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International Recruitment of IPParis Schools for Engineering Cycle

Recommended knowledge in Mathematical Sciences

1.1 Set theory
Operations on sets, characteristic functions. Maps, injectivity, surjectivity.
Direct and inverse image of a set.
Integer numbers, finite sets, countability.

1.2 Numbers and usual structures

Composition laws; groups, rings, fields.
Equivalence relations, quotient structures.
Real numbers, complex numbers, complex exponential.
Application to plane geometry.
Polynomials, relations between the roots and the coefficients.
Elementary arithmetics (in Z/nZ).

1.3 Finite dimensional vector spaces (*)

Free families, generating families, bases, dimension.
Determinant of n vectors; characterization of bases.
Matrices, operations on matrices.
Determinant of a square matrix; expansion with respect to a line or to a column; rank,
Linear maps, matrix associated to a linear map.
Endomorphisms, trace, determinant, rank.
Linear systems of equations.

1.4 Reduction of endomorphisms

Stable subspaces.
Eigenvalues, eigenvectors of an endomorphism or a square matrix; similar matrices;
geometrical interpretation.
Characteristic polynomial, Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
Reduction of endomorphisms in finite dimension; diagonalizable endomorphisms and

Page 1 sur 3
1.5 Euclidean spaces, Euclidean geometry
Scalar product; Cauchy-Schwarz inequality; norms and associated distances.
Euclidean spaces of finite dimension, orthonormal bases; orthogonal projections.
Orthogonal group O(E); orthogonal symmetries.
Orthogonal matrices; diagonalization of symmetric real matrices.
Properties of orthogonal endomorphisms of R² and R³.

(*) In several countries linear algebra is studied only in Rk or Ck; the candidates from these
countries are strongly advised to get familiar with the formalism of abstract vector spaces.


2.1 Topology in finite dimensional normed vector spaces

Open and closed sets, accumulation points, interior points.
Convergent sequences in normed vector spaces; continuous mappings.
Compact spaces, images of compact sets by continuous mappings, existence of extrema.
Equivalence of norms.

2.2 Real or complex valued functions defined on an interval

Derivative at a point, functions of class Ck.
Mean value theorem, Taylor's formula.
Primitive of continuous functions.
Usual functions (exponential, logarithm, trigonometric functions, rational fractions).
Sequences and series of functions, simple and uniform convergence.

2.3 Integration on a bounded interval

Integral of piecewise continuous functions.
Fundamental theorem of calculus (expressing the integral of a function in terms of a
Integration by parts, change of variable, integrals depending on a parameter.
Continuity under the sign ∫ , differentiation under the sign ∫.
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.

2.4 Series of numbers, power series

Series of real or complex numbers, simple and absolute convergence.
Integral comparison criterion, product of absolutely convergence series.
Power series, radius of convergence; function that can be expanded in a power series on an
Taylor series expansion of et, sin(t), cos(t), ln (1+t), (1+t)a where a is a real number.

2.5 Differential equations

Linear scalar equations of degree 1 or 2, fundamental systems of solutions.
Linear systems with constant coefficients.
Method of the variation of the constants.
Notions on non-linear differential equations.

Page 2 sur 3
2.6 Functions of several real variables
Partial derivatives, differential of a function defined on Rk.
Chain rule.
C1-functions; Schwarz theorem for C2-functions.
Diffeomorphisms, inverse function theorem. Critical points, local and global extrema.
Plane curves; tangent vector at a point, metric properties of plane curves (arc length,
Surfaces in R³, tangent plane to a surface defined by a Cartesian equation F(x,y,z) = 0.

Page 3 sur 3
English version




Duration: 3 hours

The use of electronic calculators is forbidden.

Problem 1. Convergence of sequences.
Given a real sequence pun qn•1 , for every n • 1 we set

1 ÿ
Sn “ uk .
n k“1

We say that the sequence pun qn•1 is C-convergent if pSn qn•1 converges to some limit ` P R.
This problem deals with several aspects of the notion of C-convergence. The six numbered
questions are independent.

1. Prove carefully that if pun qn•0 converges, then it is also C-convergent, and that with the
above notation, lim un “ lim Sn .
nÑ8 nÑ8
2. (a) Let pun qn•1 be a sequence with positive values, such that converges to ` ° 0 as
n Ñ 8. Show that limnÑ8 pun q n “ `.
(b) Application: prove that pn!q n „ ne´1 as n Ñ 8.

3. Does C-convergence imply convergence?

4. In this question the following result is proved: if pSn qn•1 converges to ` and if furthermore
ˆ ˙
|un`1 ´ un | “ o ,
then pun q converges to `.

(a) Prove that for every n • 1 the following holds (here we put u0 “ 0)
n ÿ
uk “ ´ kpuk ´ uk´1 q ` pn ` 1qun .
k“1 k“1

(b) Conclude.

5. Show that for every ` P r´1, 1s there exists a sequence pun qn•1 with values in t´1, 1u such
that pSn q converges to `. (Hint: you may use the law of large numbers.)

6. Let pxn qn•1 be the sequence defined by

&x “ 1;
%@n • 1, xn`1 “ sinpxn q.

(a) Show that pxn q is non-increasing and deduce that pxn q tends to 0.
` ˘
(b) Show that there exists a unique real number ↵ such that the sequence x↵n`1 ´ xn

converges to some non-zero limit `. Give the values of ↵ and `.

(c) Deduce that xn „ as n Ñ 8.

Problem 2. A di↵erential equation.
We consider the di↵erential equation

ty 2 ` ty 1 ´ y “ 0 (E)

where y : t ބ yptq denotes a C 2 function on p0, `8q.

1. Find a polynomial solution of (E).

2. We define F on p0, `8q by

F ptq “ ds.
1 s2
(a) Study the variations of F as well as the existence of finite or infinite limits at the
boundaries of its domain.
(b) Show that the function g defined on p0, `8q by the formula

e´s 1 1
gpsq “ 2
´ 2`
s s s
admits a continuous extension at 0.
(c) Prove the existence of a constant c such that
F ptq “ ´ ´ ln t ` c ` op1q as t Ñ 0` .
3. We put zptq “ yptqt , where y is a solution of (E). Show that z is the solution of a linear
di↵erential equation of degree 1 and use this to deduce all the solutions of (E).

