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CULTS OF THE LE GeD Fa | i ee i | ) § ce he Fn . a?’ 7 ae THE MASQUERADE DESIGN Dre ee ee au Rr eC CC Cae mn PATON i ‘COLE, MATTHEW DAWKINS, STEFFIE DE VAAN, EMILY GRIGGS, MAMIE Toast Js EDDY WEB, RACHEL SEILKIRED STUNT nee” Naren ean ces SPECIAL THANKS Se eee eet eee Dee een eet Rens ee ge ra For your continued support, You're all loyal Grumbledukes and deserve the shiniest apples in the world Se een ye ee er ee Sines Tea) z east SUT CEU ER TEN Nt ete nt eee een ee eT CEO MUL Na Get er RaanC? ree ee eee ene eee ee Peer ene eee rt cas Se eee een ees ne ren NT ee Serra oe tS Sen etc CULTS OF THE BLOOD GODS. JUST ANOTHER FAMILY DINNER 9 Organiza ” INTRODUCTION B Mader Niches » Believe inthe Blood 5 Bases of Operations x A Place of Worship 4 Jen of Hope: Buulapest = Existing in Religious Disharmony 4 Is 3 CHAPTER ONE: Rites and Rivals Pf RISE OF THEMETHUSELAH CULT 17 | Enemies ” The Jusccars Speak ” Perspectives 5 Ihe Why and Way of Worship | New Corerie ype 5 The Ball and the Blood and che Bone 5 Nemes % Prepare ae | New Rituals 3 ‘Time of Thin Blood ao | levels % Brother Sweetwater Speaks 2 Coa the Garden % Protect the Flock, a Levels 6 ACainige Hymnal 2 Edens Bouncy +6 Plancng the Seed ty | The Church of Caine 7 Rotten to the Core B The Herery Falls * eamy b Diviec Truck 3 The Heresy Rises 3 Bed he Bore xe Hell on Earch ” Hall Gorgn Slayer of Men ga | Sablimacing Divinity ito Sociery ” The Sccker andthe Moon 28 Ad Liming & (Ona Mission for che Goxldess ay | Church Hierarchy oe madleyp Big 7 Congregation / The Flock a Heware False Religions . Door The Lord of the Red Desert 3 Acolytes a CHAPTER TWO: Vergers “ KINDRED RELIGIONS 3% eee & The Ashfinders 35 Priests / Church Leaders Dust to Dust 6 Biops Are Millennials Killing Kindred Eklers? 6 The Neropaian @ Data Mining 9 Church Dogma @ Cinder tstcut:thiea ® | Sacraments 6 Perspectives 8 The Sacrament of Valaicton “ Beas Shards » The Sacrament of Exculparin a Amber Freeman (Triveliee) » The Sacrament of Frewaling 4“ Dr. James “Morcius” Howitt # Cainite Dominion: St. Louis 65 Achfinder Blood Alchemy “ Perspectives “ Levels | New Rituals G Conor Ashe 6 Level 9 Chemically Induced Flashback 6 Damen the Fear 6 Level 4 6 | Levels G Disipline Channeling 6 Fire inthe Bod g ‘The Bahari, Children of Lilch “ | isa 7 Overly Deora Scholarship a ‘Ce ¢ Ou of the Desert a | the church ot Ser @ Belief ” The Chaos Cule 6s ‘Church and Seare The Clan of Lies Divine Origins A History in Whispers More Modern Deciss Snakes in ‘Their Hidden Nests Ricuals of Liberacion The Lesser Mystery of Set The Nine Gates The Grease Mystery of Sor Beginning the Journey ofthe Faichful ‘The Laver Hours of Night (On the Church of Set Sevite Temple: Kharkiv Animals Boa Constrior Colma Jackal ‘Oksana Koblenko *Proserpina” New Coverie Type Saboteurs New Powers Obfaseace Level 3 Mental Mas Presence Level Tie Love's Fase Protean Level 5 The Heart of Darkness ‘Cale of Shalim Ouse of Nov “The Flowering of che Abyss 8 Servants ofthe Abyss ‘Shalimive Rites Gemarria Abyssal Consecration Dark Puypose Enemies Avtifects and Symbolgy Mortal Sereanes Shalimite Operations: Fukwoka ‘Porselain" Pacricin Monegomery Ceremonies of Shalimn Level 1 a ve % 3 Traveler’ Call Level 3 Name ofthe Facher Level 5 Pic of Contemplation “The Mithraie Mysteries From Persia to Rome A Lonalon Renaissance Mithea and che Ball The London Bliez Faces of che Bull God Mithraise Ambieion Divine Mith An Underground Religion The London Uncertainty Celebracing the Bull God Bull Running Ferility Feases The Blood Equine The Blooding Seven Steps to the Sin ‘he Bree Stops Cavs, the Raven The Socond Stop: Nymphs, the Bride The Third Seep: Miles, the Soldier The Fourth Sep: Lea, The Lion ‘he Fifth Step: Perse, che Persian The Sith Sees Heliodromus, the Courier ofthe Sun The Scventh Scope Pater, the Father/Mother Mithracum; Edinburgh Perspectives Now Powers Dominate Level 4 Ancestral Dominion Fortitude Sharer ‘the Nephilim, Children of che Angel The Unending Dream The Seeds of the Garclen The Basilica of he Archangel Lex Sanctorum Deis Angelorim Places of Worship Rites of Plaarure and Prfcron Limited Scope? TABLE OF CONTENTS % oy 4 oy 95 95 9 96 96 7 7 8 99 %” 9 » » 104, 104 104 104 104 104, 104 104 104 104 105 106 108 108 109 CULTS OF THE BLOOD GODS. Enoice Artif and Symbol Moral Adherenes Nephilim Dreams Johannesburg, Perspectives Anna Yasupou “Annaelie Minor Colts Amaranthans Current Goals Cleopatrans Current Goals Ihe Cule of Isis Curren Goals Eyes of Malaka ‘Current Goa Gongs Nest Curren Goals Los Hijos de Si Curren Goals Sons and Daughters of Helena Current Goole “The Meneleans Curvene Goole The One Tie W: Current Goat Servitors of lead ‘Current Goals One of Us CHAPTER THREE: THE CULT OF DEATH AND UNDEATH The Underworld Masks ancl Marder and Ploe “That You Da So Well Death Alsays Comes InThrees “The Family Rew the Other Side Ihe Capuchin ‘The Giovanni Role “The Purge New Broom “The Establishment “The Family's Goals Family Business Dealing with che Authorities ‘the Harbinger Role “the Timeline New Blood in an Ancient Clan Dead Aim oy. 09 9 oo my 16 6 nb 6 "7 a8 ns as. ny 15 25 26 26 7 28 ny 50 I oa 1 3 3 54 34 4 5 35 26 “7 Factionalism Plans for che Giovanni Pans force Samedi Hierarchy and Serains ‘The Samedi Role Serring Down Religion Religious Practice New to the Rot Shiffing Tides of Neeromancy ‘The Role of Others The Lamine The Cappadocians ‘The Family Hierarchy ‘Whois Your Daddy? The Fam (Goterie or Ramily Tree? (Oueward Facing Operations The Venecian Laclder ‘he Ansiani Couneil The 1444 Chamber ‘he Endless Night Perspectives on Kindred Religions A Unigue Cale Hecata Chronicles New Cotetie Types Family Gatekeepers Now Predator Types Excorsionise & CHAPTER FOUR: MORTAL CULTS ‘The House of Anteros werobber Hiscory Doctrine What is Activities Future Plans Anabel ones Jovol Wrightson Alyson King The Eaden Fansly Virginia Eacen Leonard Eade Seary Hook: Love in Death The Church of Means Hiscory ay 97 8 48 58 58 49 9 440 4 a ue ue 45 45 Doctrine Actives Furure Plans Millicent Jarvey Morgan Brant Mali Lago Joseph Domingues Story Hook: Financial Drain Leah's Ci History Doctrine Activities Furure Plans Joke“ Mika Biteermarn able" Martins Melissa “Razor” Thomson Leah Suory Hook: Mugging Gone Wrong ‘The Dread Cult of Eligos History Doctrine Furure Plans Amy Moncague Jaden Michaels Frankia Bryant Rupert Brane Teresa Miles Story Hook: Eligs’ Breach ‘The Order of the Broken Branch History Doctrine Activities Furure Plans Margaret Thales Samantha Was Edward H,Sullaan Story Hook: Gods Weapons ‘Other Cules| CHAPTER FIVE: CULT CONSTRUCTION ‘The Act of Creation How co Build a Cult The Basics Belief Ancestral Worship Secular Values 58 59 160 160 160 so Fa ra Ge 6 6 264 6 7 6 65 65 66 166 166 6 “ 175 a 6 s ca ra Heresies Mandlaces You Shall You Shall Noe Ue irse Rule of Vampire Cab Hierarchy Laity Iniviote Acolyte Clergy Prophers Cale P Seripeure Relics Apparel Rials Holidays Lar Hiscrc Seasonal Method of Recruitment The Desporto the Driven A Leer fom Layla Froud of he Bahar The Indalene Places of Worship The Temple Hiseri Ste Anywhere and Nowhere Quick Cale Backgrounds Allies Conzaces Infuse Hoven A Lewer fiom Khaled a-Fathan! ofthe Church of See Mawel Cale Names Colors Creatures Basie Cult Descriptions Sample Cult Members Morrals Vampires Sample Cult: The Order of Taweret TABLE OF CONTENTS CULTS OF THE BLOOD GODS. New Coterie Types Enveys Think Tank An Accord Bet CHAPTER SIX: HECATA, Who are the Hecata? seen Fuchs Hecata Archetypes ‘Champion Bulshitter Forensic Specialise Natenal Necromancer Prodigal Child Unserypulous Banker Disciplines ‘Compulsion Hecaca Morbidity Bane Feeding Methods Oblivion ‘Charaeteristies Level Ashes to Ashes The Binding Fetrer Level 2 Faual Precogricion Where che Shroud Thins Level 3 Aura of Decay Passion Feast Level 4 Neeroie Plague Level 5 ‘Shuld Fulfil Withering Spite Obi Level The Giftof Fake Life Mindless Conse Summon Spine Level Aswatken dhe Homuncular Servant Homuncular Sereane Compe Spire Level 3 Host Spine Shambling Hordes Aggressive Corpse Level 4 Bind che 205 203 203 203 204 oy 205 am 206 206 206 208 208 208 299 209 209 Split che Shroud Ex Nikilo Lazarene Blessing Life in che Underworld [Ghost in the Machine Polergist Puppctecr Sereamer CHAPTER SEVEN: BLOODLINES AND LORESHEETS Bloodlines Loresheets CHAPTER EIGHT: STYX AND BONES Introduction Mainchen mag Dich (Munich Loves You) Where the Bodies Are Bus Die Heimliche Haupeae (The Seeret Capieal) Prologue: A