Mythmaker's Ranger v1.0B

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Mythmaker's Ranger

The Ultimate Survivalists

V 1.0
The need for a ranger revision is well known. There are many
options out there, but I've yet to find one which fully satisfied Other Documents
my criteria -- most notably the resourcefulness and Mythmaker's Ranger utilizes (and in some cases relies on) a
versatility a ranger should have. number of subsystems added by other Mythmaker documents:
This revision includes an entirely unique resource pool and
list of "survival knack" features to choose from that can truly Mythmaker's Grimoire Vol. 1
allow a ranger to be interesting, fun, and useful in all pillars of Mythmaker's Equipment Overhaul
gameplay. With prepared spellcasting, added tool proficiencies, *MM's Book of Brewing (Alchemy, Poisons, and more)
and a more streamlined version of Hunter's Mark as a class *MM's Manual of Trap Making
feature, Mythmaker's Ranger is ready to fulfill the fantasy *MM's Guide to Gear Crafting
ranger deserves.
*coming soon
My goal was also to replace features that simply bypassed
MGV1 offers 25+ new spells for rangers to prepare. More
exploration from prior versions of the ranger and instead add
spells are added frequently to the ranger list via patreon,
interaction, since exploration is a key pillar for the class.
eventually to be released in MGV2.
Prepared spellcasting also makes exploration spells viable
The equipment overhaul is fully optional for the base class
options without sacrificing combat spells when needed.
and most subclasses, easily replaced with the standard
equipment rules except for certain subclasses whose features
What's Different? rely on added weapon and/or armor properties.
Aptitude & Survival Die. Mythmaker's ranger has a unique, Likewise, the Book of Brewing, Manual of Trap Making, and
evolving resource pool of survival dice, used to fuel various Guide to Gear Crafting can be ignored. In doing so, one should
ranger abilities in both the base class and almost every subclass also ignore the Alchemist and Trapper survival knacks. Certain
added with this document. subclasses possess (optional) features which also rely on these
The evolving size of the die (aptitude) is also used as built-in crafting rulesets.
scaling for many features such as Hunter's Quarry (see below). Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Lastly, this class is
Proficiencies. The class now begins with two tool intended to be used alongside certain options presented in
proficiencies chosen from a curated list. Acrobatics is also Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.
added to their skill option list.
Added Ranger spells
Hunter's Quarry. This class feature replaces the Hunter's
Expanded Ranger spell list
Mark spell.
Ranger fighting styles
autonomous resource, can replenish w/ survival die Ranger Spellcasting Focus
damage scales with aptitude Martial Versatility
no concentration Skill Versatility
bonus action or free activation on a hit Other optional class features not listed above should NOT be
one mark at a time
used with this version of the ranger class.
mark ends when target dies (no remarking)
In any case where a subclass provides a spell from a source
Prepared/Ritual Spellcasting. Rangers may now prepare book you can not access, work with your GM to choose a fitting
their list of available spells when they complete a long rest. alternative from the same spell level.
Ritual casting is possible, although it costs a survival die.
Tireless. Adapted optional feature from Tasha's. Previously Patron Shout Out
10th level, now 6th, works with aptitude/survival dice.
A huge thank you to all those who support me
Ambusher. New 10th level feature. through patreon, and also our discord channel. A
Fade Away 10th level feature Adapted from Tasha's special thanks to Sap, But Also Stars, Moonlitfields,
Cauldron of Everything to function with aptitude/survival dice. Polyblium, and Soshiro. To all my patrons and friends
Ranger's Resolve. New 14th level feature. Replaces Vanish in the community, you are awesome <3
(which is now incorporated in the Prowler survival knack)
Feral Senses. Changed to Blindsight, which is essentially
the same as what it previously was, only now more
Fatal Mark. Replaces Foe Slayer. A much more consistent
and useful bonus, limited by the fact it can only apply to a target
marked by your Hunter's Quarry.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Aptitude Survival Dice 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Hunter's Quarry, Ultimate Survivalist d4 1 — — — — —
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Spellcasting d4 2 2 — — — —
3rd +2 Ranger Archetype, Primal Awareness d4 2 3 — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Increase d4 2 3 — — — —
5th +3 Extra Attack d4 3 4 2 — — —
6th +3 Survivalist Knacks, Tireless d6 3 4 2 — — —
7th +3 Ranger Archetype Feature d6 3 4 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Increase, Land's Stride d6 3 4 3 — — —
9th +4 — d6 4 4 3 2 — —
10th +4 Survivalist Knacks, Ambusher, Fade Away d6 4 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 Ranger Archetype Feature d6 4 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Increase d6 4 4 3 3 — —
13th +5 — d8 5 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 Survivalist Knack, Ranger's Resolve d8 5 4 3 3 1 —
15th +5 Ranger Archetype Feature d8 5 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 Ability Score Increase d8 5 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 — d8 6 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Feral Senses d8 6 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Increase d8 6 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Fatal Mark d8 6 4 3 3 3 2

Starting Equipment
Class Features You start with the following items, plus anything provided by
your background.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 (a) leather armor or (b) scale mail
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier (a) two one-handed melee weapons or (b) a two- handed
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution melee weapon, or (c) a one-handed melee weapon and a
modifier per Ranger level after 1st shield
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
Proficiencies a ranged weapon and a quiver with 20 pieces of ammunition
Armor: light armor, medium armor, shields (light, medium)
Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons Alternatively, you may start with 5d4 × 10 gp to buy your
Tools: Choose two from Cartographer's Tools, Fletchery Kit, own equipment.
Herbalism kit, Navigator's Tools, Poisoner's Kit
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose 3 from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics,
Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.

Eagle Eyes. You gain proficiency with the Perception skill, if
Hunter's Quarry you don't already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for
any Perception check you make. As a bonus action, you can
When you hit a creature with an attack roll, you can designate it
steady your aim to give yourself advantage on your next attack
as the quarry of your hunt (no action required). Alternatively,
roll on the current turn. You can use this bonus action only if
you can use a bonus action to mark a creature you see within
you haven't moved during this turn, and after you use the
90 feet of you. The target is marked until it drops to 0 hit
bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.
points, 8 hours pass, or you use this feature again to target
When you use this feature and hit, you can expend a survival
another creature. While a creature is marked, you gain the
die to add a roll of the die to the attack's damage.
following benefits:
Master of Your Environment. When you benefit from at
Tracker's Sense. You have advantage on any Wisdom
least half cover, you also gain an additional +1 bonus to your AC
(Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check you make to find the
and Dexterity saving throws. When you create cover, you
extend this bonus to any creature who benefits from the cover.
Lethal Strike. You deal extra damage to the target whenever Lastly, when you make a ranged attack from behind at least half
you hit it with a weapon attack. The damage is equal to the die cover, you can expend a survival die to add a roll of the die to
shown for your level in the aptitude column of the Ranger table. the attack roll. You must choose to do so before you roll.

