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ARZ School EXAM Quality Education

École ARZ Education de qualité

Class: Gr 8 Name: Duration:60 min

Subject: Chemistry Note: ___/20
Exercise 1
Complete the following statement with the convenient term. (2points)
a. …………. is the number of unpaired electrons in the Lewis dot symbol.
b. Elements are arranged in the periodic table in the ….. order of their atomic number.
c. Elements in the same column have the same number of …..
d. Isotopes have the same ……. but different ..……
e. A proton is a ….. charged particles, its relative charge is equal to …. and its mass is equal to …..

Exercise 2 (9 points) Atoms

Sulfur (S) is an essential element which enters in the structure of vitamin B1 and plays a role in the
functioning of joints. Sulfur helps the assimilation of some minerals such as calcium (Ca). Calcium binds to
Fluorine (F) and this contributes to the solidity of the skeleton and prevention of dental decays.
The symbolic representation of calcium atom is 𝟒𝟎 2 8 8 2
𝟐𝟎𝑪𝒂 and its electron configuration is 𝐾 𝐿 𝑀 N
Given: Relative charge of an electron = 1-.

1. Choose one correct answer with justification. (2 ½)

# Statement a b c
1 The nucleus of calcium atom 20 protons and 20 20 protons and 40 20 neutrons and
contains neutrons neutrons 20 nucleons
2 Calcium belongs to the family Alkali Metals Halogens Alkaline Earth
of Metals
3 The atomic mass of calcium is 20 amu 40 amu 60 amu
4 The charge of electron cloud 18- 20+ 20-
of calcium is

2. Sulfur atoms belongs to column 16 and row 3 in the periodic table.

2.1. Determine the electron configuration of sulfur atom. (1)
2.2. Show that the atomic number of sulfur is Z= 16. (1 ½ )
2.3. Choose the correct Lewis Dot Symbol of sulfur. (½)

3. Document 1 represents a scheme for Fluorine atom having 10 neutrons.

3.1. Indicate the number of electrons in a fluorine atom. (½)
3.2. Calculate Z and A and write its nuclide. (1½)
3.3. Is X, having the nuclide 10 𝑋 , an isotope of fluorine? Justify. (1)
3.4.“Fluorine belongs to the family of halogen.” Justify this statement (½)

1 Academic Year 2022-2023 Term 1

ARZ School EXAM Quality Education
École ARZ Education de qualité

Exercise 3 (9points) Elements in a banana

Bananas are considered as natural medicines for several diseases. Compared to apples, bananas contain 4
times more proteins, 3 times more phosphorous (P) and 5 times more vitamin A. They also contain the
elements potassium (K) and sodium (Na).
Document 1 shows some information concerning the three atoms.

Potassium K Sodium Na Phosphorous P

Information Electron Atomic Number Scheme:
configuration: Z = 11
𝐾2𝐿8𝑀8𝑁1 Number of Nucleus
Nucleons = 23 contains 16

Document 1

1. Pick out from the text:

1.1 The chemical elements contained in banana. (½)
1.2 The advantage of eating banana instead of apples. (½)

2. Consider sodium atom.

2.1 Determine the number of protons of sodium atom. (1)
2.2 Deduce the electron configuration of sodium. (1)
2.3 Determine the position (row and column) of sodium atom in the periodic table. (1)
2.4 Name the family of sodium. (½)

3. Consider Phosphorous atom.

3.1 Determine the number of fundamental particles in phosphorous atom. (1)
3.2 Write the electron configuration of Phosphorous. (½)
3.3 Write the Lewis dot symbol of Phosphorous and indicate its valency. (1)

4. Indicate if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones. (2)
4.1 The nuclide of sodium atom is 11
23𝑁𝑎 .
4.2 The nucleus of sodium atom contains 23 neutrons.
4.3 Potassium atom contains 19 electrons
4.4 Potassium and sodium are in the same row.

2 Academic Year 2022-2023 Term 1

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