Family Dinner ‘Chapter One: Body of Lies Hndoue The Auwevion Invitation Hondowe #2: GitncorHildelnane Dossier The Auction Coverie Options Approaching Guinter Hildebrane Coser Oprons The Riewal Chapter Two: Grave Digging. Exploring the City PermaneneLodgings The First Nighemare Under Artest Threats and Rumors Clan Adsice Investigating che Firs Arcade ‘Chapter Three: The Price We Pay The Second Nightmare Investigating the Seconel Arcack cing to Know the Cule of Mithras rears and Arcacks (Chapter Four: A Family Affair The Third and Fourch Nightmare Investigating the ‘Third Areacke Ceri Options igating che Fourth Attack Investigating GSG 10 ay a ay a a5 2G 26 a6 26 5 246 246 “7 49 49 49 Conerie Oprions Asano's Ambush Coverie Oprions (Chapter Five: Rise and Fall Epilogue: Death is Certain, Life is Not Hlandouc #3 A Leu Antagonise Seats Hiromitsu Asano Kindsed Citizens of Munich Terrence Rusk, Perses ofthe Cu of Mica Anna Fleischer of he Cale of Mighras Dieser Sera, Baron of Munich Pecer Bolin, Ana The Risen Mortals of Munich, Grenaschuezgrappe 0 Police and Wayenrd Muscle Lieschen Maller /lane Q Public A Ready Made Characters Christof Giowanni Franziska (Hollander) Giovanni Jon Purcancsca Heather Milner Marlene Drake ingen Schciger Matters of Faich ‘The Sleeping Sword of War hag he Ghosts of 251 265 25 Mago Resignation of the Righteous The Romero Tens Idle Hands Hellhouns of Sacan Family Feud Shades of Gray The Hunt Club Prince Vaughn Blood Trade Absolucion Exhan Clare Firse Ch range Fiasco Karen Shaw ‘Tolerance and Persecution The Trinity Prince Bruno, Descendant of Michael Praise (the Church of) Caine! Gladius Domini Reverend Alfred Murray High and Low Sample Cultses The Naive Lay Membr ‘he Inducted Iniviaue The Layal Acolyte the Trusted Templar The Grand Inguisvor The Devout Clergy {he Chavismacie Prophet TABLE OF CONTENTS 266 266 267 5 268 268 268 269 269 20 a aye nm nm oa oa om oa A Pe Me enema Moonlighe pours through Pea og ec Se See ney ose enc ee remodeled Gothic church, and in over everything. a rR ern noes es its basement, the dead dine with ; ing down my face. And all Feould Preemie rn Lace oni uae ee ee Frere Ree a Oe ee ; ananeae ee eee raianl ti SD ANN SL eee ey mre foe oo and pale eyes stand from one end Re eee Dna eas ein ak rad a er oe anne ee ea re “There. Now you're being social” and eopper. “Death comes eo us all, eee eRe ot] eee as Pee een eae ee eS swirl around the thickening blood eee ee ea acy Peet ot! ee Cet ee eee eee Oe Ser eee eae Ne those we have lose and those swe A TOPE: SMEG! Deena Ce cee) a a nem es ee en crn Re RS me Crocco single deach. eee Cee oa eee aaa es fish aday and bleod smeared on my slecee. In aria, Of the corner of my eye I could se a man Seater eae She nods to che Japanese man at che other end of the table, Pst its sell-by date Eee esa are ee aes Se eens nO eee ees Terre a co Da ee meee er coo Hinton re : alk around anymore.” en ee ee een ay Everyone else raises their glass, i CUO eee eat Se eee nad OSCR ey Tony’s voice euts through my rev hospital dump: nothing bur eop- eee eee et Cece Lr ee ee ee To nasreenn eas Perens eee acd looked at him all evening, “Most Carre a enn eer es Sa ene ner Sea a Toe et Cee eta ans See cr your food.” Oe Dee een as Been ee es) Ae ea ees OR ACny peace eae ee eee end Da ena ee pea ens she drops her hand to my knee. eae stockings as she poines to the eee eee ens Peas ae nt ay L follow the line of her finger, and see a delicate person dressed Petes are oars rte arena Cet See eee te eee carries through the room. They Per eer eer eerne een ert cians, and how they've killed Pecan Tc ‘They just manage to avoid making Peer eed ete et een eee mecca ees eee ee Cee eens Pee ee) cea nents eee for a week. Imagine having co ey, “i “Gan 7 LU ia & af kiss Giovanni ass afier everything es Pe nn before pointing it at Berlin's face cna een earn Preteen encanta “My ass is much nicer than his.” eM eee] | ees ed | She looked over her shoulder and Seen ee eee ee eee ce ee cea eerie “Berlin Giowanni.” Felasped he ea ee Se ae eta ree DS emeaMeTe ren eee eee Ey thinking of somedking muck, much ea ee ee eee De eee eee eee a eats es Pee ee pone eee Poe ns | pale blue silk out of the folds of cocoa ees Peete ete ener ritual where Mora offers the gift Ce free eed en eee ee ert tee re ces Us ee Panett Pret a ern aco ABS cnn Ke yom Bae Payor Siow the stained glass glints off the pok ished ebony of his mask. “I have Ses eared Perea on eet eee er ey ee Cone his frail form, and carefully lifts the edge of his mask up so that he ee eer no Reece ah? Berlin has reluctantly pulled her hand off my knee and leans forward on he table, her elbows Perea ea noe Reread eared emt Peter een eee PASn ete aed Se os ed er eee opened Tony has, unforeunately, de- cided to join in the conversation. Seana es eo radiah.” ‘Tony is distracted by the sud- Pee ee Sac ane from the mask again, fainely ‘muffled and hollow. *My name is Zebadiah. Not ‘Zeb’? Raz CSR CEN ng See ra eer a ea eee et ead Sn one Pee eee ae See ea Pee eae ‘Tony knocks back the rest of eee eee ia Scan ert He died in such a creative way es een ra ees Cae Se ete ee Been ee evra en aed See a ee Please! Give me back my ace! Fam ie er eee muse give me back my face!” rene neers eee ee Deen ae ee Fee aan ee eee ee you don’t answer my questions, 'm ee neat eNeean ‘Those same eyes, dark and ter- ‘And then you'll Pers aa ea eo a eee ees thick, coagulaced blood. *Let’s noe go crazy now, Buc firs chings first. The aoe re Le aca Ce ee 4 finger in one of them, and they ee ets caolng spoon in front of his face Be ores DeRose Sees Dae estly, F don’t Bnow how you ancient Pee fear eee See naan table surface, managing cost right ead a ee doen. I picked up che blowtorch again and began rehearing the spoon. "Next eee ee eet Se eee eae Cree ngs Se a ee plunged the white-hor spoon into his righe eye. There was a soft pop and Core ei eee ey {fluid in his eye began 10 boil. eee Ce ee eee a eee the Pisanob excapr you Harbingers cr See cee ie ee ee ee ee Bere ere ere ae else if chy think ie will gee chem ene ey Dec ae eee) ee ere ee a ede en enn eee an Seas eee een ona ea ne ec PP eee ee re Smee raed Giovanni chat my sire knows Re naa Sees Nau een as.a crowd of mortals start t0 all dressed in whive clothing, but Se eee ea De eer Peo eee a vers Ronson Poets nee eter ts start to carefully pur food onco the places — small bones stuck into carefully sliced raw meat, erent et mcennts Soren teeta Pee ee ed pre er ene oe es eee en Pee eee er ee eet et ey ies en eet Peete eee eer ren the beginning, Dead flesh may Seen es Seen coe eee cee ne ea eee emer eee Sr ee eee es Freres eee eee Tale, as he accepted the end. See ee La Mora’s voice rises in volume. See eerem tnt a or ee Pee eo Tet ee eos ae eee ee ae ee — Accorti Giovanni, giving a warm welcome to a fledgling Hevaca Faith, religious order, and eultish devotion hold Renee eee net and concraty co views spoken in Camarilla domains and Anarch baronies conight, they always have. For every instance of Fledglings murdering sires, Anarchs burning cee ‘vampires pursuing campaigns of diablerie, there are ~athers who hold opposing views. These chikier worship ee ee ee eee ee Ree eee eee eee ee ee eee ee ee ee een ee clan, use hoping for a trickle of thar eich vita, chat ie might allow chem co become more like chese deific Figures ee eee ee Cee ee ete en ees eee eee eee mortals beneath them. Power becomes religion, religion eee er ees eee Believe in the Blood I you are a Storyteller or player who wishes co in volve vampire religions, ceremonies, and worship in your chronicles, you wil find a great deal of material in Cults of the Blood Gods to satislythae need. This book provides everything you requite to run Sn ae ae a een eee Roe ne Reena eer eee ee eee ee ee fiom following them, and actempc co balance morality Se ceed Ler ets Stee ren ee een cc to eee eee en Cet ee ence ea Oe eT cette ee ese ea! Pe eee enn ees CULTS OF THE BLOOD GODS. Afger all, when youre the Clan of Death, deach is far from the end. Whether you're an established or new Storyteller, the story and chronicle hooks found in chis book will be sufficient 10 fuel dozens of Vampire: The Masquerade stories involving sacrifice, black magic, the strength of belief, hhenefactors and enemies, A Place of Worship the content in the following chapters of Cules of he Blood Gods invites you to explore the myriad Kindred faiths, elgious orders, and darkest powers preset in tonight's Vampire: The Masquerade. We invite yous 9 take or adjust any of