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APRIL 13, 2023


HESC 2720
University of the People

I will look at periodontitis and the role that the role played by smoking. Periodontitis is

referred here as a severe case of gum disease which may cause the teeth and bone holding the

teeth to break away leading to the need to teeth extraction to deal with the infection (Van Dyke,

2020; Veiga & Coelho). Apart from smoking, poor oral hygiene allowing bacteria to lodge

within the gums, as well as overall stress which can weaken the immune system preventing it to

fight any potential infection arising from the gum areas.

I come from a country where smoking is quite prevalent and every time I go back to my

home town in Hungary, my observation has been quite disappointing to witness such a high

adoption rate among young individuals greatly influenced by public figures who show up on

television exhibiting their lavish lifestyles where smoking plays a great part. The government has

been eager to raise the awareness about the high risk of developing oral or mouth cancer, gum

problems and teeth decaying right at their roots, as well as subsequent complications when it

comes to tooth removal as well as oral surgery in general (Tatomir, 2017; Van Dyke, 2020;

Veiga & Coelho, 2015).

However, the message is probably not well received as the same stakeholders advocating

for smoking reductions do not resist the temptation of showing up at the public gatherings while

openly holding a cigarette or finding a secluded place to smoke. I tended to wonder what was the

point of spending huge amounts of public funds to engage in programs that the proponents have

trouble to act as true role models. However, that is hardly surprising knowing the reality of

Eastern European politicians and policy makers and their well-documented unethical behavior

when it comes to designing policies that directly benefit them to outrightly taking bribes to

enrich themselves.

Van Dyke (2020) talked about periodontal or gum disease as an infection of gums with

smoking playing an important role on severe cases since the bacteria travel within the gums

creating layers of plaque which hardened with time causing infected. Though a quick

intervention could lead to significant relief, the subsequent smoking renders the process harder to

attain healing while making it easier for constant recurrence.

Having said that, programs aimed at reducing the frequency of smoking among the

general population will be effective in addressing the causal factors associated with periodontitis

within the Hungarian context. Apart from what seemed like politically motivated campaigns

involving elected officials, a more effective approach ought to involve public health

professionals working closely with stakeholders to address the root cause influencing the

widespread adoption rate among teens and other young adult individuals.

In addition, adopting policies that prohibit smoking in many public spaces would go a

long way in curbing the social acceptance of the practice, while introducing at the same time

punitive measures which protect younger people from second hand exposure.

In short, periodontitis or severe gum disease is serious public health challenge in my

home country amplified by the widespread rate of smoking prevailing within the nation. In this

regard, effective solutions would require a collaborative approach among all stakeholders in

crafting an action plan which addresses the root causes while supporting at the same time

patients as well as providing tools and adequate funding for healthcare professionals.


Tatomir, S. (2017, December, 19). The mouth and body connection [Infographic]. Delta Dental.

Van Dyke, T. E. (2020, May 26). Examining the oral-systemic link. Dimensions of Dental

Hygiene, 18(5), pp. 32–35.


Veiga, N., & Coelho, I. (2015). The importance of epidemiology in dental medicine. Journal of

Dental and Oral Health, 1(4), 1-4.


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