AdQeo$ r!ea" $d; erudl Q) 6'5'C/100 m

(3) duigeOolratf d:d; veiooeoaef (3) 6'5 IV1000 m

(4) du3geOolratf d:Q 9d: uoad (4) 6'5 IV100 m

., ohd;&
draeJJ@e.ood ddo$ead&. ? 6. dneo @dqd3 derol>
(1) AIoJoJ%6?dJoerd:dst (1) sodcr. d)eeje/o. e:z3idra

(2) aJer e.rdeorld: (2) eodd deo$ aidso

(3) J.q^^.J. !-J.J
.nV f \-AJJ C-.\JO\J\J{,
(3) ereiooeldoeaf c)

(4) 6ioo.lneO:,x"
(4) rt#r.o"
7- ol>d dOder:
ero rlsdoood rlod
o dOdeD
3. q:a dddo_x eario e o qadrddya."lxdl. t o- .-r*, ,

(1) (99lJ!, {.J!ic^,1 (1) dedeo"

Q) razirt, oE&eo$ eruoa"d dd Q) ooeddoetr

(3) 0eeR0 (3) e.iotrodroe

(4) dDdE (q dCDoolla

4. dr geioJD doaaodd sdd er$"dd: 8. id>oaodda'ad addr aaqrldc $tuotud

eruoaddd dla>odd erooeorbd dedd

(1) &F6a.l
(1) otr:dsdd

(2) (2) dinrd.aemd:

(3) gJsozr,) (3) {dqJodaod droa&d edr?.droa)

(4) sdd (q ddrdrid vdo

Jbb (2-A)
1. Which of the following are excluded from l) Normal lapse rate in the atmosphere is
(1) 6'5"C per 1000 m
(1) Petroleum and Biogas
(2) 6'5'C per 100 m
(2) Medicinal gxade and Common salt
(3) 6'5 Kper 1000 m
(3) Petroleum and Alcohol
@) 6'5 K per 100 m
(4) Petroleum and Milk food for babies

6. Doldrums is a zone of
2. Which of the following is zot derived from
Cholesterol ? (1) Intertropical convergence

(1) Steroid hormones (2) Intertropicgl divergence

(2) Bile salts . (3) Local winds

(3) Aldosterone (4\ Frontolysis

(4) Glucagon
7 Which of the following coal-fields is the
Iargest coal producer in India ?
3. In India, the first biosphere reserve was
established in (1) Talcher
(1) Nanda Devi (2) Raniganj
(2) Corbett National Park (3) Bokaro
(3) Nilgiri (4) Jharia
(4) Manas
8. A valley formed by f[6 sinking of ground
4. Which of the following rocks is the best between two almost parallel faults is
example for metamorphic rock ? called

(1) Schist (1) Rift valley

Q\ Basalt (2) Escarpment

(3) Quartz (3) Horst
(4) Mica (4) Block mountain

366 (3-A)
9. aao$ d>odod erdrod ddddd 13. aco$ feop itue ?pdddO_d?JdolDdd*
(1) crolDd) rtrDee .add iouo6

Q) d:inedoee.l (1) dodioOadd

(3) {drioeer (2) deor-oio de.:od:
(4) oSge{perioee.r (3) dozcoJ:d oar
(4) aadrai&d deo$ eruq$dst)
oo dflrl*t edo o d,$ qdaie.,drqd
(1) pdd addeo.S

(2\ epdddna:ef, 14. do?EDoqoDs ut'o:.rd

(3) pddd qlorlqJr ntug adeoa.edd
oloerdo$d).( A+adir>
(4) edm, iodoe$oa 3o{ c^IJsr(^9(JcJ(JJ

(1) ue.:dodoaoJf d)q itue

11. qlDddd o":$ob er6ao$ dJaaodd dode.: (2) abdedraox'Jtu,g
(3) edoer d>q irue
(1) A.t.erd.A. (DEJ6

6. \\ Mt .G.ta
(4) nEqe, itue

(3) odr. d.oeaod oa"

(4) ddrdlodoa"
16. (,e d,lF adddl wdorerldO-
droean:,drooadpJ, erdd {t draddoi)
rz. q:adddO_ eqeob 0e.3 doalodd: ledood "ae.:-d ulraa{dond"d, erd:
,u9qJG.r.r a

(1) a1r&dDd od:dqeti

(1) oine83E! eJo}red
(2) aqeo$ ero3rDerl
(D t3$olD e$dorerl

(3) draaolr: Jz3aDC,o$ (3) saogd e&dged

@) erd.E.oc. t4t drd*)zsd e&dnred

366 (4-A)
9. The lowest layer of the atmosphere is 13. Vijay Kelkar Committee in India

(1) is related to

e) Mesosphere (1) Tax Reforms

(3) Stratosphere (2) Financial Sector

@) Ttoposphere (3) Panchayati Raj

10. lhe topographical maps are prepared by @) Public Sector Enterprises


(1) Census of India

(2) Survey of India

14. Decentralized planning on the basis of
Panchayati Raj Institutions was
(3) Geological Survey of India
recommended by
(4) Forest Research Institute
(1) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

