2021-2022- Recap from grade 9 to 10

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Recap for the structure of Atom & Periodic table

Done by: Zahraa Shaalan

Grade 9  10

1 Determine the composition of the atom.

Determine the characteristics of the subatomic

2 particles.
Write the electron configuration using K,L,M shells and
3 deduce its Lewis dot symbol.

Determine the position of an element in the periodic table

4 and list some of its properties (metal or non-metal).
What is an Atom made up of?? (structure of an atom)

An atom is made of two main regions: Nucleus & Electron Cloud.

Electron Cloud

It is the central region of an atom.
Protons Neutrons
It consists of small particles: protons& neutrons,
that are called nucleons.

Nucleons have same mass:

mass 1p+= mass 1 n0 = 1 a.m.u. or 1 u

It is the massive part of the atom; the mass of

nucleus is approximately equal to the mass of atom.

Protons (p+) are positively charged particles while

Neutrons (n0) are neutral (uncharged) particles, as a
result the nucleus is positively charged.
Electron Cloud
It is the region around the nucleus where
electrons are located.
Electrons are arranged in energy levels within the
electron cloud.
Electrons are negatively charged and as a result
the electron cloud also negatively charged

The mass of the electrons cloud is negligible

compared to the mass of nucleus. (since the mass of
1 electron is negligible compared to the mass of 1 nucleon)

The size of the electron cloud to the nucleus is

like the size of a ball to the stadium.
Rules used in calculating the composition of the atom:

Rule:1 Atomic number (z) = number of protons

Rule: 2 In a neutral atom: number of protons = number of electrons

Rule: 3 In a neutral atom:

neutrality Atomic number (Z) = number of protons = number of electrons

Rule:4 A =Z + N
Calculation of the atomic mass
1 neutron (1 a.m.u) 1 proton (1 a.m.u) 1830 electrons 1 proton (1 a.m.u)

Mass atom = mass protons + mass neutrons + mass electrons

Since the mass of the electrons is negligible relative to the mass of the nucleons then:

Mass atom ≈ mass nucleons (protons + neutrons)

Mass atom ≈ number of nucleons x mass of 1nucleon

Mass atom ≈ A x (1a.m.u.)

Rule: 5 Atomic mass ≈ A a.m.u.

Atomic Symbol
Atomic Symbol (nuclear symbol or symbolic representation of an atom)

Give the atomic representation of carbon (C) atom
having an atomic number=6 and mass number= 12

Determine the atomic representation of helium (He)
atom having 2 protons and 2 neutrons

Answer: Atomic number (Z) of helium = number of protons = 2

Mass number (A) = Z + N =2+2= 4
Calculation of the atomic composition

The composition of an atom is the number of its constituents (number of protons,

number of neutrons, number of electrons)
Calculate the composition of chlorine atom ( 35
17𝐶𝑙 )

• Number of protons = atomic number (Z) = 17 , then: Number of protons= 17

• In a neutral chlorine atom number of protons = number of electrons then: Number of electrons = 17

• Mass number (A) = Z + N

Number of neutrons = N = A – Z = 35 – 17 =18, then: Number of neutrons= 18

Reapeat the same steps to calculate the

composition of carbon atom ( 126𝐶 )
Electron Cloud

Electrons are located in the electron cloud.

They are most likely to be found in specific

regions called shells.

Electrons are arranged in the electron cloud

on energy shells/ energy levels.
Electron Configuration
It is the arrangement of the electrons in the electron cloud.

The electron cloud is the region outside the

nucleus where electrons are found.
It is made up of 7 energy shells/levels:
- numbered as : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- named as : K - L - M - N - O - P - Q

-The way the electrons are arranged account for
the properties of the element.
Electron Configuration
The maximum number of electrons found in each energy level is
Rules to write the electron configuration: determined by 2n2, where n=number of energy level

1. Indicate the number of electrons at the Name of Number Maximum number of

beginning. energy of energy electrons
level level
(if not given use the neutrality rule)

K 1 2 (n2)= 2(12)= 2
2. Place electrons first in the lowest energy
level, and use energy shells in order. L 2 2 (n2)= 2(22)= 8

M 3 2 (n2)= 2(32)= 18

3. There are never more than 8 electrons in the N 4 2 (n2)= 2(42)= 32

energy level (except K=2 es).
Lewis dot symbol
It is a representation of the element showing the valence electron of the atom as dots around it.