You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal Natural Vitality (6th level). As an action, you can expend a
to 1 + your proficiency bonus. You can also expend Survival Die survival die to regain hit points equal to a roll of the die + your
to gain additional uses (one use per die spent). Constitution modifier. Once you use this feature, you must
finish a long rest before you can do so again. You are also
immune to disease, and you regain one additional hit die when
Hunter's Mark you complete a long rest.
The Hunter's Quarry feature is intended to completely
replace the Hunter's Mark spell, removing the spell Nature's Diplomat. You learn three languages (or gain 6
from the game. If your GM does not remove Hunter's language points, if using Mythmaker's Language Rules). You
Mark from the game, the spell and class feature also gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. When you make a
should never be allowed to stack. Charisma ability check and you share a language with the target
creature(s), you can expend a survival die to add a roll of the
die to the ability check. You can choose to use this feature
Ultimate Survivalist before or after you roll, but before the result is declared.
You are an unsurpassed explorer and survivor. You can call on
Prowler. You gain proficiency with the Stealth skill, if you don't
your skills in crucial moments, pushing yourself to the limits by
already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any
expending survival die.
Stealth check you make. If you are traveling alone, you can
You have a pool of survival die, as shown in the survival dice
move stealthily at a normal pace. Also, you can't be tracked by
column of the ranger table. When you use a survival die, roll the nonmagical means, unless you choose to leave a trail.
die shown for your level in the aptitude column of the ranger
Additionally, you can expend a survival die to take the Hide
table. A survival die is expended when you use it, unless action as a bonus action. When you do, add a roll of your
otherwise noted. You regain all of your expended survival dice
survival die to the check.
when you finish a long rest.
If an ability allows you to expend a survival die to add it to an Rugged Resilience (10th level). You gain a +2 bonus to
attack or damage roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can Constitution saving throws. When you make a constitution
only do so once for that roll (unless otherwise noted). saving throw, you can expend a survival die to add a roll of the
At first level, you learn two survivalist knacks of your choice die to the total. You can choose to use this feature before or
from the list below. You may choose one more at 6th, 10th, and after you roll, but before the result is declared.
14th level.
Seasoned Mind (10th level). You gain a +1 bonus to two of
Alchemist (Requires Herbalism Kit). You gain proficiency your choice from Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving
with Alchemy tools and learn 2 alchemy recipes with rating 1. throws. When you make any one of those saving throws, you
When you make an ability check to harvest ingredients, to craft can expend a survival die to add a roll of the die to the total. You
an alchemical creation, or to reverse engineer one, you can can choose to use this feature before or after you roll, but
expend a survival die to add a roll of the die to your ability before the result is declared.
check. You must choose to do so before you roll.
Trapper. You gain proficiency with Tinker's Tools and learn 2
Discerning Mind. You gain proficiency with the Investigation trap designs with rating 1. When you deploy a trap or cast a
skill, if you don't already have it. Your proficiency bonus is spell that creates a trap (as described specifically in a spell's
doubled for any Investigation check you make. Additionally, you description), you can expend a survival die to enhance the trap.
can take the Search action as a bonus action. When you do, you Any creature that makes a saving throw against the trap
can expend a survival die to add a roll of the die to the check. subtracts a roll of your survival die from their total.
You must choose to do so before you roll.

Traveler. Your speed increases by 5 feet, and you gain a Two Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon
climbing and swimming speed equal to your walking speed. fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of
Additionally, when you forage, you find twice as much food as the second attack.
you normally would. Lastly, once per turn, on your turn, you
can expend a survival die (no action required) to increase your
Condition: Dazed
movement speed by 10 feet until your turn ends.
A dazed creature can only take an action or a bonus
Vigilance. You gain a +2 bonus to Initiative rolls. Even when action on its turn -- not both. It also can't reactions.
you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as Lastly, a dazed creature has disadvantage on saving
foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger, throws against being stunned. The dazed condition
and you don't suffer the -5 penalty to your passive perception
ends immediately if the target becomes stunned.
score while traveling at a fast pace. Lastly, when you roll
initiative, you can expend a survival die to add a roll of the die
to your total. You must choose to do so before you roll. Spellcasting
By the time you reach 2nd level, you have learned to use the
Wildlife Keeper (6th level). You gain proficiency with the
magical essence of nature to cast spells, much as a druid does.
Animal Handling skill, if you don't already have it. Your
See chapter 10 for the general rules of spellcasting and the end
proficiency bonus is doubled for any Animal Handling check
of this document for the ranger spell list.
you make. Additionally, you can expend a survival die to cast
Animal Friendship or Beast Bond as a 1st level spell without Preparing and Casting Spells
expending a spell slot. The Ranger table shows how many spell slots you have to cast
your ranger spells. To cast one of your ranger spells of 1st level
Fighting Style or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher.
You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your
You prepare the list of ranger spells that are available for you
specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a
to cast, choosing from the ranger spell list. When you do so,
Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to
choose a number of ranger spells equal to your Wisdom
choose again.
modifier + half your ranger level, rounded down (minimum of
Archery. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell
ranged weapons. slots.
For example, if you are a 5th-level ranger, you have four 1st-
Bludgeoning Specialist. When you hit with a weapon level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a Wisdom of 14, your
attack that deals bludgeoning damage and the attack roll list of prepared spells can include four spells of 1st or 2nd level,
exceeds the target's AC by 5 or more, the target must in any combination. If you prepare the 1st- level spell animal
succeed a Constitution saving throw or become Dazed* until friendship, you can cast it using a 1st- level or a 2nd-level slot.
its next turn ends. The DC equals 10 + 2 for each other time Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared
the creature has been forced to make this saving throw since spells.
the start of its last turn.
You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a
Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus long rest. Preparing a new list of ranger spells requires time
to AC. spent in planning and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell
level for each spell on your list.
Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one
hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage Spellcasting Ability
rolls with that weapon. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your ranger spells, since
your magic draws on your attunement to nature. You use your
Finisher. When you deal damage to a prone, restrained, or Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
incapacitated enemy with a weapon attack, roll an addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the
additional damage die. If the weapon has multiple die, use saving throw DC for a ranger spell you cast and when making
the largest type. an attack roll with one.
Slashing Specialist. When you hit with a weapon attack
that deals slashing damage and the attack roll exceeds the Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
target's AC by 5 or more, add your proficiency bonus to the your Wisdom modifier
damage. Undead and Constructs are immune to this extra
damage. Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
Piercing Specialist. When you hit with a weapon attack your Wisdom modifier
that deals piercing damage and the attack roll exceeds the Ritual Casting
target's AC by 5 or more, roll all damage for the attack twice By expending a survival die, you can cast a ranger spell as a
and take the higher result. The attack's damage also ignores ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell
any damage reduction provided by the target's armor. prepared.

Primal Awareness Resourceful
Starting at 3rd level, you can focus your awareness through the Starting at 6th level, you can recover one expended survival die
interconnections of nature: you gain access to the spells listed when you finish a short rest.
for that level in the Primal Awareness Spells table. Once you
gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared,
and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can
Land's Stride
prepare each day. Starting at 8th level, you can swiftly move where others
struggle. Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you
Primal Awareness no extra movement. You can also pass through nonmagical
Ranger Level Spells plants without being slowed by them and without taking
damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar
3rd speak with animals
5th beast sense In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against
9th speak with plants plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede
13th locate creature movement, such those created by the entangle spell.
17th commune with nature
You can cast each of these spells once without expending a At 10th level, you learn how to act swiftly and deal deadly
spell slot. Once you cast a spell in this way, you can't do so again strikes at unaware prey. You add your aptitude to initiative
until you finish a long rest. You can also expend a survival die to rolls, and you have advantage on attack rolls against any
gain an additional use (one use per die expended). creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet.

