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CROCHET PATTERN Hello, my dear friend! As you've opened the file, it's time to dip into the world of amigurumi or, as they say, into the world of crochet toys! But, firstly, let's agree in advance, everything you see and learn here, will be our big/ lictle secret! (Distribution prohibited by copyright! ONE PATTERN IN ONE HAND) All right? So, find the most comfortable and quiet place, take your magie wand (I hope, you've guessed the hook;)) those soft and cozy yarn, which will be useful and be patient, we have not been the wizards yet, we are still learning eo create miracles! And everything will come true! For creating such a miracle you should know the next abbriviations: CH - chain stitch MR - magic ring SC ~ single crochet stitch SLST - slip stitch DC - double crochet stitch HDC- half double crochet stitch DTR - treble crochet INC -increase (crochet 2 se in one s sc) DEC - decrease (crochet 2 sc in front loops together ) BLO - crochet through back loops only FLO - crochet through front loops only Bubble - 3 hde cluster TR - treble crochet tipam «iy, NY dai en Pee See ECN ring MATERIALS 1.Main beige color Yarnart baby cotton 404, Brown color for hair Yarnart baby cotton 408, White color for socks, horns, eyes Yarnart baby cotton 4o1, Lilac color for leggings Yarnart baby cotton 416, Green color for Mike Wazowski Yarnart baby cotton 436, Milky color for backpack horns Yarnart baby cotton 402, Mint color for Sullivan backpack Gazzal Baby Cotton 3452, Pink color for dress Alpina lily 81 (50g/175m), White color for Sullivan's eyes Alpina lena ot (50g/280m), Blue color for Sullivan's eyebrows Alpina lena 39 (50g/280m), Purple color for spots and webbing Iris Gamma 2212 (1og/82m), 2. 2 eyes on safe fastening 9 mm for Boo, 2 eyes 3 mm for Sullivan , 1 eye 6mm for Mike Wazowski; 3. Hook No2: 4-2 tapestry needle; 5. Fiberfill; 6. Scissors; 7. Floral wire for the frame of the hands with a diameter of 0.8 mm; 8. adhesive plaster; 9. Blush, beads 4 pes pink 5-6 mm. Hook Noo, begin crocheting in main beige color. Stuff in the process. : 1rnd: 6 sc in MR 2 rnd: 6 ine (12) md: (1 sc, inc) x6 (18) 4 rnd: (2 sc, ine) x6 (24) 5 rnd: (3 sc, ine) x6 (30) inc) x6 (36) 7 rnd: (5 se, inc) x6 (42) 8 rnd: (6 se, inc) x6 (48) 9 ind: (7 se, 6rnd: (4 s ne) x6 (54) 10 rnd: (8 sc,inc)x6 (60) ir rnd:(9 se, inc)x6 (66) 12-27 rnd: 60 sc(16 rounds) Insert eyes between 21-22 rows in the distance of 13 sc 28 rnd: (9 se,dec)x6 (60) 2g rnd: (8 sc.dec)x6 (54) 7 sc, dec) x6 (48) 31 rnd: (6 sc, dec) x6 (42) 30 rnd: 32 rnd: (5 se, dec) x6 (36) 31 rnd: (4 sc, dec) x6 (30) 32 md: (3 sc, dec) x6 (24) 33 md: (2 sc, dec) x6 (18) Cut the yarn, Hide the thread. begin crocheting in brown color, rind: 6 sc in MR 2 rnd: 6 ine (12) 3 end: (1 se, ine) x6 (18) 4 rnd: (2 se, ine) x6 (24) 5 rnd: (3 se, inc) x6 (30) 6 rnd: (4 se, inc) x6 (36) 7 rnd: (5 sc, inc) x6 (42) 8 rnd: (6 sc, inc) x6 (48) 9 fad inc) x6 (54) inc)x6 (60) m1 rnd; (9 se, inc) x6 (66) ro rnd: (8 se, rand: (10 s¢ , ine) x6 (72) 13-15 rnd: 72 sc(3 rounds) Lea’ a long end for sewing. Hook No2,begin crocheting in brown color?turning rounds : tnd: 11 ch, from second to se ,ch,turn Next, we alw crochet BLO, turning rounds 2-17 md: 10 se,ch,turn (16 rounds) 18 rnd: ro se Le a long end for sewing. 2 pes. : PONYTAIL (2 Hook No begin crocheting in brown color, 2 pes. : rrnd: 4 sc in MR ¢ about 1 rnd of MR)x4 2rnd: (9 sc,from second 8 s Leave a long end for sewing a “op g 2 3 8 4 Sb 8 a “a +4 a rend:3ch in MR, 4 hde Leave a long end for sewing. beige color.: FACE DECORAT: Head design can be viewed by clicking on the button below. 1.Needle sculpting fo. the eyes area and the eyes details. 