معجم المترادفات والأضداد في اللغة الإنجليزية 3

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= ae A Handbook Dictionary of ad Synonyms and Antonyms Heda 1g Coal yt ome a pale alll (92 A Handbook Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms lcVinebs)i4 A LUG dp©- Gyles! 9] cdalibo Cag hay ypu ely Guadlly GS Negaglh GA qupmaiy Marly le Bally Tyg ilyar ytd UabnGid! GLAS slgay Tyas NY Gebaatly GeoUaty YOY ade creed eel | otal ay gill yall peellg Beg Stal 19 np pps pe py Ma al lhl eSnips af — WETTER ga TNA WEEN cata pats Dat El-Talae vor Publishing , Distributing and Exporting SE -Abite Hain Rie Se Nasr City» Cain Wet (42002744643 - 6349372 Fas s202}e3g0g89 rolull dkagine Hgiisll cis 00 Behe NAB SI Sa AIBN Nal soleil gh Ren yi 8 jigs tise PEL Nhe le ala Lacy, sth pu Mv Part Of Thix Book May Be Reproduced Hy any Process Without Weiten Permission, tnquiries Shuuld Be Mddressed To The Publisher Test VAI CMY ey, 977-277-344-9 3-4) pts)! Sta YS) 2 SSL peas Lela pail SLY alas Ra allel oe Sie Aly ala eh Sa aaa uss ya ATOM — Arar 4 yg {TOOVeN WSU ETE TO — roa apt sysr08 SAN GAL Maal yt aa as _—_—— EES Web site : ww waltalaccom E-mail: —$$—_——- | “yh ewe tprariive TAU she Lesa) oaljg cy Mod) 4 Ropes y) Lawl oi PS AON pladoly JN Gobel jaca, PU ol yl wo Aull OF pine ay a spt SBN) SLAs) Be yay AJL cL pare te SRG SF at oe ce FT te le Jang gw ants eA gh Lgl igs 9 ST os pth Jlasl le os wy ‘pa led Jo Tvs pod ts LSI eotiig oP RAL Ty cml polly Cee age Bolas Ball Las 5s gi Wale gidy Vy aad pA lo gh a acy pet ga Lyd Le by WS squeal CA oo shal Bae oe git FMB Bylids aly ald Nhe Sorel wily wt 0 J} oe UI gall Ugey LW gua tS gl gh Sa ays ony le GA JS el os aay ca gl pal Migs GS Lge Laelne Sy sglad¥L del gl 4] uss) Sho yg Se jlill ow ntl Ligh Late Ste poral Iba gi uml ES pI ve gl ply ob Laub oyoahinny oil Sle I pl ply pari Bolajg Le ball oo 5d pptebay oghelud lod wlabdly cs! all go sal 6 a pal ugh, iy gb pall Ld LAS ops J crass ody jeep!) deny Crnbinel LoS coal! ABS Y gall Jgedl Ay wb gg cle henge panel daly Leis Ug) sta Sa ll cal poly BAS hanes gl Oy LAD thy ph 5 pes col adially 530, 2s og YT Ltlgy (paps (ager Gale par clip Gall paral Ning Lyles Leal Shine Wt Je yg Ruesledly Lys otil guile LN SLI Gaol SLagh coggilelly ot Magy yall AGS pb gh Go gill 98 ad perv! 1d GIS lly foot May ple ham coe eh coe Lg ail p jel olsT cal Y] 8 Salt Cue AA 8) USS) gyal aks gL pa pe Lal BLS BLU pileall p59 igo Ayjuluyl LADY Lavlaaly Lpsiulye aoe dy palesyl Gp GA poral Lol cle! cae 55 Leis fully Lye 59 Lay pl 4 Bashy! OLAS JS giles 5 305 aly cee Mylaglly gad gill GLa ail UL SHajee a Si Aaa) (bb aAcLaadl Lia 5a yl sli Seats gb ja a! noun (n.) ab verb (v.) die adjective (adj.) FAIS pikes a og La og 8 aS), gl See .... cme Sh shal y coldsl pall Su gla Na (Ala pocall att 53 Bye Cadell ya ey Alay 8 5 LEY wha Cuenca (a4) TLD Baill 8 bel Le dS Myst cote gl + ABadle Cagle V5} CaLalS $30 pla) pacall Iie i Laid San) yo ye QalSl) cine Sy 2 13Sa cpinall overflowing ample insufficient ails Sa vaili— i), | plentiful ,, | scant val abunaane 2°) aepctant pall copious searce ii — 3b 2 VSa ya 346 La N85 Ga Yay ally overflowing ample 3% — 85 | insufficient IS yt vat — oily] plentiful 35 — Lily | seant walls abundant _»3 ~ aly | deficient Per copious 2 ~ Aly | scarce dali = 3b 5 [Oxford Were