Ranger Archetype Mystic Fade

At 3rd level, you choose to emulate the ideals and training of a
At 10th level, you draw on the powers of nature to hide yourself
ranger archetype from the list of available archetypes. Your from view briefly. As a bonus action, you can magically become
choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 5th, 7th,
invisible, along with any equipment you are wearing or
11th, and 15th level. carrying, until the start of your next turn. You can use this
feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and
Ability Score Improvement you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. You
can also expend a survival die to gain an additional use (one
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th
use per die expended).
level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or
you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1, As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this Ranger's Resolve
feature. At 14th level, surviving the harshness of the wilds has steeled
If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a your body. You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws. If
feat. you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency
in another saving throw of your choice.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, Feral Senses
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. At 18th level, your senses are enhanced by the natural magic
you have exposed yourself to. You gain blindsight out to 30 feet.
Starting at 6th level, as an action, you can give yourself a Fatal Mark
number of temporary hit points equal to a roll of your aptitude At 20th level, when you make an attack against a creature
+ your Wisdom modifier. You can use this special action a marked by your Hunter's Quarry, add your Wisdom modifier to
number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, and you the attack and damage rolls.
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. You can (The mechanics of the Fatal Mark feature were created by
gain an additional use by expending a survival die (one use per
community member Techcaliber (found on reddit as
die expended) u/owlbear_den) and are included with their permission)
In addition, whenever you finish a short rest, your exhaustion
level, if any, is decreased by 1.

Ranger Archetypes
Archetype Description
Slayer Masters of combat, equally proficient in melee and at range. Good offense is best defense.
Marksman Lethal from afar, experts at guerilla warfare, using environment and cover to their advantage.
Stalker Always sneakin'. Utilizes darkness, stealth, and silence to pounce on their prey.
Scout Recon expert, avoids confrontation. Extra features while undamaged and unbloodied.
Guide Expedition leaders, pathfinders. Support-based auras and actions for exploration and combat.
Wayfarer Highly adaptive, versatile explorers, masters of any environment
Trapper Expert of traps (magic and mechanical). Prefers preparation and planning, but works on the fly too.
Pack Hunter Offensive focus, reliant on teamwork and coordination.
Vanguard Defensive supporters and tanks. Intercept attacks and control positioning.
Realm Keeper Protectors of one or more realms from unwanted outside influence or threats. Teleportation abilities.
Arbor Heart Allies of the trees. "Guardian" transformation for defense/reach, and other tree magic.
Skinshifter Gain feral qualities based on the aspects of beasts. Partial transformations. Rivalry/hatred for Lycans.
Emissary Diplomats connecting nature to civilization. Social features, languages, and a found familiar companion

Coming Soon
Archetype Description
Beast Master Forming a close bond with an animal companion who follows them in and out of combat
Spirit Walker Walking the line between life and death, allied with benevolent, supernatural undead
Monster Hunter Hunting supernatural threats using supernatural means. Also excel in alchemy and lore.
Winged Watcher Allies of avian creatures. Find Familiar (bird only), limited flight, height advantage attacks, etc.
Moonblade Guardians of night, often connected to Night Fey. Can attune any melee weapon as their "Moonblade"
Sunstrider Allies of the unforgiving Sun Fey. Ruthless and resilient, themes of fire, desert, and shadow.
Grave Warden Protect the natural cycle of life and death. Hunt undead. Radiant powers and difficult to kill.
Occult Ally Protectors of benevolent witches, hags, and fey. Trained in occult magic, herbalism, cooking, alchemy.
Lightbearer Bringing light to the darkest wilds, drawing on the light of the primordial heavens
Primalist Practicers of prehistoric survivalism and combat. Simple weapons only, special buffs and ability trees.
Archeologist Exploring and protecting old and dangerous places out of respect, rather than greed
Vagabond Not always welcome, roaming the wilderness because they have no other choice. Resilient & resourceful
Lore Seeker Knowledge is in the real world, not libraries or schools. INT based ranger
Trophy Hunter The bigger the better. Focused on taking down the largest threats, Enlarge to go toe-to-toe
Nomads Relying on experience & intuition, masters of animal handling, survivalism, travel, and exotic weapons
Venom Fang Wielding venom, poison, and even acid. Summon & interact with poisonous beasts and plants
Furred Rider The ways of a legendary mercenary band from snowy mountains of the far east. (aka Huns)
Steward Also known as shepherds, watching over wildlife, protecting the innocent & weak
Saddlebreaker Unique to small folk, riding unusual mounts such as hounds and large birds
Springbloom Born and blossomed in the magic of spring. Flower magic, charm and charisma

Slayer Starting at 7th level, when a creature marked by your Hunter's
Slayers are masters of combat dedicated to protecting Quarry and within 5 feet of you hits or misses you with an
civilization, and/or innocent's, from the dangerous threats of attack, you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack
the wilderness. Slayers focus on martial prowess, switching against that creature immediately after its attack, provided that
between melee and ranged attacks seemlessly as the situation you can see the creature.
demands. To a slayer, a good offense if the best defense. While
they still follow to tactful, cunning ways of the ranger, they Hoarde Slayer
never shy from direct approach. Starting at 11th level, you gain the features below:
Volley. You can use your action to make a ranged weapon
Slayer's Magic attack against any number of creatures within 10 feet of a point
Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach you can see within your weapon's range. You must have
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Slayer Spells table. ammunition for each target, as normal, and you make a
Each spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but doesn't count separate attack roll for each target.
against the number of ranger spells you can prepare. Whirlwind Attack. You can use your action to make a
melee attack against any number of creatures within 5 feet of
Slayer Spells you, with a separate attack roll for each target.
Ranger Level Spell
3rd Zephyr Strike (XGE) Superior Defenses
Starting at 15th level, your reflexes have sharpened to their
5th Branding Smite
pinnacle. You can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area
9th Haste effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or a lightning bolt
13th Staggering Smite spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to
make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you
17th Steel Wind Strike
instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and
only half damage if you fail.
Slayer's Tools You also gain the ability to react swiftly to a targeted attack.
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the Poisoner's
When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you
Kit, and your choice of the Fletchery Kit or Smithing Tools. Two
can use your reaction and expend a survival die to halve the
alchemy recipes (poison only) with base rating 1, and learn two
attack's damage against you.
arrow designs or weapon modification designs with base rating
1 of your choice.

Some subclass features draw upon added rules and
recipes in Mythmaker's Book of Brewing (Alchemy,
Poisons, and more), Mythmaker's Guide to Gear
Crafting (arrows, weapon modifications), and
Mythmaker's Manual of Trap Making. These works will
be released to the public at a later date. Until that
time, consider the portions of these features which
refer to "recipes" as optional.

Slayer's Mark
Starting at 3rd level, when a creature marked by your Hunter's
Quarry drops to 0 hit points, the magic of the mark lingers long
enough for you to move the mark before the end of your next
turn as a bonus action. You must move the mark to another
creature with the same creature type. If you do not, the mark
ends at the end of your next turn.

Tenacious Attacker
Starting at 3rd level, when you hit a creature with a weapon
attack, the creature takes a extra damage equal to your aptitude
if it's below its hit point maximum. You can deal this extra
damage only once per turn.