2. Making the nose we make a stitch 3 sc long between 21-22 rows, the distance from the eye to the nose on each side is 5 sc Hook ne2,begin crocheting in main beige color. Stuff in the process. : rrnd: 5 sc in MR 2rnd: 5 inc 4 md: 10 sc 4 tnd: 5 sc, bubble, 4 sc(10) 5 rnd: (3 se,dec)x2 (8) 6 -18 rnd: 8 se(13 rounds) Cut the thread and hide. a ={ct 0 Tot) Hook Nez, crocheting with white color, stuff in Example of gluing the insole process : irnd : 8 ch, from second 6 sc, 3sc in the last chain, on the other side of the chain 5 se, inc (16) arnd: inc, 5 sc, ine.1 sc, ine, 5 sc,inc, 1 sc(20) 3 md :1 sc, ine, 5 sc,inc, 3 sc,ine, 5 se, ine,z sc(24) 4rnd :2 sc, inc, 5 sc,inc, 5 sc.ine, 5 se, ine,3 sc(28) Prepare the insoles. On thick cardboard or plastic (for example, a cover from cotton swabs), we circle the part, cut it out, try it on and put it aside. We make 2 insoles for 2 shoes at once, glue after we crochet the fifth row BLO 5 rnd: 28 se For both loops 6-7 tnd: 28 se 8 rnd: 8 sc,6 dee, 8 sc(22) g rnd: 7 sc, 4 dec, 7 se(18) 10 rnd: 18 sc BLO, Change color for main ir rnd: (4 se,dec)x3 (15) For both loops 1215 md: 15 se(4 rounds) Change color for lilac 16 rnd: (4 sc,inc)x3 (18) a BLO 17 rnd: 18 se For both loops 18 rnd: 18 se 19 rnd: 4 sc,ine,8 sc,ine, 4 sc (20) 20-21 rnd: 20 sc (2 rounds) 22 rnd: dec,16 se,dec (18) Next, we crochet knees ine strictly in the center 23 rnd: 2 sc.dec, 3 sc,4 ine, 3 sc,dec, 2.s¢ (20) 24 rnd: 20 se 25 rnd: 2 sc,inc, 3 sc,4 dec, 3 sc,ine, 2 sc (18) 26-27 rnd: 18 sc (2 rounds) 28 rnd: (8 sc,inc)x2 (20) 29-32 rnd: 20 sc (4 rounds) Cut the thread and hide. Pre rieh el oat instagram: @ali ee We crochet the front loops of the roth row with a white thread, keep the foot with the foot towards us: ro rnd: 18 sc, Cut the thread and hide. We crochet the front loops of the 16th row with a purple thread, keep the foot with the foot away from us: 16 rnd: 18 se, Cut the thread and hide. Hook Ne2,crocheting with lilac color, stuff in process: tind: 6 sc in MR 2 rnd: 6 ine (12) 3 rnd: (1 se,ine)x6 (18) Next, we crochet the legs, as in the photo 4nd: 2 sc in a circle, 4 sc with the leg (so that the legs are facing straight ahead) 6 sc in a circle, 4 sc with the leg, 2 sc in a circle (18) 5 rnd: 2 sc in a circle, on the remaining 16 sc of ¢ ina circle, on the remaining 16 sc the legs, 6 of the legs, 2 sc in a circle (42) 6-12 rnd: 42 se( 7 rounds) Change color for main x3 rnd: (12 se,dec)x3 (39) 14-17 rnd: 39 sc(4 rounds) Attach the arms. Link to the video below how to attach the arms Go 18 rnd: 7 sci cle, 16 se ina acircle, 4 sc ina circle, 4 sc in a circle, 8 sc in a circle (39)(39) 19 rnd: 7 sc in a circle, in the remaining 4 sc of the hand, 16 sc in a circle, in the remaining 4 sc of the hand,8 sc in a circle (39) Preece cone] And we insert the wire frame into our hands, how to do this can be seen by clicking on the icon 20 rnd: 39 sc ar rnd: (11 se,dee)x3 (36) 22 rnd: (1 se, dec)x12 (24) 23 rnd: (2 sc, dec) x6 (18) 24-26 rnd: 18 sc( 3 rounds) Leave a long tail thread for piece attaching Hook Nez,crocheting with pink color alpina lily ,2 sh rnd: 18 ch,sl st, close in a circle 2-4 rnd: 18 sc (3 rounds) 5 rnd: (7 sc,dec)x2 (16) 6-7 md: 16 sc (2 rounds) Cut the thread and hide Hook Noz,crocheting with pink color alpina lily: rrnd: 54 ch,sl st, close in a circle 2 rnd: 54 sc 3 rnd: (16 se,dec)x3 (51) gind: 5 sc 5 rd: (15 se,dec)x3 (48) 6-15 rnd: 48 sc (10 rounds) Next tie the sleeves 16 rnd: 9 sc, 6 se with sleeve, 18 sc, 6 sc with sleeve.g se (48) 37 zndk 9'8¢, 10 sc in'emaining sleeve loops, 18 sc, 10 scin remaining sleeve loops, 9 sc (56) 18 rnd: 56 sc 19 rnd: 6 sez dee, 8 sez dec,t2 se, 2 dee, 8 sea dec, 6 sc (48) | dee, 5 se (40) 20 rm C2 de 52 dec12 sc,2 dec,6 s 21 