che material in eis book, whether ie be part of bolic vetem, a rligios hierarchy, a charsc- ter, or just aconcepe fiom one ofthe chaprets, nd make iryur own, We encourage you co se this material a you sc ft for Vampire: The Masquerade. ithe monstrous, alien mighe of methuselahs as + Juse Another Family Dinner — Fiction to introduce you co the current state of the Clan of Death, and some of che activities they get up to around che din- ner table + Ineroduction— A bvief rascer of what youl find in the upcoming pages of sin, fui, dogma, and miracles + Rise of the Methuselah Gale — chapeer fille with Jn-charactor accounts of religions rise ro prominence inthe modern nights, with aecouns fom several of the cults profiled in his book + Kindred Religions — A thick mix of religious orders of various sizes and influence levels, alongwith new powers new coterie types, and ocher new mechanics for adding co your games +The Cale of Death and Undeath — Welcome co the family known as the Heeata. This chapeer introduces you co the history, current plots, and hierarchy of the Clan of Death, while also providing further coterie sand Predacor types for your chronicles, + Mortal Cules — Nor all eves are populated by vampites alone, with chischapeer decailing some of che orders where vampires have see themselves up as _geds to be worshiped, or mortals have pieced enough ogether co form faiths co combat che undead, + Cale Construction — Now uses for Backgrounds and rich detail on how co form cults in your own chron cles, with tables and advice on how to form religions, the mechads cults use o indocerinate their members, and che kinds of ambitions cules in your games might + Hecata and Oblivion — This chapter provides the loti all players who wane eo play a member of the Hecata mighe need, with clan archetypes, intreduc- cion co the kinds of people che clan Embraces, anda bevy of Oblivion Diseipline powers andl Ceremonies, + Bloodlines and Loresheets — "The Heeata isa elan comprising multiple bloodlines, so chis chapecr breaks down how co use bloodlines in your chroni- cles and provides the Backgrounds for you to de so straight out of the book. The Loresheets chat follow connect ¢o the cults introduced ehroughut this book. + Stycand Bones — A high-energy story se in Munich where you play members of che Hecata in pursuit of (or fleeing from) a creature ofhorrar even tothe Clan of Death, Ready-mad characcors and even, snore chronicle hooks awaie you once you're done seading che main story Existing in Religious Disharmony While some Camarila Princes and all agents ofthe Second Inquisition believe the vampire population ofthe world is too high, in truth, iis roo low to meaningfilly sustain widespread religious organizations The cults and. orders presente in this book are prominent in specific ind regions, but rarely spread their reach be- in part duc to the difficuley vampiees find in ar (especially en masse), but also duc ro fierce resistance fiom the Kindred in each domain dlomains yond them Travelin Domains in the modern nights, much as in ehe Dark ‘Ages, exist as islands in the datk, each with their own, Kindred hierarchy, sociey, and culture. As vampires grew older their beliefs become entrenched, compelling a evi- cence co adopt new belief unless they're faced witha fall to the Beast, witness something miraculous, or perhaps reconnect wich their humanity Wich this is asthe ease, ie possible for the Church of’ Set, the Michraists, and the Eyes of Malakai to all ‘exist in che same location? Yes, bus not withoue cension. “ GENERAL DIFFICULTIES Some minor characiers inthis book have what ore referred in heir stot blocks as General Diffcubies. These come in the form of two numbers divided by ‘assroke, such as 4/3 or 5/2. The first numbers the Diffcully the players have to beat fever opposing this character in on area in which they excel. The second number is the Diffcully whenever players ‘oppose his SPC in an area in which thoy aro modi- ‘cre or poor. For those who want to use Attributes ‘ond Skills to determine Difcutes, these characters ‘elso have full rts. For those who prefer @ simpler method, the General Difficulties are there for you Religion ards a new layer to che societal serata,a new cause to cling on to and for which eo fighe, and another reason co claim territory, vessels retainers, and primacy Being a member of cult does noe precle a vam. pite from membership in che Camarill or aff the Anarchs, rhough a city with a small population of a couple of hundred thousand would be unlikely co field ition wich 1s INTRODUCTION more than a handful of vampires with religious inclina- rion, When ehey do, these faithful undead have che option of evangelical belief, with an aim co convertor chastise thers, or seeret worship, s0 a8 to not allow their faith eo impact other vampires’ views on them. les rate fora vane pire t be alay worshiper who accepts Ser, for instance, hue does so without pride of, conversely, subterfuge. On the other hand, a city oF metropolis containing over 2 million mortals within ies limits could suppore mule pic faiths, and even harbor several eoteries of che same belie, though they may follow eheie religions in ditferent ways. These domains are more likely to sce debaves and even fights beeween sorealed Yorthodox believers” and heretie lavcer epithet Whar this means for the Seoryteller and players about to embark on this journey into the religions of Vampire, is chat eal ean be liberally dosed chroughou domain or held back as clandestine and rare, We will not hough no vampire is likely to lay claim eo che prescribe for you a categorical number of vampires wha worship one faith ar another, or declare one major rli- gion move powerful for ind ‘ule, each teadition, and the Fervor of belief in all these religious elements is for you to decide for your chronicle, d, right) chan another. Each chapter one Sa ae “The gods are cruel and capricious, and ee acknowledge they shape our destinies. We should despise chem, Sree ee ec ee en eee ee ee eee ec ee — Arjun Shah, Pacre of the Cale of Mitheas For as long as there have been Kindred chese have been those chac worship the more powerfil een ee i Serene Long-standing bastions of Kindred sociery have been shaken. The Tower leans. The Pyramid crumbles, Th aoe change are drawn to beings of power, t0 collections of Kinded of ll stripes, ftom C: Sete tet Pe a eeen en eet) ee een cee es eee 5 Ie is easy co sce Se ee eee ret ho es as divine and worthy of worship, LLegendls of these mechusclabs, stories of these veritable ere SN ue ee ee eens et Ree en) every stratum of Kindred sociery, in every generation, There are those who even claim ro have met them, and they ate the most zealous of all Cals centered around chese exeacutes dating as far back as the Second City rise ro the fare with the desee Pree erates ae eet Ce eet eS eee es Some have survived largely unchanged. Some shift in eee ie eee nt kere Cee ee een ee ee irene Sea eer ee ee Cainite’s best interest at heart, some simply prey on the Pe eee eee ea er OU iem lien eh The flowing was eranseribed From a mnemonic Pee ta en ee CULTS OF THE BLOOD GODS. (BEGINNING OF RECOVERED SECTION) dan Carfax: and this rising of faith is sost disconcerting. More and pore of our young are turning toward the esoteric in these troubled tees. we eee pasiné our hold on our message and ius being replaced by messages of worship, prostration, and faith. Diana Tadanza: The Ministry wust be having a field day. dan Carfax: Look, we are dealing with the fallout of our rightful choice Xo no longer extend our protection to the Anarchs, pulling back on the use of technology Diana Iadanza: And whose fault is that, hmm? Tan Carfax: and by doing so strengthening our Masquerade. Not to mention the Anarchs are filling tne power vacuuw left by the Sabbat. Alone nich phates the Ministry, or whatever theytre calling theuselves now, turning Anareh, and @ handful of our number gevting caught in the Paris bomt~ ings. Wee lost domains to this so-called "Second Inquisition" and there is oven walk of a new death cult forming. Reports are unclear. Might Jest be the Giovanni acting up again. The Promise is close to ending Diana Iadanza: Yest Fine, alright. We get it. Must you whine on? We are all aware of the shifting sands. One thing at a tine. The question is what do we do about these new faiths rising up? Jan Carfax: Many of them arent exactly new, are they? Sone have been und for quite sowe tine in the shadows. [us an even greater indicator that we