11. The first scientific attempt to measure (2) Mahalanobis Committee

the national income of India was made by
(3) Ashok Mehta Committee
(1) V.ICR.V. Rao
@) Gadgil Committee
(2) Abdul Aziz

(3) M. Govinda Rao

(4\ Hanumantha Rao 16. When a very large number of people are
employed but their actual contribution is
12. In India, which one among the following either marginal or negative, it is
formulates the fiscal policy ?
(1) Seasonalunemplo;,'rnent
( 1) Planning Commission
(2) Cyclicalunemployment
(2) Finance Commission
(3) Technologicalunemplo5rment
(3) Ministry of Finance

(4) (4) Disguisedunemploy.rnent


366 (5-A)
16. d&d dDdd eredoo ior3roddO_ 18. ddnd oaarrldO- o$Ddd edrod
(dz.f .4.6c. ) 9(eodd: v$olld aqDdd) ddoeddeadodpa Rd)d oDz3d ?

(1) il}drue ureD oDeosDeod) 1

(1) doolnea
dobid xadddo$ : (2) d:d, $ded
3 *+
eruQd {,ded
(2) il9dtud @en @sDerr.9o$

do:ridxadddo::1 (4) dometr


(3) 25 ddrdo d>ee*,r: dod:np ioaio 19. "OeeRo dt.lddo" aosad BilDorl
sEeD gdsad ddrrlct d>Q uadrl oJDddr ?

iedd dolodDdd drddd, ddt (1) doed

dea6EdQo$o_ ddo$o_&d &oef,d
e) a;dd
uoero Sdead
(3) doea^l
(4) iooio saen 9f,eod ddrrl$ oadn
(4) q&erl
agda:+ drd; :6\.s 9


rz. ddr deal (r,E&6. sa' r,6{d) aad: zo. 3oi.$d odd: e6deddrld dd:ad eodd

doerld ded hod d?JdcDnd&.


(1) (1) aouD Sorlci)

(2) AobIEJo
(2) eJ& gorid)

(3) (3) aJDe,::d.BoddJ


(4) d>8^dJoe
(4) drod:,3ozlei>

366 (6-A)
16. The education is measured in the present 18. Among the following, which State is the

Human Development Index ([IDI), by most urbanized ?

(1) lra of primary school enrolment (1) Haryana

,rrd of adolt literacy (2) Madhya Pradesh

] "a

e) of p"i-u.y school enrolment (3) Uttar Pradesh

J "u
and of ailult literacy (4)
] "a Punjab

(3) Mean years of schooling for adults

19. Which is the community zol seen in
aged 25 years and expected years of
"Nilgiri Hills" ?
schooling for children of school

entering age (1) Toda

(4) Mean years of schoolirg and O) Badaga

primary, secondary school

(3) Kota
(4) Eruliga

17. The TYopic of Cancer does zof pass 20. The gap between two sessions of
through Parliarnent should zot exceed

(1) Thailand (1) eight months

(2) Vietnam (2) six months

(3) Myanmar (3) four months

(4) Mexico (4) three months

366 ( 7-A)
2r. fdnddrlCdl ioo$ad eDQd uo3t$na zs. e{drdolr: eio{Caad ood: Soeal,l,drd
dtroatuo OCrcr.rJ

dur dts il (1) r7

A. (9c?reX6 erf I ,l.oo qeDeJodJ
(2) 74
ryt4rllp itu,g caoTi

B. so3roerl II.
ioi,gd aoi,3e
(3) 29

ia).9 (4) 32

c. a:Id)e$:itus III. ge{dog6a

24. d:dy &eOii e3roAd dard, d.ttsd
D. ADddd zgddra3 w. etnediqlol>
0o$* olDd& ?
(1) do
iodedrlC iaao!6od io wQddddleroxr :
(D ax-g
ABC D (3)^e

.(1) IV III I II (4) otJ6J

(3) II IIITVI 25. oac, iqi d.e0QiDd)d)
(1) qrEddd $d7iCr
(2) q:addd *b$o$d:
(s) qnddd oarddc

22. or%oeeo$ &derdd dqJdq dl

@) obddn erel-

ioaFrdood addw ddod^ed

(1) 26. erQrd drdrr doRAg +oeddri erdrod
(2\ ?ioidf (1) 29

(3) trgq (2) 360

(3) 352
(4) oejrod (4) 356

366 (8-A)
21. Match the following and select the code 23. Untouchability in any form has been
for the correct answer from the options declared as unconstitutional under
given below :
(1) Article 17
List I List II
(2) Article 14

A. Committee on I. Wingof (3) Article 29

Offices of Profit Ministry of
IIome Affairs (4) Article 32
B. NITI Aayog II. Joint
Committee of
Parliament 24. Which law protects children from sexual
C. Estimates IIL Premier Think harassment ?
Committee TarL
(1) I'ERA
D. Census of India fV. Committee of
Lok Sabha (2) ESMA

(4) TADA
(1) w ilI I u 25. Whom does the Rajya Sabha represent ?