rnd: 40 se Cut the thread and hide. Crochet the dress in the first row, keep as shown in the photo rind: 54 se. Cut the thread and hide. DUC ALL V0) ¢ * HEAD + BODY Hook No2,crocheting with green color,stuff in process : rnd: 6 sc in MR a rnd: 6 inc (12) 3 rnd: (1 sc, inc) x6 (18) 4nd: (2 se, inc) x6 (24) 5 rnd: (3 sc, inc) x6 (30) 6-7 rnd: 30 sc (2 rounds) 8 rnd: (9 se,ine) x3 (33) g-10 rnd: 33 sc (2 rounds) ui rnd: (10 sc,ine)x3 (36) 12-13 rnd: 36 sc (2 rounds) 14 rnd: (2 sc,dec)x9 (27) 15 rnd: (1 se,dee)x9 (18) 16 rnd: (1 se,dec)x6 (12) 17 rnd: 6 dec Pull the hole through the front loops, cut the thread and hide. 45 Hook No2,crocheting with white color : irnd: 6 sc in MR 2 rnd: 6 inc (12) 3 rnd: (1 sc, inc) x6 (18) 4-5 md: 18 sc(2 rounds) Leave a long end for sewing. We insert the eye into the center of the MR, burn the leg with a lighter. Sew the eye to the body, fill during sewing. * LEGS (2 PCS) Hook Nez,crocheting with green color, 2 pes.: rnd: 14 ch ,from third 3 de, 2 hde,8 se, Leave a long end for sewing. Hook No2,crocheting with green color, 2 pes. rnd: 14 ch ,from second 3 se,sl st, (4 ch,from second 3 sc, sl st into the loop from where they typed ch) x2, 8 sc along the remaining loops of the CH. Leave a long end for sewing. Hook Ne2,crocheting with white color, 2 pes.: irnd: 4 ch from second 1 sl st, 2 hdc. Leave a long end for sewing. a Wa We sew the eye between 3-10 rounds; We sew hands between 8-9 rounds; We sew the legs between 13-14 rounds; We sew the horns between 5-6 rounds. Embroider the mouth with a dark green thread. Pe een ny roar inettoys RB TBD Velcro a esc) ba) a7 Vim Hook No2,crocheting with mint color: irnd: 8 ch, from second 6 sc,3 sc in the last chain, on the other side of the chain 6 se, ch,curn (15) 2 rnd: 6 sc,ine,1 sc,ine,6 se,ch,turn (17) 3 rnd; 6 sc,ine,3 sc,inc,6 se,ch,turn (19) 4nd: 6 sc,ine,5 sc,ine.6 se (21) Next, we crochet the bottom side of 8 sc and now we crochet 21 sc+8 sc= 29 BLO ,crochet ina circle 5 md: 29 sc For both loops 6-8 rnd: 29 se (3 rounds) Cut the thread and hide. Pre ieh eed instagram: @ali BACK DETA Hook Noo,crocheting with mint color: rrnd: 8 ch, from second 6 sc,3 se in the last chain, on the other side of the chain 6 sc, ch,turn (15) a rnd: 6 sc,ine,1 sc,ine,6 se,ch,turn (17) 3 rnd: 6 sc,inc,3 sc,inc,6,turn (19) 4 rnd: 6 sc,ine,5 sc,ine,6 se (21) Next, we crochet the bottom side of 8 sc it should now only be 29 sc. Leave a long end for sewing, ATTACHMENT We turn the front part inside out, then sew the back part to the front, as shown in the photo. Fill tightly. 00a oe) , Hook Ne2,crocheting with white color alpina lena : trnd: 6 sc in MR,put an eye in the center. Leave a long end for sewing, y EYEBROWS (2 PCS) y Hook Noz,crocheting with blue color alpina lena : rnd: 5 ch,from third 2 hde, sl st. Leave a long end for sewing. Hook Noo,crocheting with milk color: irnd : 6 ch,from second 1 sc, 2 hde, 2 de Leave a long end for sewing. * SMALL SPOT Hook Noa,crocheting with purple color iris gamma : tnd: 6 sc in MR Leave a long end for sewing, Hook No2,crocheting with purple color iris gamma : irnd: 6 sc in MR 2 rnd’ 6 ine (12) Leave a long end for sewing, MCL ml ; Hook No2,crocheting with purple color iris gamma , a shown in the photo: 5 ch ,cut the thread and hide. : SIDE STRAPS (2 PCS) j Hook No2,crocheting with purple color iris gamma : rrnd: 21 ch,from second 20 se, Leave a long end for sewing. ATTACMENT BOO Sew ears between 22-26 rows; We sew the head after we put on the dress. Sew the body behind the last row of the head. , OUR DOLL BOO IS READY! WRITE THE DAY AND BE SURE TO CONGRATULATE, KISS AND TEA! Ml [SAND OF COURSE TAG ME DON'T MISS ANYONE

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