4. Show that all the solutions of (E) have a continuous extension at 0.

5. Determine the set of solutions of (E) admitting a C 1 extension at 0.

Problem 3. Linear algebra.

Let Mk,` pRq be the vector space of real matrices with k rows and ` columns and Mn pRq be
the space of square matrices of size n. In this problem we study the subspaces of Mn pRq made
of matrices of rank bounded by some r § n.
In the problem we identify a matrix M P Mn pRq and the associated linear map X ބ M X in
Mn,1 pRq » Rn . The transpose of a matrix M is denoted by M | . The identity matrix of size n
is denoted by In and Jr P Mn pRq is the following block-matrix:
˜ ¸
Ir 0
0 0

Recall that GLn pRq is the group of invertible n-by-n matrices.

1. Let M P Mn pRq. Show that the following two conditions are equivalent:

(i) M has rank r.

(ii) There exists P and Q in GLn pRq such that M “ P Jr Q.

2. Given M P Mn pRq show that M “ 0 if and only if M | M “ 0.

˜ ¸
3. Let M P Mn pRq expressed in block form as , with A P GLr pRq, B P Mr,n´r pRq,
C P Mn´r,r pRq and D P Mn´r pRq.

(a) Show that rankpM q • r.

˜ ¸
(b) Let Z P Mn,1 pRq be a vector expressed in block form as , with X P Mr,1 pRq
and Y P Mn´r,1 pRq. Show that the condition Z P kerpM q is equivalent to a condition
involving Y only.
(c) Deduce that rankpM q “ r if and only if D ´ CA´1 B “ 0.

4. Let V be a vector subspace of Mn pRq such that for every M P V , rankpM q § r. We first
assume that Jr P V . Define
#˜ ¸ +
0 B
W “ , B P Mr,n´r pRq, D P Mn´r pRq .
B| D
˜ ¸
0 B
(a) Show that V X W “ t0u (Hint: given M “ P V , by using the fact that
B| D
Jr P V , show that D “ B | B “ 0.)
(b) Deduce that dimpV q § nr.

5. Let now V be an arbitrary subspace of Mn pRq such that for every M P V , rankpM q § r.
Show that dimpV q § nr.

6. Prove that this inequality is optimal.

7. Let V be a subspace such that for every M P V , rankpM q § r. We further assume that there
exists M0 P V such that rankpM0 q “ r. Let

⌦ “ tM P V, rankpM q “ ru .

Show that ⌦ is an open and dense subset of V :

(a) first assuming that M0 “ Jr ;

(b) then in the general case.

(Hint: to show the density, given M P V you may consider the line joining M and M0 . )




(Duration : 2 hours)

The test is made of three independent exercises, which may be treated in any order. The use of
computing devices is not allowed.


Exercise 1 : Irrationality of π
The aim of this exercise is to show that π is an irrational number. We assume by way of contradiction
that there exist positive integers a and b such that π “ .
For n P N we let Pn pXq be the polynomial
1 n
Pn pXq “ X pa ´ bXqn .
1. Compute the coefficients of Pn .
pkq pkq
2. Show that for every k P N, Pn p0q P Z (where Pn denotes the k th derivative of Pn ).
pkq ` ˘
3. By using a symmetry of Pn , show that for every k P N, Pn ab P Z.

Let now In be defined by żπ

In “ Pn ptq sinptqdt.

4. Prove that In tends to 0 when n Ñ 8.

5. By using integration by parts, prove that for every n, In is an integer.
6. Conclude that π is irrational.
Exercise 2 : A calculation of the Gauss integral.
We let I be the Gauss integral ż8
I“ e´t dt,
and for x ě 0 we define ż `8
f pxq “ ? dt.
0 tp1 ` tq

1. Show that f is a well-defined continuous function on r0, `8q.

2. Determine f p0q and lim f pxq.
3. Show that f is differentiable on s0, `8q and that it satisfies the differential equation

f 1 pxq ´ f pxq “ ´ ? .

4. Determine all the solutions of this differential equation on p0, 8q.

5. Deduce from the above the value of I.

Exercise 3 : Square roots of matrices.

In this exercise we study the existence of square roots in the space M2 pRq of 2-by-2 matrices with
real coefficients, that is for a given M P M2 pRq, we look for a matrix A with real coefficients such that

A2 “ M.

0. Prove that if λ is an eigenvalue of A, then λ2 is an eigenvalue of A2 .

1. Assume that M is diagonalizable with nonnegative eigenvalues. Show that M admits a square root
in M2 pRq.
2. Assume that M has two non-zero eigenvalues of opposite sign. Does M admit a square root in
M2 pRq ?
3. Show that ´I2 admits a square root in M2 pRq (where I2 denotes the identity matrix).
4. We now assume that M is nilpotent and M ‰ p 00 00 q.
(a) Prove that M 2 “ 0.
(b) Does M admit a square root in M2 pRq ?
5. We now assume that M admits a real non-zero eigenvalue but is not diagonalizable.
(a) Prove that there exists λ P R and a non-zero nilpotent matrix N such that M “ λI ` N .
(b) Assuming λ ą 0, prove that M admits a square root in M2 pRq.
(c) Assuming λ ă 0, prove that M does not have a square root in M2 pRq.


CONCOURS D’ADMISSION 2018 Deuxième session,


(Duration : 2 hours)

The three parts are independent.

The use of any computing device is forbidden during this session

?? ?

Part I

In this part, n denotes a positive integer; we denote by Mn (C) the vector space of
the n × n matrices with complex entries. We consider
Pp a polynomial P of positive degree
p with complex coefficients. We write P (X) = k=0 ak X k . We are interested in matrices
A in Mn (C) such that
P (A) = 0, where P (A) = ak Ak with A0 = Idn . (1)

In this case, we say that A is a solution of (1).

I.1 Let λ be an eigenvalue of a solution A of (1). Show that one has P (λ) = 0.

I.2 Let A be a solution of (1) and Q an invertible matrix in Mn (C). Show that the
matrix Q−1 AQ is also a solution of (1).

In what follows, we consider the case n = p = 2 et P (X) = X 2 − 1; we are going to

characterise the matrices A in M2 (C) which are solution of

A2 − Id2 = 0. (2)

I.3 We first characterise the soultions of (2) which are upper triangular. Find all the
triples of complex numbers (λ, µ, α) such that the matrix
λ α
0 µ
is a solution of (2).