(2) II ru I w (1) People oflndia

(3) il m IvI (2) Women of India
(3) States oflndia

(4) None ofthe above

22. We have borrowed the Directive
Principles of State policy from the
26. Financial Emergency can be declared
Constitution of
(1) England
(1) Article 29
(2) Japan (D Article 360
(3) France (3) Article 352
@) Ireland (4) Article 356

366 (s-A)
27. irrFoolrD ero3oedd; d3 ddanoR 31. ITaoQ-qarEr z.d.oddo ov
Jo ^d-J- .
ded:ddooddt n Co OcdO Crd

(1) mel, erodqed (1) t932

(2) deo{ - oa, iouo{ (2) 1931
(3) doid (3) 1930

(4) dt oJo{{p ere.:- (4) 1935

28. dr dCdod{ddO-ohdcb aodn

dadoeddo$ i$aOed 32. 6{ ddnd Do$d aOddCO_ oiDd)d)
didoeddohndOe_ ?
B,og@o wlinoa: dctderldooazi
(1) erx4 aarloedd iozoofr doo6e.:-?
(2) drJdt"inea:o$ Earloedd (1)
(3) iodleoojr oadoedd (2) oilroodo
(4) Ded dDrloedd (3) rlaad
(4) oJronr qo6oJ.Ja
Zg. "aadt^3r erod e6.g[.38o d]oe, qdr
?oao$E'd{dddb d?3&ddd)
(1) eJd.l. de 3s. 'iodd:'rabdrd feo{ ob$oand; ?

(2) dE rJsdr (1) drdrd.r

(3) oocozaojf dddne* (2) d{
@) droaagmoP (s) doto{pd
@) Eaod
30. d$d" '{-*4 ddd €s ?SCcdeoi

{dord dodd m*ddztooad:

34. 'dddttro'd+3o$&. olD& zsori doddr ?
(1) qsidad eidJde
(1) io pdrx" abfu
(2) ao3c"uod r3ttde (2) 6adF6 de*oq
(3) q:add zcos doern ddrde (3) erJdF uJ6r6Fa'JOf
(4) doo dner ddcde (4) c3>do eer-

366 (10-A)
27. Sarkaria Commission was formed to give 31. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was sigrred in
report on
(1) 1932
(1) Child labour
(2) 1931
(2) Centre - State relations
(3) 1930
(3) Environment
(4) 1935
(4) None ofthe above

28. Which of the following was not a

32. Which of the following journals wos not
associated with revolutionarv terrorism ?
contemporary of Indus Civilization ?

(1) (1) Sandhya


(2) (D Yugantar

(3) (3) Gadar


(4) (4) Young India

Greek Civilization

29. The author of "Pouerty and. Un-British 33. Which was the centre of 'Sangam
Rule in India" is literature' ?

(1) R.C. Dutt ( 1) Madurai

(2) Henry Cotton Q) Chennai
(3) Dadabhai Naoroji (3) Tanjore
(4) Mahatma Gandhi (4) Kanchi

3O. The famous 'Swarajist Party' was formed

after the failure of 34. Who introduced Ryotwari System ?

(1) Non-CooperationMovement (1) Sir Thomas Munro

e) Civil Disobedience Movement (D Warren Hastings

(3) Quit India Movement

(3) Lord Cornwallis

(4) Home RuIe Movement (4) None ofthe above

366 ( 11-A)
36. EFGHIJK OJr iOTCd Ir'UTSRQP (Jdd 39. €r {d*of:O- addl deeddgf "rdd:
LIMIT olr ioded eednrdrlst qdAI drQ II aodr destd
(1) KNRNC eednrdrl9O_ olDdd> 6rEFd aeDdaod

Q) JKOKG uo$. udd:" aoeoddlo deeE u{o:,

(3) RSTSG dod)bBcDo.
(4) ORNRG deed:

36. €s ndrdo$OJi dpood ioaJ, dod:aaou:o

a. de.:{ r.otiddc ddrbrl$lJ.

b. oiDd ddrb dnerdo$e .

(1) 1240
I. ded ddrbrl$ t otidst.
(2) 1260
II. de.:{ uoe3rlsb doeedride.:-
(3) 1380
(1) I d$og io
(4) L440 (2) n drDg io
az. a $Q a ?.re"jdolroR de*dd1 6 oddO_ (3) I eejJ II io
dr)ni?r%dr. a z.,u,de e, deridd) ro (4) I d){ II addn Jo
oddo_ d))ntudd a ado.,addo_
40. dReoa $aa,eRod eru{rd$n droeaadd,g
dDn,rlrJd)d: ?
uldo .ae.r- oeda da)eDRod wd .aoaod ;
(1) u adrld)
udd $aa${eruderer-' o$ad: ue aQd ?
(2) 10 6drlst) (1) dneoa
(3) 8 odrlc) (2) d)4,
(4) 15 adridr (3) d)ed
(4) druo
38. drgoJ:: soz, deddddl uaaddo roz, etdl
$dzDariri dd drrad d)ed . 12,ooo
4r. 20 riogd dDdoo$O_dDqliei s1.5. Ddd)

sru9od edd dedd odo ddJd aegdo$n 35 *4 se edf,JeoAdd

drai dradd)
(1) .20,000
e) - 25,000 (2)
(3) r 28,000 (3) 35.2
(4) 30,000 (4)
" 29.5

366 (12- A)
36. If EFGHIJK is coded as VUISRQP, then 89. In the following question, two statements
followed by the conclusions which are
LIMIT is coded as numbered I and II, are given. Select the
(1) answer which is obtained by logical
KNRNC method after assuming given statements.
(2) JKOKG Statem.ents :
(3) RSTSG a. Some camels are ships.

