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D-Day: German - German - (111 pts)

Standard (D-Day: German) (111 pts)

Formations (71 pts)

Fallschrirmjäger Company (3) Fallschirmjäger 12cm Mortar Platoon (LG161), 3x 12cm mortar, Beach Defence Grenadier Platoon (LG149),
(71 pts) Fallschirmjäger 5cm Tank-Hunter Platoon (LG162), 4x 5cm gun, Fallschirmjäger sMG42 Machine-Gun
Platoon (LG159), Fallschrirmjäger Platoon (LG158), 7x MG42 & K98 rifle team, 1x Panzerschreck anti-tank
team, Equip MG42 and K98 rifle teams or MG42 teams with Panzerfaust anti-tank for +2 points.,
Fallschrirmjäger Platoon (LG158), 7x MG42 & K98 rifle team, 1x Panzerschreck anti-tank team, Equip MG42
and K98 rifle teams or MG42 teams with Panzerfaust anti-tank for +2 points., Fallschirmjäger Company HQ
• 4x sMG34 HMG: Machine-Gun Nests
• 2x MP40 SMG team

Rules: Stormtroopers, Pinned ROF 1, Spearhead, Panzerfaust - Limited 1, Slow Firing, Assault 4+, Heavy
Weapon, Forward Firing, Gun Shield, Assault 6+, Large Gun
Infantry Unit: Beach Defence Grenadier Platoon, Fallschirmjäger Company HQ, Fallschirmjäger sMG42
Machine-Gun Platoon, Fallschrirmjäger Platoon
Weapon: 7.5cm gun, 12cm mortar, MG42 & K98 rifle team, MP40 SMG team, Panzerfaust anti-tank,
Panzerschreck anti-tank (Ass. 4+), Panzerschreck anti-tank (Ass. 6), sMG42 HMG
Command Card: Machine-Gun Nests
Gun Unit: Fallschirmjäger 7.5cm Tank-Hunter Platoon, Fallschirmjäger 12cm Mortar Platoon

Support Units (6 pts)

Sd Kfz 10/4 or Sd Kfz 7/1 AA Platoon Sd Kfz 7/1 Quad AA Platoon (LG143), 3x Sd Kfz 7/1 (2cm quad)
(6 pts)
Rules: Dedicated AA, Stormtroopers
Unarmoured Tank Unit: Sd Kfz 7/1 Quad AA Platoon
Weapon: Sd Kfz 7/1 (2cm quad)

Command Cards (2 pts)

Formation Title Defence of Brest, 2nd Fallschirmjäger Division
(2 pts)
Command Card: Defence of Brest, 2nd Fallschirmjäger Division

Formation Support (32 pts)

Fallschirmjäger StuG Assault Gun Platoon • 3x StuG (7.5cm)
(LG185) (1)
(17 pts) Rules: Stormtroopers, Bazooka Skirts, Forward Firing
Tank Unit: Fallschirmjäger StuG Assault Gun Platoon
Weapon: StuG (7.5cm), StuG (MG)

Fallschirmjäger StuH Assault Howitzer 3x StuH (5cm)

Platoon (LG186)
(15 pts) Rules: Stormtroopers, Bazooka Skirts, Slow Firing, Smoke, HEAT, Forward Firing, Brutal
Tank Unit: StuH (10.5cm)
Weapon: StuH (10.5cm) [Direct], StuH (10.5cm) [Indirect], StuH (MG)

Stormtroopers A unit may attempt a second Movement Order after succeeding in its first Movement Order. The second Movement Order
must be different from the first.

Pinned ROF 1 Reduce ROF to 1 when Pinned Down

Spearhead Unit can move before the game to expand the Deployment Area.

Panzerfaust - Limited 1 Each time this Unit shoots, one of its Teams my shoot as a Panzerfaust rather than its usual weapons.
Each time this Unit rolls To Hit in an assault, one of its Teams may attack with a Panzerfaust rather than its usual weapons.

Slow Firing +1 To Hit for Moving ROF.

Assault 4+ Teams with the Assault # special rule uses # number for To Hit rolls in Assaults rather than the normal one shown on the card.

Heavy Weapon A Heavy Weapon Team cannot Charge into Contact, but may be an Assaulting Team if in Contact with an enemy Team. Heavy
Weapons have a worse Assault rating.

Forward Firing Weapons can only hit targets fully in front of the Team.

Gun Shield A Gun Team with the Gun Shield is in Bulletproof Cover when Shot at from in front of the Team's base. A Gun Shield does not
offer any protection against Artillery Bombardments or if the Team moved at Dash speed.

Assault 6+ Teams with the Assault # special rule uses # number for To Hit rolls in Assaults rather than the normal one shown on the card.

Large Gun Cannot be placed from Ambush within 16"/40cm of the enemy.

Dedicated AA Use full ROF when firing at Aircraft

Bazooka Skirts A Tank Team with Bazooka Skirts increases its Side armour to 5 against weapons with Firepower 5+ or 6.

Smoke Smoke weapons can Shoot Smoke ammunition.

HEAT A Team's Armour rating is not increased by +1 if it is more than 16"/40cm away when hit by HEAT weapons.

Brutal Intantry, Gun and Unarmoured Tank Teams re-roll successful Saves.