I.4 Show that

 any matrix
 in M2 (C) which admits the two eigenvalues 1 et −1 is similar
1 0
to the matrix .
0 −1
I.5 Show that there exist three matrices A1 , A2 and A3 such that any solution of (2) is
either A1 or A2 , or is similar to A3 .

Part II

We consider the map f from (0, π/2) to (0, +∞) defined by

f (x) = tan x.

II.1 Show that this map is a bijection; in other words, show that this map is one-to-one
and onto.

We denote by g the map from (0, +∞) to (0, π/2) which is the reciprocal function of
f . In other words, for x in (0, π/2) and u in (0, +∞), the relations f (x) = u and g(u) = x
are equivalent.

II.2 Let u be in (0, +∞). What is the value of g(u) + g(1/u)?

Let h be the map from (0, π) into R which maps x to

1 x
h(x) = π − 2g √ tan .
3 2

II.3 Show that the map h is well defined and determine the set

{h(x) : x ∈ (0, π)}.

II.4 For x ∈ (0, π), compute h(h(x)).

Part III

In this part we consider the sequence of real numbers (un )n≥0 inductively defined by

u0 > 0 and, for any n ≥ 1 : un = un−1 + . (3)

III.1 Show that the sequence (un )n≥0 is increasing and tends to +∞ .

III.2 For n ≥ 1, express u2n − u2n−1 in terms of un−1 .

III.3 Show that for any integer n ≥ 1, one has u2n ≥ 2n.
III.4 In this question, we prove an inequality which will be used in the sequel. Show
that, for any integer k ≥ 2, one has k1 ≤ k−1 dtt . Deduce from that relation that, for any
N ≥ 1, one has
X 1
≤ 1 + ln N. (4)

III.5 Show that the sequence u2n /n n≥1 converges.

III.6 Show that there exists a real number α such that the sequence (u2n − αn)/ ln n n≥2

converges. Find a simple function which is equivalent to (un − αn) when n tends to in-
Session 2


(Duration : 2 hours)

The three parts (I, II and III) are independant.

The use of computing devices is not allowed

⋆⋆ ⋆
Part I

We consider the matrix  

−1 2
A= .
−3 4

Question I.1. Determine the eigenvalues of the matrix A.

Question I.2. Determine two eigenvectors respectively associated to the two eigenvalues of A.

From now on, we consider two real numbers u0 and u1 and we define by induction the sequence
(un )n≥0 thanks to the following relations, valid for any n ≥ 1 :
u2n = 2u2n−1 − u2n−2 and u2n+1 = 3u2n − 2u2n−1 .

Question I.3. For n ≥ 0, we let Xn = . Express Xn+1 in terms of Xn and A.

Question I.4. In this question, we assume that u0 = u1 = 1. Compute the vectors Xn associated to
this choice of u0 and u1 .

Question I.5. Give a necessary and sufficient condition on the pair (u0 , u1 ) for the sequence (Xn )n≥0
to be bounded.

Part II

Let f be a continuous function from [0, +∞) into R, strictly decreasing and integrable onR [0, +∞).
We recall that saying that the function f is integrable on [0, +∞) means that the quantity 0 |f (t)|dt
has a limit when x tends to ∞.

Question II.1. Show that the limit

lim f (x)
exists and is equal to zero.

Question II.2. Show that for all x ≥ 0 one has f (x) > 0.

Question II.3. Show that for all integers k ≥ 1 one has

Z k+1 Z k
f (t)dt < f (k) < f (t)dt.
k k−1

Question II.4. Deduce from the previous questions that the series, the general term of which is f (k),
converges and that one has
Z +∞ +∞
X Z +∞
∀n ≥ 1 : f (t)dt < f (k) < f (t)dt.
n k=n n−1

Question II.5. For α ∈ R and t ∈ [0, +∞) let fα (t) = 1/(t + 1)α .

II.5.a Determine the values of α for which the functionfα is integrable over [0, +∞).

II.5.b We assume that the function fα is integrable over [0, +∞). Does the following limit exist, and
if it exists, what is its value ?
! Z
+∞ −1
lim fα (k) fα (t)dt .
n→+∞ n

Question II.6. Does the following limit exist, and if it exists, what is its value ?
! Z
+∞ −1
lim exp(−k) exp(−t)dt .
n→+∞ n

Part III

We consider two polynomials P and Q with complex coefficients.

Question III.1. We assume that the polynomials P + Q and P − Q are constant. Show that the
polynomials P and Q are constant.

Question III.2. We assume that the polynomial P 2 − Q2 is a non zero constant. Show that the po-
lynomials P and Q are constant.

Question III.3. Let n ≥ 2 be an integer. We assume that the polynomial P n − Qn is a non zero
constant. Show that the polynomials P and Q are constant. Hint : one can use the factorisation of the
polynomial X n − 1 in C[X], in terms of the n-th roots of unity.

International Recruitment of IP Paris Schools for Engineering Cycle

Recommended knowledge in Physical Sciences

• Newtonian mechanics
• Mechanics of solids
• Statics and mechanics of fluids
• Applications of mechanics



• Electrostatics
• Magnetostatics
• Electromagnetic waves

• Geometrical optics
• Wave optics

• Perfect gas
• First and second principles of thermodynamics

Page 1 sur 7
Physical constants

The values of Planck, Boltzmann and Avogadro constants, the charge and the mass of
the electron, the speed of light in vacuum, the electric permittivity and the magnetic
permeability of free space, in SI system of units (at least two significant digits are required).

Orders of magnitude

The orders of magnitude of quantities such as the magnetic field of the Earth, the
radius of the Earth, the acceleration of free fall at the Earth’s surface, the concentration of
electrons in a typical metal, the wavelengths of the electromagnetic waves of the visible
spectrum, the distance between two atoms in a solid or liquid, the Bohr radius of the
fundamental state of the hydrogen atom, the size of the nucleus.

