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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí

Tìm lỗi sai Tiếng Anh - Ôn thi vào lớp 6

Find the mistake in each mistake
1. We should (A) drink lots (B) of coke (C) and eat sweets (D).

2. You have (A) a fever. Don’t go (B) out. Let’s stays (C) in bed and take (D) some

3. My (A) brother can’t (B) go to schuul (C) today because he has (D) a fever.

4. My (A) mother has (B) a problem with her teeths (C). She must (D) go to the doctor.

5. Trang often go (A) camping with (B) her family (C) once a month (D).

6. We (A) often go (B) to school (C) in (D) bus.

7. Phong likes (A) drawing pictures (B) and play (C) chess (D).

8. Her sister goes (A) to the zoo (B) with her (C) classmates yesterday (D).

9. How oftens (A) do you read (B) folk tales? - Once (C) a week (D).

10. My brother (A) bought a very (B) interesting books (C) last week (D).

11. There (A) are thirty pupils (B) in my (C) class. Them (D) are hard-working pupils.

12. Can (A) you go (B) to (C) the store for I (D)?

13. I’d like (A) a sandwich (B) and a glass (C) lemon juice (D), please.

14. How many (A) is that (B) pack of (C) milk (D)?

15. How many (A) oranges (B) would (C) he (D) want?

16. Which (A) time (B) do you get (C) up (D)?

17. It is (A) very (B) noise (C) here (D).

18. There (A) aren’t any (B) store (C) here (D).

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí

19. This (A) is my book. These (B) are the teacher (C) books. (D)
20. That (A) is Sally’s (B) dog. It’s (C) name’s (D) Muffìn.
21. He lives (A) in (B) an (C) apartment near to (D) the lake.
22. There are (A) a bed, a table, a computer (B), and (C) a bookshelf in (D) my bedroom.
23. There are (A) a (B) well (C) in my grandparents’ (D) garden
24. I will come (A) and stay with (B) you and (C) your family on March.(D)
25. In summer (A), Peter usually plays (B) the tennis (C) every day.(D)
26. Music (A) is clear (B) different from (C) language. (D)
27. People can (A) use music (B) for express (C) their emotions.(D)
28. They (A) often walking (B) to school because (C) their house in near (D) the school.
29. My mother is (A) going (B) to held (C) a party in (D) a big hotel next week.
30. The (A) sign “No smoking here” means (B) that you must (C) smoke (D) here.
31. She totally (A) agrees to (B) her husband about (C) the need for (D) change .
32. Is (A) there a (B) river to (C) the right for (D) the hotel?
-The end-

Đáp án tìm lỗi sai Tiếng Anh - Ôn thi vào lớp 6

Find the mistake in each mistake

1. A (should => shouldn’t) 2. C (stays => stay) 3. C (schuul => school)

4. C (teeths => tooth) 5. A (go => goes) 6. D (in => by)

7. C (play => playing) 8. A (goes => went) 9. A (oftens => often)

10. C (books => book) 11. D (Them => They) 12. D (I => me)

13. C (a glass => a glass of) 14. A (many => much) 15. C (would => does)

16. A (Which => What) 17. C (noise => noisy) 18. C (store => stores)

19. C (teacher => teacher’) 20. C (It’s => Its) 21. D (near to => next to)

22. A (are => is) 23. A (are => is) 24. D (on Marrch => in

Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 0 2 4 2 2 4 2 6 1 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí


25. C (the tennis => tennis) 26. B (is clear => clearly) 27. B (for express => to

28. B (walking => walk) 29. C (held => hold) 30. C (must => mustn’t)

31. B (to => with) 32. D (for => of)

Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 0 2 4 2 2 4 2 6 1 8 8

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