Open Range
Marksman Starting at 11th level, you have advantage on ranged weapon
An important member in a ranger group that finds themselves attacks against any creature that is not benefitting from cover
engaged often in guerilla warfare. A Marksman is master of or within 5 feet of another creature.
lethality from afar. Unlike a fighter or rogue marksman, a
ranger is particularly adept at finding and preparing the best Run For Cover
positions for themselves, and at using the environment around Starting at 15th level, your instincts are honed to dive for cover
their target to their advantage. in dire moments. When you are targeted by a ranged attack or
subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity
Marksman's Magic saving throw to take only half damage, you can use your
Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach reaction to move up to 10 feet directly towards a source of
certain levels in this class, as shown in the MArksman Spells cover within that same distance.
table. Each spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but doesn't If you so successfully, you gain the cover's benefits against
count against the number of ranger spells you can prepare. the triggering attack or effect, provided it is still possible for the
attack to target you, or for the effect to include you.
Marksman Spells You can use this feature once per short or long rest. You can
Ranger Level Spell expend survival dice to gain additional uses (1 use per 2 die)
3rd Arcane Aim (MGV2)
5th Rope Trick
Master Fletcher
At 15th level, you learn two arrow designs with any base rating.
9th Conjure Barrage
13th Dimension Door MGV1 & MGV2
17th Swift Quiver Spells marked this way are from Mythmaker's
Grimoire, Volume 1 and 2 respectively. Each marked
Marksman's Tools spell is included at the end of this document. The full
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the Fletchery Kit. You Volume 1 grimoire is available as a PDF now to
also learn two arrow designs with rating 1. Patrons! Volume 2 PDF in active development, to be
published exclusive to patrons.
Pinpoint Accuracy
Starting at 3rd level, your ranged weapon attacks do not have
disadvantage against prone targets.
Additionally, when you make a ranged weapon attack against
a target marked by your Hunter's Quarry, add your aptitude to
the attack roll.

Hidden Vantage
Starting at 3rd level, you can maintain hidden position even
while attacking from range. Immediately after you take the
attack action, you can attempt to Hide (no action required). You
can not do so if any of your attacks targeted a creature within
60 feet of you.
When you Hide in this way, add a +5 bonus to the Stealth

Master of Cover
Starting at 7th level, when you gain benefits from cover, you
gain an additional +1 bonus to your AC and to Dexterity saving
Additionally, if you spend 1 minute to prepare a hiding place,
you add +10 to your Stealth checks in the prepared place. If you
move, or take any actions or reactions, you lose the bonus until
you prepare a new hiding place.

Expanded Fletchery
At 7th level, you learn two arrow designs with a base rating of 3
or lower.

Guerilla. Choose three types of terrain from: arctic, coast,
Stalker desert, forest, grassland, mountain, swamp, tundra, or
underground. You have advantage on stealth checks in the
A stalker is a ghost in the wilderness, much like the silent
chosen environments.
predators and unseen prey of the bestial world. Stalkers can
remain unseen in almost any situation, subtly influencing an Nightstalker. You gain darkvision out to 60 feet.
encounter in diverse ways until they are ready to pounce. Their
abilities mesh mundane and magical means to achieve the Slippery. You can Disengage or Hide as a bonus action.
deadliest hunt or the safest passage possible.
Deadly. You gain proficiency with the Poisoner's Kit and
Stalker's Magic learn 2 alchemy recipes (poison only) with a base rating of 2
Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach or lower.
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Stalker Spells table.
Nimble. You gain proficiency with Acrobatics and Sleight of
Each spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but doesn't count
Hand. You also gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity saving throws.
against the number of ranger spells you can prepare.
Quick & Quiet. You can Dash as a bonus action. You can
Stalker Spells travel stealthily at a normal pace.
Ranger Level Spell
3rd Flash of Smoke (MGV1) Improved Stalker's Stride
Starting at 11th level, you roll your aptitude twice, instead of
5th Darkness once, when determining the extra damage from your Stalker's
9th Nondetection Strike feature.
13th Greater Invisibility
17th Mislead Rules Reminder: Stacking Aptitude or
Survival Die
Superior Stealth As a reminder, if an ability allows you to expend a
At 3rd level, you learn the Prowler survival knack, unless you survival die to add it to an attack or damage roll,
already know it. ability check, or saving throw, you can only do so once
for that roll (unless otherwise noted).
However, when a feature allows you to add your
Survival Knack: Prowler aptitude to a roll without requiring you to expend a
You gain proficiency with the Stealth skill, if you don't survival die, it can stack with other aptitude dice
already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for added to the same roll.
any Stealth check you make. If you are traveling alone,
you can move stealthily at a normal pace. Also, you
can't be tracked by nonmagical means, unless you Evasive
choose to leave a trail. Additionally, you can expend a Starting at 15th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of
survival die to take the Hide action as a bonus action. certain area effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or a
When you do, add a roll of your survival die to the lightning bolt spell. When you are subjected to an effect that
check. allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half
damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the
saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Stalker's Strike
Starting at 3rd level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit
a foe's distraction. Once per turn, you can add your aptitude to
a damage roll against one creature you hit with an attack if you
have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse
or a ranged weapon.
You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy
of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated,
and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Stalker Talents
Starting at 7th level, you learn two stalker talents from the list
below. You learn one additional talent at 11th and 15th level.
You can not choose the same stalker talent more than once.

Silent Stride. While walking on natural terrain, such as

grass, sand, rocks, or a forest floor, your steps make no
sound. This grants a +2 bonus to Stealth checks that rely on

Scout's Strike
Scout Starting at 11th level, you become especially deadly when you
While some scouts train in the ways of the rogue, others lean maintain your advantage. Your Scout's Advantage gains the
towards the path of a ranger. These scouts, while less direct following benefit
than their rougeish kin, are no less cunning. They focus on
gathering information, and avoiding danger, even within a fight. Hit Point % Benefit
Their abilities are enhanced while their health is high, so they 100% Add your aptitude to your attack rolls
do best to avoid direct confrontation. You have a +2 bonus to AC, instead
of the previous +1 bonus.
Scout's Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Scout Spells table.
Expert Escape
Starting at 15th level, you have learned supernatural methods
Each spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but doesn't count
to avoid danger. As a reaction when an attack would hit you,
against the number of ranger spells you can prepare.
you can cause the attack to miss. You can then move up to half
your movement speed immediately. This movement does not
Scout Spells
provoke opportunity attacks.
Ranger Level Spell
You can use this feature once before you must complete a
3rd Flash of Smoke (MGV1) short or long rest to do so again. You can expend survival dice
5th Blur to gain additional uses (one use per four dice spent)
9th Glyph of Watching (MGV1)
13th Greater Invisibility
17th Scrying

Scout's Advantage
Starting at 3rd level, your movement speed increases by 5 feet.
Additionally, you gain the following benefits based on the
amount of hit points you have remaining in relation to your hit
point maximum:

Hit Point
% Benefit
You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
100% You have a +1 bonus to AC.
50% or When you roll initiative, you can treat a d20
more roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
Less than You can take the Disengage and Hide actions as a
50% bonus action.

Safe Surveillance
Starting at 7th level, you combine your reconnaissance skills
with defensive practices.
When you take the Search action, you also gain a +1 bonus to
your armor class, Dexterity saving throws, and Wisdom saving
throws. These benefits last until your next turn starts.

Marked Threat
Starting at 7th level, you have a +1 bonus to your AC against
attacks from a creature marked by your Hunter's Quarry.