Compulsory minimal requirements of calculation skills

Mastering a certain number of calculation skills such as is compulsory


Be able to study the behaviour of a physical quantity A(x) in the neighbourhood of a

given value of its argument x. The common expansions about x ≈ 0
x3 x2 x3 1 x
sin x ≈ x − ; cos x ≈ 1 – ; tan x ≈ x + ; cot g x ≈ −
6 2 3 x 3
; ln(1 + x) ≈ x; (1 + x ) ≈ 1 + α x + (α )(α − 1) x 2
ex ≈ 1+ x +
2 2

Derivatives and primitives of the functions of a single variable

Derivatives of the elementary functions ( x n , ln x, e x , sin x, cos x, tg x, cot g x ) as well as

of the composition function f(g(x)).
Rules for the derivative of the product and the quotient of two functions of a real variable.
Primitives of the elementary functions above.
Integration by parts.
Conditions for the convergence of an integral in the cases of an infinite integration interval or
the presence of points of discontinuity.

Functions of several variables. Common differential operators.

Total differential.
Partial derivatives with respect to an independent variable in the case of a function of several

Nabla operator ∇ . Gradient ∇f of a function f(r).

Curl ∇ × A of a vector field A(r). Divergence ∇.A . Circulation ∫ A.dl .

(C )

Page 2 sur 7
Laplacian ∇ 2 f and vector Laplacian ∇ 2 A .

Multiple integrals. Stokes, Gauss – Ostrogradski theorems.

Reduction of multiple integrals to simple integrals by using the symmetry properties

(cylindrical, spherical) of the integrants and surfaces (volumes) involved
Stokes theorem.
Gauss-Ostrogradski theorem.

Differential equations

Solution of first order differential equations with separable variables.

Solution of second order linear and homogeneous differential equations with constant
coefficients. Characteristic polynomial, number and nature of solutions, critical damping.
Solution of second order linear inhomogeneous equations with constant coefficients.
Concepts of forced oscillations and resonance.

Equations with partial derivatives

D’Alembert’s solution of the wave equation.

Progressive monochromatic plane waves. Concepts of wave vector, wavelength, frequency
and period.
Principal phenomenological laws (Fick, Fourier and diffusion equations). Energy, mass, etc.
balance within an elementary volume.

Linear algebra

Calculation of a determinant, diagonalization of a matrix, concepts of eigenvalues and

eigenvectors of a linear operator.


Definitions and properties of the basic trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent,
Common trigonometric formulas (cos 2x = cos2x - sin2x ; sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x ; sin α + sin β
= 2 sin [(α + β ) / 2] cos [(α - β ) / 2] ; cos α + cos β = 2 cos [(α + β ) / 2] cos [(
α -β) /
2], etc.).
Fourier series of a regular enough periodic function.

Page 3 sur 7
Newtonian mechanics

Newton’s laws: the principle of inertia, the principle of action and reaction, the fundamental
equation of dynamics.
Galilean relativity. Concept of non-inertial reference frames and forces referred to as
« inertia » forces (in particular, in the case of linear acceleration and uniform rotation frames)
Angular momentum theorem. Kinetic energy theorem. Momentum theorem.

A two particle system. Central force motion, bound states, scattering states.
Expressions for the velocity and the acceleration of a material point in cylindrical and
spherical co-ordinates.
Concept of potential energy. Independence on the path of the work done by a potential-
derived force.
Conservation of mechanical energy of an isolated material system in the case of conservative
Conservation of angular momentum in the case of central forces. First and second Kepler’s
laws (the law of conical sections and the law of areas).
Conservation of momentum in the case of an isolated system. Elastic and inelastic collision
problems. Concept of a centre of mass of a system.
Expressions for the potential, kinetic and total energy of a particle in the case of a circular

Mechanics of solids

Rigid bodies (non-deformable solids). Solids rotating about a fixed axis. Moment of inertia of
a rigid body. Expression for the kinetic energy of a rigid body as a sum of a translational term
of its centre of mass and of a rotational term referred to the centre-of-mass reference frame
(Koenig’s theorem). The problem of the compound pendulum.

Statics and mechanics of fluids

Euler’s description (the concept of a velocity field) of a fluid. Concepts of flow density, mass
flow rate and volume flow rate. Mass balance. Equation of the conservation of mass in its
local form.
Definitions of a stationary flow, of an incompressible flow, of a non-rotational flow.
Perfect flows: Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s relationship on incompressible and homogeneous
Calculation of the resulting force of the pressure forces exerted upon an object, in fluid statics.
The Archimedes’ principle (the buoyancy force applied to an object immersed in a fluid).

Applications of mechanics

Lorentz force (force exerted on a charged particle in constant electric and magnetic fields).
Trajectory of a charged particle in a static and uniform magnetic field.
Linear oscillations; damped harmonic oscillations. Forced oscillations, resonance.

Page 4 sur 7
Electric voltage. Kirchoff’s laws of knots and meshes. Electric current. Ohm’s law.
Superposition theorem.
Basic circuit components: resistor, capacitor, coil. Their impedances in sinusoidal regime.
Transient regime of charging and discharging a capacitor.
Sinusoidal currents and voltages. Maximum value, rms (root mean square) value. Impedances
in series and in parallel.
Study of resonances in circuits in sinusoidal regime. RLC circuit. Relation to resonance in



Coulomb’s law. The concept of electric field. Electrostatic field E. Circulation and flow of E.
Gauss’ theorem. Symmetry properties of E.
Electrostatic potential φ and Poisson’s equation.
Calculation of E and φ for a simple charge distribution ρ . Electrostatic potential between the
plates of a planar capacitor.
Concept of electric dipole, field created by a dipole at large distances, interaction energy of a
permanent dipole with the electric field. Definition of the electric polarization vector.
Electric field in a conductor at equilibrium. Equipotential surfaces.
Electric field in the vicinity of a metal surface.
Coulomb’s law between two charges immersed in a homogenous linear and isotropic
dielectric medium.


Magnetic field B. Symmetry properties of B.

Magnetic field created by a thin wire carrying a current (Biot-Savart law), the two Maxwell
equations (the divergence of B and Ampère’s law), vector potential A.
Non-unicity of the electrostatic potential φ and the vector potential A, unicity of the electric
field E and the magnetic field B.
Circulation of B. Relationship between the circulation of B and the encircled currents
(theorem of the total current).
Calculation of B created by straight wires and circular loops. Field along the axis of a circular
loop and of a coil (solenoid) having a circular cross-section.
Magnetic dipole and magnetic moment M. Expression for the interaction energy between a
magnetic moment and a magnetic field B.
Flux of B. Electromagnetic induction phenomenon, Faraday’s law, Lenz’ rule.