are losing our hold. The Ministry will leverage this, like they jeverage everything. So many of our elders have been called away. Surely some of you feel it as well? (THERE IS A LONG PERIOD OF SILENCE] Lucinde: It is hard to deny the power of old blood. I can see how often they becowe objects of worship. tan Carfax: You sound like you might know something about that. Jnucinde: I've had dealings with the Mithraists the Cult of Mithras, yes. ian Carfax: Dealings. Yes. We are wasting time. What do we do about it? How Go wo stem this tide so we can deal with all of our other challenges? We must be seen as the Tower we have always been, gleasing in the night. Lucinde: We do nothing. Tan Carfax: What? Lucinde, you aust be Lucinde: Put out @ call to the Archons. Tell then not to waste resources on stopping any religious gatherings should they not be working ac- tively against the Traditions or the Cauarilla. Put a goratorius on the Sonsgerton of the Book of Nod, Revelations of the Dark Mother, and any ocher such documents that survived into these modern nights. We will hot Geny the existence of ancient ones, how can we now? But we will not sure port the idea either. Jan Carfax: Explain. Plana Iadanza: Can you not see iv? We would run ourseives ragged urying Xo nste this tide," as you say. But we will do as we have always done, (CHAPTER ONE: RISE OF THE METHUSELAH CULT de? We use these faiths, these Liv- 1% we, ay dear Lucin wolcan nese Uber Ry ‘@ up the cracks in our beautiful tle religions, as a mortar to help shor Tower. Like Japanese Kintsukuroi, cn 1 Yes. I have seen first-hand how faith can bolster & dovelth so nee ugh influence over sone of these faiths and cults, we ay be whic to fashion them into a cudgel to use against the Ministry. “orm aplfhould look Anto the idea of adopting an "official religion’ o Tn Casariila in these coming nights. Use the kinets idea of separsvion fy carer and stave but maintain a steady hand upon it. See iv done, Nowy ive should discuss the situation in London [RECORDING ENDS] The Why and Becca neck soris teal the Roman teas Bu es see's heen for naught. These Way of Worship ‘questions you ask of me tell me you have not absorbed the lesions, You have failed co find che meaning willful supplication can bring, So, | cast you our. Wander uncil As writ by Aditya Hay, Vener, former Sencschal the burning fires of war from within or withoue light of Etinburgh your way home ° My childe, you've asked me why I worship? Why do I, every nigh, ben my knce in supplicacion co my Loet? | The Bull and the Why do cue my arm fiom fingectip co shoulkler? Why do I starve myself each spring to the edge of fcnzy? Why, wvhen I supported the Toreador for centuries, iT deliver Blood and the Bone the throne of Eetinburgh to de Camden without so much asa challenge? Because my unlife has meaning, My unlie Mithras, my Lord. Our own God of Welcome to the Syndexioi. ss who will come again If you are reading this then you have been given all you heed to prepare you for what is to come. You are being welcomed in Mithras' light. He, the Unconquered Sun. He, the right way. has meaning throu War who Walks, Mil There are so many who do nor underseand, so many Tike you, who simply flac through thei existence or fil iv wich political games or debauched excess, My Lord fills ray exiseence with purpose, | ama pare of plan for his glorious return, I prepare for the eoming war thae will Follow in his wake San inca oe ne ina To Bull, Bring sts biood ine arrived. Wha beter oles us chan che ane wh uithras’ Light to you. Thank vole Lands hand? a 7 the true Sun. bot orgrends eee bere fedy gin Tho Blood. Follow thon to 8 We sarve ourselves sa we may fighe our Beasts. We bencl place of battles past or bat- nce in supplication and understand chere isan order to tles to come. Pour the blood things. For whac isa war without soldiers? What isa god there along with your own swithoue followers? vitality, Pray to liithras for strength in the night. 19 ‘The Bone. Be interred in stone in the mithraeum for seven days and seven nights. Remain in control and free yourself. Be born into into this world. the Church as Mithras was born Welcome shall be yours, Keep these secrets in your mind. Destroy this document. Prepare. Time of Thin Blood Daskborn 1: | don't know about this, "This place Duskborn 2: Trust me. We have co do this, What did we say when we found ous what we were? Duskbora a: We said we'd sur vive, no matter what Duskborn 2: Exactly. Im tied of ving chis half-life. Looked down on by che vampines of this ey? Chased around and hunted? Eating rats and dlogs and Duskborn 4: Done! Don't remind me, I get it. And hush... Philipa cold tus nor co use the V word out loud, 20 remember. She was nice, Real messed wp face, but nice. Duskborn 2: She also cold us this was the place to go ifwe wanted co bre. how did she put i... Fwe wante cd to be broughs filly into che night. I want that. Duskborn # If we could just. 1 don’t know, find a cure? Pray i away? Can't we do tha? Duskborn 2: No, we can't. You heard her. That's impossible, God has turned his back on us. This is wwhac we are now, We can already do some amazing things ifwe feed right Philipa just appeared oue of nowhere, Tierally, And she isnt even chat, th. thick-blooded. She ssid the power is in che blood and ours is chin. Look at what we can do, even as so-called Duslkborn.” Imagine what an elder can da? Whar they could teach us? You erust her, right? Duskborn i: | mean, I gues. She thas shown us the ropes abit, Told us where 10 stay away from, Gor us some Daskhorn 2: Dont forget we would have boon dead if she had copped those mea. | ro stop srusting her now: lea shame she got calle sway like thaeehough, ‘hue ic was good of her co tell us abou this place before she lft Daskhorn 1 So, what, we just wall in and introdice ourselves? Is shore a secret handshake? Giliana There is no need — Daskborn 2: My God! Giuliana: —for char my young friends. am Giuliana Sancistebar and you are mose welcome a Lana Roja. [Laughs apologize for che dbramaties 1° a weakness of my line Philipa roll me you were coming Why don's you come inside? I have rach co cell you and mc 10 ree you, Fsuspeet. Daskborn 1... pleasure ‘You know Philipa? Do you know whore she is? Giuliana: Sadly, Ido not, But Pm sure she will be glad 10 hear fram you. when she ecurns. Funderstand you are looking fr elders to ceach you “To being you into the night. believe sn provide, Now; let ts nor stand cout hete, exposed in the epen. Come inside and lee me tll you of what I know: Let me tell you of che Children of Si Brother Sweetwater Speaks A sermon as given by Brasher Sezeerater, clan unknown, eo his eomgreacion 1 say to you, my dear sisters, brothers, and all oehers, Gehenna is here. Gehenna has come and reigns I scan before you! Our elders vanish in droves! Swords have broken! We have fae (CHAPTER ONE: RISE OF THE METHUSELAH CULT A Cainite Hymnal CMM ee Col Cen Cone are, ces Pict ihe rtm es Caine, owe Dark Father, tell them words of peace. Cains, our Dark Father, sate thein lust for ood. Caine, our Dark Father, heep us from the flood. WA call on the name of Zita, Wa call on the name off Inad. We call on the name of Enoch. ee eS | Lead us through Gohenna. okead us to peace. Weave been left behind by the dare rapeure! The end is heve, creeping and silent and terrible! We cannor fight. We se this nove Dreams of che past must dieand we muse fice a burning fasure. [hear you crying, Ido, I dot [tell you chesechings noc to frighten you. No, no. Lam here offer words of comfore anal jo: I have seen light. [have seen eruth. And Tam here 1 share it wich ou, Tell you, we must forge our broken sword into a plowshare, Lee tus make peave with ou oppressors. Only through worship may they he appeased! We muse prostrate our selves before the Christ thar is Caine (Only He may beseech his childven ‘on our bebalé! He speaks eheough the blood, Through the blood we are bound. Speak ta him and we speak 0 them! “The more we resis, the more conflice we create, Let us not Fallow those who war. The way to sahation js submission my dear congregation, Ir is through the light of ths eubmis- sion we will ind our way chrough the End Times, Now... et us pray. a Protect the Flock The following isa Ieaked nanscripe from Blacksite 34, lcation unknown, somehow obeained by Molly MacDonald Nosferatu Justicar Location — Blacksite 54*The Cage" Clearance Level — Crimson Involved Agencies — IREDACTEDI, [REDACTED], and IREDACTED) Interrogation Lead — Gwen Phang