Unhindered Helper
Guide Starting at 11th level, you can take the Help action as a bonus
Guides are navigators, leaders, and helpers. They oversee action.
expeditions both large and small, sometimes with only one ally
and sometimes with entire caravans. Guides are masters of True Leader's Aura
exploration and support. Not only do they pathfind, they also Starting at 15th level, the features of your Guide's Aura improve
help their allies endure whatever comes their way. as follows:

Guide's Magic When you roll a 1 or a 2 on a d20 for an ability check or

Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach saving throw, you may reroll the d20. You can only use this
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Guide Spells table. feature once per turn.
The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no
against the number of ranger spells you can prepare. extra movement.
You add a +2 bonus to all saving throws
Guide Spells
Ranger Level Spell
3rd Bless
5th Calm Emotions
9th Mass Healing Word
13th Aura of Life
17th Skill Empowerment (XGE)

Experienced Guide
Starting at 3rd level, while travelling over long distances, your
group can't become lost except by magical means.

Helping Hand
Starting at 3rd level, when you take the Help action, the affected
creature also adds half your proficiency bonus to their total
(round down).

Keep the Course

Starting at 3rd level, as a reaction, which you take when a
creature other than you, which you can see within 30 feet of
you, makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can
add a roll of your aptitude to the target's roll. You can choose to
use this feature before or after the target rolls, but before the
result is declared.
You can use this feature once per short or long rest. You can
also expend survival die to gain additional uses (1 use per die

Guide's Aura
Starting at 7th level, you gain the following benefits:

When you roll a 1 on a d20 for an ability check or saving

throw, you may reroll the d20. You can only use this feature
once per turn.
Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no
extra movement.
You add a +1 bonus to all saving throws

These benefits also extend to any creatures you choose

within 20 feet of you while you are not incapacitated.

Seasoned Defenses
Wayfarer Starting at 15th level, your diverse experiences have taught you
Master of land, sea, and sky, a Wayfarer learns techniques for how to survive through any situation. Add your aptitude to any
exploration and combat in every environment they might saving throw you make that does not already add your aptitude
encounter. They are experts of adaptation, and keep a wide from another feature.
array of knowledge.
Rules Note: Adding Aptitude
Wayfarer's Magic A feature counts as "adding aptitude" when you roll a
Starting at 3rd level, your ability to adapt to every environment
die which references your aptitude stat. This does not
dictates how you practice magic. You can prepare one
necessarily have to be tied to expending a survival die,
additional spell at 3rd level, and one more at 5th, 9th, 13th, and
although it may be.
17th levels. This extra spell must be of a level you can cast with
a Ranger spell slot. It can be from the Druid or Ranger spell list.

Wayfarer's Skillset
You gain proficiency with land and water vehicles, and add
double your proficiency bonus to any check you make with
those vehicles.
Additionally, you gain the Traveler survival knack. If you
already have it, choose any other knack.

Versatile Explorer
Starting at 3rd level, you have built a a strong familiarity with a
handful of environments. Choose three types of favored terrain:
arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, ocean, swamp,
tundra, or underground.
When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to
one of your favored terrains, your proficiency bonus is doubled
if you are using a skill that you're proficient in.
While traveling for an hour or more in one of your favored
terrains, you gain the following benefits:

Difficult terrain doesn't slow your group's travel.

Your group can't become lost except by magical means.
Even when you are engaged in another activity while
traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you
remain alert to danger.
If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a
normal pace.
While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact
number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through
the area.

After spending 48 hours traveling in a terrain that is not one

of your favored terrain, you can temporarily treat it is a favored
terrain. This lasts until you begin traveling in a different

Adapting Expertise
Starting at 7th level, choose two skills or tools which you are
proficient in. You double your proficiency bonus for any check
you make with the chosen skills. When you complete a long
rest, you can change one of the chosen proificiencies for
Additionally, when you make an ability check with a skill you
are not proficient in, you can expend a survival die to add a roll
of the die to the ability check.

Ultimate Aptitude
Starting at 11th level, your Aptitude is a 2d4. This replaces the
change to the die that would normally occur at 13th level.
Additionally, your pool of survival die increases by 1.
Surprise Specialist
Trapper Starting at 11th level, you are a master of surprise -- both in
Experts of traps, both magical and mechanical. Trappers know dealing it and reacting to it. When you force a creature to make
the value of preparation and planning, and can take great a saving throw during a surprise round of combat, their saving
advantage of opportunities to do so. As they master their throw is made with disadvantage.
techniques, they can even rectify lack of preparation, deploying Additionally, if you are surprised at the beginning of combat
traps on the fly. Trappers also excel at misdirection, deception, and aren't incapacitated, you can act normally on your first
and controlling or restricting their target's movement. turn.

Trapper's Magic Last Second Setup

Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach Starting at 15th level, you can place traps even when you did
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Trapper Spells table. not have a chance to prepare.
The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count You can cast any spell from your Trapper's Magic feature or
against the number of ranger spells you can prepare. that explicitly states it creates a trap in its description (such as
Snare, Trip Wire (MGV1) or Pit Trap (MGV1)) as an action,
Trapper Spells ignoring the normal casting time.
Ranger Level Spell Additionally, you can place a mechanical or magical trap
3rd Living Rope (MGV1) device over the course of 1 round. You begin to place the trap as
an action on your turn, and complete placing the trap as an
5th Web
action on your next turn. If you take damage, move, use a
9th Glyph of Warding reaction or bonus action, or fail a saving throw during this
13th Snap Freeze (MGV2) process, your attempt is thwarted and you can't attempt to use
17th Transmute Rock (XGE) this feature again for 1 minute.
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you
finish a short or long rest. You can expend survival dice to gain
Trap Master
Starting at 3rd level, you are adept in the art of mechanics, trap additional uses (1 use per 3 die spent).
making, and trap laying. You gain proficiency with Tinker’s
Tools, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for them.
Additionally, if you make a Thieve’s Tools check in order to
disarm a trap, you are considered proficient with the tools for
that check, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for it.
Using Tinker's Tools, you can create, repair, and modify traps
as per the rules found in Mythmaker's Manual of Trap Making.
When you gain this feature, you immediately learn 4 trap
designs. You learn one additional design at 7th, 11th, and 15th
level. Whenever you learn a trap design through this feature, it
must have a base rating equal to or lower than your proficiency

Optional Feature: Trap Master Expanded

You can forgo the Trapper’s Magic feature to learn two
additional trap designs at each level in the Trapper's
Magic table above (3rd, 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th).

Capable Captor
Starting at 7th level, whenever you force a creature to make an
ability check or saving throw to resist becoming Grappled,
Paralyzed, Restrained, Stunned, or knocked Prone, or against
having its speed reduced, the DC is increased by 1. This effect
also extends to any trap you create or put in place.
When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an
ability check or saving throw affected by this feature, you can
use your reaction force them to make the saving throw with
disadvantage. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again
until you finish a short or long rest. You can expend survival
dice to gain additional uses (1 use per 2 die spent)

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
Pack Hunter finish a long rest. You can expend survival dice to gain
additional uses (1 use per 3 die spent).
Central to a pack hunter's technique is teamwork and
companionship. Inspired by the great pack hunters of the wild,
such as wolves and even killer whales, they tend towards
Lead the Hunt
Starting at 15th level, allies within 10 feet of you also benefit
primal personalities, but are far from unfriendly. Pack Hunters
from your Hunter's Quarry.
rally allies around them and take advantage of coordination to
lethal effect.

Pack Hunter's Magic

Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Pack Hunter Spells
table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't
count against the number of ranger spells you can prepare.