Electromagnetic waves

Electromagnetic waves in vacuum.

Maxwell’s equations in vacuum. Progressive harmonic plane waves as solutions of the
Maxwell’s equations in vacuum. Frequency, wavelength, wave vector. The concept of phase
Page 5 sur 7
Transversality of the electric and magnetic fields.
The state of polarization state an electromagnetic wave. Linear and circular polarizations.
Volume density of the electromagnetic energy, Poynting vector.
Concept of wave packet. Group velocity.

Electromagnetic waves in matter (linear and isotropic medium).

Macroscopic E and B fields. Constitutive relationships complementing Maxwell’s equations.
Frequency-dependent complex dielectric constant ε (ω ).
Concepts of complex refraction index, dispersion and absorption.
Microscopic models describing the material polarization of the medium: Drude model, model
of the elastically bound electron (Lorentz model).

Geometric optics

Concept of light ray. Reflection and refraction by a plane mirror. Snell-Descartes’ laws. Limit
angle. The total reflection phenomenon.
Spherical mirrors, lenses, conjugation and magnification relations.

Wave optics

Reflection and refraction of a harmonic progressive polarized plane wave at the interface
between two dielectric media. Proof of Snell-Descartes laws.
Concept of optical path. Interference between two totally coherent waves.
Michelson’s interferometer. Thin slabs. Fabry-Pérot cavity.
Diffraction at infinity. Huyghens-Fresnel principle. Diffraction by a rectangular slit.
Diffraction at infinity by two slits (Young’s slits), by a row of slits.

Thermodynamic state functions: internal energy, entropy, enthalpy, free energy, free enthalpy,
as well as their differentials.
Extensive and intensive variables, thermodynamic equilibrium.
Heat capacities at a constant volume and at a constant pressure.

Perfect gas

Perfect monoatomic gas model. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of velocities for a

monoatomic perfect gas. The equipartition theorem.
Collisions against a wall.
Relationship between pressure and mean square velocity.
Perfect gas in a field of forces having a potential energy V(r). The barometric formula.
Limitations of the perfect gas model. Real gases. The van der Waals gas.

Page 6 sur 7
First and second principles of thermodynamics

First principle. Internal energy U. Heat transfer. Work exchanged by a system. The work of
pressure forces. Enthalpy and Joule-Thomson expansion. The enthalpy of a perfect gas.
Second principle. The entropy S. Entropy balance. Reversible and irreversible processes.
Thermodynamic definition of temperature.
The entropy of a perfect gas (for a condensed and idalatable phase).
Heat machines. Dithermal cycle. Efficiency. Carnot’s theorem.
Equilibrium between the phases of a pure substance.
Triple point, critical point, enthalpy and entropy of phase changes.
Clapeyron’s formula.
Free energy and free enthalpy: definitions and differentials. Chemical potential.
The perfect gas case. Equilibrium between two phases. Generalization, Gibbs’ phase rules.

Page 7 sur 7
English version




Duration: 3 hours

The use of electronic calculators is forbidden.

Formulaire :

• Gradient of a function in spherical coordinates :

• Limited first-order development of the function :

• Al-Kashi’s theorem :

• Calculation : .

Exercise 1 :

The Earth is assumed to be a rigid, homogeneous sphere (center , radius , mass )

completely covered by an ocean of negligible thickness compared to , consisting of a
homogeneous liquid, non-viscous, incompressible, of density . Atmospheric pressure is
assumed constant and uniform. We neglect the gravitational interactions between molecules of
the liquid in all the problem. The fluid particle will be treated as a standard closed mechanical
system to which the general theorems apply. The universal gravitational constant is noted .
It is recalled that the density of the voluminal forces of pressure in a liquid is written:

1. Write the fundamental principle of dynamics for an infinitesimal element of mass

liquid located at the point such that assuming that the Earth does not move
and is isolated in space.

2. Assuming that the water is at rest, and that the Earth is immobile and alone in space,
show that the following potential is constant:

3. Deduce the free form of the ocean’s surface.

4. Give the expression of the acceleration of gravity g at the Earth’s surface as a function
of , and . In the following one considers that g = 9,8 ms-2 in the liquid.

5. We now want to study the effect of the Moon, assuming it is a point mass, centered in
, located at a distance from the center of the Earth and having mass .
One considers that the Earth-Moon system is isolated in space, and that the Earth does
not turn on itself. We set and the angle . Draw a diagram.

6. Assuming that the Earth is only subject to the gravitationnal attraction of the Moon
show that the inertial acceleration of the center of the Earth in a Galilean reference
is : .

7. What is the form of the of the fundamental principle of dynamics for liquid in a frame
linked to the Earth ? The additional terms, due to the presence of the Moon, form the
acceleration generating tides .

8. Show that :

9. Give the expression of when as a function of , , , , and .

Show that it is maximal for and . Comment.

10. Compare its order of magnitude to the acceleration of gravity. Numerical application :
et .

11. One still considers the case . Show that derives from a potential :

that is : .

12. Assuming that the water is at rest, find an expression involving the previous
parameters verified in all the liquid. Deduce an equation characterizing the free

13. Assume is the variation of the water level in the ocean due to the Moon
attraction. By noticing that the water quantity at the Earth’s surface is constant, justify
that :

14. Deduce that :


Exercise 2 :

One considers the following system where the spring, of constant and zero-length is
such that the potential energy of the two-masses system and located at points
is of the following form : where and where is
a coefficient with a dimension. is the length at time of the spring.

One defines the reduced mass of the system, .

1. Comment the form of the potential energy.

2. Give the dimension of the coefficient .

3. In the case of an ideal spring, give the equation of motion for parameter . One will
solve the problem in the barycentric reference frame, that one will define.

4. Write the differential equation for in the general case.

5. From a graphical energy analysis, show that the solution of this differential equation
can be periodic only if the total mechanical energy of the system is lower than a
value in the barycentric reference. Determine .

6. One assumes small oscillations in the neighborhood of the position of the stable
equilibrium. By appropriately choosing the origin of time, we show that we can find,
for the preceding differential equation, a solution of the form:
where and are non-zero constants to be
determined by specifying the approximations to be made.

7. Show that the time average is proportional, in the barycentric reference frame, to
the total mechanical energy of an harmonic oscillator of rediced mass , of pulsation
and of amplitude .