ba Aen die enor 7} CA, abbreviation Sn.) ea byidaye ment 5 Yeductien; shortening 5 Conlen Section 5 Compress nt: Antonyms sia eleave to ey is | return tel) ana demean 5 4 | respect ely debase Aad = Uiaids | extol tg ala — may degrade 465 J5u | uplift ee humble J& | exalt why humiliate Jt - 5 abash desu | embarrass shy— dss] embolden ts ye) gpl | discomfort ees | reassure haley disconcert thy bs, faze wee abate (sais. — Jliy| decrease augment day lessen increase day — ay reduce rise by abbreviate _.si8,| shorten lengthen aay ys) Js | curtail val fu | prolong ay— daly abridge 3 expand Shy = eng retrench extend danas abbreviation abridgement expansion Ges sheisl - jl) reduction elit! | extension Anal shortening 3 | amplification tiled condensation ES | lengthening Ada) compression Aes | dilation ee “abdicate Jou | renounce cling to thee ut | resign = aberrant Jie) abnormal = 3 = (5 yu xe | normal settle = ig &15| atypical sage yt | typical Giga yet aberration it pai 4944 | normality ol find 3434 | conformity Alta Word 4a Synonyms kta Antonyms saci Word ass Synonyms oii jt Antonyms asi) ( deviation jis | ) __| sordid — 5 | exalted ee abet ajay = gs | connive futy | deter plug tae abjure aaa | renounce Lu — Su | pledge daca encourage eet | check ee ay | recant aj — Sy] cleet Auk = ay conspire ly | hinder iy oe retract Tae y qin help sey | frustrate pial dat able pit | capable £.4 | incapable oe assist Ges | discourage Aagll tats gob | clever gS- AL | impotent Sale abettor veses| accomplice aye ahd | opponent Ge jar pead tobe | competent al | weak yee ally Guba | rival a 38 skillful Gila Ju] unqualified Jase ye confederate Aillst | enemy efficient ai} incompetent — ily ye abeyance inaction ceaselessness wbnegation — | renunciation — I) JS] self-indulgence yah ihe Gules | cessation continuation as | abnegation ap- gh scaly 3 sal Gigs | pause continuity : self-denial S13 gl gi dormaney abnormal gece | unusual 5 | usual Syl Wee rest gs pe | unnatural ets oé | natural Fahad yale abhor Sai, | hate love ay irregular tee 4 | regular pila — alin Fiat | detest adore aaa put peculiar JseY) Cae | normal ale abominate esteem Gls ~ ly anomalous SL | ordinary gale ~ cag abhorrent — jiak«| hatefuul lovable suse abolish Ah | annul we ety | support acy ~ pry odious sympathetic uiteia Jiu | cancel wy confim gy sy detestable adorable oh ey | repeal yey giney | prombie jj gly abominable a: | delightful ae abrogate t= thd | forward ean Ds abide qe | bear supersede ds;> dhs | uphold ee iy ody | endure about Jys — lls | nearly lat precisely Lbs ~ aay ability 438] capacity disability apt aso \y a0 | approximately 48 | exactly dally capability incapability Li sxe almost laud | accurately Jaya, efficiency inability jee : roughly wie | definitely apa, cleverness unfitness Gell) axe abridge “wats, | shorten uls— join] amplify auyy— daly competency 4S —seliS | impotency jada jac eel abbreviate J ja) — jeaids | extend ay ~ day abject 33 | mean use| noble ae oo li | diminish axa} | stretch day — dea hes | ignoble 2 | magnanimous oo curtail ay — du | prolong ey Sy 9 Word dash YES LBL yal 7 _ Antonyms Jaa (a) reduce sis Umi | enlarge gage ~ oi) absolute gl | complete as~ das | conditional Lage hls | unlimited (ils | provisional cis S| entire iS — Las| restricted abe a gts