(4) ORNRG b. No ship is a boat.

Conclusions :
36. Find the missing number :

2, 4, 12, 48,240,
I. Some ships are camels.

(1) II. Some camels are not boats.

(1) Only I follows
(2) t260
(2) Only II follows
(3) 1380
(3) Either I or II follows
(4) 1440
(4) Both I and II follow
37. A and B together can complete a piece of
40 Nageena is taller than Pushpa but not as
work in 6 days. If A alone can complete tall as Manish. Reena is taller than
the same work in 10 days, in how many Namita but not as tall as Pushpa. Who
among them is the tallest ?
days can B alone complete the work ?
(1) Nageena
(1) 12 daYs
(2) Pushpa
(2) 10 daYs
(3) Manish
(3) 8 daYs
(4) Namita
(4) 15 days
41, Based on a sample of size 20, the mean
38. A person spends 30% of his salary on food value is 31'5. If two more observations,
and l|Vo on house rent. If he is left with 35 and 39, are added to the sample, then
a 12,000, what is his salary ? the new mean is
(1) r 20,000 (1) 35'167

Q) 4 25,000 Q) 32

(3) r 28,000 (3) 35'2

(4) .30,000 (4) 29'5

366 (13-A)
42. idsd dd qdorJdO-*>ood 46. rowdrd {drd sr ddnd olDd dioOod
5ot,rdc zoqoaodoiDo$&. crdd dDood rb&.a:dooaQ ?

Sorist t"07, .aedolDo$6 add: Sorld (1) zroeld, ied

erdoddd ?,iei (2) doaru ue
(1) . 1550 (3) ddd oe.:
(2) r 1650 (4) agidnod, ax.:
(3) r 1625
(4) ? 1350 47. doo$Jd oc.:d d;iedd dOra uoe3rlCdl

43. r.oc$ d{do$O- dd; do&rled1 u {t ddoJDe&d)


er& diodr abQ daul. fod qdd dodl (1) aadddr

rSod ddojr:d ioqJd0eolrd (2) ?^Addrld)

(1) (r) flt":roenirrlCr

(2) 0.5 @) erfoadd*r>

(3) 1.0

(4) 48. dedRoob :Jedd (o$add) d oodO_

doioA oddd uod -D& -drO odJEd)& ?

n4. oararood qodd dolDodo$O

(1) e,ad -ddo
(1) aD&deddea
Q\ aodroe-EEDjDtr ddo
Q\ Coeddea
(3) ded>d doQe ddO
(3) dddeEeddto
(4) oarld drO
@) uoSoedr{{dedo"
49. denrood't"oo$ocaerr eirqd oJ:d: aa.a:,d
46. darr roo{perron" eQdndld aeeriet oaad& olD$ ?

(1) d:ear,xeaddr (1) o6Ddo dBsaFo$d

(2) (2) o6Ddr id ao. Oddedddo$d

(3) dozi (3) AdJor :r. dorrozoer:r

(4) tetidct (4) oaE6f a)?srF qFuoo)(,

366 (14-A)
42. Pice of a commodity wasinitially - 1250, 46. The Chalukyan army was known as
then the next month it is increased 207o
and in the second month 107o was the (1) Chalukya Sena
increase. The price aft,er two months is
(2) Karnatabala
(1) . 1550
(3) Kannadabala
(2) r 1650
G) Vikramadityabala
(3) r 1625

(4) - 1350
47. Educational instutions during the period
of Hoysala were called

43, Assuming that a box contains ten balls in (1) Viharas

all, of which six are green and four are
red, what is the probability of drawing a (2) Chaityas
red ball ?
(3) Ghatikas
(1) 0.1
(2) (4) Agraharas
(3) 1.0

@) o.4 48. Which new architectural style evolved

under the Seuna (Yadava's) of Devagiri ?

(1) Dravida style

44. Technology for generation of energy from
waste is (2) Indo-Islamic style

(1) Mineralization (3) Hemadpanthi style

(2) Sedimentation (4) Nagara style
(3) Segregation
(4) Biomethanisation
49. Among the following, which Diwan
established the 'Mysore Oriental Library'?

45. Vermicomposting is carried out by (1) Diwan Purnaiah

(1) Soil fauna (2) Diwan Sir M. Vishwesharaiah
(2) Earthworms
(3) Diwan C. Rangacharlu
(3) Fungr
(4) (4) Diwan Mirza Ismail

366 ( 15-A )
50. dPoJ:rd oerd ..o
_d^erded ADd oiradcb ? 84. 2oro - 2011 d dra dmOo$ {od doO{
(1) @drd ?rog (SC) o$ rboad t t^Dcr

(2) ioird eaoJrrodrd#ol, o;d:,

(3) e{rdnrlQ (1) 8Vo

(4) $draedE (2) 20Vo

(3) 1l'7Vo

sr. '-gdoz3dOp$e @) L2'5Vo

4ixdoaad aDanodoe
deaae;o$ddldu1t ddd, olD& ? 55. 2011 deo8c$ $od olDd del-oJ:O- eB
(1) {3aadd: dz.3Jd Da:sa udioad rd ?