Exercise 3:

A charged particle (mass , charge ) is located at the extrem part of a rigid rod of
negligible mass and length .

The motion of the rod in is perfect and the system is immersed in an uniform magnetic field
. At the equilibrium, is in and one considers only small movements around

1. Study the trajectory of the charged particle in the case where . In particular one
will study the projection of the trajectory in the plane .

2. Give the general movement of the particle when and the inital conditions are:
zero initial velocities, and .

We set : , and .




(Duration : 2 hours)

The two parts of the subject are independant.

The use of calculators is not allowed.


This topic deals with different aspects of seismic waves and their analysis which allows
geophysicists to obtain information on the elasticity, the hardness of rocks, the presence of
faults or geological anomalies. The seismic waves that travel the Earth may be surface waves
or volume waves, transverse or longitudinal.
The subject is composed of a problem and an exercise. The problem proposes some simple
modelizations of the seismic waves by studying equivalent mechanical systems. The exercise
analyzes a seismic wave detection system.

Mathematical form :

Problem: modeling P and S seismic waves

1. The scheme below illustrates the characteristics of different types of seismic waves.

What is a transverse wave? Longitudinal wave? What type of waves do the so-called P and S
seismic waves belong to in the previous scheme?

2. Modeling a longitudinal wave.

The system shown on the next figure is
considered to be an infinite succession of
masses m, distant from each other by a
distance a, and coupled by non-contiguous
massless springs, of spring constant k, of rest
length equal to the distance a.
One assumes that the system is constrained to move along the horizontal axis by a support
exerting a reaction force without friction. We note the difference of the position of the n th mass
with respect to its equilibrium position. Make an assessment of the forces exerted by the
springs on the nth mass and deduce that the differential equation of its movement is written:

3. Check that the previous differential equation allows solutions of the form:

provided that the temporal pulsation and the spatial pulsation are linked by an equation to
be written. Plot the curve representing the variations of according to Deduce that, in this
chain of springs, the waves can propagate only with temporal pulsations less than a cut-off
value to be shown on the curve.


4. Longitudinal wave in a solid.

We consider a deformable solid of parallelepipedal shape whose Nz
3 edges define the 0xyz trihedron. As shown in the figure, a
force per unit area is applied on the faces orthogonal to . y

In the following will be designated by the generic term

"constraints" these forces per unit area. -Nz

If the solid is isotropic, it remains of parallelepipedal shape, but its length along
undergoes an elongation . Its relative elongation is given by Hooke's law :

Click to
where is the solid’s Young’s modulus.
The other faces of the solid undergo symmetrical contractions, defined by:

where we introduced the Poisson’s coefficient

Give the dimensions of and . What is the value of in the ideal case of a perfectly
symmetrical and isotropic cube ?

5. For a solid with constraints , and on each of its face, show that we have a simple
linear equation :

where is a symmetrical matrix that one will write as a function of and .

6. One considers a slice of a solid medium, infinite along and and of uniform width
along . This plate is stretched along with a constraint . Show in that particular case
that :


7. We now consider an unlimited homogeneous isotropic u u+(¶u/¶x)dx

medium in which a compression/dilatation disruption
propagates, modeled as a propagating constraint, created
by a source such as the epicenter of an earthquake, for
example. On the next figure one shows a slice of a solid x
medium stretched at time by a contrainst . Initially
the medium is between the planes and . -Nx Nx+dNx

(x) (x+dx)

Under the constraint’s action, the first plane moves by a quantity . At the same time ,
the elongation of the plane of abscissa will write : .

By adopting the notations of the diagram above, justify that the plane of abscissa
undergoes the constraint :

8. Applying the fundamental principle of dynamics to the solid’s slice, whose density is
considered as a constant, show that one leads to the equation :

where we will express the parameter as a fonction of and . What is the dimension of this
parameter? What does it represent in relation to the propagation of the wave ?
Considering that the elongations of the springs of question 2. are infinitely small, study the
analogy between equations (1) and (2).

9. Modeling a transverse wave.

We now consider a mass weight m, connected by two
identical massless wires without elasticity at two fixed
points A and B (OA = OB = a) as shown in the figure.
The axis Oy is vertical ascending. The horizontal axis
is noted Ox.
The wires exert tension forces on the masses whose direction remains tangent to the wires. We
move the mass of an ordinate perpendicular to the axis AB. Show that both tensions have the
same modulus and establish the differential equation in assuming that the angle of
inclination of each of the wires with respect to the Ox axis is small. How would this result
be modified if the gravity field was taken into account ?

10. We consider an infinite succession of masses m, distant from each other of the same
distance a, and coupled by a wire without mass and elasticity. Each wire, of length a, exerts a
tension of the same modulus T constant at both ends.
The system is shown in the figure below.

The gravitational forces are neglected with respect to the forces exerted by the wires on the
masses. In this question we study strictly transverse movements. We note the ordinate of
the displacement of the mass n.

Write for the nth mass, the differential equation of the movement according to the ordinates
, and . This equation will be noted (3).

11. Check then that one can write a solution of the form :

provided the temporal pulsation and the spatial pulsation are linked by an equation that
one will write. Compare to the solution found in 4.
12. A reasoning similar to that which was conducted in questions 4. to 8. applies when one is
interested in shear stresses (parallel to the faces of a solid) rather than compression stresses
(normal to faces of a solid).
Denoting the transverse elongation one finds the propagation equation :

Knowing that the S waves get their name from the Latin Secondae (which come in second
position) and that the P waves draw theirs from the Latin Primae (which come in first
position), propose an equation of order between the parameters and in connection with the
figure in question 1.

13. Comment on the similarities between equations (1) and (3) obtained in "discrete" models
on the one hand, and equations (2) and (4) obtained in "continuous" models on the other hand.

Exercise: Recording of seismic movements using a seismograph.

1. A mass M is suspended, by means of a massless spring of constant k, to a frame relative.
With respect to this frame the mass undergoes a vertical movement without friction, in the
gravity field, assumed uniform, g. Let O be the spring suspension point on the chassis. We
note z the ordinate of the mass with respect to the point O, the rest value of z and
. It is assumed that the chassis is subject to the vertical ground vibration :
. The system is shown below. We can associate to any physical quantity Z the
complex quantity which real part is Z. Hence where .
Write the differential equation governing the variations of Z in the frame supposed Galilean.
What is the forced sinusoidal response of the system to ground vibration, in the form of a
relationship , where the factor A is expressed according to the characteristics of
the device ?