Pack Hunter Spells

Ranger Level Spell
3rd Beast Bond (XGE)
5th Summon Beast (TCE)
9th Enemies Abound (XGE)
13th Charm Monster (XGE)
17th Telepathic Bond

Pack Tactics
Starting at 3rd level, you have advantage on a melee attack roll
against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of
the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Pack Tactics & Power Level

Some GM's may be hesitant to allow this feature in
their game. Admittedly, its significance varies
depending on whether or not you use the rules for
If you don't use flanking, or prefer a less strong
version of this feature anyway, simply limit this feature
to once per turn (no action required, must choose to
use before rolling the attack)

Call of the Hunt

Starting at 7th level, as a bonus action, you let out a howl that
rallies your allies towards your quarry. All allies within 300 feet
who can hear you can use their reaction to immediately move
up to their speed directly towards a creature marked by your
Hunter's Quarry. As part of the bonus action, you can also take
the same movement (without requiring your reaction, or
expending movement). If you have no marked creature, affected
allies can move towards you instead. In either case, the
movement must end closer to the target than it started.
Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
finish a short or long rest. You can also expend survival dice to
gain additional uses (1 use per 3 die spent).

Coordinated Attacks
Starting at 11th level, when you take the attack action, you can
choose to initiate a coordinated attack against your Hunter's
Quarry as part of the action. When you do, all attacks against
your Hunter's Quarry have a bonus to attack and damage rolls
equal to the number of your allies within 10 feet of the target
(max +5). This effect lasts until the end of your next turn. 15
Unbroken Guardian
Vanguard Starting at 11th level, your hit point maximum is increased by
Vanguards are unshakable defenders. They protect their your current level in this class, and it increases by 1 additional
charge, whether it be an area of land, a creature or group, or hit point when you gain a new level in this class.
something else entirely. Vanguards can intercept incoming Further, you have advantage on saving throws against being
effects to protect nearby allies, and they always maintain best Charmed or Frightened.
positioning, thanks to their movement and exploration training.
Vanguard's Magic While within 15 feet of an ally, you are under the effects of the
Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach Freedom of Movement spell.
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Vanguard Spells
table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't
count against the number of ranger spells you can prepare.

Vanguard Spells
Ranger Level Spell
3rd Compelled Duel
5th Warding Bond
9th Life Transference (XGE)
13th Stoneskin
17th Regenerating Ward (MGV1)

Ways of the Guardian

Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Heavy Armor. You
also learn the Interception fighting style (TCE).
When you use the Interception fighting style, you can expend
a survival die to add a roll of the die to the damage reduction,
and to regain use of your reaction for the current round.

Fighting Style Alternatives

If you aren't able to access Tasha's Cauldron of
Everything, or your GM finds Interception too
powerful, you can substitute the Protection fighting
style instead.

Proactive Protection
Starting at 3rd level, you can actively dedicated yourself to
protect a specific creature for a short time. As an action, you
can defend a creature within 5 feet of you. Until the start of
your next turn, any attack roll made against the protected ally
has disadvantage if you can see the attacker, as long as the ally
is within 5 feet of you.

Trek to Protect
Starting at 7th level, when an ally you can see within 15 feet of
you is targeted by an attack or forced to make a saving throw,
you can use your reaction to move up to half your speed
directly towards that ally. This movement must end closer to
the ally than it started. Opportunity attacks triggered by this
movement have disadvantage.
If the movement ends within 5 feet of the ally, you can
expend a survival die to immediately use your Proactive
Protection feature targeting that ally as part of the same
reaction you used to move.

Weapons of Rivalry
Skinshifter Starting at 3rd level, the damage from your natural weapon
Skinshifters can change aspects of themselves to reflect traits of attacks and melee spell attacks always counts as Silvered.
beasts and other natural entities, though total transformations
don't come until the late stages of a Skinshifter's path. These
rangers often exhibit feral qualities in their appearance and
Silvered Attacks
personality. Despite their similarities, most skinshifters despise Mythmaker's Vault of Villains makes silver much more
and rival lycanthropes and often use their unique skillset to
relevant than the typical monsters of 5e do. Silver
hunt them.
resistant creatures now have resistance or immunity
to all non-silvered bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
(no longer bypassed by magical attacks).
Skinshifter's Magic Silver is also relevant beyond resistances. A number
Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach
of creatures have silver aversions, where silver
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Skinshifter Spells
damage might temporarily disable certain traits or
table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't actions of the creature.
count against the number of ranger spells you can prepare. Separately, other spells and features can buff the
damage and accuracy of silvered attacks, adding even
Skinshifter Spells further potential synergy.
Ranger Level Spell
3rd Fleshrend (MGV2)
Bestial Body
5th Alter Self Starting at 7th level, some of the changes you have learned
9th Feral Form (MGV1) began to manifest permanently. Choose one feature from those
listed under the Adaptive Body trait. You are permanently
13th Polymorph (self only)
under the benefits of that trait. You can change your choice
17th Seeming when you reach 11th level and again at 15th level.

When you cast a "self only" spell using this feature, you can Deadly Transformations
not target any creature other than yourself -- if you do, the spell Starting at 11th level, while you are under the effects of a
does not take effect. Transmutation spell, you gain the following features:

Adaptive Body Add a +1 bonus to your weapon attack and damage rolls
Starting at 3rd level, you learn to manifest certain traits of the You can use a bonus action to make a melee weapon attack.
natural world. Choose three features from the list below as
your prepared features. As an action, you can choose one of Fullblood Forms
your prepared features, gaining the benefits of it for 10 Starting at 15th level, you can cast the Polymorph spell,
minutes. Once you do, you can't do so again until you finish a targeting yourself only, without expending a spell slot. Once you
long rest. You can expend survival die to gain additional uses (1 use this feature, you must complete a long rest to do so again.
use per 2 die spent). You can expend survival die to gain additional uses (1 use per 5
You can swap one or both of your prepared choices for die spent).
another whenever you finish a long rest. While you are under the effects of any Polymorph spell, you
retain your alignment, personality, languages, and mental
Your speed increases by 10 feet ability scores, instead of adopting those of your new form. You
You grow claws which are natural weapons, which you can also retain all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in
use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal addition to gaining those of the creature. If the creature has the
slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength or Dexterity same proficiency as you and the bonus in its stat block is higher
modifier (your choice), instead of the bludgoening damage than yours, use the creature's bonus instead of yours
normal for an unarmed strike.
You have a +1 bonus to Strength ability checks, saving
throws, and damage rolls
You have a +1 bonus to Constitution saving throws, and
advantage on saving throws against cold or hot (choose one)
You gain darkvision out to 30 feet
You have advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks
Whenever you make a long or high jump, the distance you
can cover increases by 10 feet (long jump) or 5 feet (high
You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed
You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed
You gain tremorsense out to 20 feet
You gain blindsight out to 10 feet

Diplomatic Defenses
Emissary Starting at 7th level, you gain proficiency in Intelligence or
Emissaries are scouts and diplomats for the natural world. Charisma saving throws (your choice).
They keep a small beast companion (Find Familiar) to aid them Additionally, you can Disengage as a bonus action. Any
in their exploration and social efforts. In combat, emissaries familiar you summon can also Disengage as a bonus action.
typically prefer to support from a distance. They know many
languages, and do well in social situations. Expert Emissary
Starting at 11th level, choose one skill you gained proficiency in
Emissary's Magic from the Emissary's Skillset feature. Your proficiency bonus is
Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach now doubled for any check you make with that skill.
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Emissary Spells
table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't Delegate Delivery
count against the number of ranger spells you can prepare. Starting at 11th level, when you cast an Abjuration,
Enchantment, or Divination spell through your familiar, you can
Emissary Spells empower the spell (no action required). When you do, the spell
Ranger Level Spell is cast as if using a spell slot one level higher, and the DC
3rd Charm Person increases by an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus
(round up).
5th Detect Thoughts
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before
9th Sending you do so again.
13th Charm Monster (XGE)
17th Scrying
Emissary's Council
Starting at 15th level, you can have two familiars from the Find
Familiar spell at one time, though you must cast the spell
Emissary's Skillset separately to create a second. The total CR of both familiars can
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in two skills of your
not exceed 1 and 1/2.
choice from: Deception, Insight, or Perception.
Alternatively, you can substitute one of these skills (not both)
to learn one language, or gain 3 language points (if using
Mythmaker's Language Rules).