Interrogacion Suppor — Harold "Doo" MacE roy Observation Theater: Witness — [REDACTED] Witness — [REDACTED] Wieness — [REDACTED] Subject — Kit ‘Pacches? sposito, Designation — Blanlkbody, Subject 25, Loud and rveuned sobhing ea be Isard on the rserting. Requisition of dlretional microphones placed] CULTS OF THE BLOOD GODS. [REDACTED] — Please state your name, agency, and role forthe record please. Loud, please hang: Agene Gwen Zhang of the [REDACTED], onsite. Lead incerrogator, Blackste 34 “The Cage.” Mact.lroy: Doctor Harold MacElroy, Freelance, for mer [REDACTED], Incerregation Support and Aucops. [sobbing becomes a series of wails) ‘Zhang: Lee's begin, Mr. Esposico. Tell me. How long, have you been... dead shall we say? Subject 25: Who... who the fuck are you people? What did you do with Claire? Where the Fuck aim If MacEray: Fascinating, Is thar blood? I didn't know Ilankbodies could ery. Do you suppose all of their fluids have been infected? Perhaps all of their fluids have been replaced by blood? Can they mimie intercourse? ‘Zhang: Focus Mack: [Zhang snaps ewicel Shhh. shh. Irs good to see you've calmed down, You injured quite few of che agents bringing you in from ehae 200. Did you know that? Subject 25:1. Idid? MacfElroy: Subject 23 seems robe expressing remorse. ‘Their ability 6 mimic us is excraordinary ‘Zhang: You did, De you noc remember? Allow me co remind you, Here. Take logleat chese pictures. This is “Agent Jemma Perkins, Nor that you ean cell, HalFof her Face is gone and the ocher half was chewed up. This h is Prisha Agar, He will most likely be on a liquid dice forthe rest of his life... fhe makes i. And this, Thomas Detvick this is MacElroy: Even the subject's snot cems co be made of blood. subject 23: Please pur those aveay. Please ‘Zhang: Bur | think you need to see this Mr. Esposito, Thomas was justin the wrong place at the wrong time i scems, The one you call Clsire murdered him in the most brutal fashion, Look here, you ean see hovr she ripped, Subject 25 That's because you baseard opened fire ‘on us! You made her lose her shit! You did this! We just swe juse wanced to be free. MacElroy: The subject is now convulsing with sobs, ‘even though we auspoct they do noe need co breath. Reminder to send che information requisition to the Society... again. What would this be, Zhang? Three times? Four? ‘Zhang Five. Now, Mr, Esposito th Lose control? That implies ies something you ea Ie’salso interesting yous fel lke you're crapped. Why drt you elaborate? Does this have something 0 do with why ‘you were atthe zon inthe firs place killing chose poor animal? Subjece 23 [Screams] McElroy: Zhang has stabbed the subject in che leg, repeatedly. This is my firs time seeing the blankbody healing factor up close. The wounds seem ro have no last- ing ffecr, hue there isa pain response? The nerves should be dead, Amazing ‘hang: Mr. Esposico? Subject 2g: Srap it! Please scap it! I don'e wane. dlonit want ro lose myself again. I don't wane ta [growls] Inust anyone again, ‘hang: ‘Tell me what you were doing at the 20. Why were you killing those animals surrounded by those ridiculous candles? Whae makes you “lose yourself?" You killed so many people. Are you not responsible? Is ie noc your faule? Subject 25: Clare and I... we.. we aren'e monsters Wedon'e wane to be chis way. Fean still eel it in me Fe ‘wants me 10 kill you, Oh God, what have we done? ‘hang: Nowe we seem co be getting somewh is in you, Mr Esposito, We ean help you Wha Subjece 25 She said ie would work, Why cide’ it work? MacElrey: Maybe you should back off, Zhang. L don't his fae. They can even ugly ery Loak at. There ie so much blood coming out oF ‘hang: Keep focused. Mr. Esposito, so far, Ihave only used one knife. Hold this for me, will you? MacElroy: Zhang has sabbed the subject in che leg and let the knife there ‘Zhang: Ifyou look ever on this table, you!l see T have many more cools ae my disposal MacElrey: Subject 23 seems. I suppose che right sword would be “inconsolable” Subject 2g She eold us it would work! She sae if we killed che beasts i would kill ur beasts! We said che wwonts! We ddl everything she asked us! screams] We don't deserve this ang: Who are you talking abou? Is there a ehird blanebody? Tell me. Tell me and we might le you se (Claire again Subject 2p: You don’ underseand! How could you understand? We juse wanted 10 be like you! She cold me ie would make me like you! ‘hang: Who! Who ase you ealking about Macleay: ‘The subject has suddenly gone ridged and unfocused. [Recording compromised distortion causes the wove of Subjece 3 flucuate and occasionally sound feminine. Rush requisition of divectional microphones placed.) Subject 25 I rhink you have asked enough questions ‘off my lambs for one night, Given Zhang of Fong Kong. ‘hang: What is chis? How do you know chae? IREDACTEDI What is happening? What i his? Subjeet 25: Oh, know so much about you, Gen. For example, know you ate the scree wife o Hong, I know you tell her you work in immig she deste know what horrible things you've dane. Whae would your parents think! Look ar me Zhang, What would Cyahia chink? MacElroy: A... agent Zhang has fallen to her knees, ing ae Subject 25 [REDACTED We have been compromised! Locks down Incerrogation Suite 3! Prepare for purge! Back wp all rocordings to Blacksice 34-8 Subject 25: You have been abandoned, Maclay: The... the subject is calm now: Almost serene, Zhang has started co weep, Subject 23: And you Harold MacElray. You named clf*Doc,” but do you know what they really call ‘all you're good for after all. Do they Tknow what you get up to in the morgue, “Stitch?” Now run, Feurse you. Live with what you knony, dream of i every nigh, and find no succor except among the dead, ‘you! *Seirch” Subject 25 You... you came for me? Subject 23: Shhh... shhh, OF course I did my lamb, But it's time Ie’ time for release, You did well. My fre shall burn ie out of you. Iwill Fre you as | promise. Subject 2y: What? You suid I could be ke chem! just ‘want co be human! I don'e wane co be ike this anymore! Subject 252 And you won't be. Planting the Seed As written by “Joe,” Gangrel bartender at The Wilder, Poreland Te She Who Tends the Garden, To My Sister, To My Savior, My Tremendous Pain In The Ass | am trying to write this as best | ean, know how you love your poctry, bur I'm no rose. Gixe me the thorns, Told you Tid write when I gor so where I was going, sohere itis My garden grows. Since you kicked me che fuck ou, I've made my ovn way. The words of Lilith echo in my head, ate detailed on my skin, and ecched on my heat guest I should chank you enough for your final gif of, ler's calli “guidance.” As you suggested, Ihave set up shop here in Portland picked Northeast, where i¢ seems the whole fscking ciy is fighting for its own soul You'll be happy to know I've found myself che owner of a bar, the coldest bar in chis damn town, in fact. Weiedly, che Prince was fine the Primogen suggested ie would “he a good place to keep ih me claiming this choice location. One of aa (CHAPTER ONE: RISE OF THE METHUSELAH CULT an eye on hem all” Weird how that worked out? Don't suppose you had anything ¢o do with chat you meddling ‘old biddly? Anyway, i's proving co be fertile grou as 1 “plane my seeds,” as ie were [adie Ihave a sa spor for che dregs, che Duskhorn, the Caieff, and those who find chey have no. place among either sece. Bu I think you already knew that when you suggested this place { gocta ell you, I'm shining here. Ie’ like chey were just looking for a place to be, the punks, the gutter-tmsh, the sad children, che lose. ls become quite che hangoue and hunting ground, If you're new in sown, everybody knows Joe will lool ous for you I'm proud ofthat, Irs pretty much a halfsay house. leven cleared out some space in the back room fora promising Kindred (I know you hate that word. I don't give shie) should the Da Moher guide chem my way, li Listen. Everyone talks to the bartender. vou dil for me, | don eoddle them, of cours, but [love all ehese litle curds in my way. As you cold me countess mes, pain isan excellene ceacher. Il cake eare of them whether they like it oF no Hearn about whac they yalue and [trim or nurture as they need ro help them lift che scales from thie eves I've pruned more than a few who couldn get a handle on their new existence. Tragic accidents, but it makes the rest rally around me, without even knowing it 111 beac em cil chey ge i. Teach them like you rahe me. Be che Maiden, Be the Mache. Be the Crone. But most