Valence electrons of an atom are the electrons in the last energy level.
Lewis dot symbol

The valence electrons must be distributed around the four sides of the element before we start
pairing 2 electrons together.
Lewis dot symbol

The valence electrons must be distributed around the four sides of the element before we start
pairing 2 electrons together.

Write the Lewis dot symbol of: In a neutral Al atom:

number of electrons = number of protons=
atomic number (Z)= 13
Periodic Table
There are 118 elements in nature organized in a table called periodic table.

The table consist of 18 columns and 7 rows.

Theses elements are grouped based on their chemical properties.

Elements belonging to the same column have the same chemical properties.

Elements of column 1 and 2 belong to group I and II respectively.

Elements of column 13 to 18 belong to group III to VIII respectively.

Since we are responsible for the first 20 elements, we will erase the other elements with the empty spaces.
Metals are ductile, malleable,
conducts heat and electricity. They
tend to lose electrons.

Elements belonging to group: I are

metals and called: Alkali metals
except for hydrogen which is a gas

Elements belonging to group: II are

metals and called: Alkaline earth

Elements belonging to group: III are Semi-metals (metalloids) have some properties of metals but behave
metals except for Boron that is a chemically as non-metal.
semi-metal (metalloid).
Elements belonging to group: IV Non-metals are not ductile nor malleable and don’t
are non-metals except for Silicon conduct heat and electricity. They tend to gain electrons.
that is a semi-metal.

Elements belonging to group V, VI,

VII are non-metals.
Those that belong to group VII are
called Halogens.

Elements belonging to group: VIII

are called inert gases/ noble gases.
These elements are stable and
saturated. They exist as atomic
element in nature and are not
involved in any chemical bonding
with other element.
Let us guess how the elements are located in the periodic table

Write the electron configuration of each element and then compare them with each other.
Periodic Table
Periodic Table
Periodic Table

Helium is a noble gas that belongs to group VIII, and it is saturated and stable by 2 electrons in its
shell K, unlike the other noble gases that are saturated by 8 electrons in their last shell.
Periodic Table

Periodic Table

Periodic Table

Periodic Table

Application: 1

Determine the placement of chlorine element in

the periodic table given that it has 17 electrons.

e.c. of Cl : K2L8M7
Cl has 3 occupied shells (K,L,M)  then it belongs to period 3 (row:3)
Cl has 7 electrons in the last shell  then it belongs to group: VII (column:17)
Periodic Table

Application: 2

Determine the placement (group, period) of 15P.

In a neutral P atom: Number of electrons = number of protons = atomic number = 15

e.c. of P : K2L8M5
P has 3 occupied shells (K,L,M)  then it belongs to period 3
P has 5 electrons in the last shell  then it belongs to group: V
Periodic Table

Application: 3

Determine the atomic number of the boron given that it belongs to column 13 and row 2.

Boron belongs to row 2  then it has 2 occupied shells (K, L)

Boron belongs to column 13  then it has 3 electrons in the last shell (L)
e.c. of B : K2L3  nb electrons = 2+3= 5
In a neutral B atom: atomic number = number of protons = number of electrons = 5
Z= 5
Periodic Table

Application: 4

Determine the atomic number of the second alkali metal.

second alkali metal belongs to row 3  then it has 3 occupied shells (K, L, M)
second alkali metal belongs to column 1  then it has 1 electron in the last shell (M)
e.c.: K2L8M1  nb electrons = 2+8+1= 11
In a neutral atom: atomic number = number of protons = number of electrons = 11
Z= 11
Periodic Table

Application: 5

Determine the atomic number of the first halogen.

first halogen belongs to row 2  then it has 2 occupied shells (K, L)

first halogen belongs to column 17  then it has 7 electron in the last shell (L)
e.c.: K2L7  nb electrons = 2+7= 9
In a neutral atom: atomic number = number of protons = number of electrons = 9
Z= 9

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