Emissary's Ally
Starting at 3rd level, you know the Find Familiar spell. It is a
Ranger spell for you, and it does not count against the number
of spells you have prepared. When you conjure a familiar in this
way, the creature is a magical beast, not a celestial, fey, or
friend. The following forms are available (in addition to the
normal list of forms described in the spell): deer, falcon, fox,
owl, and squirrel.
Starting at 7th level, this list also includes the bloodhawk,
camel, mastiff, and pony.
Starting at 11th level, the list also includes the elk, wolf, and
riding horse.
Starting at 15th level, the list also includes the brown bear,
dire wolf, and giant eagle.
When your familiar takes the Help action to aid you or
another creature in a Charisma ability check, the check gains an
additional +1 bonus.

Find Familiar Reminder

This is a friendly reminder that familiars can not
attack. The expanded familiar form options offer
unique roleplay benefits (a giant eagle will impress
most delegations) and tankier hp pools for your
familiars during combat.

Wrath of the Woods
Arbor Heart Starting at 7th level, you can unleash magical forest fury on a
These rangers revere trees of all kinds. Their ultimate charge is creature you mark. When you mark a creature with your
to protect trees at all costs, although this also translates into Hunter's Quarry, choose one of the following additional effects:
protecting the rest of nature around them. Not only do Arbor Forest Flurry. Your magic conjures a barrage of razor-sharp
Heart's admire trees, they also see them as their friends. A leaves, thorns, or sharp mulch which launch towards the target,
ranger may often personify non-sentient trees when interacting who must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell
with them, and develop close friendships with any sentient tree save DC. On a failure, the target immediately suffers a number
they meet. of d4's equal to your proficiency bonus in slashing damage.
Raging Roots. Your magic conjures roots or vines to grasp
Arbor Heart's Magic for the target, who must make a Strength saving throw against
Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach your spell save DC. On a failure, the target is grappled. While
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Arbor Heart Spells grappled in this way, the target is also restrained.
table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't The roots/vines last for up to 1 minute, and they disappear
count against the number of ranger spells you can prepare. early if your Hunter's Quarry ends, or if the target drops to 0 hit
points. The vines are an object with AC 8, 12 HP, and
Arbor Heart Spells vulnerability to fire damage. This effect can only be used
Ranger Level Spell against a creature standing on loose soil, sand, loose stone, or
3rd Earth Tremor (XGE) another natural terrain of similar quality.
5th Earthbind (XGE)
Awaken Ally
9th Plant Growth Starting at 11th level, you can draw an ancient tree spirit from
13th Grasping Vine its afterlife to temporarily inhabit a tree nearby. This ritual
17th Tree Stride takes 1 minute to perform. When the ritual completes, touch a
Huge or smaller tree that has no Intelligence score. The tree
becomes a creature and uses the statistics for an awakened tree
Arboreal Aspects
(MM p317) if the tree was size Large or Huge, or an Awakened
Starting at 3rd level, you can take on aspects of the ancient
Shrub if it was size Medium or smaller. It gains the ability to
trees you protect. As a bonus action, you can enter your
Guardian form. While in guardian form, you gain the following speak one language you know, and the ability to move its limbs,
roots, vines, creepers, and so forth. It also gains senses similar
to a human's.
Your AC increases by 1. The spirit inhabits the target plant for up to 1 hour, after
You reduce bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage by 3 which time the tree reverts to a magical plant. If this occurs
(this effect can NOT stack with other damage reduction while the tree is on suitable terrain, it will magically graft itself
features) to the earth, remaining healthy in its new location. Otherwise,
Your reach is increased by 5 feet for weapon attacks you the tree falls to the ground, unrooted and dying.
make on your turn
Your creature type also includes the Plant type, and your Improved Arboreal Aspects
appearance subtly reflects the change (bark-textured skin, Starting at 17th level, when you enter your Guardian form, you
small branchy sprouts, leaves, patches of moss, etc.) can choose one of the following additional effects:
You are Exposed to Fire. Thorns. When a creature hits you with a melee attack, they
take piercing damage equal to your proficiency bonus. If the
Your transformation lasts for up to 1 minute, unless you
creature is marked by your Hunter's Quarry, the damage also
dismiss it early on your turn (no action required). You can enter includes your aptitude die.
Guardian form a number of times per day equal to your
Sturdy. You gain temporary hit points equal to your Ranger
proficiency bonus. You can also expend survival die to gain
level, which last for the duration. You also have advantage on
additional uses (1 use per 2 die expended)
Strength saving throws, and you are immune to the Prone
Condition: Exposed Ironbark. Your AC increases by 2, instead of 1, and you are
A creature which becomes exposed always becomes not Exposed to Fire damage.
exposed to a particular damage type, specified by the Vines. While you are touching the ground, the ground within
effect which imposed the condition. While exposed, 15 feet of you is difficult terrain for your enemies.
the following effects apply to the specified damage
Any immunity the target had to the damage type is
reduced to resistance
Any resistance the target had to the damage type
is nullified

Improved Realmscape Readiness
Realm Keepers Starting at 7th level, your realmscape readiness improves:
Realm Keepers are wardens of the entire realm-scape. Their
purposes can vary, but typically they seek to thwart any force Select two damage types
that might threaten one or more entire realms. Realm Keepers The bonus becomes +2
must be confident, but cautious, as they often face colossal,
mysterious threats. They choose their allies carefully, and value
Transitive Strike
At 11th level, you gain the ability to shift in and out of a
them highly.
transitive state in the blink of an eye. When you take the Attack
action, you can teleport up to 10 feet before each attack to an
Realm Keeper's Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach unoccupied space you can see.
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Realm Keeper Spells If you attack at least two different creatures with the action,
table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't you can make one additional attack with it against a third
count against the number of ranger spells you can prepare. creature.

Spirit Walker Spells Transitive Shift

At 15th level, your ability to move between a transitive state
Ranger Level Spell
and reality enables you to lessen the harm done to you during
3rd Protection from Evil and Good battle. When you would take damage from an attack, you can
5th Misty Step use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you.
9th Realmward (MGV1)
13th Banishment
17th Teleportation Circle

Realmscape Readiness
Starting at 3rd level, you've learned techniques to prepare for
any path that lay ahead, whatever world it may take you to.
When you complete a long rest, choose each of the following:

One damage type which you become resistant to

One creature type against which you have a +1 bonus to
damage rolls and saving throws
One language which you temporarily understand (although
this grants you no ability to speak it)

The benefits you select last until you change them again
using this feature.