t2) dtdU:oertU: (1) dDdd

(3) zSodee.:d> (2) abod,

@) aaodrd> (3) zoabotsdrid

(4) drodrt)

sz. ddrdt'rdd ssaanddi oetDd 56. 2011 d riro.gob $rod doaru:dd rgaleo
"a'dralod'aoo [odd$ zlddd& ? xafldd $doeo a$ ?
(1) eracaeJs
(1) 59'609o
Q) euaeDdq Q) 68'869o
(3) ogoai (3) 65'469o
(4) da8egr (4) 63'009o

57. *Edd sedoqo$ ddoob drJd


58. zreodtdd ztnedrbdfuid aJc-UdF crO()J doart:dd o$Ed dd_ edrod dd

o1D& ? $edo$O_d ?

(1) dlDddlo" #roe6' (1) ood;t3od:

(2) ol)olDtr'eod Q) l^-i.t

(3) .a?JEr&o saef &! (s) dDdno

(4) $ddld eroef is (4) eao$d)d

366 (16-A)
50. What was the language of administration 54. The share of Scheduled Castes group in
in Mauryan period ? total operational holdings in Karnataka
according to 2010 - 2011 Agricultural
(l) Prakrit Census is
(2) Sanskrit (1) 81o
(3) Ardharnagadi
Q) 207a
(4) Kharoshti (3) ll'7Vo
@) t2'5?o

51. Who built the world famous temples at

Khajuraho ? 55. According to 2011 Census, which district
(1) Pratiharas has the highest percentage of rural
population ?
(2) Pushyabhutis
(1) Koppal
(3) Chandelas
e) Mandya
(4) Pandyas
(3) Chamarajanagar
(4) Kodagu

52. Name the author of the book "Harsha

Charita" which describes the history of
56. What is the rural literacy rate in
Karnataka according to 2011 Census ?
(1) Banabhatta (1) 59'60Vo
(2) Vishakhadatta (2) 68'861o
(3) Kalidasa (3) 65.4670

(4) Ravikeerthi (4) 63'O0Vo

57. According to District Human

53. Who was the founder of Gol Gumbaz in Development Report, which is the lowest
Bijapur ?
ranking district in Karnataka ?
. (1) Mohammad Ghosh (1) Raichur
(2) Yusuf Arif Q) Koppal
(3) Ibrahim Adil Shah (3) Yadgiri
(4) Mohammed Adil Shah @) Viiayapura

366 (17-A)
5& -DdDdd udodd adoie.:: udd erfud 62. Da)eso @dedd udddd deaSol> ddnd:d
)) SC/ST c3dd $dd aeacbd adlra xaeld,
(1) aaua$eddro danrp.:d irrrdd dr oJoead

(2) ioio,geddso (1) $ddq

(3) crd)0eddro et +:a{, doreg
(4) €e &eod neJdB (3) doaro.ld dq
(4) a&dso dg

59. ddEruddO-d>onod: r3d oe.rd ia$od> 63 d:do edoaoo do do$di aQirtd)d)

(1) d?4do obod 6n6" (1) oa, iord
(2) agef o$odidloud Q) deo$ iard
(3) erdoet^.:d ocJod aio?Jd (3) qqdo
(4) -qlON
^-6 ,\J\,U, J-?^".'{
t^q.^-l (4) oJ>do ere.l_

64. drid -gded8ood rgtueso $deddO_ San"

60. ddirud oaard udde dedd soloedd rareD alerarb{d. cdodd

"drdd, (1) r9a)es6 eld& dt$.renou,.ld>d:qd

(1) Q,eodtr.ucf . Q,ecoai droSr
(2) Dtuera add ded mdrrd dqdrqd
(2) $e d:daitd iaaerueq (3) rgtueeo erdd: dE d.rbd doJ
(3) {D. ol)).srd. @D" J-J- oJ--J
@) ar5r" xdoa$ dul
@) -*r"r ** **- oa-gog drid>

6r. drag dree.r.od oloeerdo$: dr delJlgd

06. 'ircdear dgo8' e,dooJJo ed"od
(1) trvreo d)Q ?ledd
(1) FDdo$d dd&ob0_
et ?.Jdn-rs d>4 w{d ddd (2) droe$rDotolrO_
(3) sddro{drd;z^r$d:dr (3) a>e$noodd{
(4) amd;d, rbo;ir drd; oaod:e3odr (4) ;oedarddridc

366 (18-A)
58. The terms used to explain the direction of 62. A programme which provides electricity
social change is to SC/ST people who are below poverty
line in Karnataka is
(1) Westernisation
(1) Soura Shakti
(2) Sanskritisation
(2) Bhagya Jyothi
(3) Modernisation (3) Karnataka Shakti
(4) All ofthe above (4) Vidyuth Shakthi

69. Kharif season in Karnataka is from 63. Entertainment tax is imposed by

(1) February to June (1) State Government

(2) April to September e) Central Government

(3) Both of the above
October to December
(4) None of the above
(4) June to September