importantly, ust Be. Rotten to the Core A diary enary as written by Ken Higashiyama, Brajah amber of the Rough Road, a Camarilla hiker gang Look, ifyouse reading chisr gor your hand on this in some way, go fick yourself for killing me. [hope I gor a few good licks i, Weleome to my diary. [write this a the top of every encry inchs doe all of ine, ofcourse. Part of the new low ch directive from the cop of the Tower, Bue I goeta pu my damn choughts somewhere, And that’s here. Congrats ro you, shithird. You gor me. Enjoy the reading ‘Oh, and jst in case ic wasn’ clear. Fuck you, Well holy she. St. Louis sas iced up as they say burdefinitely nor in the way they say it. We ing to ride inco the higgese shit searm on God's green cath, We've all heard the stories, Sabbat and Camarilla Fighting on the sceets all manner ofshic salking the night, the kine living ir up during the day bur turning most boroughs incoa fucking ghost rown at night exeepe forthe real well-Hic places and the goddamn outskiets, sre expect CULTS OF THE BLOOD GODS. Even heand abous some Nosferatu disappearing, Whae with the Tower kicking out the Anarchs, we expected the Rowigh Road m From KC and throw our hatin with the Cam in che Lou. What we expect ced wasa three-way war, What we got was way different. Norchwoous We were approached by cules or churches Members of ewo a preacher. Like, a vampie preacher” | gnddarnn churches are fighting over while we wereatadive bar bune- | 2 fucking graveyard. Iewas ro weitd ing. Don'c know how he found us or | We just go the fick out of there knew we were in coven but whatever ‘We spent a nigh ust searing allenough, for aguy | ar the wall, chen decided it had to drescd ikea priest. We thoughe | he a one-o I'facking noe. We he take ai Seemed non Sabbat, but nah, Nice guy. He started | have goddamn ridden all over this ofthe nigh igh, charting usp, | godarnn city every Fucking neigh- cclingus the Gateway City wasnt | orhood and tha’ what's going soba no more. We gave him some | om Isle six or I don’t know howe shit about that Eveyone’s heard | many ficking churches or wharnot the stores, gh? We old him whar | fighting fr tervitory and worshipers We planned to roll inco town, by way of the heard, not much accion in Columbia and Se. Charles, We spend a few nights outside just ro ftel up, rest From the road. rain’ easy avoiding LLupes our there, ya know? We lost Frankie, but we didn't need him we're here for, asked him where the | Don't gee me wrong, che Tower i fighting was fiercest and hestarts | here and we did find some Sabbat, but talking abour how *Thar's not the it’s almost like chey aren't important fight here anymore”‘Then launches | in chis town any more. mean, Pm into a speech about how Caine was writing chis from an Anarch bar in Christ or some shic. We beac the fucking Dutcheown where some ugly blood ouc of him and left him | hipster is asking me if ve heard che alley, Pim sure he'll be fine good word of motherfucking Sutekh, We Figured, we'd head ehrough Northwoods, after our east, figure ‘out where in North Lou che heaviest Fighting was ralsng place. Kill a few Anarchs, Sabbar, did't matter. Wed present those heads ro the Prince and ‘Council, and wham bam, we're in So, we move on ro North St So, shits fucked up all around. I don'e Louisand we stare eying rostieup | now whae the fuck is going om hese, some shit. Ietakes aweek and abalf, | bus the face of the goddamn world is bac we finally find a fighe,excepe its | changing. man, Maybe I need co find ‘ox, like, between che Sabbac even find those fuckers) and Cam like | these ftckers. Simple. Easy fr a crew like ours Now, we should have known ant | a god coo, huh? Seems to work for something was off righe in we were expecting, Its herween wo (CHAPTER ONE: RISE OF THE METHUSELAH CULT Beauty is Divine Truth My beloved chile, Returning to or decasion concerning the extnce of God, or “itelignt design " as your generation call t, vorses nabure: have you considered that Darwinian evolution has no purpose for beauty? AA ied with bright planage stands out be predators Weaving « delicate song seus tne ad energy blr spent om eng warns bower nts vowed Unangh iltavan fens, 3 sheer absurdity. Ys we see all thse things in nature. Even if we allow ph fo th ake of oe dscsion, a ase gals are inplaibly th met ofa wy To allrac a mate, there is no evolutionary reason why we would find them beautiful too. Yet the thr of pach and the sng of nightingale, ing such pond esay it aber oe weap. Whet is this if not glinpse indo Paradise; » gift from God Herself. Which brings me to Michacl, fallen Archangel and patriaech of Constantinople, or rath crs lo fis chiller. J shank bore you with the tale off Constantinople and its egregious destac- lion. Either you already bnow dt (and you should, my childe, or I must chide Mfss Ec for being 10 lax in gour training ), or I hereby grant you permission bo pore my Eibrary for the history, Of importance to us is what happened after. rom the ashes af Constantinoples Deown were born the Wophitim, the 1 chiller and acolytes of Michael Where bse “reates might ate died tad aut adams bring no scr tothe saga of the night, and thus sere no purpose, the Vephilim recognized the opposite toe tre Ciistence is aphemoral, Yothing fests. Vthing is safe. Watkin tat inscnrty, tha forever looming destruc: tion and despair, Bauty i the only thing of true eal The Vaphilim pursue beauty in all ther endeavors. Art and architecture, poery and song, soon th reshaping of hie oun Bas all tee psts with abandon, and with beat a thee Ligh gal Ths is he way to pari, the rad Lif toes by God, and J ied to oll Ys, ny beloved calle, you rend that comely: bray call, and I mast leave you. But foar nat: I have put my affairs in order and prepared your presentation lo Prince Maram, 3 Lace te you th mansion, len se night land the contents ofthe sofe whic oul fad autte generows. I have also made arrangements &» ovard Mss Evers for hor service, though dt Fehooves you to thank her yourself, She will no longer be your governess once gon are accepted into the Princes court, bat she can sill mabe « powerful ally. WA mast hah sre wings an fly now, my beloved chile. You to go forth fom my ado sad become the face I alyssa in ys. Tat Prince Haran: with rape and th scasonal slight ouch of rebellion, and yor ill hep him eadlely enterteined. S ingself will CULTS OF THE BLOOD GODS. ee AY esse aa Koala ead ans fos Kaa Agel Brarty, and only beauty, bolls the bey to apotheosis siemens, etapa ie Vickie aed La aural any PTA JRO tale ae, 9 bed ths call Forover your loving sire Antonis Di Aroran Chan of the Ras Bed the Bones Bmpgzizt of aceting between Subject 1, Madrigal, and Subject 2, Surya. Date Gbserved by Agent Pink of the Milan cell. Our target regains the elder Heech Mico. agents advice is to detain Surya for questioning. Madrigal: Bed the bones. Surya: Excuse me? Hasrigal: The servivor thavis been giving you probless. Reseaber your breathing Gives Youd atte tarot cards to your will by carrying thea in your purse ane Gxawing a card a day? Or sleeping with your pendulue under your pillow? seco thing, Surya: Tei Ite not taking a bunch of withered old bones into ay coftin. Taarigelt Tes that, ox letting your sire know yourre struggling. Rai you sloop in a coftin? Suryat I ap all about style. and valid point about hico, but still. It doesn strike pe as hygienic; you know? qacrigal: You Literally drink blood. Those bones are sore likely to catch some- thing off you than vice versa. Surya: Fair, but Madrigal: Nico. Surya: Okay, I'11 do it. For how long? Madrigal: Seven nights. [tts the number of completion. Surya: And Sf it still doesnt work? Madrigal: Well then I tell you about bedding the bones, ped scrgaly and Subice & Surya aaa cell. Our target remains the ween Subject 1y script of meeting bevnect cas ‘Transcript wpportunities. Agent now advist Cossrved by Agent Fine of the ASD te noset press ew Mire hico, But tas Sutling Surye rovain av Large apd trailing Ber Surya: Can I ask your opinion on sonething? Madrigal: Opinion or advice? 