unrestricted 2y3s4 52 | limited Sanayi ___| pure VGlLe -ella | mixed Abs. absolutely Wut | totally Jasty — lias | partly se Lita | wholly 4S —4l5| incompletely a at ius | completely Jatst) — Lius | partially ioe absolve day} acquit dss tsyy| chastise Giyjca “Gay eau | discharge & si — tse] punish pe — Gl excuse gy — ce. | penalize pardon pi — ses | castigate ply — absorb. etl | spend eek — Ga | save pt | waste eee — Ae | hoard squander S6ty — 333 | reserve assimilate We sig — yeti | preserve bing — devour ot = ab absurd kb | foolish vik | proper ize. | irrational Gas! | rational cue | preposterous. dial Gi. | reasonable dil. | senseless wise abundance profusion scarcity Al plenitude — dus | shorlage ali - jae overflow deficiency aid — jac exuberance sy) —ayiy| lack Fama plenty SAS — ay4y | want dels abundant ils] plentiful yn 544] scarce di 2% | abounding 38S — 23% | scanty die ample As ete | insufficient iS ot Ww Word ais Synonyms cial | ws bountifil Au as ; abuse (n.) sau | invective "S| pra contumely ely) — 26) | laudation elf misusage yu ike | panegyric lah opprobrium 3a) | encomium oe obloguy 558 ~ cab | tribute Pha} ubuse(v,) uy | vilify ay | praise - slander 45u | extol wooly, asperse <2 | applaud estan defame gs81| glorify pon upbraid sity | aud we abusive a3 — a8] insulating cee] commendatory pil jl offensive Aye 458] complimentary — Jelew reviling #3 | laudatory cue - ribald Adee — e454) | flattering, ghee accelerate E2| speed out Ey] retard in des | expedite Jeuy | delay Jay urge on Jiss | impede dl cre siny hasten oy — Jeeta | hinder Gm ala hurry E+ | obstruct ey accident “1s | mishap tah ciate | casualty Alia incident tae hazard Sbla calamity Fal Accompany Gin | escort wos | desert oe ly aecount(m) ua | description cay : _ 36 | report a account (¥.) consider S| undervalue Aad Jy value is} underrate yal aly Word dais Synonyms Lb yd Antonyms bei) (eo) reckon ay regard elie! of aay think sity accumulate Siu | gather with cans | Scatter vest | hoard 44 | broadcast rally essu | spread store AY ~ GA: | strew accurate ce | correct te | incorrect (3% | unerring ude — at | erring ‘truthful Geka | inaccurate exact bynes | inexact precise ais | negligent strict #6 | careless accuse fu | charge ey | ward tug any: | impute és | defend blame eh | protect indiet Agi Sly | shelter inculpate Aes ee | shield achieve = 4) - jo | attain Soe | fail aceomplish get | miss fulfill Jey | miscarry achievement —jia4 | accomplishment 34 | collapse «G5 | performance 3a! | failure exploit lsu | abortion attainment Jaa! | fiasco - feat Gio | breakdown acknowledge = _w | permit cee aul | deny grant yaa — eau | abjure sanction Jy | renounce allow Je | disown 12 _ Synonyms ota jn | Antonyms saa authorize uedv- cash | disavow ga ual ye | athwart vayth|[longiudingl Jala et | transversely Lauull | lengthwise he wet (n.) he | law ost [ Ja} decree ome sho ordinance a = edict od py act (v.) dan | do is} undo yal) aj — uly dai | perform gow hs | make ans operate dey active 44 | busy Uxuts| lazy ph Jka | industrious agin | idle ela la nimble S| indolent ads sprightly AuysJU pais | inactive dap yh alert 4% | slothful Jala actual galls | real quis | potential - gas «| certain 3'| virtual gel sill — {sult eine | implied pani addition $345] augmentation La 5445 | decrease