64. Calorie requirement in rural areas is

60. The Chairman of the Sixth Pay more than in the urban areas since
Commission of Karnataka State is
(1) rural people eat more
(1) Sri M.R. Sreenivasa Murthy
(2) rural people have strong bodies
Q) Sri Mohammed Sanaulla (3) rural people do more hard physical
(3) work
Prof. U.R. Rao

@) rural people have to take more rest
Justice Jagannatha Shetty

61. Which of the following districts get water 65. The'Golden Revolution'was a period of
from Upper Krishna Project ? very high productivity in

(1) Bellary and Bidar (1) Organic farming

(2) Belgaum and Uttar Kannada (2) Horticulture

(3) Shimoga and Chitradurga (3) Pisciculture

(4) Bijapur, Gulbarga and Raichur (4) Commercial crops

366 (1e-A)
66. dr3.we i$ra"oloeddo$ ddeo3) 70. oDO.9eF" (ajfuo") r.odr:, dee.triddl ai:d:
(1) rgc))ero a$bdo$d eod de,,ieoo3> r39eo$ Dddrl uddaideodd e{rld
erDg6Jo$ deddo$ e:ad d{
(2) $bdo$d (1) +o d3go"nod etQd qds.Jed)
{-wdoredaand (2) 30 dergafnod esQd ede,Jed)
(3) Daresa *bsro$ eldoeri
ferlirmnd (3) 40 d)ddgNfnod daab addedt
(4) rga)esa $&So$d drd? $dS
dedi_ddd)rr d?*dmnd (4) so detrgd'nod,ied)

67. dd*idd dd'dneddr'd a4d

(1) d>d:reledo' ei+' qdd!glq+.3t" 7L. plneoodneosd d{d udd dn&d a*deo
drd^ olDd&?
(2) dJDdd" dbdGe u+'uDq$d
(3) (1) sAdod) ASdeo
dnd;reJedo" so6r aedDddeJedd'
t$ dlaeGr eje' uarQ*dot (2) mdn atdra

68. {e adddc udtd io$tid$*r.oddos:od (B) cr.gdedd atdso

edo*oddii ranlo{d
(4) or" -de &8dso
(1) erodod dodr dq,eq3dd ^J

(2) a-dg,eqjdd
(3) tid6d io$t'id d!,eddea
(4) dpeor uodod d,.gded zz. idr:!,d{ *)$nd d&od dq drD&d

69. uod> rcoj:d ead gs"F' ed" erddr (1) ioeoad

(1) 36.6.C
e) ejeie
(2) 35.5'C (3) oo6oc,6
(3) 3.50C
(4) 40.c (4) O@or

366 (20-A)
66. The objective of Mahila Samridhi Yojana 7O. Polyethylene (plastic) carry bags can be
recycled if the thickness of the bag is
(1) Rural women to deposit in Post
Office savings account (1) greater than 40 mictons
(2) Self-employment for rural women
(2) greater than 30 microns
(3) Health facility for nrral women
(4) Enhance nutrition levels for rural (3) less than 40 microns
women and children
(4) less than 30 microns

67. The acronym 'modem' stands for

(1) Modulation of electromagrretic 71. Which one of the following radiations is
waves used for identification of fake currency
Q) Modern method of transmission notes ?

(3) Modulation and demodulation

(1) Infrared radiation
(4) Modes of transmission
(2) Gamma radiation

68. Optical frbers transmit light signals from (3) Ultravioletradiation

one place to another place by
(1) Internal conical refraction (4) X-ray radiation

(2) Double refraction

(3) Interference of light signals
(4) Total internal reflection
72. The device used for locating submerged
objects under sea is

69. A body temperature of 98' Fahrenheit

(1) Sonar

expressed in degree Celsius is

(2) Laser
(1) 36.6'C
(2) 35.5'C (3) Radar
(3) 3.5C (4) Lidar
(4) 400c

366 (21 - A)
73. $e{flO-dodr erdl 77 af -At3r iodddzi en:oaddd
( 1) eA[.366 crab-

(2) qaarru" ud>- (1) oSoJ: woarddd

(S) dn a:r" vdl-
(4) ro?lDtotr erd.l
(2) ddr*ea d$maqDd)

(3) ilg-rd
74. €1 tddod cJ;adtc$ {dor3d ee da!fl
desDoaaod> edea, $dedddr* rdriooad ?
(4) wer:.,Podo:
(1) id:9edoe{ droe&ddl" od:ddc
(2) i$gedoe{ dh&do$:r" uodldsi)
(3) w{d>o"nnan od;dgl:
78. dt^3,J I abdl dtd II drDeBA iooirDd
(4) oeo{d:S rad:dtl: erudddd: dodesooaodoah dddn6 :

dts I de.t ru
75. ?"q[.3 idt; c&e)
A. {Egea:eulo L a'aoJ::abodet
(1) {Ddeaf edd
(2) tueded" n. {ddoeoeud u. PdaEdrad
(3) g3dedr c. sOdroea)e[3or uL dDoiD ded
(4) z^rodt3(d" D. rDdlaea)eocr rv. ocDobeDd z"qd

76. fdnd oJDd d& ?intuo$ doddddd e.B iodedrid Joaodlood io eruQdrlddr ero:: :

d{f md-doaadeoaaAd ?
(1) d8eo (1) IUIIIw
(2) ,bodrE" (2) IVIIIU
(3) ud>-xdd (3) III I IITV
(4) ?orroe (4) II I IV III
366 (22 - A)
73. The acid found in soil is 77. An example for er-sifz conservation is
(1) Acetic acid
(1) National Park
Q) Formic acid
(3) Humic acid (2) Wildlife Sanctuary
(4) Carbonic acid r.i r

(3) Botanical Garden

(4) Grassland
74. Which one among the following covers the
highest percentage of forest area in the
world ?