26 (CHAPTER ONE: RISE OF THE METHUSELAH CULT Surya: Bit of both, I guess. Madrigal: I 1ike you, so IML1 play you straight: you haventt repaid we for the last one yet. Sure you want to run up a debt? Surya: Betver you than someone else. Madrigal: Oh honey. Ask for advice then, Suryar So Hoseline invited me to a mass. AS a way of showing unity, she says: But well I dont want to go, Firstly, fuck her for usurping ay place in Nico!s eyes, And second, she's creepy. Madrigal: Creepy? Surya: She literally has to staple her face together every evening, or chunks of her fall off. Plus this mass 1s just some weird superstitious vodou shit, and Madrigal: Vodou shit? Surya: You know, its just ike chanting and sacrificing chickens, and stuff. Madrigal: ii Surya: Well, no, but Madrigal: Then I think you need to set your racism aside and go. dontt say I didn't warn you. fe you ever been to @ vodou mass? Surya: I am not racistt Madrigal; You raise ghosts from their graves using necrotic blood, yet what Roseline does is superstitious shit? Good news though: now you know you're racist, and you can learn to do better. Surya: Youtre a bitch. Madrigal: A bitch you asked for advice, Suryst Okay, fine, But even if Hoseline wasn't an inverloper, and her brand of. necrosancy isn't superstition, itts still a mass. Madrigal: Yes. Surya: Dedicated to this Baron of theirs. Madrigal: Yes, I assuged that. Surya: Donte you think thatts a livtle offensive? Like, you cant just go around pretending to be a god. Madrigal: Who says he's nov? Surya: What? Madrigal: A god. Do you believe Christianity is the only true religion? Surya: It's py religion. Madrigal: Not what I asked. Is it the only true religion? Surya: I donte unow, I didntt come here to debate theology. Madrigal: Then lev me skip to the conclusion. Either he is the loa of the dead, which you have to aduit is prevty fucking appropriate for a progenitor, or he's just a really old vampire prevending to be a god. In both cases, youtre going to that mass. Surya: But a7 CULTS OF THE BLOOD GODS. Madrigal: Do you want to be the girl who turned down a perfectly polite invitation toward integr: tion, after Nico made it clear he was keen on that? Or the girl who refused a god? Or the girl who re~ fused an ancient? Because if you don't gos you get to tick two out of three. Surya: Shit. Madrigal: Maybe youtre right, and the Baron is a pretender. He will still erush you for not paying proper respect. Heck, Nico will crush you for making lnwanted waves. So you get your petite little ass to that ass, you are nice to Roseline, and you worship the Baron Like you would any other god even if itts not your god. This is no different than bedding the bones put your reservations aside, and just Cucking do its And honey? While youtre at ity try to keep an open wind. TULL do you good. The life of Medusa ended there, Hail Gorgo, | soisnersion vaspusad down from mtr to daughter en Slayer of Men | SSeS an of death, We know better though, We Medusa was a heinous mon: also know Medusa was not the lee scerya seductress who Tuned men of the Gorgon. She had two olde, to their stony deaths wncila brave | immoreal sisters hero stepped forward co remove this The Gorgon of this story is not Female scounge fram the land as kindly as her younger sister. She is This isthe story you likely heard, | nor content co setseat into a cave and the lie passed down by men, The heal in solitude. Gorgo laughs 2s she ‘women of ancient Greece cold ic very. | grinds oppressors under her heel, and dlifferencly scatters their ashes tothe wind. She Medusas snake heads were a laughs as she copples the Ivory Tower, and breaks the Sword of Caine. She blesing, noe a curs, fom Athena procee the Gorgon fom ravenous men | laighs asthe age of men draws oa Phe Doak peer Eran | close Only hen he wosk i doe, this divine weapon and shield though, | does Gorge allow herself to mourn Meds di nor scckretibution or | Bersster and all others suck down vengeance. Instead, she rercaced qui- | by the kyriarchy. etl, Medusa wished only co be ale Hail Gang Slayer of Me ana co hea bur this was not a wish Weare che Daughters of Gorge, men would gent Theysllcamein | andweate already among you, We ships, bringing sword and fi intent | know your seerets. We know where fon taking her asa crophy. Athena’ gift | you sleep. Warwick, Paseek, de Guy, broughe them all death. Unel Perseus, | Mysaneta: they all ello our right- the se man inalfong ine of abusers | cous fry, —andhe, finaly killed Medusa for | you. dlaring not co submie. sad now we are coming for a8 ‘THE SIX TRUTHS OF GORGO Ifyou mister your chile or Embraced withous shir consene ot Forgiveness — fear us, for we are myriad and coming for You. Ifyou use the Bonds of Blood wo rule asa cyrant — fear us, for the Blood of Gorgo breaks all chains, nd wwe ae coming foe you Ifyou are an elder in the vary Tower or the Pyramicl — fear us foe Goro ove allegiance o no one, and wwe ae coming for you Ifyou are alone and east oe — join ws, for we areal siters among the downcroditen. you are wronged — join us, for wwe will not rest neil your abuser ashes on the wind Ifyou deste Freedom — join sus fore ake no less of you than co Icak all shae binds you The Seeker and the Moon From the lst and found Diary of Kalin, Ssokor of Gaconda, entry for the renty fifth week The local Kindsel have noe approached me yee but lean seme them watching me. Lee them — ies rot them I sek have come for he Children ofthe Moon, Los Fj de Si who are said co possess che lst scree of Golconda. This is what | sect — chrowing off che shackles of Caine’s Curse, a new bieth, anc sranscendence Moonlighe soaks Lima. I can fel Her, che one lal cll 8 ecping through my flesh and into my blood Nor the hard light of the sun, bur a gentler touch preparing me for Transcendence. I requested a meesing with her High Priestess, a Kindred named lllari. [have not clearly ascertained her clan — she is by all public accounts a Leper: Mine is noe (CHAPTER ONE: RISE OF THE METHUSELAH CULT Ona Mission for the Goddess ‘transcript of meeting, taken for posterity by Tamil Gorgonsdottir, Secured against unsanctioned reading by the Rive of Stone Byes. All hall Gorgon, her name be hallowed! Jamins ‘Jamil: The pack in Chicago 1s still collecting invel. For now, 1 suggest Bogot, Colombia we have a povential new recruit there, Jaina: Damn, thats @ ways away. Are we flying or road tripping? ‘Tamil: Koad trip for sures I have gore targets lined up in Medelin and Manizales. Wnere to next? Is Chicago ready? Janina: Sounds good. Tell we about the Bogot recruit? Tamil: Theytre @ Blue Blood. Enbraced for their knowledge of computers, with hacking side skills, so thav’s great. Didn't get along with their sire, but he went "aysveriousiy" eissing in a recent SI raid. Turns out grandsire is even more of @ jerk though. Savina: I love hackers so useful. Who's the grandsire? ‘Tail: Thaved be Lady Ezrells Di Morvi, Soe high-up from the local Blue Bloods. Jawina: This just keeps getting better. Do we have all the info we need on her? ‘Tamil: Courtesy of our new prospect. Jaina: Perfect. Speaking of the prospect though they get that breaking nall ‘hat Dinds you" means all? No killing grandsire and then sticking around vo rise in the ranks of the Camarilla, ‘Tamil: They understand, and welcome that. Theytre indigenous, of the Muisca people, Majored in Environmental Studies at the Universidad Nacional de Golonbia, with pinors in Gender Studies and Political Science. Eebraced by a colonial Blue Blood to serve as glorified digital adapter. They are ready to burn the whole thing down, Jawina: Amen to that. They also understand that Gorgo is real? ‘Tail: Real as in ancient Cainite, yes, Real as in the actual Goddess Steno: not quite there yet But honesty, I did not believe that until sy initiations I bev my pretty parts theytil cose around. Janina: Fair. Do we have packs in place for all our targets? ‘Tamils Medelin is a wwo-girl job target goes to bed early, and his haven 13 badly secured, I honestly think he was relying on secrecy vo keep him safe. Q's crew is peeting us in Manizales, as that Job looks to be tougher, and theyt1L ride with us to Bogot. Janina: Perfecte I'L go prepare. Mest back tomorrow night, All hail our Lady: Gorgo. ‘Tamil: Blessed is Gorgo. 