Find Foe
Starting at 7th level, your attunement to the balance of the
realmscape helps you supernaturally locate a target. Over the
course of 1 minute, you can focus your senses to divine what
realm of existance a creature you know or know of is on. If you
have met or seen the creature at least once, the effect
automatically succeeds, unless the target is guarded from
divination. If you have only heard a description of the target,
roll a DC 11 Wisdom check. On a success, you learn what plane
the target is currently on.
You can use this feature once per long rest. You can also
expend survival die to gain additional uses (1 use per 2 die

Feral Form
Flash of Smoke
1st-level transmutation
Glyph of Watching Casting Time: 1 action
Living Rope Range: 10 feet
Realmward Components: S
Regenerating Ward Duration: 1 round
Snap Freeze In a brief moment of feral ferocity, you transform one of your
body parts into an oversized bestial perversion -- a hand into a
Feral Form huge claw, or your mouth into a toothy maw -- and strike with
3rd-level transmutation
Druid, Ranger
Alternatively, if you already have a natural weapon that deals
Casting Time: 1 bonus action slashing or piercing damage, this spell can cause the feature to
Range: Self become oversized and increasingly deadly.
Components: V, S Make a melee spell attack against a creature you can see
Duration: 1 minute within range. On a hit, the target suffers slashing damage equal
You transform to take on aspects of a feral, bestial nature. Fur to 3d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Roll an additional d6
covers your body, you grow impressive musculature and size, if you already had a natural weapon as described above. If this
your hands become claws, and your face takes on a feral damage leaves the target at or below 50% of its maximum hit
appearance. Further, a primal rage overtakes you. For the points, the target is also Hobbled until the end of your next
duration: turn.
Hobbled is a condition under which every 1 foot of
You can make unarmed strike (claw) attacks, which deal 2d4 movement costs 2 feet, and saving throws against being
slashing damage on a hit, instead of the normal damage for restrained are made with disadvantage.
unarmed strikes. These attacks count as magical. At Higher Levels. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
No more than once per turn, you can make an unarmed using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by
strike (bite) attack, which deals 2d8 piercing damage on a 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
hit, instead of the normal damage for unarmed strikes.
These attacks count as magical Glyph of Watching
Once per turn, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points 3rd-level divination (ritual)
with a claw or bite attack with this spell, you can Bard, Cleric, Wizard
immediately move up to 15 feet without expending
Casting Time: 1 minute
movement and make another claw or bite attack with this
Range: Touch
spell against a different creature.
Components: S, M (at least 50 gp worth of Primordial Dust,
Starting on your next turn, the spell ends early if your turn which the spell consumes)
ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last Duration: 24 hours
turn or taken damage since then. When you cast this spell, you carve a tiny, subtle glyph
measuring only a few inches in radius onto a solid, flat surface,
Flash of Smoke expending a valuable gem in the process. The glyph remains
1st-level illusion active for the spell's duration.
Bard, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard
Alternatively, when you cast this spell you can target a
Casting Time: 1 bonus action previously drawn glyph of watching and reignite its magic once
Range: Self (10-foot radius) again for the spell's duration. Doing so eliminates the
Components: S, M (a pinch of flashfire dust) component cost of the spell.
Duration: 1 round While the glyph is active, as an action, you can see and hear
In a quiet burst of smoke and magic, you temporarily disappear. through the glyph as though you were in its space. During this
All creatures within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving time, you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses.
You can end this effect as a free action on your turn.
throw. You are invisible to any creature that fails the saving
throw until your next turn starts, or until you attack or cast a The glyph is difficult to detect, but not invisible. A creature
spell. may notice the glyph with a successful Wisdom (Perception) or
In addition, a 10-foot radius area centered on the point at Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC,
which you cast this spell becomes heavily obscured by smoke provided it is within their line of sight.
for the duration. A wind of 10 mph or greater disperses this You can only have one glyph of watching at a given time.
cloud. Casting the spell again dispels any glyph of watching you had
created previously.

Living Rope Regenerating Ward
1st-level transmutation 5th-level abjuration
Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard Sorcerer, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 150 feet Range: Touch
Components: S, M (a non-magical rope at least 20 feet long, Components: V, S
up to 60 feet long, worth at least 1 sp) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You touch a willing creature and surround them with a pulsing
You animate a non-magical rope you hold that is no more than protective energy, which appears as a series of faintly glowing
60 feet long, and no less than 20 feet long. arcane glyphs in the creature's space. These glyphs shed bright
The rope is an animated object with 10 AC and 15 hit points. light in a 5-foot radius, and dim light for an additional 5-feet.
The rope has a fly speed of 30 feet. It can occupy a single 5 foot For the duration, whenever the target would take damage for
space while coiled, or stretch out to its full length (in this state, the first time on a turn, reduce the damage by 2d6 (to a
it does not occupy its spaces). As part of casting the spell, and minimum of 0). This reduction is applied before resistances or
as a bonus action on each of your turns for the duration, you vulnerabilities. If there are multiple damage types, the target
can move the rope up to 30 feet and then command the rope decides how the reduction is distributed amongst them. If, at
with one of the following options, provided the rope remains any point during the duration, the target takes damage
within range. exceeding an amount equal to 5 times the spell slot level used,
Lasso. The rope attempts to grapple a Large or smaller the ward shatters and the spell ends early.
creature within range. Make a grapple attempt, using your At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
spellcasting ability modifier in place of athletics. The rope can of 6th level or higher, the damage reduction increases by 1d6
not move or take other commands while grappling a creature. for every two slot levels above 5th.
Grasp. The rope uses one end of itself to pick up an object
that weighs no more than 50 lbs. Snap Freeze
Tie-Down. The rope ties one end of itself to a fixed object, 4th-level transmutation
such as a boulder, tree trunk, or lamp post. The knot the rope Casting Time: 1 action
creates is always secure, although this has no effect on the Range: 60 feet
stability of the anchor. Components: V, S, M (a drop of water)
If the rope is destroyed or if it leaves the spells range, the Duration: Instantaneous
spell ends early. When the spell ends, any Lasso or Grasp ends,
You transmute the very air around a creature to a frigid cold.
but a tied rope remains tied.
Choose a Large or smaller creature you can see within range.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed
of 2nd level or higher, the rope is created with 15 additional hit
save, the target suffers 4d8 cold damage and becomes frozen.
points for each slot level above 1st.
While frozen by this spell, the target is restrained. If the target
fails the saving throw by 5 or more, they are instead paralyzed
while frozen. On a successful save, the target suffers half as
3rd-level divination
much damage and is not frozen.
Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
A frozen target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
Casting Time: 1 action of their turns, ending the effect on a success, or becoming
Range: Self paralyzed if they fail the repeated save by 5 or more.
Components: V, S The spell ends early for a frozen creature if they take at least
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours 15 points of fire, bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage at
You bind yourself to your current plane of existence, forming a one time.
powerful but temporary connection. For the duration, while At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
you are on the plane of existence you bound yourself to: of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot
level above 4th.
You sense any creature within 300 feet that is native to a
different plane of existence than your current plane. You
sense the creature's general direction, but not necessarily
it's exact location.
You sense any portal to another plane of existence within
300 feet of you. Through this sense, you know the portal's
exact location.
You add 1d4 to attack rolls against creatures not native to
your current plane.
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