(1) Temperate coniferous forests

78. Match List I with List II and select the
Q) Temperate deciduous forests
code for the correct answer from the
(3) Tropical monsoon forests
options given below :

@) Tlopicalrainforests
List I List II
A. Psychrometer L Atmospheric
'l h. Compressed Natural Gas is Humidity
(1) Propane
B. Pyranometer II. Solar Irradiance

(2) Methane C. Anemometer III. Wind Speed

(3) Ethane
D. Barometer IV. Atmospheric
(4) Butane Pressure

Codes :

76. Which one of the following elements ABCD

contributes maximum to the Earth's crust
by weight ?
(1) Iron (2)rvmIII
Q) Silicon (3) m IIITV
(3) Oxygen
(4) u I ry
(4) Carbon

366 (23-A)
79. z-cd) ded
eJ "?Dertf
.. do" ood: e)
ddoJre) 83. ora OeOJ $6eddso
dridaod bed
erdd ded tr rueoiO_dt3edc (1) ddsdeddm
(1) 100 - 150 6..))e./ sDij) (2) dolDohx"
(2) 150 - 200 6.&)e./ sEiI)
(3) Soe0d
(3) 250 3.tue./ 6li) (4) 0a agdro ellooorbdd
- 350

@) 350 - 450 E.tue. / 6lp 84. d$JnddrldO- olDd6$ dtu& d>d

80. doeddO_ eroslDeao" elQ aa1d-an erosdo-?

xoooredoadodlp qnd rd> (1) COz

(1) 6d)f (2) CH*
Q) 6-01)6" (3) a{eo"
(3) ":red
(4) (4) NzO

81. aq ddd rbo$deod dqdq 85 eeocDdo$d dDdd dlod etdlridoJ:aoad

er ddd rbod;
eronedo&dostd edr EJ

(1) a
(1) t-od: { tgedneioedr
(2) t (2) r"od aqdgedneinedr
(3) 23 (3) add: ar dgedoedoedr'ds1>
(4) oE (4) dq{ AgedroenraedYrid:
82. drr,rror dneoafuAd aduao dreodoaodro

(1) dEeJFEr€eifu& doddd 86. a3eddsb, iidrlst *d; .add iop"ra>

eo-aarb{d: deadd ddobeddrt "a{dodred:{d
(2) EruFd.€erfu& (Jn doddrd (1) {trt3laeCId uodrlgt
urbgd: e\ ioz.3d geirlst>
(3) ddd edroeri,geso"dnooriSoaloed (3) d>oadr4rrarodrld:
(4) don auy dDq6Edldd) (4) eqgdddr (qn'6&e&o$x6 aroddd,:)

366 (24- A)
75. A train is called as bullet train if its speed 83. Alum purifies muddy water by
lies between (1) coagulation
(1) 100 - 150 kn/hr (2) dialysis
(2) 150 - 200 km/hr (3) absorption
(3) 250 - 350 km.ihr (4) forming a true solution
(4) 350 - 450 krn/hr

84. Which one of the following is not a

80 A region that selectively accumulates
greenhouse gas ?
iodine in the body is
(1) Thymus
(1) COz

(D Thlroid Q) CHa

(3) Spleen (3) Ethane

(4) Parathlr'oid (4) NzO

81. The universal recipient blood grcup is 86. When released from ovary, human egg
(1) A contains

(2) O (1) One Y chromosome

(3) B Q) One X chromosome

(4) AB (3) T\po X chromosomes

(4) XY chromosomes
82. The poisonous nature of carbon monoxide
is due to
86. Fossils of anirnald, plants and other
(1) cutting offsupply of carbon dioxide
micro-orgao:isms are found in
(2) its being converted into carbon (1) Plutonic rocks
(2) Sedimentary rocks
(3) its combination with haemoglobin of
blood (3) Metamorphic rocks