2. The mass is more firmly attached to a negligible mass coil, with electrical resistance r (we
will neglect the coefficient of self-induction L of the coil). The coil comprises N turns, each of
length l and it has the same vertical movement as the mass, while remaining entirely in the
gap of a magnet creating in the coil a radial magnetic field having the same constant standard
in all directions. The terminals of the coil are closed on a resistor and the total resistance of
the circuit thus constituted is noted .
Write the equation of mechanical balance of the mass movement.
3. Write the electrical equation of the loop formed by the coil and the resistor on which the
coil is closed.
Deduce the response of the system to a ground vibration, on the form of an equation
, where the factor will be expressed as a function of the characteristics of
the device.

4. Which conditions should be satisfied by the ground vibration pulsation in order that Z is
proportional to ? Is the voltage drop at the terminals of resistor proportional to the
ground vibration ? By what type of electrical circuit should one replace resistor to get a
signal proportional to the ground vibration ? Propose a scheme of the circuit.



(Duration : 2 hours)

The three problems are independent. If you are not able to solve a question, we advise you to
assume the result of that question and to move to the next one. The different questions are, to
a large extent, independent of each other.

The use of electronic calculators is forbidden.

Vectors are represented by bold letters in the first two problems.

I. Physics of stringed instruments

The aim of this problem is to understand how strings are sounded by drawing a bow across
them, as is the case for all stringed instruments such as violin, cello etc.

Let us consider a violin string and a bow drawing across it (Figure 1) :

(i) The string is under tension and the tension is denoted T
(ii) The length of the string is denoted 2L and its linear mass density is denoted λ
(iii) We recall that the moment of inertia 𝐼 of a rod of length L and linear mass
density λ, about a perpendicular axis through one of its extremities, is 𝐼 = 3 𝜆𝐿3
(iv) The violinist draws the bow with constant velocity V
(v) The bow exerts a pressure on the string. Let us call N the corresponding normal
force. Moreover there exists a tangential force F exerted by the bow while
drawing across the string. According to Coulomb’s laws of dry friction, the
intensity F of this tangential force is such as :
• Whenever the bow is sliding on the string then 𝐹 = 𝜇𝐾 N
• If there is no sliding (then the bow is stuck on the string) then 𝐹 ≤ 𝜇𝑆 𝑁
• 𝜇𝐾 and 𝜇𝑆 are the kinetic and static coefficients of friction respectively.
Usually 𝜇𝐾 < 𝜇𝑆 .

Figure 1. Above : schematic top view (not at scale) of the string (in
green) and the bow (in blue). A and B are fixed points.
Below: sectional view of the string and the bow.

Figure 2: Detail of the forces exerted on the string: N is the normal

force exerted by the bow on the string, F is the tangential force of
friction and f is the elastic restoring force exerted by the string (see
question 1).

A. Modeling the string as an effective spring-mass system.

1) The bow is pressed again the string in the middle of the string. Prove that the string
exerts a restoring force (which brings it back to its equilibrium position) that writes:

𝑓 = −2 𝑥

2) Assuming that the string keeps a triangular shape while moving (both parts AM and
BM of the string remain straight), find the equation of motion of the part AM as a
function of the angle α. Hence deduce that the string vibrates with the angular
√3 𝑇
Ω= �
𝐿 𝜆

3) Deduce from the questions 1) and 2) that the violin string behaves as an effective
spring-mass system. Give the elastic constant K and mass Meff of this spring-mass
system. Check that 𝑀𝑒𝑒𝑒 = 3 𝜆𝜆.

4) Compare Ω with the angular frequency 𝜔 of the fundamental harmonic of a

vibrating string with same length L, same tension T and same linear mass density λ
(the angular frequency of the fundamental harmonic is the smallest angular
frequency at which the string can vibrate). Let us recall that the speed of
propagation of waves in a string with tension T and linear mass density λ is

B. Dynamics of the string when the violinist draws the bow across.

From now on the violin string will be replaced by the effective spring-mass system
specified in the previous part.

5) What is the relaxed length of the effective spring ?

6) At time t=0, the point mass 𝑀𝑒𝑒𝑒 is at rest at x=0 (see Figure 2) and is pressed upon
by the bow with a normal force N. The bow draws across the effective mass with
speed V in the direction of increasing x. Hence the bow is sliding at t=0. Write the
equation of motion of the effective mass.

7) This equation is valid as long as 𝑥̇ < 𝑉. Prove that this inequality is satisfied at
every time t if the ratio 𝑉 is below some threshold that you will express as a
function of T, λ and 𝜇𝐾 .
8) Let us now assume that the ratio 𝑉 is larger than the threshold. Then 𝑥̇ = 𝑉 at some
time 𝑡1 . What is the equation satisfied by 𝑡1 ? What is the motion of the effective
mass when 𝑡 > 𝑡1 ?

9) Prove that there exists a time 𝑡2 for which the bow starts sliding again on the
effective mass. What is the motion of the effective mass when 𝑡 > 𝑡2 ? Express the
amplitude of this motion as a function of N, V, L, T, λ and 𝜇𝑆 .

10) Prove that there exists a time 𝑡3 for which the effective mass sticks again on the
bow. What is then the position x of the effective mass ? Hence deduce that the
motion of the effective mass has become periodic and plot the shape of x(t).

11) The violinist wants to play louder. What should he do : press stronger on the bow
or draw the bow faster across the string ?

12) The bow is made of hairs coated with some particular material called colophony.
According to the modeling performed in the previous questions, what kind of
mechanical property colophony has been selected for by violinists ?

II. Cavitation

Let us consider a spherical empty cavity of radius a, centered in a large spherical volume of
liquid of radius 𝐴 ≫ 𝑎. At time 𝑡 = 0, the liquid is at rest. The external pressure, exerted on
the outside of the liquid sphere is 𝑃0 . The mass per unit volume of the liquid is denoted 𝜌. The
liquid is assumed to be incompressible.

1) By means of dimensional analysis, give an expression of the collapse time 𝜏 of the

cavity, as a function of 𝑃0 , 𝜌 and a. What is the order of magnitude of 𝜏 for a cavity of
radius 𝑎 = 1 mm? You will assume that 𝑃0 is the atmospheric pressure (𝑃0 = 105 Pa)
and that the liquid I s water, hence 𝜌 = 103 kg.m-3.