20 the place to judge this, nor does ie matter — we are all she same as we endeavor Goleonds, ae presence lifted me, We spoke ac length, the high priestess askin an answering my own questions in recurn, [fel the sn ranted my request For a meeting, and her many questions abous my time with che Inconnu, rise and set again as we spoke, but neither its burning. rays nor sleeping balm rouched us in she eaves where Los Hijos de Si dwell Los Hijas worship both Si, 2 local moon goddess, as well as creatures they call Machukuna. | believe they ase wampires of sorts, bat possibly noe descended from the Dark Father. Both Si and che Machukutna ate needed ro complete the journey, and chis in eurn is more than a Transcendence of Sef. ‘The Children of the Moon believe this age will end, and the nexe Pachakuci will ratn che cycle ro.a world of eternal moonlight where, away from the baleful sun, the Machukuna and Los Hijos de Si will live in harmony Iisa wide-reaching vision, and one I never dreamed of, Bue che path seems clear now that I see ie — which, of course, is erue ofall steps of the journey, Self and World are both manifestations of wll — eranscending one trans Forms the other. This is why the moon shines so powerful ly in Lima, The Machukuna light the pach, and Los Hijos wall it and as they do, they transform themselves and the land, We will leave the Curse of Caine, and oat ean seenclence lif Lima up fiom chis world into the next The king is che land. The Machu are the path The secker walking the path i the journey. Everything is connected, parts oF one greater and radiane whole. llr Farther into cheir teachings, My eyes ate open, The pach is cleat: My journey nears completion. (CHAPTER ONE: RISE OF THE METHUSELAH CULT Trickle-Up Religion From: To: ‘Subject: Cult of Shalim Beloved Sister, Hoo Ht peal cy ve cul of Shalim, as you asked. Most acolytes dutifully spread ihilistic message of suffering, but | found one dissenting voice —latta iched thelr exposé now, and will sort and send the rest of my findings later Imad 1 an effort to track the dissenter, but they seem to have gone missing shortl ly after writing this. | don't know if that is the cult's doing, or one of the other people 19, | will telephone you an hour after ur Sates Se aE usual waking time. That gives us enough 18S your repayment of my effor Affectionately yours, Sar Marian Beware False Religions Ina letter to his wife in 1938, L. Ron Hubbard wrote: “You don’t get rich writing science fiction, If you want to get rich, you start a religion.” He did, and he was right. Such a grand pyramid scheme — nothing but money and pussy all the way out fo sea. Take a look at any modern religion, and you can see money flowing up. Scams, the lot of them. But you tell me our religions are true? Pull the other one. Mithra was a Persian deity. A SUN god. Yet somehow he ended up as one of us? Either we believe the Mithraists” tale about Mithra walking the world in corporeal form hen an ancient overpowered and turned him — or we go for the simpler explana- tion, Someone saw a good opportunity to be heralded as a god, took the trappings of Mithra, added an s to his new name so it wouldn't be too blatant, and waited. Another scam, just like Scientology, and it fucking worked. Seven steps to the Sun in the cult cof Mithras (what, is that supposed to be a secret?) while servitude flows up, and com- ‘mands flow down. Or take the Cult of Shalim, if you will. They destroy anything that holds value, ruin your existence, and then propose they have the answer to your suffering. Piss a CULTS OF THE BLOOD GODS. ‘on someone, then turn around to sell them an umbrella. “Reality is suffering” the Shalimites say. Sure itis, after they bend over backwards to make it so, And once the target buys into that story, they have to do the same to others, Ruin more lives, preach more false answers, recruit more acolytes. Another fucking pyramid scheme. Who benefits? The person at the top, whoever this Shalim is. By which I mean to say: Do. Not. Fall. For. It Our kind’s inclination toward religion is no different than any mortal’s. Indulge if it comforts you. Pray if you believe any god is listening. But enlightenment flows down — itis a gift from the Universe to You. If resources are flowing up, be they money or labor, it’s not a religion but a pyramid scheme, Run as far as your litle legs ean carry you, and do not look back. The Lord of the Red Desert Frou the collected teachings of Wise Neferneferu to their pupil Ahmose Neferneferu: We have wany desert flowers to choose frow this year. Perhaps we can finally find you a sister. Anaose: Thank you, sire, I would welcome @ sibling. I too noticed an upward trend of acolytes. what do you think caused it? Neferneferu: The tine of the Tyrant Priest of Howe draws to an end. People are returning to the gods of old. Our Lord included. Ahaose: True. Do you think iv will last? Neferneferu: Nothing lasts. Even in the Old Kingdom, our Lord waxed and waned in popularity. But this does not gatter He is true, and people always revurn Yo truth eventually. Angose: Why now though? Do you think it ties into the rumored awakening of the ancients? Neferneferu: For the children of the Stors Father, certainly. The ancients Proved themselves real, and our Lord at least rewards His faithful. We are servants in His arpy, soldiers and generals alike, rather than lanbs to sate an ancientis appetite. Many children of the Aeons seek to abandon their false and tyrannical wasters, in favor of our Lord's magnanimity. Ahose: And kine? Why so wany new adherents among thea? Neferneferu: A congruence of events. The stranglehold of Rome finally abates, and its scandals have come howe to roost. Meanwhile war, climate change, and diseases once thought eradicated seem poised to end the world. People search for meaning and poner, and find it in the old religions. Our Lord is a navu- ral fit iUs tne ruling class that got the kine into this mess, and He is first among rebels. Ahnose: Fortuitous indeed. a2 (CHAPTER ONE: RISE OF THE METHUSELAH CULT Neferneferu: For us, yes. Ahwose: Our doing, sire? heferneferu: Theoretically possible. But if so, I am not part of the conspiracy: ‘Anmose: In the 01d Kingdom, Osirian propaganda turned the people against our Lord. Neferneferu: Yes. But people were less educated then. More prone to believing what theyre told. ‘Anmose: And theytre suarver now? tieferneferu: Oh, the masses not at all, But those who seek hidden and secret knowledge? Yes. They keep searching until they find the oldest, truest tale Before Isis and Horus fed the world Lies about our Lord, But the old Legends tell the truth of Hip as the most faithful of warriors, standing at the prow of Ra's solar barge to do battle with ApeP. ‘Anmose: Isis and her spawn. If anyone profited from a return to the old gods, tts them. We should mount an offensive to heferneferu: No. Our grievance with them is long in the past. We should prepare our defenses, and if they cone we will annihilate them. But if they choose to waintain pesce within the Divine Family, our Lord welcomes that. They were at balance once, our Lord of the Ked Desert and Horus of the Black Land. There is room enough for all of Egypt's gods, as it was in the Old Kingdom where people prayed to then in turn, Ahaose: Are you certain? heferneferu: Our Lord is certain. His battle now is with the false children, not with his sister and nephew. You should not question His wisdom Or ay words. ‘Anaose: Yes, sire. ‘Angose: You spoke of the false children of the Aeons. Sire, I do nov fully un- derstand, They are Like us in the night, are they nov? Neferneferu: They are nothing Like us, You are correct that we all share the Blood of the Defiant. The difference Lies in the other half of our heritage. ‘Their progenitors were ali sortal once. Ours is a god, made only sore powerful by the Defiant Onets Blood. Ahmoset Does that alter the Blood? Neferneferu: It wakes us more powerful, certainly, But it also gives us great responsibility. The Pharaohs of Egypt were gods born of men. Tearing out of ‘the woab bloody and wailing like al sen do, yet lifted invo Divinity by the touch of @ god. We too are born of blood and the touch of a god. And just as the Pharaohs had to tend their lands and subjects, so must we tend the Lesser children of the Aeons. Correct their errors. Kemind them of their places This is our bavele now, rather than an ancient and best forgouten grudge with our Lord's Family. Ahnose: And the ones that abandon their false sires to worship our Lord? heferneferu: I shall not lie their lesser Blood will forever be a hindrance to thes, no patter how hard they strive, However, we will be benevolent and kind, and teach thew all they can learn. This is our Lordts gift to those who worship His. ‘Anmose: 1 see the wisdow of Your words, sire, and the grace of our Lord, Neferneferu: Of course you do. Both are undeniable. Still, your continued ea~ gerness to learn pleases we, Let us discuss your sibling, I have a candidate in pind, from the University of Cairo. I will allow you one guess as to their {dentity. Show we you are indeed paying attention. aa

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