Infantry Unit Motivation Skill Is Hit Save Tactical Terrain Cross Road Cross Notes
On Dash Country Dash

Beach Defence Grenadier 4+ 5+ 3+ 3+ 8"/20cm 8"/20cm 12"/30cm 12"/30cm AUTO Stormtroopers

Platoon Last Stand

Fallschirmjäger Company HQ 3+ 3+ 4+ 3+ 8"/20cm 8"/20cm 12"/30cm 12"/30cm AUTO Infantry Formation,


Fallschirmjäger sMG42 3+ 3+ 4+ 3+ 8"/20cm 8"/20cm 12"/30cm 12"/30cm AUTO Heavy Weapon,

Machine-Gun Platoon Assault Stormtroopers

Fallschrirmjäger Platoon 3+ 3+ 4+ 3+ 8"/20cm 8"/20cm 12"/30cm 12"/30cm AUTO Stormtroopers,

Weapon Range Halted ROF Moving ROF Anti-Tank Firepower

7.5cm gun 32"/80cm 2 1 12 3+

Forward Firing

12cm mortar 56"/140cm ARTILLERY ARTILLERY 2 3+

MG42 & K98 rifle team 16"/40cm 2 1 2 6

MP40 SMG team 4"/10cm 3 3 1 6

Pinned ROF 1

Panzerfaust anti-tank 4"/10cm 1 1 12 5+

Limited 1, Slow Firing

Panzerschreck anti-tank (Ass. 4+) 8"/20cm 1 1 11 5+

Assault 4+, Slow Firing

Panzerschreck anti-tank (Ass. 6) 8"/20cm 1 1 11 5+

Assault 6, Slow Firing

Sd Kfz 7/1 (2cm quad) 20"/50cm 5 3 5 5+

Dedicated AA

sMG42 HMG 24"/60cm 6 2 2 6

StuG (7.5cm) 32"/80cm 2 1 11 3+

Forward Firing

StuG (MG) 16"/40cm 3 2 2 6

StuH (10.5cm) [Direct] 24"/60cm 1 1 10 2+

Brutal, Forward Firing, HEAT, Slow Firing, Smoke

StuH (10.5cm) [Indirect] 64"/160cm ARTILLERY ARTILLERY 3 3+

Forward Firing

StuH (MG) 16"/40cm 3 2 2 6

Command Card

Defence of Brest, 2nd Fallschirmjäger Division

The veteran 2nd Fallschirmjäger Division had suffered badly as it attempted to halt the Red Army's advance across the Ukraine. It had barely arrived in
Germany for rebuilding when it was sent to hold the port of Brest along with a motley assortment of second line troops. The division's aggressive raids kept the
besieging American forces at bay.

Replace one Fallschirmjäger Platoon in this Formation with a Beach Defence Grenadier Platoon.
Fallschirmjäger Platoons in this Formation have the Spearhead rule, but only Fallschirmjäger Units may deploy in the Spearhead extension to their
Deployment Area.

German, Build, Formation (Fallschirmjäger Company), Title

Machine-Gun Nests

German infantry dug camouflaged nests for their heavy machine-guns, covering them with soil mounted over doors and beams stolen from wrecked French

sMG34 or sMG42 HMG teams in this Unit cannot Move, but can rotate to face the target when Shooting, and are Nests.
Each HMG team is a separate Independent Team.
Nests: The Nests are always Concealed and in Bulletproof Cover.
Teams attacking a Nest must re-roll successful Firepower tests to Destroy it.
Nests cannot Charge into Contact.
MG Nests do not use the Beach Defences rules from the D-Day: American book. (LFTF)

German, Build, Unit (Infantry)

Gun Unit Motivation Skill Is Hit Save Tactical Terrain Cross Country Road Cross Notes
On Dash Dash Dash

Fallschirmjäger 7.5cm Tank-Hunter 3+ 3+ 4+ 3+ 2"/5cm 2"/5cm 4"/10cm 6"/15cm 5+ Gun

Platoon Assault Shield

Fallschirmjäger 12cm Mortar 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4"/10cm 4"/10cm 6"/15cm 8"/20cm 3+ Large

Platoon Assault Gun

Unarmoured Tank Unit Motivation Skill Is Hit Save Tactical Terrain Cross Country Road Cross Notes
On Dash Dash Dash

Sd Kfz 7/1 Quad AA 4+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 8"/20cm 10"/25cm 14"/35cm 24"/60cm 3+ Stormtroopers

Platoon Last Stand

Tank Unit Motivation Skill Is Armour Armour Armour Tactical Terrain Cross Road Cross Notes
Hit Front Side & Top Dash Country Dash
On Rear Dash

Fallschirmjäger 3+ 3+ 4+ 7 3 1 10"/25cm 12"/30cm 18"/45cm 20"/50cm 4+ Bazooka

StuG Assault Counterattack Assault Skirts,
Gun Platoon 5+ 4+ Stormtroopers

StuH (10.5cm) 3+ 3+ 4+ 7 3 1 10"/25cm 12"/30cm 18"/45cm 20"/50cm 4+ Bazooka

Counterattack Assault Skirts,
5+ 4+ Stormtroopers

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