In order to understand the physical mechanism of the cavity collapse, we want to derive an
equation for the radius, R(t), of the cavity as a function of time. Note that R(t=0) = a.

2) Let us use spherical coordinates with the origin in the center of the cavity. When
considering the symmetry of the system, prove that the velocity field of the liquid, in
every point r and at every time t, writes :

𝒗(𝒓, 𝑡) = 𝑉(𝑡) 2 𝒆𝒓

where r is the radial distance and 𝒆𝒓 is the unit vector in the direction of increasing r.

3) What represents V(t) ? Show that V(t) can be written very simply from R(t).

4) Express the kinetic energy of the liquid at every time t. How does it depend on A ?
Prove that it converges when A goes to infinity and give the limit.

5) Express the work of the pressure forces during the compression of the cavity from its
initial radius a to its instant radius R(t).

6) Hence deduce that R(t) satisfies the following differential equation :

2 𝑃0 𝑎3 − 𝑅 3
𝑅̇ 2 = � �
3𝜌 𝑅3

7) Finally deduce an expression for the collapse time of the cavity and compare it with
the expression obtained in the first question by means of dimensional analysis.

III. How to measure the flow rate of a river?

In order to measure the flow rate of a river, one pours a mass m of dye in the river and one
measures the dye concentration c(t), in kg.m-3, as a function of time downstream. Let us
assume that the distance between the place where the dye is poured and the place where the
concentration is measured is large enough so that the dye has been mixed with water and the
concentration is uniform in the cross-sectional plane of the river bed where the measure is

1) Plot the shape of the concentration c(t) as a function ot time.

2) Express the volumetric flow rate D of the river (in m3.s-1) as a function of the dye
mass m (in kg) and the concentration plot c(t).



(Durée : 2 heures)

Les trois problèmes sont indépendants. Si vous êtes bloqué sur une question, nous vous
recommandons d’accepter le résultat de cette question et de passer à la question suivante. Les
différentes questions sont en grande partie indépendantes.

L’usage des calculatrices électroniques est interdit.

Les vecteurs sont désignés par des lettres en gras dans les deux premiers problèmes.

I. Physique des cordes frottées

On étudie dans ce problème un modèle permettant de comprendre comment on produit un

son avec une corde vibrante frottée par un archet, comme c’est le cas pour tous les
instruments dits « à cordes frottées » comme le violon, le violoncelle, la contrebasse etc.

On considère une corde de violon sur laquelle un musicien frotte son archet (Figure 1) :
(i) La corde est tendue et on note T sa tension
(ii) On note 2L la longueur de la corde et λ sa masse linéique
(iii) On rappelle que le moment d’inertie 𝐼 d’une barre homogène de longueur L et
de masse linéique λ, par rapport à l’une de ses extrémités, est égal à 𝐼 = 3 𝜆𝐿3
(iv) Le musicien tire sur l’archet avec une vitesse constante de module V
(v) Le musicien appuie sur la corde avec son archet en exerçant une force normale
N. Selon les lois de Coulomb du frottement solide, on sait que la force exercée
par le musicien a également une composante tangentielle F (voir Figure 2), dont
le module F est tel que :
• s’il y a glissement de l’archet sur la corde alors 𝐹 = 𝜇𝐷 N
• s’il n’y a pas de glissement (l’archet est alors collé sur la corde) 𝐹 ≤ 𝜇𝑆 𝑁
• 𝜇𝐷 et 𝜇𝑆 sont appelés respectivement coefficient de frottement dynamique
et statique. On a généralement 𝜇𝐷 < 𝜇𝑆 .




(Duration : 2 hours)

All the exercises are independent and can be solved in any order.
Make sure to carry out numerical calculations when requested and round numerical values
to one significant digit. The use of electronic calculators is forbidden.


Short questions
Answer each question the way you prefer, but always detail and explain your assumptions
and calculations. Here are some useful physical values :

Gravitational constant G = 6.7 × 10−11 SI

Boltzmann constant k = 1.4 × 10−23 J K−1
Avogadro constant NA = 6.0 × 1023 mol−1
Earth mass M⊕ = 6.0 × 1024 kg
Earth radius R⊕ = 6 400 km

1. Using dimensional analysis, calculate an order of magnitude of the pressure at the

center of the Earth.
2. Considering that you can make a vertical jump of 50 cm on Earth, estimate the
maximum size of an asteroid from which you can escape by jumping.
3. Estimate the mass of the Earth atmosphere.
4. Estimate the thickness of Earth atmosphere considered as isothermal with molar mass
of 29 g/mol.
5. Determine the scaling of the speed of walking as a function of human size L assuming
that a leg swings as a pendulum.

Exercise – Gravitational deflection
We study the gravitational deflection of a particle and build an optical analogy. The
particle of mass m is sent from infinity with an impact parameter b and initial non
relativistic velocity ~v∞ . It is deflected by a body of mass M ≫ m and radius R. We
denote by (~r, ~v) the general position and velocity of the particle with respect to the center
of the body. After deflection, the final velocity of the particle at infinity is ~vf .



1. Show that the angular momentum L ~ of the particle is constant.

2. Show that the particle will strike the planet, at least at grazing incidence, if its impact
parameter is such that b ≤ b0 where
 r∞ 1/2
b0 = R 1 +
Express r∞ as a function of M and v∞ .
Hint : Write the conservation of angular momentum and total energy applied to the
grazing trajectory.
3. Show that the Runge-Lenz vector A ~ = ~v × L ~ − GMm ~r/r is constant.
Hint : We recall that ~a × (~b × ~c) = (~a · ~c) ~b − (~a · ~b) ~c.
4. Use the previous result to show that when b > b0 the deviation angle D between initial
and final velocities of the particle is given by
D r∞
tan =
2 2b

Now we consider a lens of refractive index n, with a flat entry face perpendicular to its
optical symmetry axis Oz. The lens is illuminated parallel to this axis. The exit face has
a varying thickness T (b) where b is the distance to the optical axis and T (b0 ) = T0 .
5. Find how T (b) must vary in order for the optical deviation to mimic the gravitational
deflection in the limit of small deviation.


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