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1. False. Both small and large companies are required to have a written health and safety policy.

2. False. Emergency exits should never be blocked for any reason.

3. False. Safety assessments are for all employees, not just those in workshops.

4. True. Employees have the right to refuse unsafe work.

5. True. Employers are required to provide training on safe use of machinery.


1. C. Face shield, Coverall, Helmet and Gloves

2. A. Zoonotic viruses (This is a biological hazard, not a physical hazard)

3. C. Office workers

4. D. Decontamination (This is typically an administrative control, not an engineering control)

5. D. Removing hazardous materials from workplace (This is more of an elimination control, not an
administrative control)


6. Hazard communication teams conduct refers to the process of informing employees about the hazards
present in their workplace and the measures to protect themselves. This includes identifying hazardous
chemicals, labeling containers, providing safety data sheets, and training employees.

7. Four key health effects of exposure to radiation:

- Radiation sickness

- Increased cancer risk

- Genetic mutations

- Burns and tissue damage

8. Five key functions of Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services in Kenya:

- Workplace inspections

- Enforcing occupational safety and health regulations

- Investigating workplace accidents and incidents

- Providing safety and health education and training

- Conducting research on occupational hazards and control measures

9. Four general responsibilities of the employer as stipulated by OSHA:

- Provide a safe and healthy workplace

- Identify and assess workplace hazards

- Implement control measures to minimize risks

- Provide training and information to employees on workplace safety

10. Four main duties of a safety officer in an organization:

- Conduct safety inspections

- Investigate accidents and incidents

- Develop and implement safety policies and procedures

- Provide safety training to employees

11. Four emergency response plans in a workplace:

- Fire evacuation plan

- Medical emergency response plan

- Natural disaster response plan

- Chemical spill response plan

12. Four benefits of working in a safe workplace:

- Reduced risk of injury and illness

- Improved employee morale and productivity

- Lower insurance costs and fewer legal issues

- Enhanced company reputation

13. Three control measures to minimize risks and hazards in the workplace:

- Engineering controls (e.g., machine guarding, ventilation systems)

- Administrative controls (e.g., job rotation, safety procedures)

- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

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