@) its blocking of vocal chords (4) Igneous rocks

366 (25-A)
az. mdrddddl baad>d xadndrrerud_ 91. 2018 de roOd cPduDt
f$o$an d eaieo ep odr t,a,sjo o1l) aodraeddd d3 E$jnd {e$dog3
(1) ArX,eAO$o iodoe{dron &(de.t3d)
(2) lndndnea,f (1) d^rt-":.o CPduDt
(3) (2) eDzloed qJDda{
(4) lfreShdrdf (3) rooddo
ss. idpoood oaeda, droe.:d Ood eiabgJ
(4) deid PduDt
d)e o$)ad o$ O_ gD R c$)d d ee
92. 2ot8 d ed6 qJqro de" do-'aidd tSod:
(1) AFtxr dsa)r.
adozi &eder.t3d>
(2) zqsJoojD
(1) e)rodr dIJBf
(3) dr'&&Oo$o
(4) e,lLdrof (2) 6!do ded6
(s) e?,P[tr dt"3Fo$F"
89. addoad de3 inz3roddO_ o1>d r,:a2.4 uB @) .dld6to dtsJ66F
drs,5i dodddldooad t
(1) ?Dari
e3. (9s dqjd noa{olr d:bm zDSonr
?rooaoid"&a.rldd)4 1,1 x",i,i
(2) eroDd
iprdcdeod zio_el3r1d:
ro, -.JJ
(1) daa,
@) e (2) dfieo uqo
9o. 'lder$rd t od: %dra$d &o$d (3) tpdd "adood dduen%&qd @) 6aPcr
(1) edddcf mrodef idr (oaryol:
e4. 2018 de FaOd ?s)daed
? dd&oJ)) edod
dDdo ntueg)
.J eJ
(2) ioge6 TrduStudef eJcirex6 (deod, (1) ax". oad:drdgr
iom, aEoo deJeo)
(2) tlo{, deaDd doaoo
(3) OdxBcrc addo" sq"'aoao$D (3) dodo floeai'
(4) deud ur"oddrre (4) (9tudd" dvoee"

366 (26-A)
87. A free living bacterium capable of fixing 91. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018 was
nitrogen is awarded for groundbreaking inventions
in the field of
( 1) Clostrid.ium
(1) Nuclear Physics
Q) Pseudornonas
(2) Astro Physics
(3) Bacillus
(3) Magrretism
(4) Staphylococcus
(4) Laser Physics

88.' Commercial source of citric acid fiom

sugar involves fermentation by 92. In FIFA World Cup 2018, 'Golden BaIl'
was awarded to
(1) Citrus fruit
(1) Luka Modrid
(2) Bacteria
(2\ Harry Kane
(3) Penicilliurn
(3) Thibaut Courtois
(4) Aspergillus
(4) Eden Hazard

89. Which item has the highest weight in

Consumer Price Index ?
93. The highest number of Women World
Boxing Championships have been won by
(1) Rent an athlete of

(2) Food (1) Russia

(3) Fuel (2J South Africa

(4) Clothing (3) India

(4) Brazil
9O. Saruekshana, a qtarterly journal IS
published by 94. Jnanpith for 2018 was awarded to
(1) National Sample Survey (1) S. Ramakrishnan

(2) Central Statistical Office (2) Chandra Shekar Kambar

(3) Registrar General of India (3) Shankar Ghosh

(4) Labour Bureau (4) Amitav Ghosh

366 (27 - A)
95. qgez3d ero@ddol)Dd GSAT-29 oJrq€, 98. o6dF cDdod era" qoao1)Dd d&dd
tdnd wdoedroofl e,ldd d>adoCprb$d rPdFd o$i& ?

(1) Joddr (1) erudFd dt3ee,

(2) daad>d dr>dro,zs (2) dqr-aod oax'

(3) rpdeeo*: daol)) dd (3) dr{dmer loqdreoror

(4) bodo d>oa xarlddO;3 udeadddd (4) i^roeer erdneo


96. tud"dedd
aorudr edd se dodoad 99. de tdnd o1>d :r0dJad si e@da)
$d1ddO_ er.3 dzijJ ioe6, $drlrrldo_
(1) aacdrg{d oadur
deuddldead: z

(2,1 ad>d aadd (1) Dedr ?.))d

(B) drdrstr errad iodo dodB.u.lo (2) doedn
(4) eso adopodaan z3Oipd z,asd (3) a3Ddtuo$df @ddp^c
d6.d dx. od:
(4) ?,D-d aaodor

s7. 2oL8 d aioarodO_ eddod d49*

dDa$ef ddo"dd& *
Ednd fle$dO$
erdd dodrdoo:od en dcnndd: 1oo. 2018 de mOd HDI oDdoEonrdo_ qDddd
oadod (gesdob)
(1) .ae6?i
(1) 130
(2) er{ro{
(2) 136
(3) {drEeo$ ied (3) t27
(4\ iohed @) 143

366 (28-A)
96. Recently launched GSAT-29 is used for 98. Who is the current Governor of RBI ?

the pr:rpose of
(1) Urjit Patel
(1) Communication
(2) Shaktikanta Das
(2) WeatherForecasting
(3) KrishnamurthySubramanian
(3) Indian Air Force
(4) Sunil Arora
(4) Monitoring changes in the Indian

96. SpiNNaker is the world's largest 99. Which fflrn [6s won in the highest
number of categories in 918t Academy
(1) Commercial rocket Awards ?

(2) Aircraft carrier (1) Green Book

(3) Brain-mimickingsupercomputer (2) Roma

(4) Driver-less race car running on (3) Bohemian Rhapsody

(4) Black Panther

97. Padma Shri Mushirul Hasan who passed

away in December 2018 was known for
his contribution in the field of 10O. India's rank in HDI rankings of 2018 is

(1) History (1) 130

(2) Economics (2) 136

(3) Medical service (3) r27

(4) Music (4) 143

366 (2e-A)

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