eal qs | accession 4aLa! | lessening lis supplement Gs} ~aL| decline eels appendix Gab | reduction velit! additional — Au! | extra sites! | discounted sina a5 | added Guise address(n.) hs | lecture wiles speech bs address(v.) abla | speak out ws! Sosy | ignore Jandy salute wt | neglect daw - hail say | Overlook lay Word Lash _ Synonyms “ba yall Atitonyiis aoa) (9) [court ay admit Ji ~ caus | grant cis | dispute ay — slay give lay | deny Nye Sy allow Sey | abjure Sa — kee permit iy | disown Ba assy yield Sai 7 ce | disclaim whe — Se adulterate uae | mix coe bb, | improve cay corrupt ses — 5Sy | clevate a hn debase sy advance ee de vitiate Joy — auiy | amend Quay — day alloy cju- hj] ameliorate Guages advantage ua] avail gf —st| obstruction hae gual | utility ‘aki gii| hindrance — Hte~dile} dae. | emolument ale yl 5 benefit ag advertise als; | announce eee ody | proclaim publish ie — Gly | cover be circulate Sy | suppress sada geal declare Sx — oy | dissemble git advise geo | warn aur ay — ping | deter Sy te | admonish Bu pent | dissuade ge ch pny affecting Sy | touching i | amusing Gisele moving js | ludicrous flaca pathetic jee] funny aces ~ da affection ible | devotion ant os | hate os Glam | passion a —iibte | indifference Yl Y - tenderness gas | coolness or affirm cy | assert poe — Sp | dispute ty — slay Sy | swear ila ~ quis | deny ase Sy Word 4st | Synonynes eAbsl pall | Antonyms al ualy (oti) pay | aver Sy cu] disetaim ey Sy declare hy = Sy] disown afraid was | fearful as | unafraid fainthearted obs | daring apprehensive (38 aks | courageous cae frightened sei ye | valiant duly - terrified f | bold ee afterward as las | subsequently ox Lua | previously Stes Stax | hereafter Sou) sey | formerly itis Lal later wih ay }aforetime U8 Gah after aus | before us thereafter i as | heretofore OM aa again goals | afresh bia Ue 436 | offen ine ase «| repeatedly 13s age Ca jae | date G6 | etemity dylandjas ye time w4j- cy | perpetuity Ayal period +f | endless le aged Gull ot jus | old Jase — 2S | young i= hae aged ed | ancient Gée | fresh ape antiquated bee — ani! recent ory agent sys | delegate antagonist ot tepresentative opponent aaa i agony (n.) alt | torment relief is — et 8] torture comfort daly grief ‘ease Fal y— Gye woe agree Gy | acquiesce differ gid puta, consent dissent Gey willy agreeable ssa | amiable offensive 4s : Word iat | Synonyms Lis ja | ms dah (oA) ts] acceptable (aye— Uys] horrible 48 cua -5t | pleasant Giga! — lu] unpleasant 4448 —yass pleasing Jue = ges | hateful waar 4S agreement Gél | coincidence iss 5.U65 | difference ass! els] concurrence gybi— gal | disagreement = gal unanimity elas! | dissonance as accordance alec! | dispute eee concord Gist — pla | strife ely aid (n.) 4a] assistance ye - seLus| hindrance Mie Sclue| relief Gtx! | obstruction ate} e22| support Satlua — £3 | impediment foal aid (v.) sels | assist om — seu | hinder bu eeu | contribute jy} deter ett Gay | encourage eee | obstruct Gxe — dla relieve dine | Oppose eh support oy aim (n.) ix | intention pe suaia| purpose = 4Je — pe — 4 object ae aim (v.) iy | direct dese - sai) | point aay alarm (n.) j-£3| terror 3 — sey] calm E53] dread ei —¢ 3] quict dismay ¢4- s=2| calmness fright day— ss | repose agitation cls — 54 | quietude alarm (v.) iu | frighten